Russian It? Chapter 7

Story by JaketheCoon on SoFurry

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#16 of Road Rovers

chapter 7

We arrived back to base. The mission was successful, as always, but it was just like all the others: the Road Rovers ran in, kicked some ass, and came out as heroes.

For the return home, I had to ride along with Shag and Colleen, in case they were in need of my assistance as well. They weren't, but it was fun anyway. I needed to hang with the other Rovers, too. It would be just plain selfish if I was only with Exile twenty-four seven.

When we entered base and parked, I got out and went to the bathroom.

I took a nice, warm, much needed shower.

As I stood in the middle of the flat, circular, silver-colored base, I let the water cascade down my naked body as I lathered my hair with a shampoo that I brought with me. (I personally believe that it's a little bit unhealthy for a human to wash his or her hair with dog shampoo, don't you think?)

As I rinsed the soap out of my hair, I could've sworn I heard the door open. I pulled back the shower curtain and inspected my surroundings.

It looked clear, but I was still paranoid. After all, if you watched a scary movie before, you should know that one should never, and I mean never, take a shower alone. Especially in a big, dark, empty place.

"H-hello? Anyone th-th-there?" I stammered.

One should also know that you don't ask if somebody is out there. That also makes you killer bait. Two mistakes within ten seconds. Yep, I'm going to die. I just know it.

I pulled my head back and stood in the shower, waiting...waiting.

I heard a voice from behind the curtain. Faster than I could say boo, someone popped their head into the curtain. I screamed and leaped back, almost hitting my head against the tiles.

I adjusted my vision and saw that the mysterious figure was Exile.

"What the fuck, Exile? You should know better than to scare somebody like that!" I shouted.

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you," he apologized.

"You should've answered when I asked 'Hello? Is anybody there?'"

"I know, and again, I'm sorry," he apologized once more.

"It's okay; no worries. What is it that you want?"

"Well, would you mind if I hopped in the shower with you?" Exile seemed uneasy for asking these kinds of questions for some reason.

"Of course not, come in! But first, lock the door. I don't want anybody else barging in."

"Yes, Comrade." Exile saluted. He pulled his head out of the curtain and locked the door, just as instructed. It wasn't long until I heard the sound of clinking metal. He's so loyal, I thought to myself. I wish he was my dog.

I smiled and soon, Exile came in through the curtain with all of his naked, furry glory included. I looked him up and down. Man, was he exquisite! If I could, I would never, ever stop looking at the nude canosapian before me.

He looked down at me and grinned.

It was a few seconds before I broke the silence. "So..."

"So..." Exile mirrored.

"I'm just going to wash my body now..."

"You do that, Comrade."

I turned around and lathered the sponge poof with my body wash that I also brought with me. I applied the soapy object to my skin. I turned my head to the right and washed my figure. I quickly noticed Exile was still watching me.

"Yes...?" I asked.

"Oh...uh...nothing. Nothing."

"Do you wanna wash my body?" I stressed each word a second more than it should've been.

"Um...sure," he replied. He started to blush.

I gave him the poof and he started with my back, pushing it up and down, getting it nice and soapy.

Then he wrapped his big arms around me and lathered my torso. He placed his muzzle against my neck and inhaled deeply. Then he gave me a little nip.

My body shuddered a little from excitement.

He slowly advanced to my nether-regions and started soaping them up as well, wrapping and tossing them around in his big, thick hands.

My face glowed bright red and lust started to overtake me. I started to moan, letting Exile know that I liked what he was doing and wanted more. Much more.

I could also feel his erection in between my ass cheeks. I wanted him inside bad. Real bad.

"Take me. Please," I begged.

"Aren't you going to bathe me first?" he asked.

"Mind as well." I smiled a big smile. Perhaps a little too big, because I think I made Exile a *little* uncomfortable. Just a little bit. (He gave me a weird look.)

I took the poof and started lathering his chest. I rubbed him up and down, getting his body nice and soapy. I wanted this moment to last for eternity. I just loved rubbing his chest. It felt like I was in a porno.

I wrapped my arms around him and started lathering his back too. I started from up around his scapula, and slowly down his spine.

When I got to his ass, I gave one of his cheeks a little squeeze. He jumped a little.

"Don't be a Weird Boy," he muttered.

"I'll try." I smiled back.

I went back to his front and lathered his head. I rubbed it a bit like he was my pet dog. I was even rubbing his ears longer than I needed to.

He wasn't too thrilled about it, but I was enjoying myself...thoroughly. I never wanted this experience to end. Ever.

I knelt down so that I was staring straight at his member. It looked nice and thick; wanting, begging to be pleasured and relieved.

I took ahold of it with my right hand and started stroking it a little, rubbing him up and down.

"What are you doing, Comrade!?" Exile exclaimed.

"Letting you enjoy yourself," I sneered.

His face glowed bright red. He wanted it, I could easily tell. Just not by a male. He felt uncomfortable; but it was my (personal) job to make him feel right at home...sort of.

I continued to stroke his wonderful hunk of meat, going slow at first, and then starting to go a little bit faster. And faster. And faster.

Soon, he was growling, panting, wanting to be relieved from the stress that was built up inside of him. His orgasm was building up, ready to shoot at anything that was facing in its direction. His knot swelled inside his sheath. I wanted it there.

Exile's face was glowing redder than I had ever seen a face. "Oh...Jay. I think I'm going to...going to..."

All of a sudden, Exile's balls tightened and he started to shoot, load after load after load. His cum was nice and white. And thick.

I placed my mouth over the shooting rocket and collected the quickly exposing semen. My mouth was filling quickly, so I had to swallow a couple of times.

Exile looked down at me, his face still brighter than the sun.

"I...didn't know...that you that," he panted.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me," I snickered.

He smiled a little, still trying to get over the events that occurred just seconds ago.

I stood up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I hope I can do that later."

"We'll see..." Exile murmured, looking off to his right. He seemed embarrassed by himself. It was kinda cute: like a first-time gay porno or manga.

I turned around and bent down a little, letting my asshole expose a little. "I want you inside me, Exile. Please."

He was still panting a bit, but he accepted the offer anyway. "My pleasure," he muttered.

He helped himself inside and stretched me open. I moaned with both pain and pleasure as he got his fully engorged member inside.

Just like on the plane, he started nice and slow. But this time, we had all the time in the world.

I let him do as he wished. When I felt him start to pump faster and harder, I begged him to keep going slow. I wanted this sex to be a passionate, love-making sex; not a someone's-going-to-catch-us-so-we-should-hurry-this-up, animalistic fuck. Not yet, anyway.

He thrusted slowly for about five minutes before I let him advance to level two. That's when it started to get nice and lusty.

"Go on, Exile, take me! Take me like you would a bitch! Stretch me more! Knot me! Knot me!" I screamed.

Exile's knot was starting to get fully engorged, and it begged to get in. He thrusted with all of his might, growling and grunting, shooting tiny jets of nice, warm pre-cum.

After about three attempts, he got his knot inside.

He pumped hard three more times until he finally came inside me. His jets were fast, hard, warm, and, best of all, sticky.

I came soon after, letting myself go against the tiles. I've never felt so relieved in my entire life.

"I love you, Jay," he murmured, his breath blowing against my ear. As soon as his words expelled from his lips, he licked my ear slowly and lightly with the tip of his tongue.

"I love you too, Exile," I moaned.

About five minutes after he knotted me, he pulled out. He was panting again, but this time, he was grinning. He was finally enjoying himself around me. It made me happy, successful even.

He stepped out of the shower and dried himself with the only towel available.

"I hope you know that I have to use that towel too," I informed him.

"Well then come and get it," he teased, unwrapping himself and shaking the towel in front of me.

I ran at it and attempted to grab hold. I failed. Miserably. I almost lost my balance, but quickly regained it.

I went for the towel again; but this time, Exile caught me with it and pulled me close to him.

We looked up at one another and stared into each other's eyes. His sparkled like diamonds. He told me that mine shined like stars in the sky.

I smiled and tears started to brim. I hugged him tightly and made sure that I didn't let go. Not for a while, anyway.

"I love you, Exile," I murmured. "I never want you to leave me. And I don't ever want to leave you. I want to be with you forever. I don't care how our relationship ends up. I just want us to be together."

"Oh, Jay," Exile stammered. "I didn't know that you..."

"Felt this way towards you?" I finished. "Of course I do! What? You think that I wanted you just for sex? Exile, I'm not a fucking whore!"

"I didn't say that, baby. I'm just saying. It's just, I don't know..."


"I...I guess."

"It's okay. I want it to be a little weird. Whose relationship isn't?"

"Good point, I guess."

I gave him another peck on the cheek. I walked to the door, unlocked it and skipped off out of the bathroom (still naked mind you), leaving Exile in the bathroom, holding the towel in front of him, with a somewhat stunned look on his face.

Russian It? Chapter 8

I skipped into my room and put some clothes on. I was actually surprised that nobody saw me. I _was_ pretty out in the open. But still, I'm kinda glad that nobody did see me. That would've been embarrassing! I searched for some clothes and put them...

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Russian It? Chapter 6

Exile pulled me close to him, so that I was staring up at his face. He looked exquisite. His fur on his head looked nice and soft. I wanted to touch it; stroke it even. But he wouldn't let me, the bastard. Instead, he turned me around, so that my ass...

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Russian It? Chapter 5

I finally managed to wake myself up two hours later. I took a look around and saw that my room was spotless, just like I left it. I walked out of my room and went into headquarters, where Professor Shepherd was eating some pancakes (his eyes were...

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