Space Sam & Bee: Ambush At Shower Station

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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Bee pounces on Space Sam as he exits the shower, who takes her for a ride on his rocketship. ; )

Space Sam & Bee: Ambush At Shower Station

By Tempo

A fun little story for the very talented Zombbh. ^_^

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Bee waited in the shadows, lit only by starlight. Listening to the blow-dryer on the other side of the door, the springer-golden hybrid contemplated what lay beyond: the greatest treasure of all--and it was all hers! Heartbeat skipping ahead of her, she resisted the urge to fling the door open. But she had to wait for her moment. Her plans had been thwarted once too often!

With a billow of steam, the intergalactic hero Space Sam emerged unaware. Here, without his armor, wearing only a towel.

"Ah ha!" She wrapped her arms around his buff and fluffy middle. "I have you now, Space Sam!"


"Bee?" The samoyed blushed through pristine fur. "What--?"

"That's Queen Bee to you!" She nuzzled his coat with a maniacal giggle. "There's no escaping my clutches!" Her chocolate paws streaked under that towel to grope his package.

Ears erect, his silken tail curled between his legs. "What's this all about?"

"You! Running around in fur-tight space suits--I've seen your every boner for the last month and haven't been able to touch one!" She snatched the towel from him, leaving him naked to her gaze. A soft, heavy cock swung over shapely balls.

His ears dipped as he sputtered: "W-we were saving the Universe!"

"Paltry excuse!" She shoved him onto the bed. "Now I shall have my way with you."

He landed with a bounce, legs splayed. His surprised ebony eyes shone, but she couldn't keep her gaze off his thick and shapely space junk.

Bee pounced after him, grabbed his dick, and popped it into her waiting muzzle. She always loved feeling him grow hard in her mouth. From fun and floppy to stiff and sexy, her every suckle coaxed him erect.

Sam reclined, watching, panting, and stroked her long brown hair. Their eyes met. Here before her, the great champion of justice lay at her mercy.

With a grin, she lapped down the supple foreskin, nuzzled her nose along the underside, then sucked it back up over the head. With one paw collecting the loose skin to her lips, she sneaked little licks under it. A faint pulse of precum warmed her tongue; she pulled off to rub it along her bedroom smile. Her lips nibbled over his spit-slick head, toying with the delicate hood and tugging at it with gentle playfulness.

The hero moaned, overwhelmed by sensation. His tail swished against her breasts, teasing her bare nipples.

She moaned around his girth. Slipping further under his foreskin, her tongue twirling around that sleek head to revel in the sensation of two different skin textures. He felt so thick, so alive, in her mouth. Her long, retrieverish muzzle could hold his entire considerable length, allowing her to suckle in comfortable intimacy. Idle doggy paws caressed his balls, stroking the base of his shaft, piloting him toward orgasm. Bobbing her head, she rubbed the tip along the ribbed roof of her mouth.

With a sharp bark, the Samoyed gripped the sheets and squeezed his eyes shut. Those orbs jumped on her palm, a pulse of tension rippling up his cock. A blast of canine seed spread silken heat over her tongue.

She gulped down his rushing seed, lapping for more. His dick felt so good in her mouth, so smooth and stiff and urgent and heavy. A slick of canine cum clung to his smooth skin, just begging to be licked clean. The mutt obliged with pure retriever enthusiasm.

As his ecstasy ebbed, Sam slumped back onto the mattress. He winced in overwhelmed pleasure as she milked then suckled away the last drops of semen from his fading erection. He lay panting, dazed by her muzzle work, stupefied by her wiles.

Still lying at his side, Bee slurped off of his dick and watched as her lover caught his breath. She could see how he'd been pent up. Saving the Universe didn't leave much time for sexy shenanigans.

Rolling atop her, the Samoyed kissed down her body, caressing her curves. Two fingers curled into her slit, then wiggled back and forth around the inside of her entrance.

She giggled at his kisses and moaned at his touch.

Slinking further down, he nuzzled between her thighs. His nose spread her delicate brown folds. He lapped at her folds as if she were the tastiest treat in the Universe. Each velvety lick sunk deeper than the last, but always swept up along her G-spot. His nose, slick with her juices, rubbed her clit, then lifted now and then to allow him to lap at it. Passion simmered under his warm attentions, threatening at any moment to boil over.

"Aan!" A gasped arf of bliss escaped her muzzle. Her eyes rolled back. She shivered, muscles wringing his tongue. Sensation shot through her body at the speed of delight. A torrent of wonder roared through her like a supernova.

All the while, that white canine, fur shining brighter than the stars, watched her with obvious pride.

As surging pleasure faded to a buzz of endorphins, she melted back onto the bed. Her tail set into a slow wag against his chest.

"Not so fast, Queen Bee!" With a dramatic woof, he lifted her by the hips.

The spaniel yipped in surprise, legs splayed, silky ears flipping up. Having just come, she found herself in no position to object, even if she wanted to.

Those wide paws held her as he stood and aligned himself. A firm nudge drew her attention to where their crotches met. As he rocked his hips, that stiff length rubbed between her cheeks, just brushing her pussy. A thin dribble of precum dripped from his pink cock head to her waiting folds. The Samoyed grinned. "Seems I've turned the tables on you, your majesty."


The spaniel's brain struggled through a haze of arousal, unable to keep up with their role-play. "Uuuuhhhmmm..."

Strong white paws caressing her curves, Sam rocked her ample rump against his thighs, then pressed his erection across the length of her slit. "Is this what you want?"

Her tail curled between her legs, whole body pleading with desire. "Yes... Please..."

He lowered her to the bed, then prodded her entrance with the head of his cock. Just far enough in for her lips to push his foreskin back, then he'd withdraw to paint their mixed fluids up and down her eager flesh. "Maybe you could be a little more specific..."

A blush glowed to her face, hot under her thick fur. "I want your cock inside me."

He pushed her knee to one side with gentle insistence. "Roll over."

Her blush deepened. "O-okay..." She rolled to her knees and presented her rear, her tail flagged, the white underside exposed in surrender to desire.

Sam worked the unsheathed tip of his cock into her. "Someone's wet..." With a soft squelch, he pressed further into her.

Too horny to think straight, the female canine ground back against him, feeling his full length in her at last. Eager muscles squeezed his girth. "Ooo Space Sam!"

Gripping her midriff, the Samoyed humped faster. Behind him, that curly tail swished, a blur of white fluff. The skin of his cock rolling back and forth as he stroked in and out of her.

"Aaa! More!" Floppy ears swung with each thrust of his hips. Moaning, Bee savored the incredible fullness of having his cock in her.

His thrusts came hard now, each one burying his girth deep inside her. He grasped her tail for leverage and guided her onto his every eager penetration.

"Aaan!" She bucked back even harder against him, tongue lolling out in amazement.

Lustful growls echoed through his quarters. With his free paw, Sam reached around her hip to rub her clit.

Jolts of pleasure skipping up her nerves, the spaniel mix buried her muzzle in a pillow. "Oooo I'm coming!" Her muscles clenched on their own, radiating delicious pleasure through her very being. She gripped a pillow and howled primal ecstasy through the bulkheads of the rocket ship.

"Hn!" Sam's rhythm hitched, hips bucking in hard to bury him all the way inside her. He always loved making her orgasm. That thick canine cock pulsed inside her, spraying heat against her tender walls.

As one, they yowled in orgasm.

The cosmic canine slumped atop her, muzzle open, tongue lolling out. After basking in afterglow for a few moments, he rolled her to her side and pulled her close to spoon against his chest.

Bee whimpered as the dog's thick cock slipped free. "Haa..."

Nuzzling closer and panting, he licked her cheek. "Had enough, your highness?"

"Mmmmhmmm." Her dainty brown paws closed around his as they stared together into the infinite starscape. "All..." An aftershock of pleasure interrupted her. "...according to plan."

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I figured it was high time someone wrote porn of Space Sam!

Go check out Zombbh's gallery for more illustrations and sexy art! ^_^

Art & Characters: Zombbh

Proofs: Anakuro
