Just a Game? - Chapter 4

Story by InfinityForever on SoFurry

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This is a Digimon and Pokemon crossover fanfiction I began working on years ago (back in 2003).

The image used is a title image I made for the story, took quite a bit of work to try and mix Pokemon-like text with Digimon-like text.

Marked "Adult" due to violence.

Nathan and Infinimon © InfinityForever

Digimon © Toei Animation and Bandai

Pokemon © Game Freak and Nintendo

Chapter 4 - Friend or Foe?

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a female doctor looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked, everything that happened just earlier was all a blur.

"Well, you were shot after killing a few people, that's what," the female doctor said, with a slightly annoyed and angry tone in her voice.

I sensed some clear hostility from her, she definitely didn't like me all that much. I tried to sit up but couldn't, then looked to my wrists and ankles, noticing I was strapped to the bed, like a serious lunatic in a mental institution. I then thought to myself, that I must be, if I killed a whole bunch of people like that.

"So you are alright afterall?" a feminine voice said.

I looked around the room with my back to the bed, noticing the female doctor was no longer in the room. I didn't see any human in the room, and figured I was just hearing things.

"Who's there?" I said, hoping I wasn't hearing things and the source of the voice would show itself.

"You can understand what I'm saying?" the feminine voice said this time.

I looked around the room once more, but only found a Blissey standing nearby.

"Why don't you show yourself?" I asked.

"I'm right here," the feminine voice said.

I turned my head to the Blissey and saw that it was the one talking.

"You're the first human in several long years to fully understand the Pokemon language. There are Pokemon that can speak human, but not that many, I for one cannot," the Blissey said.

"Me? Understand the Pokemon Language? That's ludicrous," I said.

"Well, I did just say I don't understand human language one bit. You obviously understand Pokemon language though. Pokemon have always been able to understand human language, just not all of us can speak it," the Blissey said.

Then I suddenly heard an explosion coming from next door. I looked through the window of my room and saw the Pokemon Center next door, with smoke billowing up from it. Blissey having seen this too, ran off closing the door behind it.

"Well, I'm apparently stuck here, might as well get some rest then," I said, looking out the window again. "Although there is clearly something going on at the Pokemon Center, and I wish I could go check it out."

"Nathan? Nathan where are you?" a voice from the hall outside my room called out.

"I'm in here," I called back, regretting it afterward, cause I had no idea who the voice belonged to.

The room door burst open suddenly and in the doorway stood a Mudkip, Treecko, and Torchic.

"Come on, you need to help the people and Pokemon out at the Pokemon Center," the Torchic said.

"Why are you strapped to that bed? Ewww, don't tell me you are into that sort of thing, being dominated and all," the Mudkip said.

"Oh God no, get your mind out of the gutter. I'm here cause I killed people, and I can't be trusted without being tied down, I just might hurt another person," I said.

"Well, then I guess ya ain't what we expected aft' all," the Treecko said.

I starred at Treecko a little bit, wondering why it spoke kind of funny, and thinking about what it said.

"I really want to help out, but I just might end up hurting someone in the process," I said. "Those people and Pokemon need help."

"That's all we needed to hear. You are chosen to help human and Pokemon alike, since you understand the Pokemon language. We already knew about you having killed those people, but we also know that wasn't really you, but rather a dark side deep inside you. You had no control over it," Torchic said, jumping onto the bed and undoing my restraints.

I sat up and rubbed my wrists which were a little sore. Torchic then rushed out of the room and came back moments later carrying my clothes and backpack.

"Thanks a lot you guys, I thought you guys might hate me for what I did back then," I said, changing from the hospital gown I was in and into my clothes, the I put my backpack on.

"We know that wasn't really you, just like Torchic said, so no worries," Mudkip said.

I patted myself, making sure nothing was missing, noticing that my Digivice was still attached to my belt beside the small pouch where I stored my Pokeballs. I opened up the pouch and saw the four Pokeballs that were in there.

"Why didn't Zigzagoon come out?" I asked.

"Oh, she's just tired right now," Mudkip said.

"She? Zigzagoon is a female?" I asked.

"The one ya caught, sure is," Treecko said.

"It isn't all that obvious," I said. "Just so I know and not end up being embarrassed later on, what gender are you three?"

"Mudkip and Treecko are both males, while I'm female," Torchic said.

"Oh, I see, you don't sound at all female, no offense," I said.

"No offense taken, we are just Pokemon afterall," Torchic said.

"Anyway, we should be going," I said. "I'll have you three return to your Pokeballs."

I pulled out each of their Pokeballs and had them each return to their corresponding Pokeball. It seemed that even if I wanted to, they can't return to a Pokeball that they weren't in before. I then peeked out of my room and saw no one in the hallway. It seemed the hospital was empty, with what was happening next door. I ran down the hall and out of the hospital, making my way to the Pokemon Center. When I got there, I saw Pokemon and people running around frantically trying to put out a large fire that was caused from the earlier explosion I assume. I ran inside, without anyone noticing, and ran toward the back.

"Hurry you two, grab all those Pokemon, we need to get out of here before it's to late," a course voice coming from the room right next to me said.

I leaned my back against the wall, with the door to the next room to the left of me. I peeked into the room, and saw two humans and a Meowth. One human was a girl with long red hair and a black miniskirt and white top with a large "R" on the front. The other human was a boy with blue hair that just passed his ears, long black pants, and a white shirt with a large red "R" on the front as well. The Meowth seemed to be supervising the other two at work, collecting Pokeballs from the room, but not only that, they were also stealing food. I snuck into the room quietly and hid behind some boxes next to the door, if anyone cane through that door they could easily spot me, unless they were distracted that is. I recognized these three as Team Rocket, the girl's name was Jessie, the guy's name was James, and the Meowth could talk. I watched Team Rocket, waiting for the perfect moment to catch them off-guard.

"What are you three doing here? Didn't we tell you that this is Team Magma territory?" a voice coming from the door I came through just earlier said.

I turned to face the doorway, and saw three people in red and black outfits standing there. Their outfits were mostly red, with red hooded shirt kind of thing over a black shirt and pants piece for the guys, and a red hooded shirt type thing over a black shirt and skirt piece for the girls. I recognized those outfits as being from Team Magma. One I could tell was a male Magma Executive, and the other two were male and female Magma Grunts. I looked at the female Magma Grunt, and found that she was gorgeous. I just couldn't tear my eyes away from her, she was just so gorgeous. I never thought a bad guy, or should I say girl, like her could just look so good.

"So gorgeous," I said aloud, not noticed I had said it until after the fact, covering my mouth quickly.

The three members of Team Magma turned to look at me, not having noticed me before until I said something. If I never had said anything they never would have noticed me, being to distracted with Team Rocket. I didn't really care much though, I just continued to stare lovingly at the female Magma Grunt. I felt something so incredible inside, as if this was love at first sight or something. I never felt such feelings towards anyone before. My heart was beating so fast as if it longed to be with her.

"What are you doing there boy?" the Magma Executive asked.

I reached for my pouch with the Pokeballs inside, still looking at the female Magma Grunt, pulled out a Pokeball, held it behind my back and enlarged the size of the Pokeball.

"Go get him," the Magma Executive said toward the male Magma Grunt.

The male Magma Grunt approached me and I took that time to throw the Pokeball in my hand to the ground in front of me, not knowing what Pokemon would emerge from the Pokeball I threw. The Pokeball stopped in midair, opened up, having Mudkip appear, and returned to my hand automatically.

"Oh, so you plan to fight us huh?" the Magma Executive asked, with a cocky smile on his face, looking at the male Magma Grunt who began to pull out a Pokeball.

"No, I'll handle him," the female Magma Grunt said, stopping the male Magma Grunt from summoning his Pokemon.

"If you wish," the Magma Executive said.

"Might, I choose you!" the female Magma Grunt said, pulling out a Pokeball and throwing a few feet in front of her.

A Mightyena appeared from the Pokeball and stood facing my Mudkip. I knew right then that this would be a tough battle, there was a clear level disadvantage on my end.

"Might, use your Crunch attack!" the female Magma Grunt said.

The Mightyena rushed toward Mudkip and used it's Crunch attack, which resembled a Bite attack in many ways, just that it is stronger than a Bite attack. Mudkip stepped back flinching in pain, and I felt it as well. It was so odd, I felt the exact same pain the Mudkip felt, apparently I now shared a close connection with my Pokemon. I thought desperately for a strong enough attack to use, but all I knew were attacks that Mudkip most likely didn't even know yet, but I just had to try it out.

"Mudkip, use Hydro Pump," I said, a little nervous, not sure if Mudkip knew that attack or not.

To my surprise Mudkip began forming water in it's mouth, filling it up and preparing to shoot the water at Mightyena. Once it's mouth filled up, it shot a powerful Hydro Pump attack at the Mightyena, causing it to fly back into the wall, and was knocked out.

"Drat, Might return," the female Magma Grunt said, having Mightyena return to it's Pokeball. "You're cute, I like you."

My face turned as red as a tomato as she said that. I never expected her to say such a thing even though I felt the same way about her.

"Why don't you join us, you're pretty good kid, we could use you as a Magma Executive," the Magma Executive said.

"No way, I would never join you guys. You want to expand the land mass by evaporating all the seas and oceans. If you do that though, what would happen to all the water Pokemon habitats? I'll never help you," I said.

"Well, then we have to get rid of you, can't have you meddling with our plans, we're only trying to help human kind," the Magma Executive said.

"Yeah right, you wish, you think that would help humans out, but it won't, not one bit," I said.

"Take care of him," the Magma Executive said to the female Magma Grunt.

I noticed the look on her face, she didn't seem to happy with that order. She looked at me, and I could almost swear that she was infatuated with me at first sight, like I was with her. It was so odd, I never pictured any girl to feel that way for me. I almost could feel how she felt towards me, and wondered if she felt how I felt for her. She walked close to be and starred into my eyes, as I starred back, she was only a little shorter than me, maybe even just a little younger than me, or the same age than me; she sure didn't look older than me.

"What is your name cutey?" the female Magma Grunt asked me, still looking deeply into my eyes as I did the same back to her.

"My name is Nathan, what is your name?" I asked her.

"That's a pretty name, Nathe, my name is Jilly," she said with a smile.

I nearly melted right there, she already was giving me a nickname and we just met. Even her smile made her look just so dang gorgeous. I knew right then that I wanted to be with her forever, and never be without her. I was already so madly in love with her, the name Jilly just ran over through my head over and over. The name of a gorgeous little goddess that had fallen from the skies. She leaned in and put her mouth near my ear.

"I'm going to help you out here, we'll escape together, how's that sound?" Jilly whispered in my ear.

Her voice was so sexy as well, she had an English accent, which I never expected by her appearance. I just stood there in awe of her beauty.

"O-Okay," I said, with a loving smile at her.

She smiled back, as if she knew all to well how I felt for her. I never thought I could fall so madly in love with someone with just our first meeting. She turned to face the other two members OT Team Magma.

"I'm not going to 'take care of him' the way you're thinking of," Jilly said.

In the corner of my eye I caught Team Rocket summoning their Pokemon while Jilly distracted Team Magma. Jessie summoned her Arbok, while James summoned his Koffing.

"Arbok, Bite!" Jessie called out.

"You go too Koffing," James said.

Both Arbok and Koffing listened to their trainers and began heading toward Jilly. Noticing this I quickly jump in between the two Pokemon and Jilly, taking the full blunt of their attacks. The Pokemon just stood their dumbfounded as I fell to my knees badly hurt.

"Nathan!" Jilly said, rushing to my side.

I looked to her, seeing that she was perfectly fine, and smiled.

"I'm glad you are okay, I couldn't bare to see you get hurt. I love you Jilly," I said.

"I love you too Nathe, please don't leave me," Jilly said.

"I will always be with you, don't you ever worry about that," I said.

I then fell forward on my face, and blacked out, the last thing I saw before I blacked out was Jilly's gorgeous face and I smiled seeing it.

Just a Game? - Chapter 5

**Chapter 5 - A new arrival** I woke up and found Jilly staring back at me with a really concerned look on her face, she apparently thought she had lost me, or at least that's what I assumed. I sat up slowly, flinching in pain a little bit from the...

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Just a Game? - Chapter 3

**Chapter 3 - Foul mood** "Thank you Nurse Joy," I said, waving as I left the Pokemon Center. I collapsed my Mach Bike and put it along with my school bag into the backpack that Ruby gave me. I then began walking around Petalburg City and bought...

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Just a Game? - Chapter 2

**Chapter 2 - Registering** Before long we arrived at Professor Birch's lab in Littleroot Town. Ruby got off the Mach Bike and walked through the front door of the lab, while I followed her. "Professor Birch, are you here?" Ruby asked, calling out...

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