Just a Game? - Chapter 4

**Chapter 4 - Friend or Foe?** I slowly opened my eyes and saw a female doctor looking at me. "What happened?" I asked, everything that happened just earlier was all a blur. "Well, you were shot after killing a few people, that's what," the...

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Just a Game? - Chapter 3

**Chapter 3 - Foul mood** "Thank you Nurse Joy," I said, waving as I left the Pokemon Center. I collapsed my Mach Bike and put it along with my school bag into the backpack that Ruby gave me. I then began walking around Petalburg City and bought...

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Just a Game? - Chapter 2

**Chapter 2 - Registering** Before long we arrived at Professor Birch's lab in Littleroot Town. Ruby got off the Mach Bike and walked through the front door of the lab, while I followed her. "Professor Birch, are you here?" Ruby asked, calling out...

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Just a Game? - Chapter 1

**Chapter 1 - Far from home** I was running as fast as I could to get to school in time. I ran into the school and into class just as the bell rang. "You made it just in time Nathan, but there is no running in school, go stand in the hall," the...

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Just a Game? - Chapter 6

**Chapter 6 - The Threat** Around me the ground exploded upwards, and some of the other tents were on fire. I saw Digimon running around frantically in different directions. Then in the corner of my eye I saw something flying in our direction, but...

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Just a Game? - Chapter 5

**Chapter 5 - A new arrival** I woke up and found Jilly staring back at me with a really concerned look on her face, she apparently thought she had lost me, or at least that's what I assumed. I sat up slowly, flinching in pain a little bit from the...

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