Forest Keep 3

Story by Shimrod on SoFurry

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#5 of Forest Keep

Chapter 3 - dinner and a show (edited 12/10/08 to correct font and update version) Several days went past rapidly with James working hard to improve his fighting skills against the other novices. He made friends swiftly with his good nature and mischievous attitude, though he had held himself down regarding that side of things. He realized he couldn't get away with releasing a pig into the church here as he had done back home, laughing at the chaos caused by the panicked animal as it ran amuck amidst the startled churchgoers. Running through a complex series of practice moves, his mind wandered off to that day by the pool and his curiosity pulled powerfully at him. Each day he looked at the oak tree on the road, hoping to see a black feather stuck to it somewhere and replaying the conversation over in his head to see he could detect a note of wistfulness or regret. He shook his head; he had kept his word and stayed away from the pool as he was asked, not wishing to incur the wrath of the being there in case she perpetrated some horrible magical revenge upon him. He let out a curse as he slipped in place and lost his grasp on the sword, flinging it upwards and leaving it suddenly quivering point-first in the ceiling timbers "Well, tha's an odd place for a sword", he heard a voice behind him say "Hello Joe" he chuckled "well one never knows when sticking a sword into a ceiling may come in handy" grabbing the handle he pulled hard, yanking the sword free. "What brings you slumming down here with us tyros?" sheathing the sword carefully he sat down, grinning up at his friend "Lord Duncan is havin' a grand party in three days" Joe said "and he wants ya lot of ne'er do well's to be good boys... Clean and tidy and on ya best behavior... if ya good ya may get fed too," he added with a chuckle "As Novices, it's ya jobs to guard the gates and escort the guests into the keep while we old fella's have to lick their asses and make sure they feel at home" James laughed aloud at the thought "The only asses you've ever licked have been those of tavern wenches. Does this mean dress uniform and polished boots and all?" he asked, hating the hours of work it took to get the black boots to shine properly and the layers of clothing for full dress uniform. "Yes Lad, Ya'll be on gate duty as official greeter for his lordship", James flushed, "Me?" he stammered, "Yes ya. Ya've had the experience and know how to address a coun' from a viscoun' and a duchess from a countess, just don' embarrass us..." Joe slapped him on the shoulder and went out into the bailey once more leaving James alone with his thoughts, how many of those people would recognize him as the errant youngest son of the Earl of Cheltenham and who knew his reputation. This likely was not going to be pleasant at all... Cill nibbled on her talon, unable to concentrate for some reason, flipping the gold coin repeatedly in her paw as she thought about talking to the human again. Her mama had said to be nice to him after all and he was a neighbor, but it had been days and he had not come back. She did not know why she felt disappointment at that but she felt something was missing; she kept seeing him splashing in the water, his smile and the kindness she had felt in him. "I'm just hungry," she told herself, helping herself to an unfortunate sheep that had strayed too far and was now dripping hot fat into the fire. She took several bites and swallowed, enjoying the warm flesh, she did not take too much food from the farms, making sure she was unnoticed and uncommented on by humans. Dragons did not used to have it this bad she thought to herself, rubbing her stomach, letting her paw slide down a little further than usual. She felt a start as she brushed her vent, letting out a whoosh of air at the feeling it sent rushing through her body. Her lips were swollen and tender to the touch, lying back she stroked them softly with her paw, moaning quietly as she imagined them being touched by a male. The image of James suddenly flashing through her mind, she sat up startled and partially disgusted with herself, how could she think that? She wanted a drake not a smelly male human she told herself firmly. "Besides, he's a human; he would probably faint with horror at the thought of coupling with a dragoness". She imagined the scene and giggled to herself, her paw returning to its rubbing as her imagination took over. Biting her free paw to keep from crying out she shuddered as a ripple of orgasm made her quiver, her questing paw suddenly wet with her juices. She lay back on her bed, a crystal tear running from her eye as she found she regretted not talking more with him. Wrapping her arms around herself, she slipped into slumber, trying to ignore the insistent thoughts clamoring for her attention. James tossed and turned in his sleep, his dreams disturbed by intruding thoughts that seemed to roll over him in waves. He was unaware that a certain dragoness nearby was wrestling with herself over him, and that their brief mental contact had left him partially attuned to her. Waking up with a start, he sat up straight in his bed. Looking down he saw a large damp spot in the bed "Damn... No wenching allowed even in dreams it seems" he chuckled to himself. Stepping out of his bed, he picked up a soft cloth before walking over to the washing ewer and wiping himself clean. As he did so he tried to recall his dream, it wasn't like the usual ones of the fair Caroline. This one was a mix of green eyes, a spicy musk and a curiously rough yet sensual presence against his skin all wrapped up in a powerful surge of desire that he could not put his finger on. He sighed heavily, all this hard training, good food and thinking was not doing his hormones any good and he had at least 2 more years of his novitiate to go before he could consider trying for a knight's position. He stood in front of the mirror and smiled; he was more toned and stronger than when he had arrived and felt a surge of pride at his accomplishments so far. Looking out the window, he saw the bustling staff of the keep preparing the roasting spits and fire pits. The keep dogs being lead out and fastened to the turn-spits. Tomorrow was the day of the party and he had to look his best. Returning to his bed, he pulled out his best pair of boots and began polishing them to a high shine. Occasionally spitting on them every now and then and rubbing the black oily polish into the leather until it glowed. Joe chuckled as he watched James stagger down the stairs while trying not to scuff or break the polish on his boots. He nodded appreciatively as the young novice brushed his hair and shaved properly. "Nice bright mornin' face novice!" he barked loudly from behind with that unique sense of humor drill sergeants develop over the years whilst James was shaving. James just grinned and nodded "Yes Sir!" Snapping off a brisk salute that was only slightly marred by the foam from the rough soap he was using to shave with. Joe walked around him slowly "well done... Ya will be at the gate from midday; the guests will start arrivin' about one after that... Be polite and courteous...and don' rise to any jibes or comments mm?" he mentioned the last quietly, meeting James's eye. "Yes... We know about ya reputation... And th' pig in th' church", he chuckled, watching a flush rise up James face. "All in the past now Sir", he murmured, "I'll stay out of trouble" Cill awoke with a delicious and powerful odor in her nostrils, it made her mouth water and she snapped it closed as she tried to track its source. Flaring her nostrils wide she scanned the area... the Keep! Delectable aromas of roasting ducks, chickens and various other farmyard animals were wafting over from the battlements. She left her lair and slithered quickly through the forest towards the tempting aroma until she could see the walls of the keep. She drooled heavily and slunk closer, set low on her silvery belly, trying to see what was going on. Her stomach rumbled noisily and she wished that she had taken another sheep home for breakfast. Making her way slowly round the keep she cautiously peeked from the forested area by the entrance. Her keen eyes lit on a figure at the gate and she felt a strange thrill run through her body. It was her human! She looked him over critically, he seemed to look bored, either jogging on the spot or doing some sort of exercise. She let out a soft groan of mingled hunger and an abrupt welling up of desire that caught her by surprise, blinking in embarrassment she pulled back in case he had heard. She shook her head "I must be really hungry" she told herself, not wanting to admit to the leap she felt in her heart at seeing James again. She nibbled on a talon gently... how could she get some of the food cooking in the Keeps courtyard? Laying her head on her paws, she thought furiously, her gaze unconsciously returning to the infuriating human at the gate. James had felt the unmistakable pressure of a gaze on him and wondered why it felt somewhat familiar. He looked closely at the forest, checking for movement... unsurprised at seeing none he grinned. Perhaps he would get to meet his mysterious lady of the lake again he thought then sighed as he saw an ornately covered wagon approaching the gate. Standing to attention as the wagon rumbled up, he saw it was decorated with the markings of the church, 'Oh no' he groaned inwardly 'they didn't invite the Bishop?' He sighed quietly and steeled himself as he approached the wagon. "My word, is that the young swineherd James of Cheltenham?" came an amused voice from within the darkened interior. "Welcome to Guildford Keep your Grace" James said, managing to keep his voice steady "No small piglets tucked under your shirt? No sows following you in the streets?" the bishop murmured softly, enjoying himself. James felt the heat rising in his face as he tried to remain calm. "No your Grace, if you could please make your way to the end of the barbican Sir Duncan will be glad to make you more at home" He could only vaguely see the fat face of the Bishop as he tried not to laugh, then with a gentle chuckle the cleric murmured "Thank you, young James... Keep up the good work" The driver tugged on the reins and the wagon rolled forward slowly into the keep. James let out the huge breath he had not realized he had been holding and sagged a little, propping himself up using the large ceremonial pike he had been given. If that was a taste of the day to come, it was not looking good at all. He had been rather troublesome when younger, and it seemed to be catching up on him all at once. The younger son of an earl perhaps, but he still caught the flat of his fathers hand when a certain prank had inevitably been laid at his feet. How was he to know flour was able to explode if accidentally scattered near a fire or that you shouldn't add interesting things to the alchemists potions while their backs were turned. It was not as if they actually produced anything useful after all and walking around with green hair for three months was punishment enough. He snorted to himself and waited for the next carriage. Cill lay in wait as she watched a succession of wagons; carriages and coaches slowly enter the keep. She could feel some of the confusion, shame and sometimes anger radiating off James as he greeted each coach formally according to its occupants. Finally, it seemed the last coach had arrived and the great gates closed, leaving James alone with his pike in the dark. Hungry and recovering from the barrage of insults, comments and humiliating references to his past he rested against the gates his eyes half-closed in relief. Cill smiled to herself as an idea that had been fermenting quietly suddenly ripened in her mind. He could bring some of the food out to her... She was not greedy... A brace of ducks - a roast pig or two. Surely that wouldn't be too hard. She realized she was drooling again and self-consciously wiped her muzzle with a paw. She concentrated a little and re-established contact with him and was startled to find it was far easier this time. *Hello James* she half-purred at him, muffling a giggle as he fell over his pike in shock, seeing him look wildly around the area before staggering upright again. "Is that you Cill? My lady of the lake?" he asked quietly back once he had regained his composure, straining to see in the night. *Yes* she replied, *I was curious as to what was happening at the keep tonight* He shrugged a little as his eyes went back to scanning the forest edge "All the local lords and ladies are meeting to have a party, dance and get drunk then there will likely be folk singing and bawdy stories told as well" He sighed, letting a not-so-subtle tone of self-pity enter his voice "and I'm stuck out here on guard duty all alone". Cill did not understand much of what he said, what did he mean by getting drunk? Or dancing? In addition, what were bawdy stories? She only knew he was not happy. *Aren't they going to let you eat and drink too?* She asked him quietly. James sighed "later on when they're all asleep or in their cups. Ill get some of the leftovers" he shrugged "I'm the newest here so I pulled the gate duty. All the other guards are inside enjoying themselves" He leant forward to where he thought she was "I'm glad you're here to keep me company though" Cill let out a surprised hiss that she swiftly muffled. He was glad she was there? Why, he did not even know what she was. *Why don't you sneak in and try and find us both some food then?* she suggested to him. *It does smell rather good... I'm rather partial to roast duck.* James grinned, "So am I" he chuckled, thinking to himself 'so she eats normal food, perhaps she's not a spirit or nymph after all' James opened the gate a crack and looked through cautiously, making sure the coast was clear, it was certainly late enough in the evening that all the guests would be busy inside with their feasting and drinking. "If I'm seen to be away from my post I'll get into trouble" he murmured to her "but as it's you I'll see what I can do" Cill grinned to herself as she watched; perhaps humans were not so bad after all. James shook his head as he crept towards the fire pits, what was he thinking? If Joe or one of the other guards saw him, he would be for the high jump in the morning. Nevertheless... he told himself, there was a hungry lady to be fed and he was merely performing a charitable act that was worthy of a little risk. Sneaking along the edge of the wall carefully, he found what he was looking for. A large skewer bearing a brace of plump roasting ducks and another, with a pair of fat geese just done to a turn were lying just above the glowing coals of the brazier. Leaning down he tried lifting them from the fire pit, then - after sucking his suddenly burnt fingers, he tugged a leather glove out of his pocket and swiftly liberated the food, skewers and all. He was just about to leave when he spied a large flagon of wine cooling in a water trough nearby; grinning, he grabbed it, juggling it into position atop their dinner and staggered towards the gate. He suddenly froze in the shadows by the gate as he heard Joe wander past...holding his breath he watched as the old knight walked up to the wall and relieved himself against it noisily. 'Don't let him check on me," he prayed silently to any gods that may have been listening. Joe looked at the gate and seemed about to turn towards it when he was distracted by a raucous laughing from within the mess and the sound of crockery being broken, likely over someone's head. Joe sighed and after tugging up his breeches headed back towards the hall. James grinned with glee as he walked up to the gate with his booty and kicked it open to step out into the dark night. "Your servant returns" he chuckled to Cill while waving his prizes in triumph. "Which would you like - Duck or Goose?" Cill's head came up as she watched from the forest *Oh goose...* she murmured mentally to him, looking at the plump birds on the skewer and feeling her mouth fill with saliva again. *Would ... you close your eyes again?* she asked still unsure of how he would react. "Certainly Milady" James said, holding the spit with the geese in front of him and closing his eyes. Once more, he felt the warm wind and spicy scent brush past him and the skewer was gently tugged from his grasp. "You are certainly fast" he murmured while seating himself with his two ducks and flagon of wine "Would you like a drink of wine to go with those geese?" he asked the unseen presence. Cill paused in her eating, she had not heard of wine before *What is it?* she asked curiously. "You don't know what wine is?" asked James without thinking. *If I knew... I wouldn't ask would I?* came the tart reply. He chuckled to himself 'oh yes' he thought, definitely female "It's a drink; it goes well with hot food and is made from grapes... Here". He took a large swig from the flagon and swallowed it... "Would you like to try some?" putting the bottle in front of his impromptu meal he closed his eyes again and waited There was a brief swishing sound and he opened his eyes again, the flagon was gone "hey... not all of it" he complained with a laugh, "This is certainly one of the oddest meals I've shared with a lady". Cill sniffed the flagon and tilted it a little, tentatively poking her tongue into the opening and blinking at the odd flavor * tastes like fruit gone wrong*, she threw back at James, and then she tried a little more. It did seem to go better with the goose though. James tried to make out the source of the sounds of eating. It did not sound at all well mannered and the loud glugs of the flagon were not helping either. "Er... May I have some more wine too?" he asked holding his hand out and closing his eyes, there was another scented breeze, and he was suddenly holding a substantially lighter flagon "Did you drink all that?" he asked with a grin... Cill carefully masked a burp as she finished off the other goose. *It does make goose taste good, though it tastes funny and makes my head spin* "You shouldn't drink too much at once," he murmured to her "if you aren't used to it, it can make you dizzy". Cill lay on her back sated, rubbing her full stomach. The wine making her head spin pleasantly, relaxing her usually keen instincts. "Is there anything else I can do for you, my lady?" James asked with a smile in his voice. *Mmmm...not yet* he heard a purring rumble in his head *why don't you come and talk to me some more tomorrow. I think I owe you a swim for letting me share your meal with you* James grinned as he detected a slight slurring in her thoughts, he was still wondering as to what she was, certainly he had a lot to think about come tomorrow. "That would be most enjoyable. If I can get away I shall see you around midday." He finished his ducks, carefully burying the bones and hiding the skewers so as not to reveal to the returning guards that he had already eaten. He lay back against the gate and smiled, her voice had sent a delightfully sensual shiver through him, especially that throaty purr... Cill made her way home somewhat less than gracefully, still feeling light headed from the wine and trying not to giggle as she thought of the conversation and odd meal she had just had shared with the human. She would have to tell her mother all about it, slipping into her lair she lit the fire and settled into her bed. *Mama?* she called out sleepily *Hello dear*, Carlina replied, *have you had a good day* *Oh yes Mama, I went and saw the male again today. He fed me roast goose and something called wine that tasted funny at first but got nicer the more I drank* She wriggled a little under the cover. Carlina smiled, it sounded as though her daughter had attracted a good healthy drake that could provide for her though she had no idea what 'wine' was either. *I invited him over tomorrow for a swim in my lake,* Cill murmured, not realizing she was setting the scene for a disaster of gargantuan proportions. *Does he make you feel good dear?* Carlina asked hesitantly, not wanting to probe too much but finding herself naturally interested in her daughter's potential mate. *Oh he has been very polite and pleasant ...but sometimes I dream about him and wake up all hot and confused and I don't know if I should be feeling this way about him* Carlina could feel the confusion in her daughter's thoughts and wanted nothing more than to rush over and comfort her but restrained herself. *Its only natural you should feel that way dear... Let nature takes it course* strangely enough this did not seem to help as Cill felt a wash of confusion run through her and she broke the contact. She sniffed a little...he was nice. Nevertheless, she was a dragon though and he would likely scream and run away if he saw her for what she was. She gnawed a talon furiously as she thought; if only there was some way, she could get to know him better without scaring him off! Part of her mind rebelled at this but her heart fought back with a surge of raw emotion, she felt linked to this strange human somehow and it felt if something was meant to happen.