Chapter 7: Soft Hearts

Story by Seros Nym on SoFurry

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#9 of Echoes of a Dragon

I was stuck on this for a while, uncertain which way I wanted events to go in the second half. So far I'm pleased with my decision. I would discuss my thought process more, but I'm afraid I would just sound pretentious. :|

Feedback feedback feedback! Tell me what you like, or point out a flaw, or something. Be creative! I love logging in to find new comments! It's a rush of both excitement and anxiety as I irrationally fear it's somebody who I've really angered with some inaccuracy or inconsistency, when it's usually someone being nice. :D

Let me know what you think, fellas!

16/05/14: Did a quick revision of the description of the elements about half-way through. Why I left it that way for so long is a mystery for the ages.

I sit in stunned silence, still woozy from the copious amounts of alcohol I drank during the feast. Zerius stares at the three imperial guards, clenching his fists and looking tense. Turning to Zerius, they level their swords at him, the guard in the doorway using the shaft of his spear to obstruct our escape. My heartbeat begins to quicken, panic and fear sparking to life and spreading throughout me.

"Lord Zerius, reclaim a shard of your lost honor by surrendering yourself. You need not die a cowards death."

Zerius scoffs, subtly raising his hands into a defensive posture. "I do not offer my life willingly. If you want it, you will have to take it."

"So be it." The guard steps forward, thrusting out with his sword. Twisting aside, Zerius grabs the guard's sword arm, using the momentum of his spin to send an elbow into his aggressor's face. Twisting the seized arm, Zerius causes his opponent to lose his grip on the sword, snatching it up as the guard flinches from the strike.

Zerius is a skilled fighter, but it's fairly close quarters in this room, and he's outnumbered three to one. If they simply dog-pile him, they will be able to subdue him. I see the second guard gripping his sword and tensing up for a strike. Fear roils through me. I want to avoid another incident like the one in the village.

Crying out with panic and exertion, I wreathe fire about my hands, thrusting it at the second guard. The lance of fire seems to dramatically intensify as it leaves my hands, the force of it shaking the room. The guard notices my attack, moving his palm to deflect the blast, but it proves much too powerful. He is thrown back by the sheer force, ember flakes scattering about the room as he is sent flying towards the door guard. The momentum sends both guards out of the room, the clattering of armor ringing through the halls.

I turn my gaze to the remaining guard only to see him pierced by his own blade, Zerius having capitalized on the distraction. The bloody sword pokes through the unfortunate guard's back, slipped between a crease in the armor, crimson drops flowing down the edge. Withdrawing the blade, Zerius tosses the gasping, horrified guard aside, flicking some of the blood off the weapon. I wince at the bloodshed.

"Zerius, these are our kin, just following their orders. They don't deserve death."

Zerius glares at me, a ruthless gleam in his eyes. "They are no longer my kin. They are my enemies."

I barely have time to gape at his brutality before he steps out of the room to engage the two remaining guards. I attempt to stand, holding myself steady against the wall. The room still spins before me, causing me to wince and rub my eyes. Curse it all, I'm of no use to anyone in this condition. I hear an unfamiliar cry of pain from the hallway, followed by a clashing of metal. I close my eyes, trying desperately to will myself back to sobriety. Another cry echoes, this one turning abruptly from a loud, pained shriek into a faint gurgle. Zerius reenters the room, his sword replaced with the gold-ringed spear of the door guard.

"You're still unsteady?" He sighs with frustration. "Come, take my arm." He approaches me and offers a hand. I grab onto it and he grips me in turn, holding me firmly upright and guiding me urgently out of the room. He grabs my sword from the nearby table, affixing the scabbard to my sash. We pass the stilled bodies of the two guards outside, blood splattered on the floor around them.

"I think Erun'razel had this planned from the beginning." Zerius mutters with a hint of regret. "He was too receptive, and we were too quick to trust him... It was foolish of me to expect him to sympathize with us."

"What other choice did we have?" I reply.

Zerius does not respond. We stride down the hallway, him half-carrying me as I stumble along in a blurry haze. I feel lucid and I think and speak clearly, yet I cannot seem to rid myself of this dizziness. I wonder if Erun'razel had put something in my drinks... but I find it hard to believe someone so friendly and generous could have hidden such dark intent.

We walk for minutes in the darkened corridors, surprised and suspicious that we have not encountered any more imperial troops. The only way out is through the main doors, and we head anxiously towards the grand hall. I glance nervously down every shadowy passage, hoping to see Rel.

"You said Erun was talking to Rel before, right?"

"He pulled him away from the feast, somewhere around the point when you were sitting in a drunken stupor. I didn't see where they went." I don't remember being in a stupor... but I can't remember most of what happened after I started being served drinks.

We enter the grand hall, the room dimly lit by a series of torches on the pillars. My heart sinks as I see several figures guarding the exit of the palace. Four imperial guards, armed with spears, standing on either side of Juro'zet, who waits patiently before the towering wooden doors. He appears to have been meditating when we step into the room, snapping out of it upon noticing us.

"As expected, you dispatched the guards sent to retrieve you." He steps forward. "On the orders of my lord prefect, and the mandate of the emperor himself, I demand that you two surrender to imperial authority. This is your last chance to end this peacefully."

Zerius whirls his spear, pointing it at Juro'zet without saying a word. I hesitate, staring at the resolute azure dragon standing between us and freedom. He seems to be wearing a less flowing robe than before, the ends of the fabric tied to his limbs and leaving little loose cloth. Calm and collected, he wears an expression of supreme confidence.

"What have you done with Rel?" I ask, fearing the worst.

"He has already been apprehended, and is on his way to the capital." He sounds almost piteous.

"No..." I whisper, feelings of loneliness and fear erupting inside me. "No!"

Zerius rushes past me, twirling his spear as he crosses the room. Swinging it at Juro'zet, he aims a slice at his torso, the imperial guards making no attempts to stop him. With a subtle movement of his arm, Juro'zet catches the spear out of the air. Moving with nearly imperceptible speed, he pushes the weapon aside and rushes forward, launching a volley of strikes at Zerius. Each punch is accompanied by a blast of flame, his movements as smooth and flowing as quicksilver. With a final blow, he launches Zerius back with a burst of fire, causing the ebon dragon to skid along the ground before catching himself, vaulting back to his feet with a push of his lance, though looking worse for wear.

Juro'zet freezes for a moment, his palm thrust out from the attack, before flourishing back to a resting stance.

"You would be wise to surrender, as you will not get past me. Long have I studied the ways of the Vae-Fasit. No weapon holds sway over me."

The Vae-Fasit style is one of a handful of martial arts styles that is taught in the empire. It is considered an advanced style, due to the difficulty of teaching and learning it. It blends sinuous combinations of blows with our natural sorcery, with an emphasis on acrobatics and disarming attackers to level the playing field. It takes supreme physical mastery to flow as effortlessly as required into each attack, and an indomitable will to channel the elements through yourself with each strike. The fire that we conjure can still burn the conjuror, after all. The very few masters of such a style are essentially living weapons, having achieved a union of mind and body. While Juro'zet looks skilled, I doubt that he has reached the level of master.

The disorientation I've suffered since the feast is just beginning to wear off, but I am still far from capable of defending myself. The room slowly tilts and sways around me, upsetting my balance as my legs struggle to hold me in place. I wonder if it would be easier to simply surrender. I might reunite with Rel, and if we were to be executed, it would be okay as long as we perished together...

No. I cannot think like that. After coming this far, I cannot simply give up. I doubt Shen would allow us to live for long, and if he did, he would likely ensure that we regretted every moment of it. I will escape from this place, find Rel, and defeat Shen.

I begin to approach Juro'zet, swaying slightly, failing to walk in a straight line as I try to remain upright.

Zerius rushes forward again, holding his spear low, aiming a diagonal, upward slice. Feinting, he draws the weapon back, thrusting the sharp metal tip at Juro'zet. Juro inches aside, seizing the shaft of the spear with both hands and wrenching it from Zerius's grasp. He flings it aside and launches himself into the air, a gust of wind buffeting the room as it sends him airborne. His legs arc outwards, spiraling with bright trails of flame as the inflamed talons sweep downwards, breaking through Zerius's guard and forcing him to stagger backwards. Landing on his feet, Juro continues the assault, a quick spinning kick connecting with Zerius's jaw, turning him around from the impact. With grace and agility, Juro flows into a succession of flaming strikes, ending with a thrusting kick into Zerius's back, sending him to the floor with a sickening crunch of bone.

Rolling along the ground, Zerius comes to rest face up, gasping and grunting in pain. Visibly frustrated, he looks at me with a growing resignation.

"I'm... sorry, Zuro'ki. This is as far... as we go."

I look down at him, determination blazing in my eyes. I utter a single word, and it seems to resonate inside me.


I maintain my sloppy gait towards Juro'zet and our exit. Reaching inwards, I attempt to communicate with Long Ren. His now-familiar presence flares to life in my mind.

"Zuro'ki. Are you ready to embrace my power?" His voice is inquisitive, excited, already aware of my intent.

"I may yet regret this decision, but if I am to survive to reach my goals, I must put my life in your hands." My voice echoes in my consciousness.

"You are right to be wary, but this need not be a parasitic relationship. We shall share in each others power." His words are an attempt to appease me, but I have already braced myself for whatever outcome may occur. "All I require of you... is to let me in."

Skepticism grips me, but I push it aside, closing my eyes and focusing on his presence. I open my mind to him, feeling tendrils of energy prod at my consciousness, testing the resistance. Within seconds, his power begins to flow through me, filling my muscles with strength and vigor. I open my eyes, feeling light as a feather, the world seeming to come into clear view before me. My body begins to move of its own accord for the first time since within the shrine. It carries itself confidently towards Juro'zet, my balance restored, the presence that I had only felt in my head now coursing through my entire body.

"I am your creator, Zuro'ki." Long Ren echoes in my psyche. "Thus, I know the limits of your strength. But I also know what you are capable of. I will demonstrate."

Juro'zet lowers into an aggressive stance, his arms thrust out to his front and rear. His expression is one of resolve and pity.

"Zuro'ki, I do not wish to harm you. I apologize for what has happened here, and I lament your fate, but the emperor cannot be denied. Please, do not force my hand."

I speak, but it is not my words that are uttered. "We are leaving through that door, and if need be, through you."

I lunge forward, carried by a torrent of magical wind. Closing the distance between us in the blink of an eye, I lash out with a strike of my claws. Juro fails to react fast enough as my attack rakes his chest, tearing his robes and leaving a bloody streak. Undaunted, he counters with a series of attacks, his hands moving in a blur as he aims at several points on my body. Almost effortlessly, I deflect and block each attack in succession, my arms moving faster than I have ever seen, catching and redirecting every punch and chop. Juro seems startled by my display, and steps back to ready another attack.

Springing into the air, he spins at me, his twirling limbs encased in fire as they arc downward. My body steps forward into the attack, raising my hands up and seizing an airborne leg as it is inches away from striking me. Following the momentum of Juro's spin, I twirl around, using my leverage to slam him into the floor. He hits the stone with a loud crack, the rock fracturing from the impact. Still holding his leg, I bend it up and behind him as I lower myself over his face-down body, driving my knee into his spine. Arching his back, tail thrashing madly against me, he cries out in abject pain and agony, his face a bloodied grimace.

I hate to see such harm inflicted on another, especially one as outwardly polite and pleasant as Juro'zet, but it dawns on me that I am no longer in control of my body, having surrendered it to Long Ren. I begin to panic, trapped as a helpless observer, and I implore Long Ren to stop. To my surprise and relief, he releases Juro and stands upright as the four imperial guards rush him.

With no hesitation, Long Ren moves to dispatch the attackers with brutal efficiency. A swift, lunging elbow to a throat. A thrusting kick that splinters the armor. A swirling blast of wind, sending a body careening into the wall. A spear strike from an aggressor, seized and redirected, sweeping the legs out and slamming down. The movements are so fast and merciless, I have trouble following them. It would be trivial to deliver a killing blow to each one, but Long Ren seems to sense my distaste for such death, and relents. The four guards lay on the ground in various places around the room, stunned and writhing in pain. Long Ren stands calmly between them, adjusting his robes.

"You see?" Long Ren's thought beams to me in our currently-shared mind. "You are capable of this strength, if only you could understand how to wield it."

"What is there to understand? Your divine spark grants you such power."

"No, Zuro'ki. As I share your mortal vessel, I am limited by it. Everything I do is done in the constraints of the flesh."

Our inner conversation is interrupted by a sound on the far side of the room. Erun'razel stands in the doorway leading inward, his face wearing a look of utter melancholy. Long Ren tenses, but I urge him to stay his hand.

"Lord Zuro'ki... so it's true." Erun mutters. "You bear the divine spark of the Dragon. I apologize for this. It was never my intent to hand you over to the emperor, but... "

Long Ren stands silently, our collective consciousness listening to what Erun has to say for himself.

"What you spoke of is rebellion. Regicide." Erun continues. "Even if what you say is true, I cannot abide such thoughts." He pauses, his eyes cast to the ground.

"I had planned on letting you go," He continues, "but the emperor had already sent troops here to bring you to the capital. I could not disobey him." He sighs, looking up at us with pride and resignation. "Kill me if you must. I will not beg for my life."

"Erun!" Zerius cries out, still splayed on the ground and in pain. "If I had the strength, I would strangle you where you stand!"

"Erun'razel." I say, surprised that my own voice comes out of my mouth. "Your life remains yet your own, for I have no intention of taking it."

Finding myself temporarily in control of my body, I stride over and lift Zerius off the ground, hefting him onto my shoulder amidst his protestations and grunts of pain. He feels almost weightless. Walking to the doors leading outside, I turn back to Erun'razel, who looks back at me with sadness, and a hint of... admiration?

"Farewell." I stride out of the palace and into the cold, torchlit night.

Carrying Zerius on my shoulder, I walk down the path leading out of the citadel and towards the open gatehouse. I tense upon seeing the white-and-blue clad gate guards, but they make no move to stop me, instead simply eying me with caution. As I pass under the gate I address one of the guards.

"Why are you letting me through?"

He responds with a soldiers enthusiasm. "We have orders not to interfere."

I'm already glad I decided to spare Erun'razel; it looks like he was telling the truth. I suppose I cannot begrudge him of his actions; he was simply being loyal to his liege and respecting the status quo. Still vibrating with power, I confidently walk down the winding cliffside path leading to the village.

"Put me down, damn it!" Zerius whines as he shifts uncomfortably on my shoulder. "I am not some newborn whelp, I can walk. I'm just a little... sore."

I oblige, placing him on his feet before me. He slumps slightly, clutching his chest, trying to hide his pain.

"D-damn that Juro'zet. I think he cracked most of my ribs. I didn't think he'd be so skilled... I'm a little singed too." His clothes do have faint scorch marks.

I continue walking, slowing my pace so Zerius can keep up without straining himself.

"But you, Zuro. You defeated him without a scratch. You're harnessing your power again, aren't you? It radiates from you. Your eyes... they're pure white."

I elect not to respond as we round a turn, coming out on the slight crest of the hill leading into the village. Unfortunately, we are greeted by a dozen black-armored imperial guards, who notice us immediately and raise their weapons. Control of my body trickles away as Long Ren takes over. Several of them rush at us, apparently aware of our intent to escape their justice. The air around us grows hot, and with a wave of his hand, Long Ren sends a sweeping wave of flame towards the attackers. It seems to dissipate quicker than usual, serving only to flinch the oncoming group, sending them backwards a few steps as they shield their faces.

"Hmm." Long Ren muses. "Fire is less effective in this cold climate, of course. How foolish of me."

Another wave of his hand. Ice erupts upwards, extending several feet into the sky, trapping half of the guards in a frozen crystalline cage. Lifting his other hand, Long Ren curls the earth itself, the rock bending upwards, capturing the remaining guards within a bowl of upturned stone. He chuckles softly, pleased with himself.

"Even after all this time, I haven't lost my touch."

His effortless wielding of ice and earth amazes me. Fire and wind are both easy to manipulate, though wind can be difficult to concentrate to an effective degree, and is usually used simply to carry and direct fire. It takes an enormous effort to create a blast of wind strong enough to knock a person over, and while it can be used to propel yourself, using it in that way is risky and difficult to do reliably and intuitively without decades of practice. Those that have trained in such a method of movement are known as 'Zephyrs'.

In contrast, earth is very heavy and difficult to move with our power alone, usually requiring the concentrated efforts of several dragonkin just to shift a tiny hill. This makes it unusable in most combat situations.

Water suffers the same problem of wind, is slightly harder to wield due to its weight, and functions best with a source nearby. While our power allows us to condense moisture in the air, that creates only a small handful of water, and there's a limit to how much moisture can be pulled from one area.

As we can raise temperatures to create fire, we can also lower them to freeze water. This is largely inefficient, and the icy shards make for clumsy wind-borne projectiles.

Fire is the most readily used and widely available of the elements we can draw upon, requiring only clear air. Though it works best with an actual fuel source, it is rarely used with such aid, instead simply being hurled as a blast of quick-burning or super-heated air.

Electricity, while rarely used, is within the realm of our power. It is powerful, but inherently dangerous and unwieldy. It is difficult to compel a bolt of lightning to strike a specific target. It has proven to be wild, fickle energy; it does not bend to our will as readily as the other elements, and thus we discourage its use. However, its power cannot be denied. Little can stand against the flickering blades of light as they surge through and carve up their target.

We have developed our power to suit our combative needs. No real research has gone into practical uses for it, our people content to wield it for battle and little else. This is why the common people are left untrained in its use.

Long Ren returns control of my body to me and I saunter down the path, Zerius in tow. The shouts and protests of the imperial guards are audible over the soft nighttime wind. The rock prison shifts slightly as the captives inside attempt to move it, and the other guards are visible through their icy cage, flames streaking out of their hands as they slowly melt their way free.

Some of the villagers have awoken from the noise and commotion, staring at us as we approach the outer gate. Reaching the imposing structure, we are halted by a familiar face. The still handsome visage of Teko'ratel stands before us, in front of the closed gate.

"I am sorry, Lords Zuro'ki and Zerius. I cannot open the gate for you. The imperial guards have ordered it kept shut." His voice carries undirected bitterness, concealing the apologetic undertone.

I nod at Teko'ratel. "Unfortunate, but I understand."

I step out from underneath the gatehouse, scanning the starlit sky. The breeze is soft but constant, cold air whirling gently around us. Long Ren seizes control once again, but I can sense what he is planning.

"Zerius, hang on to me." Long Ren extends an arm.

He looks at me with disbelief. "Zuro'ki, this is no time for a hug."

Impatient, Long Ren steps forward, grabbing him around the waist. Surprised, Zerius hesitates, his arms bent at his sides.

Wind whips around us as my body crouches, my legs tensing like a coiled spring.

"I would hold on tightly." Long Ren says to Zerius.

Zerius's response is interrupted as we suddenly leap skyward. Wind rushes past us as we ascend rapidly, a frigid gale carrying us into the air. Caught by surprise, Zerius quickly latches on to my body, holding on for dear life. I think this is the first time I've seen him so scared of something. The ground falls away from us as we soar southwards, clearing the outer wall of Hearth and sailing onwards into the dark, white-covered fields. The bright moonlight is reflected by the layers of snow below us, illuminating everything with a dim luminescence.

Reaching the peak of our jump, we begin to descend, the ground rushing back up at us with alarming speed. Zerius closes his eyes and clings to me in abject terror, shrieking in fear as we plummet downwards. As we are about to hit the surface, we are cradled by a whirling cyclone of wind, slowing our descent. Landing on the snow with the grace of a feather, I release a terrified Zerius, who proceeds to speedily collect himself.

"Gah! That was... I could have used more warning!"

My response is interrupted by Long Ren speaking to me through my thoughts.

"I fear I have taxed your body greatly. I apologize."

"What do you mean?"

I receive my answer as Long Ren's presence pulls away from my body, returning to the recesses of my mind. The thrill of power in my limbs is replaced by a deep, undeniable weariness. I gasp, falling to my knees as my fatigue is forcefully made known. Exhaustion pulls me down... my eyelids are so heavy, I cannot keep my head up...

To Zerius's surprise, I collapse on the spot, overcome by my exertion.

My consciousness is drawn into another dream, the sensation becoming familiar. Long Ren stands before me, still a caricature of myself, radiant wings drawn back as he looks at me, his expression relaxed and comfortable.

I look over my dream reflection. "I did not think we had exerted my body so much."

Long Ren nods, stroking his chin. "I believe it's a product of our mental schism. I was not inhabiting your body so much as manipulating it. That is much less natural, more straining, as your body instinctively resists it."

I frown. "But, I had released my defenses. I let you in."

"Indeed, but I am still foreign to your mind, and thus, to your body. I apologize, I had not foreseen this. You will require a lot of rest, for now."

I note with a startling realization that I have formed a friendship with Long Ren. It has only been a short while since the events at the shrine; the change has been so fast. There is little trace of his old aggression and thirst for vengeance. Now, he has become a familiar presence, a comfortable feeling in my mind. The entire time he had control, I never felt that I was in danger, nor that I had no power over our actions. He listened to me, and did not abuse the privilege.

"Long Ren..." I say, looking at him with a smile. "Thank you. You saved us."

Returning my smile, he looks back at me, pure white eyes glimmering with a hint of gratitude. "Thank you, Zuro'ki, for placing your trust in me. I know you had concerns about my intent, and you were given little choice, but I appreciate the gesture all the same."

His smiling visage blurs into the foggy background as I begin to awaken.

I rouse from my slumber, taking a moment to gain my bearings.

I appear to be in a makeshift shelter. Limbs from the trees around me are bent to cover a small area, the lattice of branches obscuring the sky and shielding me from most of the chilly breeze. The snow on the floor has been melted away, revealing the layer of dirt underneath, a light snowfall visible outside the entrance of the shelter. The murky sunlight outside is beginning to fade; I must have been out for most of the afternoon. At my feet, a small pit has been dug, sitting in the center of the unnatural clearing. A small fire blazes inside it, the smoke gathering along the wooded ceiling as it slowly filters out through the gaps, leaving a haze that covers the upper half of the shelter.

I notice with a start that Zerius is lying next to me, dozing idly. We are close, our scales touching, his warm body providing comfort to me. As I stir, he awakens with a jolt.

"Zuro'ki!" He exclaims, propping himself up on his arms. He notices how close we are, and sidles away. "Ah... you had me worried. You just collapsed, and I couldn't wake you. Using that power really took it out of you, did it?"

Stretching, I sit up, my body still wearied from the experience. My fatigued muscles strain with each action. I let out a breath of air, shifting the smoke around my head.

"How are your injuries?" I inquire.

He strokes his abdomen, wincing slightly. "I'm a little tender, but I'll live."

"Thanks for taking care of me, Zerius." I say, smiling at him. "You did a good job on this shelter."

"Oh, it was nothing. I'm not an expert on wilderness survival, but I had a lot of time to waste while you were sleeping. I carried you a little ways south and found this patch of trees." I see a glimpse of bashfulness under his calculated response.

"I hope they don't find us here." I say. Being forced to channel Long Ren's power again so soon could be dangerous.

"We're a little out of the way, and I doubt they'd chase after us so quickly after your performance."

We sit quietly for a while, the fire crackling softly as I stare into it, lost in the licking flames. Zerius breaks the silence.

"Zuro..." He murmurs. "Did you mean it?"

I look at him inquisitively.

"When you said you cared for me."

Memories of our drunken rendezvous spark to life in my mind, my recollection hazy from the intoxication. I remember my strong feelings towards him, discovering that they are just as powerful now as they were during the night.

He stares at me with anticipation, anxiously awaiting my answer.

"I meant it. You are important to me, Zerius."

He glances away, looking pensive. After a moment of silence, he speaks again.

"I've never met anyone like you, Zuro. You're so kind, and serene." He pauses, gazing at me. "And beautiful..."

"Beautiful?" I blush, flattered by the abrupt praise.

"Yes. I've never held any favor towards moonborn, but you... your snout is so shapely... your scales shine in the light... and your tail..." He speaks with unconcealed awe, punctuated by short pauses as his eyes wander over my body.

His awkward compliments catch me off guard, and I simply stare at him, unable to find an appropriate response. He slides closer, our scales touching once more. He rests a hand on my chest, lightly stroking the fabric of my robes, a second hand softly caressing my thigh. I shudder at his touch. He stares at me, eyes glimmering with fascination.

"Zuro... I..." He whispers. "I think I love you."

My breath catches in my throat. "Zerius..."

My protest is silenced as his muzzle surges into my own, words failing as our lips meet. My body grows hot as I fall prey to passion, our tongues dancing with one another with mouths interlocked. His caress grows firm, hands sliding around the folds of my clothing, searching for a way inside. Wordlessly, his hands explore my figure, stroking and petting, our breathing turning rapid and fervent. I wither under his affections, slowly falling sway to my burgeoning arousal as I lean back onto the soft dirt.

His touch becomes more aggressive, more lustful, as he shifts his position, now kneeling over me and tugging at my clothing.

"Gods, Zuro." He whispers between heated, sloppy kisses. "I want to take you... so badly."

I can only manage a panting moan, assaulted by his impassioned attentions. He takes his hands away from me for a moment, swiftly working his robes to expose his engorged crimson member. It pokes out from between his legs, curving upwards slightly, as if eagerly awaiting what is to come. I feel a draft as he does the same to me, peeling my robes away and uncovering my sensitive regions.

Zerius leans over me, his body pressing down on mine, lining up his hips with my own. Slipping a hand down, he guides the tip of his shaft to my entrance, pushing it in slightly, as a craftsman sets a nail ready to be hammered. As we breathlessly nip and kiss at each other, he presses himself into me, the lack of lubrication pinching and causing me to shift in discomfort. I grip him lightly with my claws, scratching the surface of his scales. He responds by seizing my arms and holding them against the ground, pinning me down. I struggle against his grip, but surrender after little effort, finding myself even more aroused by this act of dominance.

With each inch stuffed inside my tailhole, Zerius groans into my mouth, tensing and shuddering. His raw, passionate bliss is something I have not seen or felt for a while. It brings back memories of Rel and I and our first time. That seems so long ago. Oh Rel...

Pushing to the hilt, Zerius pants and grunts, his hips rocking against mine. The friction of his embedded member lessens as his precum leaks into my insides. Trembling, he slowly withdraws his member before pushing it in again, the reentry aided by the copious amounts of precum freshly coating my entrance. My own member strains as it is pressed against our bellies, our scales incidentally rubbing it as Zerius shifts above me, the sensation teasing and titillating me.

Zerius settles into a rhythm, thrusting steadily into me, his breathing erratic as he strains to not lose himself in the pleasure. My bowels massage his cock as he fills my rear with each shaky, measured thrust. His body presses close to mine, his hands gripping me tightly as his pace slowly increases, his thrusts becoming more intense and aggressive, pounding me with increasing vigor. I squirm as I am firmly held and mated, his musky scent overpowering me, my eyes whirling in the ecstasy of it all.

Zerius's grunting turns into cries and gasps of desperate pleasure, his slickened shaft gliding in and out of my warm, receptive hole. Releasing me, he lifts my legs and rests them on his shoulders, arms wrapping around my waist and cradling my behind. My bottom is raised slightly off the ground, his weight pressing down as he slams into me, our bodies writhing against one another.

I moan aloud, my penis sandwiched between our belly scales and being stroked dangerously near to completion by our heaving, squirming motions. Zerius's tail thrashes about as his breathing grows urgent and hurried, his rhythm reaching a feverish peak, bumping my body with each plunge of his quivering dragon-hood. I feel myself reaching my limit, driven by the incessant intrusion into my soft, sensitive interior.

"Ergh... haa... I'm...!" Zerius pants, his face a grimace. I manage a lustful moan in response, my body tensing for the finish.

Slamming into me with unbridled passion, Zerius arches his back and cries out, his warm seed exploding into me as he squeezes me tightly, his hips smacking forward with each pulse of warm cum. Helplessly driven over the edge, I dig my claws into the dirt as my orgasm tears though me, my cock throbbing and shooting sticky ropes between our chests, slathering us with pearly goo.

Zerius collapses onto me, his quivering hips still softly rocking against me, our simultaneous climaxes winding down. We lazily nibble and nip at each other, catching our breath and enjoying the peaceful afterglow. Adjusting his position, Zerius pulls out from inside me, his softening flesh retreating from my rear and leaving behind a warm, filled sensation.

Only now, after the sexual tension has been dissipated, do my doubts and apprehensions surface. My thoughts fixate on Rel. I fear for his safety, there is no telling what Shen will do to him. I hope he's okay. Damn it, I have to go to him.

Zerius is still lying on top of me, gazing at me with contentment. I shift my position, trying to slide out from underneath him.

"What's wrong, Zuro?" His smile fades a little.

"I have to go, Zerius. I must go south, to the palace."

He rolls off of me, rising to his knees. "But I... are you even okay to travel?"

His question is answered as I stumble while making for the exit. Falling onto all fours, my body trembles with weakness.

"I... I was okay, until we..." I feebly attempt to place the blame on our rigorous coitus.

Zerius crawls over to me, resting a hand on my back. "Relax, Zuro. I guess you need more rest."

He tugs at me, guiding me back to our resting spot. I lie back in the dirt as Zerius plops down next to me. I can't help but feel comforted by his warmth, but his affection seems somehow... emptier than it did moments ago, as my thoughts are firmly focused on Rel. I feel an arm wrap around me as Zerius cuddles close. This constant, uncharacteristic affection that he has been showing is mostly lost on me now, my mind occupied with fresh doubts and anxieties.

My body ignores my whirling thoughts, and soon my mind follows suit, drifting into an uneasy, fitful sleep.

The sky is cloudless, the morning sun shining through the branches around me, gleaming off the surface of the snow. I adjust my robes and fasten my scabbard, my breath rising as a faint mist in front of my eyes. The thin layer of snow bunches up between my bare talons, and I mentally curse myself, regretting not acquiring a pair of footwraps from Hearth before I left.

Zerius climbs out of the shelter, standing next to me as we gaze out onto the fields before us.

"So, you're going to the palace."

I nod towards him. "Yes. Rel is in danger, and I can think of no other course of action."

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" His tone is half pleading, half resignation.

I sigh. "We've already tried to recruit allies, and that caused more damage than it was worth. What makes you think the eastern serpents would deign to help us?"

"I don't know. Even if we were forced to give ridiculous concessions, I would rather have the serpents support us than to have to rely on ourselves."

"Mmm." I respond, my gaze wandering.

He steps closer to me, wrapping an arm around me and leaning close. "I don't expect to sway you, so please, for me... and Rel'zeo... don't do anything reckless."

I look at him and smile. "Do I look like a reckless person?"

He steps away, chuckling. "Maybe not, but Long Ren is in there too, remember."

We take a few moments to prepare ourselves for our individual journeys. We try to carefully deconstruct the shelter, attempting to leave no trace of our presence. Unfortunately, we do a poor job, and the branches are mangled in the process. The large patch of snow-less ground is a giveaway as well. We shrug at each other, this sort of thing far from being our expertise.

Eventually we are standing a few paces apart, our meager preparations complete.

Zerius shifts from foot to foot nervously. "Zuro, uh... good luck."

I stride forward, enveloping him in a big hug. He pauses for a minute, surprised by the suddenness of the embrace, but returns it with gusto.

"You take care of yourself, Zerius. I'll see you at the palace, right?"

"Y-yeah. I'll bring some friends, hopefully." He stammers a little, visibly blushing from my affection. It's strange seeing someone who is usually aloof and severe act so bashfully around me. I can't help but smile.

I can tell he would probably prefer to accompany me, but his logic has overruled his passion, and he has elected to appeal to the eastern serpents for help. Maybe he's doing it for my sake, knowing that I won't leave Rel to his fate to caper around the world seeking aid. Perhaps after the scene in Hearth he feels he will be of little help at my side, since I have the power of the divine at my beck and call. It lightens my heart to know that inside Zerius beats the heart of someone who still cares about the things around him, despite the cruelty he may have suffered over the years.

With a final goodbye, we go our separate ways.


And thus the fellowship was broken - I mean everyone has gone to different places. Abundant perspective switching is a go.