[Tabs and Kuz - The Show]

Story by tabsterleir on SoFurry

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I feel like a real furry now.

And so, egged on by my partner-in-all-things-dirty-and-naughty (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty), I have written my first ever dirty story involving Tabitha and Kuzma, her partner. Be gentle, I've never written one before so it will no doubt be terrible. I don't think I'm good at sexual imagery, but here we go anyway.

Also, i'm not 100% certain my spell and grammar check is working (stupid Libreoffice). Corrections may come as I find mistakes.

"Are you ready?" Kuzma rumbled quietly to the small Kraskit woman who sat beside him on the soft mattress of their bed. He turned and flashed her a look tinged with concern. But Tabitha returned it with a confident smile that calmed his nerves and diluted his apprehensions of what they were about to attempt (something of which they had never attempted before). Tabitha sat completely bare, her arms bound behind her back with a short piece of rough cord. Across her plated brow ran a piece of soft cloth to serve as a blindfold with a matching piece hanging gently around her neck to serve as a makeshift gag. "Of course I am Kuz. You'll do fine!" she said with an unusual air of cheer. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" he asked, his voice low. Tabitha shuffled (a little awkwardly) closer to him and pressed a warm kiss onto his furry cheek. "I trust you completely. If anything goes wrong I will give you the signal OK? Nothing will go wrong!" she cooed to him. Drawing in a breath, he let a grimace pass over his face for a second before letting it fade and giving her a slow nod. "Alright" he said. He reached up with his furry hands, one of which could almost encompass her head completely and gently lowered the blindfold over her deep red eyes, closing them in the process. Letting his hands drop slightly, he lifted the cloth gag and secured it in her mouth, letting her bite down before he adjusted the knot underneath her hair and tightened it.

And with that, the show began.

His palm suddenly moved to her bare chest and shoved her roughly, throwing her bodily backwards into the bedspread with a soft "Pomf!" of fabric and a small noise of surpise from the female. As if to protect herself, Tabitha drew her legs up into small pillars and closed them tight, sealing her loins away behind the two walls of her soft thighs. But Kuzma wasn't about to allow that. Closing his hands around her knees he wrenched them open, spreading her legs wide and pressing them into the mattress, pinning him there with his weight. Tabitha squirmed and struggled slightly, a quiet whimpering escaping her throat. A flash of hesistation struck Kuzma like lightning before he shook it away. "It's all been planned, all been discussed, all been prepared for. She is just acting!" he chided himself internally. He curled his lips up and leaned forward, snarling at the female in a wordless warning centimetres from her face. She ceased her struggles almost immediately and fell silent. "As am I" he reminded himself, a little grimly.

Kuzma pulled himself backwards and dragged Tabitha towards the edge of the bed, dropping into a kneel in front of her. He lowered his large head between her legs, letting the edge of his left horn run gently along the inside of her thigh as his muzzle approached her loins. His careful action prompted a shiver from his "prey" and a slight twitch of her leg. Stopping just millimeters from her opening, he took in a breath and huffed it out, sending a warm burst across her outer lips. She jumped as if electrocuted, bouncing in the now softer grip he had on her legs. He let out another huff, pleased at the identical response. A third elicited a small pained moan from the female, as if to say "Stop teasing and just do something!" But Kuzma took time with his lover, now letting his nose sniff in exploration through the fur around her flower and thighs. Another quiet moan forced it's way through the gag in Tabitha's mouth, causing Kuzma to break into a pleased smile as he peered across her lithe form. Returning his attention to her loins, he opened his mouth and let his tongue hang out, brushing it very gently across her labia. Tabitha bucked and gasped in surprise, lifting her head to look down at the intruder between her legs. Kuzma let out another growl and reached up, placing a hand on her stomach and shoving her back down. The Kraskit obeyed, laying perfectly still. Kuzma extended his tongue again and ran it excrutiantingly slowly from the base of her lips to her clitoris, feeling her moisten almost immediately. Her legs struggled and trembled slightly, her torso shuddering ever so gently from the sensation. Lifting his tongue away, he granted her another long lick from bottom to top, quietly loosening his hold on her legs as they began to close around his skull. A third lick forced a shuddering gasp through the gag, Tabitha's hands wrenched at her bindings as if she wished to reach down and pet him gently. But that was against the "rules" and she caught herself just in time. Kuzma admired her restraint with bemusement, pulling himself away from his work and letting her sit quietly in silence.

The second she twitched again he struck.

He leaned forward and opened his maw wide, letting his tongue push deep inside her with little warning. For the first time ever he heard Tabitha let out a high pitched squeal, her hands involuntarily gripping the bed covers beneath them as if she were about to fall into oblivion. He reached up and closed his hands around her waist, pulling himself deeper into her warmth as his tongue twisted and explored up and down, left and right, drinking deeply of her juices as they flooded his mouth. Tabitha was lost in her own mind, her body twisting and thrashing as if simultaneously trying to escape and egg him on. Her chest rose and fell with increasing speed as she gasped for air, her legs now wrapped securely around his head and drawing him in deeper. Inside her his tongue undulated and shifted, never staying in one position nor repeating a movement as he slaked his thirst with his lover's essense. He lifted himself away slightly and withdrew his tongue, letting it manipulate the small bead of her clitoris ever so gently. Tabitha was repeating something approximating a call to the deities above now, her back arched and her legs squeezing his head with almost as much strength as she could muster. He could feel her edging closer to her peak, her body involuntarily thrusting gently into his muzzle as he sucked softly on her clitoris before letting his tongue knead and work her lips. He felt her breathing grow sharper and louder as she drew ever so closer to her limit. Finally, her thighs began that telltale pulsing, uncontrolled and furious, that indicated she was about to have a very hard and very satisfying orgasm.

So he pulled himself away and dropped her back onto the bed. The noise that followed could only be described as a muffled howl of pure, unadulterated and feral frustration multiplied by the realisation that she was totally helplessness to continue on her own. She appeared to struggle internally with this fact, squrming and struggling against her binds in protest as her loins wept profusely down her buttocks and dampened the bed covers. Finally regaining control of herself, she sagged defeated and let out a long sigh through the gag. Kuzma let out a mocking chuckle, enjoying his temporary character. He lifted the Kraskit woman with ease and pushed her down the bed, climbing onto the mattress in front of her. He leaned forward and loomed over her, his hand closing around his member (which by now stood at attention and was quite hard). He pressed his muzzle into Tabitha's neck, kissing, licking and nipping at the flesh and fur that covered her from head to toe. He felt her shiver a little and jump with each soft bite but she didn't struggle, as if she was now at peace with her obediance with the promise of reward. He lowered the head of his member and pressed it gently at her entrance, prodding her lips softly, almost mockingly. The moaning returned as the female tried desperately to push herself onto his manhood herself (thwarted by Kuzma expertly pulling away whenever she made progress). He waited until she gave up, sagging again underneath his heavy form before he finally granted the female her reward.

He gave her no time to adapt or prepare (although by now she was more than used to his length and girth), he simply pressed the head of his member between her legs and pushed onward into the intense heat and pressure. Tabitha gasped underneath him and curled as her insides were forcibly intruded upon, his shaft sliding deep into her with only her natural tightness offered as resistance. In a matter of seconds his base collided with her hips, his manhood buried completely inside the female. He reached down with his hand and closed it around a clump of her hair, using his other hand to rip her gag away roughly so he could kiss her with passion. His tongue wove around hers, offering her a sample of her own flavours before he pulled away and clasped a large hand over her mouth, silencing her once more. With a shift of his hips he withdrew his shaft out of her, stopping until only his head sat snug inside her before he thrust forward once again and impaled her once more. Inside her he felt his tip collide with her inside, sending a shockwave of pain lancing up her spine that arched her back and caused her to gag underneath his hand. But she was given no reprieve nor mercy as he shifted into a rhythm, sliding his member in and out of her with speed and without care. Tabitha jerked and bounced underneath his imposing figure as she was mated with, her breathing desperate and heavy. Kuzma pressed his face into her neck and increased his intensity, the soft "Paf!" of his furry crotch against hers now a steady and constant sound.

The bed beneath them groaned in protest as he penetrated her roughly over and over for what seemed like an eternity. His own peak was approaching quickly, his breathing becoming heavier and hotter on the females fur. Suddenly Tabitha let out a cacophony of screams and yelps beneath his fur as she climaxed, her back contorting upward and pressing her soft breasts into his own fur. He forced her back down onto the bed, snarling and snapping as if nothing more than a beast while he forced himself into her pulsing and gripping tunnel. He was building very quickly, enjoying the release from civility and morality as he concentrated on his sole purpose and singular in his endeavours: To flood his lover with his seed. He worked his arms underneath her frame and lifted off the bed and into his chest, using all of his strength to rut the smaller creature at his mercy. With a few final, violent thrusts he roared and forced himself as deep as he go into the female, his manhood erupting in a fountain of white hot liquid that quickly filled her trembling body. At the same time he brought his muzzle down and clamped it savagely on her shoulder, his teeth grinding against the bone beneath as she howled in pain. He didn't let go as he bucked and ground against her, his member firing again and again deep inside her. He felt his own fluids begin to leak around his shaft and matt the fur at his base, but he paid it no mind. Tabitha herself could do nothing but grip clumps of his fur for leverage and squeeze herself around his shaft, coaxing more and more of his seed out of him and into her.

The show was over. Kuzma immediately let go of her shoulder and lay her down, his hands tearing the blindfold off her face as he inspected her body. He was still inside her, her loins covered in semen and her own fluids. Her eyes were slightly wet from tears but her face bore an exhausted but exhilarated smile. Blood leaked freely from the collection of teeth marks on her shoulder, prompting him to wince. He leaned forward and kissed her again deeply, stroking her hair softly as he pulled himself away and stared into her eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked in a mixture of fear, concern and guilt. Tabitha reached up and brushed his cheek gently, her chest heaving as she drew in air and her fur glistening with sweat. "I'm fine...that was...amazing..." she said in between panted breaths. Kuzma regarded her for a second before he leaned forward and over her, working his hips to free himself from her nethers. He lay beside her and drew her into his chest fur, squeezing her tight. "I thought I got a little carried away" he surmised quietly, but Tabitha shook her head in protest and lifted herself away from his chest fur. "I'm OK Kuz, really. I had a great time OK?" she said reassuringly, flashing him a smile before leaning up and kissing him again. "You were crying!" he exclaimed a little loudly in protest. Tabitha chuckled and pressed his nose playfully, the way she always did when she thought he was being "silly". "You bit me you goomba, of course i'm crying! It hurt! But it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy myself. Stop overreacting, you're ruining the moment." she fired back cheekily. Kuzma sighed and shook his head, clasping her in a hug again. "If you're so worried about me you can carry me to the shower and patch me up" she said, her voice muffled by his thick fur.

"Next time I won't go so easy on you, smartass" Kuzma shot back with his own cheek, lifting himself and his partner off the bed with ease. Tabitha offered him a wink as she hung in his arms, reaching up to clap a hand on his shoulder and squeeze it. "Maybe i'll get to bite you next time. Now mush!" she said, pointing to the half closed door of the bathroom nearby.