The Hockey Hunk Season 6 Primer and Q&A

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#1 of Hockey Hunk Season 6

The Hockey Hunk Season 6 Question and Answer session! :P

Hello, everyone! With the new season premiering at the lightning speed of next Monday, I thought it'd be fun to run one of these journals again, to let everyone gather some thoughts about the past season and maybe hear a few tidbits of the upcoming one as well! So read carefully...Gruffy just might slip :P


Gruffy: Good afternoon, Gruffy!

Gruffy: Good afternoon, dearier!

_ _

Gruffy: Nhahahahahahahaha!

Gruffy: Robert Carlyle should do more of those laughs in the show as of late.

_ _

Gruffy: Oh you watch it too?

Gruffy: By all means! It is a most amusing television programme.

_ _

Gruffy: Is someone trying to sound posh here? *glare*

Gruffy: I do not confess to any such act thereof.

_ _

Gruffy: And most of rain in Spain is on the plain, eh?

Gruffy: the plane! the plane!

_ _

Gruffy: Can we get to business, now, fuzzbutt? Your striped posterior might otherwise be in danger of being...nibbled.

Gruffy: By you? But I don't write that kind of stories!

_ _

Gruffy: If it's a mysterious metaphysical copy of you, it doesn't count!

Gruffy: Now that might be a fair point. Hmmmmm.

_ _

Gruffy: Season 5 ended quite suddenly. Was that planned?

Gruffy: Not as deeply as I thought I would. I just suddenly got the feeling that in order to get forward with the story, I must do something drastic, and while it did not displease me, I know that it was still somewhat abrupt. Then again, I also knew that I should probably start the new season soon, anyway, was a good match, I think. It was a good place to stop. The season did go on for quite some time.

_ _

Gruffy: Dat ass!

Gruffy: I planned the party sequence weeks ago, months ago, really. I just sat down and wrote: "Cobb's party" and then I listed all sorts of outrageous things that he could do there. *chuckles* I tried to come up with something that would make sense, I mean, something Cobb would do. Serving craft beer he keeps bragging about and all too much food and those awful slowly grew around my notes, really. One of the details I had to cut was the penis-shaped ice cubes, because that was a little bit too much, but it was funny. Sometimes things are too funny, though, or they don't' fit the overall image of the story or the scene, so it has to be held back. Sometimes I can't do everything I want without things becoming a farce.

_ _

Gruffy: Shouldn't we still be talking about Cobb's posterior?

Gruffy: Everyone's favourite bi-curious bottom in those leather pants.

_ _

Gruffy: *gasp* You don't say!

Gruffy: I don't think anyone minds the fan service that is Jacob John Holden, in leather pants or not.

_ _

Gruffy: Meanie. We still want to see Cobb-action!

Gruffy: I have something in the works that will feature Cobb-action alright, but that's a hush hush for now. *chuckle* But you'll be thanking a commissioner for that, but that's all I can say about it at the time.

_ _

Gruffy: Some people found Cobb's party somewhat offensive.

Gruffy: What I think is that Cobb is innocent enough, somehow, somewhere in that strange mind of his, that he was quite earnest in what he did. I think...isn't it a stereotype that gay men are rather ironic and can easily laugh at themselves? The larger than life queen with a court of eager admirers around him, listening to his witty remarks about people and topical issues? The Oscar Wilde kind of a thing? Now, somehow I think that Cobb is smarter than we think, socially, and that I think that he was genuinely thinking that by staging such a parody of a party, he could have made people relax. It was just too over the top and I think he knew it. I think Victor knows it too, but he just...can't give his brother that kind of slack. Otherwise Cobb would be completely out of control, and he knows it. But hey, at least Nicholas and Demetrius enjoyed the party!

_ _

Gruffy: So what's going on between those two? Really? With that mysterious undressing and video filming in Nicholas' office all that time ago and all...

Gruffy: Oh you haven't figured it out yet? *chuckles* Well, it hasn't been explicitly stated, but there is something going on between Nicholas and Demetrius alright, but I'm not going to tell you what, not yet. That'd spoil a nice surprise that will come up sooner or later.

_ _

Gruffy: You tease!

Gruffy: What else can I do? I've been thinking of writing a murder mystery story, too, all these Gruffhangers are a nice practice for that.

_ _

Gruffy: Murders on the streets of Kirk City?

Gruffy: I'm not sure that Kirk City is quite noir enough for that, but Rory did once tramp along the sidewalk wishing he'd be wearing a film noir trench coat that was flapping behind him in the rustling wind.

_ _

Gruffy: How can you remember stuff like that?

Gruffy: Well the problem is that I don't always remember stuff anymore. I do have extensive notes, but even I misplace stuff, and sometimes write in such a frenzy that I forget what I wrote! That's why, for example, a little while back I had to go through large parts of the story to find what Peter's half-brother is called. I just knew I'd said it at some point but I just forgot it! How rude of me. He's called Raymond, by the way. His stepdad is called Dennis. Funny enough, Peter didn't mention what his biological father is called, simply calling him dad. But that's a wonderful chapter, anyway. A lot of talk about parenthood and family in that one. And that's always an important theme in the series.

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Gruffy: So even the Gruffy isn't infallible...

_ _

Gruffy: the Gruffy now? Heheh. Reminds me of how Rory almost always refers to Cobb as the Cobb. I think that's probably the funniest definite article use in the whole story, if even such a thing can be said to exist. But why not?

_ _

Gruffy: Well that reminds me - what happened to COBBPSEAK? I've seen an awful deficiency of that lately!

Gruffy: That's a fair point, you know! I think it stems from the fact that whenever the real Cobb is heavily involved in the story, the imaginary version that lives in Rory's head goes kind of dormant because there's so much of the real deal going on. And there's so much Cobb that it's best to let him be himself.

_ _

Gruffy: He really is a standout character.

Gruffy: Well, every character needs a...a counterpart, I suppose, and Cobb is certainly Victor's counterpart. And...I think what people don't always realize is that I think that Cobb and Victor are much more alike than you'd think. Both have a hot temper, for starters, and I think that growing up, they were more like a double act than the sparring partners they are nowadays. How do we know that Victor didn't get into as much mischief as Cobb? Maybe he just levelled down a bit with time and different life experiences. So, I think that through Cobb we learn much about Victor as well. And Victor's obviously symbiotic, even if grudgingly so, relationship with his brother is a good contrast to Rory's warm enough but still somewhat distant relationship with his own brother. They seem to be more like friends than siblings. in comparison, Victor and Cobb's love for each other is passionate and torrid, as family often is.

_ _

Gruffy: Going back to family again.

Gruffy: I've been thinking about it a lot, the different kind of families people form, really. I think season 6 will explore that theme a bit more as well, considering everything that will be going on, and is going at the moment. Relationships will have to be re-defined.

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Gruffy: Sounds ominous!

Gruffy: Spoilers! *British accent*

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Gruffy: *groan*

Gruffy: *smeck*

_ _

Gruffy: *purr*

Gruffy: Now now. So, yes, family! Some family issues will be raised I think. With so much back story to the characters now, I think it's safe to dwell a bit deeper into their characters, see what makes them tick a bit more. The honeymoon is over. *chuckle* I've been writing for three years, after all, it's about time.

_ _

Gruffy: That sounds awfully serious!

Gruffy: Well, the story shall have its serious themes, but it shall remain the mostly light, entertaining read it is, without forgetting that life is not always easy going, not even when you really want it to. That does not mean that overt drama has to happen, not necessarily. I see it detrimental to storytelling at times, too. I put many of the characters through extreme situations already, it's time to see the long-term effects and to see many plotlines come to further fruition.

_ _

Gruffy: Sounds exciting!

Gruffy: It certainly is, since now both me and the readers are so involved in the story. Now's the time when the good stuff begins, I hope, I certainly do! It's the reader involvement that makes it special, whether it's fan fiction, or just commenting or even leaving a vote or fan much is going on, it's quite fun to see. I can never underestimate its value to me, too.

_ _

Gruffy: That is fantastic to hear.

Gruffy: This doesn't mean that the story will remain static, though, a lot will happen, and things will have to change, gradually, as they always do. So keep expecting the unexpected, certainly. *chuckle*

_ _

Gruffy: So...more gruffhangers?

Gruffy: Oh, definitely.

_ _

Gruffy: Owww.

Gruffy: Oh I know you just love them as much as I do!

_ _

Gruffy: *whistles*

Gruffy: Typical. *harrumph*

_ _

Gruffy: Aww, but who would you argue with rather than yourself?

Gruffy: Exactly! ^^

_ _

Gruffy: That's not very literate of you, using smileys like that.

Gruffy: ^^

Gruffy: about the burning question...MASON AND HAAKON AAAAAH?

Gruffy: Oh, my. Yes...well...all I can say at this point is that both will feature majorly during season 6, there are large plotlines for them that shall intertwine amusingly with the rest of the cast and the story. So expect to be surprised again!

_ _

Gruffy: Hopefully surprises that involve some form of personal lubricant...

Gruffy: How nice :P

_ _

Gruffy: That's not a no!

Gruffy: it's certainly not a blunt no. *chuckle*

_ _

Gruffy: Hooboy!

Gruffy: All in due time.

_ _

Gruffy: Anything else you'd like to say before we let others make questions?

Gruffy: I've got exciting plans for the season, and I hope that people will join me to enjoy it!

_ _

Gruffy: Well thanks for chatting with me about The Hockey Hunk and stuff, this was a pleasure as always.

Gruffy: Much obliged!

_ _

Gruffy: ^^

Gruffy: There we go!