Ice Heat

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#12 of Heat side stories

Well a tad later than promised but here is the next side story for heat. With this one I wanted to show the polar people and I get the feeling I have been too negate about them so I wanted to show they can be just as open as any. I wanted to explore their culture and show their world, or a small corner of it anyway. For those really just interested in sex I should say that there is plenty but it starts after a good 12 pages of story... anyway I hope people enjoy and please, if you do, fave, comment or vote.I thrive on feedback and strong feedback drives me to want to write more.

Paulo stared in disbelief as his next client disembarked the small transport cab that had braved the snows to drop him off. The large bear subtly leaned back to peak inside the vehicle, in case by some million to one shot the little lizard, currently pulling cases out of the cab's luggage compartment, was just sharing with his real client. However, all he saw inside the cab was the driver staring vacantly back at him.

Sighing heavily the bear plastered a fake smile on his face. It had been a bad season, with the dragos war drawing off most of the young adventurous polars, who were his bread and butter, he couldn't afford to turn down a paying customer. As the cab began to pull away the bear stepped forward.

The lizard was a good two foot shorter than the polar, and his body was more wiry than the chunky bear. Still his green eyes were bright and intelligent. " Mr Clive?" He asked his voice low and rumbling over the ice.

"No Mr just Clive. Are you Paulo, the guide I hired?" The little lizard replied smiling widely and shaking the bear's proffered paw politely, then brushing his red hair out of his eyes as he looked up at the huge bear.

Giving the lizard a slightly more sinister grin the bear replied. "If I wasn't you'd be in trouble, these ice wastes are not somewhere even Polar traverse without assistance. These are the Karrichen ice fields, one of the most dangerous habitats on all of Polar. Without an experienced guide a polar would stand almost no chance of surviving, small green aliens would probably be dead in hours."

It was a cheap tactic, but it often got his young polar customers to agree to longer and more expensive safaris to prove how unafraid they were. Clive, however, was more well travelled than most of his customers and saw the tactic for what it was. "Sorry, you can't appeal to my macho side, beside I'm already paying for your most expensive trip."

"True, but it pays to keep in practice." The bear replied with a smile as he picked up the lizard's luggage as if it weighed nothing and took it into the small shack that served as his base of operations and his home. He stopped in the doorway and despite his desperation he turned to ask. "Look, sales pitches aside, are you sure about this? I mean I wasn't lying this is not the sort of environment a... whatever you are, should be wandering around in.

"Quite sure. "The lizard replied earnestly. "My people are the Laceria, we are part of the Feline and Equine Alliance. We don't tend to travel much, in fact I am probably one of only a handful of us to leave our world and the first to leave the Alliance."

The bear wandered inside and the lizard followed, Paulo's hut was quite basic. One large guest room with six beds. They were rarely used as mostly the bear took his guests straight out into the wilderness. However, sometimes the weather was too bad even for polars to venture out. In those circumstances he offered some basic bed and board. "You really aren't filling me with confidence."

"I want to show my people that we can be part of the universe. So I have travelled a lot, taken images of over fifteen worlds." The lizard replied calmly as he pulled a rather expensive camera out of one of his bags. "I have climbed up and into the super-volcanoes on Felios. I have travelled through the rain forests of Earth. I spent a week among the hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean on Cetacia Prime. The glaciers of Polar are said to be beautiful. The rainbow glaciers of the Karrichen ice fields are something I have come a long way to see and to show my people. Now I have paid you a lot of money for a tour of the rainbow fields are you going to take me on the tour or do I need to find a new guide?"

Paulo couldn't help but be impressed by the lizard's speech, except for his tour in the military, he'd never travelled more than thirty miles from the ice fields. "Well, you wouldn't find any other guide who would take you out this close to hibernation. Also, I have been travelling these glaciers since I was five I will get you to places in the rainbow glacier that no other guide could."

"Right well, my backpack is ready, you have the supplies and everything we need?" Clive asked as he picked out a backpack from his luggage.

"Yeah I got all the supplies we'll need for a three day trip into the glaciers. Couple of tents, bed rolls, portable heater units and a ration generator." Paulo was actually quite proud of the gear he had gathered over the years. The ration generator was especially useful, a small device capable of turning out thousands of small ration bars. He didn't understand the science behind how it did it's job, all that mattered was this one device could feed a pack of polar for three months without a recharge. It saved carrying large quantities of food out onto the ice.

"Then let's go, I want to spend as much time out there as I can." The lizard replied putting his camera carefully back in his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.

The bear grabbed his own prepared pack and slung it over his shoulder and then grabbed his best hunting rifle. The lizard glanced at it nervously. "You really need that?" He'd read a lot about the rainbow glaciers but nothing about the wildlife, after all it's a frozen wasteland of pure ice and snow. What could possibly live out there that you would need a rifle to defend against?

Grinning sinisterly the bear slung the rifle under his right arm. "Well it's Waloou mating season and when a twenty foot tall enraged Waloou male is charging you down intending to make you a stain on the ice, you'll be glad I have this. Or there is the Jascka cats, they are twelve foot long and hide in the ice, then as you walk over them they attack. Four paws with claws like knives, they can rip the flesh off your bones before you even know they are there." For the first time he could see his usual scary spiel was working on the lizard, he was looking around nervously.

"It's ok, I know how to spot any predators we might encounter. Plus what with all the hunters these days the chances of bumping into a Waloou..." The bear shook his head sadly. "My Grandfather used to say that, when his father taught him to live on the fields, there used to be giant herds of Waloou, now those big beasts are all but extinct. Every year hunters offer me thousands to take them deeper into the Karrichen to find the last few."

"Well at least you are making money..." The lizard stopped his sentence as the bear gave his a cold and hurt look.

"I do NOT take hunters anywhere! They are destroying my wilderness!" The bear snapped sharply, his morals had cost him a lot of potential customers. A few years earlier one of the young males he'd took an a tour had shot a female Waloou. She'd hadn't threatened them, the young male had seen her and decided he wanted a trophy. If there hadn't been other polar present then it would have been questionable if the young male would have made it off the ice. Certainly not when they found the female's young pups, blind and defenceless. Paulo knew that they wouldn't make it and he saw to it that their death was quick and painless.

Ever since then the bear had made sure only he carried a gun on the ice. He knew it wasn't making much of a difference, plenty of other guides had no qualms about taking hunters coin. Still at least his conscience was clear and he was certain that no guides could take them as far as he could. Maybe the species could survive somewhere deep in the heart of the ice fields.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend." The lizard said his voice full of earnest regret.

"That's ok, I shouldn't be so sensitive, especially to paying customers who don't want to shoot things." Paulo replied with a shrug as he opened the door. "Let's go before we loose any more time."

The two headed off into the snow the bear taking the lead and the lizard struggling behind. Clive had to admit the going was a lot harder than he thought it would be. His natural cold blooded nature was making him feel sleepy in the severe chill winds. His thermal suit would keep his body temperature at survivable levels, however, it was clear that this wasn't going to be a comfortable trip.

Paulo noticed the lizard struggling and slipped down onto all fours. He used his strong arms to push the deep snow out of his way creating a smooth path for the lizard to follow. He usually only did that when escorting younger cubs out into the wilderness but not many races were as hardy as the polar. Their going was slower than he liked, this close to hibernation the bear wanted to get through the ice fields and back home as fast as possible. So he could set up a nest and enjoying a month of peace, no concerns, no money issues, no hunters.

The sun was already hanging low in the sky by the time they really entered the ice fields. He turned to the lizard and smiled. "You want good pictures?"

The lizard gratefully stopped for a moment huffing in the cold. He felt drowsy and sluggish even with the thermal suit he was wearing the cold blooded creature was really struggling. "Yeah that's why I am here."

"Then we go this way, I will show you something a little special, a sight I first saw when I was five and my grandfather snuck me into the edge of the icefields just before sunset." The bear headed up a hill, the path he followed had been well worn, he had travelled it thousands of times in his life. He rarely brought polar up here, the usual tourists he catered for only cared about the rainbow glaciers. It was slightly strange to bring someone there now, but if the lizard really wanted pictures of Polar then this was a vista he shouldn't let the lizard miss.

Reaching the top of the small rise he sat down putting down him pack. The lizard walked up next to him and he heard him mutter "Oh." The bear smiled at the disappointment in his tone.

"Get you camera ready." They were sitting on a small hill and the glistening white valley sprawled out before them, in the distance they could just make out the sun reflecting on the windows in Cetcity. The sun was just getting lower in the sky and the bear was grinning as the lizard's face betrayed his bored reaction. He had seen this sight a thousand times and he could almost predict the exact moment. Counting down in his head just as he hit one he heard the lizard gasp in awe and his grin broadened.

As the sun just dipped behind the city the angle of the light was perfect and for a few minutes the Beten aurora could be seen from only a few spots on the ice fields. It was an optical illusion the real aurora was half the world away, however right then it danced with rainbow colours, ribbons of beauty reflecting off the valley. Everywhere they looked it could be seen, the full majesty of the aurora took his breath away as it had every time he saw it since that first time.

"It only lasts a few minutes, better be quick with you camera." The bear whispered, speaking aloud in this moment seemed wrong.

Clive jumped as the bear whispered whipping out his camera and taking a few snap shots from every angle then he stopped and just looked until the sun dipped too low and the aurora vanished as suddenly as it appeared.

"You know, there are polar who have lived in this valley their entire lives who have never seen the aurora. There are only a few good spots to really appreciate it, this is my favourite. " The bear muttered his eyes still watching, for just a moment he had felt like he was five year's old, sitting on his grandfathers lap. The magic of the world before his eyes, a secret just for him and Pops. He had felt so small and weak and yet so safe, with the warmth of his grandfather, those powerful arms holding him.

"There's a small cave nearby, we should set up camp there." The bear said turning and heading down the hill glad he was in front of the lizard so he didn't see the tears in his eyes.

"Thank you for showing me, I am honoured you let me take pictures of something so private." The lizard replied as he struggled to keep up with the bear.

The bear didn't reply he just walked quickly, the temperature was dropping and he knew that they needed to get to the cave soon and set up before the temperature dropped too much.

After ten minutes with the last of the light fading they arrived, it was a small shallow ice cave, but it had been there for many years. He quickly set up the heating unit and the bed rolls, then the ration generator unit. It took him just a few minutes without a word the bear waved at the lizard's bedroll. "I would suggest you get into your bedroll, it will help keep you warm."

As the lizard did as the bear suggested the bear ordered a couple of rations from the generator and tossed a couple of ration bars over to the lizard. Clive sniffed one, it smelt like dried meat and tasted pretty much like leather. Seeing the reaction on the lizard's face the bear chuckled. "They ain't fine gourmet food but they are packed with everything you need to survive a few nights on the ice."

The lizard chewed on it slowly sitting with his bedroll wrapped around him with just a small lamp for illumination. "Not that bad really, so your grandfather brought you here when you were just five?"

The bear smiled as he thought back on his childhood. "Yes, he used to bring me here all the time, in fact we used to sleep in this very cave. He used to tell me the old stories... " The bear usually spent the tours keeping the young polars from doing something stupid. Sitting thinking and talking was a rare thing and with nostalgic memories clouding his judgement he continued. "About the old gods and how they cared for our people, how the people and the land were one. That we should respect Geis, the goddess of the ice, mother of the world. Of the great Chus, a hunter and herdsman, he used to ride a giant Waloou. He told me so many of the old stories, almost nobody knows them now. I remember him saying 'the old rites are not observed now young one, some day Grall will no longer be worshipped and the old gods will come back'."

"Who is Grall?" The lizard asked and the bear snapped back to the present and he realised he had been loose with his tongue.

"He is the one true god." The bear replied with as much earnestness as he could. "The other gods, don't mention them to other polar, don't ask about them, understand?"


"What do you mean, no?"

"I mean I do not understand, I came here to learn about your people, learning about your old gods would be..." Clive started to reply, his interest was genuine and he had hoped the bear would tell him more.

"Look there is just one god, Grall, you don't question it. You do what you are told or... or they send you to him." The bear cut into the lizard's speech, glancing at the cave entrance and lowering his voice even though he was sure there was no chance any other Polar could be in earshot.

"'Send you to him?'" The friendly lizard echoed in confusion.

"They kill you so you may stand before him and be judged for your sins!" The bear whispered and his expression of serious earnest concern was enough to let Clive know the bear was trying to protect him.

"My people have many gods, many generations ago we would kill each other over our beliefs. It has not been this way for a long time." He replied in shock, he had wandered far but he had never met a race that would kill you simply for asking the wrong thing.

"My people... Polar is a harsh world, we are a disciplined people, questioning things... it is not our way. The religion of Grall sat perfectly in our peoples minds. Centuries ago it rose to be the dominant religion and the strict doctrine of killing anyone who did not believe, or who showed deviant behaviour, was established and upheld." The bear paused trying to think of the right thing to say. "My Grandfather, he was... a historian, he was allowed to investigate the old religions. However, one of the papers he produced was deemed to be too blasphemous. They told him to renounce it... he refused."

The lizard shivered under his blanket as the huge bear sat there in tears spilling something so private to someone he had just met. Clive guessed that as an alien he was probably one of the few the bear could tell without fear.

"I remember when I was nine, he took me out to watch the sun set aurora again. He seemed so sad. I... I didn't know, I didn't understand what was going to happen. He knew... he knew it would be the last time we would sit together watching the aurora. He told me he loved me and he told me to be brave. I thought that was strange, he never really said much about his feelings, to hear those words aloud sounded so odd." The bear was only vaguely aware that the lizard was still present, he hadn't talked about that night to anyone but with that one slip the damn had broken and the memories he kept hidden were flowing freely into his brain drowning him in emotion.

"I... I remember he hugged me and then some strange polar turned up. My grandfather told me I should go home, that they were his friends and they were going to talk. Last thing I heard... he thanked them for giving him the time to say goodbye... he thanked them and then, when I was out of earshot, they killed him. Left his body on the ice for the carrion to scavenge." Huge tears were rolling down the bear's face splashing onto the ice floor and freezing there. "He didn't even get a funeral pyre, my parents destroyed everything he owned, every picture of him was burned." The bear reached into his coat and shirt and pulled out a small leather pouch on a string around his neck. "I found this in the remains of the fire the next day."

The bear opened it reverently a small glossy scrap of paper was pulled out, it sat dwarfed in the bear's huge palm as he held it out for the lizard to see. Clive could just about make out the face of a polar male, the paper was badly burned and the image was very faded.

"This is all that is left of him, all his research was destroyed, his life's work erased and his name never spoken, even by his children. All because he stood against Grall in a tiny way." The bear tucked the image back in the pouch and carefully put the pouch away. "None of that is for your book, you understand? If they find out I told you any of that they will kill me."

"I won't tell anyone ever." The lizard promised, touched by the faith the bear had put in him. Although he was partly aware that the bear hadn't chosen to confide in him, this had been something building inside the bear for years and that he just happened to be there when the pressure got too great and the bubble burst.

Feeling slightly awkward the bear climbed into his bedroll. He had never spoken to anyone about his grandfather, he couldn't confide in his parents. The few polar he knew he didn't trust with his life. So he had held onto it, held on to his feelings for decades, the kind old bear who had meant so much to him, taken from him because of religious hatred and intolerance. All he'd been left with was the ice fields, to many they seemed cold and barren. Yet to him they were a place he could be himself, where he could remember his grandfather and where he could song the olds songs he had been taught in secret, recite ancient prayers to gods no-one but he worshipped. In the quiet way he had learned he rebelled against everything in polar society. Shutting it out as much as he could closing himself off to his own people.

The bear fell asleep shortly afterwards and had a few unsettling dreams, talking about that night stirred up every dark memory he had. Finally though they ended and he woke. The lizard said nothing about the previous night as they ate breakfast and discussed the days plans. They were going to push hard with the aim of making the rainbow glacier in two days. That would give the lizard a full day inside the rainbow glacier to explore and the bear promised he would not be sad he made the trip. They would get back just in time for the bear's hibernation.

The day was hard going for both of them, Clive struggled in the harsh environment, despite his experience on other worlds the cold and deep snow proved a definite obstacle to him. Still Paulo was impressed that the lizard never complained, he just struggled on step by step, mile by mile. The frozen world around them seemed to be trying to chill the little lizard to death, winds swept down from every angle and the bear had to take him into some of the narrower valleys. It added a few hours onto their journey but provided much more shelter.

The bear pulled the lizard into a cave and then smiled, "I've got something to show you." He said in a hushed and slightly giddy voice. He had never shown anyone what he was about to show the lizard, but now that he'd already shared so much he felt free and wanted to show the little green alien everything. After all, he could share this now in total confidence that the alien would be gone soon and he would have to go back into hiding from everyone.

He walked up to the backwall of the cave and just pushed his paw through, it sliced into the ice easily. The other side was revealed through a crack, "I found this years ago, I have come here occasionally but I always close it up afterwards." The bear said as he pulled the ice wall apart to reveal a long tunnel.

The lizard peered inside curious, the blue ice reflecting the light off the bear's lamp in an almost eerie way. "A few hundred year's ago dissenters from the way of Grall were many, they built places like this to worship in secret," Paulo said in a half whisper as he lead the lizard into the dark. Following with wide eyes the lizard ran his fingers along the way, even through his mitts the ice bit his scales bitterly.

"Sadly, as the years went on their numbers dwindled as many were caught. These places were either lost or destroyed and the memory of them covered up to all but permitted historians." Leading the lizard, the tunnel curving to the left in a steep ramp. The ice crunching underfoot, rock solid underfoot, Paulo wondered, and not for the first time, how long the tunnel had been there and how many worshipers had followed this path.

After five minutes of walking the light from the surface was all but gone, a mere faded glimmer reaching. Without warning the bear switched off his lantern, the lizard panicked for a moment in the dark and then he noticed there was light a faint blue light. With every second that passed it grew.

"Get your camera out and stay calm and quiet," the bear whispered and crouched down.

Clive did as he was told, watching as the light grew the blue rays getting stronger and then he spotted something, through the wall. A shape made of pure light heading towards them. He began to snap pictures as it approached. It was huge, perhaps twenty or thirty meters long and a good ten tall. As it got nearer he realised, it was moving through solid ice, he could make out rings on it's body and is undulated closer.

"A boar worm, they live deep in the ice, don't worry the tunnel was built by polar, they worked illessa spice into the ice. Worms hate that, although these days we use emf devices to keep them away from our homes and cities. Good thing too, they would find two morsel such are ourselves very tasty." Clive found Paulo's explanation a little bit unsettling.

As they watched the worm came closer, if flowed right past their tunnel just a few meters away. The light it cast was so bright it was almost blinding, Clive could make out scales and eyes as he took snap after snap of the beast. Then as it moved off slowly heading deeper his guide stood up and began to move down the tunnel again. It wasn't much further before they reached the end of the tunnel and the lizard found himself gasping in awe again.

A giant ice cavern expanded in front of them, Clive had felt small ever since he arrived on polar. All the people were at least a foot bigger than him, the buildings, doorways vehicles everything screamed at him that he was not big enough to be there. As he stood looking out at the cavern he realised he'd been feeling like a giant before compared to how small he felt then.

Giant columns of ice shot up from the floor with intricate figures carved all the way up. Light filtered in through the ceiling which was a good hundred feet above them.

A long way in front of them was an alter carved of ice, however to get to it there was an aisle with arrays of pews sitting on each site. Each pew had a statue at each end, each one intricately carved of ice depicting a polar. All of them naked, on the one side male, the other female. Everything in the huge cave was of ice except what looked like a gold goblet on the alter.

The lizard began to take a picture and then paused looking at the bear who nodded his permission. Clive began to take pictures as they walked further in. "This is amazing, it must have taken thousands of bears and a hundred years to make all this," he whispered in pure awe.

"No I doubt thousands, just twenty or thirty and a good pump to get the water out." The bear replied with a proud smile and then asked, "can you imagine this place at it's peek, three maybe four hundred polar kneeling in prayer?"

As they reached the first column Clive noticed the images carved on it, bears dancing and playing. Then he blushed as he noticed the images going rather more graphic as he wandered past. Polars in passionate embraces, males and females, males and males, females and females. "I thought your people were against homosexuality?"

"Actually until the rise of Grall our attitudes towards sex and relationships were a lot less conservative. In the early days of our civilisation caves were harder to build, so when it came time to hibernate we all did together. Polars in hibernation, we erm, we tend to mate with anything warm that we can get our unconscious paws on." Paulo said with a smile reaching out a paw to brush over some of the carvings with a smile. "Whole communities in caves spending a month together unconscious and mating. The only law was no cubs, they were put in a cave by themselves. Grall demands that we sleep alone, to lay with another while hibernating is an abomination. Then again so many of our ancient ways were an abomination it's hard to imagine how we got anything done. It's a pity it rather seems like good fun to me, we were once a really fun people."

The lizard found himself looking up at the bear and seeing regret in his eyes. He realised that the bear had been living quite a lonely life. Before he could say anything however the bear moved saying, "Take what pictures you want I am going to offer up a quick prayer."

Clive began to follow the bear up the aisle taking pictures of each statue, the work was quite exquisite and detailed. It was hard to believe they had been carved out of ice hundreds of years before. Another shocking sight caught his eye as he turned, the huge bear kneeling naked in front of the alter, his head bowed. Feeling incredibly guilty for doing so he snapped a quick picture of it anyway. He had never seen a polar naked, seven feet of huge bear without a scrap of clothing, his black paw pads showing on his feet and as the lizard walked around he found himself gasping and licking his lips at little as he spotted a huge sheath and the two biggest testicles he had ever seen pressed into the ice floor. He snapped another picture hoping the bear wouldn't notice and then walked up to the alter. The goblet was also covered in carvings and he noted filled with a liquid, a slight sniff told him it was alcoholic, which probably explained why it hadn't frozen.

Nearly jumping out of his skin as Paulo's voice cut through the silence, "it's polar moonshine, strong stuff. Take a sip from the cup of Geis and receive her blessing, the ice will bite less deeply and the wind will always be at your back. Or so the sayings go."

"How do you know so much, if only a few historians are allowed to read about the old religions?" he felt guilt asking the bear such a question, yet his mind wouldn't let him hold his tongue, curiosity was ever his master.

"When I first found this place, I found a load of materials, texts religious and more, several data crystals of research there was no name recorded but I think it was my grandfathers work." Paulo replied as he pulled on his clothes again without even the slightest hint of shyness. "I hid the texts and the research in a few different locations just in case this place was ever found. Didn't want it all destroyed. Things are changing on polar, it's no longer legal to kill people for being gay. We are looking at the civilisations around us and then back at ourselves and at last seeing the need for change. In a few years time I might be able to release it, or maybe if I go offworld I could find someone out there who would record it. I don't want to be the last to have seen this place, to have felt what we once were and could be again"

"I will hold on to my pictures, if you want them I will send them to you when you think it is safe to release this information," the lizard said reaching out a friendly hand, as he did so a light spark leapt from the bear's shoulder to his fingertip. For just a few heartbeats the two looked into each other's eyes.

"Thanks, that is very kind of you. Please do try a sip of the moonshine, it does keep out the cold," Paulo said as he turned away. "Then we must hurry we are running late and I don't want to cut short your tour of the rainbow glaciers."

Clive quickly took a sip from the goblet and then stopped to cough as the fiery liquid burned his throat, while the bear laughed.

Then they were gone out into the cold, the bear realised they had lost almost half a day thanks to all the detours and really pushed hard. The lizard struggling along behind him. It might have just been in Clive's mind but the wind did seem to be more often at his back pushing him on. The cold was definitely not biting as deeply, but that was probably due to the rosy alcohol glow.

They made good time and reached a cave where the bear said they would be safe to shelter for the night. Paulo had relaxed his guard a little and had spent most of the journey talking, the lizard had been lectured about the history of religion on polar and the subsequent social injustice for hours. He'd been a perfect listener, showing the bear every sign of enjoyment and actively encouraging him with questions as he talked.

It was as the bear set up that the first signs of something wrong began. After setting up the bedrolls, heater and the ration generator the bear picked up his bag and shredded the fabric with his claws. It wasn't until he saw the lizard's puzzled and worried expression he realised he was eating it. Swallowing a huge mouthful of fabric the bear took a few breaths and looked down at his paws, his head felt slightly light.

As he recognised the feelings growing inside him he grabbed his comm and checked the date. "Shit... oh holy fucking shit!" Paulo exclaimed causing the lizard to cringe back a little.

"What's wrong?" The lizard asked shuffling on his bedroll and suddenly realising he was several days away from civilisation, in one of the most hostile environments, with a guide who was eating their bags. He couldn't help but notice that as he panicked the bear ripped another huge section out of his bag and chewed it down in a few seconds.

"I... I'm going into hibernation mode, the fabric, it will form a plug inside me. I... it's four days early. This shouldn't be happening, we should have had enough time to get to the glacier and back." Paulo couldn't bring himself to look at the lizard, "You are... kinda in trouble."

Those are the worst words to hear when lost in the middle of nowhere with a guide who was halfway through eating his backpack. "Should we call for help?" Clive asked shivering a little and for the first time it wasn't from the cold.

"No, they wouldn't come this far into the icefields this close to hibernation," the bear moved to the cave entrance and began to dig in the show. He quickly filled in the entrance and then started to press it down, sealing them both into an ice cave. "This should keep the cold out and any wandering beasts... well they will walk right through it but it'll keep our scent in here with us."

"Well now I feel better, what are you saying is going to happen exactly?" Clive asked holding his blanket tightly around himself, his stomach was churning and he was definitely feeling something akin to terror creeping around in his mind.

"In an hour or two I'm going to go to sleep and... I will wake up in about a month," Paulo said sitting down on his bedroll and yawning. "The ration generator and heater will keep this place ok for a month. Oh crap... you're going to need to..." The bear struggled to his feet and punched out the wall he had just made, turning to the backwall of the cave he began to dig. His claws slicing through the ice easily as he dug spraying ice behind him. It took him over thirty minutes to carve out a smaller second cave. "Just knock ice out of the wall to cover your... you know. It should stop the smell."

"Yay and I was worried about getting killed and eaten by wild animals, at least now I won't crap myself," Clive muttered dryly unable to stop shivering as the bear ignored him and resealed the cave entrance.

"There's nothing else I can do, you are stuck here with me while I hibernate, if you try to head back on your own well you'll get lost and either freeze, starve or be eaten." Paulo sad sitting down on his bedroll yawning and pulling off his clothes, he tore at his bedroll making mess of the stuffing as he arranged it around himself. "I... sorry." He muttered before closing his eyes for the last time in a month.

The lizard sat still for a few moments blinking, as the bear started to snore softly. Then he shrugged his shoulders and lay back on his own bedroll, it had been a long day after all. As the aches of the day clung to his tired body he closed his eyes and drifted off to a rather fitful sleep.

He awoke in the morning and stretched, he was surprised to find that the ice cave had heated up somewhat. With the door sealed the heat off the heater unit had no way to escape, he pulled off his gloves and walked over to the wall and touched it. He shivered as it was still frozen, yet for the first time in a few weeks the temperature felt comfortable to him.

He turned off his own suit's heater unit and returned to his bedroll, getting a ration bar from the ration generator and sniffed it. A whole month eating nothing but these and with nothing to do and nobody to talk to. He sighed and tried to get back to sleep. Still there is only so much time a non hibernating person can sleep. Eventually he sat up again and picked up his camera, he started to sort the pictures he had taken over the last few days.

The next day he tried walking in circles and doing some exercises while the bear slumbered on. On the third day he started drafting his book, only he lacked most of his images as he had them on data crystals stored at the spaceport locker. He wrote a few anecdotes from his tour, figuring he could use the time to ensure he didn't miss them.

By the fourth day he was already sick of writing and he decided to organise some of the images he had taken of his time on polar. Images of the streets and the people, some of the really wild polar wrestling he had seen. It had been brutal and savage and yet he had found himself swept along with the crowd and up on his feet screaming for blood.

Although he had found that, despite their reputation for brutality and close mindedness, the polar were actually a friendly and warm people. They were extremely physical with each other, and he'd seen many polar exchanging blows that to most species would have been part of some savage brawl, for the polar it was just friendly banter. No-one had laid a single claw on him at all, although with the dragos war on the lizard had gotten a couple of unfriendly looks.

It was as he sorted the images he had captured he skipped onto the image of the bear naked and kneeling. Clive's people were very open sexually and he allowed himself to enjoy the images he had taken. Drinking in every detail of the bear, his pants becoming uncomfortably tight he reached down and, feeling slightly weird with the slumbering bear so close, he began to stroke himself. It had been a long time since he left home. Although he had certainly enjoyed some fun with the rabbit's on Lapros, the tigers on Felious and the otters on Lutrai.

Still he had to admit the strength of the polar had hit something inside him, he couldn't help it, the gentle brutes just did something to his blood. He had spent weeks watching them lustfully and keeping his feelings to himself, knowing how the male bears would react to any advances. Paulo was the first bear he felt he might have had a shot with and then, just as they were getting close, he goes into hibernation. Panting softly he brushed his red hair away from his eyes as his paw worked faster and faster.

His green cock throbbing in his paw as he thought about pressing up against that warm body, sliding his cock into the bear's virgin tailhole. He whimpered softly and his green shaft sprayed a few drops of pre onto his bedroll. He dropped the camera onto the soft material as he continued to jerk leaning down panting and gasping. His breath coming in ragged pants, he thought back to the thick sheath the bear had, wondering what delicious treasure was hidden inside.

His body trembled, his heart thumping so hard in his chest and then he looked up and for the first time he realised, the bear was naked and unconscious with him. Whimpering the lizard's green shaft began to throb as he emptied several days of pent up seed onto his bedroll and camera. The tangy scent of his cum filled the cave and as he collapsed the lizard could hear the bear grunting in his sleep.

Looking up the lizard saw the bear roll over and something black against the pure white fur caught his eye. Huge and shining, black bear cock filled his eyes and his mind. It was easily ten inches in length and so thick that Clive wondered if he would ever be able to fit more than the first few inches into his mouth.

He knew he shouldn't be thinking what he was thinking, but as he sat there watching his nose twitched. Musk, pure masculine scent filling his mind, his blue tongue shot out tasting the male scent in the air. Fuck he needed him, just one proper taste, nobody could blame him just for taking a taste, the hard bear cock was begging him. He could smell the bear's need, it was calling to him.

What had Paulo said, something about bears in hibernation mating with anything nearby? The lizard's mind shot back to that conversation. Yes, that's what he had said, Clive licked his lips at the thought. The bear would never know just a little suck and maybe he'd get the bear off. No harm, the bear's body wanted it, he could scent the arousal it was so heavy in the air, pure animal musk just calling to him. Hell, he would have to do something to keep the musk from driving him mad. Besides, stuck for a month in this ice cave the bear owed him, the least he could get was some bear cock.

Slipping out of his thermal suit the lizard stripped naked, he wanted to feel that soft plush fur against his scaly body. His scales were so fine and tiny, his entire body shone in the lamp light, reflecting the glow like fine silk. The red tattoos that his entire tribe wore could only just be made out in the light, the tribal patterns covering his arms chest and inner thighs. His cock dwarfed by the bear's a mere five inches but with some girth.

Three toed green feet stepped out onto the blueish ice floor and he shivered, still he didn't want to risk the bear eating any of his clothing as he had no way to replace it and what the bear had done to the backpack had been enough to make him at least a little cautious. He dashed over the ice floor and onto the bear's bedroll. The torn fabric was far better than the frozen floor, although the huge bear didn't leave him much room to stand.

Just in front of him, dangling between two thick muscular thighs was the object of his desire, ten thick heavenly inches, wafting in the air of the cave, above two huge orbs, each one more than a handful for the small lizard. Reaching down carefully he ran his fingers through the bear's thick chest fur, enjoying the feel of millions of hairs as they caressed his palms. The bear didn't stir and the lizard reached down with his other hand, his three thick fingers caressing the bear's huge pecks. He gasped at the feel of pure muscle hiding beneath layers of plush fur, the flesh giving just a little, and then rolling as the bear stirred a little. He gasped at the feeling of the chest muscles flexing, dancing under his thick fingers. Powerful slow rhythmic thumbs sent thrilling vibrations into his fingertips as he felt Paulo's steady heartbeat.

Powerful musk of raw unwashed male gripped his nostrils and wouldn't let go. The bear and he had been hiking for days with no bathing and then a further four days of nothing but sleeping. Green eye's settled on the thick drooling black meat, the lizard's breathing got rapid. His worries vanished as the lizard lay full length over the bear. Paulo was like a wonderful flurry heated rug beneath him. The heat of the bear radiated up through his body, warming him far more than his thermal suit or bedroll ever could.

As he drew near to the musky black length his increased body temperature made him feel more awake and alert than he had since he landed on the frozen world. His blood warmed in his veins, his heart beating faster as his senses began to heighten. He reached out to the thick maleness and, as the breath caught in his throat, his fingertips slowly traced from the cocktip down to the base. The meat felt so warm it made his fingertips tingle, he traced every vein and crease on the thick tool.

Moving so close that the bear's scent drowned out everything, sweaty musky, pure masculinity drank through the sinuses. His eye's were unblinking as his fingertips caressed around the thick ridge of the mammoth member. Letting himself enjoy the touch and sensation of the cock for a moment. He marvelled at the smooth texture, skin was so much smoother than scales, the wonderful strength of the muscle and yet the little bit of give beneath his thick digits as they squeezed.

Leaning closer the young lizard's nose glided down the black shaft, feeling the hot meat throbbing against his cheek, he pressed his nostrils deep into the fur around the bear's huge sack. The sweaty grime of several days hiking left the bear wonderfully ripe and yet not rancid, the powerful musk drove any concerns, and any feelings of guilt, out of his mind. He felt thick warm drops of pre landing on his cheek and neck as the bear's meat began to drool.

Clive let his muzzle slide up a little, kissing the base of the bear's cock and getting his first taste. Surprisingly the flavour of the meat wasn't as musky as he expected from the scent, it was tangy, with a musky and spicy afterglow. He couldn't stop at that taste he ran his forked tongue up the full length, a full deep throated moan escaping his lips, which intensified as his tongue ran over a trail of pre. The sudden deeply tangy and powerful musky flavour going straight to his crotch and head at the same time.

After what seemed like several feet of cock his tongue reached the huge cocktip. His tongue ran around the glans and for the first time he heard the bear moan in his sleep as a thick jet of pre shot right into his mouth. He swallowed hungrily, grateful for anything that didn't taste of ration bars, deeply loving the musky and oddly fruity tang of the bear's copious juices. His lips sealed around the huge cocktip as he suckled the tip, his forked tongue swirling around and teasing the huge cock head.

Grunting in his sleep Paulo began to hump on instinct, trying to get deeper into that delicious sensation around his cock. The lizard moaned and wrapped his fingers around the bear's cock to stop it going too deep in his mouth. He let the big beast rut into his mouth, groaning in delight as the thick hot maleness as thrust deep into his mouth again and again. His own cock rubbed into the bear's plush belly fur, soaking it with drops of pre as he wriggled.

Clive wished he had a third hand to deal with his own cock as it begged him to play with it. However, nothing in this or any world could have gotten him to take a hand off the huge thrusting meat. He made do with his tail, coiling the tip around his green shaft and stroking it quickly. The bear's juices were growing far more copious as he thrust faster and faster, mating his mouth with the intensity of a feral animal.

With a grunt in his sleep the bear released a powerful torrent of bear cum. Thick musky fluid flooded the lizard's maw, far too much for him to swallow, yet he couldn't bring himself to take his mouth away from the cock. Cum oozed out of his lips running down his chin and chest. his tail thrashed wildly on his cock until with a deeply satisfying sigh, he came, spraying his spunk into the bear's plush belly fur.

Gasping as he pulled his muzzle off the bear cock. Clive got to his feet, his legs shaking and his body trembling. He suddenly felt guilty about what he'd done, after all it was not like Paulo had been able to say no. Still, as bearcum rivers slowly blazed trails down his scaly body, it seemed like the bear enjoyed it even if he wasn't aware of what had happened.

It was as he stepped back onto the ice, with the intention of heading back to his own bed and getting dressed, things took an unexpected turn for the lizard. Something grabbed his left ankle tightly, he looked down to see a huge bear paw clasping his leg. Before he had time to think or react the paw pulled powerfully, Clive fell hard onto his chest, bashing his snout off the ice floor. Tasting blood he whimpered a little, his heart racing as he was pulled back into the bear's nest.

He clawed uselessly at the ice floor, but his fingers could find no purchase, and even if they could he lacked the strength to have a hope of matching the bear. However, every instinct in his body told him he must fight, my struggle to survive the predator who was attacking him. Fruitless efforts to struggle against the pulling paws gained him nothing, but frozen and sore fingers.

The lizard was pulled fully into the arms of the bear, the huge ursine rolling over and pinning the little lizard beneath him. Then everything stopped, the lizard trembled, his breathing rapid and shallow as his heart raced, hoping that the bear had just wanted a hug and that he wasn't to be some mid hibernation snack.

Paulo nuzzled the lizard under him, snuffling at his neck and then licking gently. Breathing a sigh of relief Clive began to relax, no claws or vicious teeth, it looked like the bear just wanted someone to snuggle with. He found himself nuzzling back, it had been a lonely few days and even the unconscious attentions of another were welcome. The bear grunted softly as if in amusement and continued to nuzzle and lick the nape of the lizard's neck as he pressed his huge bulk down, pinning the lizard under his thunderous bulk.

Wishing that he wasn't pinned down on his chest the lizard tried to pet the bear, reaching behind him to stroke the beast's huge powerful flanks. He felt them moving under his fingers and then something pressed against his thigh. It was firm and warm and as it slowly stroked up the lizard's thighs he felt liquid running and dripping down his scales. Gasping the lizard realised, the bear hadn't pulled him in for a snack or a snuggle, he had awoken the amorous side of the slumber beast and it was going to use the lizard to sooth itself back to slumber.

Struggling seemed pointless and might get him injured. There was no conscious mind to reason with or beg, all he could do was submit, and hope the bear wasn't too rough.

Inside a part of his mind thrilled at the idea, it had not been long since he had left Felious and he had enjoyed the males there, there had been many nights of rough mating during his stay. Lifting his tail the reptile exposed his tender pucker to the male, wishing he'd had a chance to properly prepare himself.

Not that it mattered to the bear he just found the warm opening he needed and forced himself inside, like the lizard's muscles were made of butter. Clive screamed out into the cave at the rough entry, the cock stretching his rear far beyond capacity, the pain burning in his rump. Nothing could stop the bear as it violated him, and yet the feeling of that warm slab of muscle towering over him, it felt oddly protective and weirdly safe.

Well safe if you don't mind the price you had to pay to stay there, the bear's cock slid back quickly before thrusting in again hard and deep. The huge meat was so big it had no chance to miss the lizard's prostate and despite the roughness the green scaly creature's cock began to slide out.

Groaning and gasping, slightly surprised by his own arousal the lizard reached down under himself grabbing his cock and stroking it. The bear's rutting was growing faster and more powerful. With each passing moment his prostate was assaulted anew, his senses sang out with pleasure, the stretched feeling subsided to leave a feeling of fullness.

The bear's warmth and the friction of the mating spread through his body, the lizard's body reacted to the warmth by an increased heart rate. Feeling far more alive than he had since he got to the planet he started to buck back wildly, trying to get the ursine phallus deeper inside his stretched rear. Groaning and panting, his body greatly reacting to the heat, he turned round nipping at the bear's shoulders playfully. His reward a sharp nip in return, delivered right to the nape of his neck. He trembled the nips and strength of the bear triggering the submissive side of the lizard.

Powerful piston like motions drove the huge phallus deeper and deeper, pounding harder and harder. Huge meaty orbs slapped off his perineum reminding the lizard of what was soon to be inside him. Sloppy with pre his rear was actually very well lubricated and having grown accustomed to the bear's girth the pain in his rear had all but faded, all that was left was the relentless assault on his sweet spot. It was like the bear knew exactly where to thrust to bring the greatest pleasure.

Clive slipped a hand under himself, three thick green fingers grasped his desperately needy cock and he began to stroke, knowing his orgasm was not far off. The beast above him snarled and groaned rutting suddenly becoming faster and more feral. The lizard squeaked out loud, if he had thought the mating was rough before it was but a gentle tender entrée compared to the main course that awaited him.

Claws tore through the bedding and into the ice as the bear used every ounce of leverage he could get, mating with bestial rage. Roaring and snarling, driving his cock inside his mate with everything he had, the primal need to cum driving everything, he rutted uncontrolled and uncontrollable, his hips pounding so hard into the lizard each thrust felt like the hardest spank he had ever been given. The force of the brutal thrusts made him squeak and squeal like an animal, his mind spinning unable to form even the simplest thoughts, he responded like an animal, whimpering and submitting, yet pushing back wantonly begging the larger male to take him.

Just as he felt himself dancing on the very edge of the huge largest waterfall orgasm he had ever been brought to the bear lifted back it's head and roared. Deafening dominant bellows echoed back at the lizard from all angles reinforcing his position, he was claimed, he was owned the was a beast and he was its plaything. Warmth and pressure suddenly flooded his ass wonderfully as the animal continued to rut fucking its cum deep into him. rivers of thick bear spunk drained out of his ass, he could feel them pouring down his taint and onto his cock. His fingers slick with the fluids stroked with desperate need.

With a cry his orgasm finally took him body and soul, he was devoured by pure pleasure crying and squealing like a mewling animal, his body trembling as he emptied himself onto the bedding below. Body rocking and convulsing as his orgasm overrode everything he drowned in the waters of his bliss and passed out.

He awoke a few minutes later feeling the bear's cock being slowly slid out of him, a new flood of cum spraying out around the retracting member. the lizard sighed happily as the pressure inside him was eased. He dozed in the warmth of his lovers embraced, feeling the need to sleep grow upon him. However just as the cock tip was almost out of him the bear grunted and with a powerful thrust Paulo hilted himself back inside the lizard.

Clive squealed again with surprise as he found the bestial bear was not finished with him, the animal growled and nipped at his neck powerfully, the huge jaws easily strong enough to rip him apart if it so chose. instead it was showing him just how virile the animal was, it had been years since the bear had last taken a mate and now that his body had control of a partner it was going to do what his waking mind would have never done.

Slickened and stretched the lizard's abused hole easily welcomed the thick throbbing bear meat back inside it, clenching and squeezing delightfully around the thrusting shaft. Biting his lip until he could taste blood Clive tried to hold still and let the bear take him. However, as the thrusting grew once more intense and powerful, his body once again began to push back into it wantonly. Submitting himself willingly to the bear's needs, his abused and used hole accepting the ramming bearhood like an old friend.

The fur of the bear dancing across his scales as their bodes writhed in carnal bliss. The bear's hips grinding down into him again and again, the rough paws stroking his body, sometimes holding him, others pulling him to meet the thrusting hips. Powerful, warm and broad hips ground against his narrow scaly ones, pressing him down against the bedroll. Clive had never been with a lover so rampant and powerful, one who was willing to just take him and use the lizard for his own pleasure. Part of him basked in the feeling, thrilling at the idea of being used of serving as little more than a sex toy for an animal who was not capable of asking only taking.

The musk from the bear and their union had filled the cave, he could scent nothing but pure unadulterated arousal. His mind was no longer capable of making rational choices, drunk on sexual desires, feelings and carnal needs. he was no better than the bear, just an animal in need pressing back wantonly, thrusting himself against the huge cock, impaling himself willingly and crying out. Begging for more, begging for the bear to take him harder, his pleas landed on deaf ears and yet it didn't matter.

Paulo was rutting just like an animal, mating with the feral intensity of an enraged and arousal bear. Snarling and growling as his hips pumped. The sloppy sound of the bear cock reaming his stretching leaking hole joined the bear's and his carnal cries to make the dirty, filthy music of a brutal fucking. Grasping his swollen cock again the lizard began to jerk his meat with desperate need, his mind lost to anything but the need to pleasure himself.

Hearing the bear roar and feeling the familiar pressure building inside him he knew that the beast had reached it's peak. A few seconds of stroking later and he joined the bear, crying out pitifully as he soaked the bedroll for a second time. Collapsing with the warm solid blanket of the bear above him, panting and gasping for breath, his body drained and empty. Clive felt sleep begin to crawl into his mind and his tired limbs gave in.

Only for the bear's hips to start moving again, bringing him back to consciousness with surprising clarity. His body too exhausted he just lay there under the rutting bear and allowed his body to be used. Losing track of time and eventually losing count the lizard lay under the bear for hours being used again and again, managing to cum a few more times himself. Before eventually the beast was satiated and lay still, the lizard was too sore every limb heavy with exhaustion he fell into a deep and peaceful sleep, cradled in the strong arms of his lover, held to the warm wall of bear fur and muscle.

When he awoke his limbs sore and his rear aching like never before, the bear's hold on him was far more gentle. The lizard was able to crawl free and dash across the ice floor and back to his own bed roll. Resting, eating and peeling the dried bear cum off his ass, thighs and back. The thick liquid having set after many layers it almost formed a second skin in some places.

He resolved to stay away from the bear for the rest of his hibernation, although part of him knew that was a promise he wouldn't keep. A few days later sheer boredom and loneliness drove him back to the bear, who greeted his with warm snuggles and caresses. Holding him for hours until the lizard was lulled to sleep, waking to find an aroused bear on top of him. He gave in to the bear's lusts and submitted to his desires.

Days and weeks passed like that, the lizard would spend a few days alone and then a few days with the bear, the tender arms and caresses were wonderful, the rough mating was doubly so. It was the wonderful stark duality of existence with the hibernating bear. He found himself spending hours just caressing the large ursine, exploring his muzzle and body. Part of him was falling in love with the handsome beast, he had gotten to know the bear on the trip there. There was nothing he had found to dislike about him, though part of him knew it wasn't Paulo who was mating him, it was just the bear's body responding to needs.

Day and night, time lost all meaning, he just separated his days by those he spent alone and those with the bear. He forgot that the Paulo would eventually wake up and so he was unprepared for it when it happened. He was on his back under the bear, his legs spread wide. The bear's cock rhythmically breeding his very stretched and abused ass. He loved mating the bear this way, his cock would get enveloped in warm bear fur and he didn't need to touch himself.

Warm fur caressed every inch of his throbbing manhood, his paws clung to the bear's shoulder. Kissing the bear's neck and nuzzling warmly against him, feeling the huge mass of muscles move above him, with each motion the thick cock inside him thrust hard against his prostate. The bear's moans and gasps were music to his ears, he thrust his hips up to meet the bear's as they thrust down into him.

He could feel the bear's heart racing and he knew that it wouldn't be long until he came. Then he heard the bear cry out, "ahh fuck!" Clive's eyes opened wide, in all the days they had been together not a word had been spoken, he whimpered as he came, his body clenching down around the bear's thrusting cock pushing the bear over the edge. No roar of dominance just a gasp and a pant of breath as the bear's hips came to an abrupt stop.

"What... what are we doing?" Paulo asked in a breathless voice. "What... just happened?" The bear's cock pulled out of him and the bear rolled clear, his eyes open and wide with shock.

"You... well you seemed to be enjoying it and I..."

"Just thought you'd use me while I slept for sex?" the bear asked indignantly as he grabbed his clothing and started to dress.

"Hey... it was you, you grabbed me and you weren't really going to take no for an answer." The lizard retorted, retreating to his own bedroll to dress.

"I raped you?" The bear asked his eyes full of shock and confusion.

"Not exactly, I mean well.. I didn't mind, you were kinda rough but... I certainly learned to enjoy it quite quickly. If that helps," the lizard could hear the patheticness of his response.

Paulo sat and stared, his mind not quite able to gather his thoughts fully on what he'd done. He blinked as he remembered the feelings, he'd begun to wake while he was mating the lizard. Nothing had felt that good for a long time, the last female he'd mated with had been a long time ago and was just a one night stand. Deciding that he couldn't deal with it right then, he grabbed his equipment and began to pack. "We should get back to my hut, sorry for your month stuck here." Out on the ice he would have other things to focus his mind on, like predators, holes in the ice and just general staying alive. Far more preferable than working through confusing feelings and experiences.

Clive was going to respond when the bear punched a hole in the door and sunlight filtered in for the first time in a month. Grabbing his camera and the last of his stuff the lizard followed the bear out into the freezing cold. Gasping at the sudden chill, the ice cave he had been inside for the last month had been positively tropical by comparison, he turned his thermal suit up to maximum.

Going was slower than Paulo would have liked, his muscles ached from a month of rest followed by sudden activity. Clive was also struggling far more than before, the sudden change in temperature chilled his blood don and after weeks with more energy he found each step a struggle. It took everything he had to keep going, not wanting to look weak in front of the bear.

Step after step he trudged feeling the cold seep into his bones until his foot hit a smooth piece of ice and lost purchase. He fell face first into the snow and his limbs just wouldn't seem to work to lift him up. He lay there for a moment before he felt two paws lifting him up, he was held securely to a warm bear chest that felt all too familiar. With the chill in his blood he found it hard to keep his eyes open, he clung to the bear with what remained of his strength.

Eventually he fell asleep and when he awoke he was sat on a bed covered in blankets two heater units facing him turned on to full, with the bear sitting on another bed clearly uncomfortable in the heat and a worried look on his face. "You're awake!"

"Yeah... I guess so, what happened?" Clive asked sitting up in bed, his head spinning a little at the effort.

"Your thermal suit battery died, I guess we should have expected that after a month on the ice." The bear explained getting up and moving across the small room to a fire, plucking a black kettle off it cautiously he began to make a warm drink. "I dumped everything and just made a run for home.

"Will you be able to get your equipment back?" Clive asked quietly as he lay back, he'd seen how proud the bear had been over his gear and he knew how much something like the ration generator would have cost him.

The bear returned to the bed with a hot cup of polar spice tea and replied, "no a snow storm has already hit, I doubt I will find them again and even if I did they will be beyond repair by now."

"I will pay for some replacements!" Clive offered quickly feeling guilty at having caused the bear such a great loss.

"You will not! This was my fault," Paulo replied firmly as he sat back down. "I was the one who took you out there so close to hibernation, I was the one who didn't even think to check that your suit was ok before heading off, less than an hour from waking up. I was the one who caused you to spend a month sitting alone in a small cave with nothing... well almost nothing to do. I was your guide and I failed you, I am sorry for that and I will bear the cost of my mistakes."

The warm tea was wonderfully spiced, a mild flavour sweet and yet warming, the lizard felt stronger and more alert. Yet even with his mind fully active he could think of no reply for the bear instead they sat in silence while the reptile drank. His drink finished he placed the cup on a small beside table noticing his comm device and camera carefully placed there too. The bear had saved the lizard's valuables, he picked up his comm device and smiled. "Well this will make a great story for my book, appropriately edited of course. Oh is that the date? My transport home leaves tomorrow."

The bear's eyes went wide, "you'll need to leave now to make it to the spaceport by tomorrow. I'll call a cab it'll take an hour or so to get here, do you think you'll be ok to walk by then?"

"Yeah, I'm ok to walk now, guess I'm going to miss the rainbow ice fields." The lizard said sadly picking up his camera.

"You... you could always come back, I will take you for free, just make sure you come well away from hibernation time," the bear said with a sigh the guilt eating away at him. "I have some pictures of them you could use for your book if you'd like."

"Thanks and I will come back someday, though I have to say I got something better. That temple, no-one else has seen that before." The lizard smiled at the memory. "I will treasure those pictures, I won't publish them of course not until you tell me I can. Your world is very beautiful and you represent your people well, I will speak very fondly of my time here when I get home." The bear spent a little while digging out some pictures he had taken and showing them to Clive who enthused about the beauty of the glacier.

"What's it like?" The bear asked quietly a sudden curiosity springing forth in his mind, he had never been offworld before. "Your world I mean, what is it like?"

Clive paused for a moment and thought carefully before responding, "well it's very different to here. Most of Lacia is dry and warm, there is almost no snow anywhere. Red rock and dust are common, however, like this place it is not highly populated. My home village you can walk a mile away and you won't see anyone for weeks it's just so empty. Yet beautiful too, there are flowers that bloom in the spring, you should see it the dessert after the rains, it goes from red dust to a sea of green and then glorious rainbow colours as they bloom. My people we celebrate with a festival, dancing in the streets, singing, of course we're naked clothing is a concept that seems a little strange to us. Our scales protect us from the sun and well cold is a rare thing on my world."

"Sounds nice," the bear whispered as he tried to picture a world without ice.

"You could come visit, stay with me a while and I could be your guide," offered Clive as he packed away his camera and comm device and got ready to leave. "I promise no hibernation. Although you might get a few offers, my people are quite open about sexuality and they don't shy away when they see something they want."

"I could never leave the ice, this is all I have known," Paulo muttered sadly.

"The desert was all I had known until I left and found there are many more wonders out there. It didn't make my love of the dessert any less, in fact I think I love it more." It had been a long time since he had left home and the lizard was glad that his journey was nearing the end.

Then as they heard the cab drive up to the hut they looked at each other awkwardly. The lizard shrugged, "Guess that's my ride home. If you ever change your mind come visit me, I promise my people will welcome you warmly and throw a spring party to welcome you to the desert."

Before he could respond Paulo found the lizard's arms around him, he returned the hug after a second and then said. "You should be careful, the cabby isn't far away. Thank you for your offer."

The bear walked the lizard out to the car and waved as he drove away. Then he returned to his hut, and looked at his empty schedule for the next few weeks. hunters didn't want the service of someone who would stop them hunting. He had a university professor to take out on the glacier in four months time, until then nothing.

Clive spent the next twenty hours constantly travelling, from cab to train, to shuttle. The main polar spaceport was on the other side of the planet. He spent what time he could writing his book, yet when it came to describing the world and it's people he found himself torn. He wrote down his honest opinion of Paulo and his sadness that such a warm people were hidden away by the ice.

Walking through the spaceport surrounded by the huge bears he felt a strange pang inside him, he had seen so much on his journeys and yet he would miss no-one quite so much as that big bear. So gentle and so powerful, so proud and yet so scared of his true nature being discovered.

As he reached his seat on the transport, that would take him to Equos where he would be able to get a ride home, he was so tired that he just buckled into his seat and closed his eyes. He didn't open them as he felt someone get into the seat next to him.

When the transport lifted off with a jerk he snorted back awake and yawning began to get comfortable again, the bear sitting next to him leaned over to whisper. "I will go to the party, but I ain't dancing and I'm not walking around naked."

His eyes flew open and the lizard's head snapped around to look up into the kind shining eyes and a huge toothy grin of his friend.

"Understood, although after a few strong drinks you might change your mind on the last two." The lizard replied and then turned around, leaning against the bear and the tired couple both drifted off to sleep as the transport left polar and entered hyperspace.