The last mission: Chapter 5

Story by PO1Wolfy on SoFurry

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#5 of The Last Mission Series

HEY!!! IM BACK!! But I still need your support.

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And now for you well wanted CHAPTER 5 of THE LAST MISSION!!!!!!!!


The vixen stepping toward me had a seductive smile on her fox like face. A scent filling my nose made my head spin. I stumble a little and shake my head trying to clear it.

"You okay...?" She asks with that smile.

"Yes I-... just got dizzy for a second." Shakes my head once more. "It's probably because I haven't eaten in a couple of days." I add trying to distract her and my mind. What I was smelling is her musk. She is in heat. The smell arouses me and putting a blur over my senses.

"Well do you need something to eat before we go on our walk?" She asked getting closer, her musk getting stronger and more beckoning.

"Yes... yes, I should get something to eat before we go on our walk." I reply.

"Well I will leave you and will see you in an hour. Is that okay?" She smiles.

"Yes, that's... that's fine... I will see you in an hour." Once she disappears around the corner I quickly turn and walk... no run to the mess hall. Meanwhile, the vixen smiles to herself and slowly turns walking to her quarters.

Finally making the journey to the mess hall I see Ramirez sitting at one of the many tables alone reading some book on his hair thin tablet. "Good to see you're getting exercise Captain."

"Right, exercise." I pant. "Did some seem different about her today?"

Ramirez finally makes eye contact with me. "No, why did she say something was different?"

"No, not exactly she just seemed a little too happy." I slowly take a seat across from him.

"Well you did save her life." He smiles putting the tablet away. "I think she is just very thankful."

"Yeah. Well I better get something to eat." I stand.

"It's taco Tuesday, and Dominic is cooking."

"Oh you know it's gonna be good if Dominic is cooking."

Ramirez chuckles and takes his tablet back out and resumes his reading. As I get a nice fat taco and water.

"So is it just me or have you been moody recently?" Ramirez remarks, having a content look on his face as he reads the news for our sector.

"I.. uh- well" I stumble my words and try to figure out just why have I been so moody its almost like I'm a chick PMSing.

"I have an idea." Another close friend Dr. Paul. A official ODST walked over to us and set his tray down.

"Oh yeah what's that is cap going through menopause?" Ramirez smile wildly and an eavesdropping Trooper busts out laughing.

"No, though that was my first guess." Paul smiles sarcastically. "I have a feeling it has something to do with that parasite." He gets serious. "The thing pumps hormones into the victims and dramatically changes the behavior, mostly to pure aggression. Then once under the parasites control it consumes the tissue and takes the body over. Those monsters on the ship where crew, just really fucked up." He takes a bite from a carrot. "Cap here was lucky we got the damn thing out. Some... well they weren't so lucky."

"Hey guys, hey cap nice to see you up." Kelly takes a seat next to Ramirez. "I have to show you this sir." I put my hand up.

"Let doc finish what he is saying." I stop Kelly.

"Unfortunately we lost 6 troopers, 4 had the parasites and agreed that for the better of the crew we would use them for study, it was that our just kill them. They need a medal sir because they gave us some information that is priceless." He hands me 4 files with each member that was part of the research. "The parasite is not of the planets origin, nor from any known planet, hell not a single bit of dna is close to any organism. The parasite is similar to stem cells where they can adapt to their host quickly, but the tissue consumed is reorganized and striped of 60% of human dna. Same thing for the fox humanoids. It's like they want to not only feed, but take over. We have 1 subject alive, the fucking thing is intelligent and speaking. It wants to see you even said your full name, social, place of birth, the fuckers are connected somehow." Paul pauses.

"So you're saying the thing inside of me took all that information and broadcasted it?"

"I know it's fucked up but so far they communicate similar to a radio frequency though we haven't found it exactly." He starts to eat having finished his conversation.

"Sir," Kelly speaks up. "From what we have gathered on board most of the passengers and crew died when the rear door of the ship took a bullet and depressurized." He shows pictures of Civilians, children, and Soldiers, bodies frozen in time. "This stopped most of the parasite larva, that thing that was inside you. But some made it through and infected these guys here." He showed a video of the larva attacking 3 soldiers.

"Shit they take over fast."

"Sir it only took 6 mins to take control then 5 days to fully develop, into those things the troopers shot." He closes his eyes at some parts to graphic for him. "She held them off for 3 weeks then we arrived."

"How didn't we get any SOS?"

"Well I had Sarah look into that. It turns out their just getting into deep space exploration. From the looks of it the Source of the outbreak came from a crash site in the northern hemisphere. Heather told us it only took 4 months to lose the war. They spread so fast that all they could do was torch the place and evacuate." Kelly concludes.

"What about the rain forest?" I think back.

"Well we have to get on the surface to find out exactly why the parasites can't take it over. But I highly suggest we send out a request to NCAS."

"Recon doesn't even want to leave the ship." Ramirez adds.

"Well, I will have a talk with Heather. She is the highest in command of her planet so we will use her as a ambassador. Have we searched any other ships?"

"Well, no sir the signatures on other ships is just as bad, we will be lucky to find any alive. We are waiting for order."

"Well fuck shit, you think you should do that since I've been out for fucking 3 days?! Fuck Kelly you want some action you got it I want all the remaining ships searched and cleared. Bring the wounded aboard and quarantine them, I want LAST ships deployed. Make a extinction quarantine in dock 2 and get the droids on line. Use them to clear the ship, program the parasite signatures, and make heathers kind friendlies. Keep it locked tight not even attached to ventilation. Wait... Is her ship intact?"

"Yes, and we have purged it, updated software and is now under droid control." Ramirez responds.

"Okay we will use her ship as a quarantine check point. Once the people are cleared and decontaminated then bring them to dock two we will then give them aid and give them bunks. If you find soldiers or higher ups bring them into our quarantine where it's just us and no droids, also reprogram them to only use force when attacked. Droids tend to be assholes, I want them to be gentlemen, and activate the "female" ones to handle with civilians. We don't want them scared to death."

"Damn good plan sir." Doctor Paul responds as I conclude. "Oh and It is good to see the hormonal effects are not permanent."

"Hey, mainly stole it from a movie I watched as a kid, but forget the title." I smile. "It's something no text book would ever teach you."