The hidden alpha pt 3

The third and final part. Forgive me if the sex is bad first time writing like that. Moments later Connor is leading Heather to the guest bathroom, her eyes wide taking in the amazing sights of the inside of Connor's home. Cathedral ceilings, wood and...

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The hidden alpha pt 2

Here is part 2 I hope to get the third out tonight. "State trooper?" A distorted voice repeats. Connor first thinks he has gone blind. "State trooper?" The voice comes from his left he turns his head and the yellow eyes appear next to him. Connor...

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The hidden alpha pt 1

Please forgive me for the lack of proper grammar. I am writing this on a tablet. Connor, a 22 year old state trooper is asleep in his patrol car. The unfortunate gift of a 12 hour shift paired with the cold moon lit night gave good reason for wolf...

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The last mission: Chapter 5

The vixen stepping toward me had a seductive smile on her fox like face. A scent filling my nose made my head spin. I stumble a little and shake my head trying to clear it. "You okay...?" She asks with that smile. "Yes I-... just got dizzy for a...

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my current passion

Hey I know ill get some negative feed back, but this will get more views then my journal. My current only source of income is my YouTube channel. I need your help my fellow furs. Im broke I have a amazing 11 dollars to my name. I want so bad to take...

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I look up at her in a mixed emotion the doctor behind the window starts asking her questions, but I am fixated on her eyes and tone out the doctor. She had an "Oh shit" expression or at least that's what it looked like to me. I look down at the bent...

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KilRoy and a speical night with a fox

A 23 year old black wolf in his Special Forces uniform sits in a bar after a long day of rough testing that has put rips into his uniform. He has been put on leave until he is needed or wants to be back in the fight. As the front door entrance...

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The Last Mission Ch.3

The surgeons were very discontent and rushed me to the OR. The humanoid vixen going out of my line of sight as I feel something burrowing into my chest the pain unbelievably powerful I scream in agony as the surgeons began to operate to get this...

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The Last Mission. Ch 2.

What would you do if you found a wounded woman, and in her eyes she pleaded for help? Would you help her? Or would you just let her die? If you are like most people, you would try to help her in any way you can. But what if she is carrying a lethal...

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The Last Mission.

The largest of the explosion throws me from one wall to the other slamming me into the adjacent wall with force that only causes pure pain. The lights flicker in this passage way of sparks and fire. The ship shakes violently with another explosion. The...

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