Promotion: A Day in the Office

Story by Blake_Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of Daddy

Sam was getting used to his new role in the office. Everyday brought its own excitement, and he was eager to spend some quality time with the boss. When that gruff bear offers to take Sam up to the conference room for some much needed experience in upper management, Sam finds himself facing an unexpected problem.

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Sam was quickly getting used to his new role in the office. Mr. Lawson was sure to make everyday carry its own excitement. Sometimes, the mutt even found himself wishing the work day would never end. The thoughts brought a soft blush to his cheek. It wasn't the conventional office role, but that didn't bother Sam any. He had been a little uneasy at first, but with every new day passing the mutt found himself growing more and more excited.

Working as Mr. Lawson's personal assistant had given Sam quite the boost in pay, and even a nice little desk set up just outside of the boss' office. A large portion of his day was dedicated solely to taking phone calls and arranging meetings for the bear. It wasn't usually until around Mr. Lawson's lunch time that the two could work out the time for his other duties. Sam didn't mind though.

Monday's were always such a bore. Sam found himself idly watching the clock hanging on the wall across from his desk, watching the hands tick slowly by. He sighed, waiting for it to be noon. This was a particularly unstimulating day, and Sam found himself desperate for some trace of exhilaration. The mutt would even take a business call to break the silence.

His ears perked up as he heard the sound of a door being opened. He turned his head, and found the bear stepping out of his office. The older gentleman offering him a devilish little smile as he fidgeted with his suit, ensuring there were no blemishes on his outfit. He padded his way over to the mutt and smiled down to him.

"Hey Sammy" the bear offered in a tease, that deep voice of his making the mutt tremble with excitement.

"What can I do for you sir?" he spoke in a polite, professional manner.

"Follow me. I think it's about time I started to keep my word" the bear offered as poor and vague explanation of his intent.

"Yes sir" he spoke and lifted himself out of his desk.

Mr. Lawson made his way through a field of cubicles, cut across a few hallways, grabbed an elevator, and finally lead the mutt up to one of the higher floors. Once up he began to lead the mutt into a conference room for some of the higher ups. It was still fairly early it would seem as the two were the only ones around.

"Alright pup, listen up" he spoke taking advantage of the privacy to throw out one of his favorite names for Sam.

"Yes daddy" Sam offered, blushing lightly at the words.

"You're here to learn. Just take note of what I'm doing and try to keep up. I told you before that I'd show you how to get things done around her and I wasn't kidding. So don't fall behind, or I'll get a new puppy who can keep pace" he warned, though his tone seemed none too serious.

"I'll do my best daddy" he spoke wagging his tail a bit.

"Good boy" the bear praised and began to pet Sam a bit, working his paw over the fur on the boy's head.

It wasn't long before a few more suits piled into the conference room. Sam wasn't paying them too much mind. He sat rather close to his boss, keeping his head low as he didn't want to intrude on their meeting. It didn't take him long to figure out who was in charge as an older wolf began to bark orders, silencing the bouts of idle chit-chat that had started to pop up amongst all the suits.

For the most part it felt like a standard meeting. They were talking about company finances, and reviewing various irksome things. Sam found himself struggling to keep his focus as they rambled on and on. The minutes turned very tardily into hours, and he saw graph after graph being presented along with more talk of numbers. He knew that it was important, but it didn't make it any less boring to him. Eventually, they would wrap things up.

"Alright gentlemen, there's just one last thing we need to discuss" the wolf began, "I've been hearing whispers around the company about inter-office affairs" he spoke. The words send chills down Sam's spine.

"You're kidding?" came the voice of a panther seated across from them.

"I don't have any proof of anything, however, I'm looking into the matter. The last thing this company needs is a lawsuit filed against it. In fact I've already got a team investigating the matter." he added. Sam tensed a bit more, he found himself wondering if the rumors were about himself and Mr. Lawson.

"Well, I'm sure it's just talk." came the voice of a bull sitting at the farthest end of the table, "You know how people are, they like to run their mouths"

"It might be" the panther interjected, "but it never hurts to look into the matter. We should always be cautious. After all we've lost a few good names in this company to rumors alone."

"You all worry too much. Rumor or not we've got someone looking into it. We should wait until we know what's going on, and we can deal with it then" Mr. Lawson offered to the group. Sam was surprised as he'd thought that the bear would want to keep under the radar.

"You're right as always" the wolf spoke, "I'll make sure to keep you all up to date on the matter." he added before dismissing everyone back to their day.

Mr. Lawson stood up and began to make his way out of the conference room. Sam followed along behind him seeming a bit uneasy. The bear hadn't failed to notice the concern expressed in the mutt's face, but waited until they were safe and alone on the elevator to address it. As the doors closed and the elevator began its decent the bear looked over to the mutt.

"Don't worry, even if it is us they're talking about they won't catch us." the bear assured him.

" do you know?" Sam offered worriedly.

"I've been doing things like this for fifteen years now and I've never been caught." he spoke proudly.

"O..oh" Sam spoke softly.

"Relax, I've learned how to keep things quiet. Besides I've got a few friends in our internal affairs department who'll be happy to look the other way" he spoke petting the mutt to help calm his nerves.

"T..that's good"

"In fact why don't you step into my office and I'll show you how confident I am they won't catch on" Mr. Lawson spoke as the doors to the elevator opened.

Sam blushed a bit and followed along behind the bear. They made their way back through the field of cubicles and into the bear's office. Inside Sam was greeted with a familiar sight. The boss' impressive desk resting against the back wall, a window overlooking the city below, a field of paper achievements painting the walls. It was a fairly standard office for sure.

"Now hows about my puppy strips down for daddy?" the bear suggested making Sam blush.

"Mm I'd love to daddy" he murred out heatedly. Swaying his hips in a seductive manner the pup began a little strip tease. His fingers played with the buttons on his suit, tauntingly working them off one at a time. More and more of the canine's soft, lithe chest being exposed until all the buttons had come undone. He slipped the shirt off of his upper half letting it fall to the floor beneath him. Mr. Lawson had moved to sit atop his desk, idly rubbing a paw against his crotch seeming to be enjoying the display.

"Such a slutty little thing" the bear praised. Sam's blush deepened at the comment, his fingers finding his way to his pants while his hips continued to sway to an imaginary beat. Dexterously he slid his pants down his thighs exposing his lush curves, round ass, and those precious little pink panties of his. The bear seemed to be enjoying the show quite a bit.

"Does daddy like?" the mutt teased.

"Daddy likes." the bear spoke rubbing at his growing bulge, "Keep the panties on slut, I like you in em"

Sam complied. His own arousal was growing as he put himself on display. He could feel his tip peaking from his sheath as he stared to the attractive bear before him. Sam's thoughts about the conference room complete faded away, having been replaced with thoughts of the handsome gruff bear before him.

"Get over here pup and help me out of these shoes" the bear ordered holding up his feet.

Wasting no time, Sam moved over to his boss and dipped down onto his knees. Delicately he took each shoe into his soft paws and worked them off of Mr. Lawson's feet. The bear grinned down and wiggled his digits through his socks. Without needing to be told Sam sniffed a bit at his boss' musky feet shivering as the scent fueled his arousal further.

" get these socks off me" the bear ordered, and the mutt promptly peeled them away as well. The bear was quick to reward Sam as those large sexy feet began to grind and rub against his panties, drawing little whimpers of pleasure from his lips.

"I think it's high time my slutty puppy had a taste of daddy, don't you?" the bear offered playfully as he began to unzip his pants working them over his hips. The large male was left in only his boxers, offering Sam's eager eyes a great view of his impressive bulge.

"Y..yes daddy" he moaned sweetly as he leaned up to bury his muzzle into Mr. Lawson's crotch. Drawing a deep breath, the mutt's senses were quickly flooded with a rush of musk. The aroma of the bear was purely intoxicating to Sam, and he found himself unable to resist offering a few more sniffs. Before long that thick canine tongue of his was licking and teasing at the fabric of the boxers, exploring along the bear's bulge.

"Good b..boy" he praised with a soft moan. The bear's big hand moved down to stroke and pet Sam's head, while his feet continued to stroke and rub his crotch making the mutt's hips buck up. Sam whined cutely and lapped a bit more at the boxers before gripping them to work them down his hips to join his pants. His eyes quickly greeted with that thick fat cock springing to life before his eyes, pre dripping along it already.

"mm daddy is so big" he moaned out heatedly gazing longingly over the bear's cock. The words brought a smirk to Mr. Lawson's lips as the canine leaned up to lick slowly along that thick pole of meat. His tongue inquisitively teasing along every inch. The taste of bear meat on his tongue making him whine with lust. His hips rocking gently against those large rough feet teasing his own needing cock.

The mutt continued to rock his hips against those rough soles. The sensation of the bears feet teasing against the soft fabric of his panties to stroke him was blissful. His mind racing with perverse thoughts as his panties began to grow damp from his own pre. The mutt wasn't giving that much thought though as he continued to hump against the bear's soles.

The taste of the bear's shaft was intoxicating to the mutt. His tongue licking along every inch, swirling around the head of his shaft, and dipping back down to start the process over again. He continued on like that for awhile, savoring the pre that teased his tongue occasionally. The sound of Mr. Lawson's heavier breathing a clear sign he was doing well.

"Wrap those slutty lips around my cock already, pup" the bear ordered down to Sam. His strong hand still working through the fur on the mutt's head, occasionally offering some scratches to his ear. A few soft little murrs left Sam's lips at the affectionate praising. His lips parted as he wrapped them around the head of the male's cock sucking playfully on his meat, savoring the taste that was now flooding his senses.

Sam whined into the bear's meat, sending vibrations through the older male's shaft. He could feel those large feet grinding and teasing into his own cock, working him through the fabric of the panties. The cute pink thing soaked with his own pre as his hips eagerly rocked into those rough pads, savoring the sensations that were building.

His lips were eagerly gliding up and down that thick pole of bear cock. The office filling with the lewd sounds of a slutty puppy slurping on thick cock. The bear's shaft being coated in Sam's saliva as the puppy continued to glide his head up and down that thick meat. Mr. Lawson's strong hand gripping into the puppy's head to guide him faster up and down his meat, bucking his hips upward in rhythm with the boy's bobs.

The scent of the room was becoming clouded with musk and sex. The puppy sniffing eagerly at the bear's crotch between breaths as he slurped on that thick meat lewdly. Pre greeted his taste-buds with every curious swirl of his tongue, driving the mutt's lust deeper. His mind was racing with want and need, his hips eagerly grinding his own cock against those feet teasing him. The pleasure was only growing more and more for the duo as they carried on their little office affair.

"D..damn slut. G..get ready" the bear began to warn, "D..daddy's g..gonna cum" he groaned out roughly gripping into his hair as he pushed the last few inches of his cock past Sam's lips. The bear forcing Sam to deep throat him, and with that he growled in lust as he began to pump his cum down Sam's throat.

Sam was taken by surprise as he quickly found the bear's meat pushing past his lips. The flood of sticky cum flooded his lips, and the mutt struggled to keep up with the flow as he gulped down what he could, some of it dripping past his lips to drizzle down his chin. When the bear finished he pulled out of Sam's mouth and wiped off the spit and cum on the boy's muzzle smirking down at him.

" enjoy drinking daddy's cum pup?" he asked playfully, his feet still working over the puppy's needy cock.

"Y..yes d..daddy!" he whimpered out eagerly humping at the bear's rough feet. Sam was losing his mind and wanted to cum so badly. The bear's feet felt so good against his cock, and the taste and scent of cum was hazing out his thoughts with need and desire.

"Good boy, now how about you cum for daddy?" he questioned still working his pads into the boy's crotch.

Sam didn't need to be asked twice. The pup cried out sweetly as he rocked his hips into the bear's pads and hit climax. His seed spilling into those cute pink panties making a mess of them, soaking them in his seed. The mutt was left panting heavily as he stared up at the bear.

"Good boy" the bear praised again, "Now go get yourself dressed, we have to go see a friend over in the internal affairs department" the bear spoke casually as he waited for his favorite assistant to redress.