Poem: Something So Fine

Story by Milly Snowpawz on SoFurry

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Something so fine.

With the sun shimmering down, Warming the fur covered belly, A simple pleased smile, spreads across the face of the tigress.

Soft paw pads brush over the prickly blades of grass Tickling between her digits, the rumbling purr, soft and long, fills the air, harmonizing with the gentle sound of the leaves with the breeze.

The Long fluffy tail, sweeps the ground in a playful manner, footpaws wiggling with comfort of her happiness, still the smile stays upon the face of the Tigress.

Eyes of Aqua blue, watch as clouds drift along in the light blue sky, casting small shadows upon the earth, sending shivers through her body.

Still the shimmering sun warms her, Filling her with the feeling of freedom, When something is this fine, He can only but watch as his love baths in the midday Sun.

Milly Snowpaws

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