The Knight And The Harem Slave Part 1

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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Having finally completed this I now post here The Knight And The Harem Slave Part 1, featuring a human male dropped into a fantasy world where he quickly rescues a pregnant vixen dressed in harem attire. Without a language in common they manage to communicate effectively enough in spite of it.

The Knight and the Harem Slave Part 1


Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask

A dream! That's what it had to be, a dream, Mark told himself. He wasn't struggling to stand up in the middle of a forest in a suit of armor with no idea of either how he got there or into the armor.

It was a magnificent suit though, gleaming silver in the sunlight, intricate engravings everywhere he could see, and it weighed so little it felt as if he was wearing little more than regular clothing. It was far tougher than cloth though; he'd struck a tree and had broken nearly clean through it with a solid crunch of his gauntlet into it.

Trees towered into the sky around him, likely oaks or elms, although with his limited knowledge he couldn't be sure of the actual type. The air was rich with the earthly smell of decay and the sounds of leaves rustling in the treetops. If it was a dream it was the most detailed one he'd ever had, with a rich vibrancy to the colors and life filling the woods.

Leaning against a tree he sighed and pulled his helm off, wiping his brow with the corner of the cloak that was part of his ensemble. He had all the basics of a warrior of some sort slapped onto him: armor, shield, and sword. And all of it beautifully inscribed and worked, with the sword bearing some sort of runes along its length and gems set in the cross guard and the shield a disc of polished silver and slightly concave, much like the one one of his favorite comic heroes carried. From the sturdy leather straps crossing down from his shoulders and the slight weight he felt on his back he also had a pack of some sort.

"What was that?" he thought to himself suddenly, distracted from looking into matter more as he turned around trying to determine what he'd heard and from where. There! A scream, down towards the small lake he'd noticed glimmering between the trees.

A cold sweat came over him, he couldn't let it go unanswered, but he didn't know how to fight, even if he was dressed for it. Hands shaking he returned his helmet to his head and hesitantly drew his sword and fitted his shield firmly in place. Hurrying as best he could he raced to the source of the screams.

The sight that greeted him was yet another sign that he was either dreaming or VERY far from home; several huge, almost human-looking creatures were tormenting what looked like an evolved animal of some sort. In fact it was an anthropomorphic fox from the looks of things, and she was evidently pregnant from the size of her belly.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" he shouted without thinking, slowing his headlong rush to warily approach, unsure what chance he stood of stopping them, outnumbered and unskilled.

One of them turned to look at him and shouted something unintelligible back at him, then turned and said something else to his companion. With a final kick at the sprawled form of the vixen he nodded back and picked up a nearby club, then joined his partner in moving menacingly closer to him, grinning evilly.

Standing his ground in what he hoped was a suitably heroic stance, sword held in front of him in his left hand and his shield posed on his right, he still nearly turned and ran when the one with the club brought it down towards him. His fears weren't helped when the other picked up a rock and hurled it at him with all its might.

It was hard to say who was more surprised when his sword sheared through the club and the rock bounced harmlessly off of his shield by some miracle. Without thinking he drove the edge of his shield hard into the belly of the closer creature, somehow driving it back, then with a backhanded blow sliced through a nearby tree and sending it falling towards the other.

Bellowing in anger and pain the one he hit with his shield lunged at him and drove him back into another tree, jarring him painfully and nearly driving his sword from his hand. Panicking he swung down and cut cleanly through his opponent's leg just below the knee, sending him tumbling over without the support.

The other, once free from the tangle of limbs, let loose with a hideous scream once he saw the shape of his friend and charged forward as well, intent on driving Mark through the tree behind him. Instead he met death as he impaled himself on the glittering blade held by his target, nearly cut in half as Mark stumbled out of his way and his sword cut its way free.

Sickened by what he'd done, almost ready to throw up from the smell of blood and death, he still managed to hold together somehow and back up towards the initial target of the huge humanoids. He kept his sword raised and shield in position, ready to protect her in case one of them tried a final attempt on her instead of him, but to his great relief they did nothing but twitch feebly before dying. Shaking from the adrenaline rush of the fight he turned away from the sight of the bodies to examine the vixen they'd been kicking around.

Her simple two-piece silk outfit, reminiscent of a harem costume, was both obviously improper for outdoors travel (along with inappropriate in most places he could think of back home considering how revealing it was) and torn in several places, making him wonder why she was outside in such garb. She didn't seem injured though, outside of a few cuts, and her current unconscious state.

After arranging her in a more comfortable position, not quite certain though how to place her tail, he pulled his cloak free and rolled it up and placed it under his head, then steeled himself to inspect the whatever-they-were's he'd just fought. Unfortunately he found little of value, outside of managing some more cloth to use in covering the vixen to help keep her warm and a crude water bag with foul-smelling water he quickly dumped and rinsed clean in the nearby lake. There were also some belt pouches with some personal effects and freshly minted coins of some unknown denomination and stamped with some sort of matched set of seals on opposing sides.

By the time he'd returned she'd begun to awaken, struggling to get upright and failing, then looking around until her eyes locked on him. She froze, eyes going wide, obviously afraid of him. She rolled onto her side and tried to drag herself away as fast as she could, unheeding of his reassuring words.

Not quite sure how to calm her down he finally settled on laying the water skin next to her and moving a short distance away, enough to hopefully calm her fears some without moving too far away in case she needed help quickly. Deciding it was also as good a time as any he carefully slipped the pack off his back, which turned out to be larger than he'd originally thought, a full-sized and well-stocked backpack. Apparently whatever had put him wherever it was he'd ended up had at least outfitted him well for the journey.

As he searched through the pack he marveled at how much it held, for wont of a better term it was like magic. Doing what he could to make sense of what was packed into it he found it included a variety of items, including large amounts of non-perishable foodstuffs, tools and other implements of value to a wilderness traveler in a non-modern setting. He even found upon inspection that a thick folded canvas package in one of the separate pouches was a small tent that he refolded and put back where he found it.

While he was sorting through the large backpack he was careful not to let his eyes roam too long away from the vixen, who seemed to be settling down with him farther away from her. She had crawled back enough to end up pressed in against a tree, inspecting the cuts and bruises she'd gained while casting a wary eye his way occasionally.

Glancing back up at the pregnant vulpine he decided to see if a little offering of food would help out and returned to looking through the backpack until he found some smoked or seasoned meat and waited until she was looking at him again. Once she was looking his way he set the pack down, save for the meat, and held it out towards her. As he caught her glancing at his offering he moved his way slowly towards her in a crouch, trying not to frighten her by towering over her, especially in the armor he was wearing.

The vixen froze as he neared her again, only her tail lashing in against the tree betraying her agitation, eyes locked on him as he gradually neared her, then placed the meat near her in its wrapper and eased backwards away from her. Better to back away he thought and give just the right mix of trust and caution to things. It wasn't until he was back at his pack that she hesitantly reached for the offering, eyes darting back and forth from it to him and back again before she picked it up to sniff at it. She followed the sniff up with a lick before judging it safe and biting off a piece and eating ravenously.

Mark wasn't idle either as he took and ate some glazed nuts and raisins that had been in the pack, washing them down with small sips of water from his water skin, though his eyes didn't leave the vixen for more than a few seconds at a time. He'd just finished his snack when he saw she'd managed to wolf down his offering in record time, prompting him to offer her more, which got him a shake of her head, but at least she was responding to him in a better way than blind terror.

After waiting just a little bit he offered her the water skin he'd been drinking from, figuring she'd be more likely to trust it after seeing he'd already sampled the water, which she accepted in the same manner as she had the meat, although with less cautious inspection since she'd already seen him drinking from it. While she drank her fill, the water trickling out of her muzzle in her haste he moved back closer to her, bringing his pack along this time as he settled in near her, glad to see she didn't try crawling away again from him, even if she kept a suspicious eyeing of him going on.

Stripping off the gauntlets he held out his right hand to her palm up and waited to see how she would react, trying for what he hoped were neutral, non-threatening gestures to the pregnant female. Long minutes passed as she looked back and forth between his hand and his face, still wary in posture before she leaned forward to sniff at his fingers and then his palm, body tensed to pull back in case she felt threatened. He smiled softly as he simply held himself as still as possible, although just barely remembering not to show any teeth, since even such an evolved animal might take bared teeth as a challenge or threat.

Minutes passed as he knelt there in the sun, feeling the armor starting to warm as he tried to keep his mind off the heat and instead on her, making a show of sitting in the grass at her side like any friend or companion. His eyes roamed over her as well as he took the time to get a more detailed look at her.

He couldn't help marveling at just how human in form that she was, her features very much feminine even without the prominent bust-line, although perhaps they were so large simply because of the pregnancy and would fade after she was through nursing the kit she was carrying. Her hands bore four fingers and a thumb just like he had, and a similar human count of toes from what he could tell, although her legs were shaped more in a digitigrade style rather than the plantigrade style of a human.

She was clad in a filmy pink silk who's covering seemed to walk just the right balance between full exposure and privacy, although he could easily tell the patterning of her fur through it. Her belly was bare as the silk top only came down just a few inches below her breasts, with her thick bushy tail sticking out above the poofy harem pants, the end tipped in creamy white. Black fur on her arms and legs gave her the look of long ebony gloves and boots reaching to her elbows and knees, while rich burgundy fur covered all but her muzzle. A rich creamy white fur began at her muzzle and flowed down over her throat in a long wide strip, taking up her cleavage nearly halfway up the insides of her swollen breasts as it traveled by on its journey, down over her swollen belly past her waist and tapered off to come to a pointed end along the insides of her thighs.

He gave a bit of a start and blushed slightly as he realized where his gaze had wandered, raising his eyes back up to hers only to realize her gaze had been running over him as her expression became one more of curiosity now. She finally reached out with her right hand and tapped the breastplate of his armor and said something in a murring kind of growl, only confusing him as he wasn't sure if she was commenting about the armor, asking his name, or what he was or what. Finally with almost an annoyed look she tapped herself and said simply "Lyrrial", then back to him with the same growled question several times, before pointing to him and waiting.

When she pointed to him the third time he caught on and replied "Mark", then to be sure of things he pointed to himself and said his name again then to her and repeated what he felt was her name. When she nodded and did her best to state his name as she pointed to him he smiled carefully and offered her some fruit as dessert to her meal, which she accepted more readily than before. Not quite sure how to manage a dialog with her he settled on making what he hoped were reassuring motions and when she saw he wasn't going to hurt her doing a better exploration of her injuries, backing off anytime he touched anyplace particularly painful for the vixen.

He had to admit he found it embarrassing to inspect certain portions of her, given both her outfit and her well-developed feminine features, even if she didn't seem to have any problems with it at all outside the pain caused by her injuries. Most of her cuts and bruises seemed to center around her arms and legs, and not as many on her belly as he'd have thought. She must have managed to block most of the assault on her unborn kit up until shortly before he arrived on the scene to rescue her. Taking stock of the worst ones he reached for his water skin and rinsed each wound carefully, getting her cleaned up while she looked on and grew more relaxed as he tended to her. Finally she just stretched out in the grass beside the tree and simply gazed up at him, looking to have come to trust him at least that far, her bushy tail sweeping over the grass and batting up against him while he worked.

As he finished cleaning and dressing her injuries with some of the clean linen stored in the backpack he gave her belly a gentle pat, then reached up to lightly touch her cheek. "How does that feel?" he asked, even though he knew she wouldn't understand, keeping a gentle smile and soft tone to his voice once she opened her eyes to look at him again. Still stroking her cheek he asked once again, "How does that feel?" and nodded towards her dressings. She regarded him quizzically and made a curious murr-sound, trying to sit back up against the awkwardness created by her pregnancy.

"Here let me help you," he said, reaching in around her to help her upright then blushed a little given how that ended up displaying her. She gave him a smile without a show of teeth, then winced briefly and rubbed at her tailbase a little. Worried he might have missed something he slid his hand down her side and rubbed around too as he explored for anything that seemed wrong, but found nothing. He did get a response from Lyrrial though, in the form of a shift to her side and lifting up slightly, apparently enjoying the rubbing and wanting more.

Not quite sure how he'd gotten himself into the spot he was in he gave her what she wanted anyway, stroking and rubbing around her tailbase with the one hand in a steady soothing rhythm. He fought down the embarrassment of touching what had to be an intimate area on the vixen with the reminder that at least it was earning him good favor with her, something essential since he needed at least one being here to help him.

He wasn't sure how long he spent rubbing Lyrrial's tailbase and bottom before he noticed that it was getting darker as night approached and he didn't want either of them remaining near the remains of her attackers. Stopping he pointed to the darkening sky before she could get too upset and then towards the bodies and pantomimed leaving the area to which she nodded her understanding. Motioning for her to remain where she was he quickly got everything packed up into his pack and refilled the water skins, hanging both from his backpack before shrugging it on and getting the straps cinched and making certain he hadn't forgotten anything, like his gauntlets, before returning to Lyrrial.

Offering his hands to her (after making sure his gauntlets were dangling from his backpack straps so they would be handy in case he needed them), he helped her to her feet, briefly embracing her as she fell in against his armored chest before she regained her balance. After helping dust her off he picked his cloak up and shook it out, then offered it to her so she could have some better protection than that provided by her silken attire.

"Which way should we go?" he asked, emphasizing the questioning tone while motioning around, then asking and motioning again for good measure, hoping she'd catch on to what he was wanting. She seemed to understand as she pointed off into the forest and took his hand in hers and tugged him in that direction until he got moving then walked along beside him, leaning against him for support.

Mark let his arm encircle her, the armor keeping him from feeling her against him except by the pressure of her along his right side but probably a good thing really, given her relative nakedness and lush curves. His hip occasionally bumped hers as he helped her over trunks and around holes and rocks scattered through the landscape, her bare feet retaining the toughened footpads of her ancestors but not enough to handle some of the hazards on the nature-ruled ground. The deepening shadows and darkness didn't help any either, forcing him to eventually call a halt to the journey even though they'd barely walked an hour at most, helping her sit down on a rock, after laying some brush on it to cushion the seat.

As she watched on he unpacked the tent and laid it out on the ground, trying to puzzle out how everything went together to get it set up before it was too dark for him to see. It was slow going until Lyrrial slid down to her knees with a merf and crawled over with an attitude of 'males' and showed him how to fit the various sectioned poles together and stake out the supports, which sped things along immensely. She did smile though and look proud of things once they were all set up, the tent larger and roomier than he originally thought in his quick inspection earlier. While she gazed up at him and sat back on her legs she had an uncomfortable look and patted herself below her belly and looked to him as if for permission for something. He really wasn't sure what but nodded his head anyway motioned for her to do whatever she wanted to do until she started crawling away, somewhat behind the tent.

He wasn't quite sure what she was up to until she was about ten feet away, untied her bottoms and slid them down, unconcerned that he'd been watching her up to that point, before he turned away. Well he knew what the question was now as he heard the splashing on the ground, although he didn't understand why she felt she needed his permission, unless it was some rule or custom in her society. When he heard her finish and start coming back he turned back to look at her, only to find her gazing at him with a look of confusion, she hadn't expected him to actually watch had she?

She returned to him with her eyes downcast and tail laying limp, looking more like a child who'd been berated after doing a good job at something than an a mature female and mother-to-be. It tugged at his heartstrings and he lifted her muzzle up with one hand and stroked her headfur gently with the other, petting her comfortingly and trying to let her know she hadn't done wrong. As she perked up he scritched a little behind her ears and found she liked that and kept it up until she was sounding out that happy murring from before. As soon as she was feeling better he let the rubbing taper off and motioned for her to get into the tent. He took the time to brush her off as she eased her way inside, getting off all the dirt and mess he could from her crawling on the ground. He couldn't help but blush some in the process of that since it presented her backside to him quite prominently, tail uplifted proudly and swishing about as he brushed her off.

Once she was comfortably inside he motioned for her to wait for him while he took care of his own needs where she had, leaving his back to the tent as he figured out how to get enough armor off to do what needed doing. When he was done and covered back up he turned back to join the vixen in the tent, then blinked in surprise at the light streaming out through the open flap and the small mirror-lined lamp hanging from the top of the tent. The material of the tent left him unable to see even a glimmer of that light from outside with the flap closed, making it easier to settle in for the night without the lit lamp attracting dangers.

Lyrrial had been busy doing more than just setting up the lamp while he'd been outside, apparently having felt it was her duty to unpack the bedding and get the tent ready for sleep as well. She was in the midst of stroking the wrinkles out of the one of the bedrolls she'd somehow found in the backpack, which gave him a good impression that she better understood its nature than he did. Either that or else she was just lucky, either way it looked like they'd have something relatively comfortable to lay upon for the night. When he entered she quickly turned to him and dropped onto her hands to rest on all fours facing him, her tail pressed against the side of the tent.

"You don't have to do that," he told her, even though he knew she wouldn't understand him. Indeed she just cocked her head at him and regarded him curiously and quietly as he sealed the flap behind him and made himself as comfortable as he could as he tucked the shield and then the sheathed sword against the back of the tent. Remaining crouched on all fours as he seated himself he found ample distraction as it put her silk-shrouded bosom on display, the vixen passively awaiting his instruction as to what he expected of her.

Patting her on the head Mark encouraged her to settle onto her side or seat herself rather than remain in what couldn't have been the most comfortable of positions for her, but she only cocked her head at him and remained kneeling and watching him. Deciding he didn't know what to do with her he instead concerned himself with another problem he hadn't realized initially; he couldn't sleep in the armor unless he wanted to risk injuring Lyrrial if one of them moved wrong in the night. Inspecting the armor as best he could in the flickering light of the lamp while it reflected off his armor he tried to puzzle out the fasteners and remove as much as he could.

It wasn't until he'd pinched his fingers several times just trying to undo the catches holding the plates for the right arm that she seemed to realize he didn't know anything about removing armor and needed help, and sat back up in order to free her hands up to help him. Clearly wherever she was from she'd had experience with helping take armor off someone, as she nimbly worked at the various restraints that held the various pieces of the armor together in one cohesive whole. While he didn't like her having to do so much in her state once she had something to do she handled it with confidence and alacrity without ever saying a word.

The vixen was quite methodical as she stripped the armor off and stacked it neatly next to his shield and sword, the pile of metal and leather growing steadily as she freed him from his protective shell. He squirmed a bit in embarrassment though when she went after the pieces around his waist and had to impress upon her as best he could the necessity of leaving some of the covering in place. While she didn't seem to understand why she shrugged and finished up freeing him from the rest of the armor until he was left with just the well-woven under-clothing to protect against being rubbed raw by the metal and leather portions of the plate mail.

There wasn't much time to consider how much lighter he felt with all that metal off though, for while she had nothing to help removing he did need to show her he felt she'd done well helping him and tend to whatever needs she had to have. Since she'd settled back onto all fours when she finished he reached to stroke and pet her on the head tenderly, fingers gently gliding through the silky curls that matched her fur and spilled down around her shoulders to the ground. From there once she was relaxed and enjoying the attention he gently but firmly began urging her to lay down and rest on her side. She didn't seem to feel it was proper but did submit to his direction, her gaze remaining steadily upon him as he started looking her over.

Once Lyrrial lay passively on her side he re-checked her wounds he'd bandaged earlier, making sure that they didn't look to be dirty or infected, then re-cleaning them and putting fresh dressing on them. While she whimpered occasionally when he dealt with the worst of them she didn't fight or try to draw away, a level of trust he found comforting as it'd be hard to sleep if he had to be afraid what she might do while he was the helpless one. By the time he was done the only thing left to take care of was her feet, which in all honestly looked worse off in ways than the rest of her, especially with how she reacted when he touched them. Clearly she was from a pampered background and lacked the toughened footpads to handle the problems presented by the wilderness.

Checking back through the contents of the backpack he tried to find something that'd help with her feet, and swore vigorously in his head that nothing was labeled and wished for some nice modern medicines from back home. He opened and checked through nearly a dozen jars before deciding to leave it up to the vixen to determine. Laying them out before her he showed the contents of each to her and pantomimed applying them to her feet and testing her reaction, which consisted of her pushing all but one away and with a tilt of her head at him she rolled over onto her back and offered him her feet. Trusting she knew which was best for her he washed her feet off as gently as he could, while wishing he had something more modern to clean them with or at least something to numb the pain. Each whimper and instinctive effort to tug her feet away from him cut at him but he persevered as he proceeded to dry, salve, and wrap them from the claws to well above the portion she used for walking.

Finished with the medical attention he patted her on the tummy and smiled, his hand resting there as he checked to see if he could feel the kit or kits moving inside her. To his surprise the vixen rested her hand on top of his, holding it there and swishing her tail around to curl it around his waist and quietly gazed up at him. Stroking her tail with his other hand he leaned down to rest his ear against her belly, a bold measure he wouldn't have taken with a pregnant female back home but something that seemed possible with the vixen. As he listened at her belly and tried not to stare at the undersides of her breasts she patted him on the head this time, her claws combing through his hair gently while she lay there and simply watched him.

He found he couldn't really hear anything but did find himself assaulted by the spicy aroma of her vixen musk, which while it had been strengthening in the confines of the tent hadn't reached the noticeable levels that being nosed into her bellyfur presented. From the rush he was starting to experience breathing it he decided it was a good idea to cut back on that exposure and sat back up as quickly as he could without startling or scaring the vixen. It was too late to prevent an uncomfortable tightness in his codpiece though, and he dearly hoped she wouldn't realize she'd had that kind of effect upon him.

Rubbing her belly some more he fought back a yawn but lost the fight and blinked tiredly. Between the fight and flight he was exhausted, and ready for bed in spite of the impact her musk was having on him. He wasn't sure if Lyrrial was as well until she yawned too and released his hand and drew herself back upright. Once she was done she started taking her top off as if it was the most natural thing to do, the vixen unashamedly releasing the catches that held it in place.

A blush quickly crept up his face as she pulled the silk away, the strings sliding down her shoulder and from around her waist as she folded and neatly added it to the stack with his armor. He found it impossible to turn his gaze away as her breasts came into view in all their glory, her ample endowments lacking as much sag as he'd have expected for their size, with her pink nipples surrounded by the black skin of her aureole and impossible to miss seeing. He was afraid of what might be coming next, and indeed once she was done with the top she shifted back onto her knees and began to remove the silky bottoms she wore as well. As best he could he moved to turn away with all the nonchalance he could muster, going after his cloak while she drew the bottoms off her legs and folded and stored them with the top.

Trying to look busy getting the rest of the way ready for bed so he wouldn't be tempted to check out more of her than he already had proved a fruitless endeavor though, for when she was done she returned awkwardly to all fours and with her tail pressed against her back presented herself to him the best she could in the confines of the tent. If he'd thought the reaction he'd had to her scent was bad enough that full on presentation of her nether regions created an embarrassingly painful erection as he found himself gazing upon the puffy folds of her creamy white fur outlined sex. From the look she was giving him it was obvious what she expected him to do, even if he was clueless why she expected it.

Why am I resisting her offer? he suddenly thought. Sure she wasn't human but she was close enough in all the right ways and clearly willing. It wasn't like he'd had anything of the sort happen to him before either or someone to save himself for. The way she was looking at him over her shoulder, like what are you waiting for? left him asking himself once again: why was he not taking up her offer?

The answer came to him quite unbidden while his right hand reached forth to cup and gently squeeze the hot dampness of her mound, that there was no reason to be resisting at all. He couldn't put it into words but the need to connect to someone, to ground himself before he just fell apart while trying to hold himself together in the face of things, it and the way she reacted by pressing back against his hand with a throaty murr stripped away all resistance on his part.

Awkwardly reaching for his underwear he worked it down with his free hand while continuing to stroke her wet, musky sex with the right. It felt so nice against his hand, the freedom to touch a receptive female, to watch as her tailtip twitched about and turned her head back forward so she could close her eyes and focus on his touch. It was even nicer having his erection freed from the confines of his underwear, the ache from trying to deny what he truly desired almost too much to bear. Lyrrial's own ache was proving too much for her as well as she ground back demandingly against his hand, trying to push her nether regions back to where his throbbing shaft waited.

Mark was glad the basics of what to do weren't difficult to pick up on, even if he wasn't sure how much he could rely on from listening to other guys bragging about their encounters, both from likely embellishing and her not being human. At least from the wetness coating his fingers that much was true, so steeling his courage and letting his instincts and desires guide him he took hold of himself and shuffled forward the short distance between them to rub the head of his erection along her now engorged folds, feeling the kiss of her lips against the tip.

The kiss proved to be a brief one though as she quickly thrust herself back onto him once she was aware of where his shaft was, a husky yerfle of delight accompanying things as she sheathed him inside of her snug, wet welcoming depths. Mark was momentarily stunned from the suddenness of it all, the quick taking of his virginity and how right it felt with those silken walls clasping him like a glove made just for him, the walls flexing with the throbbing of his shaft. Then the moment passed as she began rocking back and forth along his shaft with slow, steady thrusts as her need saw no need for wasted time.

Shifting his hands to her hips Mark began thrusting as well, slipping it deep into her as she thrust back towards him before pulling back again. His heart raced as the enormity of the moment swept over him: he was finally having sex, and not just sex but sex with someone very much not human but very much willing. There was no way he was going to stop things even if he wanted to though (which he very much did not), sealed away in a tent in some unknown wilderness and awash in her musky arousal the universe for this brief moment in time had become just the two of them; two strangers connecting in this most primal fashion.

A need soon grew within Mark as they mated, a need to feel and connect with far more of Lyrrial than just the small amount where they were joined, his hands starting to gravitated up along her sides as he awkwardly tried to work out how to continue mating her and cover her at the same time. She was patient enough when his efforts broke the rhythm, leaving him to briefly wonder if he was simply taking the normal position for such matings before the thought fled his mind completely as her back fur caressed his chest and his head came alongside her shoulder and her milk-swollen breasts filled his hands. Mate now his instincts said, leave the thinking for later.

Mark was almost like a kid in a candy store once he had Lyrrial's breasts in his grasp, gently stroking and fondling them with abject abandon as he descended below the level of conscious thought and into the realm of physical sensations and base desire. Her nipples leaked across his fingers as he tweaked and tugged on the nubs, soon to add the scent of her milk to that of her juices that had long since marked his shaft along with the rest of him as hers. Eyes closed he could he was lost in what he could feel, could smell, could hear. The feel of fur so soft and sensuous that only the most numb of person could fail to take pleasure in its touch, the smell of one whose arousal filled the awareness of her partner to bring him along with her to the heights of pleasure, and the sounds of her happy little whimpers and moans of delight that needed no translator in order to explain them.

With each passing moment they grew more in sync with one another, learning each other's rhythms until all the awkward learning was past and only the growing upward spiral of pleasure remained. Without words they knew the other's state of being, without words they could tell they were approaching their peak, and without words they climaxed in a sublime moment of ecstasy that seemed to last forever before the couple descended from the heights back to reality and the tiny confines of their tent.

The first thing Mark was aware of when he was able to think once again was the gentle caress of Lyrrial's cheek against his as his head rested on her shoulder, the sound of her panting in his ears and the drape of her tail across his back. She didn't seem to be in any hurry to get him off of her and he didn't feel in much hurry either, hands resuming tenderly trailing across her breasts and belly, exploring her and lavishing extra attention upon her so as to not seem like the sort of male to care only about himself and his needs.

Eventually though all things must come to an end, and without the demanding need between them the exhaustion of the day overcame them. Yawning Mark gave Lyrrial a soft kiss on her cheek even though he was sure she wouldn't understand its meaning and a pat on the belly before sliding off of her. Accepting things weren't quite ready for bed he pulled the backpack over and found a cloth inside so he could clean up the mess they'd made, while Lyrrial remained passively on all fours as he wiped up the worst of the drying juices and his seed leaking out of her. Once he'd finished things up though and with gentle motions to guide her along she settled onto her side with him spooned up behind her, tail draped across him while his arms encircled her. With a contented sigh he drifted off to sleep, the memories of their moment together repeating in his mind as he held onto them to give him hope for better times with the new day.