Making a Pet

Story by Grahckheuhl on SoFurry

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This here story happens to be for guderian over on FA:

For some reason I felt particularly proud when writing this story. I'm not really sure why, but it flowed extremely well for me. When it was proofread, it's flagrantly obvious how poor I am at properly using tenses, but thank goodness that's what proofreading is for!

Regardless this was a fun commission, and I still can't quite discern why that is. Oh well!

Also, even though it isn't the most full of description, I find the dragon I designed in this story to be extremely sexy.

Also (part 2, electric boogaloo), why do kobolds have to be so damn cute?!

Fun fact: my auto-correct wanted to change 'kobolds' to 'cuckolds'. Huh.

Inside of horse-drawn wagon as it thumped along, a single man waited and peered out from inside the coach impatiently. Looking around at every given source of new information, he seemed almost childish with his actions, yet the dress attire worn showed him to be of a more upstanding and intellectual side of society. Every single tree seemed to catch his attention, and none of the holes in the lowly traveled road deterred him in focusing to catch each detail. He had clearly given up writing down such details, as the spilled ink and messed papers on the floor of the wagon showed, and thus the intricacies of what he looked at were simply mental notes. A particular reason for his giddy nature was that he expected to be arriving at his destination in just a few moments.

"Alright, Samuel, time to get out. This is where you wanted to be left off." A voice from the front, driving the horses, stated right on queue.

"Much obliged sir. I truly can't begin to thank you enough for how much it means for me to get out here!"

Stepping out of the carriage, he nearly fell upon the dirt as he tried to multi-task and grab his belongings whilst simply keeping balance. It took him a bit to recollect himself and kick off his shoes before continuing on with his thoughts, grabbing at least a few blank parchments for himself, hoping to finally find time to write what he'd found.

"Honestly Samuel? I think you've gone and lost your mind, going out here in these woods in this border of the country."

"Oh, what, because the indigenous populations actually believe in make-believe creatures? That's the perfect reason to talk to them! People like that, hiding right beneath our noses in the forests out here, speaking our language, also perfectly civilized yet never being found? We just have to know where they've come from!"

"You do, not a single soul else. Frankly I think this place is cursed, and I'll be sure to tell of such if you're not back here at this time next week. You're out here on your own."

At that moment the wagon driver flicked his head to his horses, who had reared up and whinnied out of fear at something which neither of the men had noticed. Yelling out, he seemed powerless to calm the horses' nerves as they took off in a fury down the circular path. Samuel, with wide eyes, dove out of the way for fear of being run over by the crazed beasts and their hooves. He had barely got up in time to wave down the driver before hearing words shouted back at him, to which he couldn't make out a single word; it almost sounded like a warning. Not much more could be done other than to simply stand up and dust himself off, and sigh in discontent at his lack of materials.

"What a disgrace to learning. I hope those fellows have some ink for me to use at least. The least he could have done was hold back those animals so I could grab my hat..."

"What is this, another visitor? So soon?"

Samuel jumped up quickly, startled from the voice coming from behind. Turning around, he witnessed the particular people he at least had hoped to see. They looked like they came from a hundred years in the past, yet the accent mimicked exactly what he would expect if walking around his home town. Quickly fixing his posture and greeting appropriately, he nodded and stated with a smile, trying to ignore how unruly the coat and shirt beneath had become on his form. He became grateful that the four men, dressed in simple linen and cotton shirts and pants, something which hadn't been seen worn in over eight hundred years.

"Yes, hello! Just call me Samuel. I must apologize for my rough display here, I came across a bit of an accident just now. Never mind that though, my gosh, I heard that your people spoke perfectly, but I didn't think to believe it!"

"I've a feeling that shall be heard more in the coming future, if more of your people are to come and gawk at us, I take it? Nevertheless, you have actually come at the perfect time. A festival is soon to be underway."

News of this brought a strong tinge of curiosity to strike Samuel's mind. There had only ever been two other people who ventured into these forests and to a fabled town hidden within, but none of the customs were ever explained. In fact, none of them ever had actually come back to normal civilization, but simply only letters had returned, speaking of the people working their lives in fields to sustain themselves. All he could think of with a celebration would be for a form of worship, but to a being which he wouldn't call very believable.

"Oh yes, you mean to the Great Dragon, as you should call it?"

The four men seemed shocked at hearing the words come from Samuel, and simply looked at each other with widened eyes. It gave him a sense of pride that he didn't come completely unprepared for their customs, or at least him being able to make assumptions as to what they might be speaking about. At least, until, they spoke again.

"So then, you know that the one who first speaks of Him shall be offered in His glory?"

"But of course! I wouldn't have it any other way. I'd be quite delighted to see this idol of yours. After all, it's why I came here, to study your ways and see why you believe what you do."

Remaining stalwart, he stated his words with passion and genuine interest. After all, he didn't believe in anything of myth, so he simply assumed any sort of dragon to be just some smoke in the shadows to be played at and laughed over. Surely, he thought, that even if these people lived in a time long past, that they couldn't believe in things which never existed.

"Very well then! This is excellent news. Come, follow us, and we'll prepare you for His servants!" The leader of the four said with jubilance before turning, and all four went down a narrow path into the thick of the trees.

That went better than he could ever have hoped for, Samuel had to think to himself. Without any hesitation he followed the folk, gaining better vision of their definitions. They seemed surprisingly short to him for normal people, but perhaps that had to deal with a different sort of diet. Another observation was how quickly they were able to move through the underbrush of the forest, despite being dressed in normal peasantry clothing. He held tight to his papers, most of them crunched up due to improper holding. Nothing seemed very out of the ordinary in the forest for what he'd expect where he lived, save for it being so much more full. At points sunlight barely made it through the leaves above, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread in such. It very much reminded him of old stories about dragons and where they lived, in caves through the forests. Perhaps that is why they imagined such things, he speculated. After what seemed to be just a few minutes of a swift walk, the group came within a small clearing. There he looked at a cut part of the forest, large enough for just a few large platforms of wood to be laid out and stacked upon, with a single wooden stake on that.

"Isn't that a classic image of olden times..." He chuckled to himself, noticing how it very much looked like what one expected a princess to be tied to while awaiting a dragon to abduct her.

"And it's where you'll stay, if you don't mind. Just stand up there, and we'll tie your wrists to the stake, and you'll be picked up soon enough."

It bothered Samuel just how casually the leader stated his intentions. At the same time it didn't surprise him though, as this tradition had likely taken place for several hundred years by this point, passed down through generations. In a way it sort of felt like a game to him, and as his boots clunked against the rickety wood, he turned to press his back against the pole before wrapping his arms back around it. One of the men loosely tied a knot, feeling entirely halfhearted, before stepping down and waving as all four men walked to disappear into the forest with haste. Tugging, he felt that he could slip out of the bonds if he wanted, which made him believe all the more that it wasn't something to be taken too seriously in his mind. That was, until, he heard a hissing coming from behind.

"Eh, who's out there? Did you forget to baste me before the dragon whisks me away?" He chuckled slightly, having fun with the thought.

Minutes went by before an answer came to him. More hissing enveloped his hearing, but this time much closer, to the point that it sounded immediately behind him. It sent goosebumps along the neck, and as Samuel turned to look back, he felt vibrations along the stake he had been sloppily bound upon. At this point actual fear took over, and he struggled to remove himself from the pole. Minimal effort was needed, just as he presumed at the start, but that fact left his mind due to the circumstance, and he clumsily fell for the second time off the raised wood and upon the dry surface. His eyes widened as he felt and saw a body land in front of his eyes. The problem, in his mind, was how the feet appeared clawed, and the toes scaly.

Looking up, he saw a small red reptilian creature, standing on hind legs and giving an unsettling smile. Another vibration was felt upon the wood, and looking to see the source, another creature of equal looks jumped up, this one a dark green. Whoofing out in fear and disbelief, Samuel simply froze and stared, save for his head which looked back and forth at the creatures. They each wore simple leather cloths around their waists, giving an impression they cared about decency amongst each other. Both of them, he couldn't imagine, were anywhere over three or four feet tall, yet the musculature upon the bodies could put some of the strongest men he knew to shame. Their chests rippled with movement as they lurked around him, and their arms flexed outwards with surprising circumference in a show of strength. They seemed light on their feet, yet the weight could be felt as they both moved in perfect unison. Each had the brows atop their eyes spiked, giving a slightly menacing appearance, at which they transitioned to much larger scaly protrusions, making them look to have large yet broad spikes traveling down the head and neck. He recognized them from myths and legends, and the realization nearly felt like a bolt of lightning striking him.

"K-kobolds? No, please, don't hu--" The red bent down and placed a finger across his lips, hissing quietly in what Samuel almost registered as a hushing noise. He simply went cross-eyed, staring in fear at the talon upon that finger.

It was then Samuel noticed both of them holding a specific object. The red one held within a hand what looked to be a loincloth, meant almost more for a silly depiction of a caveman, while the other held ropes. The latter quickly jumped on the occasion that Samuel might regain his senses and move, deftly tying a much more binding lace between his back, ensuring the hands wouldn't move apart. After being tied, both utilized the sharpened claws upon their hands to begin tearing apart the clothing upon his body. Gasping in fear and squirming about, he wormed in an attempt to escape those creatures. They tore relentlessly at him, and each swish of air around him sent a greater worry into him. Never once did they actually damage his skin beneath, but his clothing found a much more gruesome fate. Rolling him over, they quickly tied around him the loincloth the red had brought along, and forced him to stand. He never quite realized just how cold a forest felt until now, and he never wished to feel it at all.

"Please, why would you do this? I... I didn't think it was real! How could it be, you're made up! I'm dreaming, aren't I? Hallucinating? There's simply no way either of you tiny lizards are actually..." At that point he felt a sharp point prodding against his spine; a claw of the green kobold, standing behind him, reaching up.

"Silence!" Hissed the now-forward and red kobold, walking toward and into the forest, with the green behind holding the rope and making clear Samuel should follow.

The message came to him loud and clear. Samuel was to keep quiet and move, nearly bare naked, into the forest without a word. Sweat beaded at his forehead as he walked along, the foreign feeling of twigs and grass prodding against his feet keeping him assured it was not a dream. He was actually being abducted by two lizardmen, seen only as a myth in his civilized world, and led into the forest. Each breath came to him as heavy and filled with fear while walking, unable to focus and concentrate on his surroundings. He knew well he'd be lost anyways if he tried to bolt for it; there was no escape in during midday, such now. Everything seemed so similar around him, as the environment remained generally unchanged. That is until, in the very least, the two brought him upon what looked to be a tall and sharp-inclined hill otherwise obscured by the forest.

Samuel looked up at the cliff face, and noticed a cave entrance not too far up. Tugging all the harder, the kobolds increased their pace. There happened to be a narrow pathway leading up, oddly enough being just the perfect width for him to at least walk without having to change his gait. It didn't take him much thought to come upon the conclusion that this was their home. Worried about what his fate might be, he at the same time felt a strange sort of warm air blowing down from that cave which aimed to calm his nerves. Perhaps in a different circumstance it would have worked, but considering he had been taken away by a couple bipedal lizards he had thought were things of fantasy, nothing could ease his mind.

On the outside the cave looked like nothing more than a simple carved out section of rock, but when Samuel finally looked inwards he could see that it seemed more like the start of a mining operation. At least one that would have taken off, before likely taken over by the kobolds that had him now, as he could see that the human-made sections quickly expanded and took on a rough dug-out pattern likely formed with claws and rudimentary tools. Darkness shrouded the deeper sections of the cave, as sunlight couldn't quite penetrate far enough back, either letting him think that the angling was just right or the cave went far deeper than he might expect. Stranger still was the way the rock beneath him felt cool to the touch with humidity all around, yet the air itself remained as warm and dry as a perfect summer day. His sight-seeing, however, was brought to an end as both of the kobolds brought him down to his knees; the forward walking back and tugging down on the rope, with the one to his rear pressing harshly against his calves to ensure his balance be lost. A small hand pressed against the back of his head in order to make sure he'd bend down almost in a deep bow.

This brought Samuel's attention down to the sharp clawed reptilian feet of the kobold in front of him, the four toes tapping slightly against the ground as if in impatience. A single digit reached up from the digitigrade appendage to give a tickle against the human nose, pressing against it as if to imprint upon him a scent. There wasn't much there to smell, save for the musty earth which the lizard walked upon constantly, but it seemed mostly for the sake of dominance. Further up the foot crept, and soon enough he managed to get a better view of its underside against his will. His eyes closed as the feet pushed over to obscure his vision anyways, and soon his nose was wedged perfectly between the balls of the foot. It was deceptively soft considering it was comprised of scales, and while it was what he thought of as humiliating, he couldn't help think of them as oddly comfortable to rest his face against. It gently scraped along, up and down, rubbing itself and using the point of his nose as a way to seemingly rub away at the features of the foot. Once sated, the kobold simply replaced it with the other foot, until the human realized that he was being used to clean off those feet. Barely anything had been on them, and he received barely anything more than a slightly more marked face, if only due to the claws harmlessly scraping along his smooth skin.

Feeling the hand remove itself from the back of his head, Samuel quickly used the opportunity to lift himself away from the foot. It wasn't unpleasant, but he certainly didn't enjoy the notion of why it was happening, but where his nose round up afterwords caused a deep chill to run down his spine. Right before his eyes dangled two lustrous scaly orbs, of which he immediately identified as the kobold's testicles. At first he assumed it wouldn't have external genitalia, and wished for the objects not to be, but taking a deep breath in through his nose helped reinforce his initial thoughts; rich musk, heavy and thick compared to the surrounding cave air, flowed freely around his face. Twitching slightly more, wanting to pull further away, a light pressure atop his head helped disturb the hair and keep him still again. Without looking he already presumed it to be the kobold's flaccid shaft, using the top of his skull as a cushion. Another push from the back of his head forced his face deep against the balls, and his squirming in protest only worked to apply a gentle massage, at which the one above gave a quiet hiss in bliss.

Soon the soft pressure atop the head removed itself, but quickly replaced itself with that of actual weight to the shoulders; the kobold from behind having jumped up and wrapped its legs around the side of Samuel's head, using that as a way to keep him down. The feeling of so many scales grinding against his bare skin caused him to shiver once more, not in fear, but more in a sense of comfort. An almost identical pair of testes hung down and pressed in at the back of his head from this point, yet the shaft couldn't be felt resting in the same fashion. Instead, he very well knew from what little could be felt that the one from behind had apparently become erect due to the sights. The kobold in front inched ever closer as that one's shaft slowly thickened and raised itself in order to grind the other's shaft right against it. Gently they thrust up and down, using the human merely as a basis to make it easier for themselves.

It was then that Samuel realized that this may actually be his form of escape. He didn't like the idea, but perhaps he thought that he may play along for now, and make a break for it when they became exhausted from their actions. The only true problem he had with it, besides committing acts which he normally would never do, was the smell of the sexes around him. By no means did it come off as an offensive smell, but instead it came to him as utterly intoxicating. With that deep breath he extended his tongue forth, jutting the tip to lay as a cushion right underneath the testes in front of him. In a way the scents helped reaffirm it as the right thing to do, as the warmth of those orbs otherwise would have deterred him. Lifting his head and taking his tongue right with it, the kobold against his face managed to hiss out in both surprise and bliss to the sensation. The human assumed it to be of bliss at least, for the reptile pushed his body down to help press into it. This in turn allowed him to splay out his tongue to truly be utilized as a pillow, barely fitting for the two orbs. Flavors, working as a concoction to his taste buds in tandem with the smells, came in muted yet powerful; everything which should be dissuasive to a human mind being absurdly attractive. His mind began to feel hazy focusing on such, and he rolled his eyes to peer upwards, just to merely try and hold on.

At this position the fellow, captured and sandwiched, gained an eyeful of information about the two critters. His vision had nearly been fully obscured by the two shafts pressing together above him. The exaggerated size of the members themselves stunned him, as they seemed to be larger than a normal human being's; the fact of perspective did not quite sink in for Samuel. Sights of how the fleshy members wrinkled against each other from the pressure , and how they arched upward like proud spires, burned themselves within his eyes, both out of hidden jealousy but also intrigue. They were absolutely perfect in form, matching colors to their owners, albeit how he would judge another human. He never expected two reptiles to have anthropomorphic shafts. Either of them throbbed heavily, the pulsing barely teasing at his nose as it stayed nestled between where the shaft connected to the groin before that portion transitioned to the testicles. Made ever more powerful of an image would be how the red kobold to the front of him had his tongue extended, just barely, to lick at the upper portion of his lips with a devious smile. Again the two began to grind and rub together, using a human face as a staging point, giving him a front row seat at a position many couldn't even dream of seeing. Unblinking, he watched as they gyrated their hips and dipped down, pressing like clockwork their glans against the shaft of the other, leaving heavy dents within the proud and large members. Very quiet snaps of liquid could be heard as pre bubbled at the tips whilst being spread against the other's, giving them a shiny gloss even in the darker light of the cave. All the while the front creature made extra effort to push down against the human to make sure he never ceased in giving that light teasing with the tongue.

A blush came forth from Samuel's cheeks, as the conscious knowledge that the kobolds were doing this for a specific purpose and not just from some deranged instinct, made it all feel so much more significant. Distinct wetness dribbled down from the side of the shaft of the kobold behind, etching between hairs on his head to leave a smear against the scalp. Pre-seed, having streamed down where he couldn't see, gave him a powerful shiver. The rest of his body felt flushed with heat, to the point that his body simply revolted with how the brain felt; an erection quickly raising forward on the human's body, lifting the loincloth he had been garbed within when first put upon that wooden stage. It didn't take long for the kobolds to notice, as the forward creature slapped his tail down, pressing along with that non-prehensile limb. He brought his tongue back into his mouth to try and hold back speaking, but to no avail.

"Oh god, please, no..." Samuel spoke out with gritted teeth, trying to remain quiet as ever due to the warnings from before, but being unable to hold back.

Words did indeed supposedly make it worse for him, for the tail which found the genitals push harshly across the entire length. Groaning out, he didn't want to accept these actions, even if it meant giving up his life, but it came through as being absolutely enthralling. The pressure of the tail mimicked that of a human hand with surprising accuracy; it quickly sliding and probing along with the overall body movements to imitate clenching just below the glans, before delicately rubbing across the shaft. As though it were a natural reaction the muscle within his mouth once more jutted forth, acting as a carpet for those balls, while curling upwards at the sides to give a more interesting sensation. Internally he asked why he was doing this, yet every time lustful feelings overrode rational thought. It became a short mental battle, however, as he felt the pressure atop his shoulders shift dramatically. Pushing down, the kobold on his back kneed downwards, ensuring the human fell to his back. On top of him, however, the weight of a full reptilian creature stayed. Even with open eyes all he saw was darkness without being able to make out much else, albeit a very fine wetness was at least visible. He gained a much more close and personal view of those balls than when he just licked at them.

With the kobold inching upwards ever slightly further, the nose of the human stuck up right between the back of the sack and barely between the buttocks of the reptile. He felt a great warmth when combined with the other sensations, and as every second went by, he further noticed his face wedging between the rump of the kobold. It came to the point that he felt the kobold's glutes being spread apart by two hands as well as his own face; the green lizard helping the red attain a bit more pleasure as the human's nose slipped between the open wedge. All that was required for the face to be fully sat upon happened to be one final wiggle from the red body above, giving the human face a hefty and rich scent of the lizard's anus. Heat from the area tickled his nostrils, causing him to breath in all the heavier, which gave him the surprise of the area being not at all rancid. Rather, as he felt natural liquids of the muscle within clinging to his nose, he found the smell to be much too alluring for his own good. He actually wanted to push in a bit more, to give a bit of a thrust, just to increase the pleasure of his captor. Quiet hisses were acquired by his ears to let him know that he at least had begun to do a satisfactory job.

Samuel once more couldn't begin to ascertain the reasoning for what the kobolds did, they functioning like enigmas, but at the same time he was placated by the smooth and sensual coaxing of a tongue against his own shaft down below. His toes curled with resistance to the feelings which he couldn't deny as utterly glorious, for the way the kobold's tongue swiveled and twisted along his flesh caused him to almost forget any negative emotions. It had him breathing out heavily, and with that breath came a wiggling up above, for his breath flowed along the underside of the red rump smoothly enough to be what seemed a surprising and equally pleasing action for a creature, which as he figured them, were sexually promiscuous to the highest degree. No matter how much they got at his weakest points, or how much they caused him to return the favor, the pace always slowed, down and it never escalated out of control. The answer for why, he found out, happened to be for more than simply prolonging the encounter.

Footsteps, foreign to Samuel's ears, plodded slowly and heavily upon the cave floor. They came from a distance at first, echoing down below in the caves where his vision could not permeate, before stepping forth towards his general direction. Almost immediately the two kobolds jumped up, leaving him taking in comparatively cold air lingering in the cave, and he once again realized just how bare his body was to the world. Slowly raising his head, wishing to keep caution and to not make any extra movements the kobolds might find unsatisfactory, he simply stopped everything he had been doing; no more twitching to get a better view, no more breathing, nor even any thinking beyond that of wonderment. A single rolling bead of sweat quickly slid down the skin of his face while he uttered in disbelief to himself.

"It... really is true. The dragon does exist."

Instantly biting down on his lips, Samuel observed with unblinking eyes. Shadows from the darker reaches of the cave melded and seemingly grasped at the obsidian scales of the dragon, who swayed as it walked to further reveal itself. Hefty, large dark-blue crystalline horns adorned the head which pointed backward, yet they were arranged like that of a crown, as if to display that of power and royalty, and they continued down the edge of the jawline. Each blackened scale became defined with the serpentine movements of the creature, for the tips of them glistened in a radiance of blue to purple, depending on the angle to that of any light which struck upon the body. Despite the fluid movements, every small advance of the dragon's gait allowed one to take quick note of the muscles nestled beneath the scales, proving in a moment's glance the physical prowess of the large beast. Great wings, giving the image of grandiosity even when folded, were kept tucked against the dragon's side, yet they fluttered at the tips as if giving a silent command. Movement of the kobolds finally distracted his eyes from the dragon's amber gaze, down to where the two critters scampered about. This gave him a direct comparison of size, as he saw very well how one of them barely measured up to be as large as a single paw.

As the dragon slowly stepped forth, the two smaller reptiles weaved around the paws and went straight down to the genitals of the beast. There Samuel was given clear and present display of the dragon being male; a sheath, bloated and heavy with its package, hung from between the groin. Both of the kobolds reached upward as if in worship to the dragon's pride, nearly ready to throw themselves against and hold it to cushion the light bobbing it made with every stride of the legs. Samuel got to his knees slowly, with mouth agape, being unable to comprehend just what he was watching before him. It scared him, yet mystified him; calling to him in a way, like the call of a siren gone silent. In the next instant the dragon let himself fall to sit upwards upon his haunches, with one of the kobolds not quite quick enough to move away. In the blink of an eye the green two-legged creature disappeared beneath the base of the sheath, with only the tail to prove it had even existed, still twitching about in surprise and poking out from beneath. It dawned on him that, perhaps, the kobold actually wished for this, and that thought was supported when he saw the familiar head poke its way out from underneath. From there he simply began rubbing and reaching up once more, giving gentle swipes of his tongue to his apparent master. Staring at the human would be the only reaction given by the dragon, as if confused that someone in his presence didn't jump towards him in a similar fashion to the kobolds.

A quick flick of the tail's tip on the dragon caught Samuel's eye. At the same time an ethereal extension of the appendage felt as though it barely prodded up at the underside of his chin; being delicate enough that it seemed only a breeze coming in from outside, yet at the same time harsh enough to tug the human down in a bow. He stood up beyond it all, however, and simply walked forth. Never had he known fear such as it was now, but he couldn't stop himself. Something about the giant reptile made him weak in the knees, yet he never felt stronger or more sure of himself with the decision to heed what he interpreted as a beckon. Wringing out his hands, it took a second for him to shake his head and look down, to see that the ropes the kobolds put upon the wrists had come undone sometime between the entrance of the dragon and now. Another pull from the same invisible force ensured he didn't stop to gawk at a supposed sense of freedom. He walked along the flank of the great winged beast, keeping himself from dawdling for too long, before watching as the creature hoist his great body up just a couple feet, now in a half squatting position.

Samuel couldn't understand the thought process behind such an idea, but he took it upon himself to walk beneath the tail of the dragon, bending down slightly to accomplish such. From here the base of the tail rest slightly upon his back and head, and he took this moment to stare up at the black scales. Finally, in this position, he understood just what began calling out to him from before. A deep and rich scent completely permeated his olfactory senses to the point that it left his rational and conscious mind fogged. Initial instincts to take a deep breath in only worsened the sensation, yet the rapid intake shocked him partially back to a state in which he could actually keep his own thoughts from being totally obscured. In a way it felt sort of pleasing to him, as the cooler cave air was displaced by the warmth of the body nearby. The warmth and the scents, however, became a point of contention inside his conscience. It suddenly dawned on him, making him realize he'd been in some sort of stupor due to the situation. He nestled himself right beneath the rump of the dragon.

Wanting to faint at what Samuel considered the greatest of predicaments ever faced in his life, he put a hand on his chest to feel his heart while leaning to the side with an outstretched hand. It came as an entirely baseless reaction, for he soon realized by looking over to what he leaned upon, that it wasn't just some large rock that the dragon may have been resting upon. Instead he looked with a wide eye that his body weight was being supported by that of the testicles nestled between the groin. At least it somewhat did, for he could notice that the soft and fine scrotal scales wrinkled and creased over his fingers ever so slightly. The only thing more surprising than what he rest against would be the actual size of said object; either of the two testicles being well large enough for him to wrap his arms around in a hug and be perfectly incapable of fully embracing them. Shaking his head, he wanted to keep the picture out of his mind that he even should hold them against his body in such a way, but it seemed burned into his eyes. Thoughts raced through his mind of what exactly the scales might taste like now, or how comforting it probably would be to rest upon them and grind the scales across his exposed skin. Pushing with that same hand, he gave a gentle rub, allowing him to feel over the veins and nerves hidden beneath the scales, and through that the texture of the giant testicle.

"No. That... simply isn't enough for him. Not... becoming enough, for him."

Rasping out quietly, Samuel's words came as strained and forced. He couldn't explain why he spoke out those words, and it confused him as to how he stated such before even thinking it. Hoisting himself slightly higher, the loose nature of the scales against the testes making movement clumsy, he stretched himself as much as possible to be nearer to the clenched pucker of the dragon's rump. Nuzzling against it, he took one deep whiff before extending his tongue to smear across the ridge of it a small bit of saliva to give the tiniest teasing sensation. One tiny sniff would be the only thing needed to firmly cement one's addiction to the smell, and allowing the air to fill his lungs in the way it did ensured the human's attention. Some sort of thin black liquid arched from between the sphincter and his tongue, with it almost looking as if he'd been licking away the coloration off the scales. Addictive in flavor, yet bold and bitter, it cleansed his palette and worked to intensify the scents, while at the same time the stronger smells built off that to give a more fulfilling flavor. Combined with the gentle scales being scraped along outstretched tongue, Samuel found himself to be in a state of giddy bliss. Instincts for survival and wishes for escape had been hushed beneath that of his senses overloading his mind, for just the sheer beauty of the dragon's physique had been enough to keep him happy. A glowing warmth enveloped him as he nuzzled in closer, grinding his cheeks against the slightly undulating pucker, with a wide smile creasing his lips. For the first time since entering the woods he felt actual happiness, and it was a type of happiness that made itself to be inexplicable for a sensible mind.

Before much more could be done, it appeared the dragon simply had enough of the current actions taking place, and that he wanted something substantial to be accomplished. With one fell movement, the dragon leaned back on his legs and sat down nearly perfectly. Samuel, given the area he occupied, found himself not actually falling down to be smashed between the dragon; at least not entirely being pinned beneath the butt, for his head had been easily encapsulated within the anus, leaving him with wide and bewildered eyes. It was a sweltering heat compared to outside of the body, and even then his torso, legs, and arms were trapped beneath the cool of the open air being locked away. All of the sounds, previously quiet and focused mostly on his actions, had been replaced with that of the innards of the dragon.

Loud slick movements of flesh melding over Samuel's head, along with the liquids, ensured that everything outside had been muted. A quiet thumping, echoing heavily in all directions, reassured him at all times that he was partially inside of a body. And the smells, the one thing which had started to mold him into a hopeless addict, became the center of attention. Whining, mimicking that of a love-struck puppy dog, escaped his lips as his head shook while clenching his eyes with sparse tears forming out of them. It became so intense of a sensation that it nearly knocked him unconscious. Nothing emitted a foul stench, but instead the fleshy cave let forth a rich and powerful musk, the likes of which seemed more divine than that which an earthly creature could ever hope to produce. He not only wanted more of it, but he downright needed more, as he began to squirm and wiggle forth, squeezing his shoulders within the hot confines. Teasing him, the dragon squeezed the tight ring of muscle to ensure one had to work for it, yet of course the irregular movements brought a pleasure in its own right.

He couldn't actually see, but Samuel knew very well something was amiss in the lower colon of the giant reptile he found himself inside. The mucous upon the walls, while as slick as one should expect that sort of liquid to be, clung to his skin with a pervasive manner that even the most hardy of glues couldn't replicate. With every passing wave of the flesh, melding around him harmlessly yet tautly, he felt layers of the slime attach itself to his body, permeating every pore in his skin. Every squeeze that brought himself deeper in the dragon wrapped him in a personal bubble of soft muscle tissue, and at the same time encased him in that strange substance.

Everything about it changed his sense of touch; all the sensory sources around the human becoming exponentially more sensual. It was like having an extra pair of nerves growing out from his skin, meeting to this liquid that hardened and congealed over his upper torso, and becoming all the more sensitive beyond that. Extending the tongue to hazard a lick nearly once more nearly sent him over the brink of unconsciousness, as the flavor sensations gracing his taste buds became something which he couldn't even pinpoint any more. What more is how he couldn't even pull his tongue back inside his mouth, for the liquid gelled over it, and in a way seemed to force it to extend further out. He quite clearly felt the tongue taking on a forked and snake-like form, at which his mouth grew over it. Worming and wiggling more out of surprise and fear at the extended sensations, he suddenly realized that perhaps the liquid around him wasn't just changing how he felt things, but the entire form of his body in the process. While he initially thought such a thing to be impossible, ignoring the fact of him being pulled further inside of a dragon's rump, he couldn't deny the new sensations. His head rounded off at the top, and the sensation of hair follicles being tickled from the tugging flesh around him disappeared. Further it felt as if his face began to bury itself much more thoroughly in the muscle, as his face pointed outwards with the extension of nerves permeating the newly settled and solidifying liquids.

Powerful thumping rocketed Samuel's hearing and jostled his body, almost akin to being within the stage coach from earlier. It was an odd comparison, as the thought passed through his mind, but it gave him one small realization through all of the actions taking place. He was nothing more than a passenger, being manipulated by a different being, and he was being guided along on the path the dragon saw fit. Reaching up, he grasped against the slick walls around him, feeling as the liquids intertwined against his fingers, forming them quickly into thicker digits with suitable claws. A bellow of air, muffled from the outside, escaped the dragon's lungs. His actions pleasured the larger being as much, if not more, than the dragon's simple existence and natural movements pleased Samuel. Kicking his legs, he barely realized just how far he entered inside of the dragon until the flesh coaxed along the raging hard-on he sported for quite some time.

Clenching his lips and barring his teeth, Samuel felt to be newly growing fangs; his body curled up slightly and pushed itself as hard as possible along the walls of flesh when feeling . When the liquids finally met and congealed upon the member, he simply couldn't hold back. All of the teasing from the kobolds prior stuck with him, and with the sensory overload taking place, his orgasm took over. His body stretched out, throwing his back down against the flesh, and he simply let himself go for the ride. Panting and rolling against his sides was the only extra amount of effort he could give forth before going completely limp, as the load within his body quickly died down. For several minutes he simply lay there, feeling the flesh of the dragon ripple around him, and his body bent and shifted to the contours of the banded muscle; the sphincter kissing upon his legs, suckling upon him to have the body squeeze in and out every other second and by just a few inches.

Nearly ready to fall asleep, the enhanced human resting in an unspeakable region of a dragon's body found himself shifting, the pattern becoming much more blatant with purpose. It became time for him to be removed from the dragon's rump, and with that, he felt the flesh above his head slowly encircle and squeeze heavily. Like a giant wave crashing upon him the tubular region continued its constriction, until it became enough to ease him forth from the sphincter which he so easily entered within before. Slipping out with a slow and long motion, he found himself once more upon the testicles of the dragon, albeit laying on his back instead of his chest upon the orbs. A thick and powerful scent filled the air, combining with that of the musk coming from within the rump. He knew the smell, as if it had been with him all his life. The dragon released his own load, likely through the use of the kobolds on the outside, and his eyes turned down to the side to confirm this from the large puddle of white liquid that had spread forth, from what he could assume to be quite the explosive release.

For the first time Samuel could gaze across his body, raising his hands as he was gently laid into position, with the tail above him at least keeping him pinned and unable to fall any further. Hands, smooth and without flaw, had become large paws with equally as stunning claws. The brain nearly missed the form of his new nose, for it naturally filtered out such information in a normal mind, but he now realized he had an elongated face and muzzle, very much mimicking his vision of the dragon's head from earlier. He retained his bipedal stature, almost looking more like a taller and darker version of the kobolds from before, but with a missing tail. Perhaps, he thought, the transformation could not be completed in one trip. He was meant to stay, and be fully processed in the coming days. That, however, would come later, as for now the wish to sleep bogged his mind more than anything. Closing his eyes, he thought one last time about how he could escape. That thought being shut down, once more, by the thick scent wafting from the rump of the dragon he nestled beneath. After all, with the image of his newly sculpted body burned into his eyes as he fell asleep, this would be a much better form to serve the great dragon.