Further Testing

Story by DarkSoulsSauron on SoFurry

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#6 of After Hours

All I can say is: FOR SCIENCE!!

Also, as an update, this story is my third to hit the popular page. All I can say is thanks to all my readers for getting me there!

The stark white of a blank microsoft word doc bounced off of my rimless glasses. It had been at least thirty minutes of just sitting at my desk. Fuck lab reports. It's not like sampling pond water was going to help me with psyche research, unless the algae I needed to examine suddenly started have an existential crises. Fuck gen eds.

James slipped through the door and dumped his backpack onto his bed. Without preamble, he peered over my soldier at my blank screen. His eyes flicked to the save name of the doc. "You need help." It wasn't a question.


"What class?"

"Bio for babies," I said. I knew James had taken that first trimester of his freshman year.

"I remember this lab. Algae, right?"


"Show me the data," said James.

I obeyed, pulling out the lab manual with the data table. "What do you see?"

James didn't even need more than a passing glance. "Adding nitrogen causes algae to bloom at a fast rate. Do you remember what happens when it overgrows?"

"Yeah, it chokes out everything else. But I think the professor is looking for more than that."

"No, he's not. You're overthinking everything again. Just give data about how the other organisms couldn't thrive with all the algae in the pond. Super simple stuff. Besides, like you said, this is bio for babies. The prof isn't expecting that much from any of you."

I couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Your confidence is overwhelming," I said. "I don't know if I can live up to your expectations."

"Show it to me when you're done." said James. He picked up a controller and loaded up his old copy of Morrowind. It didn't take too much time for me to finish now that I had a direction to go. It was mostly copying my notes onto a word doc. Half an hour later James was scanning the two pages of hastily typed report. James tapped the screen. "Fix the typos and you'll be fine."

"Sounds good," I said. Ten minutes later and I was done. I brought up SafeAssign and uploaded the doc. Ten-Fifty on the dot, a good hour before it was due. Only three other people had uploaded by now. I smiled a little in satisfaction. I liked turning stuff in early. I thought it gave the professors a good impression of me, and hopefully it made me stand out a little in a class of hundreds.

James had returned to Morrowind, and didn't look up as he asked "You done?"

"Yup. Smash?"


Smash Bros was the only thing close to a fighting game that I could beat James in consistently. We both prefered Melee to Brawl, mostly because we both hated tripping and Mewtwo was kinda baller. James always played Mewtwo, and I had a large list of mains. I opened with Mario. mostly to warm up. Not to mention that I loved Mario's air game.

The first match was close, but each match after the damage gap grew wider. It was nice to win a lot. A nice slice of retribution for all the times James had wiped the floor with me in BlazBlue or Persona Arena. Besides, it was good for James to lose every once and a while, to remind him he wasn't invincible. The sixth match ended with a rather spectacular chain where Mario slammed Mewtwo into the ground four different times, dribbling the genetic wonder like he was a pink basketball. before ending with a fiery punch. Flashy, certainly, but also undeniably effective.

We both switched around after that, and we traded matches once James got his groove together.A few more fights in we had reached the state of nerdy zen where we could concentrate on the game but still hold a deep conversation unhindered.

"So, what's your latest scheme for Club Geek's new image?"

My reply is delayed as I wince in reaction to a nasty string of air combos dished out by Yoshi's lethal jump attacks. "Food, what else? We're trying to get a hold of the commons for a few hours. Liz, Megan, Briana, and Evan are baking their asses off so we rope in some new furs. Free food and the chance to try some games. Hopefully that'll spark some interest."

"Sounds fun. What games?"

"A mix of stuff," I mutter as I counterattack with grapple leading into a heavy sword swing with Link. "Popular stuff, like Catan or Apples to Apples, and then we were gonna do Pandemic and Munchkin for the more obscure stuff. Then we'll have scrabble and risk and other classic games."

James made a face as Yoshi chewed me up and spat me out. "Risk? Really? Don't put out a shitty game like that! It's all luck, no skill. All you'll do is start fights."

"Wiley wanted it. You know he's such a history and war nut. He originally wanted Axis and Allies, but all that would do is scare people away."

James just shrugged as Link spiked Yoshi down into a pit for the final life. "Sounds like a good idea, on the whole, at least."

"I thought so too."

We sat in silence for three more rounds. I took two with Samus and he took one with Roy. As we returned to the character select screen, James paused, moving his token around the board as though he was searching for a new character. "Hey James, make up your mind, wolf man."

James frowned at the jibe. He hated it when I called him that some days . "Sorry. I'm a little preoccupied at the moment." He picked Luigi and I went for Marth.

"What's on your mind? Wanna talk about it?" I checked the clock and noticed it was approaching twelve thirty at night. If we were gonna start talking at this time of night, I had a good feeling we wouldn't be sleeping for a while. Whatever. It was friday anyway.

We picked Final Destination and started a new fight. I walked right into a super jump punch but fought back with a punishing air combo. James hit back with his own air attacks and said, "Well first, I need to thank you for the links."

"It wasn't hard, dude. Copypasta, that's all."

"Yeah, I know."

There was a pause as both of us concentrated on the fight in order to ignore the awkward pause in the conversation. "did you, uh, find something you liked?" I immediately regretted opening my muzzle. You don't exactly ask a straight guy "did you like trying to beat off to gay porn?"

"I think so," muttered James. "Don't laugh at me for saying this, ok?"

I paused the game at this. I turned in my office chair and and lifted one leg so I laid my ankle on the opposite knee. For some reason shifting to this pose made me feel inexplainably like a psychologist. "No laughs. What's up?"

A frown was crossing James' muzzle, and he unconsciously mimicked my pose, even down to resting his elbow on his ankle. "I did find some stuff I liked. And I'm not too sure what to make of that."

I paused, tapping my chin with a claw. I was at a crossroads here, and I was unsure whether I should be honest or comforting. I shrugged internally. Despite being a black bear, I was never one for honeyed words. "Well, based on previous experiences, it seems that you're certainly not a zero on the Kinsey Scale. You've had enjoyable sexual contact with another guy and you've found some male porn that you found arousing enough to beat off to. I've got a feeling that you may be into guys."

James nodded. He seemed to have anticipated my answer before I had even opened my mouth. "Thought you'd say that."

"This conclusion was based on my observations only," I said. "Only you can label or not label yourself, but based on the data I have observed, you might want to consider the idea that you may be bisexual."

James just nodded again, as though he was conceding a point in a philosophical debate. "I...uh... am still not sure yet. Do you think I'm just afraid to say it? Or do you think I should try and gather data some more."

"I already said I wasn't gonna label you. But what kind of data are you looking for?"

"Dunno." Muttered James, turning away in his own chair and breaking eye contact.

I looked at the side of his head shrewdly. "You're, uh, looking for more, uh, hands on experience?"

James spluttered at my terminology. "Hands on? I suppose that I wouldn't be, um, closed off to the idea."

"I could give you a phone number. Zach's pretty anonymous and he knows how to deal with less... I suppose you could call it less experienced guys."

"I'd rather not do it with a stranger," mumbled James, looking at his paws.

It took a great deal of effort not to reply, even if I was damn sure I knew what he was implying. I didn't want to seem eager. It was still hard, I'd be lying through my teeth if I denied the fact that I had thought of him more than once or twice when I had some alone time over the past few weeks.



"All the artists you gave me did solo pics. So, uh, I didn't really get much info on... I guess what I'm saying is... what do gay guys do... besides, you know... what, uh..."

"We did? Sucking each other off?"

"If you wanna put it that way."

"Well, there's the standard anal, oral, all that jazz. I like to frot a lot."

"What do you mean by that?" Interrupted James, unable to suppress his urge to acquire knowledge, even when it dealt with incredibly difficult subject matter. "I've never heard of that particular term."

I shrugged, remembering that laughing was probably a poor option right now. "Rubbing dicks together, really. I like it because you can make out while you're doing it."

"I see." James muttered. His eyes rolled up and to the left as he tapped him muzzle, his telltale and habitual gesture that he adopted whenever he was storing any tidbit of energy in his head for later examination. "What's so great about it?"

"It's probably because I enjoy foreplay a lot, I suppose."

We sat in silence for more than two minutes. James stood up. "It's getting late." I just nodded. James pulled off his shirt and examined himself in a small mirror, pulling a little at the half-grown goatee under his muzzle. I turned around and started to shrug off my shirt and shorts to change into gym shorts. I jumped a little as a hand fell on my shoulder. "Uh, Sam?"

"What's up?"

Would you say yes if I asked?"

"Are you asking?" I was pretty sure I knew the answer, but I was afraid of jumping the gun. Despite my reservations, I still turned around and placed a hand on his cheek. James didn't turn away, even when my thumb began to run across the dark, shiny fur. I didn't speak until James mimicked my gesture. "I can't fuck a guy I can't kiss." James reached behind him and hit the lights.

A surge of endorphins, serotonin, and a fuckton of dopamine shot through my system as our muzzles touched. This kiss was much more... deliberate seemed like a good word. Our lips were moving more with this kiss, and he was kissing me back this time. James mirrored my movements and ran a hand through my short headfur, around my ear, and landed on cheek.

I had never liked to take the initiative, even when I was trying sex with women. I let James continue to kiss me as he pressed his hand into my stomach, gripping his chewed-up claws tight into my belly fur and sending a lightning throb through my cock. Two minutes in and I was already sighing into his muzzle. So much for not being a groaner.

We broke apart as we hastily threw our beds together. We were both too tall and I was too massive for our skimpy little twins. James' face was certainly perplexing as we stuck ourselves together again. He still seemed unconfident in exactly what he was doing, but his kisses, gropes, and caresses carried not a small amount of eagerness. Or perhaps it was curiosity. Either way, we were both eager to give each other light gropes as we fell onto the beds.

Part of me was surprised at how raring to go James was. It seemed like he was treating me as if I was a woman in his bed. Was he really that attracted to me? That didn't seem completely probable to me. But I suddenly realized that this whole thing was another science experiment. He was treating me exactly like a woman because he wanted to compare and contrast his male and female sexual experiences. Well, "for science!" was a good enough excuse for just about anything, and I was perfectly willing to participate. Then my dick yelled at my brain to get my head out of the clouds.

After a few more minutes of kisses that were becoming less clumsy, James moved to my waist, and let him reach for my shorts. The belt made a muffled clinking noise as it hit the grimy dorm tiles. It took me a bit longer to peel off his jeans, but soon they too were on the floor. James was goddamn sexy with his clothes off, and as we built up momentum his assertiveness was beginning to overpower his awkwardness.

We were both pretty hard by the time our pants hit the ground. James was reaching down and grasping fistfulls of my ample body. His kisses had moved south to around my neck, and I found his quick and gentle nips to be almost as hot as his gut grabs. My paws traveled down to dig my claws into the slightly shaggy fur just under James' tail. With a gentle squeeze I pressed us together.

James' instincts drove him further, and he didn't seem to need much guidance. He reciprocated with gusto when I ground my hips into his, and his hands ran across my body. My right hand snuck up his abs and chest. His dark fur hid a good deal of muscle matter that I never knew was there. His fur was also denser and longer than I had anticipated, and it's texture could only be described as silky. We were five minutes in and I was pretty damn aroused. I could feel my balls beginning to churn as we touched each other, and my feral instincts protested loudly against my rational desire for our contact to last.

My left hand reached down to his sheath and I gave it a firm but cautious squeeze. James didn't stop me. In fact he kissed me harder and plunged his tongue into my muzzle. He tasted like ginger ale. My fingers explored James' cock. My padded fingers ran across subtle contours in the shaft, and feeling a knot swell in my palms was one of the most sexy experiences of my life. I squeezed both of our lengths together and smeared our pre across our bodies. The sensation earned a groan from both of us, and James dug his fingers into my gut so hard that it almost hurt.

I squeezed James' longer, pointed length into my thicker, stubby one. We were leaking like faucets and I smeared our pre across our cocks and bodies as my paw coaxed his knot its full size. James' motions slowed down, but became more controlled, more intense. He extracted himself from my muzzle as he continued to press his body against mine. His back arched so that his muzzle hovered over my stomach, and he managed to press his lips against my gut before he lifted his head towards the ceiling.

I got the opportunity to admire James's lupine features for a few moments. The outline of his body was illuminated by moonlight, and only now could I really see how fit he actually was under his fur. His tail was slowly moving back and forth as he thrust his body against mine. His gorgeous eyes were tight shut at the moment, and he gritted his teeth as we both shoot white ropes across my stomach.

We panted in time with each other, and we stared into each other's eyes for almost a full minute, and I noticed how his pointed teeth caught the light when he smiled. I gestured to my chest, which was currently clean. "Would you like some more bear muzzle?"

"Are you offering?"

I responded by coaxing James forward and seated him on my chest. He was was pretty soft, but his knot was till half out. I opened my maw and stuffed the whole thing in with ease. He tasted warm and was slick with the musky, salty flavor of our pre. My hands started at the side of his chest, just below his underarms, and slid to his hips. I gripped them firmly and began to rock his body back in forth. It took him a bit to catch the hint, but soon enough he was giving me a good muzzle fucking. On his own volition he turned to reach back and gave me a firm squeeze. I groaned loudly around the dick in my mouth and I put my hand on James' stomach to signal him to stop thrusting.

James raised an eyebrow. "What'd I do? Did I do something wrong?"

I just shook my head and removed the wolf's cock from my maw.. "Can you sit up a bit?" He obeyed, and I carefully took James' balls in my hands. "Do girls ever play with these?" James shook his head. I gave him a light squeeze, and I felt his hands grip my body again."Tell me if you don't like it."

James took a deep breath, but he had a slight grin on his face. "Keep going."

His balls seemed bigger in my hands, and I played with one, then the other, and then both in my paws. I gave him the gentlest of squeezes, but each one earned me a quiet, sexy moan. After a minute or two of fondling I scooted him up a little on my chest and took both balls in my mouth. I loved the taste of James' musk in my mouth, and my tongue eagerly took in the taste as it juggled his pair. Feeling his balls sag in my maw as they warmed was another intensely erotic experience, and my balls were churning again as they strained in their attempt to blow a load. My nose brushed against James' knot as I pleasured his balls, and I felt drips of pre fall onto the top of my muzzle.

James let out another moan that sounded vaguely like "I'm going to..." and I took that as a cue to stuff his cock back in my mouth. I saw his lupine body arc backwards as his muscles tensed. Again I saw the moonlight highlight the most attractive contours of his body, and another small sigh was released from his muzzle. His tail was wagging furiously now, and he was gently thrusting into me, almost by instinct. His canine knot swelled in my maw, pushing my lips apart as he pumped a warm load into me. He tasted excellent a second time. As James came into me he furiously pumped my length, and for the second time tonight my stomach was stained off-white.

Neither of us moved for almost a minute. James backed up, crawling backward on the bed until he was hovering over my body. He kissed me one last time before half-lowering, half-flopping onto my body. I was surprised that he was so unflinching about getting messy, and he turned us on our sides as we laid on our joined beds. His hands continued to play with my chest and gut and I reached up to play with his shoulder length headfur.

"How was I?" Asked James. His words lacked hesitancy, and he wasn't afraid to maintain eye contact.

"Very good," I muttered. I wasn't lying nor stretching the truth. I kissed him again, and he accepted it with a willing smile. We both held each other on the bed, and neither of us felt like speaking. I rested my muzzle between James' ears, and he nestled himself into my body and arms.

I knew my sexual experience was limited by a small sample size, but to my surprise I felt like this was the first time the sex felt... I guess the proper word was intimate. It wasn't like my terrible, awkward experiences with women, and it didn't feel like a business transaction like it did with Zach. For the first time, I felt like the sex was more than just an excuse to get my rocks off.

I was snapped out of my musing when James actually turned my muzzle towards him for another kiss. We exchanged no more words nor kisses, but I still felt his hands run through my fur as he waited for sleep. I reached an arm back to pull blankets over our bodies. That night was sleepless. I hadn't taken my nighttime meds before the sex, and I didn't want to let go of James tonight. Instead I dozed as I ran fingers through his fur, and in a way, that was better than sleep. I watched the sunlight leak through our windows. It dyed his fur a dull gold layered over the normal reflective black, and for the first time I didn't feel guilty for admiring his body. James didn't start to stir until past ten, but I still felt like the hours had past too quickly.


\*Crunch\* \*Boom\* "You're done," I mutter to no one in particular. The deep, satisfying drumbeat of a successful parry rang through my speakers. I had my headphones in but my mic was off. Dark Souls pvp. Again. Not unusual for me. There was...

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Gathering Data

Sharp clicking noises echoed through the hall as my claws clacked against my keyboard, seeming extra loud in the two AM quiet. I could even hear the noise through my headphones. Still, the padded earbuds blocked out the noise from my room. The pull...

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Some part of me wanted to think about it as a dream. That it never actually happened. But it certainly did happen. It was probably worse for James. I remember the first time I was dealing with my quote-unquote "gay thoughts." Was it worse or better for...

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