Chapter 1 - Reunion, The Brother of Light and The Brother of Dark! (Part 2)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#2 of Book 1: Eurasia's Awakening, Organization of Dragoons

I started to follow her deeper into the cave. As we went farther in, it smelt dank and damp all over. I was pondering about the weird feelings and urges I've been having since I have been with Rizan. I have never felt this way on any other missions, why is this happening to me now? Suddenly Rizan stopped and looked at me.

"Here we are! Take a look".

I walked passed her and awed at the amazing site. It was a huge room with many other holes leading deeper. In the center of the room was a huge pool of water that was about at the temperature to boil. There was a bit of steam around the surface of it, making it the perfect looking hot spring. Rizan looked me and pointed in a direction.

"Well, im going to change in the other room. You also get changed so you can go into the spring. I'll be right back..."

She slowly started walking away. Something made me stared at her behind, her figure seemed to hypnotize me into looking. When she turned into the room, I was released on the hold over my thoughts. I decided to hurry and get changed as well.

I started undressing and took everything off except a pair of boxers that were waterproof. I shoved everything to the side and slowly started walking towards the spring. I could feel the heat rising from it, and couldn't wait for soothing feeling of a hot spring.

When I reached the edge, I touched the water with my foot to see how hot it was. It was scorching hot, just what I expected. I slowly started entering the hot water, with my P.I.C. in my right hand.

When I finally got in, It felt so good. "Ahhh... man this feels good. Its been a while since I relaxed like this, but I still need to have my guard up. Dragoons cannot let their guard down at anytime."

I thought to myself. I took my P.I.C. and put it underwater, to get a reading on the temperature of this water. After a moment, I got my answer. When I pulled the P.I.C. from the water, the screen read "150 degrees °F". That was pretty hot, even for me. The relaxing feeling made me pull my head back while waiting for Rizan. Then I heard a voice from the room she was.

"Ok, I'm all ready."

I looked at her as she walked out. She was wearing what seemed to be towel like cloth that covered from her breasts, to her legs. When she walked to the edge of the spring, she walked up right beside me and started entering the spring with her towel.

I saw how her face filled with pleasure and relaxation as she entered.

"Mmm... It always feels so good here. Its been so since I had company with me in this spring." I noticed she was looking at me with a smile. "Thank you Eurasia. Having company has really made me happy. Also that you saved me from those vile humans is also something that you have done for me."

I let out a smile at her. "Well, its no problem. That's my job." I noticed that she was slowly moving closer to me. She gave me a look at seemed to paralyze me and make those feelings spring up.

"You don't mind if I come closer do you?"

I tried to answer, but no words were coming out of my mouth. I realized that I couldn't answer in words, so I nodded a "yes" to her. She squealed in delight and moved closer to me until she was right beside me.

I felt her leathery skin touch my fleshy skin. It was a delightful feeling, so warm, warmer than the spring. I felt myself slowly melting away until Rizan tapped my shoulder.

"Tell me Eurasia, what are you? It has been on my mind all day. You say you aren't human, but you look like one and have the scent of one."

I looked away. "I-I-I still cannot say, not yet. I'll tell you what I am tomorrow, I promise."

She looked me in the eyes, as if looking into my mind to see if I speak the truth.

"Ok, I believe you. Just relax in here for now, letting the spring melt your stress and worries away."

I started slowly to let my body relax. After a few minutes later, I notice Rizan was staring at her towel, looking a bit annoyed.

"This is stopping me from enjoying the spring properly." She then looked at me. "Eurasia, you don't mind if I take this towel off, right?"

I started to have butterflies in my stomach, the feelings have reached an all time high. I started feeling hotter than the spring, especially between my legs. Something was happening down there, yet I have no idea what. Something in my mind wanted her to take it off, but I still wondered why. I nodded a "no" and continued relaxing.

Suddenly I see the wet towel flying out and landing on the far end of the cave. Then I focused at Rizan and noticed that she was very beautiful with more of her scales showing. The spring seemed to make her red and gold coloring radiate. The she started getting closer now.

She put her hand on my shoulder and rested her head on it. She then released a sigh of relief.

"Now that feels much, with nothing blocking the full feeling of the water, I can relax much easier now."

I started to panic a bit with her head on my shoulder. The urges just kept rising within me, and the feeling between my legs finally reached an all time high.

I felt my penis rise slowly, a feeling that has happened to me before, but went down later on. I was bewildered at this because the feeling was different from the other times, it felt more extreme this time. I could feel it, pushing at the sides of my boxers underwater.

It was starting to get painful. Rizan rose up from my shoulder and looked at my face suspiciously.

"What's wrong Eurasia, you don't feel so good."

I tried to hide it, but it was impossible to with her being so close to me.

"Nothing is wrong...I'm just feeling so relaxed now, That's all..." I hoped that she would buy that. Without me noticing, she placed her hand on the part of my chest that was underwater.

It felt like a jolt of lightning struck me.

"Something is wrong with you Eurasia, why don't you tell me?" She dragged her hand lower and started circling my stomach.

I almost screamed when she started doing that, but I held it in. I looked at Rizan and she had a smirk on her face, enjoying what she was doing to me. Some part of it was enjoyable in my mind.

Then I felt her hand stop and started to go lower. I felt like my heart was stopping as she reached the edge of my boxers. I struggled to keep still, as my body was trembling with anxiousness. Rizan started whispering into my ear.

"You don't have to keep it a secret. I've been noticing how you have been looking at me. At first I was surprised, but something about that amused me. I coaxed you to make the first move, but you didn't follow through with it. I'd say that you are pretty dense."

I was feeling a bit awkward at what she meant. I looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean, making the first move? Also, I don't think im dense."

She moved her hand away and started scratching her head. "You have to be kidding me. Don't you know what it means?"

I nodded a "no". She looked away from me for a moment, then looked back.

"Don't you know what it means to mate?"

Once again I shook my head "No, sorry, I have never heard of anything like that.

She started to smirk, then it became a smile. "So you are an...unspoiled virgin?"

I still didn't understand what she was talking about. "What is a virgin? Ugh... I am not understanding what you are talking about Rizan."

She suddenly started swimming towards me and grabbed my face. "I'll teach you everything you need to know Eurasia. Think of this as my thanks for saving me."

Suddenly she placed her lips with mine. I struggled to get away, confounded by what she was doing to me, but suddenly I didn't want to get away. This new feeling felt so good, as pleasure ran throughout my body.

Then something else started to happen. I felt something poking at the walls of my lips.

"That has to be Rizan's tongue. Why did she want it to enter my mouth?" I thought to myself. I opened my lips to allow entry what ever was poking. I felt something wrapping around my tongue, pulling on it.

After what seemed like hours, our lips departed each other. I felt dismayed at what had just happened.

"What was that? It felt I can't describe it." She chuckled, and smiled. "Well, for starters, that is called a kiss. It's the most basic form for showing love for someone."

I started to ponder this for a second. "Love? Hmm.. I've heard of it, but never knew what it really was."

Rizan's jaw fell flat down. "You've never felt love?! Now That's just creepy... How to explain... Well love is..." Rizan looked puzzled.

I also felt confused on what she was talking about. She came back up to me and looked me straight in the eye.

"You know Eurasia, its better to learn by example, rather than learning about what it is."

Another jolt shocked my body as I feel her hand on my chest once again. Sliding down lower, past my stomach and to the tip of my boxers. I felt her hands make their way into my boxers. I jumped up in surprise.

"W-wait! What are you doi--" She put her hand over my mouth before I could finish.

"Shhh... relax, let me take care of it. This will be one of the greatest feelings you will ever have."

I gasped as she grabbed my shaft, holding it in her hand made me shiver to no end. I couldn't believe how warm her hold was. The shiver became stronger as Rizan started stroking on it. Up and down slowly, making me grunt and moan. She then started to fasten the pace, making the feeling more pleasurable.

She suddenly stopped and her hand left the inside of my boxers. I was about to ask her why she had stopped when she then dove underwater. I couldn't see where she was due to the fact that the water was cloudy from the heat. I felt her hands grab my boxers and pull them off.

"I wondered what was she going to do next, maybe something even better" I thought. When they were finally off, I felt her hands latch on to my legs and she pulled herself towards me. I felt something tugging at my cock, pulling it, then something seemed to enclose over it. It felt squishy and smooth, pulling on it slightly.

Then a sucking motion started, giving me more pleasure than what she did before.

"Urgg... that mouth.." I thought. I felt her tongue wander all over my shaft, exploring every area of it while her mouth sucked away.

Not long after, I felt something stirring inside my penis, wanting to explode out with tremendous force. I tried holding it in, but the feeling of pleasure and relaxation made my efforts in vain.

I yelled at the top of my lungs as something spurted out, with almost no end in site. A few moments later, it started to die down, and I felt exhausted, as if I just went ten rounds.

Rizan slowly emerged from the hot water, looking quite satisfied and amused.

"How did that feel?", she said as she looked at my exhausted face.

I struggled to regain my composure. "What... what did you just now? It was incredible."

I saw that she swallowed something before she started to talk. "Well, that is called a blow job, when I suck on your penis, which by the way has an usual flavor. When you came, I thought it would never end, it just continued spurting out. Your cum tasted so good, I couldn't get enough of it. This must be the taste of an unspoiled virgin."

Rizan started to climb out of the spring. "Come on out Eurasia, its time for your next lesson..."

Still exhausted, I had trouble climbing out, since that blow job took a lot out of me. When I finally got myself together, I gazed at Rizan's beautifully sculpted body.

"Would you rather look or touch? You can only choose one" she joked.

I laughed while walking towards her."Touching is the only way to get real experience, so I choose that."

I started walking towards her, but as I did, she started to lie down on the ground.

"Your previous lesson was on ways a woman can please you. Your next is on how to return the favor."

I sat down by her, waiting on what to do. She grabbed my hand and pointed to her breast.

"The first thing to know is about breasts. One way to please your mate is to place your hand on her breast and feel up on it, starting slowly."

I didn't understand how that would please someone, but I listened to her words.

I took my right hand a placed it on her breast. Rizan moaned slightly when my hand made contact.

"Yes.... That's it..."

Her breast was in my hand, just bearly fitting it in my palm. I started moving it, feeling up on it. It was so soft as it jiggled in my hand, then I glanced at her nipple and it started growing.

I took my other hand an placed it on her other breast, wondering if it would happen on that breast. I kept rubbing in a constant motion which made her gasp and moan in unlimited pleasure with no end in site.

After a minute, Rizan grabbed both of my hands, giving me an order to stop. She was covered in sweat, and breathing quite harder than normal.

"Phew... Eurasia, you are a natural at this, but the real fun has yet to begun. Now I'll introduce you to the greatest way to pleasure your mate. Go between my legs and you'll see.."

I looked over and saw how her legs were opening up. I crawled on over went to where she wanted me to. I saw how her coloring was shinier down below.

Her hands started making their way down her body, to the space in between her legs. Then I saw something that I didn't notice before.

It looked like a pair of lips, but much thinner, longer, facing sideways and seemed to be drooling. It was emitting an odor that I've never smelled before, but seemed to make me feel excited all over.

She started to spread open the lips, revealing a pink hole that led inside of her. "This is your second most important lesson. This first of all is called a vagina, but in more common terms its called a pussy."

I awed that the magnificence that is a pussy. "A vagina? Hmm.. but pussy is the more common name... I'll use pussy, cause it rings off the tongue."

Once again, Rizan directed my hand to its new destination. "Well, the name is not that important. Now rub on it, or suck on it, its your choice. That is your next lesson."

I thought on which I should do; "To rub, or to suck, that was the question".

I decided to start easy, and started to rub. It felt so slippery, covered in a liquid that seemed to lubricate the whole vaginal area.

My rubbing caused Rizan to stiffen her body, as it emitted a constant jolt of pleasure to her entire body. Moaning, groaning, grunts, all seemed came out of her mouth as I started to rub faster. The faster I seemed to go, the wetter my hand got.

I then started lowering my head, and began to use my other option. The moment I placed my lips on her slit, she screamed in excitement.

I started to suck on it, tasting every part of it with my tongue. I could feel her body move with the motions of my tongue.

I found the opening that she showed me when she spread it apart. I moved my tongue to explore the new area.

I could feel the walls moving, pulling my tongue in. It had a taste that I couldn't get enough of.

Then I felt something pushing my tongue out, a gusher of liquid forced my head back as it spurted out from her slit. I was enjoying it so much, that I forgot to notice how Rizan was feeling.

She seemed exhausted, as I was when she gave me that blow job.

"Ohh... that was the best feeling I ever had in centuries.."

I wiped the strange liquid from my face and chest, realizing that it had her smell. I waited a minute for Rizan, to see what was next.

"Ok Eurasia.... Phew! You did a great job for your first time. Now time for the grand finale."

I listened carefully to what this was. "Grand finale? You mean its going to finish?"

She got up and grabbed my penis. I shuddered in pleasure, as her grip made me go crazy.

"Time for you to finish this off with a bang, how about your throbbing member over here and slip it in me right here"

She brought her hand close to her slit and inserted a finger slowly.

Mesmerized by this, my erection only got harder. "Insert yourself into me and this is what true mating is. This is only for the one you really love."

She pulled her finger from herself and spread her legs to allow me access to her.

"Now come and claim me..." she said seductively.

Unsure of what to do, I approached slowly until the tip of my member touched the wet folds of her pussy.

"Here goes, I hope I can handle what is to come." Then I slowly made my way into her, as my length slowly disappeared. The walls that covered my shaft were so warm, and smooth, pulling on it as if it wanted more.

I started to lose control of my legs as this feeling rushed throughout my body. I continued in until my whole cock was in, then I wondered what to do next.

Rizan moved her body back, making my penis slide back out slowly. An even greater feeling overcame me, as I felt my body would collapse.

I looked at Rizan, thinking why is she moving back. Rizan turned her attention at me,

"Eurasia, just inserting in isn't enough... You must push and pull it out, at a constant rate to fully feel it."

I nodded, now understanding fully what it means to mate. I pushed back in, then out, being overwhelmed in pleasure with Rizan.

We both were moaning, covered in sweat, and having the time of our lives. I could feel it, my climax was coming closer and closer with each entry and exit. The tension was building rapidly, until I couldn't take anymore.

I let it all out, into Rizan's womb my seed went. We both screamed as we orgasmed together as one. My semen filled Rizan completely it seemed. As I pulled my cock out of her, it started to rapidly pour out, coating the floor with my seed. There we lie, exhausted and satisfied, hugging each other passionately.

A few minutes later, I got up, feeling different from before. As if a new part of me has awakened from all that.

I went back into the spring to clean myself and wonder about what had just happened. Rizan joined me soon after, talking about how I handled myself well for a first time. While we bathed, she explained to me the other things to know about mating, and the dangers of mating with the wrong woman.

I took everything she told me to heart as I listened carefully, remembering every word. After an hour of soaking, we got out and dried off in the main room.

She offered me to sleep with her tonight on her bed. I took on her request and followed her into the bedroom, where a large bed was.

I jumped on first, feeling its soft texture as she joined me. We both snuggled together as we made our trip to dreamland.

As morning came, I was the first to awaken. I carefully crawled out of bed, trying not to awake Rizan from her slumber. I grabbed my gear and started guarding the entrance.

As I started, I realized something that brought me down to my knees in tears.

"It can't be, today is the final day..." I wiped the tears from my eyes, and stood back up. I see Rizan standing right in front of me, shocked to see me crying.

"What is wrong Eurasia?!"

I started walking towards her, with tears still falling down my face. I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sorry that you saw me like that, but something just came into mind. Today is the last day we will spend together."

I felt her wrap her arms around me, holding me tight. "Y-y-you have to leave... but why?" I let her go and went back to the entrance, giving her the order to follow me.

"Well, as I said yesterday, I'm going to tell you everything." We sat down together and started telling her the truth about who I was.

"Eurasia is my name as you know but here is what you don't know. I am a Dragoon, an honorable warrior who's duty is to protect dragons in need. We are constantly saving dragons like you from horrible fates with humans. I was called on this mission to save you, and was ordered to watch over you for three days. If there is no activity within those three days, I have to go back and await my next orders."

Rizan's face grew in shock as she heard the truth about me. "YOU?! A DRAGOON?! But Dragoons have been gone for 900,000 years. That's impossible!"

I lifted my right hand and showed her the Mystical Dragoon Spirit which shined in a glowing, warm light. "This is the Dragoon Spirit, source of our power and our proof that we are Dragoons."

Rizan held my hand and felt the warmth of the spirit as it soothed her. "This is without a doubt a spirit. Well, it does now make sense how you are able to do everything you can. Well, im going to miss you... when do you have to leave?"

I took out my P.I.C. to find the answer. The numbers shown made this situation more hopeless.

"According to this.... its in 5 minutes."

My heart felt heavy, leaving the person who showed me about love and mating. I decided to do something about it. I took out a small machine, similar looking to my P.I.C., which carried the mark of D.O.O.P. and handed it to Rizan.

"Take this, if you get into any trouble, I'll come and rescue you without fail. Also, I'll do my best to come back and visit. I'm not sure if its against the rules, but I'll return."

The alarm rang, revealing that the 5 minutes have run out. I stared into the morning sunrise, while the P.I.C. started the Transdimensional Gateway. The morning sky grew dark as the magical energy gathered.

The gateway finally opened, causing a huge disturbance in the area. I gave Rizan a final kiss before my departure.

"Thank you Rizan, you have taught me a lot."

Rizan started to tear, "No, thank you honorable Dragoon for saving me. May we meet again..."

Those were the last words I heard as I stepped into the gateway, mourning the loss of my first love.