That Which Is Desired :: ?: possessed

Story by notIsaidthecat on SoFurry

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#7 of That Which Is Desired

Bonus chapter, a retelling of parts from Chapter V from Anjel's POV, as he wars with his love for Akio.

I went about my business like a dragon possessed. My mind was stuck on her. I couldn't forget her heat, her voice, her scent. I was haunted, tortured by her memory.

I reminded myself that she was probably--no, almost certainly--better off with me far away. Out of sight, out of mind... but why couldn't I stop thinking about her?

The long flight to the uppermost peaks of the Kito range left me with nothing to do but think. Was I doing the right thing? Had I done what was best for her when I left her there, knowing what I was leaving her to? The soldiers... I shuddered. She would be broken quickly, turned into exactly the kind of pliable slave that my greater Lord wanted her to be. My mind offered only the worst possibilities and my heart broke over it. The nights I spent sleeping on the outskirts of the smaller mountain range were filled with dreams of her. Terrible dreams, where I would return and there would be no sign of her... like she never existed--a dream lover to me, in the real world where no one would lay a loving hand on a ghost. Bitter dreams where she hated me, saw me for what I really was; weak, low... I was the reason she was taken from her pack.

But there were sweet dreams, too. Dreams that she fell into my embrace, sighed under my kisses, whispered fervently that she missed me... that she dreamed of me, as well. Hot dreams where our bodies pressed together, her cries of pleasure driving me on, making me harder... but I always awoke before the flame could be quenched, knots of hunger in my organ pulsing against my belly. Even my own claw around my length made me think of her, and my release brought no real pleasure.

My visit to the gryphons is foggy to remember it; I was preoccupied, unable to push her out of my mind long enough to focus on my job. I worried about her. My stomach was constantly in tumult and I scarcely ate even when the gryphons allowed me to join them for a small banquet. Even though I was a ghost, I was still the Geart tribe's messenger, so I was given the proper respect due to a dragon. They set me up with a room high on the mountains, an open cave with a large straw mattress. It was here I laid as I heard the familiar tap-tapping on the wall beside the cavern opening. Pushing aside the bead curtain, the black fox jester stepped into my room, bowing low and sweeping the ground with his belled hat.

"You know that neither of us require that," I rumbled to him, sitting up and pushing my back against the cool stone wall.

"I am stunned by your beauty every time I see you, Messenger Anjel," Fool said with a smirk, replacing the mottled cap back on his head. "I take the rich colors of my world for granted until I see such a compliment of white as you."

"That silver tongue of yours better have more than just glib compliments."

The jester chuckled, prancing over on bare feet to sit down on the edge of the bed. "They have the firegryph," he whispered solemnly, those heavy blue eyes staring up at me while one of his paws idly toyed with the ring at his throat. I'd seen him go from Fool to Jack many times before, and the sudden change in demeanor didn't faze me at all. Few others got to know the fox beneath the motley, and I considered myself very honored to know his tale.

"So it's true?" I asked.

Jack nodded, his paw never leaving the tiny silver ring. I'd noticed long ago that it was far too small to fit on any of his fingers. "They don't intend on releasing her. I've heard that they're taking bids for the firegryph from the Dark Empire."

"So, I suppose it's time, now." This game had been played for long enough--Jack spied on the gryphons, relating key information to me. The firegryph was exactly what we were looking for, now, and my Lords back in the Geart range had a plan, should I ever hear those words from our fox in fool's clothing.

"I'm looking forward to finding a new home," Jack said softly. "These gryphons have no sense of humor." Chuckling, he winked up at me.

"My Lords will want to see you for payment, first."

The jester nodded, his bells tinkling softly. We sat in companionable silence for awhile, and my mind inevitably turned back to my white rose. Jack looked back to me, and I looked to him, but could not hide my pain fast enough for the quick-witted fox. Instantly he knew something was up.

"What's on your mind, Anjel?" he asked, leaning back on the mattress, his head propped up on a paw.

I shook my head, trying to smile. My stomach was fluttering already. "I am a fool," I admitted to him. "I should be in the motley, Jack."

A smile crept across his long muzzle. "Anjel, are you in love?"

I told him everything.

I couldn't stop myself from describing her in full detail, remembering the way my hands slid down her fur, the subtle weight of her breasts in my palm as I rubbed her with oil, the slick heat of her sex... I could not conceal my arousal just from her memory, but I wasn't worried that Jack would judge me. I kept few secrets from my jester friend.

"You should tell her how you feel," Jack said simply.

I shook my head slowly. "She's a wolf. I'm a dragon--no, worse, I'm a ghost. What kind of future could we have? I can never give her children... paired with me, she would have no place in her pack, just as I have no place in any tribe of dragons."

"You will never know if you don't tell her."

I looked away, scanning the walls for an answer. "I don't want to make her life any harder," I admitted. "She may hate me, now, anyway. It won't matter, then. Things will just go back to normal."

Jack shook his head, suddenly very serious. "Once your heart is broken, nothing will ever be normal again."

Long after Jack had gone, after the darkness filled my room, I lied abed and stared at the cracks in stony ceiling. My hand crept up to my chest, over my heart. I could feel it beating. Was I really in love? I felt my heart skip a beat, aching when I thought about Akio.

Still, I hadn't decided what I should do.

The next several weeks had me flying back and forth, arranging the date for the banquet at the Geart range. My final return there had me escorting a band of gryphons, including Fool and the firegryph, Fireshade, who were enclosed in a litter for the majority of the trip. The gryphons left me alone, for the most part, letting me lead the way. I slept away from camp, still absorbed, and considering my next moves once I had some time in the Geart range.

Silverhunt, the leader gryphon, joined me at the head of the caravan on the last leg of our trip. His deep and unsettling silence put me even more on edge. By the time we stepped through the gates to the palace, I was almost looking forward to my report to Tyrran. I had been too long in the company of avians.

I returned home after seeing my group safely into the city limits. I bathed and dressed, preparing to stand before my Lord.

But when I stepped into the court, seated in the throne instead was the golden Lord Falqon. I hesitated at the door, as if he was a dream sitting there. Slowly I moved forward, then bowed deeply and knelt at the bottom of the stairs.

"My Lord," I began. "The gryphons are all settled in their rooms." I related to the silent, dusky-eyed countenance of Falqon the events of the journey. He listened, never moving, like a statue with his chin propped up on a fist, elbow on the great clawed arm of the throne. At the very least, he looked terribly bored. I kept it short, yet still formal. I felt the eyes of the brown cloaks all around me.

Falqon rose, and gestured for me to do the same. He descended the stairs quickly and placed a heavy talon on my shoulder, spinning me, forcing me to walk with him. He said nothing, but I did not worry; he would speak in time. We left the building and made for the gardens.

Far from the listening ears of the palace walls, Falqon cleared his throat. "I plucked your flower from the dangerous sea," he said, and I knew instantly that he was talking about Akio. My pulse quickened and my mouth went dry.

"How is she?" I asked. My voice seemed lost beneath the loud thudding of my heartbeat.

Falqon shrugged, red eyes scanning the path before us. "She is alive, and healthy. I entered her into a game--just one--it cannot look suspicious that I have claimed her. They must assume that I have some purpose for her. She is not a normal wolf bitch. Many of the soldiers have asked for permission to use her."

I could hardly get my mind around the idea of my precious rose in a game, but the idea of another dragon being with her made my fire boil up through my throat. I exhaled, the hot flame licking my nostrils. I forced myself to calm. "Thank you, Falqon," I murmured. "It is more than I could have asked for."

"Ah, and you didn't ask, Anjel. It was Nigh who came to me. But you know I would do this thing for you, anyway." Falqon patted me on the back. "I want you to be happy just as much as she does."

I felt my face grow warm from Falqon's bluntness. Rarely was he so open, and with good reason. Why would he waste a good career, just by being friendly with a ghost?

"Besides," he continued, "it thrills me to see Nigh so excited. She so loves to show off."

I smirked to him, but kept my silence. I wondered if Falqon could hear my heart, so loud in my own ears.

"When do you want to see her?" he asked suddenly, looking over to me. I stared at him, wide-eyed.

"What... what do you mean? See her?" My tail lashed at the air behind me nervously. "I thought it would be best to stay away... let her forget about me. Surely she's moved on, by now."

"Ha!" A brilliant copper flame jutted from Falqon's throat. "Hardly, Anjel. She dreams of you every night. I hear her whispering your name almost hourly. Like clockwork."

I hooked my thumbs into the waist of my trousers, studying the cobblestones on the ground as we strolled. "I haven't decided," I said finally.

Falqon shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said, but I heard his smile. "Just the same--I'm giving her the day off, so she should be around the palace. She may be resting up in my bedchamber. I'm sure you remember where it is. Just be sure no one sees you enter or leave." We walk in comfortable silence for awhile before he continues. "Incidentally, Agape has been chosen to provide a certain... distraction during the feast."

I glanced at Falqon from the corner of my eye, and when he didn't continue, I prompted, "Distraction...?"

He nodded, lifting his chin a bit as he does when he's about to lay down the law. I knew I wasn't going to like this.

"Are you familiar with the term 'jesterfooling', Anjel?" he asked.

"Public sex with a jester. I know it."

Falqon nodded once.

"With Fool?" I asked.

He nodded again.

We had stopped walking, still secluded in the gardens. We stood, shoulders together, his head raised and mine bowed, but I'm sure that both of us were feeling similar emotions.

"She is your slave," I said irrationally.

Falqon looked at me. "You know it's not like that," he whispered. I felt his hand on my arm, turning me to face him. I looked up without raising my head.

"This is important. She'll be fine, afterwards."

Falqon's words brought me no solace. I felt empty inside, knowing that this was Akio's life from now on. Her body would be used in every way imaginable. It was only a matter of time, really, until she'd be broken down completely.

"Little brother..."

I raised my eyes to him again, feeling the crest down the back of my neck rise up. Why did I feel such animosity suddenly? I ran a hand along the thick spikes, forcing them down as I sighed. "My Lord," I said, kneeling again. Falqon started to speak, but I overrode him. "This is my official request for release. My time with the Geart dragons is nearly up, and I would like to return home." I stood slowly, studying the mirror of my twin--golden, red-eyed, and taller, yes, but he was still my brother. My brother who belonged to a different world than I. He met my gaze in silence, and did not try to stop me when I spun around and left the garden circle.

Jack was my friend. I knew I could trust him to be gentle with her... but there was no way I could talk to him about it. I wandered for hours, I'm sure, completely engrossed in inner turmoil.

Though my feet brought me into the palace, and before I knew it, I was standing with my head bowed at the door of Falqon's bedchamber. I raised a talon, hesitating for only a moment, before rapping on the door once, softly. The door creaked open seconds later, as if she'd been waiting right there.

"Anjel!" Nigh exclaimed, beaming up at me. I swallowed my heart and ran a hand nervously down my crest, smiling in mute greeting to the little blue dragoness. "I'd expected you much sooner. In fact, Akio isn't here right now... but she should be back any minute! Why don't you come in?"

I stared desolately down to her huge blue eyes, my jaw suddenly stiff and my stomach burned. "I... actually, I don't think I'm ready," I confessed. "I think I'll get something to eat..."

Preoccupied, I didn't even give her a chance to try and persuade me to stay. I followed my nose to the kitchens. One of the cooks silently handed a cinnamon bun to me and I nibbled at it, wandering around the dining hall. Should I go back and wait for her?

I didn't have long to consider it. I saw Akio come into the dining hall and disappear into the kitchens only minutes later. My heart stopped and I no longer was interested in my treat. I was frozen it seemed for years, but it was only seconds before I realized that I had to get out of there. It didn't take long for me to figure out that Nigh had sent her here, knowing that was where I was hiding.

I confronted Nigh about it, but she left me only more frustrated than I already was. Suddenly, I was aware of footsteps coming around the corner, and I quickly hid around the bend, invisible to the person entering Falqon's room. I didn't need to see her to know it was Akio, but I peeked anyway, and saw her disappear behind the closing door.

I forced myself to leave. I walked out of the palace, determined to go home and stay there... but my heart was being tugged in the other direction. Several times I found myself standing there at Falqon's door again, ready to go in and profess my love--if that's what it really was--to Akio.

I stood there finally, after hours of going back and forth, and I knew I couldn't run away any longer.

I placed my palm on the door, dull talons rasping against the wood. I glanced around once more before opening the door and slipping inside.

She laid on the floor, on a plush alpaca rug that I'm sure was a brilliant white, but she was so much more pure than that--the white of her fur glowed for me. I pushed the door closed quietly, leaning against it to find my breath. She slept, perfectly vulnerable, my beautiful little rose. Her scent was heavy in the air, much more delicate now that she was out of season, but no less enticing to me. I felt my organ grow thick in my trousers already, and was suffused with the shame of it.

Akio suddenly shifted, sighing heavily in her sleep... and then she whispered my name, just as Falqon said she'd done on many nights. I was propelled forward, more on instinct, more from the need, not just the desire, to touch and hold her against me. I lifted her delicately and embraced her, my muzzle against her throat, breathing her in. "My rose," I whispered, kissing her neck. I felt her stir, her paws holding me tight, adoring kisses all over my face and throat. I laid her out on the rug again, leaning over her, my hands exploring her body. I couldn't look away. She was so beautiful. I knew I loved her and I was suddenly filled with the desire to tell her.

Akio took my hands and pulled me closer, her legs opening for me. I kissed her the way I'd dreamed of kissing her; deeply, longingly, hungrily. My trousers were increasingly uncomfortable, my organ throbbing beneath the leather bindings. Some small part of my mind was warning me, a red light flashing, but I was immune to it. I ignored it completely, grinding my crotch against her sex. I could feel her heat through the cloth and it made it even harder for me to breathe.

Her paw slipped between us, tugging on the buttons at the waist of my pants. This was when I noticed the alarm--I had to tell her, not that I loved her, but I had to tell her my secret. I gasped, sitting up and away from her.

The chamber door slammed open.