Canines' Autumn Ch. 1: Showdown

Story by KanedaGoro on SoFurry

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A revision from an very early work on FA which was also revised :P . Meeting each other for the first time, Kouya and Ten have a showdown stemming from one miscommunication.

The summer when Hiroyuki came had long passed and life went on for everyone back at Minasato. Now, gray skies covered the village as the winds carried the scent of fallen leaves, ushering the coming of autumn. Going to the shopping arcade, the people scattered around the numerous shops as they went on their morning shopping. At the candy store, Kouya was standing around while enjoying a bottle of Ramune when he saw Shun charging towards him.

"Onii-chan! Good Morning!" Shun said, giving the husky a forceful hug.

Kouya patted the enthusiastic young wolf. "Ah, Shun. Good morning. How're you today?"

"Really good, onii-chan. Woah, is that Ramune? Can I have some? Er... How are you today?"

Chuckling at the wolf's embarrassment, Kouya gave what remained of the Ramune to Shun. Later on after finishing the drink, he gave the husky a look of embarrassment and, with hesitation evident in his voice, asked if he could go to Kazenari with him.

Kouya scratched his head. "Why though? Has a new game come out already? Or did you want to see your onii-chan practice with his band today?"

"It's not that. I wanted to go to Juuichi-san's dojo today."

"Ah, is that so?" Kouya bowed his head.


The two remained silent for seconds, both feeling awkward with the exchange. Not long after, Kouya gave his answer. "Well, since it's for little Shun, how could I refuse?"

"Yay!" Shun gave the husky another hug, letting go after he remembered the bottle of Ramune he held. The two agreed to meet at one in the afternoon at the bus station after their daily activities. Parting ways, they gave each other a wave of goodbye.

It was quarter to one in the afternoon when Kouya arrived at the bus station. Stopping next to Shun, he got down and offered the wolf a helmet and helped him get up the bike. With both of them ready to go, the two took off to Kazenari, arriving at the dojo after thirty minutes. After bowing and taking off their footwear at the entrance, they entered the hall and saw a sweaty Juuichi on the side taking a drink of water.

Seeing his friends, Juuichi approached the two. "Ah, Kodori, Aotsuki. Good afternoon."

Shun bowed and gave his greeting before wandering off inside the hall.

The bear turned to Kouya. "So, what brings you here, Aotsuki? This is a first for you."

"It's not me. Shun wanted to come here. Well, since he's already here, I guess I'll-" He cut himself off as he saw a big grey wolf kneeling on one knee in front of Shun. Who could that be, he thought.

"Excuse me for a moment," Kouya said, walking towards Shun.

While Kouya and Juuichi were talking back then, Ten came from the back hall and knelt in front of Shun, giving him a greeting before asking about the young wolf's business in the dojo. Moments where they would meet outside of the Kodori clan's affairs were rather rare, the two only able to meet at the school and that very place. And even there Ten would exercise formality to him, despite Shun's many protests.

"I wanted to see you guys train today," Shun said. "But later I'll be going to Gaku-san's game store."

Ten sighed. "Shun-sama, you shouldn't spend so much time on meaningless things."

As the two were talking, Kouya went near Shun and gave him a tap on the shoulder. "So, who's your big friend?"

Seeing Kouya approach Shun in an informal manner, Ten expressed his disapproval and glared at the husky. "Who is this man?" he thought. Apart from Hiroyuki last summer, he never saw the little wolf be with anyone that he didn't know. Well, save for someone that Shun has been idolizing quite a while now.

Kouya tried to calm the wolf down. "Easy there, big guy. I mean no harm."

Taking a deep breath, Ten got up and crossed his arms. "I'm sorry. It's just that I don't ever recall Shun-sama associating himself with delinquents."

The husky's ears flickered at the remark. Him, a delinquent? It's not like the other had an inviting appearance either. Not wanting to lose, he sneered at the wolf. "Well, I don't see him hanging around with people looking like serial killers or yakuza either."

Not wanting the commotion to escalate, Shun tried to stop them. Juuichi started to go towards them to help the little wolf out. As this was happening Ten shot back another remark. "Well, I'm no yakuza, but someone like you is sure to lose any fight."

Having enough of the insults, Kouya knit his brows and yelled. "That's it, fuzzball! You and me! Right here, right now!"

Ten nodded. "So be it." Turning to Juuichi, he asked the bear to fetch a timer and explained the rules for their little bout: if the husky could land a blow on Ten's body within 5 minutes, it's a win for him. "That is if he could," the wolf said in addition.

Holding a timer, Juuichi stood an edge near the ring and along the middle line. Shun was next to him shouting cheers at the husky for motivation. Looking at this opponent with a grin on his face, Kouya thought to himself. "Heh, this should be quick."

On the other hand, Ten's face seemed emotionless, masking his own thoughts. "Let's beat that arrogance out of you."

With a swift move, Juuichi raised his hand. "Start!"

Both took a bow and made their stances. Kouya charged towards the wolf, hand ready for a punch. Ten grabbed the husky's arm and applied a shoulder throw. "Too easy," the wolf thought, letting him go and stepping back. "Is that all you got?"

Propping himself up, Kouya tried to regain his balance. "Not yet." For the rest of the time, Kouya gave his all with every attempt to attack: a jab here and a kick there. Every attempt was made futile by Ten's throws and sweeps, the wolf doing them all with a stoic face. With thirty seconds left, Juuichi shouted at them and reminded them of the fact.

Shun continued to cheer for the struggling husky. "Onii-chan, please get up!"

Throwing Kouya once more, Ten crossed his arms after. "Just give up. You've already lost."

Kouya stood up and looked at the husky with a look of determination his face. "Sorry, no can do."

The wolf took his stance. "Very well then, let's end this."

Fifteen seconds were left and Kouya charged for one last punch. Ten grabbed Kouya's arm and positioned himself for a body drop. As he threw, he felt the husky's other hand tap the back of his head. When Kouya landed on the tatami, Juuichi gave them the signal to stop, the fight being over.

Ten approached his opponent and lent a hand. "You won this fight. I got careless back there."

Kouya got up and fixed himself. "Ah, is that so?"

With that the two of them bowed to each other after Juuichi gave the signal, ending the match. Kouya, fatigued from the match, staggered towards Shun. The little wolf ran and helped his 'onii-chan' sit down and rest.

"Kouya-onii-chan! Are you alright?" Shun asked. "You looked so cool back there! Throwing those punches and kicks. Sorry you got beat up though. But, you're still awesome!"

"Heheh... I'm alright. Just need to change my clothes back home," Kouya said.

As Ten was about to enter the back room, he overheard the conversation of the two. "Kouya... onii-chan?" Hearing the name, a question came to his mind: What was the name of the person Shun-sama always talked about? Thinking of the question, he tried to recall the numerous times Shun told him of the things that he and Kouya did together. That was when he remembered: Kouya Aotsuki. Realizing who he had just fought, he went to the two and bowed down. "Shun-sama, forgive my rudeness!"

Confused, Shun tilted his head. "Eh?"

"My actions toward Aotsuki were disrespectful to you. I will accept whatever punishment you deem worthy."

Kouya scratched his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Come on, don't be like that. It's my fault too. No hard feelings, bro."

Shun had the wolf get up and gave him a smile. "Just don't do this again, okay?"

"Understood." Ten said, bowing one last time before standing up and turning to Kouya. "I can see why Shun-sama holds such a high standard of you."

"Oh? Has he been telling stories about me?" Kouya said before looking at Shun who tried to avoid eye contact. "Well, I don't like formalities so much, so just call me Kouya, er..."

"Kodori. Ten Kodori."

"Oh, you're one of Shun's relatives?"

"Yes. You can return the favor and call me by my name, but 'fuzzball' is out of the question."

"Sure, fuzzball," Kouya said with a snicker, causing the wolf to glare at him again with crossed arms.

Remembering that he needed a change of clothes, Kouya got up and dashed to the exit. Before he could leave, Ten stopped the husky and bowed to him, giving a word of thanks along with it. Kouya smiled as he replied to the wolf and dashed once more to the exit.

With the husky out of the dojo, Juuichi turned to his training partner and asked a question. "Why do you call each other by your first names now after this one fight, while you still call me by my last name?"

"That is none of your concern." Ten said.

Canines' Autumn Ch. 2: Band Practice

Many days had passed since Kouya and Ten had that match in the Kazenari dojo, the two becoming acquainted with each other after that. Since then, the husky has been making regular visits to the place on his way to work, watching Ten and Juuichi have...

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A Summer in Three Perspectives

_August 19. Late afternoon. Hiroyuki's Room. Hiroyuki's perspective._ Here I was with Torahiko sitting in front of me, he having confessed his feelings. To be honest, it should've been obvious to me from the start: those times he kept on clinging to...

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