Mak 6B

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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The second part of Mak 6 - Temir make a decision, and Mak seduces yet another male.

Mak 6B - May 07, 2014 Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

M/M/, M/T, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Kissing/Shower, Rimming, Rabbit(s)/Wolf/Bear

More of the evil rabbit's adventures.

Temir sighed... How could he ask if it was ok for Calhar to move in with him? Mak was all he could wish for in a lover, but the younger brother was just... Different. All he had to do was think about wanting a beer, and it was there. Along with a neck-rub and a soft kiss on his cheek that melted him into a puddle of fur. The wolf shook his head. In many ways, the green-eyed male was even more frightening than his older brother... And yet, he couldn't stop thinking about the brown rabbit. It was the little things, like the first time he came 'home' to find his apartment looking like it had been gone over with a scrub-brush. It was... Clean. Not that he was a slob, but he never seemed to have time to do much but vacuum the rug and get the dishes done. And standing in the living room was one hot, naked bunny.

"Does Sexy-Wolf approve?"

Did he ever! The male padded up to him, closing the door, before sliding his tie off. Then his shirt, and his pants. Everything went into a hamper, the bunny-butt swaying all the way down the hall. Temir swallowed a dust-ball the size of his head. At least he got the male to stop calling him 'Master'... Following the so-hot ass down the hall, he went into the bathroom and used the pot, then stepped into the shower. Before he could even get the water going though, hands caressed his butt, while a warm muzzle sucked his aching nut-sack in, a soft tongue rolling his balls in their pouch. The talented fingers squeezed and combed his butt-fur, stroking his thighs, playing with his wagging tail. The male rubbed his fat sheath along the brown forehead, long ears rubbing his belly. Then his sodden sack slipped out of the rabbit's mouth, being cradled in a firm hand as Calhar's soft lips slid up his body, stopping to tease his nipples, before taking his muzzle in a deep, hungry kiss. Still rubbing his balls, the rabbit reached back and turned the water on, setting it halfway to 'Hot', turning the wolf so the stream ran over his tense shoulders and down his back.

Temir gasped as his lover slid down his body, nuzzling and nipping his butt, working his back with long slow caresses while that wicked tongue probed under his tail, flicking across his puckered anus. The wolf blindly grabbed for the towel-bar, his knees buckling as his legs got shoved apart and a warm nose rubbed the back of his sack, his thighs and calved being massaged. Then the rabbit stood, pressing a warm body against his, fingers teasing his nipples, a hard cock pressed between his cheeks.

"And what would Sexy-Wolf like for dinner?" was whispered in his ear, a naughty finger sliding up his erection, twirling around the tip. Oh Gods!

And he got to wake up to that same sexy, hot as sin rabbit's slim fingers teasing his knot.

"And what would Sexy-Wolf like for breakfast? Besides a pair of hot bunny buns?"

*Riiiip* He had shoved his pen through the sheet in front of him, gripping it hard enough his knuckles went white, while a wet-spot grew in his pants. Crap!

By day's end, Temir had decided. He cared deeply for Mak, and he always would. But Calhar was just so much more... Of everything!

* * * *

Walking up to the rabbit's apartment was the second hardest thing the wolf had ever done. The hardest was going to be telling the male his heart had been taken by another. He swallowed, and knocked on the door, hands behind his back - Only to be pulled into the room by his tie.

"Mak... *Yip*" Down went his pants, one hand teasing his sheath, while the other undid his shirt buttons, pushing it back so the hot male could tongue his nipples. Somehow, the door got closed and they made it to the living area, where the pant-less woof sat on the couch, the brown rabbit straddling his crotch, rubbing their ball-sacks together.

"You wanted to talk?"

Temir could barely squeak, feeling his lover's hot body rub against his own.

"You want Calhar to move in with you - He's old enough not to need my permission you know." Mak kissed his lover, hugging him. "I hope you two are very happy together."

Wait - What?

The wolf was so shocked he barely felt the hands stroking him to hardness, popping his knobs free from their furry holder. He did however, feel every burning kiss as the male slid down to breathe on his cock, a soft pink tongue flicking the tip. *Gods!*

Temir watched the brown eyes close as the rabbit slid the red monster into the short muzzle, bobbing on it slowly, then faster as his hips came off the couch, firm hands squeezing his shuddering ass. He caressed a long ear, watching his cock disappear and re-appear, glistening with saliva. Moments later he howled, arching up when the soft lips slid over his knot, teeth scraping it softly, making his nuts churn and his head explode. The bunny swallowed his offering, keeping the suction on his throbbing member until it lay on the warm tongue, barely able to drip pre. The wolf gasped, gripping the couch as the mouth moved off him slowly, stripping his dick completely. A hungry kiss made his nuts start to swell again, as did a thumb teasingly caressing his sack. Temir pulled Mak up and grabbed the bunny's ass, hugging him close, trying to keep the male from doing anything else to him, while that same butt wriggled in his grip, and the lips on his were warm and soft and made his head spin.

"Want a beer?"

Did he ever! Mak turned and rubbed that so hot ass in his face, before padding off to fetch a couple of cold ones. When he returned, Temir attacked his rump with nips and kisses, shoving his tongue in the male's crack, flicking it over the tasty pink hole, getting several moans and gasps from the rabbit. Taking a beer, he sat the sexy male on his lap, nuzzling the long ears, kissing the brown cheek.

"Are you sure you are ok with it? I mean..." The wolf gasped as the male rubbed his trapped cock between those firm, brown cheeks.

"As long as he is willing to share you - Hey, it's ok to fall in love with your first one. Or your second... Or your 23rd."

The wolf laughed softly, kissing his lover.

"Don't get me wrong, I love every inch of you..." Mak winked and the woof's head exploded into a crimson fireball. "But I think my brother loves more than just what's between your legs. Has he sucked on your toes yet?"

The red stain went clear to the collarbones, and Temir thought he was going to burn to ash.

"Mak, I..."

The rabbit put the bottles on the small table on front of the couch and turned to straddle his lover's hips again, a hungry kiss stopping all words, all thought. Temir reached around, squeezing the sexy male's ass roughly, gasping as it wriggled in his grasp. Mak would always be the first bunny in his life. He held his lover's face and said so, looking into the soft brown eyes, grinning as Mak blushed.

They sat and just held each other for a long time, until the wolf got up and straightened his shirt, then fetched his pants. As he bent over to put them on, he felt a warm cock slide between his cheeks and a dripping head tease his anal-ring. Fingers teased his nipples, and blunt teeth nibbled on the back of his neck, making his knees shake - Unnnhhhh...

"I will see you both at week's end..." the pointed tip teased his hole, before sliding away, leaving a trail of sticky pre on his rump.

Temir shivered, thinking about a pair of naked rabbits lounging on his couch, caressing his nude body while they took turns licking on his straining erection like a lolly. Somehow, he got his pants back up and turned to hug Mak again.

"Lover..." the rabbit said, kissing his woof. Then shooed him out the door, with a slap on the hot canine-ass. They would make a great couple. His other two brothers were straight, and his sisters could find their own hot males! Speaking of which... It was still mid-week, and he didn't feel like going to the bar. So who... He snapped his fingers. Of course! Now, what was his number? The rabbit looked in his book of prospects, and dialed...

"Hi, this is Mak. We met on the train a while back. Namuch, just wondering if you had any plans for this evening, and if you would like a ride to work tomorrow - Oh? You are off... Well, I think I can finagle a sick-day, if you like..."

"Illbethereinten" was the hurried reply. Mak chuckled and put the phone away. He still had some candles left over - Maybe Niji would like to be his 'Harem-Master' for the night. Quickly donning the wispy shirt, pants and veil, he turned the lights off and lit the candles, waiting for the male to knock on the door. And if he was a naughty bunny, he might have to be spanked... "Sorry, can't come in today. Got a bit of butt-burn last night." He laughed and shook his head. First he had to seduce the bruin. Then he could entice the male to stand over his quivering body and smack his up-turned cheeks. And then have some hot cream rubbed into the affected area.

He set his eyes to half-lidded, a smoldering look of lust aimed at the door. There was a knock. Then another...

"Come..." he said loud enough to be heard through the door. 'And you will too. Several times, if I can manage it.'

* * * *

Niji was flustered. He had been back to see the older male twice since their tryst on the train. And both times it had only been for a few short blissful hours... But now - Now he had plenty of time to get to know the rabbit better. Friends, definitely. Lovers? One could hope... He knocked once. Then again...


The bear shivered, opening the door and walked into... The sexiest dream he could imagine.

"Mmmmm... Mak?" Light blue cobwebs hid nothing of the rabbit from his bulging eyes. The male padded closer, hips swaying, as he reached around to gently close the door with one hand and caress the tenting cloth with the other. The bear tried his best to move... To touch this dream of a male, but he was transfixed. The fingers stroked his throbbing meat, teased his nuts and he moaned.

"If... if you keep that up, I am going to cum in my pants!"

The rabbit grinned, removing the veil and kneeled on front of the teenage bruin.

"Master's cum doesn't belong in his pants, it belongs in Master's rabbit."

A *snap* and a *ziiiip* and the bruin's pants were around the teen's ankles, his throbbing cock quickly engulfed into a warm brown muzzle. Niji's knees buckled, and the only thing keeping him upright were the firm hands gripping his ass. Not having a knot meant every throbbing inch slid down the hot gullet, the soft lips kissing his groin. A couple of long, slow head-bobs and the bear exploded, barely containing a scream behind his clenched teeth. One hand caressed his balls, while a finger played with his puckered tail-hole. Unnnnhhhhh! Moving back, the rabbit lashed the tip of his cock with a soft tongue, sucking the dregs out of his straining bear-meat. Then Mak let it slip out, sliding it up his muzzle and forehead, moving in close to kiss the still-fat sack he was kneading gently.

Standing, he trailed his hands over the male's heaving belly, circling the brown nipples.

"Coffee, tea, beer?"

The cobweb-of-a-shirt slid off the brown rabbit, the 'pants' following, with a wriggle of the so hot ass, making Niji's mouth go dry. First one long, sexy leg lifted, then the other one, the cloth being placed on the couch. Unable to contain himself, the bear dropped to his knees, grabbing the rabbit's hips and pulling that so sexy ass to his muzzle. He kissed the firm mounds, nibbled on them, pressed his face into them, eyes closed, hugging his lover tightly.

Mak chuckled softly. He reached back and patted the bruin's head, gasping when a very long tongue speared his tail-hole, wriggling around. He rubbed his rump against the male's face, feeling the harsh breath on his tail, the hands gripping his hips, and he lifted a foot to stroke the bruin's dripping cock. A quick supper, a hot shower and then a long session of 'Fuck-The-Bunny'. The wonderful thing about teenagers - They got hard quickly and stayed hard for a long time. A hand groped for his erection, stroking it, making Mak shiver. Maybe they could skip the supper and just shower...

Niji growled, eating the wriggling ass out thoroughly, before biting the sexy butt-cheeks, nuzzling one long leg. He held one of Mak's feet up, kissing the sole, tongue flicking over the blunt-clawed toes. Letting go of the sexy foot, he worked his way back up, smothering the brown rear with kisses and nibbles, before nuzzling his way up to kiss the rabbit's shoulders. Mak turned in his arms and kissed him, deeply, hungrily, making his knees buckle again. He gasped as a hand stroked his cock.

"You remember where the bedroom is... And the lube?" The teen nodded, gasping as his butt got swatted gently. Mak watched the cute bear-butt go down the hall, gathering the clothing, and putting out the candles. Hmmmm - The second bedroom was empty again. Maybe Niji would like to move in - 'Just until he got on his feet'. The rabbit got a couple of bottles from the fridge, opened them, and padded down the hall. Once he reached the end, Mak stood in the doorway, and sighed softly. He must be getting old - He was thinking of a nice house in the suburbs. With a screened-in porch so he could ogle the neighbors as they ran around in next-to-nothing in the summer months. It's amazing what you can get away with when you have a 'bird-watcher's guide' sitting next to your binocs. Snapping out of the daydream, he handed the nervous teen a beer and took a drink from his own bottle, then put it on the side-table. Mak grinned at the gasp as he slid into the bed, lifting his hips, his butt swaying back and forth. He may be in his thirties, but he wasn't over the hill yet.

The End

Mak 5

Mak 5 - August 12, 2014 Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association M/t, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Rimming Rabbit/Bear Mak meets a teenage bear on a train. The rabbit sighed. Two and a half days on a train. Almost two...

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Mak 6A

Mak 6A - May 03, 2014 M/M/M, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Fingering/Shower Wolf/Rabbit/Incest(?) Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association Blame this one on Chaos again... Temir sighed as he stood in front of the...

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Leef Revised - March 14, 2014 By Afril, with lots of help from Chaos Blackwing M/M, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Kissing/Reluctant/Masturbation/Shower sex, Song reference, Human/Rabbit A longer version 'Leef ' (not his real name), looked at the card...

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