Monodramon's Ambition

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#5 of Chapter 2: The Reign of King Scourge

Monodramon is going up against King Scourge

The ties of the perfect world were starting to show signs of obvious cracks. From the beginning Monodramon was strategically placing things. His very hands were in the mold of creating Reemon in the first place. Reemon was just a memory, a placeholder to find out the truth. Monodramon knew of this darkness, it wasn't just some random word there was an actual entity behind the darkness. It was a large pod that was here long before most Digimon even stepped foot in this world. The humans tried to destroy it but the cocoon just ate bullets like nothing. This thing seemed to be connected to Veemon for some reason. So Monodramon gained the trust of some of the humans when he put Veemon to sleep in that chamber. However he had to keep the other creatures out of this loop. That's when Monodramon created Reemon an identical figure to Veemon that could never know the truth. Monodramon like most of the humans was exposed to the darkness. Some of it went inside of him. And when he created Reemon some of that darkness sank into Reemon. It's what made Monodramon lie to Reemon that day. The lie was so brutal for his memory that more emotions entered that never should have been inside Reemon like sadness. Stitch was stricken by curiosity back in the island of Hawaii by Reuben's actions that led him to explore that curiosity with Reemon. Reemon's words struck a chord with Stitch when he exposed that he loved him. Monodramon's plans echoed deeper as he picked Angel up while Stitch and Reemon were getting it on. Monodramon's ambition carried on and Reemon's own ambition started to grow as creatures that recognized him phrased his ideas and changed the world forever. Scourge masked his ruling over for twenty human years which for a creature felt like no time passed at all. Reemon's actions carried out further, manipulating creatures like Agumon and Dracmon into his sick games. The darkness now consumed Reemon and his form had changed and true colors shined through. Monodramon still had a leash on both Reemon and Angel. This little puppet-master plan would only work if he knew if Reemon's followers would take instructions from him.

Monodramon would now ploy to see if Agumon would bend to his will. He only needed one test subject and Agumon was perfect. He still carried that hero popularity and was gullible enough to fall for Dracmon. Both of them now toys for Reemon to deal with and to give orders to. Monodramon still had a tight connection with the humans who were building large sentinels to help take back Earth from Scourge. Before Monodramon would carry out his plan he actually felt confident enough to confront Scourge honestly. He went up the stairs and Scourge slanted up picking his head up from his palm. Monodramon had on his fancy suit and Scourge tilted his glasses. Monodramon asked, "I suppose you know who I am already, yes?" Scourge crossed one leg over the other, "Naturally, I wise king knows when to do his homework." Monodramon smirked, "It's cute to see you're still wearing a mask. The title of king was never yours to have. The fact is I've done homework too. The internet sees you has a second rate villain who doesn't have what it takes to even cut it into the video game world. This translates very well for your potential in this world. Both Sonic and Shadow cast a shadow over you and there is nothing you can do." Scourge said, "That's funny coming from a Digimon that's also never gotten that much spotlight either. You and me and on the same boat." Monodramon said, "No, you see you kept the frame you were in still wanting to play pretend. I found the darkness and found something much greater. I became something more." Scourge slanted on his palm again, "I knew this was coming. And the thing is that these people were eating me up. I never claimed to be something more, I just let the people do what they do. I'm not famous and I'm not big. And this little 'underdog' that became the king, so what if it's not a true title. It was something they believed in. I gave them what they needed for the time." Monodramon asked, "So you serve these people? ....How sad. Do you really think you were ever going to be some sort of hero?" Scourge said, "I've had my reasons and I also met Blackgatomon from this. That was worth it, but in no means did I think I was going to save anyone. My reasons are purely for me and her now. If you have a problem with me why don't you try taking me out?" Monodramon crossed his arms and asked, "Do you think I'm stupid? I'm not a warrior, so I'd be completely crushed by your skills. No my dear hedgehog I'm a strategist. I'll be back when I have the muscle." Scourge stood up, "No force that's entered this planet will be able to stop me. Not even you're little pet Reemon will match up." Monodramon chuckled, "Ha, you sure seem confident. I won't play fair, you might be able to win against one Reemon but an army...Not even you could last that long. They are coming Scourge and humans will see your weakness as soon as I return." Monodramon left continuing to down the stairs. He made his way over to where he knew he could find Reemon. It was an area with a lot of small houses that was set up sort of like a rural area with small buildings and a lot of end streets. He saw Agumon standing alongside some of the other creatures. He noticed Reemon would go on ahead and check the houses while his grew would stay behind. When Reemon went to the next house he pulled Agumon aside. He pulled him up to a set of houses that had two floors. There was a wooden staircase. He hid Agumon who at the time seemed to be behaving normally and asking, "What is going on?" Monodramon slid him down, he sat down. Monodramon thought about how to go about doing this. Reemon was making this sort of game of the entire ordeal. The Digimon he obtained will all changed during his sexual encounter with them. Monodramon asked, "How would you like to play a game?" Agumon stood up, "Dude, is that just code for you want to have sex with me? Because if it is, I barely even know you." Monodramon pointed at himself almost in awe, "What? I was with you in that one adventure. We were tight mate. So what would be the harm in getting a little frisky?" Agumon said, "The last creature I was with tried to kill me." Monodramon played off his young looking innocence to perfection, "I'm not like that I swear mate. Ever since we had that mission, I've been wanting to hook up with you mate." Agumon slanted against the wooden wall, "I'm sorry, I just don't know if I could bring myself to deal with another creature..." Monodramon said, "Well, you sure are friendly with Veemon. Hell most of the creatures seem to be clinging to the number one slut really well. I'm a dear friend of Veemon and I bet he'd vouch for me." Agumon started to pass Monodramon starting to head downstairs. Monodramon asked, "Where you going?" Agumon said, "I'm going to ask Veemon about you. If you're story passes then maybe I might consider it." Monodramon knew that Reemon was well aware about the Stitch incident by now. Monodramon would have to rely on pure lust. Monodramon rushed up and kissed Agumon. Agumon's eyes gaped open moved hands up ready to push back. Monodramon quickly grabbed Agumon's arms with his own pulling them down. He pressed the kiss pretty deep trying to break into Agumon's mindset. He got lucky pressing a bit of tongue. Agumon would soon be lost in Monodramon's rushed action. Agumon closed his eyes and now Monodramon knew he completely had Agumon where he wanted him. Agumon accepting this kiss rather well now. Agumon was indeed the perfect maul to test this out on. Agumon got wrapped up in the moment within ten seconds of the kiss now literately wrapping his arms around Monodramon's back as well kissing him back. He was even too hard for Monodramon to get lost in his own moment. This thing of darkness only made it worse but the situation in itself was rather pleasant. The two were now kissing like full lustful lovers who were in love all their life. Their passion driving into each other widely without holding back. Both carried a bit of dominance leaning into each more trying to see which one would slide down first. Eventually Agumon was showing more and pushed Monodramon on his butt gentle. Agumon slid his arms underneath Monodramon's armpits. Monodramon wrapped his arms around Agumon's neck. Both of them already aroused now at this point. Monodramon had won another victory. It was now his darkness that would seep into Agumon's mind. It was like a new sexual virus that gave complete control over that creature. He would steal them right under Reemon's nose. Each one to accumulate in his growing army. Right now any further installment of that plan was being smothered by Agumon's easily guided sexual desire. Monodramon was in their deep to letting his tongue dance along Agumon's. The bound purely sexual but for Agumon it was like something else taking over. Like this mindset that thought the Monodramon was his boyfriend for longer and this was the moment he was waiting to unleash on him. Monodramon was surprised by still easily accepted Agumon's strong desire. Agumon only broke the kiss for a moment to look into Monodramon's blue eyes. Agumon whispered, "I love you." Monodramon was now at checkmate but Agumon came back in and it was like he couldn't stop it either. His body wouldn't allow it. His mind was tricked too into wanting to go all the way. It was no price to pay. Monodramon was familiar to this desire thanks to Reemon's actions in the woods. There was no foreplay needed this time around at least from Monodramon's point of view. Whereas Agumon was beyond warped into thinking that he had to please his love fully and make it last.

Agumon started to work his way down Monodramon's chest. Monodramon kept trying to push Agumon along. He still kissed Monodramon's slight purple belly moving closer to his shaft. Agumon didn't hesitate to work on Monodramon's shaft completely allured by the trap. Monodramon allowed himself to relax and let out grunts. He also guided Agumon along with his hands working up a pace. Monodramon smirked seeing Agumon's guard completely down giving in warming up to the new foolish love. Agumon bobbed his head rigorously going up and down taking in Monodramon's cock which was now starting to build up. Monodramon let out, "That's it mate. Keep it up." His head comfortable rested on the wooden wall. Agumon continued lost in his desire. Monodramon clenched up a bit as his orgasm came out. Agumon took in the sperm more willingly then ever before. Agumon came up; Monodramon didn't want to hesitate for Agumon to snap out of it. He leaned in as towards Agumon's hips and quickly started to suck on his dick. Agumon moaned out, "Ahhhhhhhhh!" He bucked his hip toward Monodramon. Monodramon had the entire shaft in his mouth and was now under the control of how far Agumon wanted this to be. Agumon humped his hips making Monodramon take more and less of his juicy purple cock. Agumon planted his hands on Monodramon's brownish-orange tip. He bucked quicker and moaned once more, "Aghhhhhhhhhh!" Agumon came. Monodramon pushed Agumon off and down against the wooden floor. He let his dick press against his asshole only for a moment. He looked down realizing this was going all the way and continued to allow Monodramon to push in. Monodramon went wild bucking against Monodramon. Agumon leaned up and kissed Monodramon briefly and then wrapped his legs around Monodramon. Agumon let loose, "Yes, fuck yes." Monodramon just continued to grunt wanting to end his urge quickly. He bucked faster then he normally did almost causing an actually cramp. Monodramon grunted heavily, "Gahhhhh!" Monodramon semen dripped inside. He slide out the leaned against the wall again. He spread it legs and said, "Go for it mate." Agumon adjusted working his way in and penetrated Monodramon right back. Monodramon was still not used to anal sex. He closed his eyes and Agumon's massive length went deep inside him. Agumon worked up a pace close to Monodramon's. Once again Agumon would mutter, "I love you..." His orgasm came and went out. He slumped down tired out and they both ended up falling asleep.

Agumon woke up first. He slanted on his left side looking at Monodramon. Monodramon sat up and asked bluntly, "Would you work for me?" Agumon pushed himself up more sitting on his butt. Agumon asked, "What do you mean?" Monodramon stood up and turned to Agumon then said, "I've been planning big things Agumon. Veemon is a tool I used but he is becoming too strong." Agumon stood up, "What are you talking about?" Monodramon crossed his arms, "You really are dumb aren't you. You're so easy to manipulate. There are so many of them that are out of the loop. There has been a war that's been building up along before most our arrivals. I am taking the helm in the attack. In need power housed like you Agumon to stand beside me. Creatures like Veemon will get in my way but he's not the only threat. The humans are building up huge sentinels to wipe us out." Agumon started, "You just called me dumb and you want me to help you. You're just as crazy as Dracmon...Fuck...I did it again." Monodramon said, "You couldn't help it, after all you're just one of the top sluts after all. It's your job Agumon and as much as it pains you each time it will keep happening. All it took was me and my semen. It's a weapon now. But my plans are purely to help creatures thrive once and for all." Agumon asked, "How can I even trust you? You're a damn snake." Monodramon crossed his hands, "Agumon if you don't choose my side then you choose death. You may not like that I took advantage of you but you have to be the bigger Mon here." Agumon asked, "How is Veemon involved in all this?" Monodramon explained, "He can stop the darkness. He and this thing seem to share a bound. When Veemon is asleep so is the darkness. If Veemon is dead then the darkness will go away. But who you see down there isn't Veemon. It's just a memory that's gone rogue. I named it Reemon. This red creature that shares all of Veemon's memories and personality. But somewhere along the way he lost control and became something more. Reemon has become a new Digimon altogether. This demon has the capability to bread and it's been after Gatomon for some time now. I ran into once telling it a lie about Gatomon to keep Veemon's true location a secret. I needed to make sure it was Veemon that was the one with the connection and I needed a cover. I created Reemon for the purpose only. But it started to stray from its original functions. I image Reemon found pleasurable company on his own. Something happened in that moment that made Reemon more than just a memory." Agumon asked, "So this is all your fault?" Monodramon said, "I tried to maintain the situation from spreading. Reemon was the one that took action into his own hands." Agumon asked, "What was so important about keeping what was happening with Veemon anyway?" Monodramon said, "Anyone of you would have tried to save Veemon but in doing so would reawaken the darkness. Sadly Veemon found a way out on his own. Ever since the darkness has come back it's making the military build a device to extract our D.N.A and use it to make humans live forever. They'd kill us in the process for their own survival. So as you can see the situation was sensitive and meant to be top secret." Agumon asked, "Isn't there a way to avoid this war altogether. Can't you just destroy whatever this darkness thing is?" Monodramon said, "I tried personally and so did the military. Nothing left a dent in that thing. How we handle this comes down in dealing with Veemon." Agumon said, "We can't kill Veemon. He's our friend." Monodramon smirked, "You were fooled just like the others. Veemon was wearing a mask the whole time. He knew exactly which friends which friends to surround himself with to insure his safety. The kind and warm gentle heart is really something that is deeply rooted with the darkness. He is an evil Digimon just like Dracmon. I saw that you were under the control of Reemon. By taking you on, I removed that lust for him for now. But he can snag you back. He is the open part of the darkness from Veemon." Agumon asked, "Then why not just take out Reemon?" Monodramon slapped his forehead, "Because that would still leave the darkness. It's Veemon who's connected to it. Stopping Reemon won't mean much as long as the darkness remains. That thing can just take over someone else." Agumon asked, "How do I know it's not controlling you right now?" Monodramon said, "I don't think even you believe that. I wouldn't be so desperate to destroy this thing if it had me under its control." Agumon looked down, "I just want things to be simple again..." Monodramon said, "Things are never simple. Simple-ness was always an illusion. You've been wearing a veil ever since you stepped foot in this world. And I just did you the favor of taking it off. Now is that time to fight. Damn it Agumon you were once the great leader that led the digi-destiny to harmony. I need that Agumon back. We all do. The world needs a hero again. Are you ready to step up to the plate or are you a chicken?" Monodramon stormed down the stairs and walked off. After he almost left he couldn't help but carry a sinister grin on his face. He had Agumon right where he wanted him now. Ever peace of Monodramon's plan was going down without a single hitch.

Stitch's Backstory

Lilo set up the camera to take a picture of her entire ohana which now included all the experiments. Right after the picture was taken outside her porch Angel grabbed Stitch's hand. Stitch looked back and Lilo said, "You can go." Stitch waved off,...

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Hide and go Fuck

Agumon walked down an empty street. His eyes glaring at the pavement. He survived at nightmare and nothing around him seemed the same. He went back to school the students sort of walked by him as if he was a shadow. He stopped when he noticed Frost...

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The Prince's Dissaperence

Alex and Darien were at the boat. The squad reformed and all their guns clicked and the one in front yelled, "Freeze." Both of them stopped. The leader said, "But you're hands on your heads." They did so and were admittedly dragged out into a van....

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