Behind Locked Doors: Round One

Story by Smudge-Rat on SoFurry

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#1 of Behind Locked Doors

It was gone midnight when Elise finally snapped shut the pages of her book and left the safe, dusty haven of the library to creep back through deserted halls to the dormitory. Drowsiness had spent the last few hours slowly blanketing her, so not all of her wits were about her when she nudged open the door and peeked through to make sure no-one else was awake.

As she edged around the door and carefully pushed it shut behind her, she heard a rustle from elsewhere in the room. She froze for a few seconds, heart pounding in her chest, but the room remained quiet. Satisfied that she was alone, she began to tiptoe across the wooden floorboards towards her bed, avoiding the creaks with exaggerated care.

She slid her book under the bed, reached beneath the pillow for her nightie and began to undress, making as little noise as possible as she eased her t-shirt over her head, slipped out of her jeans and began to undo her bra. A creak from the floorboards made her pause halfway through taking it off, her keen mousey ears straining to hear any further sound, but before she could figure out whether someone else was awake in the room, it was too late.

The light flicked on, revealing her standing by her bed in plain black pants and a bra held on to her chest by her paws. She whirled around, looking for escape, but the door was blocked by the one person she'd hoped not to see. Leaning against the closed door, one paw fingering the light-switch suggestively, was a sleek black cat, fur groomed to perfection despite the fact that she'd probably been waiting for hours for Elise to return. Even in her pyjamas, her clothes didn't leave much to the imagination; her tank top was one size too small and her shorts only reached down to the top of her thighs.

"You're late for the party," she purred, regarding Elise appreciatively through slitted eyes.

Swallowing hard, Elise tried to cover herself. "I didn't know you were expecting me," she squeaked, trying for defiant despite the word 'prey' written in large neon letters all over her exposed fur.

"Didn't get the invite?" the cat replied, her light-hearted tone at odds with the menacing gleam in her eyes. "No wonder you're overdressed."

There was a giggle from one of the beds next to Elise's. For a moment, she was released from the amber gaze as the cat glared at the fox ears peeking out from under the covers, eyes glinting for a brief second.

"Sorry, Jade," the fox apologised, her voice muffled by the duvet. Jade's eyes flared open in annoyance before finding their way back to Elise, settling somewhere around her midriff as Jade's playful smirk returned.

"I guess she knows you're awake now," she said, still focussed on Elise. "There's no point in hiding any more. Let's start the party."

Elise clutched her bra tightly to her chest as, to her horror, every girl in the dorm sat up, pushed aside their blankets and got up out of their beds. Her tail curled around one of her legs in shame as she edged towards her bed, trying to put a barrier between herself and all the staring eyes.

Pushing herself away from the wall, Jade started to slink over to where Elise stood, tail trailing behind her like the train of an elegant gown. When Elise's legs hit the edge of her bed, a sudden realisation dawned on her; she was trapped.

"Now this just won't do," Jade told her, running both paws up her sides until she reached the fabric of Elise's bra. As the bed creaked behind her and strong badger paws wrenched back her arms, Jade hooked her thumbs under the straps and pulled the bra away from Elise's struggling body.

Tossing the bra behind her, Jade took a moment to look Elise up and down while the mouse glared back apprehensively. The other girls had formed a ring around the both of them; the badger pressed up against Elise's back, holding her in place. Her vision blurred for a second as she scanned her audience and she blinked furiously, desperate not to let Jade see her tears.

"That's better," Jade decided, "But you're still overdressed. There are special rules for the guest of honour, and you wouldn't like the consequences of breaking the rules."

"Tell her the consequences," a rat-girl called out.

"Later!" Jade snapped, her attention drawn away from Elise once more, if just for a few precious seconds. Turning back to her victim, she drew her gaze downwards, a small pink tongue flickering over her top lip. "Those are going to have to come off."

Elise didn't bother to struggle as the badger roughly jammed a knee between her legs, spreading them apart so that Jade could slip her pants down her legs, letting them fall around her ankles. Suddenly, she was naked in front of the entire dormitory, their judging eyes caressing her smaller-than-average breasts and running over her less-than-muscular thighs.

Jade's eyes roamed over her stomach and down to the area between her legs, where cold air brushed against slightly parted flesh, exciting nerves that Elise didn't want to think about right now. Despite her attempt at self-control, she let out a squeak when Jade reached forward with a paw and slipped it between her legs, just resting it there to start with, although that was enough to send a tingle to all the wrong places.

"Let's see if you're ready for the party to begin," she purred, slipping a finger between Elise's folds and running it down towards her opening, dipping into it slightly before running it back up and over her clit, eliciting another squeak from the startled and mortified mouse. She gritted her teeth at her body's betrayal, her clit sparking with pleasure as Jade's finger brushed up against it.

Licking her finger with satisfaction, Jade nodded over Elise's shoulder, presumably at the badger still holding her, and the mouse found herself being lifted and manoeuvred into position: spread-eagled face-up on her own bed while her audience moved closer to get a full view of what Jade was going to do to her next.

She started to struggle again when she saw handcuffs being passed down the line of girls, but the badger's grip was far too strong for a weak little mouse to fight against. Cold steel tightened around her wrists as she was cuffed to the bed, arms and legs spread apart, exposing more sensitive flesh to the cold air and opening her for everyone to see.

Elise's vision blurred again, but this time she couldn't stop the trickle of tears that slid down her cheeks, tickling her chin and neck. She heard a few giggles and murmured comments from the girls around her, but they stayed relatively quiet for fear of Jade's wrath.

If the tears hadn't gotten in the way of her vision, she would have seen the next thing being passed among the girls, but she didn't notice it until Jade held it in her paws, caressing it with her fingertips and purring down at her in satisfaction.

"We all know you're a virgin," she said, "So I thought we'd start with this and work our way up." Holding the sleek black vibrator in one paw, she dangled it in Elise's face. It was about as long as Elise's little finger and a bit wider - she'd never seen a vibrator before but guessed that this wasn't big.

Jade twisted the end to turn it on and positioned it just above Elise's collarbone. She trailed it down her body, veering left to curve it over Elise's breast, circling the nipple for a second as Elise twitched and tried to suppress a shiver as sparks of pleasure shot down her body. The vibrator curved over her stomach and down towards her slit, resting for a moment just above her sensitive area. The vibrations added to the pressure slowly starting to build in her clit, but did nothing to relieve it. As she remembered her audience, Elise bit her lip to stop a whimper of frustration at the teasing pleasure; she wouldn't allow them the satisfaction of her reaction.

"You like that, don't you?" Jade asked harshly. "Slut. I haven't even done anything to you and you're already dripping wet."

Elise closed her eyes in shame, unable to look at the other girl any longer. She felt the vibrator journey downwards, passing over her clit with such a jolt that all of her muscles tensed at once. It moved down her slit and back up again, stopping before it got to her clit and making another pass over her slit. Elise bit her lip in frustration, wishing that Jade would stop teasing and get it over with.

On the next pass, the vibrator lingered on her clitoris, building up pressure until her vaginal walls began to tighten and the pleasure overwhelmed her. Elise's body arched up and she strained against the handcuffs, not knowing whether she was going to come or pass out, but then the vibrator moved away and she was able to breathe again.

Jade began to stroke the tip of the vibrator over her clit, teasing it with short bursts and occasionally circling it as Elise twitched and moaned and clenched her fists, all against her will. Her vaginal walls began to clench once more as the teasing sent her closer and closer to orgasm, but before she reached that point, the vibrator was taken away. She could still hear it buzzing away close by, but she didn't open her eyes for fear of what she would see on the faces of the other girls.

"You're doing well," Jade told her. "Ready for the next stage?"

Resisting the urge to shake her head vehemently, Elise held still. In a matter of seconds, she felt something pressing against her entrance - it felt wide, but probably wasn't as big as she imagined because it didn't hurt at all as it entered her. She heard a click and the thing started vibrating as Jade pushed it slowly inside her, reaching places that her own fingers never had. The vibrations felt strange against places that had never been touched before, but as the vibrator began to move faster and Elise's muscles tightened around it, she felt her orgasm start to build up again.

She heard Jade begin to purr as she thrust the vibrator in and out, building up speed and then slowing down again, and Elise's hips tried to thrust in counterpoint before she willed them to stop. The vibrator was moving fast inside her when Jade suddenly stopped and pushed it in as far as it would go. Elise could feel the tips of the cat's fingers against her entrance as the vibrator moved in circles, brushing up against the deepest parts of her and sending ripples of pleasure through her.

She was close to coming when the smaller vibrator suddenly returned, going straight to her clit and circling it. Elise couldn't stop the high-pitched moan that escaped her as the muscles in her arms, legs and neck tensed at once, her entire body arching off the bed as the overwhelming vibrations coursed through her. It was almost too much; she thought she would be unable to come, but just as Jade pressed the vibrator directly against her clit, she felt herself throb around the other vibrator inside her.

Her muscles relaxed as her orgasm subsided and both vibrators were removed, leaving her feeling drained and empty. Her eyes fluttered open as if they'd forgotten why they were closed, and she saw Jade licking the bigger vibrator clean with a predatory glint in her eyes.

"Enjoying the afterglow?" she teased, pushing the vibrator back inside but not turning it on. Elise said nothing, knowing that Jade had her exactly where she wanted and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Fine," Jade snapped, "Don't be grateful. I might have considered untying you, but now you can stay like that until morning."

She stood and turned with a flick of her tail, parting the crowd of girls and retreating to her bed, with a parting comment of: "You girls can do what you want with her - just don't disturb my beauty sleep."

Elise stared in horror as some of the girls began to approach. She struggled futilely against her cuffs, realising that she was unlikely to get any sleep tonight... and she knew Jade well enough not to let herself hope that there wouldn't be a Round 2 tomorrow.