Lessons of Age: Something Old

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#1 of Lessons of Age

The sun rose with a gentle warmth upon the otter camp as another beautiful spring day began. Already some were up, rising before dawn to begin the fishing and chores of the day. One of these was Makaha, a modest and proud male who lead a team of fishermen now. The older male to turn forty today, already plotting quite the party for the evening. Age had been fairly well to the powerful otter, though better eating had given him a pudginess to his build. He still struck a handsome type, no grey yet in his whiskers or headfur. Planning quite the celebration for this day. But his mind was more distracted by his wife's cryptic little hint of a more pleasant gift to him in the morning when he returns. Wondering what she had in mind as he daydreamed the morning work away, wishing the day's chores could go by faster.

The morning did go by fairly easily, finishing pulling in the harvest as dawn broke upon the island. Birds heralding the morning sun as the rest of the tribe began to stir and go about their business. While Makaha returned eagerly to see what Noelani had in store for him. His mind racing with ideas as his tail lashed behind him, feeling like a young man again. Finding his wife Noelani had already sent the two youngest children off to play. Their three other children had already began to make plans to move out, starting their work of the day and leaving the two together and alone for once.

Noelani wore just a grass skirt as most did, giving her a hint of modesty. She had placed a wreath of flowers upon her neck, the golden and red petals complimenting the white fur of her breasts, drawing attention to their heavy weight. She was only a year younger then her husband, rather chubby after raising nearly a half dozen kits now, with the youngest just in their teens. She smiled and waved her husband over, leaning in to kiss him softly. "Happy birthday my love. Now, I do have a bit of a surprise for you, that I hope you enjoy." She leaned closer, pulling Makaha's chest against her bare breasts. The male smiling and kissing his wife happily, enjoying the sensual touch as his hands reached around to stroke her tail. The two nestling in close as he grinned "And what would that be, my darling?"

"I know we've taken some time to raise our young, and you've been quite a loving father." She started, kissing his whiskers as he listened, "And we've decided to hold off on having more for a while now." She brushed his chest, hands scritching through his thick fur as she nestled closer, a quiet blush in her cheeks. "But I'm entering heat again, and, I'd, I'd love to feel our love blossom with at least one last child..." Her rubbing paw starting to drop down his to his belly, tracing the thick fur and softness as her brown eyes looked into his blue eyes. "Feel our love joined with another beautiful child of ours. I know I won't be entering heat for many more seasons.... but I know I'm quite ready today."

Makaha flushed as he felt her hands slip towards the grass skirt he wore. His sheath already beginning to stir as her scent reached him. Her gentle touches all the more arousing as he thought of how beautiful she looked bearing their previous young. His tail nervously twitching as he bit his lip, it had been sometime since they were young and ready, heart racing at the thought of not just making love but breeding. He knew his years for siring were at their end too. And they had become even more prosperous then when raising their earlier children. He kissed her, close and gentle "mmm, I, I would be honored.." He let his hands slip down, to gently cup the plump curve of her rump. Feeling that wonderful, tingly shifting in his loins at the anticipation of consummating their love again with another child.

Noelani held her husband closer as she felt his wandering paws trace upon her soft rump. Lifting her thick tail with an impish grin, "And I'd like to do it on the mating beach, just as we did all those years ago our first time." She grinned as Makaha blushed more, pawing the floor as he looked down at his ready wife. She leaned in and kissed his nose, "don't have to just be all the young lovers having fun... we should show them love never grows old." She smiled wider as he hugged her tighter, the two holding close, hearts racing in anticipation of a very interesting morning.

The two leaving their tent, hand in hand as they began to walk to the beach. Children at play and others working with perhaps an envious grin at the couple. Especially the adults as they noticed which direction they were headed with their tails entwined. A subtle hint at their intentions as they reached the clearing before the sandy, black beach. No one was really sure when it became a mating beach, but the warm sands and cool waves had seemed to just encourage playfulness in every otter. And the thick foliage of the edge of the beach let those more shy watch if they want, a series of springs perfect to watch couples enjoy each other. Every beach was a nude beach, but for some reason this pristine shore had always encouraged a touch more. And over the years had become a sort of mating ground for the tribe, especially for new or young lovers.

Though this morning it was empty for now. The black sands cool, still warming in the lazy sun of a spring day. The two having the beach for themselves as they walked down the pristine black sand. Soon holding close, looking about. Just one curious teenager watching from the edge of the sands, the male blushing away as they notice him. A little rustle from the springs beyond hint at another voyeur or two, but for the most part it's just them. "It's been a while, hasn't it, " breathed Noelani as she began to kiss her husband's whiskers. His quiet shiver showing she knew quite where to tease him now, her fingers digging into his simple skirt to begin to lower the covering. He kisses back, tongue brushing lips as he holds her tight "It has, the beach still is lovely. Though not as much as you are."

Noelani giggled and blushed at the compliment as she helped strip her husband nude. Already he was aroused, his stiff penis throbbing in the cool morning breeze. A finger tracing the blunt thickness, feeling the lovely flesh that will bring life once more. Makaha's hands begin to remove his wife's skirt, leaving her nude but for the necklace of blossoms she wears. The scent of lust and heat much stronger now, her plump folds wet and splayed in fertile readiness. Quietly moaning as he appreciates the beautiful sight, a finger reaching down to gently cup and feel the warmth of his mate's heat.

Makaha gently began to rub and tease his wife's sex. Spreading the plump lips to let a finger slip into the wet heat of her folds. Enjoying her moaning as he held her close, no reason to be quiet now. He let out a long, low sigh as her hands stroked his ballsac, tracing the dangling orbs gently. The two nestled, fondling like kits again as they kissed. Feeling their respective arousal building against fingers, throbbing and pulsing as their slickness grew. His pink tip oozing precum now as she swirled her thumb upon it, making him moan now. Only half noticing a few more couples and teens who came to watch the older pair make love. A young couple whistling their approval as they walked by to find a nice clearing a little further down the beach, making the older pair flush hotly.

But their lust was more then ready now as Makaha kissed down Noelani's neck and breasts. Kneeling before his wife to kiss and cup her heavy breasts. Rolling the thick nipples between his fingers as she moaned for him. Enjoying the touch of his webbed fingers on her pink nipples as his kisses tickled down her belly. The two chubby otters enjoying themselves once more like kits. Her legs spreading with a soft sigh as she peered down, watching Makaha admire her pouting folds as he did so many years before. A gentle kiss upon them making both tremble, tasting that sweet, lustful readiness of heat upon her arousal.

Makaha's free hand reached up, rubbing the soft belly of his wife as he quietly kissed and licked into her ready sex. Feeling that sensual heat, tasting her fertile readiness. His tail thumping the sand like a cub finding his girlfriend's first heat. Breath panting as he smiled up to her "mmmm... you're going to be so big and sexy again..." His whiskery grin wide as he uses both hands to brush her belly, making her blush hotly. "and I think it's time we got you full of kits once more." His hands guiding her back and down to lay upon the black sands.

A quiet groaning and grunting signalled the younger couple was busy making love, the two grinning as they look up to see the young pair rutting away. Gently Makaha helped his wife lay back onto the sand, straddling her hips. Both eying his stiff, red arousal as he dragged and teased it against her thighs. Smearing precum upon Noelani's cunny lips with a little groan, soon getting her to writhe against him needfully. Finally he leans over, nestling carefully atop her. Supporting some of his weight with his elbows as he kisses her. Slow and gentle, lips nestled together in a loving embrace. Feeling that stiff flesh glide into her ready folds once more, beginning to breed once again.

Both moaned as Noelani felt that firm flesh sink into her. Filling her once more with promises of life as she moaned, eyes closing to pull him tight against her breasts. The two taking their time, a slow, gentle rocking of hips all they need. Savoring the slippery glide of her folds about his arousal, back and forth as they take their time. Joined as one, locked in a deep kiss. Breath brushing back and forth as they mate under the warm sun. Listening to the waves splash nearby. And the sounds of another couple rutting away not too far from them. Enjoying making love for all to see, slowly breaking the kiss to stare back into each other's eyes.

Her hands gripped his rump, feeling the way his muscles flex and roll. Driving himself into her again and again, joined intimately as they mated for that most primal and beautiful reason. To bring life into this world. The thought of her body heavy with young making her hips grind more urgently, panting with lust she hadn't felt in a long time. Makaha closed his eyes as he begin to move his hips in more urgent motions, feeling his own pleasure building up. The two nestling tighter as their pleasure rushed together in the steady rhythm of their hips. Tails entwined tightly as she felt that hot tingle of climax tingling within her folds once more.

"Aaa... Makaha, please, fill me..." Noelani moans out, holding his hips tighter as that pleasure reaches her boiling point. Her legs tensing and toes curling as she finally arches, rocking in the sand quickly as she gives in to pleasure. Folds twitching, wet and hot, stinking of fertile heat awaiting his seed as she shudders and clutches her lover. Makaha grunts with pleasure, leaning in to kiss her firmly. Roughly dragging his tongue across her lips as his balls pull tight. "mmmph... yes my love..."

His tail lifts, flagging up as they tremble in pleasure. Her tail lashing about the sand with each pleasurable shudder rushing through her. His own soon arched high, and then twitching and curling over his back. Giving all watching a nice show of his balls, snug and tight, pressing his sheath to her folds as he finally groans out. Burying his head into her neck as he shudders with climax. His seed pulsing, hot and virile, once more into his lover's awaiting body. Nestling deep as they two cling tightly, his tail twitching with each shudder of pleasure and climax.

Soon both tail relax as their orgasms fade. Curling together as they kiss, gentle and loving. Panting together as they blush, seeing they rutting had attracted quite a few now. The younger couple laying together, grinning to the older pair. A few young kits teasing eachother now, and a rustle and splash in the springs of some young kits having fun. The older mates grinning bashfully at the audience they had gotten, kissing each other with gentle touches. Noelani breaking the silence as she beams "mmm, suppose a pair of older otters can teach some young kits new tricks after all."

Makaha chuckled as he nibbled his darling mate's whiskers... and he grinned quite widely... "mmm, just for that, think I'm going to have to go for another go now..." He pulled back, slipping onto his knees to shiver as his half erect cock slid free. Licking his lips at the messy glob of seed upon his flesh, and trickling from those messy folds. Knowing most was well on it's way to being planted in her fertile womb. "Going to rut ya just like when ya were a kit now."

She giggled, following his strong paws to roll over onto her knees and hands. Showing off her heavy breasts as she lifts her rump, while he gently brushes and cleans her soft fur of any stray sand. His tail lashing once more as he soon pulled her close, nestling atop her back. The two giggling as she felt hands squeezing her breasts, fondling awkwardly as they cuddled intimately. Noelani blushing at the attention "mmmm... haven't, hfffff, seen you go for seconds in a while..."

Makaha felt his arosual steadily build. Much slower then before, but surely he felt that excitement grow. His arousal soon kissing her inner thighs, teasing for her folds as he leaned in to nip an ear. "We can't let these young cubs have all the fun now, can we? We can show them you can still enjoy your mate at any age." He gives her nape a firm nip, feeling that firm heat find that slippery, messy cunt once more. It was going to be definitely a wonderful birthday