Spring Break or Gator Aid: Act 2, Raithian Gets Some

Story by Blitzkrieg the Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Spring Break or Gator Aid

The grass became sparse, then completely gave way to soft sand that squished between his toes as he walked. There were much fewer people out here. Most were gathered around campfires, talking quietly. Some were making out a short distance from the groups. Raithian smiled; this was the kind of Spring Break he liked best. He found his way over to a bunch of old wooden picnic tables and sat down on one of them, closing his eyes to listen to the waves wash over the shore.

"This is quite a party, yes?" A sudden voice beside him made him jump. Raithian turned his head to find Nghiem Hoa sitting beside him. She smiled softly when they made eye contact. "I don't believe we've ever been properly introduced. I'm Hoa, what's your name?" Her voice was soft and smooth, with barely a hint of an Indochinese accent.

"Uh...Raithian, but you can call me Raith or Ray," Raithian nervously offered his paw to her. This was the first time an actual female besides his mother had come this close to him, and he wasn't quite sure how to react. He was also taken by how attractive she looked up close. Her muzzle was long; tapering gently into a black nose. She was petite and thin, but not grotesquely so. Her shoulder-length raven hair had been painstakingly teased and styled with lots of hair gel, and it was streaked with red highlights that stood out even in the soft orange glow of the campfires that bathed her entire form. Eyeliner had been carefully applied around her elegantly slanted eyes. She wore an olive colored t-shirt with a chibi decal on it and form-fitting designer pants; it was apparent that she was very fashion conscious.

She looked blankly at him for a moment, then took his paw gingerly in hers, clasping the digits of her right paw with his while placing her left on the back of his paw. "Forgive me, please. Where I come from, people of the opposite gender are forbidden from touching each other in public.

"Oh! Oh my! I am so sorry!" Raithian quickly withdrew his paw and looked down into his lap. Fantastic! he thought, Ten seconds with a girl, and already I fuck up.

"No, no, don't be sorry. I am just getting used to American culture, that is all. There is much for me to experience in this wonderful country." She sits quietly for awhile, looking off at the students gathered by the fires. "I saw you looking at me in the dining room," she says at last, "it looked as though you wished to talk to me."

"Oh God..." Raithian buried his eyes in his paws, "it's not my fault, I swear! I never wanted to come here in the first place. It's all my friend's-"

The dhole put a claw to his snout. "Hush now, there is no reason to be ashamed. I wished to speak you when I saw you."

"Y...you did?" Raithian looked over at her again.

"Yes, I have a...confession to make," she scooted a little bit closer to him, "I must tell you that I have always wanted to feel the touch of a male," she looks away, the dim lighting hiding the fact that she was blushing, "I've had urges for over a year now, but I couldn't bring myself to tell my family. My father is a prestigious and highly respected businessman. He works hard to support me, my mother, my many brothers and sisters, and my grandparents. For me to have premarital relations would be a great dishonor to my father and my ancestors."

Raithian sat quietly, nodding as she said this. "Now that I am in America, in a land where such a thing is acceptable, even flaunted, I feel that I need this more than ever," She looked to him, her sapphire blue eyes shimmering, "You must see me as a harlot, don't you?"

"Uh n-no! No! Not at all!" Raithian stammered, pausing to wipe a bit of sweat from his brow. Truthfully, however, the "Me so horny" scene from Full Metal Jacket was playing itself out over and over in the back of his mind. "I don't understand, though," he said, "why did you come to me?"

"Because..." Hoa said, resting her paws on his shoulders, something forbidden even among members of the same sex in her country, "you seem special. There's something about you that makes you stand out from the drunken harlequins in the house back there."

"Oh, hehe, yeah. I don't drink. To be honest, I'm not much of a party animal like that lemur you saw me with. His name's Henry, but his friends just call him by his last name, Carver. He can be a real douche sometimes, but he's a good guy at heart..." He tensed a little at her soft touch; the close contact was sending shivers up and down his spine.

Hoa nodded, her paws slipping off his shoulders and down his sides, feeling his lithe body shudder beneath them. "You are very fit; you exercise, I presume?"

"Uhh, yeah...uhh, do you know what you're doing?" Raithian replied, droplets of sweat lining his visage entirely and dripping off his snout. He was beginning to notice a damp odor in the air, and he knew it wasn't the salt water in the air. His eyes widened as he realized that the smell was coming from her.

"I know exactly what I'm doing, Raithian. Though I may be a virgin, I have studied the erotic arts through American websites. You are in good company tonight." Her smile broadened into a wicked grin...

Suddenly, she grabbed him under the arms and flopped him onto the surface of the picnic table on his back. Raithian gasped, taken completely off-guard by this sudden action. Hoa quickly climbed up onto him, pinning him by the shoulders. "Are you ready for this, you sensual beast?" She slid her tongue across her teeth as she spoke. The scent Raithian had noticed before was beginning to grow stronger.

Hoa let go of his shoulders and moved down to his cargo shorts. She delicately unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper open. "Let's see what you have been hiding from me all this time," she says with a chuckle. She took hold of the waistbands of both his shorts and his boxers and pulled them off his legs. She let them drop onto the sandy ground beside the table.

Raithian hissed softly, the sudden feeling of open air on his bare legs and hips highly arousing under the circumstances. A tingling sensation began to build between his legs as his genital slit engorged. He couldn't believe that this was happening. He half expected to wake up in his bed at any moment soaked in sweat and spunk, but it was all too real.

Hoa's eyes widened at the sight of his slit. She knew that just inside of it was the male organ which she hungered for. She slipped her paws under the hem of his shirt and slipped it up past his chest, her soft fur brushing his scaly belly as she did so. Her paws glided back down his bare belly to his slit, beginning to massage either side of it.

The stimulation was too much for Raithian. His maroon crocodilian member quickly everted and stood proudly right in front of Hoa. It was roughly seven inches long, and ended in a bulbous tip. A shallow groove ran along the underside of Raithian's shaft. Hoa grinned at the alligator, who was shivering in excitement and anticipation. Licking her lips, she bent down and dragged her slick, canine tongue up his length from base to tip.

Raithian cried out and arched his back, a chill running from the base of his tail up his spine to the back of his neck. His cock throbbed and tensed, as if trying to stretch up and touch the sky. He prayed that he could last long enough to please the wonderful dhole currently sampling his flavor.

Hoa picked his legs up and rotated him to lay parallel to the table, then straddled him again. She crossed her arms across herself and pulled her shirt off. She then undid her sports bra and slipped it off, letting her small, perky breasts into the air. The fur on her belly and chest was cream-colored. Her ebony nipples stood hard from both arousal and the cool breeze blowing in from the ocean. She straddled his legs, slowly caressing her breasts in front of Raithian. She panted excitedly as she reached down with her left paw to open her pants.

The moment she pulled her pants open, Raithian was greeted by a tremendous whiff of her scent, which only excited him further. His member strained and pulsed, veins standing out along his tapered shaft. Hoa gripped the base of Raithian's cock with both paws, grinning as she gently squeezed it. "Are you ready to continue, dear?"

"Y-yes please," Raithian managed to squeak out.

Hoa hooked her thumbs in her waistband and slowly worked her jeans and panties down to her knees. She shifted to her rump to get them off her legs. Now completely naked, she crawled up against Raithian and lowered herself onto him. She grabbed hold of his wrists and pinned them on either side of his head as her short, soft fur rubbed along his belly. Her sweet virgin slit grazed his shaft, coating it in a thin layer of her juices and sending another electric twinge up Raithian's spine.

Raithian's pink eyes rolled back in his head as she draped herself across him. Her cold, wet nose rubbed against his snout as her tongue slipped into his maw, grabbing hold of his. His hips bucked involuntarily, attempting to drive his throbbing shaft into her. It couldn't quite make it in, however, and it only rubbed along her sex and into the hard little nub of her clitoris.

The dhole gasped and murred softly, her femmehood spilling more of its alluring fluids onto the alligator member that it sorely craved. She rubbed her body against Raithian's, her hard nipples digging into his belly scales. Finally, she withdrew her tongue from his maw and brought her muzzle to the side of his head. "Take me...take me now..." she whispered.

Raithian was all too happy to comply with Hoa. Shifting his position beneath her as much as he can, he carefully worked the round tip of his cock into her sex. As it becomes nestled between her warm nether lips, he moaned softly. The pleasure he felt at that moment was greater than all the pleasure he'd experienced masturbating combined. He pushed forward, his thick, sinewed shaft sliding into her, the fit snug but comfortable.

Despite this, Hoa had grown impatient with Raithian's delicate efforts. She growled as she pushed down against his gentle incursion, hilting herself on him almost instantly. Her inner walls began to squeeze and massage his member, and she began sending long, passionate kiss-licks up his neck to the end of his chin. Raithian could only lay his head back against the hard, splintered surface of the table as Hoa began to pull herself off his cock, then hilt herself again, starting to reverse-hump him at a steady pace.

Intense ecstasy flowed through Raithian's body, his thoughts muddled and marred by all the wonderful things happening at once. He hoped more than ever that he wouldn't lose control now, but already he could feel his climax building. He could hold out well against his own paw, but to feel the warm, slick interior of a female's vagina was something else entirely.

Only five minutes had passed since Hoa had pinned him to the table for the first time, but Raithian's cock screamed for release. He didn't want the moment to end; it felt so good. Hoa was picking up her pace, apparently close to the edge herself. Still keeping his wrists pinned, she lifted herself upright, riding Raithian like some perverse pony ride.

Raithian knew that he was well beyond the point of return. He opened his maw, but know sound came out. With a final thrust upward, Raithian felt his tip flare, and his thick seed rush up the groove in his shaft, gaining momentum as it exploded into Hoa's tight, virginal interior.

Hoa's tongue hung limp over her bottom lip. She closed her eyes, savoring the sheer force of the male fluids coursing into her at that moment. Falling back onto Raithian's chest, she licked his snout as he struggled to breath. "You're not giving up now, are you?" she laughed, "I demand that you finish what you start, you silly reptile!"

With that, she slowly pulled herself up. The alligator member inside her released itself from her nether lips and fell over, partially limp. She repositioned herself to put her rump right over Raithian's face.

Though it was his first time, Raithian knew exactly what the lusty dhole wanted. Taking a moment to breath her scent in deep, he smiled and got to work bathing her slit with his rough tongue. He savored the sweet, musky fluids from the both of them as he lapped them out of the fine, creamy fur between her legs.

Hoa moaned loudly, her fluids replacing those that Raithian's tongue took away. The alligator grew bolder, and began pushing his tongue inside of her, probing deeper and deeper. Her inner walls clenched down on him, making him jump. She began to roll her hips, guiding the busy tongue to the most sensitive places inside of her.

She looked down to see his cock beginning to pull itself upright again. With a grin, she leaned down and began to lick the fluids of their coupling off his shaft. Raithian hissed, redoubling his efforts to pleasure her. She closed her muzzle around his entire length, caressing the tough tip with her canine tongue. She closed her eyes and squeezed her right breast, feeling the lust build within her.

This went on for several minutes before Hoa sat up again and began to pant harder, rubbing herself against Raithian's snout faster and faster as she worked herself into an orgasmic frenzy. Finally, she let out a wild, lustful howl as her inner walls clamped down hard on his tongue. Her fluids rushed down Raithian's throat, almost choking him. Though Hoa had stopped suckling him, Raithian was pushed over the edge by the sweet vaginal discharge trickling into his maw. His cum erupted from his cock with tremendous force, dowsing Hoa's chest and belly.

As both their orgasms subsided, Hoa rolled off Raithian and lay down beside him. Raithian smiled and put his arm around her. He was elated at that moment. Not only had he gotten laid like Carver said he would, but he just might get a girlfriend out of this. Assuming Hoa was the kind of girl to stick around until morning that is...

Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion of Spring Break or Gator Aid!