Defenders of Evodusai Part 13

Story by Mizucharoshi on SoFurry

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With the situation defused for now, I noticed that the adorable

sphere of blubber was staring at me with sparkling eyes. It was just

now that I realized that he was still just a kid and easily

impressionable despite his high intellect. Somehow, it makes me feel

like protecting him and from what he had said to Haless, I couldn't

imagine the kinds of experiences that had been witnessed through his

eyes. "Alright, does anybody else have any other questions?"

asked the dragonite. This time, the chikorita stepped forward. "Hold

up," Ritch shouted as he pointed a paw towards me. "She just said

that she got to choose the team. Does this mean that she's gonna be

the leader of this group?" Placing his paws onto his hips, Haless

sigh out loud. "Well of course she'll be leading your team. It's

because of her that convinced the other higher ups to give this

project a chance." Ritch stamped a foot down. "Why?! What's so special about this

newcomer?" Liru jumped forward with fangs bared. "Why are you

making such a big deal out of this? Is it because you still think

that we're weak? If that's the case, then let's take this outside and

settle it." The grass type stood his ground and faced the furious

gator head on. "This is precisely why I don't trust newcomers,"

he argued. "You all have the same arrogant mindset that acts

without thinking about the consequences. Working as a healer, I've

seen countless veterans suffer from injuries that could have been

prevented if their teammates hadn't been so rash." "But Winta's different," Liru stated through clenched teeth.

"She's... somebody that you can rely on no matter how perilous the

situation's become. Just give us a chance, otherwise we will never be

able to prove it to you." Ritch turned and began to walk away.

"That's... what they all say." After a couple of steps towards

the door, a pink paw gently patted the chikorita's neck and made him

stop. "Is this is about the fight between me and the char girl?"

the flaaffy asked. Getting no reply, he continued questioning. "Did

it remind you about what happened three years ago?" Ritch turned

and glared at the sheep, trembling softly with a heated face. "You

said you wouldn't bring that up," he whispered in an irritated

tone. Mishren stared back and nodded. "Fine, I won't talk about

that incident ever again. But please speak about what's on your mind

since I seemed to have hit the mark." The grass type huffed out an annoyed sigh and turned around. "The

past is the past and I'm not gonna go and drag up those awful

memories. Winta, I'll give you one chance to prove your worth as a

leader since everybody thinks you're capable. Show me that you're not

a reckless monster and I'll tend to the team's injuries with my

healing abilities. Got that?" I nodded, keeping this in mind as a

sort of challenge to overcome. With all questions answered for now,

Haless wasted no time as he put us to work by ordering us to clean

the place up. The entire day was spent on this task and despite

various fights and arguments between all of us, we managed to finish

right as dinner ended. Returning only to find table scraps being

cleaned up by the lovely gardevoir , we all disbanded to our rooms

feeling rather salty with one another and headed off to sleep.

Pleasant dreams filled with delicious food gave me a very restful

sleep. Morning routines and a hearty breakfast later, the team

quickly assembled in the now tidy Unity base. We all lined up and

faced Haless, who had prepared a blackboard for today.Hunt- Tracking down and arresting fugitives.Escort- Traveling and protecting the client until you reach

their destination.Retrieval- Searching for an item that the client has lost and

returning it to them.Rescue- Tracking down and saving clients. "The Sofeda organization's main

source of income comes from these four types of jobs," the

dragonite began as he pointed at the list. "Each branch of Sofeda

manages their own expenses which can be quite stressful for all the

chiefs and captains. Because we constantly need funds to keep

everything running, the majority of the organization's forces are

assigned to do these jobs. The hunt missions are letters ranked (E,

D, C, B, A, and S) while the rest of the jobs are ranked based on the

amount of difficulty stars assigned to it." Flipping the blackboard

around, there were two more lines of writing.Destroy- Hunt for and eliminate Dark ShardsExplore- Trek through unknown territory and record all

experiences Haless

cleared his throat, giving us a clue that we were going to be here

for a while. Hiding my growing sense of boredom, I sighed and sat

down to rest my legs just as Haless began to speak. "Mystery

dungeons are unique natural occurrences that causes no harm to the

land and the inhabitants living there. These places also provides us

with all sorts of work since pokemon tend to get lost or attacked

while outlaws use these places to hide themselves in. Whenever a new

mystery dungeon is discovered, an explore mission is created by the

commander and he decides on who gets to go. Dark shards however break

the laws of nature by artificially creating mystery dungeons. These

places start to sap the planet's life force to grow and power the

crystal up which causes natural disasters around the area. On top of

that, the pokemon who have been exposed to the shard for too long all

start to go berserk, attacking anybody recklessly who come within

their sights. Sofeda was created to go out and shatter these shards,

which is why destroy missions have the highest priority out of all

the jobs." Finished with the explanation, the

dragonite looked around the room and scratched his face. "You know,

since the cleaning of this place yesterday went exceptionally well,

it's safe for me to announce that you will all be living in this base

from now on." A horrifying "WHAT," erupted from Nyami that

shocked the dullness out of all of us. "Are you serious?!," she

asked shaking that fluffy tail of hers, causing Haless to chuckle to

himself. "Oh, but I am serious, In fact, as of today this group is

officially considered its own branch with Winta acting as captain. To

celebrate, I got some help from the other chiefs and captains and

together we pooled together 50000 poke for the group to act as

starting funds. With the monthly bill costing about 5000 poke, it's

not a whole lot of money so use it wisely because missing just one

deadline will result in automatic termination of the team and

expulsion of all of its members." Having said that, Haless wished us

the best and returned to his duties. With him gone, the room fell

into an awkward silence as we all felt the gravity of his words. The

first one of us to speak up was Jorge. "Hey, cheer up everybody. We

can make this work somehow." I stood up and wiped a bead of sweat

off my forehead. "Let's start off by introducing ourselves," I

said scratching the back of my head. Since I can't reveal that I was

a human without sounding like a complete lunatic, I decided to go

with the amnesia escuse. "I'll start it off by saying that my full

name is Wintaki Dormer. I... can't really remember most of my past

since I almost drowned in a lake nearby Genka Forest." Liru butted

in. "So that's why you were all out of it after I rescued you." I

nodded and continued telling the others about my achievements so far.

After five minutes, I finished and let Liru introduce herself. "I'm

Liru and Winta here's my mom!" I jumped up and clamped her mouth

shut as gasps filled the room. "N-no! It's not like that!" I

blushed. Thinking under pressure, I quickly made something up on the

spot. "I simply stumbled across Liru when she was still just an

egg. Her real parents... well they got captured by these humans and

left the egg abandoned. I did the right thing and decided to care for

it until she hatched." "And she did a good job raising me

too!" she added with a smile that slowly diminished into a frown.

"But then... about five years ago some humans came and tore us

apart. While Winta was out foraging for food, they came out of

nowhere and took me away. All I could remember as they carried me off

in that bag was the smell of smoke. They traveled with me for about a

year, forcing me to fight other pokemon. When they all just

disappeared all of as sudden, it was Truce who took me in and raised

me." Nyami wiped her eye with her right paw and moved in close to

hug Liru and apologized for what had happened in the mess hall. With

the hostilities between these two buried, the eevee stepped up to

take her turn. "I'm Nyami and this is now my fourth relocation in

my three years of working in this organization. I started off in the

healing division, was moved into the recon division, and finally

placed in the attack division. Known for basically being a jack of

all trades and a master of none by the time I entered the attack

division, I got picked on constantly by my peers and almost decided

to quit. But now that this place is going to be my permanent

position, I'll try my hardest to make sure that we succeed." Jorge bounced up and down. "Yea,

that's the spirit. Okay, My name is Jorge and I worked in the defense

division. My reason for choosing that station is that I hated...

being weak..." His eyes darkened and a tinge of fear could be seen

in those orbs. "...The helplessness of not being able to do

anything... watching as those close to you are k... and running away

knowing you abandoned them... I just want to... protect them..."

The darkness faded from his eyes as he looked at our scared faces.

"Do you want to talk about it? Mishren asked him, but he shook his

head (body?) and left it at that. The flaaffy patted Jorge on the

head and began his introduction. "I'm Mishren and I was a well known

fighter in the special attack division. I built up a reputation for

being ruthless to newbies after... well the situation that I promised

Ritch not to talk about. After my fight with Winta, I had a lot of

time to think while in the hospital and because of that I've grown to

accept you. So, no hard feelings?" He stuck out his paw and looked

away. Smiling, I took it and we shook. The entire group looked at

Ritch, who was still shocked at what Haless had said just before he

left. Prodding the chikorita in the back with his paws, Mishren

sighed. "This is my friend, Ritch," he started. "Ritch is one

of the best healers in his division and actually took care of all my

injuries. If it wasn't for him and Chief Olein's abilities, I would

probably still be bandaged up for at least another week or two. He

used to be such a nice guy, but I think that it was all the praise

that he got from his peers that turned him into an arrogant punk." Hearing that last sentence snapped

Ritch out of his daze. "Hey speak for yourself, jerk" he said

playfully head butting the sheep. "I guess I have no choice now

since the state of our jobs are on the line. Just like Mishren said,

I'm a very good healer. However, if you decide to bring me into the

field, then you should know that my endurance isn't really high."

"No worries," Liru laughed. "If you need protection, then we'll

be happy to provide it if you ask nicely." Finally done with

introductions, we all decided to head over to the job office to

choose a mission. Run by an overly friendly goodra

named Symie and her legion of wingulls and pelippers, the office is

kept tidy and organized. When you first walk in, you'll find four

large notice boards adorning the left and right sides of the walls

while in front of you is a row of teller windows. The place also

serves as a post office and you must check daily to see if you had

mail. This was the first thing that most of the team did, so I went

and browsed through the job posters. The first job I saw immediately

brought up red flags.Client: Lilly the shinxRank & Type: (7 star Rescue) (B grade/Hunt)Details: My friend Solba the litleo had been attacked by a

group of thugs. After they knocked him out, they kidnapped him and

ran off. I did my best to follow them but turned back

when they went into the mystery dungeon called Wanti Bay. Please save
