Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#4 of Total Trust

Giratina descends in fury upon Max and Mist. A fierce battle erupts spanning Dimensions and has a surprising twist. There is a guest appearance in this Chapter use the quote at the beginning to figure it out. put your guess in the comments.

A/N Thank you for your support and continued feedback. Keep it up!

This story contains sexual content between two males if you are underage or not allowed to view this in your area leave this page now.

"Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these Titans reap Destruction upon the World in which they clash."

Source: Michael Haigney, K. Y. (Director). (1999). Pokemon The Movie 2000: The Power Of One [Motion Picture].



Giratina was staring us down and then with a burst of speed he lunged at Mist and I. We dove to the side as Giratina's head busted through the wall. Mist landed on his feet while I went flying into the wall directly behind the bathtub and then went crashing down into it seeing stars.

"MAX!" shouted Mist and I shook my head to clear it. I did not have time to warn Mist as Giratina retracted his head from the wall and a Shadow Ball formed in its mouth. Before I could even think of opening my mouth, the attack fired and hit Mist square in the back. It did not do much damage but it did unbalance him and send him crashing into my lap. Two flashes of white caused Giratina to turn around and glare at the new comers.

A Ninjask and a Haunter were floating in the air and Both Carson and Drew were issuing orders to their Pokemon. "Ninjask use Fury Cutter!" "Haunter Use Mean Look"

Giratina somehow dodged the insanely fast attack from Ninjask and Mean Look is rendered ineffective because normal moves do not affect a ghost Pokemon. Giratina used Shadow Claw on Haunter for serious damage then turned on Ninjask to fire another Shadow Ball. Ninjask dodged with a burst of speed as its ability kicked in.

"Haunter use Curse!" Shouted Carson and a pin appeared before Haunter slowly driving into its body causing it to faint while a strange black substance started to cling to Giratina and made it shudder as if afflicted by some strange disease.

Carson returned his fainted partner and smiled grimly as Giratina is affected by the curse causing its stamina to drop a little. That however did not stop it from lunging at Ninjask and catching the pokemon unawares. The startled bug Pokemon used Bug Bite, which Giratina just brushed off as it vanished and then instantly reappeared behind Ninjask ramming it with dark power causing it to smash into the wall.

The bug fell to the ground and Drew returned his partner before reaching for his last Pokeball "GO Shedinja! Use Confuse Ray!"

Surprisingly the move hit and the Legendary Pokemon became confused. It wobbled as if it was drunk and then busted through the wall demolishing the side of the bathtub that was adjacent to Mist and I.

Mist and I hurriedly followed the legendary outside with Drew on our heels. Giratina fired a shadow ball at a bush making it explode before it shook off its confusion and turned to face us once more. It used Ominous Wind on Shedinja and knocked it out effortlessly

It turned its gaze back on Mist as my partner fired a Shadow Ball of its own, which surprised Giratina enough that it did not dodge and the attack hit. "Yes!" I said pumping my fist in the air. Giratina however was unimpressed and it vanished once more.

"Use your Aura!" I shouted but it was too late because Mist was hit with Shadow Force. "MIST!" I shouted concerned but he waved off my concern. "Use Toxic!" I ordered and Mist shot a column of deadly poison at Giratina.

The attack missed because once more Giratina used Shadow Force to smash into the back of Mist. "Dammit!" I muttered stomping my foot. I should have known that Giratina would dodge. Mist was looking weak and I had no further Pokemon.

Suddenly a voice shouted "Starmie use Water Gun!" a jet of water hit Giratina and wet him but it did not do much damage. The new comer was a red headed girl wearing flame patterned jeans and a blue tank top. While Giratina turned to confront the gem Pokemon, I ran to Mist and pulled out a Hyper Potion from my bag to heal him.

Soon after the application, He was back on his feet and ready to continue the battle. However, nothing seemed to be working against Giratina. "_ Mist let's try and lure it back to its own world. It may be the only way to get it away from here. _"

I ran back to the once destroyed bathroom and pressed my hand over the mirror. The Portal activated and sucked us inside. For a few seconds we were floating in mid-air, as there was no gravity then we started to fall down onto a floating platform. Our landing was soft as giant trees randomly sprang up to cushion our fall.



When my portal reactivated inside the building, I sensed the disturbance however, I just smiled grimly. The star Pokemon simply tackled right through me as I ran back into the building and went back through the portal leaving a trail of destruction in my wake.

My snake like body twisted through the air as I entered my home and I started to poke around for the trainer and his Pokemon. Dense forest covered the ground and as I passed over it, the trees vanished as if they had never existed. Then they sprang up once more into being after a few seconds.

Meanwhile floating islands appeared and disappeared at random, as I moved across the world. Gravity inverted as I flew through the waterfall and burst through to the other side my form changing as the increase in gravity forced me into altered form. I grunted as I settled onto the earth and trudged along. I found this form distasteful but it was necessary at times. Like when I visited the outer world or here where the gravity increased.

As I landed, I saw a flash of movement ahead and roared flapping my wings to release my Ominous Wind attack. A Pokemon went flying into the abyss and a person dove after it. "MIST!" under normal circumstances the trainer would have never been able to catch up to his falling companion but, here he managed to do just that before gravity inverted and sling shot them back into the air.

The boy screamed with fright the sound shattering the normal tranquility of my world and making me grate my teeth. Without thinking, I shout out a whirlwind to catch them and consequently they were thrown into a portal to the outside world.

I grunted in frustration and went after them flapping my wings hurriedly.



Well the good news is that we were out of the Reverse World the bad news is that we have no idea where we are. An island was in front of us and massive whirlpools churned in the ocean surrounding the place. Overhead a few Wingull were in evidence and I swear I saw a Tentacruel go by.

Then a roar sounded from behind us and suddenly it did not matter where we were. I started to pull Max along to the entrance of the cave and we ran blindly into the interior with Giratina on our heels.

Max jerked on my arm when I almost slid over the edge of the cliff not far from the entrance. There was an immense volume of water within this cave and several whirlpools where in motion. Massive waterfalls thundered in the enclosed cavern adding their spray and foam to the mix.

I chanced a look behind us and cursed shoving Max to the right causing him to balance precariously in the very edge of the cliff just between falling over and holding on. However, the explosion from the shadow ball that would have hit him made him lose his precarious balance and he fell down into the pounding waves.

I gave Giratina a look of venom before I dove down after my Trainer. Just before I hit the water, I heard Giratina screaming obscenities at us but then I was underwater and the only thing in my view was the sea floor. I swam upwards and broke the surface floating in place as I gasped for air before looking around for my trainer.

He looked like a drowned rat but if I did not know, better I would say that he had lost his friggin mind! His bandages where gone and he was swimming as hard as he could away from a whirlpool that was getting closer every second.

I swum towards him but not before the whirlpool had him in its grip and sucked him under. I made my way into the swirling vortex as well and found myself a ring above him as we slowly revolved around and around. I swam faster into the swirling mass as an echoing unearthly cry echoed through the chamber.

A great white and blue bird dove into the whirlpool and faded it with a single twitch of its wings. Blue feathers projected from its eyes and along its back, it had ten blue protrusions that were face down. It grabbed Max in its beak and as it started to move, I jumped and grabbed its leg as it headed upwards towards the cliff face.

_ Are you all right? _ Asked a voice in my head. Max must have heard it to because he ceased his struggles to break free. Yes, we are now. If I may ask, who are you? My name is Mist and you are holding my trainer in your _ beak _ .

The Pokemon did not reply to my question just yet it seemed to be having a private conversation with Max and its old voice filled with wisdom glittered on the very edge of my mind as they talked. However, Giratina's presence demanded attention as a Shadow Ball came out of thin air and made its way towards us.

The bird swerved and I almost lost my grip as we dodged the attack. Then without much warning, it kicked me off and dropped Max on the ground behind a cliff face before rounding to face Giratina. Max however had other ideas and was cursing up a blue streak as he had hit his burned arm during the fall.

I finally managed to make it to his side and I looked him over. With all due respect, Humans were just not a durable as Pokemon. However, it seemed like someone forgot to give Max that particular memo. Despite being almost drowned and then slammed into the ground from 2 feet up, he looked like a little kid that had been rolling around in the dirt.

His breathing perhaps a tad bit heavier than it should be but overall he was ok. I glanced down at my own self and saw a few scratches and cuts but nothing serious. In fact, by comparison you would almost think Max was the Pokemon and not I.

Meanwhile overhead the bird fired a beam from its mouth while Giratina vanished by using Shadow Force. The cave began to shake with the force of the repercussions and three shiny spheres clattered to the ground from an unseen location.

The outside of the first one was clear with fire burning at its heart. The second was clear as well with a blizzard at its center. The last one had a thunderstorm at its heart. These spheres rose into the air and moved at a blur outside the cave before red, blue, and yellow light erupted from outside the cave blinding in its intensity and the cries of three more birds could be heard and as one the white bird and Giratina were outside the cave.

I tugged Max to his feet and ran outside with him as the cave was trembling violently and several rocks were falling from the ceiling. Once outside the two of us just watched as our jaws dropped. Elemental hell was being unleashed upon Giratina as each bird fired off its own individual element at the anti-matter Pokemon.

Now considering the amount of attacks, that Giratina had just plain out dodged I hardly expected him to be cowed by elemental attacks. He was a dragon Pokemon after all he should be able to brush off such attacks with ease. So apparently fire plus ice plus lightning plus wind equaled something with a big enough punch to topple a dragon. Even Giratina's Ghost half did not seem to be doing it any favors.

It was crying out in what I would assume was pain as it writhed in the vortex. I managed to hike up my jaw by now and more than once Max and I had to dodge a stream of power that bled off from the main attack. The birds made no sign of stopping and for me that was fine. I was content to watch.

Finally, Giratina had enough and it vanished back to the Reverse World to figuratively lick its wounds. Now all four birds turned to face us and we both took a step back.

I am Lugia and my companions are Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno. How did you get here? Who was chasing you?

Giratina dragged us into its realm from Sinnoh. I take it that this IS NOT Sinnoh. Where are we?

You are in Johto at the Whirlpool Islands. Do you have transport back to the mainland?

*Nope. * The whole conversation was between Max, Lugia, and my head bounced back and forth between the two of them like I was watching a tennis match.

Lugia gave a giant sigh then he landed and offered his back to us. Hop on I will take you as far as the shore then you are on your own. Max nodded and once he got on he helped me up behind him and I hugged his waist as Lugia took off. Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno nodded to Lugia then they too departed.

Lugia turned towards a distant shore where a lighthouse shone in the sunlight. The waves far below us lent a peaceful atmosphere to our trip and our winged companion stayed silent as he flew us towards the shore.

About a foot from the dock of the town, Lugia stopped and both Max and I dove off the side of our ride and started to swim to the docks. Max made it to the ladder before I did and many workers were looking down at us from the dock shock written on their faces.

I smiled and rolled my eyes as Max climbed up from the water and I got a nice view from below as I followed him. Both of us were tired, wet, and wary, If not for the noise we would have collapsed on the dock right there. Instead, we hobbled into town and visibly winced from every loud sound from giggling children to frightened shrieks.

At the door of the Pokemon Center, a crowd had gathered and was blocking the way inside. It seemed like some sort of riot was taking place. Nurse Joy herself was at the back of the crowd. "What happened?" Max asked, "Team Rocket broke into the Center where we store pokemon and is trying to steal the Pokemon there.

Then why isn't anyone trying to stop them?" he asked pointedly. I meanwhile was considering blasting the crowd away from the door just so I could get to bed. However, the crowd suddenly parted as what appeared to be a Pokemon Ranger stood in front of the door.

The ranger entered the Center by himself and I took advantage of the gap to grab Max's hand and pull him along behind the Ranger to the Center. We managed to make it before an electric blast shorted out the door's electric motor

That swept all thoughts of sleep from my mind and a chubby looking Pokemon with black stripes across its bod and two antennas on its head looked pleased with itself. Behind it was a Person wearing a white uniform with an R across the chest.

"Electabuzz use Thunderbolt on those two rats!" I was unable to move and could only look as the electric beam approached and zapped me into black oblivion.



I gritted my teeth and soon enough the attack faded. I looked over to see Mist out could and Electabuzz was already charging another Thunderbolt. My heart seized within my chest as I looked at Mist and I dove over top of him taking the electric attack that was intended for my partner. I tapped out with that final attack and saw nothing but black.


(Pokemon Ranger Razor)

"Go Gligar! Use Sandstorm!" an immense wave of sand manifested from thin air and beat throughout the Pokemon Center immobilizing the Team Rocket Members as they tried to escape. "Good job now use Earthquake!" This moved almost instantly knocked out all the Team Rocket Electric types while the humans and I fell to the floor but the force of the attack. I unlike them however was used to the effect and got up quickly. Apparently, Team Rocket was fed up because the 3-team members took off running after returning their injured Pokemon.

When I reached the Lobby of the Pokemon Center, I saw a boy on top of a Lucario and both of them were passed out. I checked the boy's pulse as I rolled him off the Lucario and though it was weak, it was there. The Lucario had a strong pulse and I sighed with relief.

I headed outside "Nurse Joy there are two people inside that need medical attention. Team Rocket cleared out."

Nurse Joy and her Chansey helpers moved into the Center and within the hour both the boy and the Lucario were stable. Everything in the city returned to normal and I went down the road to Route 39 on the way to Ecruteak City.



There was something soft and silky underneath me when I finally regained consciousness. I groaned and tried to sit up only to find a hand on my chest gently push me back down. I opened my eyes expecting to see Max instead, it was a Chansey.

"Lucario Car? Cario?" [Where Am I? Where is Max?] I queried in a slight panic. "Chansey Chan Chan!" [If you mean the human that was admitted with your He is in the next room over.]

Lu car io Lu car! [Is he OK? Is he hurt?] Chansey shook her head no. Cha nsey Chansey Chan sey Chanse [He is fine. Both of you show signs of extreme exhaustion what have you been doing?]

While Chansey and I had been talking, Nurse Joy made her way into the room and had checked several machines. She was patiently waiting for me and Chansey to finish speaking before she said

"Lucario are not often seen around Johto. From your Trainers gear I would say that both of you come from Sinnoh. How on earth did you get here?"

I found myself wondering how much I could safely tell her without freaking her out. Then I thought _ to hell with it._

"Your correct Max and I do come from Sinnoh. We just had our fourth badge when tragedy struck and the second member of our team died. Her soul passed into the Reverse World before it faded and Giratina must have noticed because it started to stalk us. Giratina is one of the Creation Trio along with Palkia and Dialga. It controls anti-matter and is the Master of the Reverse World. The Reverse World is parallel to our own world and should anything happen in the Reverse World its effects are felt here as well."

I took a breath and Chansey must have sensed my throat was getting dry because she left and then came back with a glass of water. She offered it to me and I smiled in thanks before taking a drink and beginning again.

"Max and I had been in Maniac Tunnel when he went to collect some firewood and sustained a burn on his arm from a Houndour. It needed medical attention so I convinced him to head back to Veilstone City to get help. On the way to the City, we faced a Charizard and after the battle made it to town without incident. Max got treated and then we battled a Gible."

I paused hearing movement from the next room and evidently, Nurse Joy heard it as well because she rushed out. I meanwhile finished the glass of water and leaned back against the pillow closing my eyes.

I searched out my mental link to my trainer to find him dreaming once more. Except this time, the dream was on a far more pleasing topic. We wear having a picnic out in the wildflower fields of Flamora Town. I started to recognize the memory as the dream progressed. I almost confessed this time my affections to Max.

I closed myself off from our link and began to meditate my Aura coming to life against my skin as I concentrated. During my meditations, various shapes sprang out of my Aura field and faded at will. My Aura seeped into my body and started to heal me searching out every point of injury and restoring it to its former uninjured state.

When I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock, I saw that hours had passed while I meditated and my stomach rumbled reminding me that I needed to eat. A slight cough from the door made me glance towards it and a grin split my muzzle.

"Hey Mist. I watched you meditate for a little bit, I hope you don't mind." said Max. He is dressed in clean clothes and his formerly burnt arm while still a little red looking was no longer covered in bandages.

"You're looking better." I said as he reclined against the doorframe. "So are you." he said back smirking. A very low aroused growl came from my throat and I brought a paw to my muzzle blushing bright red.

Max through back his head and laughed. "Sorry Mist I didn't think..." he let his voice trail off while his eyes danced in amusement. I shook my head to clear it. ** I am sorry; it is just that you clean up so well. _ **I missed you. _

Max nodded his head and then walked into the room and took a chair from the side of the wall and twisting it so the back was facing me as he sat down. "_ I got us a room and I moved our stuff into it already. I would like to just relax with you for tonight. _"

Nurse Joy entered and then dismissed me saying I was completely healthy.

I jumped off the bed, moved to Max's side, and took one of his hands in my paw. He gave me a smile then looked to the nurse. "Is there a Market in this City?" Nurse Joy nodded and we made our exit.

Instead of heading, back to our room as I expected Max headed out into the city itself. The setting sun framed the familiar blue building and the sharp tang of salt carried from the ocean breeze filled the air.

Max headed into the store and stopped by the selection of Pokeballs. He read the little cards underneath them describing their capabilities and he took a pack of 7 Net Balls as well as 2 Dusk Balls and 4 Great Balls. I raised my eyebrows but did not comment as he added PokeChow and potions to the mid. However, I did wrinkle my muzzle when he got the Revives and Max Potions.

The cashier packed away the items in a temporary bag and Max slung it across his back before we departed the store. He kept one of the Great Balls in his hand as we made our way out of town into the tall grass around Route 39.

His intentions were obvious and I prepared myself to fight in case we ran into any Pokemon.

A Noctowl swooped down from a nearby tree and plowed into me using Peck. I grunted as the force made me slide back a few feet and kicked up dust behind me. Use Shadow Ball I started to charge up my attack and when it fully formed, I started to run Towards Noctowl intending to get in close enough to fire off my attack without missing. However, Noctowl sensing my intentions flew up high and put the setting sun at its back blinding me.

Still I closed my eyes and breathed once to calm myself before reopening my eyes to see with my aura view. Noctowl was now visible again and I fired off my attack without hesitation. However, it did not work because when Notctowl emerged from the attack it did not have a single scratch.

Max consulted his Pokedex while Noctowl swooped down at me once more. "Damn I don't have any data on it! Use Toxic when it gets in close" I rolled to the side when Noctowl dive-bombed me and I straightened up and waited for its next move readying the toxic attack. It dived at me shreiking like a giant raptor.

This time Noctowl was hit in the face from the attack and crashed into the ground as the poison took hold. The bird shuddered and managed to get back on its feet but I knew that the poison in its veins would be deadly. I glanced pointedly at Max and he nodded.

Max Threw the Great Ball, it hit Noctowl, and then it stayed there twitching on the ground. Then it was still and Max picked it up. "Let's hurry back to the Pokemon Center. I have a few Full Heals in my Bag."

Therefore, within a few minutes, we were in Max's room and he had healed the Noctowl of its poison. It glared at him after it was healed and he held up his hands in surrender. Noctowl cuffed him with its wing before angrily pecking at its Pokeball and vanishing.

"Hope he gets over it." I said and Max nodded rubbing where he was hit. "Well we did poison him. So he had good reason."

I frowned but conceded the point. Max took his bag off the bed and Moved Noctowl's Pokeball to his belt before unclipping that and pulling it off. I kept watching as he unzipped and kicked off his pants showing off his blue boxers beneath and blushed when he took off his shirt before diving into the water bed and making it jiggle and slosh.

I laughed and crawled over to him smiling. He watched me a soft smile across his face as I ran my paws over his chest the bare skin feeling wonderful underneath my paws. Max grabbed my paws and moaned so softly I almost did not hear it.

I murred at him and he let go of my paws blushing. I lowered my muzzle to his mouth and gently invaded it and he brought his hands up to the back of my head rubbing my dread locks making me moan into the kiss.

We broke apart quickly when we heard movement from outside the door. A knock sounded and I growled in irritation as we got up and I gave Max his shirt then while he was pulling it on I went to the door and said "Who is it?

Chapter Nine: Everything Goes Boom!

**A/N: Yes the \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* indicates a curse word but consider it beeped out.** (Marrissa) I was shocked that the fox had managed to get out of my circle and now I did not care that my left eye was beginning to swell. I was carefully watching...

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Total Trust Chapter Three: Brief Respite

**Author's Note: Thank you for you feed back and comments they have proven to be very valuable. ** **I do not own Pokemon.** **The Following Story contains sexual content between gay males if you do not like this or are underage leave this page...

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Total Trust Chapter Two: Veilstone City

**AN: Thank you for your continued support.** **I do not own Pokemon.** **This Story contains sexual content between two males. If it is illegal for you to read this in your country or if you are a minor please leave this page immediately** ...

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