New Friends

Story by ChloeTheFirefox on SoFurry

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#2 of Eevee Chronicles

As soon as Mark had woken them, Glaceo and Chloe were worried.

Chloe had explicitly told Verity to be home by 10 o'clock.

It was now 11:30.

Glaceo had tried ringing her five times now and they were afraid.

Afraid about what could happen to a young, 16 year old girl.

Chloe, herself, knew what rapists and murderers thought of young women, how they preyed on them, how they found them easy pickings. Chloe just hoped with all her heart that Verity had inherited some of her mother's ressurection powers.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

They rushed towards it, hoping to find Verity there, but instead, found a large wolf at the front door. She was dressed in a tight, white T-shirt that stopped just above her belly button, and a kilt with a belt and a cross as the buckle. She also had a collar with 'SW' inscribed on it.

"Hi, I'm Sally," she said, "I overheard all the commotion outside, and I thought I could lend a hand,"

Chloe looked at Sally in complete bewilderment.

"You do realise that there are about a dozen police cars outside your house, right?"

Chloe turned to Glaceo, and found that he wore a half-guilty-half-relieved expression.

"I called them right after you went to get dressed. We of all people know what could happen, and you even more so,"

"Yeah, so anyway," Sally continued, "We live right next door so we thought that at least we could see what was happening,"

"I'm sorry, we?" Glaceo queried, sure that he heard wrong.

"Yeah, me, my wife, and our three kids," Sally replied, looking slightly bemused at their expressions, "Krystal's just making sure that they are still asleep, then she'll be right over,"

They nodded politely, and with that, Sally burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, nothing, just that you are the only people who we've met that hasn't had some kind of reaction that Krystal and I were married, or that we have kids," Sally replied between giggles.

"Are we supposed to know who Krystal is?" Mark asked.

Sally's jaw dropped.

"So you really don't know who Krystal is?" she asked.

At that very moment, the door opened, and a blue-furred vixen came walking in.

"Ruby had woken up, and she didn't look like she was going to stay up for long, so I tucked her back in," the vixen said to Sally.

The vixen gave Sally a quick peck on the cheek, and turned to face Chloe and Glaceo.

"I'm sorry about bursting in like that, and anyway, you probably know who I am anyway, so I'll spare you the introductions,"

"Actually," Glaceo said, hesitantly, "we have no idea who you two are,"

"You must have been from another universe if you haven't heard of at least Krystal here," Sally chortled.

"You're not far off, more like the other side of it," Chloe said.

"Hmm, well I'm Sally Wolfe, and this here is my wife, Krystal. We have three daughters, which were all conceived by sperm donors. They're about your age, honey," Sally said, indicating to Mark, "now that you know about us, how about telling us about yourselves?"

"Well, I'm Glaceo, and this is Chloe. We also have three kids, one boy, two girls, all around the same age. I am one of the last remnants of my species, while Chloe here has been gifted with various... powers," Glaceo said.

Krystal's ears perked up at this.

"Powers? Can you be more specific?"

"Well, healing and ressurection for one," Chloe listed, "transfiguration, teleportation and levitation,"

"Transfiguration?" Krystal asked.

"Well, yeah, I turned a rapist's blood into lead, so I think that that's transfigutation," Chloe answered.

Everyone in the room was stunned, Mark, most of all. He had thought that his mother was just an ordinary mother, well, apart from her occational use of her powers. He had never known that his mother was raped, and he certainly didn't know that she could do that to people.

"Well, while I'd love to stay and chat about all night," Sally said, "but I think that we should be out looking for your daughter. So, any favourite spots, bars, anything?"

"She was on a date tonight, but she's been on lots of dates before, and she wasn't late home from a single one of them," Glaceo told them.

"Mark, go wake Hope, and tell her to come in here quickly," Chloe asked him.

Mark rushed into Hope's room, and gently woke her.

"It feels like it's only been an hour," she told him, and memories of earlier that night came flooding back.

"It has," he admitted.

"So then why did y-" she started to ask.

Then realisation hit her.

"She's not back yet, is she?"

Mark's grim expression confirmed her worst fears.

She started to sob quietly into Mark's chest, as he held her, comforting her.

"Mum want's you to get dressed and come into the living room," he said as he passed her clothes over from the corner from which they were left an hour ago.

As she pulled on her clothes, Mark couldn't help put glance at his sister's beautiful form, her flowing curves, her shapely breasts...

"No!" he thought, "Not here! Not now!"

When she was finished, he led her into the living room.

"So, this must be the beautiful daughter that you were telling us about?" Sally asked Glaceo.

"Hope, this is Krystal and Sally, they're our next door neighbours," Chloe said to her.

"Well, now that we're all up, why don't we start looking for Verity?" Krystal said.

As they all filed out the front door, Chloe pulled Mark and Hope aside.

"What is it, mum?" Hope asked her.

Chloe looked into their eyes, and said, "I know, and I also know how hard it is to find someone to love, and someone who loves you in this world. I'm happy for you,"

With that, she walked out the door, leaving the two of them standing there, shocked.

Mark thought about all the times that he thought that he had seen something in Hope's room during the times that they had been together, how he had dismissed them as nothing but his imagination. He then realised that she must have seen them, and he felt kind of shocked by it.

Then, he realised what his mother had meant.

She accepted that they were in love with each other.

And she accepted that there was nothing that could tear them apart.

And she knew how lonely and cruel the world could be, and how rare it was to find someone to call your own.

They walked out into the frigid midnight air, to find the street infront of them awash in the light of red and blue klaxons. Their parents were over at a policeman's car, discussing, among other things, where Verity could be, and where she was that night.

Then the strange wolf, Sally, and the even stranger vixen, Krystal, walked over. They chatted for a while, until Krystal said that she had to check up on the kids again, and left them.

"Don't worry," Sally said, "we'll find your sister,"

When she saw their faces, she went silent.

She then said something under her breath, then walked off.

Mark looked over at Hope with dismay, wondering where Verity could be.

A serious looking grizzly bear with lime green fur walked over to the pair of them, followed by two badgers wearing ordinary, day-to-day clothes, but sporting a 9mm SIG Pro handgun and police badges, while the grizzly was wearing baggy jeans with a deep green tank top, and dark green tinted sunglasses.

The lead badger walked over to Mark.

"Hey, do you know where Chloe is?" she asked.

"Umm, she's right over there," he replied, pointing over to the police car where his parents were.


* * * * * *

"So, any ideas where she could be?"

Chloe looked around, thinking of all the places that she could have gone to that night.

She spotted Mark and Hope talking to three figures, two of which looked strangely familiar.

Chloe turned around to Glaceo, who was still deep in conversation with another policeman.

She looked back, and saw Mark pointing towards her.

The three figures started walking towards her, and as they passed into the light, she suddenly realised who they were. Well, at least two of them.

The grizzly hung back a little bit, so the badgers were first to reach her.

"Well well well, long time, no see," said Detective Murphy.

"Yep, what is it now, eight years?" Chloe asked.

"More like eighteen," said her partner, Detective Harry.

"We heard what happened, and rushed down here as soon as possible. Oh, by the way, this is Chaise Caine, head of our search-and-rescue department,"

The bear gave Chloe a slight nod.

"Don't mind her poor manners, she's just a bit shy," Harry said, "but she's a great person once you get to know her,"

As he said this, he looked away, with a look of embarrasment on his face.

"Well, now that we're all aquainted, why don't we start looking for your daughter? Do you know where she was headed when she left last night?" Murphy asked.

"She left for the Sferas on the Park resturant at about 5 o'clock last night, and we told her to be home by ten, and she's never been late before," Chloe recounted, "And, I have this bad feeling, like something's wrong..."

Her voice trailed off as the sun gloriously rose above the horizon, bathing everything in a blinding, white light.

She squinted at her watch.

"Honey," she said to Glaceo, "what's the time?"

"It's... Uh... 1:23 AM..."

A look of surprise flooded his face, then he was gone.

Just as soon as it appeared, the light that was most obviously not the sun, vanished.

Blinking away the ghostly images that were burned into her eyes by the bright light, she looked around desperately for Glaceo.

He was gone.

In the place where he was standing, Chloe spotted something lying in the ground.

It was a picture.

Of Verity.

Bound, tortured, naked and gagged.

And dead...

* * * * * *

Glaceo woke up groggily.

He was lying face down on a bed of some sort, with his limbs splayed wide.

"Well, what do we have here? A runaway..." a snide voice said.

Glaceo tried to roll over, but he was stopped by a forceful hand.

"Oh, no, you're not getting out of this," the voice sniggered.

It was only then, that Glaceo realised that he was naked.

He heard an unzipping sound, and felt something hot pressed against his buttocks.

Suddenly, something plowed into Glaceo, and strangely, he laughed.

"What's so funny?" the voice asked.

Glaceo felt his head yanked out of the bed so he could speak.

He got his first look at his assailant.

It was a panther, the same one that had captured him and his sister all those years ago.

"Just that I can't believe how much of an idiot you are," Glaceo replied forcefully.

As he said that, he sent a powerful wave of pure coldness through his body, covering his fur with ice, and also freezing the panther's penis.

"What? Is that the best you've got?" the panther replied manically.

Glaceo felt a searing hot pain around his ass, and turned around to find that the panther was on fire. He started to twist around in agony, as the panther's red-hot penis burned his insides.

He started to scream in pain as the flame spread onto his fur, melting the protective ice that had formed there.

Glaceo sent a more powerful wave of ice through his body, in the hope that it would put out the fire, but it was so hot, it melted the ice the second it touched it.

He finally was released from the pain as he fell into unconsciousness, thinking of his family, his brothers and sisters, Verity, Mark, Hope, and especialy Chloe.

With a final twitch, he was still.

The panther got up from the body that was once Glaceo, and walked into another room where a shadowy figure stood, silently.

"He's dead," the panther said to the shadow.

"Good, let's hope that Chloe comes soon, I hate to be kept waiting," it replied.

As the panther left the room, the shadowy figure emerged from the darkness.

It was Might Dragon, one of the Signit Commanders.


Hey everyone! I'd like to introduce three new characters, Sally (copyright of SPAMZZKRR), Chaise Caine (copyright of LimeGreenGirl who is not a member of this site yet, i think) and Might Dragon (also copyright of SPAMZZKRR). I have included the Krystal from spam's series, but she'll only appear once or twice, maybe a bit more, but we'll see how it turns out...

Well, there's nothing left to say, but happy holidays, and merry yiffing!
