Chapter 2 - Chilling Battle! The Lone Warrior's return!

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#3 of Book 1: Eurasia's Awakening, Organization of Dragoons

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my good friend Jack. If it wasnt for him, this story wouldnt have been possible. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx. Do not use in your stories without consulting me first.


Some time has passed since my last mission, which changed many things in my life. Learning about mating from Rizan, meeting with my supposedly dead but now evil brother, and meeting with my best friend since before becoming a dragoon. Something within me felt like it was awakened when I mated with Rizan, something dormant. Everyone in D.O.O.P. has been uneasy since learning about what has happened to Abyssion. Today I decided to check in on Zero, who was badly injured last mission. As started to walk to where he was being kept, I started to think about what has happened up to this point.

Too many things have happened, and things might get out of my control. Before entering Zero's room, I decided to clear my mind and to think about those things later.

As I entered the room, I saw Zero, with a bored look on his face. His room didn't have much in it, besides a bed and bathroom, similar to my room.

"Finally, you're feeling better I see?" joking at Zero, who at the moment is lying down on his bed.

He looked displeased "Duh, it's only been four days since I've been here. I'm so freaking bored! They said that I had fractures in every bone , 4th degree burns all over my body, and blood loss was at the peak of death. Well, enough about my boring life, so how did your mission go Eurasia? Pull up a chair and tell me."

I grabbed a chair and pulled it up by his bed. "Well, haven't you gotten my report yet?" He gave me a disgruntled look.

"Yes of course I saw it, so that's why I'm asking you . . . OF COURSE I HAVEN'T SEEN IT! My P.I.C. is still being repaired at the moment, and no one tells me anything."

I start taking out my P.I.C. and search for the mission file. "Relax, shit man. No need to get mad, I'll just bring it up here and show you."

After a few seconds, the mission file is pulled up on the screen. I start handing the P.I.C. to Zero. "Here, read it for yourself. You aren't in too much pain that you can't." I start chuckling at him.

"Ha, ha, very funny. Ok, lets see . . . " He starts scrolling through, skipping through the boring parts of the mission. After about five minutes, Zero finally finishes. He hands the P.I.C. back to me, with a smirk on his face.

"Damn, you read to slow Zero. But besides that, what did you think of the mission."

The smirk turned into laughter. "Hahaha, man, your missions are always so boring! Besides the part with me saving your ass, everything else is a snore fest!"

I started getting a bit pissed, but what he doesn't know is what happened between Rizan and I. I did not write what occurred between her and myself. I decided to not say anything about that to anyone.

"Yea, yea, you saved my ass . . . Abyssion threw me down because he felt like it. You didn't save my ass, something else did. He said something about that "It's begun" or something like that.

Zero's laughter stopped and he started becoming more serious. "Hmm... what could it be? Everyone has been restless since your report. Well, lets talk about something else."

I nodded in agreement. Talking about Abyssion was something that made me feel uncomfortable. I decided the right thing to talk about.

"Yo, Zero, remember back in the old days? Before we became dragoons?"

Zero took a moment to remember. "Yea, its been a long time since we became dragoons. Twenty years about right?"

I paused for a moment to make sure he was correct. Quickly adding the years that have passed since then. "Yup, twenty years. Who would've thought that our dull lives would change? I sort of miss the old days, when all four of us hung out together. What also surprised me is that all four of us would be recruited."

Zero started to smile while thinking of the old days. "Yea, you, me, Dark Star, and Falcon. Too bad those days are over. But I like kicking ass, saving dragons and humans."

I started to smirk as he said that. "You bearly kick ass anyway. I used to save your ass all the time as I remember."

Suddenly I felt my head being pulled in for a headlock.

"What are you talking about!? The way I remember, you always got into trouble, and I bailed you out! Your memory must be fading."

After some struggling, I managed to get free. "I'll get you for that later Zero, but I have to go."

Zero started feeling depressed. "Come on! You are the only person who came in here to visit. Do you really have to go?"

I rose from my seat and started heading for the exit. "Sorry, but I have to. Noc wanted a word with me."

Zero finally reached a feeling of understanding and waved goodbye. "Well, at least come back later. I'm supposed to be out of here tonight, so come back. I have something important to tell you."

I gave a thumbs up and exited. I suddenly remembered that this meeting was different. I was supposed to be meeting with the consul of Dragoons.

I started feeling uneasy, since dragoons rarely talk with them. I started heading for the Consul meeting room, which is forbidden to enter unless you are called to them.

On my way, I ran into Nocturnophile. "Greetings Eurasia, I see you are heading towards the consul for the big meeting."

I felt compelled to ask him a question. "Well, yea... but tell me, do you have any idea why? I wasn't told anything and I've been wondering if you knew."

Noc shook his head. "Unfortunately I have no knowledge of why they wanted us. I rarely speak to them, but what I do know is that its important."

The chat with Noc made walking to the room quicker and we made it to the doors labeled "Consul". There was a dragoon guarding the door.

He greeted us as we walked past him. "Eurasia, Noc! I was told you would be coming. Go on in, they are waiting for you."

We both gave a hardly salute and bid the guard farewell.

As we entered the door, the room beyond the door was covered in darkness. I struggled to see if there was anything in the room.

"I can't see a thing. Noc what's wrong with this room?"

Noc just walked on in without any hesitation. I decided to follow him, into the pitch black room.

Suddenly a light turned on, revealing a large table with two seats in the center of the room.

we both took a seat, eagerly waiting what was in store for us. Suddenly a voice speaks from the darkness.

"Greetings and Salutations to you both. We are grateful that you have made it, and are pleased by the accomplishments of both you."

I started to feel embarrassed, yet full of confidence. Noc didn't seem to feel embarrassed, he just gave a smirk.

A bright flash of light suddenly illuminated the whole room, temporarily blinding me since I have been in the darkness for so long.

When my eyes finally adjusted, I notice that there is another table in front of the one Noc and I are sitting on. It was a much larger table, with 5 dragons and 5 dragoons sitting behind it.

"Welcome, we are the consul. Before we get to the matter at hand, you know the rule behind a meeting with us, correct?"

Noc nodded, then looked at me. "I know of course, since I have been here before, but this is Eurasia's first time. Can you explain to him?"

I started feeling a bit confounded. The consul looked at me, all 10 of them. "Well, ok. Eurasia, listen well. Everything that is spoken here is to stay here. You aren't to say a word to anyone else, is that understood?"

I started to get butterflies in my stomach. "Y-y-yes, I understand!"

The consul all pulled up a sheet of paper and pulled their chairs up. "Ok, before we start, Eurasia, I am Stanislavsky, head consul man of D.O.O.P. I speak for everyone, so don't mind them. First off, congratulations of your last mission. You did a splendid job from the report I read. Keep it up."

I started scratching my head in embarrassment. "Well, thank you Stanislavsky. That last one was pretty tough."

He pulled up another sheet, but it was bigger than the last one.

"Well, you still did fine work, but I didn't call you in here to just praise you. The reason I called you both in here is to address what happened in Eurasia's last mission. The return of Abyssion is very astounding but since he has come back on the side of darkness, this is very distressing, that a dragoon which was deceased returned full of hatred and malice. This meeting is about what to do to him. What are your thoughts on this, Eurasia and Nocturnophile?"

I started to ponder for a moment, I wasn't ready for a meeting like this, to talk about what to do about Abyssion. Noc rose up, already having thoughts on the situation.

"Well, as I see it, he's a huge threat to us. Eurasia couldn't even touch him, and Zero couldn't scratch him. They are both B level dragoons. The level Abyssion is on now is very frightening. From the readings I got from Eurasia's P.I.C. he's now a... Rank S minus. No dragoon alive now is currently at a that rank."

Stanislavsky and the others started talking amongst each other. I fell from my chair, as I hit the ground, fear paralyzed my body. "Rank S minus?!" I screamed in my mind.

Everyone started looking at me. Stanislavsky looked pissed as he stared at me. "Eurasia, get your ass back up! There is no time to be afraid!"

I struggled to regain control of my body. I managed to get back up and back on my chair, still shivering on the thought of how strong Abyssion is.

Noc started to continue explaining his thoughts. "Well, continuing off from where I was, we cannot do anything at the moment. I suggest telling all dragoons if they see him on future missions, to avoid him at all costs. He's too dangerous with his power."

Stanis nodded. "Good idea Noc" He now turned his attention towards me. "What about you Eurasia? What are your thoughts?"

Noc's plan sounded good. "well, Noc's idea sounds like a great idea. Also, is there any information on Dragoon Spirits that emit a black aura?"

Stanis took out his P.I.C. and started a search. "Hmm.. give me a sec to search the archives..."

After a few moments, a ping was heard, signaling that the search has concluded. "Ok, according to the P.I.C.... What?!, there is nothing on this..."

All of started chatting amongst each other. Noc then took the stand. "This does not look good... We have no knowledge this. We must start researching the older books for an answer."

Stanis stood up, picking up his paperwork. "Noc, good call, you come with me to investigate this further. Eurasia, you get prepared for you next mission."

I stood up from my chair, poised and ready for the new mission. "Understood. Will you send the mission specs to the P.I.C. as usual?"

Stanis nodded, walking with Noc to the archives. "Yes, as usual. Your mission will begin in half an hour. Get ready."

I walked towards the door, waving a good bye to the counsel. I quickly ran back to my room, once again grabbing new armor, and pants.

After getting dressed, I headed towards the Grand Transdimensional Gateway, so I can get an early start on reviewing my mission specs.

A brief twenty minute walk is what it took to arrive. I then quickly took out my P.I.C. to check out my objectives.

"Recon?!" I yelled in my mind. Recon was the most boring job for a dragoon, so what I thought.

"This must be a new dimension just recently found, and they send me to do it. Oh well, time to get to work."

I warmed up the Gateway, punched in the coordinates. With a huge flash, the Gateway opened, crackling with unstable magical energy.

I took a deep breath and headed into it. "Well, here goes, the start of my next mission."

I felt the energy of the vortex, pulling on me in all directions as I headed for the dimension.

Moments later, I was dropped in another world. I was placed in a forest, where everything was quiet, and serene. "No one here... Good. Now to keep out of site, investigate this land, and find out the relationship between humans and dragons."

As I was about to head out, I felt a spark of energy which exploded out of no where behind me. I quickly turned a 180 with my sword in hand.

The source of energy came from a figure, holding what seemed to be lightning energy in his hand.

The person in front of me was yet another person from my past, an old friend.

I was shocked to see him, especially here. "What?! But how did you get here?"

He remained silent, still gathering more energy. I noticed that amount of energy he was building was reaching a dangerous level. Then my eye caught something else that did not make sense,.

"A Spirit?! How did you get one? You didn't make it past the training to become a dragoon. ANSWER ME!"

The spirit was a dark purple color, similar to Abyssion's. "I-I-It's color... it cant be?!", I thought.

He just smirked, looking at me. "There is nothing to say Eurasia... Time for you to die!"

I was ready to strike him down but I hesitated to attack. "What are you saying?! We are friends Fal--"

"Shut up!" he yelled.

He then lifted his hand and launched his attack. "Dark...Lightning!"

I screamed in agony as every part of my body being slowly fried by the near unlimited amount of volts in the attack.

The power of the attack was so great that my armor shattered. I started to black out as I fell to the ground. Before I fully was out cold, the last words I heard were "Hahaha, lets see how far you get without your..." then everything went dark as I lost all feeling.

I finally was able to awaken after being out for an unknown amount of time. I felt very weak, as if the energy was sucked out of me. I looked around and noticed that I was no longer in the forest, but in a cage in what seemed to be a tent.

"Urg... where am I?" I asked myself.

"You are in the holding area, where else would you be?" a raspy voiced called out.

I tried turning around, but It was a hassle since I was feeling very weak. I saw a guy chained to the wall behind me, human, about in his 60's. "Holding area? Where is that?"

He started to cough loudly. "What do mean "where is that?" you know where this is. You came at a really bad time to make it worse for yourself."

That did not sound well. I started to tremble. "Worse? Ugh... I'm too weak right now to do anything."

I started holding my right hand, to feel the soothing effects of my spirit until I noticed that there was a hole where my spirit is supposed to be.

"WHAT! MY SPIRIT! WHERE IS IT!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I searched all over the cage I was in, but to no avail.

"Damn it! No wonder I feel so weak... The spirit is gone, so that means that I lack the power. My weapon also disappeared, since it comes from the spirit. This is not good... I can't complete the mission without it." I thought.

"Stop your screaming you damn, noisy...", he yelled at me while cussing me. A moment later, he cooled off and started pointing towards an opening in the tent. "The auction will start in a matter of minutes. You look like a healthy young man, which means that you will get sold quickly. By the way, I'm Nixis."

I nodded and looked at the entrance. "I'm Eurasia, glad to have met you. So an auction huh? What's up for bid?"

I looked at me as if I was an idiot. "Don't play dumb, I'm getting too old for this... You aren't. You are to be sold off to some lucky winner... but they win, you don't."

I started to get nervous, being without my spirit just made me another weak human. "I'm finished... there's no way I'll survive here..."

Someone then entered the area, coming through the entrance. "Be quiet humans! It is time for tonight's bid to come on up on stage."

It was hard to make out who it was, but it seemed to be a dragon, dressed in armor. "A dragon knight... I'm too weak to fight back, better not do anything to piss him off. I have to find my spirit..."

The knight headed for my cell, then opened the door. "Hmm... You are up tonight little one..."

I slowly walked towards him, knowing what he meant. When I reached up to him, to placed a pair of huge handcuffs on me and wrapped my body in a layer of rope.

He then knocked me over and dragged me on the ground. "Heh, its rare to find a healthy one such as yourself, you will earn us a lot of gold tonight..."

He then started to walk, dragging me by the rope around my body. "Damn it, what am I supposed to do now? I'm being put up for grabs..." I said to myself.

Moments later, as he dragged me outside of the tent, It was dark. Seems that I have been out for hours since that encounter with "him".

I saw in front of us a group of dragons and dragoness, some sort of huge commotion. "That must be the auction he was talking about. They are all dragons in that crowd. From the look of things, the relationship between dragons and humans must not be good." I thought.

Suddenly, the knight stopped dragging me and lifted me from the ground. "Walk up the stage human!"

I glared at him with anger, but I knew if I wanted to survive I'd have to keep a cool head.

I slowly walked up the stairs, looking at the crowd while doing so. I heard bits and pieces of comments about me. "He's the new one..." and "Looks a bit scrawny.." were mostly what were being said.

At the top, another dragon knight was standing in the middle, with a whip in hand. "This is the new human up for bid tonight? He looks like a strong one, good."

The dragon knight from behind pushed me, causing me to lose my balance and fall. Before I hit the ground, I quickly reacted and jumped back up to regain my balance. "That was close..." I whispered.

The crowd gasped, with "ohs" and "ahs" on my performance. The knight holding the whip looked amused.

"Hmm... quick reaction for a human." He pulled his whip back and took aim at me.

"Whoa!" I yelled as I narrowly dodged the hit. I then jumped into the crowd and made a break for it. Everyone started clawing at me, at an attempt to recapture me. I dodged them all until I made it out of the crowd.

"Yes! Now I'll get to a safe place and get free- Ufff!", I told myself until I ran into someone. A rather dragon large knight, standing at about 11 feet.

"Where are you going human?! There is no escape." With blind speed he grabbed the rope around my body and lifted me from the ground and threw me down with devastating force.

"Ugh!" I screamed as the breath was knocked out of me. I wasn't able to move anymore due to the power of the hit.

He then lifted me back up and carried me back to the stage, where an uproar was underway about my escape attempt.

I was thrown back on the stage, bleeding from the mouth from the mistreatment. "This human isn't going anywhere now! Now, begin the bidding!", he yelled.

He then started to make his way to the top of the stage. "Well, as you all saw, this human is full of energy! A rare find indeed! And due to his recent escape, you can well see he's worth a little more than our usual stock. Minimum bid is going to be 10 gold pieces, a steal for such a rare specimen!"

The crowd started yelling out various bids for me. I still could not move, my body was paralyzed and in an enormous amount of pain.

"50!" , "70!", "100!" were various bids I listened to. After a few minutes of bidding, someone won with a grand total of 200 gold pieces for me.

"Well, it's well worth it for a human like this one!" said the winner. I looked up to see who purchased me for a huge price.

It seemed to be a dragoness, standing at about 10 feet in a black dress. "Damn, I've been sold..." I mumbled.

The knight with the whip lifted me up and handed me to the dragoness. I was being held in her arms, like a child. She started staring at me, looking quit annoyed. "You are all mine... Tomorrow will be a big day for you..." she told me.

Suddenly I started feeling faint. Seems that the fatigue has finally gotten to me, slowly I drifted to sleep in her arms.

The morning sun shined in my eyes, awaking from my slumber. As I awoke, I realized that I was free. I surveyed my surroundings. I seemed to be in a cave, but with smooth walls and furniture around. There seemed to be no one around, but I decided not to run.

I was too weak to run anywhere since what happened to me the night before so I dare not take the risk of being hunted down and killed. I heard sounds in the back of the cave, so I went to investigate.

There I see the dragoness who bought me, making her bed. "I know you are there human..."

I jumped backed in surprise, shocked how she knew I was coming. I walked in the room. "Wow, you have good ears."

She then finished with her bed and walked towards me. "I'm surprised to see that you did not run away. I left you there alone to see if you would try to escape. If you did, I would have hunted you down and punished you dearly..."

"Wow, good thing I went with my instincts", I thought. I looked up at her face, as she towered 4 feet in front of me. "Running would not have been good anyway. So, what is the name of the one who purchased me?"

She then raised her arm and smacked me hard in the face, sending me back hard. "Don't speak to me as if we are equals human... I am the one supposed to be asking you that question!"

I held my face as I moaned in agony from that hit. "Ow!", I then felt blood running down my face.

She started to get even angrier at me. "I won't repeat my self again human... What is your name?!"

I wiped the blood off and struggled to stand up straight. "My name is Eurasia...", I mumbled.

She then smirked, and grabbed something from a near by shelf. "That's better, and from now on, you will only talk when told to. My name is Shyranrya, but you will address me as "Mistress", is that understood?!"

I started to panic, I could easily be killed by her. I then attempted to clear my head so I could think straight. "Yes Mistress..." I replied.

She come towards me and strapped on a gold bracelet to my arm. Moments after, my name became engraved on it. "This will show everyone that you are my property and mine alone. Come into the kitchen so you can begin your duties..."

I had no choice but to follow her. While in there, she gave me a list of my jobs. They included cooking, cleaning, making the bath, making the bed, and other various chores. My first duty was to sweep the cave while she was out shopping. She did not seem to worry about me running away while she was gone, until before she exited, she stopped and turned around.

"And don't bother to think about escaping, that bracelet does more than identify you. It'll keep you bound to this area, and if you try to leave the cave, you'll get thrown back in with considerable force. So don't get any ideas. I expect this cave spotless on my return!"

She then left while I had a broom in my hand and started cleaning. With minimal effort, the chore was complete. "Wow, that was fast, but instead of cleaning up, I should be planning on what to do.."

I then sat down on the floor and considered my options. "I lack my spirit, so my body is weak and fragile, and none of my accessories work due to they only work for those with a spirit. Damn security measures screwed me over this time. First priority is to find my spirit. But until then, I'll start a journal to keep track of the events that happen during my stay."

I picked up the feather duster and continued cleaning the cave. "Maybe she'll go easier on me if I dust the house, and start cooking up some grub." I thought.

Hours later, the cave was a picture of perfection, and dinner was almost ready. Luckily , Shyranrya left instructions on how the dinner was supposed to be done. She finally came home, carrying bags filled with food and other things from the market.

She surveyed the cave, looking for anything out of place. She then smiled and headed for her bedroom. She then started to talk to me from the other room. "Hmm.. Well done human, not bad for your first day. I hope dinner is as good tasting as how the cave looks clean..."

I grabbed the dinner and got everything ready. The food prepared was Pig Livers, Cow Hearts, and a pieces of deer. Preparing this almost made me hurl, but I managed.

Shyranrya then came to the table, dressed in a bathrobe that was a bit revealing. Her nipples seemed almost visible as her breasts seemed to be cramped up. She sat down and tasted the Pig Livers.

I awaited her verdict as she chewed slowly, but the sight of her chewing on it made my stomach turn. As she swallowed it, she placed her hands on the table, and turned her head in my direction. "You are indeed worth the 200 gold I spent. This food is exceptional for your first time. I hope you last longer than the last few humans I had..."

That last comment made me wonder how long I would last. She then continued eating, I decided to retire to the living room since I disliked her tastes in cooking. I secretly opened my journal and wrote down today's events. "This will record everything, since my P.I.C. is out of order for the time being."

Ten minutes later, I heard her leave the table and head towards the living room. I quickly hid my journal, act tried to act guilty. I then see a tray sliding towards me, containing a large piece of ham, and a mug of water.

"Eat up human, you still have things to do before the night ends. After you are finished, start my bath and clear the table." she yelled.

My stomach growled, realizing that it has been a while since I have eaten anyway. I quickly scarf down the hand and the water in no time at all. I took the tray with me into the kitchen and placed everything in to a dragon sized sink, which to me looked was much bigger than what I'm used to.

I then remembered she said to start her bath and then clean up. I quickly ran to the bathroom, grabbing supplies that were on the list of chores and realized that the bathroom was actually an underground lake.

I started to think about why she said to get her bath ready if her bath is already there. I walk towards the lake and notice that the water is very cold, too cold to bathe in. I looked at the supplies at noticed one of them was a bottle named, "Water Warmer".

I smacked my head as I realized that my supplies were magical bottles made to whip this lake into perfect bathing conditions. I added 2 dropped of "Water Warmer" and suddenly the temperature instantly changed to that near of a hot spring.

Next bottle I was to use was labeled "Vitaminer", which was supposed to fill up the water with vitamins to help your scales stay smooth. Lastly, the last one labeled "Cleanser" which made it that you don't need to use soap when you bathe, the water washes you while you bathe so you don't have to.

With my work finally done, I headed back to place the supplies back. I then ran into Shyranrya, who was still in her bathrobe.

"Well done, now place those back and return here quickly." she bluntly told me.

I sprinted and returned quickly so that I would avoid angering her. She started leading me towards the lake that was now ready for bathing.

"Time for our bath, the long day has left a foul odor you and myself, and I cannot stand anything smelling unpleasant."

I shuddered to think about what to do now. She wanted to bathe with me, which means I'll be left without clothes. But surviving takes priority, so there was nothing I could do.

I followed her, shaking in fear with thoughts that I have to bathe with a dragon that could do anything to me. When we made it to the edge of the water, she bent down and placed her hand into the water, probably to test out the temperature.

Her tail lifted her robe enough for me to see her slit. I almost screamed my head off at the amazing site. As she got back up, her tail fell back down, covering her naked lower body.

She then took off her robe, revealing her enter body. As her robe fell to the ground, she turned her attention to me. "Well, what are you waiting for, get undressed so we can get cleansed."

I backed up a step, with conflicting options racing around in my head. Smoke started coming out from her snout.

"Are you disobeying an order?!" she yelled. She then blew out a wave of fire and engulfed me within it. I braced for the burning sensation, but nothing happened.

The fire around me felt cool, not burning me to death. Then suddenly my clothes started to burn away, turning into ash. I was left completely bare as I blushed with embarrassment.

"All humans seem to feel like they can't part with something covering them... Pathetic."

She got into the water, slowly so that she doesn't burn herself. She remained close to the edge and looked at my bare body.

"Well, you now lack clothing, come in. Or would you rather that I burn something else besides your clothing..."

I knew that if I wanted to live, so I walked to the edge of the water. I felt something grab my leg, then pull me into the water.

The water would've burned my skin if I wasn't used to hot springs, but the sudden movement made me swallow a large amount of the hot water.

I quickly swam back up the surface, trying to get oxygen back into my lungs while coughing out the water.

Shyranrya just laughed at my struggling. "Humans... so fragile... Ok human, It's time for your duty of bathing me." She handed me a luffa and some kind of weird liquid.

"Bathing you? That is one of my duties Mistress?" I politely asked.

"Yes, it is on the list I gave you. Now start bathing and watch how hard you scrub, my scales are a bit sensitive." she replied.

I grabbed the liquid and poured some on the luffa. She turned her back to me, crouched down a bit and pointed to her neck.

"Start from the neck and continue down."

I walked up to her, and started scrubbing. I gently scrubbed her neck, and started working down to her back. As I went lower, she started slowly to stand up, since she stood four feet higher than me. I continued lower and reached her tail.

She stopped me before my hand touched her tail. "No need for that, now time for the front..."

She turned around, exposing her humongous breasts right at my face. Her body lowered down and her face met mine.

"Now, scrub my breasts gently, or else you will suffer in ways that will leaving you begging for death."

I hesitated a bit, thinking about scrubbing her breasts made me think about being with "her". But I had to focus, scrubbing the wrong way meant death.

I placed the luffa on her left breast, which was as big as my head and scrubbed with little strength as possible. Her head went back as the luffa scrubbed lightly on her body.

"Yes... just like that. Scrub the other one with your free hand..." she whispered at me.

I nodded and placed my free hand on her other breast. I couldn't hold it fully due to its large size. Her nipples started to grow. Rizan told me that this happens when a woman is aroused. I started to fondle her gigantic nipple, about half the size of my palm.

She moaned slightly while I continued, trembling in excitement while my hands moved over her breasts. When I finally thought it was clean enough, I removed my hands and stood there.

She eyes bulged open, looking at me with anger. "Did I give you an order to stop?!"

I quickly looked down, quaking in fear. "N-n-no Mistress, it's just that, the rest of your body is submerged underwater.", I replied.

She then realized that I was correct, luffas don't work underwater. She snatched the luffa from me. "You are correct, forgive me. Now it is your turn. Turn around."

I slowly turn around, thinking if I angered her, and she is going to end my life. I felt the luffa hit my skin, scrubbing away. Relaxation overcame my body as she gently made my stress melt away. I did not take long for her to finish my body, since I am much smaller then her.

We came out soon after washing each other. While Shyranrya grabbed a towel, I realized that I have no clothes.

while I thought, something covered my face. When I pulled it off, it was actually a towel, a human sized towel. I quickly wrapped it around me, still feeling a bit uneasy being naked. She gave the order to follow her.

I ended up in her bedroom, confused on to why she wanted me here. She opened a drawer and took out a pair of clothes, exactly like the one she burned off me before the bath but it seems to have been washed and dried.

"If you did not figure it out by now, I did not burn your clothes. I just sent them here, while cleaning them and coating it with a special fragrance." she told me while handing me them.

"Thank you Mistress, I shall change quickly." I replied while holding my hand out.

Before she gave them to me, she took them back while holding a smirk on her face. "You may have them back... after you fulfill your last duty."

I scratched my head, not understanding what see meant. "Last duty... what last duty Mistress?", I asked.

"To pleasure me of course..." she replied in a sultry voice.

My towel fell as she told me. "Pleasure you?"

I tried to run away, but Her hand quickly grabbed my body and before I could react, I was chained to her bed which was about 2 sizes bigger than a normal king sized.

I was in a bad situation. Being naked in front of a dragoness was a good thing, but not while being her slave. She climbed on to the bed, giving me a toothy smirk as I struggled to get free.

She pointed her attention towards my rod, wetting her lips while lowering her head down. As she did, I expected to feel aroused and horny but for some reason I wasn't.

She stretched her tongue out and grabbed my shaft, licking it up and down. I couldn't believe it what was happening while she did.

I did not feel anything like the day with Rizan. It just felt like something wet and sticky was licking my length, nothing else. I did not feel aroused or turned on.

Minutes later, Shyranrya noticed that I did not get an erection from it. She seemed a bit annoyed that I was not enjoying it.

She lifted her hand and started stroking it, slowly. Again, nothing special ran though my body. I was not understanding why.

She then let go and stared at me with fire building in her mouth. "What is wrong with you human?! I cannot be pleasured if you do not. Every human gets horny very easily, but you haven't been aroused at all have you?!" she yelled.

I could feel the heat from her flames, sweating slightly. "Well, I'm sorry Mistress, but you just don't arouse me."

I then regretted what I had just said, thinking that she might kill me now. She then walked out of the room, without unlocking the chains.

"Crap, I'm stuck here now. What do I do now...", I thought.

Suddenly, the chains came off and I was free. I didn't to wonder bother why they were unlocked, but it was better not to think about it.

I grabbed my clothes and dressed myself. "Phew! That's much better, being too exposed is not a good thing.", I thought.

I walked out, being careful not to expose my self to Shyranrya.

"Why are you sneaking around?", someone asked me from behind.

I jumped up in surprise, realizing that it was just Shyranrya.

"Just looking to see why you ran off in a huff Mistress.", I replied.

she had on a nightgown, looking a bit disappointed. "Well, I couldn't arouse my own slave, how would you feel... Just don't worry about it for now. Time for bed, you sleep with me in the bedroom."

I walked with her and climbed on her bed first, taking a small portion of the bed. When she got on, the bed shifted a bit towards her. I got a pillow and went to sleep rather quickly.

The next four days were a bit uneventful. I cleaned the cave, while she went out shopping during the day. While at night, I cooked and bathed her while she tried to arouse me. All her efforts were in vain.

When Shyranrya came to the cave tonight, she seemed worried about something. I was curious to see what was wrong. When she came at the table for dinner, she politely refused the meal I prepared.

"No thank you Eurasia, I'm not really hungry." she said as the tray full of Boar lungs and Tiger Intestines were given back to me.

I almost fell off my chair when I heard she called me by my real name. "Mistress, you did just realize that you just called my by my name? Right?" I asked.

"Well, you have been doing a great job, much better than the other humans I've bought. You do what you are told, you don't give me a hard time, and you don't try to escape."

I nodded and took the tray with the food that I dislike a lot back into the kitchen and returned to the table.

"Mistress, what is wrong? You seem to be worried about something."

She looked at me for a moment, then looked down. "I feel like someone is following me. I felt it all day, like a shadow. Maybe its my imagination... Well, lets just clean up and get right to bed. Tomorrow is a big day..."

I prepared the lake and bathed. I took the luffa and scrubbed her back, breasts and tail. She scrubbed my back and chest. We quickly dried up, got dressed and headed for bed. As I tried to sleep, I couldn't seem to drift into dream land.

Something was keeping me up, but not Shyranrya as I heard her snore away. I quietly jumped out of the bed and tip toed into the lake, thinking if I relax my body a bit, I'll get to sleep in no time. Before I could take my shirt off, I heard a crash from the bedroom.

I sprinted back as quickly as possible, preparing for a confrontation. I stop at the entrance of the bedroom, preparing to look inside. Before I could, I heard Shyranrya scream. "STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE! SOMEONE HELP ME!"

I realized that she was in trouble and ran back into the kitchen to get a knife. I found one that was about as long as my sword, but not as sharp. I held it in hand and ran into the bedroom.

I see a large dragon, naked on top of her. "Shut up! You are mine tonight..." he said while smacking her. He was trying to rape her while she was most vulnerable. I look close enough and I notice that I have met this dragon before.

"Not you again..." I thought. My mind flashed back to the auction, when I tried to make my escape. It was that dragon that stopped me at the last minute.

I started to get pissed to see what he was doing. I ran into the room. "I can't believe that you would come back here and try to rape my owner. You are going to pay for this!"

He turned around and looked at me. He bursted into laughter. "You... that human that almost escaped. I forgot that you were sold to her. If you don't but out, you'll forfeit your life..."

Shyranrya was in tears from the beating the knight gave her. "Eurasia! Run away, you cannot beat him!", she yelled.

"I won't run away Mistress, It's in my list of things to do, protect you." I replied.

I brought up the knife to show him that I had no intension of running away. "Get off her and get the hell out of here. If you don't, I'll have no choice but to kill you." I growled.

He grabbed his sword, which was about eight feet in length. Longer than the knife I held and my entire body. "You kill me? That's hilarious! I could use a snack before I have my way with her."

He made the first move, "I'll make mincemeat out of you!" he yelled while swinging his sword.

Reacting quickly, I dodged his sword and ran up behind him. "Too slow!" I yelled, about to make the finishing blow.

He then opened his mouth and released a breath of fire that caught me completely off guard.

"Ahhhh!", I screamed as the fire started burning my body. I stopped, dropped and rolled to extinguish the fire.

When I was finally ready to continue, he charged again. I quickly blocked the hit with the knife, but the impact was so hard, that my legs almost gave out on me. I went on the offense, trying to get a good hit, but he was skilled, blocking every attack.

He then tried again to end my life with a strong slash, but I blocked effortlessly. He then suddenly punched me with his free arm, sending me flying into the back wall, creating a hole in my body figure.

It felt like everything in my body shifted as I smashed into the wall. My body fell moments later. I heard his footsteps coming closer to my body, closer until his foot was in front of me.

"Now you see human? You are inferior to me. No human could best a dragon in combat!", he gloated.

I couldn't move correctly, struggling to stand up. I was bearly able to continue, but then I realized that my weapon was all the way on the other side of the room. "Damn it... It must have fallen when he punched me. I'm finished..", I thought.

I then noticed something shining in the corner, by the knight's belonging. "Is that it? It has to be!" I said to myself.

"I'm starting to get hungry from having all this fun. Stand still so I can eat!", he said while he charged at me at his full strength.

As he charged, I was trapped. There was no way I could dodge in my state. I awaited for the end. I then noticed something coming right at him.

A large ball of fire then hit him from behind, knocking him off balance. Shyranrya attacked him, saving me at the last moment. I took this moment and ran around him, towards the knight's belongings.

She quickly ran out of the room, yelling "Eurasia! This way quickly!"

I couldn't leave yet, I had to retrieve it now or never. I made it to his armor and grabbed it.

"Yea! This is it! Its been a long time!", I thought as I filled the void left in my right hand.

The knight stood up, foaming at the mouth. "That bitch! I'll kill you both!", he exclaimed.

He headed straight for me, while I just stood there. Shyranrya looked in horror as she saw that I just stood there.

"Eurasia, what are you doing!? Get out of there!", she cried.

Before the fatal blow could connect, I grabbed the sword with my hand, then snapping it in two. He stepped back, gazing in horror at my feat. As I walked towards him, he kept moving back until he hit the wall in the back, trapping him.

"W-w-what are you?!", he said as he trembled in fear.

An aura of fire covers my body, giving me a red glow. With it, my power was restored and my weapon was back with me. I drew my sword and pointed it at him.

"I am the legendary warrior that holds the power of the dragon... The Mythical Dragoon!" I replied while charging my sword with energy.

"Please, don't kill me!", he whimpered.

He was begging for mercy, something that I hated when the person showed no mercy at all. "Sorry, you did not show any mercy to my Mistress nor myself. Have a good time in Hell!"

I sliced his neck clean off. As he head flew in the air, I incinerated his entire body, leaving nothing but ashes.

Shyranrya was paralyzed with fear as she witnessed me killing that knight. "Please, don't hurt me.." she said.

My aura disappeared and I relaxed my body.

"Don't worry Mistress, I won't hurt you, why would I?", I said with a smile while walking up to her.

I ripped off the bracelet, shattering it into pieces. "Sorry about that, but I no longer require that. I have to go."

She stopped me before I could leave. "Ummm... thank you Eurasia... for saving me from that brute. Why didn't you tell me you were a dragoon?"

I looked back and lifted my arm, to show her the spirit. "This is why, I lost my spirit before I got sold to you. I didn't think you would believe me without proof so I remained quiet about it. Also, before I leave, I'll get your money back, the one you spent on me. Wait here ok?" I waved goodbye and made my leave.

I started walking out the cave and made it outside. I was about to run to the market until I felt a chill in the air. The air temperature started to fall rapidly. I then felt another power, different from the one who ambushed me. It was very close, dangerously close.

"So this is where you were Eurasia. Glad to see you recovered your spirit. You gave D.O.O.P. quite a scare.", a mysterious voice said.

I couldn't see anyone around me. The power was hard to pinpoint. It felt like it was around me, like a mist. Then suddenly, a dark figure drops from the trees.

"We have to talk Eurasia.", said the person. I conjured up fire to light up the area, so I could see who I was talking to. I almost collapsed as I gazed at the person in front of me.

It was my another person from my past, DarkStar. "DarkStar?! Why are you here?"

He smirked. "I heard that you were killed. Your signal was lost moments after you started your mission. You were pronounced dead. I heard the news and decided to see for myself. I know you don't die that easily."

I chuckled. "Well yea, sorry about that. I was attacked and my spirit was knocked out of me. I've been trying to get it back but I was stuck here. Lets go back to D.O.O.P.. I have to report that this dimension has a very bad relationship with humans and dragons."

He stopped me before I could take out my P.I.C.. "Relax Eurasia, lets rest for the night. Besides, it's a bit late. We have something else to do in the morning. Lets set up camp here and rest up."

I started feeling a bit exhausted. "Yea, you are right. Yawn...", I replied. We sat down by a tree and slept soundly.

Morning came quickly as I awoke. DarkStar seemed to have awakened earlier than me. I walked up to him, wanting to ask what he wanted to do.

"Good morning! Ok, what do we need to do?", I asked. In the light, I noticed that he had a huge scar across his right eye. It made me wonder what he has been doing all these years, not to mention what caused it.

He charged up his spirit. He seemed ready for battle. "Ok, first off, where is the dragon who captured you?"

I saw Shyranrya leave her cave, getting ready to buy from the market as usual. I pointed at her. "That's the one, but she didn't captu--", but before I could finish, he charged straight for her, unsheathing his katana for the kill.

I quickly powered up and ran after him. "Crap, what is trying to do?!", I thought. I realized that I was not going to make in before him. I quickly launched a fireball at her feet, creating a hold at her feet and narrowly saving her life. As she fell, DarkStar's katana just bearly grazed her.

He looked at me with anger and malice. "Eurasia, what are you doing?!"

I ran past him and looked to check on Shyranrya. "Eurasia, what happened? What was that explosion?"

I looked at her, passionately. "Sorry about that, I had no choice, you were almost killed. Stay here ok? I have to fix this mess."

I jumped up from the hold and glared at him. "What were you trying to do? She did not do anything?!", I yelled.

He seemed aggravated that I stopped him. "You said that she was the one who captured you. You know regulations state that those who are a threat to a dragoon must be eliminated."

I started feeling uneasy, since he was correct. "You did not let me finish. The one who captured me was already killed by my hands. She just bought me, that's it."

He suddenly charged again, but this time, I stopped him with my blade. I knocked him back, not hard enough to hurt him, but enough to get Shyranrya out of harms way. I looked at her with desperation. "Get out of here now! Your life is in danger!"

She nodded and ran towards her cave.

I focused my attention towards DarkStar. "Sorry, but I can't let you kill an innocent dragon. If you want to kill her, you have to go through me."

I powered up my spirit while drawing my weapon. He chuckled. "Eurasia, I keep forgetting how soft you are... Do you honestly think you can defeat me?", he asked confidently.

"I don't care, but I'll stop you!", I yelled back.

We charged at each other, powered up dragoons doing battle. I went on the offensive first, hoping to end this pointless battle as quickly as possible. I could not get a decent hit. His katana was half the size of my sword, which gave him an edge in speed.

As I lunged, he disappeared, moving at high speed. I had to find him fast before he gets a surprise hit on me. I stood my back to a tree, hoping it'll give me a vintage point. Something then started to come at me at a high velocity. I quickly got out of the way to avoid the hit as it tore the tree that was behind me into pieces.

I took a look at the weapons and realized that they were actually shurikens. But these shurikens were made out of ice and melted quickly moments later. Suddenly a rain of shurikens were being fired at me. I ran quickly to evade them, but there were to many. I stuck my sword into the ground and charged it. "Fire Wall!", fire came up from the earth, melting the shurikens before they came close to me. As the Fire Wall died down, I remained on guard, looking for where Darkstar was.

A blade came from out of no where and struck me. The blade went right through my arm as I tried in vain to dodge. I felt horrified that my arm cut off, but for some reason, it was still attached. Then my arm started to burn, releasing a pain so excruciating that it brought me down to my knees. My arm started to crystalize and became encased in ice.

I held on to my arm, starting to panic. DarkStar finally reappeared, snickering. "How do you like that Eurasia? My sword can cut, but it can also freeze whatever I slice at instead of cutting it off."

I then realized now what he can do. I got up and built up energy in the frozen arm, instantly melting off the ice. "You forget DarkStar, my element overpowers your element."

He ignored my comment and attacked again, this time with more force. I continued attacking him, while building up the energy for my next attack. I started to run at full speed and caught DarkStar off guard. I then used my special attack. "Sonic Boom!"

The energy pushed all trees aside as the attack made its hit. The explosion rocked the land for miles. I waited for all of the dust to settle, seeing if that attack was enough. There was nothing where he was standing. "Damn it, he moved at the last second.", I thought to myself.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder. "Eurasia, you are still too slow. You need a lot more speed if you want to keep up with me."

I couldn't move, my body would not respond.

"Time to end this Eurasia!", he yelled.


I was instantly frozen before my eyes. Unable to move or attack. He walked in front of me and smirked. "You never stood a chance Eurasia. Now I'll just take care of that dragoness and transport you to D.O.O.P. so they can thaw you out."

As he walked away, I felt helpless. I couldn't allow him to take the life of a dragon who did nothing to me. I had no way of getting out quick enough to save her. "Shit! I have to stop him, but how? Mmm... its risky but my only hope.", I thought.

I built up magic and energy deep inside of me. He was getting closer to the cave, I had to hurry. Finally, I charged up enough.

"Fireworks!", I yelled as the energy exploded out of me, freeing me from my prison and launched beams of fire in every direction. DarkStar looked back too late as he got hit right in his face by a beam. I quickly ran up to him and knocked him away from the cave.

His eyes grew wide with infuriation. "Damn it, how can you still be able to fight?! You are making it harder for yourself Eurasia."

I was panting pretty hard. Fireworks takes a large bit of energy to pull off. The then placed his katana on the ground. His sword started to glow with a chilling blue aura. Suddenly, I knew what he was about to do. I ran into Shyranrya's cave and grabbed her.

"There is no escape Eurasia! ICE AGE!"

In a blinding flash, the area within a mile radius of here was frozen over with a thick layer of ice. Luckily, my firewall protected Shyranrya and myself from the effects of the attack. I hugged her and gave her the order to stay within the cave, no matter what.

She agreed and I ran out to find the whole area has become a winter wonderland. I started to shiver due to the quick drop in temperature. I wouldn't survive long in this environment, but he can. Just one option, but if it fails, then this battle is lost.

I hold my hands together and start chanting. The words served as a medium for the spell to work. DarkStar jumped in front me, starting his own chant. I felt the fire build from within, sparking and want to explode from inside of me. He finished his chant and held his hands together. I saw his hands emit a freezing mist when his hands met. As he separated them, a chain of ice shurikens was formed.

"Well Eurasia, prepare yourself!", he threw it into the air and smacked it with tremendous force


I gazed in horror at the fact that I could not dodge them at all. Each one tore through my body, cutting me up and leaving a pool of blood at my feet. I continued my chanting, eagerly wanting to finish up but more time was needed.

DarkStar stared in awe has he witnessed that I am still standing, even after taking every hit. "You are tougher than I remember, but one more should take care of you. He started to chant again, preparing for another Blizzard swarm.

"I can't take another hit... Just a few more seconds..."

He finished faster this time, and prepared his attack. I finally finished the incantations and was ready to use my most power attack.

"Not this time DarkStar! It's over!"


The entire area was engulfed in an explosion so massive, that every dragon around the area felt it. Buildings shook and windows shattered from the shockwave. My attack melted all of the ice caused by DarkStar, while not destroying the environment. However the trees closest to me were charred black while the rest were pushed back a few feet. I fell to my knees, no longer having anymore energy to fight.

"I hope this attack did it... I'm completely drained...", I thought to myself. The smoke cleared as the area became visible. DarkStar is no where to be seen. I then hear something behind me. It was him, walking towards me, smiling.

"Damn, that attack was powerful. Well played Eurasia...", he then collapsed to the ground. I quickly got up and ran to him to check his injuries. It seems that he was not too badly injured, just drained. I left him to talk to Shyranrya about my departure. She was a bit frazzled by the whole experience.

"Is it safe to come out?", she whimpered. I gave her the O.K. to come out. I then explained everything that she needed to know about me being a dragoon. She took it better than I expected. I then activated the P.I.C. and started the Transdimensional Gateway to go back to D.O.O.P.. I lifted up DarkStar and carried him on my back. I then kissed my former Mistress goodbye as I left into the vortex.