The Greatest Treasure

Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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The Greatest Treasure. The happy tune of classical music floated across the room and the low murmur of conversation came from several groups of well-dressed furs, some looking aristocratic and rich while others were important public figures, each donning their best garb after having been invited to a special charity outing. "Ancient Treasures", a sign announced to all and a poster of several tribal masks on a jungle background was flanked by two displays of similar hand crafted masks. Keeping with the theme of the gathering, the catering staff was clad in various jungle themed outfits and were happily mingling with the crowd as they served drinks and other refreshments. Standing away from the main throng of people in a more quiet part of the room, two furs stood, a male rabbit holding a television camera pointed squarely at the canine announcer. "... And so tonight's charity get-together officially starts the tour of this display of rare artefacts and treasures which is expected to move across the country over the next six months." The pretty collie spoke clearly as her bright blue eyes sparkled for the camera. "And while these amazing relics shine for a good cause it will be a few days before the public will be able to experience their wonder in full detail in the museum. Something I hope all our viewers come to see. This is Kitty Florentine reporting." "And done." the grey hare said lowering the camera. "Once again you shine for the camera Kitty." "Of course," the collie smiled back and let her eyes wander over the crowd. Kitty Florentine was an attractive canine with a bright career in journalism and indeed the spotlight enjoyed her visage many a time. She brushed back her sandy brown hair and rested a hand on her hip, her fur also a light brown colour and looking very well groomed as it should be for one in her line of work. "I need to grab something to eat then I'll look at editing what we have so far," the rabbit spoke up as he rested the camera on its casing. "Watching these stiff necks eating has gotten me all hungry." "Okay Steve," Kitty sighed and wondered why she always got stuck with the guy, as he always seemed to be worried about his stomach. "Could you hand me the handi-cam, I'll take some candid shots of the displays and scout out someone to talk to." "Hey, you're the boss." The rabbit scooped out a small hand held video camera and checked to make sure it had a fully charged battery before handing it to his colleague before slinking off to find the buffet table, the canine femme shaking her head and setting off on her venture. "Tribal Mask representing Love and Fertility. Donated by Mr Z Smith." Kitty frowned as she scanned the display with her small camera and noticed this was the third relic with the name "Smith" and while she had encountered the name in the past she couldn't put a face to it. To her the mysterious Mr Smith had remained in the shadows despite numerous attempts by her station to seek an interview with him. "Probably old and decrepit," the canine laughed to herself as she took a step back. "Usually the way it goes, old man can't get up and around any more and decides to share his wealth before he dies." "Careful," a deep male voice suddenly came from behind and the young reporter abruptly bumped into something solid that made her juggle her camera. "Damn," Kitty growled and then yipped in surprise as a red paw snaked out to help grabbed and steady the device. "One should be careful, yes?" The girl's eyes looked up at the owner of the helping hand and for a moment she was speechless. A large red tiger clad in a tuxedo looked down to her through thin rimmed glasses, his dark hair looking neat and trimmed while his fur gleamed in the light. The big male had an air of authority around him and standing just off to each side were two more felines, one a panther the other another tiger, both of these having black fur and were dressed like bodyguards. "L-look if you guys are security I am allowed to be here," Kitty said quickly not getting a good feeling from them. "My name is-." "Kitty Florentine, professional reporter specializing in social and public events," the tiger spoke cutting her off and raising both hands in a friendly manner. "I know, I was the one who saw to your invitation. I am Mr Smith, one of the reasons for tonight's gathering." "You're Mr Smith?" The collie gaped for a moment then composed herself, the tiger did look old but not as bad as she first thought. "You are surprised?" Smith chuckled and offered his arm to the femme, she took it and they walked a little way. "I, well, was expecting someone more mature in age," she replied looking away and hoping the light blush in her cheeks weren't showing, she also noticed the two minders following at a short distance behind. The red tiger laughed softly and nodded in greeting to a few of the guests as though he had known them for a long time. "Well I don't often get out you see." "Yeah, about that," Kitty said abruptly and stopping to pull away from his arm. "You are a very hard man to find." Mr Smith paused and raised a brow as he looked the professionally dressed collie over, she filled her blue suit out perfectly and it was no wonder she had a good reputation for covering public gatherings. "You must forgive me Miss Florentine, I am a man who enjoys his privacy," he said by the way of an apology. "Lately however I have been advised to appear at these get togethers to waylay any doubts people might have of me." "So this is why you invited me?" Kitty asked, folding her arms after slipping her portable camera into her jacket pocket. "Yes it is." The tiger bowing as he replied. "I remember the numerous requests for a private interview from your office and decided that maybe it was time to accept." The reporter narrowed her eyes a little and tried to read the felines body language, she felt after all her time she would know if there was indeed something wrong or dodgy with the people she met and interacted with but there was nothing about this "Mr Smith" that rang as dangerous. "Okay, just let me find my camera-man and we can get started." "I don't think we need to bother him, after all," Smith said motioning to her bulging jacket pocket. "From what I have seen you do your best work on your own." With that the red tiger moved away form the blushing Kitty, his two minders following after before she could compose herself and hurried to catch up. "Thanks for saying so." "Good work deserves praise Miss Florentine," the tiger smiled as he came to an office Kitty recognised as the museum's curator and opened the door, within the sounds of the party would not bother them. As Kitty set up her portable camera on a handy table, the red tiger sat on the couch and studied the way her skirt hugged the collies hips and firm rear, the males two minders standing near the door as the reporter stood and moved to sit down next to Smith. "So," the femme smiled and let herself warm to both the camera and her subject. "The mysterious Mr Smith, I guess I should ask how long you have been an archaeologist?" The red tiger's smile became a sly grin. "Well I must admit that I am not one of those." The collie gave a surprised look, glancing to her camera. "Oh, I assumed with the variety of relics you have donated you were-" Smith simply waved a hand to cut her off. "Please allow me then to explain what I am and how I do what I do." Kitty blinked in surprise as the tiger shifted closer and leaned in as if he were about to whisper something, the reporter's reaction to also lean in a little in order to hear. "I am a seeker of antiques, a treasure hunter, of sorts. I sometimes seek things out that "interest" me, and when I set my mind on something, I go out and do all I can to "secure" it." As he spoke his hand came up and the male hooked a finger under the top button of the girls jacket and tugged at it. "H-hey!" Kitty exclaimed as she felt herself snagged, her eyes looking down and she instinctively pulled away only to have the button fly off followed by a short tearing noise, the back of the girl's jacket coming apart from the sudden move. "Of course there are certain "obstacles" that present themselves," Smith went on, following up and gripping the lapels of Kitty's jacket to harshly force her jacket off her shoulders while pulling her back to him. "But after some serious "negotiations" they can be overcome." The canine squirmed in the big males grasp, her arms quickly becoming "trapped" in the tangle of her jacket as Smith reached behind Kitty and ripped the back of her garment to use it to bind her. "S-stop or I'll screammmmph," the girl suddenly finding her words muffled by a hungry kiss from the tiger, her eyes going wide. "There will be, of course, those who continue to "resist" but they are often dealt with in the "appropriate" way," the male breathed into Kitty's ear after breaking the kiss to leave her gasping for breath. Kitty's mind spun as she tried moving her arms but found they were bound tightly, the tiger then trailing his touch over her neck and down to remove the buttons on her blouse before making a tear along the side of the shirt and adding it to make sure the puppy couldn't wriggle her arms free. "Most times I have to find the way, seek out recognisable land marks in order to know I am on the right path," the tiger continued while using his claws to rip open the collie's blouse and peeling it away from her heaving chest, a second hot, hungry kiss silencing another attempt to call out. "But soon we that which we seek is revealed to us." The puppy squirmed more as her breasts lay open to her rapist, her thoughts divided between her predicament and her torn clothing, the male reaching under her to unclasp her bra and reveal something surprising. "My, my," Smith chuckled upon noticing her hard nipples. "Don't tell me you are enjoying this Miss Florentine?" He flicked and rubbed her sensitive nubs, making Kitty growl and arch her back, the feline leaning in to tease her with his tongue and teeth, the girl too short of breath to call out as jolts of forced pleasure shot through her. "We should not, however, allow ourselves to become distracted from our real prize." The pretty reporter's eyes went wide as she felt the male tug her skirt and heard the sound of material being forcibly parted, the tension of her lower covering giving way as Mr Smith pulled removed it in a permanent way. Kitty's panties were the next to go, the red male smirking as he slipped a finger under her underwear at the crotch where a wet spot was clearly seen and jerk harshly until the thin material gave way and tore. "P-please..." the femme whispered through soft pants as the treasure hunter casually let the tattered clothing slip to the floor in order to spread her legs and allow the cool air to caress her moist folds. "The greatest treasure of all," the red feline smirked as he admired the girls spread pussy, her eyes closing as she squirmed more in the male's grasp. With a soft hiss the tiger kneeled in between Kitty's open legs and tossed aside his jacket, the bow-tie around his neck the next to go before reaching to free his thick cock from his pants. "And when we have what we seek, can you guess what happens next?" The canines answer came in the form of a loud "yip" as Smith thrust into her snatch with his length and filled her unprepared passage with his meat, the tiger growling deeply while his captive hissed and whined. "N-noooooo." Kitty first growled then whimpered as her rapist began to plunder her treasure, his deep spearing strokes rocking her body and making her full breasts bounce. "Such a good puppy," the male purred into her ear, his words making her skin tingle despite the situation. Shaking her head the femme felt her body begin to betray her, a dull ache in her belly flaring more each time the tiger drove into her panting form. "But you are, little one," Smith smiled and grunted while rocking is hips and screwing the girl harder, his length throbbing inside her as he neared his release. Straining against her treatment, Kitty dropped her head to the side, knowing what was about to happen and spying something that made her tense up. The camera she had set up for the interview and she had started recording with was still focussed on them, so her ravishment was caught on film. She wanted to cry out, to call for help but when the puppy saw the portable device she moaned in lust, her sex tightening and gripping the tigers shaft as her loins quivered in orgasm, Smith hissing as he felt the change in her actions and drove in before unloading his thick cream into Kitty's clutching pussy. "Damn," the tiger growled as more of his seed spurted in, his eyes following hers to notice the camera. "Well, well, seems like you enjoy performing for the camera Miss Florentine." "Wha-ooooooh," Kitty moaned feeling the weight of her molester lift from her and the emptiness as he withdrew from her used sex. Struggling to sit up the femme hoped it was over but she felt other hands grip her shoulders and a quick glance told her the ordeal had just begun, the tiger's two minders had undressed during the initial rape and were now tugging at the remains of the jacket and blouse to untie and strip her fully. "Stop," she squeaked and found herself pushed onto all fours, the black tiger and panther groping her roughly while Smith began to remove the rest of his clothing and stepped over to the still running camera. "Time to document this venture." Kitty's heart froze the moment she saw the tiger pick up her camera and bring it closer but before she could protest the big panther rammed his member into her dripping sex, the puppy yelping in shock and surprise only to have her sound muffled as the black tiger forced his length into her mouth. "Time to see what you will do for a story Kitty," Smith chuckled as his two employees humped and pumped her harshly, tears rolling down the girl's cheeks as two big feline cocks slid into her from both ends, the reporter shivering as the sweet taste of pre oozed over her tongue while another's penis pounded her over and over. Smith looked through the viewer and took a close up of the puppies face to see her eyes light up at having the spotlight focus on her and despite the rough way she was being fucked, the femme's tail was wagging happily. "So tight." The canine heard, along with "Good puppy", then the male behind her growled as his cock exploded and painted her inner walls white with his cum, the black tiger hissing as his seed gushed into her mouth, making the girl cough at first before the leaking member was pulled from her maw to dribble more jism onto her muzzle. "An amazing performer," the red tiger commented while Kitty slumped onto the couch to catch her breath, the two black males taking hold of her while Smith positioned her camera in a different place and sat on the couch. "B-bastard," Kitty managed to spit out as she found herself being straddled on the red tigers lap. "Been called worse," was the feline's reply as he guided his hard length to her used sex before pulling her down onto it. The puppy grit her teeth as the feline cock invaded her for the second time, her eyes darting about looking for the camera's position and jumping when the second tiger moved in behind her. "Y-you can't..." She gasped getting an idea what her assailants were planning. "Oh but you've been a good puppy." Kitty winced as the words sunk deep, her skin tingling more as she was pushed forward, getting a nose full of horny tiger scent, her vision blocked as the panther moved close to present his musky length to the canine. The woman shied away at first but as the two tigers sandwiched her another shock came. Instead of moving to rub his cock against her tail hole, the black tiger moved lower and the puppy was pulled forward to grant the male access to her already stuffed sex, the red feline grinning slyly as the femmes eyes went wide as a second hard cock was slowly pushed into her cunt. "Oh fuck," the reporter squeaked, her body shuddering as her passage was stretched more by the two tigers. "Good puppy," she heard again as the felines holding her moved and gyrated, the shafts inside moving against each other as well as her messy walls, the girls tongue hanging out until the panther fed her his shaft with little trouble. "Mmmmph," Kitty moaned and slurped the black felines dick as two more pumped her wet oozing cunt, three sets of hands groped and fondled the canines sexy body, the feeling and sensations pushing her further towards a mind shattering climax and when she remembered the camera was somewhere recording all of this, a loud deep growl escaped her lips and she bucked wildly as her nectar washed over the two cocks pumping her. Moments later the panther snarled and fed Kitty his creamy load, the male's seed disappearing down her throat while the pair driving into her tight sex throbbed and shot more hot cum into her clutching passage. "God damn, you are a good girl," Mr Smith growled and lifted his hips as he and his minder sought to make sure the girl had milked their lengths. Kitty sighed and slumped against the big red tiger, licking the cum from her lips. A gasp coming as the black tiger pulls out and moves to get dressed. "Miss Florentine and I will, "negotiate" a proper interview, you both may enjoy the rest of the evening. Oh and tell Kitty's camera-man she will be detained for a little while." Both of the tiger's bodyguards finished dressing and smiled before leaving, the collie panting and shivering in Smith's arms as her eyes settled on the torn items that were once her outfit, realization she could either leave naked or put her trust in the man who molested her, sinking in. "I hate you," she sighed before looking up and being kissed deeply by the man. "I know puppy," Smith grinned back after the kiss, not surprised to have the girl snuggle into him, his arms circling round to hold and pet her exhausted body. * * *

Kitty (C) Inviso; Smith and others are (C) Jaffah; Story (C) Jaffah 2008