Evolution - Chapter 9

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#10 of Evolution

Seems our four companions have found a 'ghost' from their past in the ruined and changed city. With Reston back in the picture, and now sultry vulpine to boot, does this make their quest easier...or 'harder'?

The sounds of stunned silence permeated the ruined store for several heartbeats, before Auren's voice finally found itself. Unfortunately, his brain had not caught up to his tongue."Professor...but...how? When?...here?"

The curvy Arctic Fox leaned against the shelving, keeping an arm wrapped around her midsection to preserve what little modesty remained. "I could ask you the same question, my scaly friend," she purred, although her eyes sparkled with amusement....and more than a hint of arousal. "You certainly filled out since I last saw you," she went on, her brilliant green eyes drinking up Auren's frame, and the four males all shifted, slightly uncomfortable. Then, the Professor closed her eyes and grimaced. "Sorry....please forgive me. These urges are...incredibly potent." As she spoke, a paw subconsciously dipped to the front of her ragged slacks, rubbing herself. She caught herself and snarled silently. "My apologies boys..."

Nate cleared his throat, subtly snorting away the scent of the female fox that had been building in his nose. "No need, Professor. We all know exactly where you are coming from." There was a series of emphatic nodding beside him. "Consider yourself forgiven, now, and into the future." The muscular wolf replaced the arrow he had drawn, and slipped the dark wooden bow back over his shoulder. "What are you doing here, of all places?"

"Looking for supplies," the fox answered, tearing her eyes away from the lower regions of the four boys in front of her. "After I managed to slip away from the group of creatures that...did this," she gestured at her body, "I knew I would need more than these few scraps of clothing to survive. I found myself nearest the mall here, so this is where I came." Her eyes roamed over her four transformed students, this time with more appraisal than arousal. "I see you four have managed to get quite lucky."

Auren rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand, as the right returned his pistol to its holster. "Yeah....that is a long story. Suffice to say, we're on a bit of a mission."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Somebody came up with the brilliant idea to see if we can't get the power and water plants up and running again," Brandon snorted, crossing his massive arms over his equally broad chest, the shotgun having been returned to its place on his back. Auren rolled his eyes and elbowed the stallion in the ribs, earning a cough and snort.

Reston's eyes, however, grew wider. "Seriously? That's ambitious...if not slightly crazy."

"My thoughts exactly," the equine said dryly.

"If you thought it was crazy, why are you here, big guy?" Riku smirked, sliding in front of Brandon. The horse just rolled his eyes, saying nothing, but answering the question all the same. Turning back to the Professor, the rust-colored fox went on. "When we realized how much all the survivors need fresh, running water and power - and the fact that not a lot of people are really in any shape to take this on - we knew it was most likely up to us."

"Survivors?" the white fox asked, raising an eyebrow. "You've had contact with more people?"

"Aye," Auren rumbled. "There is a hotel, the Wolf's Den, in the downtown area where a group of people have holed up and made a sort of sanctuary. They have food and water, but supplies won't last forever, and the traders simply cannot acquire enough materials to sustain the growing number of people." He shook his head sadly. "Sam, the owner of the bar, figures its maybe a week before supplies run out, and people will be forced out into the city."

Reston nodded her head, understanding. "So you four figured it was up to you to find a solution?"

Brandon sighed, running hand through his mane. "As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Auren and Nate. Looking around the hotel there, it was plain to see that we were the only ones with any real physical advantages. That, and we've managed to hold our own out here so far." He shrugged his broad shoulders. "If not us...then who?"

The white-furred fox smiled. "You are very brave, my friends. Foolish, perhaps...but brave." She ran a paw up and down her arm, contemplating. "I don't suppose they would have room for one more, would they?"

Auren opened his maw to answer, then paused. The Den was a good half-day's journey back the way they came. Seeing as how there was no way in hell they would leave the Professor to try and make it there on her own, that would mean they would have to return with her. That meant a full day wasted hiking back and forth between the mall and the hotel, when they were already on the clock as it is. Could they really afford to turn around, even if it was to help Reston. "Er...well," the drake muttered, scratching at his chest lightly.

Reston looked at him in confusion, and slight fear he would say no, before the figurative light bulb went on, and she said, "Oh. Right. That would be the opposite direction you planned on going." Auren gave a soft growl of apology and hung his head, but the white-furred fox waved her paw, dismissing his gesture. "I understand, Auren. You are on a mission, and turning around is not a helpful distraction." She sighed, puffing out her chest and standing once more. "Very well. I shall just have to accompany you then to the plants."

Auren blinked in surprise, and Nate's ears perked forward. "Uhh...really, Professor? No disrespect, ma'am, but this isn't going to be a field trip."

"I am fully capable of taking care of myself, and pulling my weight, Nathanial," she snorted softly. The use of his formal name made the wolf fold his ears back and lick his muzzle submissively. Despite being a good six inches taller, and outweighing her by probably a hundred pounds, the Professor still commanded an air of respect. "And looking around outside, I am guessing help would not be so easily dismissed."

Auren nodded gently. "If you're sure, Professor. Yes, we probably could use the help. Nate was just being protective." He patted the wolf's shoulder comfortingly, and received a small smile in return as Nate's tail wagged gently.

Reston eyed the contact between the two, her eyes twinkling. "I appreciate your concern, boys, but my mind is made up. Larger and muscular you may be, but you are still my students, and I feel responsible for you. I will be coming along." She smiled, then blushed as a slight breeze fluttered in and the rags of clothing she wore jostled slightly. "Ah....I don't suppose you have any spare clothing with you? This breezy attire is hardly fitting for....well...anything..."

At the same time, all four males looked over the Professor's vulpine frame, and proceeded to cough or blush in embarrassment at the nearly-naked fox before them. Riku hastily dug into one of the large packs on Brandon's back, subtly adjusting the bulge in his own pants as he pulled out similar attire for the Professor. He passed her a pair of cargo pants and a plain grey shirt, then proceeded to turn around with the others to preserve Reston's modesty. Still, the rust-colored fox couldn't help but sneak a peek back over his shoulder to admire the changed woman's shapely form.

Roughly the same height as Riku, Professor Reston was trim and curvy, an almost perfect balance between fitness and beauty. Her soft white fur hugged her curves very well, showing off her ample bosom, as well as the plump backside and thighs of her lower body. The scent of the female fox in the air was all-too noticeable to the four males close by; a scent that only grew in potency as Reston removed the remains of her tattered pants, exposing her nether regions. Riku shuddered and turned back around, his erection now throbbing hard in his pants as her scent and his own libido washed over him like a torrential rain. Glancing around, he noticed similar bulges on all three of his friends.

Oh boy...what did we get ourselves into?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Poking his nose out the door, Nate gave the parking lot a look over, sniffing the air to discern any threats, before he flicked a paw at his side, and the others followed him out into the lot. After letting Professor Reston change into some new clothes, and grabbing any supplies they could from the hardware store, the party headed back out of the mall and into the city once more. Although there might have been a few more useful places to poke around inside the mall, the group's enhanced senses told them they were not alone, and therefore decided discretion was a more wise option.

Reston was walking alongside Auren, now wearing similar attire to the boys as they strode past an abandoned van. Black cargo pants covered her legs and waist, but unlike the males she accompanied, she opted to wear the simple grey shirt underneath her vest. It was a little slimming and snug on her frame, certainly not loose enough to avoid accenting her features, but still better than going about bare-chested. Strapped to her right thigh was a holster and pistol like the others, one of the spares they had packed before leaving the Den. Reston was of the same mind as Auren and the others on the weapon; as hesitant as she was to use against someone out here, it may be the only thing between her and death.

Looking over at the silver-scaled dragon beside her, she asked, "So, other than going to the power and water plants, I don't suppose you have a real plan to go about this? Say....an idea of how to actually fix said plants?" Despite the scales on his face, she could sense the hint of a blush on the dragon's face as he lowered his head, and her ears flicked at the slight scoff from Brandon a few feet away.

"Er...not really," Auren admitted, his eyes avoiding hers as he glanced around. They turned down one of the main roads for this part of the city, Nate bounding ahead to once again act as the lead scout.

Reston couldn't help but chuckle. "Ah....as I said, brave but foolish." She tried to give the boy-turned-dragon an encouraging smile, despite her eyes flicking over his muscular torso. "Well, luckily for the four of you, most of the systems in the plants are automated, so all we'll really have to do is get them running, and the computer will take care of the rest." She paused, pursing her lips in thought. "Of course...if we can't even do that, we might be in a pickle."

"Maybe, but we don't know until we try, right?" Riku supplied, trailing along on Auren's other side. "I mean, if we get there and find out we can't really do anything, we just leave and come up with a Plan B." He shrugged, idly hopping over a small pothole caused from something's overly large footprint.

The professor let out a non-committal noise, and returned her own attention to the street ahead, the party lapsing back into vigilant silence as they trudged on. Overhead, the midday sun was starting its decent towards the latter half of the horizon, a gentle reminder of how much time they had spent walking already. Looking up at it, Auren glanced around as they passed an intersection, trying to find a landmark he could use. Spotting a small insurance office, he gazed at the name on the damaged sign over the door as he reached up and gently pressed the radio in his vest pocket. "Scouting party to base, come in. You there, Sam?"

There was a pause, followed by, "Hey, I thought we were going to go with 'Furry Foursome' as your handle?"

Auren rolled his eyes, fighting a smile. "Yeah, no. Plus, we picked up a fifth member, so your idea is out the window."

"Oh fine, spoilsport." the chuckling reply came back. "You got a fifth, did you say?"

"Aye, one of our professors from the college. Ran into her in the mall, and now she's tagging along."

"Alright then. What did you need, bud?"

Glancing at the sign again, Auren rumbled, "We're just passing 'Oceanic Insurance Adjusters', little ways from the mall. How are we doing on progress to the power plant?"

There was a gentle rustling of paper on the other end of the radio, and some random mutterings as the red-scaled dragon back at the Den did some calculations. "Ehh...still a ways to go. You still have the eastern suburbs, and then the warehouse district to pass through before you reach the plant, and those probably a few hours away at your current pace." Another slight pause. "To be on the safe side, I'd suggest you guys find a place to bunk down for the night once you hit the suburbs. I doubt anybody wants to be out and about after dark."

Fighting back a shiver at that thought, Auren grimaced. "Yeaah....wouldn't be my first choice. Thanks, Sam. We'll check back when we hit the 'burbs."

"Alright, stay safe guys."

Ending the call, Auren glanced around to make sure everyone had heard, getting a few gentle nods. Then, they turned their sights on the road ahead as it pointed to the east, through the rest of downtown and on into the residential area, idle conversation springing up along the way.

The the sun finally kissed the horizon, turning the sky a brilliant shade of orange, the party of transformed travellers found an empty house that was still mostly intact just as they reached the residential part of this side of the island. It had been a long few hours trekking through downtown, with more than a few encounters to liven things up. Twice they had come across a creature or group of creatures, poking through the city looking for food, or prey they could sate their lust on. The first group, a pack of feral wolves, had been easily deterred by a pair of shots into the air by Auren's pistol, who clearly weren't interested in such violent prey, and scampered away with tails between their legs.

The second run-in, however, proved to be a great deal more taxing. Passing through a more damaged part of town, the group ran afoul of one of the big minotaurs like the one that had previously attacked them, and a simple warning shot was not enough to scare him off. As Nate distracted the snorting, stomping bull-creature, Riku and Reston scurried behind a ruined wall of one of the buildings as Auren and Brandon circled around behind. Despite the violent intentions of the bovine, neither of them could bring themselves to shoot and kill it, leading them to improvise a less lethal idea. With Nate still keeping its attention with a combination of jeers and thrown debris, the dragon and stallion managed to scrounge up some crude weapons from the surrounding area, before attacking the minotaur when he wasn't looking. Auren cracked the back of his legs with a long, metal pipe he had found, sending the bull-creature toppling backwards to smack his head on the concrete. Dazed from the surprise sneak attack, he proved subdued enough for Brandon to bolt up and tie his meaty arms and legs together with a mess of cable he pilfered from a supply closet in one of the buildings.

By the time the bovine cleared the starts from his vision, he was unable to stand himself up as he found one arm tied down between his digitrade legs, preventing him from getting back up. His snorts and roars of fury were lost to the street around him as the group made a hasty getaway, before he could figure out how to free himself. After that, the party swiftly headed towards the suburbs at as great a pace as they could manage.

Nate had found them an abandoned house that looked stable and secure as soon as they found the residential area, just as the sun was dipping down. Aside from a few broken windows, it didn't look like anyone had laid claim to the house after the initial outbreak. A dresser pressed against the front door, and the stove against the back one, and the party was satisfied it would be secure enough until morning.

Upstairs, they split themselves between the three bedrooms, Reston and Brandon taking the larger master bedroom on account of the stallion's large size. That, and out of the group, it was unanimously decided Brandon was the least likely to force himself on the professor. Riku openly admitted to being horny, opting to take the smaller room for himself to work out any 'urges' on his own, leaving Auren and Nate to share the last bedroom, as it was clear those two preferred to work out any tension on each other. Brandon just rolled his eyes as he ducked into the master suite, muttering under his breath as the wolf and dragon playfully teased one another, much to the amusement of Professor Reston.

"You think Brandon is really put off by us being together, or just jealous because he needs an outlet for the tension?" Nate asked as he closed the door to his and Auren's borrowed room.

The drake shrugged, slipping off his pack, followed by the holster around his waist. "Maybe a little of both, but I'm not gonna push it either way." Relieved of the items, Auren flopped on the room's mattress, scooting over to one side so the wolf could join him. Depositing his own gear in the same spot, Nate smiled and slipped into bed beside the drake, his tail wagging as Auren's paws slid around his waist. Their noses touched, bringing forth a pair of content murrs as they snuggled close. "Hey you," Auren cooed softly.

"Hey yourself, handsome," Nate grinned, nuzzling under the dragon's chin. He turned around so his back was against Auren's chest, letting the drake hold him tightly as he rested his head to the mattress. Sighing happily, the lupine shuffled back slightly, getting in nice and close to his boyfriend. "Mmm...if there is one good thing to come of all this, its right here."

A gentle nip along his ear made the wolf giggle softly. "Yup," Auren growled gently, rubbing his paw along the wolf's firm abs. The paw snaked down towards the bulge in Nate's pants, earning another giggle and murr of approval, as Auren's other arm slid under him to hold him around the chest. Running his scaled paw over the bulge he found, Auren gave his package a gentle squeeze. "This right here...definitely a good thing."

Nate chuckled, then groaned softly as the squeeze continued and turned into a firm rub, causing his sheath to plump up in his pants. Auren didn't stop, just simply unbuttoned the wolf's pants and worked the zipper, allowing the swelling pouch to flop out into the open. "A-Auren," Nate whispered, half moaning, half growling in arousal. The paw went right back to work on his sheath, the attention drawing out the first few inches of red wolf cock. "Mmf...really? Here? Now?"

"You complaining?" the drake rumbled, leaning over to nip at Nate's shoulder softly, inching his muzzle up to plant a kiss on his neck. The wolf panted slightly as further rubs to his groin brought out more of his tapered lupine shaft, the member throbbing with blood and lust. He was just about to grip Nate's shaft and start pumping it, when a gentle knock came at the door. Fighting back a growl, Auren lifted his head. "Yeah?"

The door opened softly, and Riku poked his vulpine face in. "Hey, sorry," he mumbled, his ears folded back as he saw just what he was interrupting. The fox nodded in the direction of the other room. "Leaking pipe in the roof above the bed, dripped right on my face. Do you mind if I...?"

Relaxing his features, Auren managed a soft smile. "Nah, come on in. Its fine." The rust-colored fox slipped in the room and shut the door again, returning the smile. He shuffled to the opposite end of the bed as Auren pulled Nate over, trying to give their friend some room. The wolf knew he was blushing fiercely, being held by the strong dragon as his erect cock bobbed out in plain view, standing out against his whitish gray belly fur. Seeing the blush, Auren chuckled and licked his cheek. "Come on, you know Riku was going to see it sooner or later."

"Yeah," Nate admitted, his ears laid back on his head. "Still-mmph!" He stifled a moan as Auren's paw grabbed his cock and squeezed, causing it to throb, the wolf's hips bucking involuntarily. The drake just grinned evilly and started stroking his prize once more, totally not worried the show he was giving their friend.

Riku just smiled and shimmied out of his own gear and pants, letting his own thickening sheath bob free as he climbed into bed with the pair, seeing the playful glint in Auren's eyes. With the dragon's strong arms holding the wolf to him, Riku was able to easily slide himself in front of Nate's groin and swipe his tongue up the thick shaft jutting from the lupine's crotch. Another moan, this time unhindered sounded from Nate as the sensations made him shiver in pleasure. "Looks like you need some attention, Nate," the fox teased, before swallowing the head of the wolf's cock and starting to bob on it.

Nate panted and groaned, fighting the urge to grab the smaller vulpine and start thrusting into his warm mouth. Instead, he turned and looked at the dragon resting his head on his shoulder. "A-Auren, wha...nngh....are you sure about this?" he whimpered, caught between uncertainty and pleasure.

The drake leaned over and kissed Nate's nose, before drawing the wolf into a full, passionate kiss. Feeling the tongue of his lover caress his own, Nate's doubts began to wash away slowly, and his tail beat a rhythm between their bodies. Pulling back slightly, Auren smiled as he looked into the bright eyes of his lover. "Its inevitable that we're going to 'play' with one another as time goes on, hun. You know it. I know it." He reached down to cup Nate's balls, rolling them in his paw even as Riku worked more of the wolf shaft in his muzzle. "This lust is a part of us now. And really, I think we'd all rather get our rocks off with people we trust, than anyone - or thing- out there." He dipped into another soft, slow kiss with the wolf, earning a happy murr, before pulling back and giving a playful leer. "Yeah, I'd love to keep it between us...but come on...isn't it kinda hot watching that little fox go down on the big wolf?"

Nate snorted, then groaned again as Riku's muzzle enveloped half his shaft. "Fffuck...okay yes...its hot," he hissed, reaching down to grab at the fox's ears. He gave a soft thrust, pushing another inch into their friend's mouth. Tossing aside any misgivings, Nate let himself get washed up in the lust and pleasure now coursing through him, pulling Riku up on top of him as he lay on his back. The fox slid up and straddled Nate's legs, going down on the wolf as far as he could before his throat had to adjust, earning a growl of approval.

Auren shuffled up and behind Riku as he started to deepthroat their wolf, his own arousal starting to strain his pants. Unfastening them and tossing them to the floor, the dragon let his cock push free of his sheath, rubbing it up under Riku's tail. The fox paused, then slurped off Nate's cock to turn and look at the drake. His eyes went wide as he saw the cock throb and push free of Auren's sheath, momentarily stunned at what he saw. "Jeez...you're huge, man!" Riku yipped softly, reaching back to grab the slab of meat protruding from the dragon's groin. He gave it a few, slow strokes, as if to ensure he was seeing this correctly. "Fuck..." he muttered, turning back to Nate, who just lay there grinning. "You took this thing, bro?"

"Uh huh," the wolf chuckled, shivering at the memory of being so full. "And from the look in Auren's eyes, I'd say its your turn, foxy." Riku looked back and forth between them for a moment, contemplating things, before a wild grin crossed his muzzle and he leaned over Nate's torso, hiking his tail up. Auren and Nate both rumbled in amusement, Nate reaching up to hold Riku gently around the hips as Auren leaned in and pressed his now-erect dragonhood against the fox's entrance. Their vulpine friend's eyes went wide again as he felt the thick head press against him, whimpering softly as a glob of pre squirted against his tailhole. "Don't worry," Nate said encouragingly, rubbing his sides softly. "I stretched pretty quick, and it feels awesome inside."

Riku just nodded and pushed back slowly, feeling his ass part around Auren's tapered tip. The dragon held himself still, letting Riku take the lead, knowing it might be a bit harder for him to take than the larger wolf. When he felt the head spread that tight fox rump, however, he had to fight to keep from thrusting in as the warm velvety walls slid around the head of his cock, making him growl deep in his chest. Riku moaned softly as he was stretched, wiggling his hips backwards until the head of Auren's shaft popped in, and he stopped, panting. "Damn...I already feel full," he grunted. He took a few moments to adjust, then pulled forward slightly before pushing back again, moaning as a few more inches slid inside. "Nnngh.....fuck...!"

"Easy...easy," Auren rumbled, shifting his hips gently. "Gods your tight, Riku," he snorted, leaning back to rest on his legs a bit as the fox slowly worked down his cock. "Thought you would be a little loose after your hookups in the Den."

"Didn't...bottom..." the fox grunted, pausing as the first ridge spread his tight right. "You're....ah!...the first..."

That caused Auren's eyebrows to shoot up, even as he growled in pleasure as more of his cock slipped in the tight rump. "Really? Oh..well...um...you sure about this then?" He held the fox's hips till to halt the progress.

Riku hung his head and panted, rolling his ass on the cock spearing him. "Its either you or Nate tonight, and right now, you're inside...so yeah, I'm sure." He grunted, pulling off a bit before pushing back, letting a fresh spurt of pre fill his passage. Groaning at the warmth, and the feeling of more dragon cock ready to fill him, he leaned forward and laid against Nate's groin, the wolf's cock poking him in the jaw. "Dammit...just fuck me already."

Before either Auren or Nate could protest, Riku dipped his head and swallowed Nate's cock again, putting an end to the discussion as he gulped it three-quarters of the way down and causing the wolf to moan out loudly. Taking that as his cue, Auren leaned forward and hunched over the fox in mounting position as Riku bobbed on Nate, pushing his hips further into the vulpine. A long moan met his ears but he didn't stop, sinking half his cock into the fox thanks to the jets of precum he was leaking. As Nate reached up to stroke his orange-furred ears, the dragon shifted his weight and started thrusting into the fox, getting a little deeper each time. By the time he buried the second ridge, Riku was moaning loudly around the mouthful of wolf cock he had, letting him know it was feeling better rather than painful.

But, just to be sure... Auren grinned and jerked his hips back, yanking his cock out to just the tip, before driving hard back in, spearing the fox under him as the full 12-inches forced its way into his tailhole. Riku's eyes flew open as he arched his back, Nate's cock falling from his mouth with a plop as he squealed high and loud. Thankfully, he didn't pull away yelping in pain. Instead, he grit his teeth and pushed back hard against the dragon's groin, groaning deep in his chest. "Ffffuck! Oh shit...mmmph...oh yeah," he panted, grinding back on the soft knot at the base of the drake's cock. "Damn you're a stud, Auren. No wonder Nate bent over for you...holy god..." A black paw reached up and rubbed his belly, Riku smirking at the bulge he felt there from the hefty shaft inside him.

Auren chuckled and gave the orange ears a nip. "Actually, he buried his bone first.This came second," he grunted, giving a short, sharp thrust. Riku yipped and moaned, wiggling on the big cock inside him. Below them, Nate smiled up as he watched his mate stuff the smaller fox, Riku's tail wagging between his ass and Auren's tight abs. He motioned for the vulpine to return to work, the wolf's own 10-inch cock stretched out across his white-furred belly. Grinning, Riku lapped at the length of lupine shaft before slurping his lips over the head, and going down on it once more, bobbing his head in time to the thrusts of the dragon behind him.

Closing his eyes in bliss, Riku slowly and rhythmically sucked on Nate's cock as Auren plowed him from behind. The dragon wasn't rough, but at the same time, he could feel the urgency in Auren's thrusts, that meaty knot pressing against his tight entrance on every stroke. It was clear they were just as worked up as he was, and by the amount of pre he was swallowing, Riku guessed it wouldn't be long before these two studs blew. Nngh...fuck...Auren is so big, he moaned to himself. Can't imagine what Brandon would be like... He could feel his lower belly stretched and being pushed out by the thick dragon cock that was thrusting into him, and it made him wonder just how much he would be able to hold once Auren climaxed. He was already feeling rather full from the hefty amounts of pre sloshing inside his bowels-


A loud curse, and Auren fell backwards on his ass, pulling his cock rather roughly from Riku's backside and causing the fox to yelp in pain. As Riku curled up with a grimace on top of Nate, Auren hopped to his feet and moved to the window, his member bobbing and swaying before him. "What in the- shit!" the dragon cursed again, moving back from the window as another crash echoed from the first floor. Auren hastily grabbed for his pants and struggled to shove his foot-long shaft into them, wriggling the garments up his legs.

Nate and Riku sat up in similar alarm. "What? What is that?" the wolf growled.

"Bloody minotaur!" Auren snapped, finally managing to get the pants done up, just as a third thud rocked the house. The drake snatched up his pistol from its webbing as he stormed out of the room, passing Nate and Riku as they scrambled for their own clothes. In the hallway, he met Brandon and the Professor, who were dressed in similar haste and holding their own weapons. "You think the damn thing followed us?"

"Don't really care at this point," Brandon snapped, hurrying down the stairs towards the front door. The broad stallion reached the barricaded door just as the dresser shuddered from another impact. Brandon snorted and lunged against the furniture, using his own mass and strength to hold it in place. The next impact was significantly less, and the equine stomped his hoof. "Grr...got it for now, but get out there and do something!"

Giving a curt nod, Auren bolted to the nearest window, looking outside. Indeed, there was another minotaur - possibly the same one from earlier - snorting and ramming against the door in an attempt to get inside. The drake swore under his breath, then quickly checked the magazine in his pistol. There were three rounds missing from when he fired off warning shots earlier in the day, leaving eight rounds left, plus the one already in the chamber. Opening the window, he squeezed off a shot at the ground near the mountainous beast's hooves, hoping it would get the message. The bull-creature roared in surprise as the loud noise, and impact by its feet, halting its assault on the door. Its beady eyes narrowed in anger as it saw the dragon climbing out of the window, pointing the weapon at him with both paws.

"Don't make me..." Auren snarled threateningly, even though his heart was racing. Could he actually pull the trigger?

The bull-creature either didn't understand, or didn't care, as it bellowed and lowered its head in a charge, intent on goring the dragon through with its large horns. Despite its size, the minotaur was fast, and the sudden charge made Auren curse in surprise and jump aside, his shot going wild as it went off down the street. Rolling out of the way, the drake sprang back to his feet just as the minotaur demolished the planter he had been next to. Auren went to require his target, but was then thrown backwards by a vicious punch to the chest, sending him sprawling across the yard. His vision swam and he tasted blood, struggling to rise as the bull-creature came to a stop at the window he had just exited.

With a deafening bellow, the minotaur crashed through the large picture window and charged towards Reston who was still in the living room. She screamed and bolted for the stairs, only to be caught by the creature's thick hand and dragged backwards. Her claws ripped at the carpet in vain attempt to free herself, but the minotaur was too strong. It yanked her back into the living room just as Nate and Riku bounded down the stairs. Unfortunately, in the narrow space of the hallway, there was no room to dodge as the bull-creature swung a meaty arm at them, smashing them back through the wall separating the kitchen and living room. Judging by the shout of pain, they had been thrown right into Brandon as the horse moved to help his friends.

Reston screamed and batted at the bull, but to no avail, as the mountain of bovine muscle held her down as it tried to rip off her clothing. The scent of female had brought it here, and now, the minotaur was going to claim his prize, whether she was willing or not. The minotaur's ragged shorts bulged with its arousal, threatening to rip off the garment altogether as its large bovine cock strained against the fabric, pushing against the fox's abdomen. Reston shouted and beat at the creature as hard as she could, but it just smacked her across the floor, grabbing her again instantly as it tried to get into positon.

"Yaaaaah!" The shout of desperation came from Riku as he launched himself onto the creature's back, trying to grapple with it. The minotaur roared in fury and began smashing around the living room, bashing its back - and the fox atop it - into various piece of furniture. With a pained yelp, Riku was pulled off and slammed through a table, the bull-creature kicking him aside as it lunged back at the professor. Another roar, and Brandon tackled the bull right at waist level, driving it back a few step thanks to his size and musculature. The pair grappled a for a few moments, before the bull swung its head and managed to catch Brandon's chest with its horns, causing the stallion to whinny in pain and lose his footing. A sickening crunch followed the equine as he was smashed into wall and toppled to the ground in agony at his bruised and battered body.

Nate barely made it two steps towards the bull-creature before he too was hit by the mountain of bovine muscle, sent flying into the ruined kitchen once more, yelping and crying out in pain. The minotaur bellowed loudly, clearly angry at being denied its mate by all these opposing males. Lunging towards Reston once more, it grabbed the fox as she tried to crawl away, brutally yanking her hips upward as it tried to mount her. Reston lashed out with her claws across its face, making it snap it's head back and roar. Another harsh backhand send her sprawling across the carpeted floor, stunned. It loomed over her, its musky breath washing over her as it pressed down, its bulging cock shoving closer to-


Reston shrieked and covered her face at the loud reports, even as the bull-creature over top her froze, then slowly toppled over with a pained grunt as it hit the ground, before its breathing stopped altogether. The fox fearfully lowered her arms, shaking, and slowly rose to look around. Riku was helping Brandon up from the large hole the horse had made in the wall, and Nate was limping in from the kitchen. Reston glanced at the now dead minotaur, her stomach plunging, before her eyes rose to the window.

A trail of smoke drifted from the barrel of Auren's pistol, evidence of the recent discharge. The dragon's face was stone-stiff, his jaw gently clenching as his arms slowly lowered. The blue eyes were cold and determined, but Reston could see the regret behind them. She struggled to rise to her hindpaws as Auren climbed through the window, Nate having to help her steady herself. "Are you okay, Professor?" the wolf asked softly.

"Y-yes, I...I think so," she shivered, hugging her arms around herself. Her eyes darted to the dead minotaur, before she turned away and blinked back the tears.

Auren stood unmoving, staring at the creature whose life he had just ended, unable to move or tear himself away. He was dimly aware of Reston thanking him for saving her, but he couldn't even muster a response. Brandon and Riku took her back upstairs quietly as Nate came to stand beside his boyfriend. The wolf lifted his arm, then paused, before sliding it around the dragon's quivering shoulders. "Hey," he whispered. Nothing. "Auren." A gentle shake, and he repeated the drake's name. Those pools of blue lifted to meet his, and he saw the tears held just behind the edge. "You did what you had to do," Nate said softly, staring right back into the dragon's gaze. "It was going to rape her...possibly kill us....you had no choice."

"I....I killed it," the drake whimpered. His bottom lip quavered as he struggled to find his words. "It...he...he might have had a family...or...or...

Nate pulled the dragon against him tightly, pushing the silver-scaled head to his shoulder as Auren sobbed, the wolf murmuring softly. "Shhh....what's done is done, Auren. It was him or us." As cold as the words felt leaving his muzzle, both Nate and Auren knew they rang true. Still, the dragon shook like a leaf as his mate guided him back upstairs, the wolf pausing to throw a blanket from the ruined living room couch over the corpse.

Despite the sunlight peeking between the houses the next morning, the air felt cold around the group as they left the ruined house behind. Barely a handful of words were exchanged as they gathered their gear and departed, but everyone could see Auren's paws shake as he buckled he holster around his waist once more. They had all tried offering words of comfort the night before, only to get muted silence in response from the stricken dragon. Nate had forsaken his scouting duties this morning to walk next to his lover, keeping close for much-needed support as Auren came to grips with the fact he had been forced to take a life.

Tramping through the eerily quiet suburb, the group had stopped at a small corner store to try and scavenge any supplies before the continued. Despite having more than adequate supplies in their packs, Riku had pointed out that they were 'better safe then sorry' to scavenge whenever and wherever they could. As the five companions picked through the store, Brandon shuffled closer to Auren as the drake leaned against the counter, his eyes on the ground. "Hey...listen," the stallion nickered softly. His warm brown eyes met Auren's as the dragon looked up, and anyone could see the mix of pity and concern in them. "I know its hard coming to terms with it, so...if you want to talk..."

Auren managed a soft smile. "Thanks, B," he murmured. "I...I might need to...someday," He took a breath and ran a paw over the back of his neck. "But honestly, I've been playing it over in my head all night. There...wasn't any other way it could have gone." The drake closed his eyes as he leaned back, a single tear trailing down his cheek. "I killed him. I killed that man-slash-creature because he was going to kill you and the others. It was him or you, and I made a choice. That's the simple, cold truth of it...and I accept that." His opened his eyes and looked back at the stallion. "Does that make me evil?"

Brandon said nothing, instead, he wrapped Auren in a tight hug, surprising the dragon and the others as they looked on from their spots around the store. "No, it doesn't make you evil. Or a murderer," the stallion snorted softly, holding his friend close. "You did what you had to do to save someone. Nobody can ever blame you for that." He pulled back gently so he could look Auren in the eyes again. "If there is any blame to be had, it is on whom_ever or _what_ever caused this fucked up plague. _Not you, got it?"

Slowly, a gentle smile crept across the dragon's face. "Yeah...thanks."

Brandon smiled, and surprising Auren once more, lowered his nose to gently nuzzle the top of the slightly shorter dragon's head in light affection. "You saved us, okay? That's all that matters."

Auren sniffed, and gave the stallion one last tight hug, before stepping back and taking a breath, wiping his eyes. "Yeah...alright...I'm good," he rumbled. Auren knew it wouldn't be the last time this situation would haunt him, but knowing his friends didn't blame him in the slightest for his actions helped ease the pain significantly. Turning to the trio still rummaging around the store, he raised his voice. "So, anything of use?"

"Nope," came the playful yip an aisle over. "No condoms in your size, big guy! Looks like you'll have to keep barebacking Nate!"

The five companions burst out in genuine laughter at Riku's comment, the off-color joke letting them all know the issue was behind them - even if Nate's fur was fluffed up in slight embarrassment. Grabbing a few canned goods they could find, the group exited the store and set their sights on the road ahead, their spirits lifted. Auren's eyes still held the glimmer of doubt and regret for what he had been forced to do, but with the support of the others, he knew he would come to terms with it.

The world had changed, and them along with it. The road ahead was going to be dark, but as long as he had his friends to hold him up, Auren knew they would find their own light.