Meeting the Queen

Story by Sxizi on SoFurry

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#4 of Eca and Otsi

Otsi is off the meet the queen, Eca is off to meet Carn. Will either be successful in getting help?

This is the third part of the plot started in By the River and continued in Payment and Payback. If you want to know what's going on, start there.

The weather was clearing just in time for the sun to edge towards the horizon. The two climbing the west side of the ridge took a pause to gaze upon the sight. They were high enough that the sea was almost visible, if one was willing to squint.

The larger of the two, a bear of obvious great physical prowess, signaled they should sit and take a break. Soon enough they were pulling provisions from satchels and taking it easy along the side of the path. The smaller of the two was harder to identify under the cloaks and large hat. A hat she removed after glancing around for strangers.

She was a dragon, of the sort native to this particular country. They were known for their spiky horns, aloof attitudes, and electrical properties. And she was on a mission. Her serious expression made that clear.

"How long you think?" asked Dolf the bear.

"A few more hours. We can continue in the dark of course, the path along the ridge top is easier. We might even be able to see the castle once we hit the top if we beat the sun," said Eca.

Dolf took a bite of jerky. She did the same.

"You know what you're going to say to Carn?" he asked.

"For the most part, it depends on his temperament when we meet," she said before taking another bite. She made an attempt to look over her shoulder. The attempt ended with the straps under the cloaks pulling tight and twisting her wings slightly. The get up looked like a series of packs and nicknacks. "I'm looking forward to getting all of this off my back."

"Stop twitching," said the raccoon as they walked through the busy market.

He couldn't say anything to respond of course. But the paint on his scales was causing quite the itch. He was regretting letting her paint up his entire face, especially given only part of it could be seen under his hat and hood. And it had only gotten worse the longer he endured over the past week. Only once so far were they anywhere safe enough for him to get out of it and freshen up.

"Come now Ulvin," she said as she pierced a crowd. They weren't far from where she him they were going.

"Could of given me a less stupid name," Otsi grumbled quietly.

Her ears perked. "And no complaining," said Werz as they got to the far side. "I'm not paying you to complain."

They rounded a corner and were free of most the crowds. Another corner and they were in a dead end alley. She lead him into the house on the left and at the back. Once the door was closed and barred she checked the windows and then quickly scampered around the small two story residence to insure that there wasn't anyone about.

"Clear," she said. "But don't get too comfortable yet. We still need to get you in the palace. And there isn't exactly a secret passage through the walls."

But there was once they were inside. Otsi knew the back ways well himself from his previous work as a guard. The trick of course was accessing them without being spotted.

"Fine, I'll keep resisting the urge to rip my scales off."

"Didn't you say you're past due for a molting?" she mused. "Might be good for you if you did, but not until after you're inside."

"I'm eager to have a bath. You're smelling a little ripe yourself."

"You're not getting me naked that easily," she replied. This response sent his spine back a little.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Of course I do. You only got the goofy look for Eca. You dragons are so weird but its so easy to see through that vicious facade of yours. Now," said Werz. "Our best bet for slipping in unnoticed is on the roof. We're right next to the wall on the backside corner of this house. I've used this way to get in a number of times."

"You know, me knowing that you've snuck in so easily might be a bad thing. I'm supposed to be tightening security and punishing those who break through after all."

"Then consider this a lesson. Besides, remember when Eca got you that proof about the yellow poison plot? It only got to you because I was able to steal the letter from Yizbron's squire and get it out. If we make it through and you keep your job, I'll be good with working for you directly."

The dragon in grey iguana makeup nodded. "That works. Its not easy seeing things within the bubble from outside it."

"You ready?" she asked. "Its quite the climb and we only have a few minutes window."

"We seek an audience with his lordship Dershig'Carn."

The grizzled elk on the other side of the small opening in the door huffed. "And who might you be? Thieves? Not many bears and lepers about here."

"I am Dolf," said the bear. "And this is Eca of Halycon."

She removed her hat.

"It is bad manners to leave a lady waiting," she said.

"Lady?" shrieked the elk. "Hard to tell with dragons, only some of you have tits. And if you do, can't much see them right now. If you Halycon, you should have seal yes?"

"It was... stolen from me. I seek audience with Carn as he may be able to help me get it back."

"Ho ho ho... easy talk for you. Go away."

"Then have him come see for himself who's at his door," she demanded. "We'll stay here till he does."

"The master is busy, but I shall inquire."

The opening slid shut. The bear gave a shrug. And they waited. It was quite some time before the little door in the big door slid open again. Both the bear and the dragon had sat down.

"Oh look, they're gone," said the door keeper as they scrambled back up. "Oh drat, they're still here. Lord Carn..."

The face in the opening changed. This one was was less worn, but was rounder and had a more displeased level to his eye lids.

"Eca... What are you wearing?"

"Long story, involving a bandit. We need to talk."

"Yes yes, you and your friend, assuming he's not the bandit in question..." She shook her head. "Shall be my guests." Carn looked to the door keeper and grinned. Eca caught a glimpse of the smile before the small door slide shut again.

The main entrance to Castle Dershig opened and they were led in.

"Friends, please join me. Dinner is almost finished but there is some left that I don't mind sharing," said Carn as he took them through the halls of his home and into a dinning room. Grit stained the marble pillars and dust obscured the many mirrored panels, making each reflection dark and the people within ghostly. "Have a seat."

Eca reached under her cloak and undid a couple of the more troublesome straps, and soon a large fraction of her disguise fell off her back and onto the floor. Carn sat at the head of the table while Eca and Dolf took up seats to either side. There were several platters with food still present. Mostly casseroles heavy on greens and small blue biscuits.

Eca took some casserole. Dolf tried the biscuits.

"Apologies, I don't have much in the way of things more appealing to your appetites for my usual dinners," said Carn. "Eat up, we can talk, and then the both of you can get cleaned up. The road up the ridge is not an easy one and you both look like it was only the end of a longer journey."

"Indeed," said Eca as she tasted the food. She had to focus to hold back her gag reflex. "So the short story is that, well, I was to be wed. And a robber and murderer caught me and my fiance. He... was killed. I escaped, barely. And now I want my sweet revenge."

"You seem a tad chipper about the matter," said Carn.

"Don't confuse composure with calmness," said Dolf. "She beat me up when I found her."

"The good news is," continued Eca after another painful bite. "The murderer is dead now. But I want the one who hired him taken care of."

This brought a chuckle from the elk. He crossed his chubby arms and snorted. "Why the hell are you here? I'm not the queen's sheriff. I'm not interested in your revenge game."

Dolf looked up from his plate and at Eca. "Try the biscuits."

Eca helped herself to one. It wasn't nearly as bad.

"What foolishness are you really up to Eca? I am confused why you have come here, and not to your family, the capital, or any where else where you have friends who might give a shit about your dead lover."

"There is no one else I can trust," she whispered.

"Pardon?" he asked before scooping up a large bit of the mix of foods still on his own plate.

She put her elbows on the table and leaned into her hands. "There is no one else. The assassin... was sent by Optan."

"Oh dear," said Carn. "Oh dear indeed. That's unfortunate. So can I get a reward for handing you over?"

"Hardly," said Dolf. "We managed to figure out the hit was for her fiance."

"Still, a witness to a crime... could get me a stack of coins."

"But I know you're not going to sell me out," she said. "And yes, I know your guards probably have a crossbow pointed at me right now. Probably from the gap up there between the panels. So skip the bit where you threaten us. And let's go straight to the part where I explain to you what this means. It means that either my other associate will get the message to the queen and she'll deal with Optan, in which case I'm off the hook, or the queen doesn't believe me and thus has sided with a murderer. And thus houses Halycon and Rollvox are at war."

Carn gulped down another scoop of his green slop. "I like the sound of that. And you're here, to get my help in this war? I see now. Still not interested."

Eca snarled and rolled her eyes. "And here I thought you would relish a destabilization of the current dynasty."

"I'd love that, I just don't want to get my head lopped off."

"I'm not asking you to choke that skull headed terror yourself, but you might know someone who is willing."

Carn grinned. "I might. I have no reason to risk them on this though. I'd need, assurances."

"I don't know how much I could assure they're safety," said Eca looking at him in the eyes. "But anything I can do to help with such, I will make sure happens. This is important to me."

"That's a start. Now, I must ponder this a bit. As that is a start... but not enough. Eat up, and get cleaned up. You look horrible."

"This might be the best place for you to hold up," said Otsi as he pushed open a door. On the far side was a bedroom covered in dust. The bed lacked sheets, blankets, or pillows. There were a few children's toys in the corner. "Keep it quiet of course. This was Bawra's room."

He didn't need to say more to Werz. She gulped all the same.

"I may be a while, I don't know how much convincing I'll need to do. I'll send someone for you once things are in order, I'm not on the chopping block any more, and the queen grants me her leave."

"What if things go south?" asked the raccoon. "I don't much want to hang out here more than I need to."

"If I'm not back by sunrise, come looking for me. And if... well you know... then get word to Eca and Carn." Otsi sighed. "Good luck."

"Hey, you too," she said before cautiously having a seat on the bed.

After he was back through the hidden door, he scratched at his face. Most the makeup had been rubbed away from his scales but it still itched. His wings were still bound but most the cloaks and other elements of his disguise had been left behind. He carefully slipped through the hidden ways in the walls of the palace's residence wing, pausing on occasion to get a sense of his surroundings. There was one person who would see him before he met the queen, but no sense in running into any of the other watchers before that.

He turned a corner and saw a figure. She had several blades at his side and a rack of antlers atop his head. The figure's eyes, illuminated by the light from the viewing holes slid quickly to the dragon.

The dragon paused and gave a hand signal. The elk nodded and quickly gave one back. The dragon twitched an ear and signaled a different message. The elk rolled her eyes and motioned the dragon to the hidden door into the queens chamber.

"What are... who..." said the queen a Otsi emerged. "Otsi!"

"My queen!" said Otsi as he quickly kneeled. The door slid shut behind him, vanishing effectively into the intricate patterns of the wall.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were off being wed!"

"Queen, I have much news and must give it to your ears alone, I..." he paused as he raised his eyes from the floor towards his sovereign.

She had put down her book and stood up from her lounging chair. The royal mouse was wearing a thin sleeping gown. The dragon could make ten nipples atop small breasts. He stuttered nonsense.

"Out with it," she said lowering her ears.

"Optan has tried to have me and my fiance killed," he said turning his eyes again to her feet. "She sent an assassin to intercept us on our way to our wedding. He was unsuccessful. I have proof of this action in my pocket."

The queen was silent for a time, while letting her gaze fall upon him. "Rise and show me," she commanded.

He stood and pulled from his pocket the scroll they found with Tep's things. Standing, he extended it towards her and looked to her face. Her brow was furrowed and her eyes concerned. She took it from him and read quickly.

"Gossious, this dragon is a protector as you are aware," she said. "Inform the acting head of the guard to come at once."

Otsi almost blurted out that the acting head of the guard was Dalsbrak. But he held his tongue.

"Otsi," said the queen. "This is a grave matter. Tell me all you know."

He nodded. "Tep, a thug and threat to the realm found us while we slept by a river. He bound us, savaged us, and made it clear we would soon die. I... was lucky and managed to unbind lady Eca enough for her to kill him. We found the contract in his things."

The queen nodded and approached him. The dragon held still. He had been in her presence many times. She tilted his head and inspected his face more closely.

"For a moment I thought you were being lead astray, but I feel your words are true. You were so fearful for your life that you took on a disguise," she said. "You shouldn't fear any more. I will take care of you good sir. I want you clean and able. And then you will tell me more."

"Yes my queen."

Eca was washed and wearing much more comfortable clothing as she sat in Carn's study. The rounded elk came in and took the seat opposite her.

"What is your wisdom good Dershig?" she asked as he wiggled into his favorite chair.

"My grandson Fraz is a good candidate for the deed. Willing and not incompetent."

"So it is a yes? You'll help?"

"Not yet. Your agent, has gone to see if Optan can be dealt with legally yes? Then we have time to consider things yet. For I have a proposal for my help."

Eca curled the cornwers of her mouth.

"If the Dershig dynasty is to be restored, we'll need help. If a vote is had, I'd like your support." Carn grinned.

"I'm not the head of my house."

"Fair enough, but there is a way to insure that mine is in a position to place nominations and that you can help with."

Eca looked at him blankly. "Your family is near the top land owners still, but I don't see how I can help you get over the deficit needed to get a nomination spot."

"Eca, Eca, Eca. The rules for such are complicated as you are aware. House Halycon can be associated with house Dershig for such purposes and as your house is not presently in a good place to seek a nomination spot, such an association would be the default state if a member of your house was married to the head of mine."

"Ah," she said. She crossed her legs. "I'd have to discuss it with my sister."


Eca shook her head. "Because I am not her keeper."

"I mean," said Carn. "Why would you talk to her when I'd be marrying you."


The elk began to grin. His flat teeth were looking unusually sharp to the dragon. "Your fiance is dead as you said. If your father passes, you have two siblings to carry on the line. Plus you'll out live me so you can find a new mate in thirty years anyway. And though it is very rare for cross breeds to be born, if such were to happen, I'd be happy to change my heir to such a child. House Dershig-Halycon would not need to leverage preference and arcane rules to forever hold the keys to the throne. And so if Rollvox doesn't fall in my life time, it would be only a matter of time before my line is returned to its proper place."

Eca's claws gripped so hard into the arms of the chair that the leather was pierced. "You ask the impossible."

"Then no deal. And you leave in the morning," he licked his teeth. "And then I send word to the capital that you were my guest."

Eca huffed and stood up. "I will not be insulted like this. Not any more, not by you or anyone."

"Strong words for a woman on the run. How about this. I am reasonable. Perhaps you be my guest here until you get word from your messenger to the queen. But for I to continued my hospitality I will need something to offset my expenses of having two extra mouths to feed."

Eca continued to glare at him. "I... We have some money."

Carn nodded. His large antlers were taller than her horns. "That's a start..." he said before biting his lip for a moment. "But again, not enough."

Otsi toweled off while looking in the mirror. He leaned forward and inspected his scales. He looked refreshed. His scales were clean and shimmered like they hadn't in years. The dragon reached down and inspected the odd bottle. There wasn't any indication of what was in it. The only thing on its exterior was the royal seal and the symbol of an opened hand.

He set the bottle down. He shook his head sending a spray of water out of his mane.

"I owe Werz something similar," he murmured under his breath.

"Otsi?" came the voice of the queen from outside.

The dragon looked over his shoulder. "Yes your highness?"

"I've spoken with Dalsbrak. You are in the clear. Optan has been caught."

The dragon smiled and sighed in relief. "Thank you my queen, you have saved my life."

"Now hurry on up before I get the impression that all dragons preen themselves to distraction."

"I will be right out." Otsi slide the towel around his waist and moved from the inner chamber of the queen's personal bath and into the changing chamber.

He made a quick inspection and found his cloths were missing. Instead there was hanging on a hook a robe. The dragon shrugged and was soon sliding into the robe. It even had back slits for his wings. Tying the sash tight he passed through the door and returned to the queen's chamber.

The queen still in her own robe was sitting at the table in the center of the main room. On the table was a bottle and two glasses.

"Come join me good dragon," she said. "We have much to discuss."

Otsi nodded and moved to take the seat opposite. "Indeed."

"Optan will of course have a trial. Attempted murder is a serious crime, as is conspiracy to do such. Treason almost. But you understand that I can't stand above the law in this matter. But I can make sure that justice is severed. Now please, tell me, were you hurt? Was Eca?"

The dragon looked down at his empty glass. "Do you mind if I?"

"Not at all."

He poured himself some of the wine. He normally didn't drink such things and thus couldn't figure much about the label. "I think, physically at least, I was hurt more than Eca. The would be assassin was an Apolytam named Tep. I have been aware of him from the usual reports for a while now, but he had been quite illusive. And infrequent in his attacks on travelers to the point of preventing easy prediction of his next target. I wonder now..."

"He hurt you though," she said reaching out to his hand which was rapped around the base of his glass. "Enough that you want to forget it."

He nodded. "You're not going to let me avoid the subject are you. Yes. He made clear that he had appetites. And he worked on sating one with my body before starting on Eca. That's... that's when I was able to undo her gag with my horns and she took care of him."

"That's terrible," said the mouse. Her ears were lowered and her gaze was locked on his averted eyes. She tilted her head, giving him a full inspection.

He took a drink of the wine.

They sat there a few minutes before he finally spoke again. "He's dead now. I... I don't bleed any more, and now his puppet master is facing justice. I should be happy."

The queen poured herself a glass, then refilled his after he ran low.

"And Eca is safe? Where is she?"

"She went where no one would think to look for her while I came here. Those who harbor animosity make the best to harbor with when someone might be looking for your head."

"Don't make me guess," said the queen. "Please, this is not the time for secrets. I am the one you can trust the most, besides Eca of course."

He nodded. "Carn of Dershig. I have a friend who will send word when I get back to them, and Eca will come back here."

"Carn is a fool, and to consider trusting him during dire times is risky."

The dragon sighed. "It was her idea. She's older and wiser than young idiot me. I made it clear I didn't like the idea, but it made sense at the time."

"You are older than me defender of the realm," said the queen with a smirk.

"And my father has a few centuries on her. My queen," he said before finishing off his second glass. "I don't know why Optan would do this."

"I have a thought. She told me a few months ago that she was worried that you were making plots. Keeping secrets beyond what you should. Perhaps she had gained a bit of paranoia? But to act on such things without approval, is madness."

"Possibly paranoia yes," said the dragon. "You know my records are to be known to you and the person in Optan's position. Knowledge kept is not knowledge used. If Optan wanted me to be more open... she should of asked to look at what I was working on more often. As for plots." He shook his head and gazed at the empty glass. "Everyone else has plots. Should of been obvious that I was too busy figuring out everyone else's plots to have time for any such idiocy. I'm pretty sure I'm a terrible plotter all the same."

The queen nodded while finishing her drink. "You've always come across as someone who did what they were told, and less of a mastermind. No offense. You're plenty intelligent, but lack that fire to drive such things."

"I think you're right there," he said. "Maybe I've been too much of a push over. I should of told Eca no. Don't go to Carn."

"What... what do you think was driving Optan?"

He put his glass down and rolled his head to the side. "I don't know," he said. "I feel hollow. I don't think I can divine Optan's motivations. I kind of don't want to. I almost just want to make someone hurt."

"That seems natural."

"But... but that's not all. I also just want to be. To hide. To fade away. And that feeling is almost stronger than the rage. Perhaps it is stronger. Perhaps nothing matters any more."

The mouse on the other side of the table had her self another glass. And then so did the dragon. Finally he stood up.

"I think I should get dressed and take my leave," he said.

"Otsi," said the queen. "You shouldn't leave yet."

"Is there more to discuss? Can't it wait for morning?"

She stood and moved to his side of the table. "You are hurting so much. I want to help you."

"My pain isn't a wound that can be bandaged."

She nodded. "I may have always lived a life privileged, but that does not mean I know nothing of other people's pain. You and Eca, you two have not been close since it happened yes?"

The beast bowed his head. "That is true, but..."

"You are both hurt in the same way. Now every touch that you might experience is a threat. A new assault. At least, that's what your head tells you. If you are to fully love your future wife as you both need to, you need to learn to trust again."

Otsi opened his mouth to respond, but he halted his words as the queen quickly wrapped her arms around his middle and gave him a hug. She felt him jump in surprise.

"Sorry for causing you distress," she said, holding fast against him. "But you need this so that you can heal."

The dragon kept his arms aloft over her. Queen Mo'Halta the sixth, lord of Pargalo was embracing him. She didn't squirm or rub, but simply held him. His breathing eased and he slowly lowered his arms to her shoulders.

"Its ok," she said. "Just relax. And let the moment happen."

Otsi tilted his head down. His chin rested between a pair of mouse ears. She was warm. And he could feel much of her soft body through their robes. He closed his eyes and began to shiver.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice wavering as the words rolled out slowly.

She tilted her head up and gave him a kiss on his collar bone.

"Love can be a cruel thing," she said. "When you are hurt, it can drive you to things that might not make sense, and which hurt even more. Sometimes they're needed to heal. To return to normal. To reignite that spark that made life worth living."

Otsi whined. "Yes," he mumbled. "I need..."

"I know," she said. "Though its not the same, these things you feel... were similar to when I lost Roy..."

The dragon squeezed the mouse tightly. He had run through his head thousands of times what he should of done that day. Roy was dead, and the queen's second son was responsible.

"I needed a lot at that time, I wish someone could of given it to me," she said quietly.

"You're..." he started to say, but his words did not continue. He felt he understood her. Why she had embraced him.

The queen slid her arms off the dragon, and he let go of her as she stepped back. Her hands then went to her sash. With a tug of the knot, it was undone. She parted her robe and let it fall to the floor. The dragon could see the leader of his nation clad in only her fur. Though on in years, she was still spry, her small breasts were pert, and her fur was well kept.

Otsi looked on in confusion. "My... my queen..."

"I'm not done yet," she said as she reached for the belt of his robe. He took a step back. "Otsi, your fear is your pain, your guilt controlling you. If you can get past them for even a moment, life gets better."

He shook his head and looked away as she again went for the knot. The front of his robe fell free. He didn't pull it open for her, but she came to him again, sliding her arms under the fabric and again embraced him. All along his body he could feel the softness of her fur. Her paws, which had never done a days work in her life, were like silk as they gently rubbed his back.

The moment lingered before he finally could say something. "Pa... please... I mean no... disrespect..."

"I told you, just relax, and enjoy. Intimacy with someone who you can trust is what you need."

"I... Eca's my love my queen..."

"I know," she said. Her hands, slowly rubbing his back expanded their range. "But if you don't calm yourself, loving her properly again will be impossible. Now, as your queen, I order you to cease your complaints and let me work."

He opened his mouth to protest again, but then shut his trap. Very cautiously he again returned the embrace. His arms fell upon her shoulders before he moved his hands to her back cautiously.

"Good," she said. "It is natural for you, given who you are, to be nervous at a moment like this, even without what you've gone through. I wish there was a better way..."

Her gentle petting of his spine continued. As the minutes passed, his shivers slowly lessened. She nuzzled at his chest. This calmed him down further. Then he gave her a squeeze and began to yowl. Her petting ceased as he let his pain out and simply squeezed him back. His yowls continued for a while, interspersed with snorts. After his last yelp, they simply stood there in each other's arms. A contented smile slowly appeared on his face.

"I think I needed that," he said after a few more minutes. His shivers of worry had subsided.

"I know," said the queen quietly. "Told you that you should trust me. But this won't be enough my friend. There is one last thing."

This brought back his shiver. He knew what she was likely asking of him.

"My queen... I was wrong to doubt... I... I... err... submit to your wisdom..." His voice almost cracked.

"Then please take me to my bed," she said.

His arms already around her simply had to reposition so that he could scoop her up. She was relatively light, and he was used to carrying more than she weighed while in flight. He took the queen to her large bed and carefully laid her upon it.

"Otsi, when you make love to me, this is not a betrayal of Eca. Please don't think that and let guilt consume you. Pure love is rare in the world, and it shouldn't be under threat by such pondering."

"Thank you," he said as he finally slid the robe free from his body fully. "Thank you for understanding that I... am different than most my peers when it comes to exclusivity. Love and sex..."

She looked him over. His freshly cleaned scales flickered with the reflections of the chamber's many oil lamps. He was lean but very muscular, a mix of natural affinity and his training for years as a royal guard. The queen naturally inspected his equipment. He was showing slightly through the top of his sheath. Her gaze fell upon the lumps below. They were covered in the finest scales she had ever seen. In the chill of his homeland they'd be impossible to distinguish from the rest of his body of course, but it was not nearly as cold here and his orbs hung relatively low.

"Come now," she said. "Join me, and enjoy my body as you would hers, and regain your confidence. You're going to need it."

He gulped. Otsi cautiously slid onto the bed and crawled over the queen. She reached up and held his sides for a moment before letting her paws caress his defined musculature. Cautiously he leaned his head down to hers and gave the queen a light kiss.

"You're as shy as a virgin," she mused.

"I've... only ever made love to two women in my life..." he admitted.

"A strapping fellow like yourself? That surprises me. Eca of course, and... your partner for your coming of age yes?"

He nodded. He hadn't seen that lovely in over sixty years.

"Mice are a little different, but the game is the same," said the queen reassuringly. She reached down and stroked his sheath. "Just let nature take its course and free yourself of worry."

The attention she was giving him was helping his growth. He leaned in again and gave her another kiss. And then a longer one. Slowly lowering his body down to hers he repurposed his arms to sliding along her sides. His large mouth opened more than hers, but soon enough both had figured out the logistics of deeper and deeper kisses. Mo'Halta's paws played over his scales. She could feel the intense heat of his cock, contrast against his only slightly warm scales, as it s grew in the space between them, reaching full length quicker than she expected. Finally it was time.

She gripped his lower back and started tugging. Her own enthusiasm was now perhaps more important than her plan for the evening. And he didn't seem to mind. He broke their kisses and began to pull himself up a little bit. She adjusted her legs, first to make sure he was sliding in the right direction, and then to spread them wide. Otsi reached down and grabbed his rod to help navigate the last few inches. In moments the tip was touching a pair of furred, damp, ready lips.

He took his entry cautiously at first. But soon enough he was confident enough to let go with his hand and to press in fully with his hips. The queen moaned.

"Heh, I should have dragons in more often," she said grinning. "Or are you simply the biggest?"

This got a chuckle out of Otsi. He had seen bigger than himself. He pushed in until the edge of his sheath was pressing against her fur. A few more adjustments of the rest of his body, and he was sliding back out again.

Another shiver of worry ran down his spine, but he ignored it and began to slowly hump the sovereign. She began to hold his sides, letting him have full control through his rutting. To him, the feel of fur along his body was an odd feeling. Alien, but not unwelcoming. But it was of course a secondary feeling. The primary was the constriction and heat around his cock as he pumped it through the mouse. Slick, but with just enough friction to insure every inch of both were stimulated with each movement.

As the squishy sounds of sex filled the chamber, they were soon joined by chittered moans from the queen and wild grunts from the dragon. The rolling of his hips was of course being witnessed by Gossious who had returned to her post. The dragon's tail whipped through the air. He leaned back and gripped her hips, helping guide them together and apart in a wild rhythm.

The queen looked at him with a wide smile. A part of her was amazed that it had gotten this far. But her smile was also one of validation. She had been right about him. Her legs wrapped around his rear and she helped pull him closer and tighter into her. The queen yelped. She began to shake and he felt her spasms internally. He quickened his pace as he felt her orgasmic shudders.

"By the lights," she cried. "Please, more, more!"

The dragon did as his queen commanded. Little was left in his mind besides the fucking he was giving her. His grip on her tightened, and his claws even hooked lightly into her flesh. She yelped. And he came.

He was at least long, if way too thin for her tastes. On the other hand, she thought, he was finishing his fourth round of the evening. Which was a tad surprising given his weight.

Carn collapsed atop Eca and she reluctantly wrapped her arms around him.

"Think," he said between pants. "Think sleep... yes..."

The old buck rolled off the dragon, onto her wing, and closed his eyes. She rolled hers and carefully tugged her wing. He didn't wake up, and she made no progress.

"Great," she whispered. "Werz get here quick..."

She hooked a blanket with her toe and pulled it up and over them. At least for the moment they could stay. While Carn slept, snoring lightly, her eyes were focused on him.

"Those like you always think you win when you pin me down. I will have the last move, the final victory."

Carn continued to snore, oblivious to her promise.

Otsi casually rubbed the queens chest.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Dif... different..." he admitted. "I... Eca will... will hate..."

"She understands more than you do I think. She's seen much more than you, or even I. She won't hate you. When I see her I'll tell her of our night openly and honestly. Please don't fear her wrath. She might even thank me."

Otsi closed his eyes. "I kind of doubt that."

The queen kissed his chin. "If it makes you feel better, you can tell her it was my request as a favor for helping with Optan."

The dragon shook his head. "We may not be married, but once we are, we are only each other's. And I was hoping to keep that promise before that."

The mouse sighed. "A shame, a shame..." she trailed off.

"Please, may I get dressed. I need to go." Werz was still waiting after all.

The queen motioned to a closet in the wall. "Take what you like. My husband is still dead, he won't mind."

The dragon rolled out of bed. The queen's eyes followed his backside as he went to the closet and hastily picked out an outfit that would provide at least something to wear. Even if it fit far too tightly. With trousers that cut off slightly below his knee and which couldn't fasten fully in from, and a vest that didn't fasten at all, he felt a little more covered. Enough to wander the halls of the palace late a night. He bowed to the queen. She grinned back at him.

"Please note, I may have you back in here again..." she said. "It gets lonely at the top."

Otsi hastily moved to the door. Upon opening it the guards outside stood at attention. He glanced at them, and they at him. He took a step forward.

"Halt!" they said as they spun to fill the hall in both directions.

Otsi knew them both, their names were Vulgrin and Rop. The ears poking out of their otherwise obscuring helmets were fuzzy, red, and black.

"My meeting with the queen is finished," he said to them.

He glanced over his shoulder at the queen, still in bed, smiling, no, grinning at him. She waved. The door closed on its own, ending her view of the dragon surrounded by her guards.

"You're coming with us!" said Rop.

"Why?" asked the dragon as they pulled their swords out.

"You are under arrest for the crime of false accusation, treason, and conspiracy to commit murder," answered Vulgrin.

"This is... insane!" said Otsi. Both raised their blades. "Friends, this isn't funny!"

"It isn't a joke," came a third voice. "And if you try any zaps, there's more than enough of us to make sure you lose your head."

Otsi turned to look and saw the towering figure of a wolf. Only the dragon's father was more imposing among those serving the queen.

"You Otsi son of Delrotsi are here by accused of the crime of false accusation against the queen's advisor, of conspiracy to murder her first born son Roy, and through such, treason against the realm!"