What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger: Intro

Story by Skoonk on SoFurry

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#1 of What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Jason is a young Mustang and he has just experienced what no child should ever have to go through. It was a miracle he escaped with his life, but it seems that he has lost his sanity. After months of enduring night terrors, PTSD, and panic attacks Jason finally has enough. He realizes that he either needs help or he will have to kill himself. Thankfully he chooses help. He decides to visit Summerhall, a center where kids just like him go to try and sort out their lives and fight their personal demons. It is at Summerhall where Jason meets Kingston, a gorgeous 17 year old Arabian, and it is at Summerhall where he finally learns how to live his life.

There will not be anymore violence in this series; I just wanted to explain how and why Jason is the way he is. Please post a review below. This series will involve m/m between the two stallions.

This is just an intro. I hope you enjoy it.

"God fucking damn it Laura, how can you do this to me!"

"Don't pretend like you haven't had it coming to you for 5 years! You brought this on yourself you fucking pig!"

"Really? I'm a pig," *crash* "well I'd rather be a pig than a two timing slut who goes around spreading her legs and letting anyone enter her who has a fucking cock!"

"FUCK YOU PETER! I'm taking Jason away from you and you'll never see him again!"

*Scream* "Peter what are you doing put the gun down!"

*Silence* "Don't act like you haven't had it coming."

Jason swore he heard his mother take her final breath before he heard the firing pin activate the combustion sequence that caused the 45 millimeter bullet to travel out the barrel of the gun at velocity of over a thousand feet per second and penetrate his mother's soft form. The form that had held him the moment he was born, the breast that had nursed him and comforted him when he was scared or confused. The one fur he could always turn to.

The next thing he heard was a noise he will never forget: the sound of his mother chocking on her own blood as she hemorrhaged to death. Her last word managed to escape from her lips, "Run."

Jason was sitting quietly in his closet. His teenage paws were clutched around his head as he shook from fear and anguish. He had heard his mother and father fight before. He had even seen his father beat the living shit out of his mother. But he had never heard such a loud sound come from his father, and his mother not respond with an even louder retort.

He heard his father inhale quickly and forcibly exhale. He heard him yell, "See! That's what you get you fucking bitch!" He heard his father sniffle and whine as the realization hit him. Jason's eyes widened when he heard the next words come out of his father's mouth, "Jason! Where you at boy! I need to tell you something!"

Jason's heart stopped. He knew what his father "needed to tell him." He jumped out of his closet and ran over to his window that allowed him an view of their lovely alley way. He didn't have any time at all to gather any clothes, food, water, or anything that had some sentimental value to him. His room was dark on account of his parents not paying the electricity bill, so he managed to fall down a couple of times as he shakily searched his window for any sign that he would be able to remove it.

"Jason, you fucking queer! Where you at?"

Jason released of cry of fear and nearly lost control of his bladder as he frantically searched the edges of his window for any thing that would allow him to escape death. With a howl of anger, Jason struggled back across the room to where his outdated and broken television lay on his tattered dresser.

He flung his flimsy arms around the box and managed to lift it up and not drop it. He quickly hobbled over to his window and swung his arms some, to gain momentum, before launching the prehistoric beast right at his window. He turned around and wrapped his paws around his head as an earsplitting crash was created.

"Jason! What the fuck do you think you're doing!" Jason whipped around to see his dad standing there in his doorway; holding a huge pistol in his right paw and a dripping candle in the other. The candle threw shadows around his face and made it look like his features were more twisted than they already were. His mouth was twisted in a grimace disturbing enough to make even the ravenous of wild wolves run and flee. He smelled like cheap scotch.

He chocked on a gasp when he saw the blood that was splattered all over his face and chest. His father slowly raised the gun to eye level and pulled back the hammer. He walked into his disheveled room and muttered to himself, "That whore says she's going to take her son away. Well she's right about one thing: he's not my son. No fag will ever be my son."

Jason finally peed his pants as his father aimed the gun right between his eyes. Jason was moving his foot around the floor looking for anything he could to distract this murderer. He felt a pair of pants with his bare toes and managed to flip it up some so that it lay on top of his paw.

His father took another step.

Jason kicked his paw up in the air the pants sailed right onto his father's face. He heard his father pull the trigger. The bullet flew out of the chamber and missed Jason by a mile. The shock wave that came out of the gun seemed to propel Jason out of his window; two stories down into a garbage container. He gasped for breath as he flew for a couple seconds before landing among the filth. He screamed in pain as he felt his arm slam into the metal container.

He heard his father shout an incoherent sentence and scrambled up and out of the garbage which had slowly started to suffocating him. The full moon overhead seemed to guide him as he stumbled from garbage can to garbage can; trying to avoid his father's shot. He grasped at his arm that had been smashed up against the wall of the garbage can. He whimpered as he ran as fast as his paws could carry him.

Jason reached the end of the alley way and turned to the right of the dark street to see sirens wailing; their blue and red lights caused Jason to give a cry of relief.

He was going to live.

The cars came to a screeching stop when they heard Jason's father pull the trigger a third time. Jace turned his head before he felt a stabbing pain in his midsection.

He took a breath. He felt wet all of a sudden

He brought his cut and scraped paw up to where he felt wet and touched himself. He brought his paw up to his eyes and saw crimson blood dripping down onto his forearm. A cop shouted for him to get down and he started to turn to him when he heard another gunshot. He looked back up to his window to see a huge figure fall down 2 stories and smack into the pavement.

He chocked down another breath before falling to his knees.

A raccoon came over to him and started to shout into his radio asking for an ambulance. A female tiger came over to him and caught him before he fell down onto the cool pavement. He looked up into her eyes and saw that she had tears in them. Her mouth was moving and forming words that at the time were foreign to Jason's drooping ears. The only noise he could hear was his mother's blood curdling scream and the bang of his father's pistol.

He brought his paw back up to his face and blinked his eyes a couple of times as a few drops of his blood dripped down onto his face. The tigress grasped his paw and comforted him as his breathing became even more erratic.

15 was too young for someone to die he thought to himself.

One of his eye lids decided that it had had enough and tried to close. Jace's heart pumped enough blood into it to cause it to flutter back up; his heart was determined to endure.

At least I'll see Mom again. Oh, wait that's right: Dad says that if you're gay you go to hell. So I guess I'll be in the same boat as Dad.

Jason released a weak cough; his teeth were stained red. The ambulance had finally arrived and Jason suddenly felt paws under him as a kindly looking arctic fox and ocelot lifted him onto a gurney. The bright light in the ambulance irritated his eyes and he struggled to lift his paw up to cover his eyes. His paw flopped down onto his stomach and some of the blood that had pooled on his chest splashed into his face.

Jason felt a sharp pain in the crook of his arm and weakly looked over and saw the ocelot running some hollow tubes into his arm. He saw him take out a bag of crimson liquid. He hooked it up so that the liquid was now entering into Jason's body. Jason's breathing evened out somewhat as his brain finally got some of the oxygen it needed to stay awake.

He arched his back and screamed aloud as he felt a burning pain in midsection. He saw the fox pull out a big lump of what looked like shiny aluminum. The blood dripped off of it and danced before his eyes as the light played tricks on him.

He tried to inhale through his nose but all he managed to get was the coppery and salty scent of his own blood and urine.

He coughed up some more blood.

He felt cool metal slide along his sensitive tummy as scissors cut through the threadbare fabric that covered his chest and abdomen. He was finally able to comprehend what the two mammals were saying, "Young stallion, shot in the abdomen, massive blood loss, the bullet punctured the stomach but didn't do any serious damage. This kid is one lucky sob."

The fox leaned down and mopped up some of the blood that had dripped out of his mouth. He wiped the inside of his mouth with a cotton ball to help absorb the blood that he had coughed up. He whispered to him, "You hear that kid? You're gonna be fine. You'll be home soon with your mom and dad."

Jason managed a maniacal laugh and whispered, "Who do you think did this?" before his eyes rolled up and he lost consciousness.