Chapter Three: Hardships of Love

Story by LucarioZer0 on SoFurry

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#4 of Love and Aura

As Valor and Tamash? left the Center the next day they were stopped by the Center's Nurse Joy. "Excuse me, you're Valor, right?"

"Yes. What can I help you with?"

"Some of the other Trainers told me that they heard some...unusual noises coming from your room. Do you know what that's about?"

"No. No idea. Maybe they were hearing things." Valor lied quickly.

"Oh. Well okay then. We hope to see you again!" Nurse Joy walked away with her usual cheer, leaving Valor and Tamash? by themselves.

"That was too close." Valor let out a sigh. "Do I need to get you a muzzle?" He asked Tamash? playfully.

"Maybe..." Tamash? responded, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Valor laughed. "Come on. I want to pick up one of my other pokémon from Professor Rowan before heading to Twinleaf Town." They left the Center, Valor thinking about which of his pokémon would be best to replace his recently released Ninetales.

When they reached the Professor's lab they went in and were greeted by one of Rowan's aids. "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Is the Professor here? I'd like to retrieve one of my pokémon." Valor explained.

"The Professor isn't here right now, but I can get your pokémon for you."

"Great. I'd like my Volcarona, Akatsuki." Valor replied.

"Alright, wait here." The aid left the room and returned a moment later, a Pokeball in hand. "Here you go, your Volcarona."

"Thanks!" Valor took the Pokeball and attached it to his belt. He bid the aid farewell and he and Tamash? left, bound for home in Twinleaf Town.

* * *

As a Pokémon Trainer, Valor was always traveling. He usually stayed in hotels and Pokémon Centers, so he had no house of his own. Despite this, he thought of Twinleaf Town as home.

As they entered the town that afternoon, Valor took it all in. The smell of the pine trees he had grown up with, the slight chill in the air, and the quiet serenity that filled every part of the town.

Of course, the town wasn't as quiet as usual at this time of year. It was autumn, the time of year for the Twinleaf Festival. Valor had made a point of always returning home for the Festival. The Festival last year had meant even more to him, as it had been the first one he had spent with Tamash?.

Unfortunately, being with Tamash? had added to one problem. Valor's mother got on his case every year about how he didn't have a girlfriend, and how she wanted grandchildren. Valor naturally hadn't told his mother about his relationship with Tamash?, so he knew he would hear the same speech every year for the rest of his life.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the house Valor had grown up in. He paused, then reached for the doorknob, not for the first time thinking that his life might be easier if he didn't have to hide his and Tamash?'s relationship.

Tamash? could tell he was reluctant to enter the house. It was all too clear why though. He had explained to her how much his mother wanted him to find a human mate. Valor took a deep breath, and opened the door. "Hello? Mom? You home?" He called out once inside the house.

"Valor! You're home!" His mother came down the stairs, a smile on her face, curly black hair bouncing along her shoulder as she rushed toward him. They exchanged greetings and a hug, then they sat down and started to talk. Tamash? always felt that humans talked too much, especially when so much could be said without a sound. One of the things Tamash? loved so much about her mate was that he understood the finer points of communication between two hearts.

Tamash? eventually nodded off as the conversation continued. When she woke up she could see it was already dark outside. "Well, it's getting late, and we've been on the road all day. Plus, I would hate to miss the start off the Festival tomorrow. I'm going to bed." Valor got up from the table he and his mother were sitting at, and motioned for Tamash? to follow him.

"Alright. Goodnight then. And goodnight to you too Tamash?." His mother said this as they climbed up the stairs.

A moment later they entered his old bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Valor locked the door and breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his mother hadn't brought up his love life. He turned away from the door and walked over to his bed. He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his shirt, and worked his way under the covers. Tamash? snuggled up against him, her soft fur brushing up against his bare upper body. Tamash? began to run her paw along his chest, her mind clearly on something other than sleeping. Valor placed a hand over her paw, and smiled sadly. "Tamash?, you're too loud. What if my mother hears us?"

Tamash? looked disappointed for a moment, then a sly smile crept its way onto her face. "There are...things I can do for you, without making any noise."

Valor sighed. "You and your libido. Tell you what, I'm going to...try something. But you have to be quiet. One sound and I stop, okay?"

Tamash? nodded, a curious look replacing her smile. Valor ran his hand down her body, stopping less than an inch from her entrance. He then proceeded to run his hand along the opening, eliciting a slight gasp of pleasure from her. Having never done this before, he let instinct take over. He continued to run his hand back and forth along her lower lips, then began to use his other hand to massage one of her nipples.

This was almost too much for her, and she began biting her bottom lip, trying desperately to stay quiet. Valor began pushing his fingers into her one by one. He had never felt the inside of her before, yet it was somehow familiar. It was soft and warm, like her fur, but it was also moist. With his hand almost entirely inside her, he rubbed her inner walls, enjoying the sensation.

Tamash? was trembling now, doing everything in her power not to lose control. Between her mate's hand rubbing against her insides and his other hand massaging her nipple with a circular motion, she was struggling not to lose her mind to sheer pleasure. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she continued to fight the urge to cry out.

Valor continued stroking her inner walls until he felt a spasm running through her muscles, signalling her orgasm. Her breathing became faster still as more orgasms ripped through her body. Valor withdrew his hand, causing another involuntary shudder to run through her body.

Valor smiled. "You think that'll hold you over for a while?" Tamash? nodded, a similar smile on her face. They kissed, then fell asleep, both satisfied.

* * *

They were woken up the next morning by the sound of knocking on the bedroom door, accompanied by the sound of Valor's mother's voice. "Valor sweetie, I've made breakfast if you want any."

Valor got up, changed his clothes, then he and Tamash? headed downstairs together. They were greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. They both took seats at the dining room table, though Tamash? naturally wasn't going to be eating the human food, she simply wanted to be near Valor. His mother came in the room and placed a plate in front of him. She left and returned a moment later with a plate of her own, and they started to eat.

"So, I don't suppose you've found yourself a girlfriend yet, have you?"

Valor coughed, nearly choking on the food in his mouth, blindsided by the question. After recovering, he found his voice. "Uh, no I haven't."

"You know, I worry about you. The last, and only, time you had a girlfriend was four years ago. What was her name?" His mother had begun a familiar pattern of conversation, a pattern that Valor was none too fond of.

"Aitana." He replied, beginning to feel irritated.

"Right, Aitana. Why did you break up with her again?"

"I didn't. She broke up with me. She thought I wasn't really attracted to her." Which, considering my current relationship, may be true of human women in general, Valor thought to himself.

His mother quiet for a moment, then said, "Valor, be honest with me. Are you gay?"

"No, I'm not! By Arceus, where would you get an idea like that from!?"

"Honey, it's alright if you are. I'll support you no matter what."

"Well I'm not, okay?" Valor asked clearly exasperated. His mother dropped the subject, and they resumed eating.

A few minutes later, Valor could hear Tamash?'s voice in his mind. "Valor, you should tell her about us. She's your mother. She deserves to know."

Valor sighed. "Fine, but don't blame me if this doesn't end well."

"What are you talking about?" His mother asked with a confused look on her face.

Valor took a deep breath. "You know how you said you would support me no matter what? Well, you see, I wouldn't be to dead set on having grandchildren, if I were you."

After several minutes of awkward pauses, avoiding his mother's stare, and feeling as though eh couldn't breathe half the time, he managed to tell her about his and Tamash?'s relationship.

His mother simply sat there, dumbfounded. Valor had specifically left out the sexual aspect of his relationship with Tamash?, but he wasn't surprised that the information had shocked her. An awkward, deafening silence filled the room as his mother tried to process what he had told her.

The silence was broken by the front door of the house opening. Sauntering in came Galen, Luxor by his side. "Hey kid, I just got back in town, so I thought I'd see how you were-" Galen stopped mid-sentence as he recognized the mood in the room.

Valor's mother was suddenly on her feet. She rushed toward Galen, a look of pure rage on her face. Galen was forced to back up against a wall by her advance. She stopped less than a foot in front of him, then spoke. "You! You're the cause of this!"

Galen looked confused. "Me? What did I do?"

"You gave my son that Arceus forsaken Riolu egg!"

Realization dawned on Galen, and he looked over at Valor. "You told her? By the Original One kid, I told you that you needed to keep it a secret!"

"You knew about this?" Valor's mother was becoming angrier every moment.

"Yes, I knew about his relationship with Tamash?. Yes, I knew they were sleeping together. I kept their secret because they're in love."

Valor's mother was silent for a moment. Then, in a deathly quiet voice, she said, "They're doing WHAT together?"

Valor winced. "Galen, I hadn't exactly told her about that...particular part of the of yet." Now, I'm screwed, Valor thought.

"This-this is just...wrong! It's unnatural!"

"Why? Because you don't understand it? Because it's out of the ordinary?" Galen countered.

"Listen you, that little slut-" She was cut off by the sound of Valor's chair hitting the ground.

"Don't you DARE talk about her like that!" Valor was standing now, his eyes burning with a fury to rival the intensity of the sun. "Tamash? and I love each other! If you can't deal with that then the only problem here is you!" Tamash? nodded in agreement with him. With that they both walked out of the house, ending the discussion.

After they left, Galen suddenly burst out laughing.

"What could possibly be funny about this?" Valor's mother asked him.

"Nothing. Just remembering the timid boy who used to follow me around all the time. Amazing how much ten years can change a person." Galen and Luxor left the house, leaving Valor's mother alone with her anger and confusion.

* * *

The Twinleaf Festival was in full swing. The center of town was full of people. Vendors were selling their wares, children were running through the streets, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the festivities.

Valor on the other hand was finding it difficult to think about anything but the conversation with his mother this morning.

"You really shouldn't let her reaction bother you kid." Galen was walking beside him, clearly intent on making sure his friend was alright.

Valor sighed. "What do you mean?"

"Well first off, you gave her some rather...shocking news. You can't really expect a rational reaction." Galen was right of course, though Valor didn't want to admit it.

"Second, no mother ever likes the women her son brings home." Galen said this rather matter-of-factly.

"How do you know that?" Valor asked sceptically.

Galen chuckled. "Experience. In fact, my mother still doesn't get along with my wife, and we've been together for nine years."

Valor didn't respond, but instead he seemed consumed in thought. The four of them continued walking through town. Eventually they wound up seated on a park bench, except for Luxor who was lying on the ground next to the bench. After a few moments, Valor spoke. "Galen, I-we-have been wondering for a while. Do you know if it's possible for a human to get a pokémon pregnant?"

Galen sighed. "I've done some research into the subject. There is a chance of conception, but it's so small it's almost not worth mentioning."

Valor and Tamash? looked at each other for a moment, then he turned back to Galen. "How much chance?"

"Well, it comes down to genetic compatibility. There are a few records of cases where a human and pokémon conceived a child, but that level of compatibility is...extremely rare."

Valor looked confused. "So, if there have been children produced by these couples, why haven't I ever heard of any half-human/half-pokémon beings?"

"It's like when you breed two pokémon, the resulting offspring will be the same species as the mother." Galen explained. "This means that if you somehow managed to get Tamash? pregnant, your children would be Riolus."

Valor and Tamash? were both smiling, enjoying the idea. "Somehow, I don't think my mother would be too thrilled with that."

"All that really matters in the end is that you love each other." Galen stood up and started to walk away. "See you later kid. I haven't slept in two days, so I'm going to rectify that problem." Valor and Tamash? watched him go, both feeling better than they had all day.


For the rest of the day Valor and Tamash? did as Galen suggested, and simply didn't let earlier events bother them. They just relaxed, and enjoyed the festival. It was when night fell that everything went downhill.

As they walked through town that evening Valor's mind was focused on finding a place for them to sleep that night. He doubted it would be a good idea to return to his mother's house. If Twinleaf Town had any flaws, it was that it didn't have any hotels or a Pokémon Center.

Valor continued to think on this problem when suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a rather...stupid voice coming from behind them. "Look boys, its little Coward."

Valor recognized the voice immediately. It was the voice of a man that had tormented him for most of his life. He slowly turned around, and found himself in the shadow of his childhood bully, Dorrik. Dorrik stood over six feet tall and was thickly built. As always he had a group of similarly built people gathered around him as a gang of sorts.

Ever since they were kids Valor had been the primary focus of Dorrik's bullying. Dorrik was rather fond of mocking Valor's name and his height. It wasn't Valor's fault he was only 5'6", and it really wasn't his fault that his mother had named him after the lake where he was conceived.

But that didn't matter. Dorrik continued to mock and ridicule him even now. "So Valor-less, how've ya been?"

Valor stayed silent, determined not to give Dorrik the satisfaction of eliciting a response. "What's the matter? I asked ya a question. After all, I didn' get ta see ya last year, and I'd like to know what my favourite little weakling has been up ta."

This time Valor chose to respond. "You know Dorrik, it's the people like you that make it look like people from Twinleaf are a bunch of dumb hicks."

Dorrik laughed. "Well, well. Looks like someone finally grew 'imself a spine." The others behind Dorrik laughed, all seeming amused by the idea. "Ya know, ya really shouldn' pick a fight ya can't win."

It was then that Dorrik noticed Tamash?. "Would ya look at that. Ya went and got yourself a Lucario. Seems like kind of a tough pokémon for such a weak little guy, don' ya think?" Then, an ugly grin spread across his face. "I get it now. It's only yer pokémon because it's a reject. It doesn' have a chest spike. It's deformed!" Dorrik and his gang all started laughing.

Going after him was one thing, but Valor wouldn't stand for insults being aimed at Tamash?. "SHE is NOT deformed. Now back off and leave her out of this!"

It was no use though. Once Dorrik found a button to push, he would push it until it broke. "So what happened then, did its spike break off?" They all broke out laughing again, and Valor could see that Tamash?'s anger was growing at a very fast rate.

Tamash? was, for lack of a better word, pissed. First this stupid, ugly human had insulted her mate and now he was mocking her as well. She didn't understand it. All the humans she had met in the past had been kind toward one another and toward pokémon, but this human seemed to revel in the pain and stress he caused.

Valor was trying to make him stop, but he simply didn't. Tamash? was so angry she couldn't see straight. All she could hear was the mocking laughter of the humans before her. Then, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Blinded by rage, she didn't think, she just reacted. She turned and blasted an Aura Sphere at whomever it was that had dared to lay a hand on her. Her rage suddenly turned into horror. Lying unconscious on the ground was Valor, knocked out cold by the point-blank blast.

Not knowing what to do, she turned and ran. The only thought in her mind was one of fear, fear that Valor would never forgive her.

Chapter Two: The Beach

The two lovers left Castelia City the next day. They were headed to Undella Town, thinking the ocean side town would be a nice, quiet place to spend the rest of their trip to Unova. After a few uneventful days of travel, they arrived on Undella Town's...

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Chapter One: Forbiden Love

Valor and Tamash? walked side by side down the Skyarrow Bridge, the sunset reflecting on the rippling water below. There was no one around, so the two of them dared to walk close to one another, him holding her paw in his hand as they went along the...

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As time moves forward society changes. There was a time when all knew what love was. But in this day and age, people have forgotten, and love's true meaning has been corrupted. People now clash over just what love is, and who has the right to love....

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