A Not So Typical Diplomacy

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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#4 of The Not So Typical Fantasy Tales

The adventures of Cyd and Princess Aurelia continue! With relations worsening and the prospect of war on the horizon, the two find themselves entering the world of politics to try and broker some peace treaties. How well they'll succeed, however, is anyone's guess...X3

A Not So Typical Diplomacy Written by Klesk Vadrigaar

Across the land another day was entering its final phase The sun lazily rolled towards the horizon in the west, wreathing the high spire of the temple in flames as it passed behind. At the main entrance two sentries were raising the gates and lowering the drawbridge for what they hoped would be the last time. The entourage passing across the moat was the last of the listed parties to arrive, so from here on their duty was to make sure everything else stayed outside the perimeter walls so that those gathered inside could deal with their business uninterrupted. Whatever had been scheduled to be settled at the temple, it was big, evidenced by both the chosen location and the fact that among the entourage now crossing the courtyard was a most dangerous looking 10-foot hulk of a dragon, dressed in the armor of the royal guard and carrying a very large weapons case on his back.

"Fine strong winds and not a cloud in the sky. With such fair weather one could almost forget we were heading into a proverbial minefield." Cyd commented as he caught up again with his charge. "You're even braver than I originally thought to be attending this summit in person, Aurelia."

Pulling her horse aside to where it could be stabled, the princess let forth a sigh of acceptance. Jumping off her mount, she threw her hood back and shook her flowing gold locks free in relief.

"Well in times like these where the Western Wilds are on the march, the highlands are engulfed in war and turmoil is rapidly spilling over into the central provinces, a monarchy cannot hide behind standard diplomats and ambassador. We need to show we're treating the threat seriously and for that we must present a personal face." Aurelia smiled as she adjusted the ornate crown she wore to keep her hair back. "Besides, this is something for which I've been preparing myself for years. Wouldn't dare pass up an opportunity to finally test my mettle!"

Cyd reacted mostly in his usual way, a roll of the eyes, an exasperated huff, all he left off was the quip about Aurelia's excessive enthusiasm, probably due to his being distracted by something else.

"Speaking of metal, there's another thing." The dragon sighed as he turned to examine one of the large crystalline structures growing out of the ground. "This is durandalum ore, rarest and toughest metal ever known. In all the centuries I've been crafting I've maybe worked with a handful of this stuff at most, and here they've gone and built a damn embassy over the largest known deposit in the lands so no one can mine it. Such a waste."

"Better a waste than a wasteland." Aurelia replied, beaming even brighter as Cyd went from melancholy to perplexed. "If this temple was not here to render the territory as neutral grounds and thus unavailable for conquest then we'd all be tearing each other's throats out trying to get rich off the veins. Best keep it out of our hands till we've learned to share no?"

The dragon cocked his head, flinched and then set about rubbing his temples as if in pain. "I....you...why must you always makes sense in the most illogical way possible?"

"Because it's fun." The snickering princess grabbed her beast's arm and dragged him into the temple's lobby. Gathered were a plethora of various individuals, many of them human, just as many not, and all looking understandably uneasy. The air was tense within the chamber and Aurelia's entrance seemed just the needed thing for everyone to find relief....if for the wrong reasons.

"Announcing her Royal Highness, Princess Aurelia of the kingdom of Koroth, and escort." The steward called out, turning several heads and raising a few eyebrows. Cyd followed the lead as he noted everyone was flicking glances between him and the golden haired lady before him, as if not quite believing the two had actually entered together.

"Well now, if this isn't a surprise. Where everyone else sends skilled and trusted politicians, King Cracker Jack sends his own daughter to negotiate for her kingdom's safety?" A raven haired girl attired in red robes and golden baubles exclaimed. Cyd was slightly taken aback, Aurelia merely smiled in warm welcome.

"In matters as delicate as these, only the most skilled negotiators can be trusted. My father like the rest of the regents thus deployed the one most apt for the job." The princess politely bowed. "Congratulations on your new post, Mara. I was hoping we'd get a chance to meet again."

The other girl turned to the dragon, craning her head back to take in his towering frame then gazing suspiciously at the royal crest on his cuirass.

"And the rumors about you coaxing the legendary craftsman to your cause were apparently true too. Quite why you thought it practical to bring a weapons maker to a peace summit is...well actually about on the level for you."

Aurelia shrugged. "Hey, it's a dangerous land out there. A lady must have protection. " She smiled at Cyd and tenderly stroked his arm, bringing Mara to just sigh and turn back to the proceedings.

"Same as ever then. Come on, we've got a lot to do and no-one's going to hold their forces at bay forever."

The doors to the grand theatre were thrown open and everyone was ushered inside.

"King Cracker Jack?" Cyd whispered as he helped seat the princess.

"The neighbouring kingdoms' little nickname for my father. It's how they show their affection." Aurelia shrugged, turning as there came a low hissing and she found a naga sitting down next to her.

"We've often pondered asss to it'sss verasssity. How amusssing that we be given the honor to finally find out." The snake mused as he adjusted his hood. Cyd narrowed his eyes as a similarly hooded vulpine approached to push her consort in, handing him a ream of documents to sort through while Aurelia watched in intrigue.

"The honor is returned it seems. I expected to see a member of the Raelans or the Kilartha in attendance, but both together? And apparently also as a united front?" The princess queried, getting a chuffed flick of a forked tongue her way as the naga faced her.

"In the fassse of thisss encroachment from two ssseparate forcesss vying for aid to overturn each other, we have found little reassson to continue our own petty conflictssss. What happensss to one of our kingdomsss will inevitably impact the other ssso we have buried the hatchet and agreed to merge our landsss together as one far ssstronger nation. A move long overdue and which we do not wish to ssssee immediately undone by the tidesss of war." The serpent reached up to take the paw of his vulpine consort. Aurelia noted the two both wore the same manner of blue and purple hooded robes...and that the fox seemed soothed at the sensation of scales against her fur.

"Further more we hoped the show of two races with such long histories of distrust coming as one party would incentivize everyone to push for likewise ceasefires." She intoned, staring quietly at the princess with her obsidian eyes. Aurelia felt quite tickled at the display of wanton trust.

"Well, how admirable. I do hope the rest of us can follow the example, my fellow...."

"Hira of Kilarth" The vulpine introduced herself. "Partner and assistant to his lordship, Grex of Rael."

The naga hissed softly as the banging of gavels brought the room to silence. The opening address welcoming everyone while stressing the importance of such a gathering was read and things then got underway...mostly by everyone voicing their disputes with each other and demanding what was going to be done to appease them. Cyd parked himself against one of the walls towards the rear, paying half his attention towards the back and forth discussions, and half towards the two creatures situated next to his princess. Throughout the proceedings they put on an admirable display of their togetherness. While by no means bad, the dragon couldn't help noticing that while those of less nominal importance eventually joined him in leaving their respective representative's side, Hira stuck close to Grex, and not in a protective manner. Rather it was like she worried what may happen if she broke from the naga's side, that she didn't trust herself to be alone during the summit. Again it wasn't entirely out of the ordinary, everyone had a reason to be on edge, but she seemed more so than everyone else.

Finally deciding he was analyzing the scene too deeply, Cyd left the theatre and headed out into the temple's garden, grabbing one of the weapon cases he'd been carrying along the way. Stepping into the richly scented mess of wildflowers blazing in the orange sunlight he scouted out a bench and snapped open the case, retrieving a familiar sword with a massively oversized blade as well as a whetstone and a bottle of polish. Behind him the faint murmurs of heated debate echoed inside the temple but Cyd simply tuned it out, content with his moment of peace and privacy as he set to work on cleaning the weapon. First he honed the edge back to an acceptably absurd level of sharpness then he smoothed the flats out to a killing shine. While it was far from what he'd consider his best work, the sword still held a significant amount of sentimental value. Aurelia had used to save him from the cultists who had tried to sacrifice him in order to release their god unto the lands, and since then she continually insisted on taking it with her every time she set out on another adventure.

Deeming he'd restored the sword to its lethally beautiful self, the dragon set aside his cleaning tools and took out a hammer and chisel. If Aurelia was now going to use it as her chosen armament then it needed some personalization. Something to make it stand out from the hundreds of others he'd crafted. He started etching a design onto the blade, giving it a flurry of thorny vines and blooming roses around the hilt, beauty and deadliness perfectly joined on the same tapestry.

"So it seems the Lady Mara's accusation was true."

The dragon stopped and turned around.

"Oh, hello again, Hira. What brings you out here?" He replied as the fox wandered up with two guards in tow.

"The talks were getting...aggressive. I felt it better if I weren't there to distract Lord Grex." She stepped around the bench, staring with intense curiosity at the blade on the dragon's lap.

"You felt it better to stand by while your province is discussed without representation?" Cyd quizzically raised an eye ridge.

"His lordship speaks with both of our best interests at heart. I'm certain he'll do fine on his own. Besides if there should come a point he does not feel confident to argue upon he can always summon me back." Hira soothed, taking a seat for herself as her guards took post. Cyd quietly noted they were both nagas, bringing him to ponder why the vixen did not bring her own sentry though he felt it better not to query.

"You say that with such an unbothered air. How can you be so calm when this whole debacle could turn into a disaster at a moment's notice?" He asked instead. Hira idly whipped her tail around as if contemplating something before she finally shrugged.

"A year ago I would never have guessed that I would travel here in the company of a Raelian under one banner. We have harbored many misgivings over many generations, yet when adversity threatens both of us our immediate reaction was to put aside our differences and face it together. If such unity can be beget between us I choose to believe we all can find a way to co-exist in this time of need." She plainly stated, bringing Cyd to nod in quiet admiration. "I imagined you and your princess were sharing the same optimism if you felt coming to such a gathering armed would not cause problems."

The dragon looked to his sword, his muzzle tightening at being caught out by the comparison.

"A fair point...though I should mention it was more Aurelia's decision than my own. Her logic was everyone would be less willing to go to war if everyone had the same advantage. A case of employing arms so no one would have to use them." He sighed and held up his hand. "I know, I know, you don't have to say it. It's crazy."

He awaited the expected agreement, but noticed Hira was instead staring at him with a ponderous air.

"Do you believe that?"

The dragon brought the blade up to let the sunlight dance across its surface.

"Well, I mean I can see HOW that might work. As for WOULD it work? Well, if it did, my reputation wouldn't be so heavily integrated in making means to allow one being to kill another. People don't seem to want peace, they want the means to grab whatever they can get their hands on and then defend it from everyone else." He spun the blade around and balanced it by its tip against the ground, returning to his contemplation of what to add next to his design.

"And yet you travel here with the only one of us who believes placing everyone on an equal footing will help to bring about peaceful co-existence." The vixen commented. Cyd hrrrmmed and twirled the sword like a top.

"I have my reasons. For one it would be nice if I could apply my skills to areas besides instruments of destruction. For a second...well, I've witnessed first hand the Princess Aurelia proving concepts that are just as crazy can work so...you never know." He turned back to the fox, watching as the light caught her exposed muzzle and dazzled across her bright yellow fur. She seemed to be dwelling deeply on his words...and smiling. Well, perhaps it was a trick of the shadows cast by her hood, but the dragon could swear there was a slight up turn of her lips. He viewed the reptilian guards again and thought about asking....but was then silenced by the doors of the temple being violently thrown open and several of the diplomats storming out. Leading the charge was Lady Mara, scowling in disgust while Aurelia meekly followed in her wake.

"Uh...I take it negotiations are concluded for the day?" Cyd asked. The princess sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Looks like it. Think it may have been a mistake getting down to business while we're all still weary from the long journey here." She rolled her eyes as Grex slithered forward.

"A minor sssetback. I'm sure everyone will be in more of a mood to deal tomorrow. Hopefully." He took Hira's paw and bade her to stand. "Come now, let usss retire for the evening and get sssome greatly needed ressst."

Fox and serpent departed for the private quarters, leaving Aurelia to hug herself and sigh as she rubbed her arms.

"Whew, I'm feeling dirty after that to boot. What say we follow their example and call it quits till the morrow?" She asked, cocking her head in intrigue as Cyd stored her sword away and smiled.

"I think a nice hot bath might be in order first. As you just said you could do with a cleaning and I wouldn't mind a good relaxing soak before turning in." He grinned as Aurelia lit up with pleasant surprise.

"So, mind telling me what the mass exodus was about?" The dragon queried after the two had dispensed with their clothes and found their way to one of the steaming pools underneath the private quarters.

"Oh just some putty concerning revision of immigration laws. We voiced the idea that we all should ease the process for outsiders to enter and make a life for themselves in our kingdoms, but just as many of us thought that was absolutely insane. Something about how we'd basically be giving adversaries the green card to come in and plot our downfall right inside our walls." Aurelia groaned, resting against the side of the pool while Cyd soaped and scrubbed her back.

"Were you of the latter persuasion?" He asked. Aurelia turned to view him with mild offense.

"Heavens no! I think granting other species the same rights we natives enjoy will be a great gesture of trust, and if indeed the worry warts' worst fears come to pass then...well let's face it, it'd be the same outcome as if we forced our neighbors to stay relegated to their territories and collectively focus their hatred. Either way there's a risk." The princess sighed as her hair was gently brushed out of the way, her breath growing heavy with relief as Cyd worked his huge, manly hands over her skin. "But of course I'm in league with a dragon so my opinion is automatically too biased to be considered."

At that said dragon had to stop and furrow his brow in abject confusion.

"Despite the fact that we have no rivalry with any kingdoms, and indeed have historically maintained a neutral position in all regional politics?" He asked. At Aurelia's nod he let slip a pitying laugh. "Human judgment is indeed remarkably strange."

Aurelia harrumphed. "Everyone's too nervous to be sensible right now. From their standing if you're cavorting with anyone outside your race then your allegiance MUST be questionable."

Cyd paused again, this time with a more understanding expression as he grabbed a cloth and soaked it in the water. "Can you forgive me for wondering if they might have been right?"

The princess permitted him enough time to finish cleaning her back before turning around to fix him with a piercingly narrowed stare. To her surprise Cyd did not wither as usual, he merely smiled as if agreeing with her demand that he explain himself.

"Take our two new acquaintances. Yeah they put on a fine show of cross species co-operation...but didn't it strike you as a little too perfect?" He leaned in as he went to work on her breasts. "The fact that Hira was the only Kilarthian to be seen among their party? The fact she left Grex to speak on both their behalfs? Neither of those strike you as odd?"

There was no immediate response. This actually pleased the dragon as it meant Aurelia was giving his suspicion some thought, swirling the water around with her fingers as she did the idea with her mind.

"I can see where you're coming from, Cyd, but much like everyone else, I think you're jumping the gun a little. The idea of two opposed factions suddenly declaring a truce does seem a little too good to be true, but consider the facts for a moment: whatever issues Rael and Kilarth had with each other previously, they pale in comparison to the issues they'd be having if they were to get tied up in the conflict of two far superior power blocks. As for the lack of the latter's presence besides Hira, well Rael has always maintained a bigger and better organized army. It's not entirely impossible that they may have simply deemed it better if they provided the protection." Aurelia shrugged as Cyd now had to chew over her words and consider her argument. "At any rate, they so far have given the best example of what we're all here to achieve. I'd prefer to encourage that for the time being."

Cyd was skeptical, but did not argue further. It would've been improper to do so anyway as Aurelia then heaved herself onto the side of the bath to let him scrub her front down. He pressed the cloth to her chest but kept his eyes locked with hers, daring her to betray something, anything that could be hiding behind their cheery sparkle. The princess revealed nothing, not out of spite but, as the hand that gently gripped Cyd's and guided it downward intoned, what she showed was what she genuinely felt.

"Have you ever considered that you might perhaps view the world with an almost mindless amount of optimism at times?" The dragon said, making Aurelia giggle cutely as he rubbed the cloth over her enormous breasts.

"Oh yes, as much as I hold a rampant amount of paranoia over the well being of those I love. Mom, Dad, my friends, you."

Cyd paused as the hand slid up his arm, holding itself to the warm scales of his bulging pecs.

"Seeing as everyone else is constantly fretting themselves sick over who to trust and how they'll live to see the next day I figure what's the point in following them? It's never hurt to try and humor the alternative."

Fingers dug into scales, as claws sized up flesh. Aurelia was easily one of the most buxom and beautiful women there were, but as she herself repeatedly pointed out, Cyd was pretty damn attractive in his own right. He kept himself in tip top shape, and easily possessed the musculature of 10 normal human beings, if not 20. The princess had plenty of fun just endlessly fondling his muscles, while he made due with his usual favorites of her ripped stomach and soft breasts.

"Well I'm glad you think so, because that very attitude causes no small amount of fretting and worry for me." Cyd grumbled, snorting annoyed flames at Aurelia as she slipped back into the bath and closed the distance between them. "I mean you throw yourself into suicidal situations without a seeming care for your own safety, or the consequences of what might happen if you fail. You go on missions like this despite there being a bevy of other people just as apt for the job and nowhere near as critical to the future of the monarchy, and no matter what I do I can't just brush it off any more. You drive me crazy on almost a daily basis with whether or not you're okay at a given moment, and I fucking hate you for that!"

Aurelia looked deep into that steaming mad visage, seeing the fiery glower in Cyd's eyes that showed he meant every word. Frankly the sincerity of it all made her giggle like a girl half her age, more so when the dragon promptly picked her up out of the water and silenced her by smothering her lips with his own. She gagged slightly as a rush of searing hot air flooded her lungs, her chest burning inside and out as Cyd's hot pecs mashed against her boobs. She forced her tongue out, found his, and twisted the two together as she let herself be absorbed by the kiss.

"You know you're even cuter when you get all fired up on something, literally speaking." Aurelia said after they broke, trembling as the dragon sighed and let his breath ignite again.

"That's also your fault. You set out to win my affections, and you succeeded. Horrendously so." Cyd sighed, then murred as the princess kissed him again. He'd tried to resist, told himself a mythical beast could never be satisfied in a relationship with a mere human, but it was a fruitless effort. Aurelia was too impulsive, too headstrong, too caring, really just too damn unique to not fall in love with. Add to that the legitimate debt he owed her for saving his life, again and again, and the dragon knew he had no chance. Besides, as he hugged the golden haired girl and let her melt into his arms, he couldn't deny that it felt good having someone to care for in return. Being worried over another was better than being apathetic after all.

He sank back into the depths of the water, stretching out fully with Aurelia atop him. Keeping his head propped against the side of the bath he sloshed the princess till she was nice and covered in the warm tides, stroking along her smooth bronzed curves while she stared with utmost affection at him.

"So, if we were to take a moment to follow your logic, what exactly should we do to try and show everyone the value of peaceful co-existence?" He finally asked.

"For starters I say co-ordinate our efforts with Grex and Hira. They're the only other two species here as an allied party so we'd best take advantage of that." Aurelia replied.

"And if we then turn around and humor my suspicions that they're not being completely honest?" Cyd queried.

Aurelia turned to view the weapons case sitting by the side of the pool, something Cyd had unconsciously held onto after they'd shed the rest of their attire.

"You and I both have the means to defend ourselves, and I'm not too proud to admit when I'm wrong."

The whole underground chamber suddenly shook, light wildly cascading across the walls as the torches were jostled in their sconces. Looking up, both princess and dragon reeled back as a second impact showered them with bits of dust and masonry from the ceiling.

"Though suddenly I find myself hoping to the gods I'm not." Aurelia meeped, leaping off of Cyd and scrambling out of the bath as a third quake cracked the stone tiles overhead. The two took cover in one of the side archways as a forth and final impact broke through something on the floor above, and there came the sound of feet pounding on the ground over a commotion of screaming.

"Seems someone was either late in arriving...or they apparently couldn't wait for us to give diplomatic negotiations a chance." Cyd mused darkly. "Either way, we've managed to yet again find ourselves in the thick of things."

"Eh, least it's nothing we're not used to." Aurelia offered with a somewhat nervous giggle. "Shows that you unknowingly had the right idea."

She ran over and opened the weapons case, blinking as she drew out her sword and observed the half-finished design on the blade.


The drake shrugged, seemingly embarrassed. "You keep insisting on carrying it with you everywhere you go. I thought I'd make it more officially yours." He bit his tongue. "Uh, is the etching to your liking? I can change it later if not."

Aurelia held the weapon up to the light, examining the twisting thorny vines and vibrant flowers blooming under the hilt. Her cheeks tinted red as she smiled at the dragon. "No, no it looks lovely. Thank you."

The dragon retrieved a mace from the case and flexed his muscles in preparation. "So what are we to do here?"

"I'm going to check just what the hell happened upstairs. You go find Grex and Hira and make sure they're safe. If nothing else the gesture has to count for something." Aurelia ran to the bathing room door and carefully nudged it open. The corridor outside bore similar signs of being disturbed by the commotion upstairs but mercifully there wasn't a soul in sight. She gestured for Cyd to follow her out and smirked as the dragon gave her a nod, then slowly shifted his scale colors to match that of the stonewall. Remembering he did have a few tricks of his own, she bade him good luck and the two took off in opposite directions.

The brush of the night air chilled the princess' skin as she ascended the stairs and crept out into the grand hall, reminding her she'd forgotten to towel off in her haste. Brushing her hair back, Aurelia ignored it and gripped her sword tighter. The return to form, as unfortunate as it was, made the princess feel oddly comfortable; she was in her element again, more so than when before when she'd been all regal and proper trying to negotiate a non-violent resolution to the disputes of her neighbors.

As she ducked into a side alcove at the sight of shadows on the wall, the princess had to muse upon this troubling ease with which she was conducting herself. Her reason for coming to the temple was to act as an emissary of peace, and yet here she was prepped for violence and feeling perfectly fine with having to end lives tonight if necessary. While she knew there would inevitably be a time and place for battle the thrill of being able to take part in it during a time when solving problems via alternate means was tantamount, it left her feeling conflicted. Was Cyd right? Was she really just chasing a hopeless dream of diplomacy? More to the fact had she in fact made a bad call by volunteering to come as her kingdom's representative? It was possible...terrible to contemplate, but possible...

Aurelia snapped out of her doubt as the clink of footsteps grew closer. Whatever the case, she now had no choice but to approach this new development in her usual way.

The princess peeked out of her alcove as the shadows stretched towards her, the sources finally revealed to be two grey skinned humanoids dressed in plate armor decorated with crude splashes of blue paint. Her blood chilled as she saw the tattooed symbol of a clawed hand inside a blazing sun on their foreheads: the mark of the Western Wilds.

The two said nothing but went to their work of searching the hallway, kicking open each door they came across and checking there was no one hiding behind. Aurelia held her breath and plastered herself against the walls of the alcove, water droplets torturing her with their tickle as they ran down her bare back. The warriors drew closer, she held her blade at the ready. They glanced in her direction, she pressed herself into the shadows. A blade was jabbed into the alcove and she narrowly avoided it. For a second it looked like she might just be able to evade detection, if only by the skin of her teeth....except one of the two then poked their head in just to make sure they hadn't missed anything. The resulting confusion as he found his face immersed in a soft pillowy pair of breasts allowed Aurelia just enough time to sigh in regret, before slamming her foot into the grey warrior's stomach and sending him reeling back into his partner. Leaping out of the alcove the princess twisted her sword around and sank it deep into her opponent's gut, saving him the pain by knocking him unconscious with a fist to the face. The second warrior was quick to shrug off his fallen comrade, but a pull back and a swing had him on the floor with a fatal slash across the throat before he could draw his weapon.

Stepping back from her kills, Aurelia quietly winced. The contrast of how effortlessly she had dispatched the two fraying away her previous ascertainment that bloodshed could be avoided. Again she told herself that survival took precedent at the moment and pressed on down the hall, eventually coming to a mess of splintered wood and warped metal surrounding a humongous battering ram in the middle of the lobby. What little of the main door remained on its frame creeked softly in the night's gentle wind, as if to slowly weep over its failure to keep the occupants of the temple safe from harm. Aurelia swallowed with dread as she beheld the slain bodies of several guards, most of them having met their end when the ram came through the door.

Beyond the lobby, the sounds of pitched battle continued, most of it sounding like it was heading down in the direction of the catacombs. The princess thought to investigate further, but stopped herself when she remembered she was alone, naked and with only her sword for protection. Had she been on one of her usual infiltration missions, Aurelia would deem herself perfectly prepared, but as this would require more than just nimbleness and a quick hand...

The princess turned and ran back to the private quarters, diving for cover when a door in front of her swung open and four more warriors emerged dragging one of the temple stewards.

"That's the last of the staff?" One of the wildmen said as they passed.

"The last. Our brothers are mopping up the remaining guards. We just gotta wait for the remaining diplomats to be brought down below and the temple is ours."

The steward groaned as he was hauled across the floor. One of the warriors brought their hammer across his head and sighed as they slung the now unconscious and bleeding human over their shoulder.

"Our brothers best not take much longer. I want to be back at camp before the sun rises."

The wildmen paused and glanced back the way they'd came, then proceeded.

"Give them another strike of the bell. Then we'll go see if they're having problems."

Aurelia slid carefully out of her hiding place once the warriors had gone, slipping down the hallway to search the other rooms. Unfortunately they all showed signs of being forcefully entered and ransacked, with the bodies of those who'd been protecting them lying dead on the floor. Her heart leapt into her throat as she approached the room Grex and Hira had been assigned and saw light coming from the doorway, with shadows dancing in the throes of combat. She steeled her nerves, rushed forward with her sword at the ready to render assistance....

And then promptly the bodies of three more wildmen fell to the ground before her, having already lost their lives to their opponents.

"Wow, uh well done, Cyd! Glad you were able to get here before they were and..."

Aurelia trailed off as she stepped inside and was met with the scene of two raelian guards aiming their bloody pole axes at her. Having the good sense to stand still and lower her weapon, the princess scanned the room, more confused than afraid at the show of hostility.

"Umm, where's Cyd?"

The raelians stepped back, revealing the dragon slumped on the floor. A very large and painful bruised decorated his skull, while at his neck two more guards held their blades.

"You were wissse to sssend your dragon in firssst, Princesssss. Unfortunately we antisssipated sssuch a predictable move." Grex hissed from the far corner, glaring at Aurelia while she beheld the battered reptile and promptly sighed in disappointment.

"Gods Cyd, not again. I thought we talked about this." She muttered, getting an even fiercer glare from the dragon as the guards held him down.

"I did everything you said! Checked the room, explained our purposes and entered in the least threatening way I could. Apparently these serpents have mastered the ability to balance overhead on the door frames." The dragon snorted a vengeful bit of fire at one of the guards, who promptly smacked him upside the head again with his axe.

"Hey now, there's no need for that! Specially not to MY dragon!" Aurelia balanced her sword against the floor and leaned on it like a cane. "Might I enquire what's going on here?"

Grex hissed in annoyance, beside him Hira sadly shook her head as she searched along the wall for something.

"I think the anssswer isss pretty clear. Our attemptsss at allianssse are over. We've failed and it'ssss now every morph for themssselvessss!"

Aurelia cautiously took a step forward so she could close the door to the room. In response the guards grabbed Cyd and forced him back as they withdrew.

"I would dare to say otherwise. Yes this kind of puts a damper on having a peaceful negotiation process, but it emphasizes that now, more than ever, we need to band our forces together!" She said, grinding her teeth when Grex simply chided her with another hiss.

"You are an idiot to think ssso then. Jussst asss everyone hasss ssssaid." The serpent sounded almost sympathetic, which just made Aurelia even madder. Beside him, Hira finally found what she was after and pulled one of the decorative support struts from the wall, causing it to slide away and reveal a well secured panic room inside.

"Your Lordship, listen to me! With every passing moment we become more likely to be the only ones still at large here, meaning we're the only hope for all our fellow representatives and staff! The only way we're going to make it through this is if we join up and try to stage a rescue attempt!" The princess pleaded, groaning in disgust as the guards dragged their captive into the panic room with them. "Come on, at least let Cyd go. He's got nothing to do with the ones currently attacking us!"

The dragon perked up, nodding enthusiastically.

"I'm here only to keep her company. Aside from that I maintain my species neutral standing." He exclaimed, getting a withering look from everyone around him as they kicked his mace aside.

"Yet you turn up here armed and prepped with an arsssenal big enough to wage a one being war. Appreciated but I can't take the chanssse." Grex moved to close up the wall again. "At any rate with you asss leverage we can ressst assured she will not attack usss. For all we know you could have been in on thisss invasion." He yanked the wall strut lever, only for the wall to give a whining lurch and remain open. Aurelia had taken advantage of the brief distraction and jammed the gears with her sword.

"Now listen here, Grex. That is exactly the type of attitude that's going to get us all killed. The very reason we're here is because the years of keeping to ourselves and reveling in our blatant distrust for each other has left all our nations isolated and unprepared to repel an attack from any sizeable opposing force. As such our purpose is to try and gain a little trust from each other, am I right?"

Grex slithered back as the princess stepped into the panic room, the annoyance in his eyes flickering as she wrenched her sword free and let the wall slam shut behind her.

"More to the point, isn't that also the whole reason you and she came here as partners rather than rivals? Hmmm?"

The snake sneered, but did seem to contemplate the human's words. Aurelia noted the way she apparently had touched something of a hidden nerve but let it slide for the time being.

"So, fine say what you want about how I'm just a foolish little girl for trying to rally you to help me rather than run and hide. But I'm staying right here till you either come to my side, or you let Cyd go." She stared right back at the serpent, calmly and resolute. A little bit more of Grex's annoyance ebbed away as he looked to Hira, then back at the princess.

"You truly believe you have what it takesss to change my mind on thisss?" He said.

Aurelia almost smiled as she nodded to Cyd. "As he'll happily tell you, I can be very persuasive."

At the dragon's confirming nod, Grex hissed, this time clearly in contemplation. He gazed over the princess body, bare for all and looking even more attractive with the water droplets coursing down her curves. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath, bouncing their heavy masses as she uneasily waited for a reply.

The snake slithered forward this time, placed his hand under the princess' chin. "I may have a way to tessst your fortitude, but it will probably repulssse you too much."

Aurelia remained undeterred; even when the serpent slid down to fondle her breasts. "You're going to have to do more than remind me of my exposed state to unsettle me."

For once the naga grinned.

"Ssstill not convinsssed?" He said while drawing down his hood. "Then how about this?"

He pulled his robes apart and let them tumble silently to the floor, leaving him as bare as the princess. His body was covered in fine orange and red scales, fading to yellow on his chest. He had a very attractive amount of muscle on him, not as much as Cyd but still plenty to show he was as fit and healthy as a snake could be. Trailing down over his ripped abs, Aurelia spied the lengths of his twin cocks, slowly rising and aimed at her with obvious intentions.

"Ahhhh..." The princess mused, looking warily at the naked serpent. "So if I let you have your way with me, that'll convince you I can be trusted?"

Grex turned to Hira, who was now looking distinctly more uncomfortable.

"The same trial wassss proposssed to her when she ssssstepped up asss emissssary to her rassse. She only barely found the will to akssssept."

Hira hid her face in the folds of her hood, clearly embarrassed and dismayed at the revelation. Aurelia shared the sentiment as she considered the matter at hand. This wasn't at all what she'd been expecting, but then what alternatives did she have at the moment? For that matter just how much did she really want to win the favor of these two?

The room was brought to silence at the princess made her decision and dropped her sword on the ground.

"Okay then. If that's what it takes." She stated, much to Grex's puzzlement.

"You ssstill believe yourssself capable?" He asked.

"Way I see it, I either take you up on your offer, or go back outside and take my chances against the wildmen. Either way I'm pretty much...well...fucked. Might as well go with the option that will hopefully do some good." She walked up to the naga, delicately placing her hands on his shoulders. "Just understand that this isn't rape, if that's what you were hoping for. I'm fully willing to do this with you."

The snake looked offended. "While my requessstsss may be unorthodox, I would never sssstoop to forsssing myself on one without conssssent." He firmly assured. Aurelia lightly kissed him on his scaled lips.

"Good, then hopefully we can both get some enjoyment out of this." She intoned, dropping to her knees and running her hands down the serpent's front. He felt surprisingly different in texture compared to what the princess was used to from her time with Cyd. Despite the two being similarly reptilian, Grex was noticeably finer, the division between one scaled plate and the next harder to determine. Aurelia rubbed back over his abs in fascination, paying extra attention to how cool he felt against her hands. She knew most of the scaled species were like that, but after having the pleasure of a searing hot beast against her skin mere moments ago it was quite a change. Not bad, just different.

That observation changed as she got down to his penii. Yes, here he was similar to Cyd. Not as big, but then again, most species paled in comparison to a dragon's size. He still looked decently endowed and so Aurelia took both of the throbbing lengths in her hands and gave them a lick. Cool, almost refreshingly so, was the flesh, like a ripe fruit that had lain in the shade on a brisk windy day. She licked again and Grex hissed in growing surprise. No doubt he still expected her nerve to break, for her to reel in disgust at having to pleasure a non-human. Unfortunately this expectation was being defeated by the fact that, to be perfectly honest, he was quite an appealing specimen. Certainly tasted fine as Aurelia slipped her mouth over one of his shafts and began to suck tenderly.

"You are indeed braver than I imagined, human. But let usss sssee how long your resssolute lassstsss." The serpent hissed, thrusting his hips into Aurealia's face. She gagged as the head was forced down her throat, drool dripping from her chin in a most unladylike manner. Still there came no protest though, in fact the princess merely swallowed and opened her mouth wider, focusing on breathing through her nose so she could be face fucked without obstruction. After a few bumps she got used to the feeling of the cock sliding deep into her maw and began sucking on it properly again, taking pleasure in the way Grex hissed in obvious enjoyment, and amazement. As she sucked, she stroked the length of his other shaft, rubbing the head to coax out a flow of precum. She slathered it up and down the flesh, watching the snake tighten as the air tickled his increasingly cooling pride.

"Shall I be more brutal then?" He asked before grabbing ahold of the princess hair and shoving her roughly into his groin. Aurelia meeped in surprise but then just went limp, letting the snake guide her till he finally seemed to bore of the show of force and pulled her off to glare at her.

"Grex, please, I'm not some weak willed, spoiled girl who's going to scream and flee at the first intimidating gesture. More to the point, it should be obvious by now that I don't share everyone else's prejudicial opinions about those outside their race so you're not going to get me to cave just by being rough. If I honestly have a chance to at least get you on my side then I'm going to take it no matter what you do to me."

The serpent's fury promptly smoldered, his breath stilling to a meek exhale as the princess moved to suck his other cock. "Now cut it out with the brutish behavior. You're not a savage, and it does you no service to act like one, especially in the presence of your consort."

At that, Grex had to turn to Hira, seeing she had turned away from the proceedings as if likewise repulsed by his actions. It made the serpent's will wither even more.

"Very well...I apologissse." He glumly replied, letting the princess resume at her own pace but keeping a hand clasped to her head.

Behind the two, Cyd, was puzzling over the bizarre way things were panning out. He felt like he should do something, maybe take advantage of the guards' being distracted to overpower them, grab their weapons and then get Aurelia and himself out of harm's way....yet, the princess had said her piece about trying to resolve this situation diplomatically, and even weirder, it appeared to be working.

The dragon grumbled as his princess stroked along the snake's lithe body, sensing he should be jealous, or at the very least offended. But really, seeing Aurelia with another lover didn't bother him that much. He knew she was only doing it to save his scales...again...and he could confidently say whatever Grex might try it wasn't going to match up with his abilities or prowess. Honestly the only issue with watching the two have sex was it was making him excited, and he had no means of relieving himself. Well....then again....

Cyd glanced over at Hira, noting she was now rubbing her arms as if bothered by something. Hesitantly he took a step back from the guards, and sighed in relief when their blades fell away from his neck. Leaving them to watch the main event, he approached the quivering vixen, idly leaning against the wall as she turned to stare up at him.

"Did he really make you do...that?" He queried. Hira glanced at her partner and pulled her robes tighter.

"It is how his people know one can genuinely be trusted. If they're willing to let go of their pride and submit to them, however briefly, then they're willing to make a deal that will suit both parties." The fox's face fell. "The Princess Aurelia is the first to call him out on it though."

Cyd sniffed at the air and hmmed thoughtfully. He curled an arm behind his head, flexing his enormous biceps and gauging the vixen's reaction. Though she tried to hide it, HIra was visibly distracted. The dragon crunched his abs, thrust out his paving slab like pecs, showed that everything the serpent had, he had tenfold. The vixen fought fruitlessly to stifle her murrs.

"You speak with such an ashamed air, yet you faithfully came here afterwards with the one who made you degrade yourself...how..." Cyd broke off at the flash of protest in Hira's midnight eyes. "Ahhhhh, I see. Aurelia's not the only one to have enjoyed it either huh."

The vixen tore herself away, trying to curl up into a ball in the corner. Cyd stepped forward and gently took her by the shoulders.

"Hey don't be so embarrassed. You're hardly the only one here to have found pleasure in the arms of a reptilian after all, let alone the only one who came because they owed a debt to another." He soothed, smiling as that bright yellow muzzle turned to him again.

"You mean?"

"I didn't come just because I know how to make weapons." Cyd nuzzled against the vixen's cheek fur. She felt like silk and smelled absolutely exquisite.

"You hold...feelings for her highness?" She asked cautiously.

"I do....and also I'd be dead five times over by now if she didn't keep such a vigilant eye on my well being." Cyd said with lessened vigour. Hira looked at him in disbelief, but his claim, coupled with the look of honest embarrassment seemed to calm her still. She turned to Grex as he hissed again in bliss. Having gotten him nice and lubed up, Aurelia had upped the ante with a good old fashion titty fuck, smooshing the snake's hemi-penii between her mammaries and contently sucking them both as he bucked into her mouth.

Hira groaned as the sight just got her even more bothered. Be it weakness in her knees, or Cyd subtly providing some extra force, she collapsed back into his arms, shaking her thick mane of white hair free as her hood was pulled down, and letting him run his fingers through it. The heat of his body was very unusual, but not unwelcome. She found herself wanting to experience more of it and pressed against the beast. He seemed to pick up on this, and saw it a fitting request to grant as he embraced her across her breasts, then proceeded to tear her robes apart.

She uttered only a hushed gasp as her clothing was pulled off, her body going completely limp to make it easier for the dragon. Cyd held the vixen firmly yet softly, giving her all the support she needed as he ran his hands over her now bared form. She was very svelte, shaped in the way befitting a lady of elegance, with very nicely sized tits and quite the pair of hips. Everywhere her fur shimmered with the same aura of golden yellow, save for her chest and tummy, which were white. She felt so soft and silken Cyd couldn't seem to stop his hands from wandering. He rubbed her perky breasts, stroked along her stomach, showed he approved whole-heartedly of her and listened in glee as the vixen responded with moan after moan of pleasure.

On her end, Aurelia took to her suckles with noticeably more gusto, the knowledge that her dragon was at last getting in on the action giving her more cause to please. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he bent the fox to his will, a hand between her legs to tend to the treasure that lay within while she grabbed for him and hung on as if afraid of having to stand on her own.

Aurelia sealed her lips around the snake cocks and drew in a strong breath, gulping down the pre that shot forth from their tortured heads. The intro to this situation might have been rocky, but now as things progressed along, it was actually getting to be fun. Grex definitely seemed more cooperative now that he knew he was dealing with a likewise strong willed soul. He gazed down at her with something almost akin to passion now, his hand no longer tugging at her hair but rather stroking it, encouraging her to do as she was while he thrust into her tits.

Between them the guards were looking less keen on doing their actual job and more torn on which action to watch, the human pleasing their lord and master, or the dragon who was currently licking over their lady in trust, letting her return the favor by kissing all over his broad muzzle. The latter surprised them more; Lady Hira hadn't been known to show favor to anyone save for Lord Grex since the two first met. Course then again there hadn't really been anyone else to show interest in her till now, and so long as their lord seemed okay with it then who were they to stop proceedings? Especially so when the vixen turned around to let the dragon have full access to her front, her own paws rubbing his aching shafts while he licked and kissed over her breasts. The heat had brought her to ragged panting now rather than moaning, yet still she let Cyd go on. This was too new, too interesting, too...well vital perhaps, for her to resist. She glanced back at the naga, caught his eye as he thrust again into Aurelia's mouth. What passed between them remained unknown, but the move itself did not escape notice.

Grex pulled at the princess hair, not harshly but more of a gentle sign that he wanted her to stand up. Aurelia wiped her mouth again and did so, intrigued to see the snake now looked...uncertain. He clasped his hands to her shoulders, pushed her over to where a bed had been set up for long term sieges. Aurelia did both without question or protest. This seemed to unnerve the snake now, rather than empower him, and when the princess boldly leaned up to kiss him again, he shuddered.

"I think it'ssss time we move on, your highnessss." He stated, giving her a light shove. Aurelia let herself tumble backwards onto the bed, raising her legs so Grex could grab and part them. The serpent paused as he loomed over her, waiting to see....something. Maybe for her to have second thoughts, maybe to show a flicker of fear, maybe just something besides laying there looking calm and utterly tempting.

Grex lowered himself down on top of the human, letting her breasts cushion his chest. She cooed softly as his cool scales tickled her skin anew, flinching cutely as he flicked his forked tongue to lick her face.

"Do what you have to do. I'm not going to resist." Aurelia gently assured. The snake lined himself up with her holes and eased both his shafts in. The princess moaned quietly as his hips thudded against her thighs, the invasion of such slick and cold flesh catching her off guard.

"No you won't, will you?" Grex mused as he pulled out. "Othersss dessscribe you asss crazy, yet where they would refussse advansssesss ssssuch assss thissss, you welcome me without any hesssitanssse." He thrust back in, watched as his quarry grit her teeth. "Why?"

Aurelia leaned up to answer, only to collapse again when the snake began pounding her properly. He may not have had the same size as Cyd, but his enthusiasm was certainly making up for that.

"It's just...ah...part of being diff...ooh my...different from the norm." She replied, groaning as Grex's hands found her breasts. Behind her there came the sounds of pleasured screams, with Hira's tail smacking viciously against the bed frame as Cyd sent her into her first climax of the night. Stifling a smile, Aurelia looked over, watching as her dragon released the vixen's tits from being torturously suckled. She quickly turned and lay down next to the princess, assuming a mating position for the dragon as he grabbed her from behind and raised her tail.

"Maybe my parents raised me improperly...ooooh...maybe I've been exposed to too many different mindsets...aghh...I just...ngh....just don't see anything wrong in trusting other species." Aurelia explained, shutting her eyes as they began to water from the cool digits sinking into her tits. Grex was doing a pretty damn good job now that he had a rhythm going, and getting to feel Hira writhe against her as Cyd sank himself deep into her depths only made it better. She reached over to carress the vixen's shimmering face, gladly accepting when Hira leaned over to take her in a kiss while the males fucked them into oblivion.

Grex hissed at the sight of his vixen in a tender lip lock with another female, not in anger but rather surprise. He'd never thought her one to be interested in her own gender, though he could understand why she'd want to with one as enrapturing as the princess. Unfortunately this minor revelation was all said princess needed to finally piece everything together, breaking the kiss to smile in triumph at the serpent.

"The show that you two likewise would trust each other definitely caught my interests, but I can see now I underestimated just how much you two trust each other." She lay back, reaching up to stroke Hira's cheek fur again. "I don't deny though, if I didn't already have someone to love I'd certainly have opted for one like you, my Lady."

Grex stopped dead in his thrusts, Cyd did likewise in befuddlement. "What?"

Aurelia smirked. "Something else came from your 'trust exercise' with Hira, didn't it? You set out to earn each other's loyalty, but instead you earned each other's love."

Grex's mouth tightened.

"Now you're here both as a show of good faith, and also because if you can't cement an alliance then things are going to go very bad for you indeed when both your nations get taken over. That's if the reactions I've gotten from having Cyd by my side are anything to go by." The princess stated, getting an even fiercer glower from Grex, while Cyd just scratched his head.

"You...deduced all of that?" The dragon asked.

Aurelia nodded. "Look at them, Cyd. They've behaving exactly the same way you and I do: clearly more intimately knowledgeable about each other than should be proper for two diplomats."

Hira sank her face into the bedspread. Behind her the guards raised their weapons fearing things might turn violent, however, with a wave of his hand Grex brought them back down.

"Hold your actsss! Thissss human hasss gone thisss far without any show of offenssse. I wish to hear what matter thisss deduction of hersss holdsss." He stared intently at the princess, hand still held high if her answer didn't satisfy him.

"By most accounts it doesn't matter at all, Grex. Just proves we're more alike than you might expect, and thus you can rest assured that I mean what I say on how we can help each other."

The serpent wavered, eyes narrowing further at the human. Eventually, however, he sighed and bade his guards to step back.

"Ssso you claim again....let usss finish the tessst of your commitment then." He pulled out and slammed against the princess' hips, bringing her to gasp and grapple for the sheets as the fucking resumed.

"B-Bring it on." Aurelia moaned. Her pussy squeezed the snake cock for all it was worth, making each thrust a struggle for Grex. It was a challenge he seemed to welcome as the harder she fought, the harder he pounded. Judging from Hira's hoarsened cries, Cyd was being no more merciful, though that wasn't to say he was be too rough for her liking. Heck, she was grabbing and clawing at the bed in just as much pleasure as Aurelia, ceasing only when Grex reached over to still her paw.

Hira looked up at her serpent through eyes that were fogged over with the ecstatic haze, saw what lay within his own tightly narrowed orbs. It seemed enough to make her clutch his hand in an almost death like grip, tears staining the sheets as she wept with the rush of a second orgasm. The dragon was stretching her holes so much she feared she'd rip in two. Granted the pain did sharpen the pleasure but she wasn't so sure this was something she'd want to experience on a daily basis. He was making her feel good though, so she did her best to make him feel good in return, flexing and tightening around his lengths till she felt a wall of searing heat fan along her back, followed by the rush of boiling fluids rushing into her depths.

On her end, Aurelia enjoyed the sight of fire burning through the air, listening to Cyd surrender to the force of his own orgasm before she felt the same manner of paralyzing pleasure overtake her. A good climax to be sure, though strangely one Grex seemed reluctant to keep contributing to as no sooner did she cry out than the snake was fighting to pull himself free of her holes. The princess gasped against the force of finality, struggled to elevate herself as first her snatch then her ass were deprived of their cocks. Looking over the hills of her breasts she saw Grex was furiously stroking himself off, forked tongue flicking between his teeth as he clenched up and joined everyone else in the fray.

Aurelia sighed in post orgasmic bliss as cool naga spooge splashed against her face. She caught some with her tongue and tasted its rather exotic flavor as the snake gave her a good hosing and finally let himself wilt against the bed, his hand still holding tight to Hira's.

Cyd blew a few rings of smoke to the rafters as he laid the vixen down, smirking as she turned and kissed him softly on his scaled lips.

"Thank you." She whispered before pulling herself off and crawling over next to the naga.

"Truly you are sssomething elssse, your highnessss. And how refreshing it isss to sssee sssuch a reputation isss well dessserved." Grex subtly hissed as he got back up.

Aurelia quietly wiped some of the cum off her face, licking her fingers as she stared up at the regally reenergized serpent.

"So, are we good now?" She asked.

Grex solemnly nodded. "I can't fathom what you intend to do to turn sssircumssstanssssesss around in our favor. But at the sssame time, you are correct that if we can't make thisss work then Hira and I are doomed, ssso we will do what we can to help you." He sighed as the princess continued to try and clean herself up. "Pleassse, allow me."

He leaned over and began licking the cum off her, bringing a second amused snort from Cyd. "I'd like some too if you don't mind."

Aurelia choked back her mirthful laughter as two very different tongues assaulted her face and breasts, finally pushing both males away when she deemed she was presentable.

"That's enough you two. Business time now." She got up off the bed and retrieved her sword. "On the way over here I heard two of the wildmen mention something about rounding everyone up in the underpass. We need to get down there and see what the hell they're up to."

Grex looked to his guards and hissed an order as they frantically composed themselves and readied their weapons. Spying his mace, Cyd grabbed it off the ground as Hira ran to the door lever and opened the panic room.

"Bessst we take it asss quietly asss possible then. The fact we made ssso much noissse yet apparently didn't get their attention issss a consssern in itssself." Grex mused.

"Indeed, you two stay back with your guards. Cyd and I will take the lead. " Aurelia ordered as she nudged open the outer chamber's door open. The slain wildmen lay right were they'd been left, yet the hallway appeared to be otherwise deserted.

"Didn't even come back to check when their brothers failed to report in? That's not good." The princess quickly scouted the way back along the halls, her nerves growing cold as the signs of a battle long since ended were all that greeted them at every turn.

Finally reaching the lobby again, and the entrance to the underpassage, Aurelia let everyone gawk at the sight of the battering ram and the destroyed entryway while she tried the door leading beneath.

"Locked, and not from this side." Aurelia peered quizzically through the keyhole. "Uh, Cyd, you know anything about how to pick something like this?"

A hand rested on her shoulder and she turned to see the drake nodding for her to step aside. Doing so, Aurelia blinked as the towering beast simply leaned all his weight against the door and pushed till its locking mechanism broke apart.

"Seeing as I can just as easily make a replacement there isn't much need for knowing how to bypass something that you can break." He smiled as his princess rolled her eyes. The group headed into the underpass, delicately stepping over the bodies of more slain stewards and guards till they came to a lit doorway, through which a very profound argument could be heard.

"The charges, brother! If our kindred have not returned yet then our time is even more limited than we thought." One voice harshly commanded.

"Perhaps you would care to trade places then? See how long you favor having to restrain this rabid bitch?" Another quipped back. "Really must we still go with the Elders' plan to level this place? We have both blade and bow, it would be no waste to simply execute these outsiders and be done with it!"

The scraping of something heavy being dragged across the floor could be heard, followed by a vicious snarl.

"Your ears hear so much, and yet comprehend so little, brother. Till the others return we remain two against many, and while this place stands the chance of our opposition being increased stands with it. Our orders are to see that we deprive our enemies of both their emissaries and their reasons to be nice to each other in one fell swoop and that is what we need to do!"

Aurelia crept up to the doorway and stretched her sword out, looking at the reflection in the blade to see what awaited them. Two wildmen were hastily putting together some manner of spherical device in the center of the catacombs. Behind them the remaining diplomats sat against the far wall, bound and gagged. Several of them looked in horror at the device, some of them struggled against their bonds.

Aurelia ducked back into the shadows of the wall as Cyd and the others caught up with her.

"Okay, not a terrible amount of resistance in there...but they aren't the only ones in the temple. We need a means to clear that room while also making sure we don't get ambushed from behind." She whispered, fingers tightening around the hilt of her sword as footsteps echoed down the underpass. "And um, quickly at that."

Grex glanced behind then nodded to his sentry as he flexed his arms. "Leave the aforementioned to ussss. Jussst make sure we aren't interrupted."

Aurelia cocked an eyebrow as the serpent slithered past her, followed by Hira and the naga guards. Nevertheless she took up position on the other side of the hall, weapon raised and body primed for action. Checking around for Cyd, she noticed the dragon had seemingly vanished...until she looked to the intersection they'd come from and noticed a disembodied eye winking at her against the stonework. Smirking her approval, Aurelia stepped out into the light of the torches, paying a welcoming smile to the wildmen as they strode into view and promptly stopped at the sight of the naked female. The surprised, again, was only momentary, but it was enough time for the princess to bring her blade to the throat of one wildman, parry the swing of another axe, watch as he was silently subdued by the camouflaged Cyd bringing his mace down onto his head from behind, and then turn to the last one as he backed away from the opposition. The three faced off as the Wildman frantically shuffled away from the corner, hoping no doubt to try and close the distance between him and his reinforcements in the catacombs. A sharp cry of surprise from said catacombs, however, drew his attention away, a fatal distraction that Cyd did not hesitate to punish him for.

He grabbed the grey skinned being by the throat and swiftly crushed his windpipe. Leaving their enemies where they lay, human and dragon ran to lend what aid they could, only to be met with the sight of Grex silencing one Wildman in the grip of his coils, and Hira restraining another while the nagas pulled their blades out of his chest.

"Huh, nice work." Aurelia said in admiration as the serpent released his prey.

"Even if our caussse isss the pursssuit of peassse, Rael would never let one of itsss own beyond the bordersss without ssssome combat training." He said, looking lovingly at Hira as she tossed her opponent to the floor.

"Kilarth is no different." The vixen replied, turning to start untying the other diplomats while Cyd stepped forward to inspect the device.

"What's this?" Aurelia asked, being roughly held back by the dragon.

"A bomb! And it seems they've managed to arm it!" Cyd declared, getting an aggravated cry from Mara as Grex removed her gag.

"Exactly. Seems they intend to blow this whole place into rubble, with us in it!" The dark haired woman spat. "I asked them why they imagined such an action would benefit them, but they just whacked me over the head and stuffed cloth in my mouth."

Aurelia's spine went cold as she looked over the explosive, though her mind still maintained enough coherency to work out a reason to why.

"That actually makes sense. With the temple gone, this territory reverts back to being up for grabs, and with their diplomats now dead it'd be exactly as they said. They mean to set us against each other trying to get our hands on the resources here, thus not paying attention to them as they march in and flatten us under their might!"

The princess looked up, noticing she was now getting a lot of cocked eyebrows and weird looks. "Well, at least that's the sense I can make of it."

Mara eyes the golden haired woman suspiciously, then flicked her gaze to her companions. "Where the hell were you all when we were being violently dragged down here anyway? And why are you all naked?"

Grex and Hira glanced to their relative states of undress, suddenly looking somewhat self-conscious while Aurelia shrugged.

"Cyd and I were enjoying a bath when the wildmen attacked. We managed to escape detection, found Grex and Hira and...'persuaded' them to help us mount a rescue effort."

Mara's mouth dropped open in shock. Grex cleared his throat and she looked at the serpent in disgust.

"She proved herssself to be a very resssolute sssoul at that. Truly asss a diplomat she dessservesss more credit than we've given her."

Mara and the others struggled for words, while Aurelia pointed to the bomb with her sword. "Yes, umm, getting back to the very dangerous explosive device in the room. Cyd, can you disarm this thing?"

The dragon tentatively approached the bomb, looking over it as it creaked and whirred in its countdown. "I...I don't know. The design looks like it was deliberately made to be too complex to decipher before detonation. I think it best we evacuate instead." He moved to help release the remaining diplomats, while Aurelia shook her head.

"No, no wait. That still is what they want us to do, and as I said, it'd only serve to further the conflict between our nations." She looked frantically around the room, cradling her chin as she spied several crystalline structures pointing down from the ceiling. "Cyd....you said that durandalum ore is the strongest metal ever?"

"Toughest actually, but yes?" The dragon replied in puzzlement.

"Do you think you could construct some sort of blast shield to contain the explosion with it?"

Cyd looked down at the princess, cocking a very puzzled and aggravated eyeridge. "Maybe but it'd be risky. Look, Aurelia, we don't have time to debate this, we have to get everyone out now!"

The princess stared resolutely back at the drake, aggravating him further as he realized this was going to be yet another point she would not back down from.

"But it could be done right?" She asked. Cyd snorted flames in frustration.

"Aurelia, we came here to negotiate alliances with the other nations, we can still do that if we make it out of here in one piece. Why should we risk our necks just to save a damned building?"

Aurelia stabbed her sword into the ground, body firm and confident as she took a deep breath.

"Because we're nice people and we'd like history to remember us as such? Not to mention if we can pull it off it'd be a shining example as to what co-operation between nations can accomplish?"

Silence hung in the catacombs, with the majority of the occupants shaking their heads as their expectations that the princess was indeed as insane as her reputation suggested was confirmed.

Cyd, however, was the first to think otherwise, heaving a great big sigh as he rubbed his scaled head.

"I said it before, and I'll say it again: I hate, I mean fucking HATE how you make sense in the most illogical way possible." The dragon seethed. "However, you nonetheless make a fair point so...someone get me a pickaxe and let's start mining the damn ore!"

The diplomats were astounded, however, Mara seemed oddly intrigued by the concept. Grex as well as he nodded to his guards.

"Do asss he sssaysss, there hasss to be sssome manner of mining toolsss around here."

"There is." One of the surviving stewards, a tiger, said. "Uh, follow me."

The three headed out as Mara shook off her loosened bonds and stood up.

"You'll need someone to keep the remaining wildmen off you while you work. Give me a weapon and I'll volunteer!" She pounded the flat of her hand, leading Aurelia to giggle as she picked up her sword again.

"We left one of the cases we brought with us in the private baths. Let me escort you to it." She smiled as the dark haired female blinked, then rolled her eyes.

"Humph...alright if you must." She permitted the princess to lead her out of the catacombs while everyone else went to work helping Cyd.

"I honestly cannot believe you. I mean coming here armed seemed insane enough, but you really had to stoop to sexual favors to get what you wanted?"

Checking the hallway was still clear of hostiles, Aurelia let the logic of Mara's accusations sink in as the two hastily ran back to the private baths.

"It was either that or watch Cyd get captured and possibly killed for something that was no fault of his. Besides it brought to light some revelations about Grex and Hira that actually helped ease the tension between us all."

This did little to convince the black haired female as she descended the steps. "So you honestly see no fault in tarnishing the name of your family or your reputation just to satisfy your carnal lusts?"

At that, Aurelia had to finally sigh and turn to confront her felly lady, bringing Mara to a dead stop by driving her sword into the ground between them.

"Mara, look, I understand you may not see the logic of what I or my parents do to run our kingdom. That's fine, we accept that when going into any of these international disputes, but for one moment please can you take a step back and try to listen? I took the road less travelled, not because I had a craving for exotic pleasure but because I had no choice, and humored the idea that if I placed my faith in one outside my race then they would return that trust. They set the terms, I agreed, and the end result was I managed to get further in forging alliances than you did using the normal channels. Is that really such a despicable turn out?"

The argument seemed almost childish, but unfortunately the evidence backing it up could not be ignored. It didn't necessarily prove Aurelia was right in her actions, but it DID prove she'd at least managed to vindicate her position.

"More so, does this revulsion really stem from the fact my conduct is unbecoming of a royal lady, or is it because you still have the hots for me?"

Now THAT definitely hit with a bit more punch. Mara glared at the blonde haired woman as she quietly stared over the hilt of her weapon, taking the hatred in stride and showing she still expected an answer. Feeling herself start to quiver as she again took in the beauty of Aurelia's body, Mara let her guard slip ever so slightly, just enough for the princess to sigh at her suspicions being confirmed.

"In all the time since we first met, have you really not been able to find anyone else like me to help make you happy?" Aurelia asked, thinning the disdain from her voice so Mara wouldn't feel like she was still under interrogation.

"Aurelia, one could argue there aren't enough women like you in this world, as easily as they could argue there are one too many. Plenty could match your beauty, none could match your....character." Mara's face fell, even as the princess withdrew her sword from between them and offered her hand. "The amount of time my role as a diplomat has stolen from me hasn't helped either."

Anger increasingly withdrew as the two made it to the bathing area. Indeed that Mara was as up front about her own wants as she was about her opinions actually made for a refreshing change of pace.

"Been feeling a bit pent up as of late?"

The raven haired lady sighed and nodded. "For far too long."

Aurelia hunted in the weapons case, smiling as she pulled out a massive ornate double bladed battleaxe. Tempered in shiny black steel, it gleamed with the lethal precision of its finely honed blades, crying its desire to shed blood with every flawless curve.

"Well will this help you at least work some of it out?"

Mara stopped dead again, though for very different reasons. Her eyes sparkled with the reflection of the weapon held out to her, body quivering again that a wholly different kind of beauty was being presented to her.

"Axes are still your preference right?" Aurelia asked, smirking as her fellow lady accepted the steel with shaking hands, her breath ragged with awe as she studied its craftsmanship.

"This is...for me?" Mara asked.

"I asked Cyd to personally give it his best efforts. I trust it pleases you?"

Mara took a practice swing with the weapon, then hefted it up and judged the weight. Her face grew brighter as the perfection of the work showed with each test.

"A dragon's craftsmanship, in my hands..." The trance was finally broken when the sounds of footsteps were heard overhead, with the muffled cries of alarm. "Let's go...try this out."

Aurelia raised her sword and both women departed to bring hell down on those who'd dared to intrude upon their domain.

"Yes I said closer, move that section closer so it'll hold."

Mopping sweat from his brow, the feline steward slid the freshly mined ore into place and winced as Cyd welded it to the others with his fire breath.

"Alright, who's got another chunk?"

One of the diplomats gave a weary heave and dragged another shiny metallic crystal over to the dragon.

"*Pant* Not that I wish to argue with one of your stature, Master Craftsman...*pant*...but are you absolutely sure this is going to work?"

Heating the ore, then hammering it out into a crude panel, Cyd added it to the shell around the bomb.

"If it doesn't then we all die and clearly the precious qualities of durandalum have been massively exaggerated and its worth overstated. If it does...well...we have to live with the fact that we're wasting the ransom of several kings in priceless raw material. Either way, we're out something."

Stumbling under the weight, Hira rushed over with more crystals, her fur rising and tail whipping frantically as the bomb ticked away. "May I ask then, why are we doing this? Aurelia gave her reasons but...forgive my saying so, I felt they lacked weight."

Cyd grimaced as he worked. "Perhaps, but as we're all proving, she was right about the general desire. We came here to improve things between us, and well, now we've got one hell of an opportunity to realize that."

Grex hissed his agreement as he balanced one chunk of ore in his hands and another in his coiled tail. "If thisss temple fallsss, we have failed in our rolessss, regardlessss of whether we sssurvive or not. If we sssave it, we have proven we are better and more trusssting of each other than our enemiessss."

One of the other diplomats, a green skinned humanoid, bobbed his head from side to side.

"Well almost. I'm doing this because if I come back without having managed to secure an alliance it'll be the chopping block for me. So pretty much I'm dead either way."

"And I have mere weeks before I'm made to retire from my post. This may be the last chance I get to truly make a difference for my homeland." One of the older morphs followed. Giving his age ravaged bones a crack, he grabbed the durandalum he'd mined and carried it over in open defiance of his frailty. Cyd had to pay the guy an admiring nod for his efforts. Really, he had to pay respect to everyone for not fleeing but rather trying to save the temple. Their negotiations around a table might not have had much success, but put them in a situation with actual danger and it became clear that co-operation and peace was everyone's true priority.

Taking a deep breath, Cyd kept at his hammering and welding. Silently he prayed the powers that be would give him just a few more minutes to complete his work...then as he finally got the last few pieces into place, he prayed it would prove to be work that was apt for its task.

"Okay that's done it!" He frantically sealed the last hole in the dome covering the bomb and then quickly placed his hands on top once the metal was cool enough to touch. "Now I need everyone to find a section that isn't glowing and hold it down!"

"What?" Came the reply from several of the assembled.

"The ore might not be heavy enough to stay grounded once the bomb explodes. We have to make sure the blast can't hurl it into the ceiling!"

Several very dubious stares were shared, but they were all followed by shrugs that if those present had come this far they couldn't very well back out now. Diplomats and servants alike rested their weight against the dome shield, Grex and Hira finding a spot among them where they could press side by side.

"Well, thisss isss it. The moment of truth." The naga hissed. Hira nodded and reached over to rest her paw over his hand.

"Whatever the outcome...just, know that while I may have indicated otherwise at the time, I'm grateful now to have met you." She gave a pained smile, and fought back tears as Grex squeezed her paw.

"Likewissse, Hira. I love y-"


The dome, the diplomats, the dragon, and the room itself suddenly leapt a foot into the air. The welded durandalum plates ballooned outward like a water bag in the process of being filled. Several drew their feet up as the floor below them was suddenly replaced with a carpet of rushing wind and searing flame...

...then all came crashing down back to earth in a heap of smoke. Morphs of all manner grunted and moaned as the impacts tossed them off the dome, leaving their bodies aching and their ears ringing from the volume of the explosion. At any other time those would've been cause for severe complaint. For those assembled, however, they were signs of victory, reminders that though they were hurt, they were still alive.

"We....*cough*....we did it?" The feline steward choked as smoke burned his throat. He looked through stinging eyes, seeing shadows move in the chaos.

"I...I think...*cough*...think we did."

Cyd cautiously rolled over and felt his way along the floor, brushing past several bodies till he encountered the warped and distended dome. Daring to provide some light with his breath, the dragon studied his work. Oddly it was elation that filled his body at seeing how the explosion had ruined the welded ore, not disappointment.

"Yeah we did it, the temple is saved!"

There was much rejoicing, followed by much more hacking and choking against the acrid air.

"Perhapsss we...*cough*...can head upstairssss now?" Grex rolled onto his belly and made like his species was meant too. It might have been a degrading return to the more primitive habits of the nagas, but it kept him under the clouds so he could at least find his way out of the room more easily. "Hira...and anyone elssse behind me, you might want to grab my tail."

Hands grappled along the serpent's body, making him writhe as they dug in for purchase.

"C-Carefully pleasssse."

Blindly groping around, the gathered morphs managed to find their way back to the upstairs with Cyd taking the lead, all of them singed, weary and bruised, but nevertheless safe.

"Aurelia...*cough*...Aurelia we managed to contain the..." Cyd began as he opened the door, then stopped as he had to duck a flying head. Several screams and cries of revulsion came from behind as the disembodied cranium bounced down the stairs to the catacombs, and from in front the clash metal against metal issued forth.

"Aurelia!" The dragon ran into the lobby, sidestepping as the body of a wildman collapsed against the wall, its hands making a futile effort to hold its entrails in the gash cut across its stomach. Ahead two more broke from their attack as they registered a new arrival behind them. Cyd raised his fists for combat, but no sooner had the wildmen brandished their weapons than they were paying for their distraction. One suddenly went wide eyed and gasped in shock as it collapsed to the floor, while the other stared in horror at the ornate battleaxe lodged in its spine.

"Lady Mara?" Cyd asked as the raven haired woman wrenched her weapon free and crossed it against the blade of her other opponent.

"Be...ergh...be with you in a minute. Your princess is...over there."

Cyd looked to his left and saw Aurelia in the middle of a five strong huddle of enemies. Not that that was giving them any advantage as her blade was still proving fast enough to parry theirs, and only their frantic dodging was saving them from getting skewered with it.

"Right do you need any..." Cyd broke off again as Mara shoved the wildman's blade aside, pulled back and drove the pommel of her axe into his gut. Gasping as the wind was forced back out of his lungs, the blue skinned barbarian only had time for a whimper before the axe blade met his neck and ended his suffering. "I guess not."

The dragon winced at Mara's near orgasmic reaction as she added another decapitation to her kills. Taking a deep breath he charged at the ones attacking Aurelia and threw himself upon them. Those that weren't immediately flattened found themselves have new cause to retreat as flames suddenly threatened to envelop their world. Stumbling back, Aurelia sensibly got herself out of harm's then churred at seeing her beloved beast still alive and very angry.

"Cyd! I take it you..."

The dragon raised his hand for silence as he reached out, grabbed a wildman by his chestplate and threw him into the stone wall.

"Your plan worked, the bomb's been taken care of." He growled, snorting bitter flames as Aurelia giggled triumphantly. "Just please keep your comments to yourself and help me clear these damn pests out!"

In splashes of blood, and jets of fire, the wildmen found themselves being forced back out of the lobby, nearly tripping over each other as more and more of their prisoners joined the fray and more of the brethren fell to their attacks.

"What is this brothers? You swore the diplomats were rounded up and the charges set!" One of them, a taller, more imposing figure with red war paint on his face demanded.

"Oh they did, quite well at that. You just didn't send in a big enough invasion force to handle the stragglers." Aurelia calmly explained, ceasing her attacks as the remaining wildmen lowered their weapons and took notice that what had started as a well-coordinated assault had now turned into a chaotic massacre, and not in their favor. "As for your attempts to level the place, well, consider the natural resources growing here, and now consider him, a being who's very well versed in how to use them."

She pointed at Cyd who merely growled and blew more flames at the barbarians. The red painted one glowered at the bedraggled politicians and servants, all of them looking far too exhausted to put up much of a fight, yet staring back at him with equal disdain and defiance.

"Look, you've had your fun for tonight. I think it's time you picked up your wounded and departed, post haste." Mara raggedly threatened, grinning as she pulled her axe out of her latest victim. The wildman looked to each other and gauged their ranks. They still outnumbered the assembled morphs, yet at the same time, several of those morphs were armed with some very lethal looking steel, one was a dragon that could easily roast them all in one go, and the remainder were making it clear they'd make victory cost them dearly. Add to that that they'd failed in their ultimate objective and the prospect of continuing the battle lost its appeal.

"You know we are but a scouting party? In the woods thousands of our brothers lie in wait to lay siege to all your lands." The red one coarsely threatened.

Aurelia, Mara and Cyd traded glances.

"Yes we figured that, so we ask that you pass this message along to them: the temple still stands, this land still remains out of your clutches, and tonight you witnessed the combat ferocity that the mere dignitaries of our kingdoms possess. Imagine what our actual armies are capable of, and then consider that you've given us even more cause to work together. If your leaders still deem us worthy of conquering then, well, best of luck to you." Aurelia answered.

The red barbarian looked furious, and his fellow warriors seemed to take strength from his rage. The princess tightened her grip on her sword as she saw him take a step forward, a hand on the scimitar sheathed at his side. It seemed the battle would have to continue after all...

...until a red and orange tail suddenly shot out from between Aurelia's legs, wrapped itself around the painted wildman's neck and yanked him down to the floor.

"Sssserioussssly, pleassse leave." Grex coldly hissed as he dragged the thrashing humanoid towards him. The wildman whipped out his backup blade and swung wildly at the serpent in an effort to free himself, but Grex just dodged the attack and promptly flung the warrior into the air, slamming him onto the floor repeatedly till he was forced to drop his weapon.

"Now would be most preferable." Hira intoned as she grabbed the discarded scimitar and leveled it at the wildman's face. This spurned several of the others to advance, presumably in attempt to go on the offensive. But with one combined look from Aurelia et all, they quickly made it clear they were only reaching for their brothers who hadn't yet succumbed to their wounds. Two of them cautiously approached the vixen and snake, and they duly let them pick up their snarling leader and run like hell for the door. Cyd walked out after them and lay fire to the surrounding foliage, giving the temple a makeshift defensive measure, as anyone who wished to come back in would have to ford through the flames.

"They're probably going to return in force, aren't they?" One of the diplomats said.

"Probably, but not till they've licked and tended their wounds so we've got a little time to recover." Aurelia drummed her fingers on the hilt of her sword. "Do we have messenger birds or anyway to get a signal out to the nearest kingdom?"

The feline steward pondered and shook his head.

"They made sure to destroy the tower bells when they stormed the place, however...." He twitched his whiskers as Cyd returned. "I do suppose we could salvage some kindling from the remains and make a signal fire. The garrison at Rakalf City will be able to see it quite easily."

Cyd hmmed and nodded. "Should be easy enough to whip something up, so long as we aren't interrupted."

Grex turned to his two guards and pointed for them to take sentry duty at the door.

"And in the mean time, just in case we do get an encore appearance tonight, I'd like to hand out the gifts Cyd and I brought with us. I know the idea of distributing weapons at a peace conference may still not sit well with everyone, but our message that we use them together for the safety of our nations has now been proven to be a very critical need, and I'd very much like everyone to get out of this alive." Aurelia turned to her fellow emissaries, and saw most of them looked intrigued at this.

"Well this may be equally uncouth, but while we still have a chance to do so, I wouldn't mind having another look at the treaties drawn up for our negotiations. Even if they don't include everything my people desire out of a peace pact, I'd rather put my signature down and thus ensure some good came out of my time here." The elderly diplomat mentioned.

Mumuring ensued across the lobby.

"Indeed. We can always revise the terms later, when our lives are not hanging by a thread." Someone else replied.

Reaching out to take Hira's paw, Grex rose before the gathered mass, managing a fairly authoritative stance despite being naked, bloodied and blackened from the night's trials.

"We all know where the grand hall issss. If we're going to negotiate trusssesss we'd besssst do it now."

More murmurs, a strengthening atmosphere of commitment, and everyone was filing out of the lobby to finish what they came here to do, leaving Mara looking amazed and Aurelia positively glowing.

"I believe things may turn out alright after all." The princess beamed. Her raven haired companion rolled her eyes.

"Just go get your instruments of destruction and let's get this over with."

Dawn rose over a devastated landscape. Trees scorched black from fire and earth soaked in both soot and blood welcomed the first rays of sunlight, as a deployment of armored soldiers surveyed the desecration of the temple. Astoundingly, though the damage was great, there was neither sadness nor gloom in the air. Nay, as the survivors of the night's battle were escorted out to their horses and coaches, they seemed quite elated. Not only had they managed to face down the worst of their now mutual enemy's terror, but they emerged bearing signed parchments and documented promises that going forward none of their kingdoms needed to fear facing adversity alone. The prospect of war with the hordes of the Western Wilds still hung as a foreboding possibility, but now a combined force of all the central provinces would meet it. For those who had come prepared for grueling adversity and no co-operation this was indeed a triumph, and they even had some souvenirs to remember the occasion!

"Well, your work definitely seems to have been quite the hit." Aurelia commented as two of the diplomats, one human, one avian, compared the short sword and mace they'd been given, both admiring the equal flawlessness and masterful design that had gone into their making.

"Indeed, let's just hope the symbolism of them isn't forgotten by anyone." Cyd sighed as he watched the bird feel the power in his new blade and ruffle his feathers sensually.

"It won't be, Master Craftsman. While the gesture may be paradoxical, I believe we all now get the intent behind it." Mara walked up with a noticeable lightness to her steps. No small feat considering the huge battle axe strapped to her back. " The bigger issue now is whether we shall ever be forced to use them. Alliances between us is one thing, but the most ideal outcome would be getting the Wildmen hordes to agree to a ceasefire."

Aurelia acknowledged this was a fair point.

"Well, that's up to them now. The war in the highlands has to be taking its toll on their numbers, so best we can hope for is when they do march up to our gates it's to deliver an armistice and a request to sit down and talk things through." She smiled at the black haired woman. "And if that comes to pass, I do hope we get to see you there at the table again."

Mara's fair skinned features set into thought, the idea bringing definite appeal.

"While you may rest assured I will always be where I need to in order to serve the will of my king, it would be nice if next time I, like you, could ride in with one whom I implicitly trust." Her hands fidgeted as she looked to Cyd and his loving princess. Though her approval of the two was genuine, Aurelia still seemed to find the need to snicker as she closed the distance between them. Mara looked rightfully offended, and thus Aurelia quickly made her apologies by pulling her into a kiss.

"Oh Mara, you worry too much. Trust me, you'll find the right mate for yourself in due course. You just might want to look outside your own species for her."

Normally this would have prompted another look of offence, but with the heat of Aurelia's mouth still on her lips, and evidence supporting the proposition staring her straight in the face, Mara had little cause to object.

"I...suppose I could give that a try." She meekly replied, and got another kiss in response. This one she threw herself more properly into, embracing Aurelia's lightly clothed body and letting herself be consumed by the energy, the passion of the blonde haired princess. "At the very least I now have this to remind me not to be so quick to judge."

Aurelia politely held back her squeals as Mara gestured to her new weapon then leaned up on her tip-toes to kiss Cyd in gratitude.

"Atta girl! May you have a safe travel home!" Aurelia wished as Mara's escort marched up with her horse. Mounting it and waving goodbye, the dark haired woman rode off, revealing Grex and Hira locked in a tender embrace by their own mounts.

"I know what you're going to sssay my love, and you're right. I only asssk that you can find it in you to forgive me for falling back on tradition in a moment of desssperation and know that I acsssept I wasss wrong." The naga bowed his head in shame, and only seemed to grow worse when Hira pulled him back up to look at her.

"You did what you had to do in order to know we'd both be safe. I could never fault you for that." The vulpine stated, hugging her serpent tighter. "But we need to stop dancing around this issue. No more pretending we are merely professional acquaintances. If you truly do love me then I ask you please show that commitment and marry me. Because I fear, if it does come down to war, we may never get another chance."

Grex adamantly shook his head, assuring the vixen with his denial that such a terrible scenario would ever come to pass. On the heels of that, however, his forked tongue flicked out to lick her cheek, leading his lips to press against hers and prove he agreed with her sentiment.

"Yesss Hira, when we get back I will sssee what can be done about usss becoming matessss. Our kingdomsss owe ussss that much for all the risssksss we've taken in coming out here together."

The two finally found the strength to part and mount up, Grex wrapping his great tail around his steed to secure himself while Hira made due with the more traditional stirrups.

"Umm, Grex, Hira!"

Aurelia came running up to the two.

"Not that I wish to infer we were eavesdropping, but after seeing you bare the true strength of your heartfelt relationship I have to ask if you'd mind if Cyd and I accompany you back to Rael?"

A surprised hiss and a curious stare were duly given.

"I mean Koroth is only a few miles south of your homeland so it'd hardly be out of our way, and as unbecoming as you tried to make it, I did actually enjoy our time together."

The surprise and curiosity grew considerably. Grex had to cock his head as he looked to Cyd and just got a smile and a shrug in response.

"You wish to continue being with usss, even after we tried to imprissson your dragon and humiliate you?" He asked with clumsy flicks of his tongue, wagging the forked muscle wildly when Aurelia gleefully nodded.

"Hey, by your own admission you were panicking, and besides, it was still worth the effort."

One of the stewards brought the princess' mount round and she climbed atop it.

"And anyway, while you may call it humiliation, what happened between us seemed more to me like mutual enjoyment. Enjoyment I wouldn't mind indulging in again, just under less hostile circumstances."

Snake regarded fox, Hira gave an embarrassed smile, and Grex decided to just run with it.

"We would be honored to have you come with us, your Highness. Who knows, perhaps we may be able to work out a few other ways our kingdoms can help each other out." Hira replied, giving a tiny murr when Aurelia reached over to hold her paw.

"Indeed. If nothing else, we can at least try to relax and get to properly know each other."

Hira's ears burned red as the princess kissed her paw. Grex again just gave an amused hiss and told himself to run with it.

"She issss truly a mossst odd girl."

"Oh you have no idea. Just wait till her logic actually starts making sense to you. Then it really gets worrying." Cyd laughed as the four rode out of the gates and off to their next venture.