Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. Part 17.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#17 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel.

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.

Written by Vinnie Van Daz.

A/N: My continued thanks go to Linkin Doberman and kashito91, for agreeing to allow me to use their characters in my humble story.

The character of Linkin Doberman appears with the kind permission of the fur himself, LINKIN DOBERMAN, the character of Matt Bond appears with the kind permission of kashito91, please do not annoy them by using their characters without their permission, the same goes for the rest of the characters as they are owned by me and again should not be used without my permission.


As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!

Chapter 17.

New Year Special.

Wednesday 31st December 2008, Tony and I are in bed with each other, me basking in the afterglow of another great night of sex and passion, I look to my love and realise that all is not well, concerned, I ask the question.

"Okay Tony, tell me what's going on, I can tell that something is troubling you".

Tony didn't respond, he just quickly got out of bed and walked out onto the sun terrace, which was odd, seeing as how it was 3:00 am and the sun wouldn't be up for at least another hour. I quickly got out of bed and went to my lovers side, he was standing at the railing which ran around the edge of the sun terrace and was the only thing separating us from the wide blue ocean. I placed my paw on Tony's shoulder and notice that he is crying. Through his tears, Tony begins to speak.

"Oh Wolfern, I'm so sorry, I need to tell you something important, but the thing is, I have no idea where to start, or even what words I can use to ease impact of what I'm about to say, but tell you I must. I have been having improper thoughts about another, more precisely Captain Strike. That night that you saw me talking to him, I was trying to get him to go to bed with me".

I stood there in complete shock for five minutes, suddenly, the realisation of what Tony had just said, hit me with the force of an atom bomb, I burst into tears and ran into the bathroom and locked myself in and cried uncontrollably. I sat on the toilet seat with my head in my paws, I could feel the weight of the collar that Tony had given me on our honeymoon around my neck, I reached back and undid the collar and threw it across the room. Tony tried to talk to me through the bathroom door.

"Wolfie, please come out, I need to try to explain things, and I can't very well do that through a closed door".

I now felt anger and bile building up inside of me, and I let Tony have the full force of it through words.

"Go to fucking hell, I don't ever want to see your face again".

Again, I sat there sobbing my heart out, I heard Tony brake down in tears and leave the cabin. I unlocked the bathroom door and made my way back into the bedroom, I went berserk, upturning furniture, throwing clothes and various other objects. After my ten minute anger session, I headed out onto the terrace again, to try and get some air. Linkin had heard all the commotion, and forced his way into the room, he now headed out to the terrace where I was stood. I eventually managed to tell him what was wrong, he took me into a deep and loving hug, then broke apart and spoke to me.

"You know that Tony worships the ground that you walk on, the very air that you breathe, I'm not trying to condone what has happened, but it must have been hard for Tony to tell you the truth, he obviously didn't want any secrets between yo-".

Linkin didn't get to finish his sentence, suddenly there was a huge splash, followed by the captain of the yacht letting out a desperate shout.


I looked at Linkin, Linkin looked back at me, and we both came to the same realisation.


We both raced out of the cabin and up to where the captain was now standing, aiming a life buoy in the general direction which Tony had jumped, the first mate, activated the powerful search light and started scanning the water, suddenly the light fixed on an object in the water, it was Tony, floating face down in the water.

I wasted no more time and jumped into the water, my powerful arm muscles going into overdrive as I began to swim towards the body of my lover, I reach his body and instantly raise his head out of the water, I look down at him with tears in my eyes and speak.

"Damn you you bastard, don't you dare take the easy way out, don't you dare die on me, I - I - I love you so damn much!!".

I pinched his nose and opened his muzzle, I lowered my muzzle and connected to his and began breathing into him, in the vain hope of keeping him alive. By now, Linkin had launched the rescue dinghy and was on his way to our position. After what seemed like an eternity, Linkin pulled up alongside us, he had Wolverine with him, they both took hold of Tony and forced me to break from his muzzle, they then gently lifted him into the dinghy, the same paws then took hold of me and hauled me into the dinghy. As soon as I felt the bottom of the dinghy underneath me, I continued with my CPR on Tony. Wolverine tried to put a blanket around my body, but I forced him away.

We arrived back at the side of Linkin's pride, just as Tony began to cough and splutter. I quickly removed my muzzle from his, and lay him on his side so that he could get rid of the salt water from his lungs.

The dinghy, plus all of it's occupants, were hauled back onto the deck of Linkin's Pride, once back on deck, Todd Styles ran forward with survival blankets for both me and Tony, I took a blanket from the foxes paw, and wrapped it around Tony, I then allowed Wolverine to wrap a blanket around me.

Tony's eyes flickered open and he looked straight at me, at that moment I lost control, I slapped Tony hard across his muzzle, as soon as I hit him, I regretted it, I then pulled him into a deep embrace and spoke.

"Anthony Daniel Stone-Steel, don't you EVER do that again, sure I'm pissed at you, but we will get through it, together. When I took the vow to love you for as long as we both shall live, god dammit I meant it".

I kissed him deeply, only backing off when I realised that Tony wanted to say something.

"Wolfie, I'm sorry for what I've put you through, if it makes you feel any better, Strike turned me down, he said that I was a married dog, and that I should be ashamed of myself, he was right, I am ashamed of myself, hence the reason why I jumped, my darling Wolfie, you deserve better than me, but, if you can find it within yourself to forgive a very stupid canine, I promise to love you and only you, the cold water has brought me to my senses, it has shown me the error of my ways. I look at you now, by my side, soaking wet, knowing that you were willing to give up your life, so that you may save mine, I know that I shouldn't say this, but maybe it would have been best if you had just let me die".

I raised my paw again, and Tony turned his head for fear that I was going to slap him again, but instead of a slap, I placed my paw on his right cheek and spoke.

"Tony, dyeing is not an option, yes I was willing to die to save you, but that is called love. You say that I deserve better than you, that is complete and utter rubbish, we are now even, I've hurt you, and you have hurt me, I'm prepared to forgive you, as long as we can forget this episode and move on. If we had not just taken a bath in ice cold water, making us both as weak as pups, I would show you just how much I love you".

At these words, Tony seemed to get his second wind, using his elbows, he raised himself to his knees, he began to stumble so I held out my paw to try and stop him from falling backwards, but he batted my paw away, and slowly but surely, he raised himself to his footpaws. I was now standing and facing Tony, the weakness overtook him again and he began to slump forward, this time, I threw my paws around his waist and held him fast.

I lead Tony back to our cabin, passing Captain Strike in the process, I stop briefly to talk to the equine.

"Captain Strike, I know that you are probably a little upset at what has taken place here today, but you should know that I, in no way, place any blame at your hoofed feet, I actually look upon this as a test of love between Tony and I, it appears that maybe I was a little too comfortable and maybe taking Tony for granted, rest assured, that won't be happening again".

I held out my paw to shake Strike's hand, he shakily and slowly accepted my offered paw and gently shook it, then spoke in a shaky tone.

"Thank you sir, my final act will be to promote Sergeant Iron, to Captain".

I look at Strike with a confused look.

"Your final act?, Captain, I don't understand, what do you mean by your final act?"

"Well sir, I'm sure that after today, I'm one unemployed Security officer, so once I make Iron up to Captain, I will spend the rest of the voyage in my cabin, as soon as we reach home, I will take my leave, and begin my job search. I must say though sir, it has been a privilege to work for a wonderful Wolf, and a gentleman too boot, Tony is indeed one lucky Rottweiler".

After my shock eases I look deep into Strike's eyes.

"Whoa Strike, back the wagon up a few meters, have I missed something? I certainly don't remember saying that I was going to terminate your employment, far from it, in point of fact I'm going to take Tony to our cabin, I am going to dry him off and warm him up, then I'm going to put him to bed and leave to get myself something to eat, you my dear Strike, are going to stand guard outside of our cabin, you are going to make sure that Tony is not disturbed, you are also going to make sure that Tony does not try anything stupid, and that, Captain Strike, is an order".

Captain Strike now gave me a military style salute and responded in the military way.

"Sir, Yes Sir".

It is now ten minutes to midnight on New Years Eve, Tony now wakes from his much needed rest, he looks at me and speaks.

"Now that's a sight that gives me something to live for, the love of my life sitting at the end of my bed. What time is it?, have I missed seeing the New Year in?".

"Relax Tony, you still got eight minutes of 2008 left".

Tony now slowly gets out of bed and makes his way over to the closet, he finds out our best suits, he hands me mine and tells me to get into it, as we were going to be joining everyone else in the New Year celebrations.

I did not need asking twice, I hurriedly put my suit on, then with us both suited and with just four minutes left, Tony, Strike and myself make it to the ball room, we enter the ball room and a glass of champagne is thrust into our paws.

23.59 and 40 seconds, we get ready for the countdown to 2009.

23.59 and 50 seconds, the countdown begins.












The party poppers pop, the champagne glasses clink, many voices call out "HAPPY NEW YEAR", many hugs are given and received, then the DJ begins to play the old favourite 'Auld Lang Sine', The singing, cheering and drinking will go on well into the early hours, there will be many sore heads, but hey, it will be worth it.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, FROM VINNIE VAN DAZ, I hope to see you all, well and happy in 2009, thanks again for your support!!!!!!!!.