Hunt's Reward

Story by Dareth on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

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Characters copyright me. Do not reproduce or use without my explicit written permission.

Hunt's Reward

By Dareth-the-Gladiator ©

Yashin crouched on a thick tree limb in the sun's mid-morning rays. He basked in the warm light cascading onto his body. Yashin made it a habit to enjoy the first part of the day when he was on a beautiful planet like the one he was on. 73% of the planet was covered in jungle; the other 27%, lakes of varying sizes. He was on another hunt again, although this was not like the others he had been on. He was observing a Youngblood on his first real hunt. It was his duty to follow said Youngblood and report his success or failure.

As Yashin watched the sun rise, the branch he was crouching on jostled violently, nearly throwing him off. Yashin slowly turned his masked head to face the Youngblood.

"Mecrel......what did I teach you about stealth?" Yashin inquired.

"To move silently at all times...." Mecrel responded guiltily.

"And?" Yashin prompted.

"To leave no trace. To move from tree branch to tree branch without shaking a single leaf." Mecrel finished.

"Good. Look.....I know it's your first hunt and you're a little anxious to get started but you must control yourself. If you rush in for the kill you're going to make mistakes and the prey will get away."

"Yes......" Mecrel answered, sounding a little deflated. Mecrel moved down to sit on the branch, his legs hanging over the edge.

Yashin noticed the change in tone and Mecrel's movement to sit on the branch instead of crouch on it. "What bothers you Mecrel?"

"It's just that I will get nothing out of this hunt except bloody blades. The head of my kill will go back to my clan's house to be displayed as proof that I have completed my rite of passage, while I am left with nothing, not even a tooth."

Yashin did not answer for a full minute. He thought of his rite of passage. His had been the destruction of a rare Xenomorph hive. As such he was allowed to keep the head of the queen while the head of another Xenomorph was displayed in his clan's house. Since he had become a master hunter he had been given command of a Stealth Battle Ship and free reign to go on whatever hunt he wanted wherever he wanted. The only catch was he had to train at least one Youngblood. He had accepted without a second thought. Thus he met Mecrel. "If you complete this hunt then I will reward you personally with whatever you want."

Mecrel head snapped around to look at Yashin. "Truly? You would do that for me?"

"Yes. Now, go forth and bring me a head worthy of this hunt." Yashin commanded.

"As you wish." Mecrel responded. He was smiling behind his mask as he hopped off the thick tree branch.

Several Hours later...........

Mecrel climbed the tree where Yashin was waiting, carrying a large reptile's head. As he got to the top he found Yashin sitting next to a fire, awaiting his return.

As Mecrel approached, Yashin addressed him in a calm and level voice. "What do you bring me Mecrel?"

Mecrel presented the reptile head to Yashin without a word. He watched apprehensively as Yashin inspected the head thoroughly. After several minutes without a word or even a gesture from Yashin, Mecrel had to break the silence. "Are you satisfied sir?"

"More than satisfied Mecrel," he said with an impressed tone. "Not many Youngbloods have dared hunt a Ragnok on their first hunt. Even fewer have come back successful."

Mecrel relaxed a little and smiled under his helmet. "Thank you. I appreciate the praise."

"Now that you have completed your rite of passage what is it you want as your reward?"

Mecrel shifted uneasily now. He was not expecting Yashin to bring up the topic of his reward so soon. He would have preferred to have had time to work up the courage to tell Yashin what he wanted. As he stood there he noticed that Yashin was now studying him intently. He decided that if he wanted to be a hunter he had to be brave. Mecrel took a deep breath, and walked forward to stand in front of Yashin. "You......"

Yashin was surprised to hear Mecrel. He couldn't help but cock his head to the side and stare into Mecrel's masked face for a few minutes before he could respond. He was shocked to see that Mecrel has gay. He himself was gay but he had managed to keep it a secret for a very long time. He had been a Youngblood when he had found out and had subsequently buried his feelings down to focus on the hunt. It was the reason he had climbed the skill ladder so quickly, becoming a master hunter in just five short years. Yashin slowly reached up and removed his mask to smile at Mecrel. "Then you shall have me."

Mecrel removed his mask as Yashin stood up and began removing his gear. Mecrel followed suit within moments. When they had finished, they stood in nothing but their groin plates and fishnet shirts. Yashin reached out and pulled Mecrel against him, their warm bodies fending off the night's cool air. He pulled Mecrel into a deep kiss locking mandibles with him. Yashin tongue found its way into Mecrel's mouth, exploring every place he could reach, often wrestling with Mecrel's tongue. After two full minutes of passionate kissing, Yashin pulled away.

"Tell me. Is this place satisfactory for your reward or would you like to go somewhere else?"

Mecrel looked around the platform-like tree again. This time observing everything more carefully. The platform they were standing on had plenty of cover on the sides thanks to the leaves' placement, but the leaves above them were spaced apart just enough to allow them to see the stars in the night sky. There were also several branches protruding upwards like pillars for the canopy. Mecrel begun to notice the sound of a waterfall and a river nearby. "It's perfect....."

Yashin leaned down and kissed Mecrel for another two minutes. As Mecrel's and his tongues wrestled, Yashin's hands began exploring Mecrel's chest and back. He stood a full foot taller than Mecrel and was more muscular. He noticed that they both had short, black hair running down their chests. While still kissing Mecrel, Yashin ripped the fishnet shirt open, tore it off, and ran a clawed hand through Mecrel's chest hair. After another minute, Yashin needed to breath. He softly broke the kiss and ran a hand through Mecrel's dreadlocks.

Mecrel slowly reached up and removed Yashin's fishnet before running both of his hands through Yashin's chest hair. "Yashin....I need you......" Mecrel whispered.

"In due time, Mecrel, in due time" Yashin responded softly. "First you must please me..." Yashin reached down and ran a hand over Mecrel's crotch-plate and felt the considerable bulge there.

"Yes......" Mecrel purred. He reached down and begun to undo the clasps holding his crotch-plate secure.

Yashin reached down and put his hands over the last clasps before Mecrel could undo them. "Here, let me take care of those."

Mecrel wrapped his arms around Yashin's neck loosely and gave Yashin a quick kiss. He watched as Yashin slowly undid the last two clasps before the crotch-plate fell away.

Yashin stared down at Mecrel's impressive package. Mecrel was at least eight inches long and an inch to an inch and a half thick. Yashin brushed his finger over Mecrel's impressive length before finally taking hold of Mecrel's cock. He slowly started masturbating Mecrel and within a few seconds Mecrel was fully erect. Yashin's other hand found its way around to massaging Mecrel's ass.

"You're a virgin, aren't you?" Yashin asked.

"Yes.....Mmmm.....It feels so good....." Mecrel stammered. "May..... I....touch you?"

"Yes...." Yashin answered.

With shaking hands Mecrel undid the clasps holding Yashin's crotch-plate. After a full minute of stumbling to undo six clasps, the plate fell away. Mecrel's eyes seem to widen in surprise. Yashin's package consisted of a ten inch cock about an inch and a half to two inches thick, and a large heavy ball-sac. Short black hair grew around his genitals, much like his dreadlocks. Some even had gold rings around them. Yashin was semi-flaccid at this point. Mecrel continued to stare until Yashin started massaging Mecrel's balls as well as his cock.

Mecrel gasped and moaned as his sensitive orbs were massaged too. He put his hands on Yashin's shoulders to steady himself. He was shaking with pleasure. Yashin's ministrations brought Mecrel to the edge, and then gently let him back down again. Mecrel nearly collapsed several times from the sensations running through him. Yashin pulled Mecrel against him and initiated another kiss, as he grabbed hold of his own cock and masturbated them both.

After a minute full minute of their passionate kiss and Mecrel groaning into Yashin's mouth, Yashin stopped. Slowly and deliberately, he put one hand on Mecrel's shoulder and pushed him to his knees. Yashin's package was less than five inches away from his face and his musk was intoxicating him. Mecrel looked up at Yashin. Yashin reached down, stroked Mecrel's head and smiled. Mecrel turned his attention back to Yashin's cock. It swayed gently between Yashin's legs.

Tenderly Mecrel reach out and took Yashin's large cock into his hands. He began to slowly masturbate Yashin, focusing on his cockhead. Yashin continued to stroke Mecrel's head as he spoke softly to him again. "Mecrel.....your hands are wonderful...." Yashin smiled to emphasize his point.

Mecrel took a deep breath, opened his mandibles, and licked Yashin's cockhead. Yashin gave a slight grown, and within ten seconds he was fully erect. Mecrel started slow. First he began to lick Yashin's cockhead before proceeding to lick up and down Yashin's shaft. Finally, after about a minute he spread his mandibles all the way open and put Yashin's large cockhead into his maw. Mecrel began licking and sucking on Yashin's cockhead and cumslit, extracting small beads of pre. Then he did something Yashin didn't expect; Mecrel moved his head forward, sucking down half of Yashin's cock.

Yashin closed his eyes and moaned. Mecrel's silky throat was better than any female's. As Mecrel bobbed his head up and down on his cock, Yashin felt his balls start to tighten up. Yashin groaned as Mecrel continued to pump his cock faster now, slowly moving farther and farther down.

A few moments later, with one final thrust, Mecrel swallowed Yashin's cock all the way. Yashin nearly screamed at the intense sensations: Mecrel's warm and silky mouth, his hand massaging Yashin's balls, and a third one he just now realized. Mecrel was humming and it was vibrating his cock. That alone nearly sent him over the edge. He was so close now that it hurt, his balls aching badly. Desperate for release, Yashin put a hand on either side of Mecrel's head, and thrust himself forward, making sure to remove his cock from time to time to let Mecrel breathe. It was enough to send him over the edge as he pulled out a few inches.

Screaming out, Yashin came hard. Thick ropes of cum shot into Mecrel's mouth. Mecrel tried to swallow it all but couldn't, there was just too much. After about a minute Yashin finally stopped filling Mecrel. As Yashin pulled Mecrel up to his feet, Yashin noticed some of his cum dripped out of Mecrel's mouth and ran down his chin. Yashin promptly cleaned off Mecrel's chin and kissed him, tasting his own cum.

"So sweet...."Mecrel said when Yashin broke the kiss so that they could breath.

Yashin didn't respond at first. He instead took Mecrel by the hand and pulled him over to a nearby pillar-like tree branches, this one nearly at a 90 degree angle. He slowly pushed Mecrel's back against the tree branch, stepped closer so they were less than six inches away from each other, ground his crotch against Mecrel's, and merely said "My turn now."

Yashin slowly got down onto his knees and began rubbing the insides of Mecrel's thighs. Mecrel began to groan quietly, his crotch area very sensitive. Yashin watched as Mecrel's cock sprang to attention and began to throb slightly. Trailing one finger through Mecrel's groin hair, Yashin quietly said as he looked up, "You're very sensitive. Have you ever had sex before?"

It took a second for Mecrel to answer "No. I haven't even masturbated."

"Really? Is that why you're so sensitive?"

"Yes," Mecrel responded almost guiltily.

Noticing Mecrel's change of tone, Yashin cooed "Don't worry my young warrior. I'll show you what pleasure feels like."

Mecrel stared down into Yashin's eyes for a full minute before he answered, "I trust you." He ran a hand over Yashin's head.

Smiling, Yashin turned his attention back to Mecrel's cock. With one hand be started massaging Mecrel's balls, and with the other he started stroking up along Mecrel's cock. Mecrel leaned fully now against the tree, his legs barely able to support him. Yashin watched as Mecrel bucked into his hand urging him to go faster. As Yashin sped up his ministrations, Mecrel continued to buck into his hand wildly. Within a minute Mecrel's balls started tightening up and he was breathing hard. Yashin slowly stopped his massage in favor of letting Mecrel down easily by instead rubbing Mecrel's stomach and thighs. Slowly Mecrel became semi-flaccid again.

Just when Mecrel thought that Yashin would stop completely, Yashin licked Mecrel's cock. Mecrel gasped and nearly collapsed, leaning heavily against the tree branch. His cock jumped and shot to full attention again.

"" Mecrel managed to say in between pants.

"Then you're going to love this" Yashin responded softly. A moment later, Yashin wrapped his mouth around Mecrel's cockhead. Mecrel started wobbling uncontrollably. Yashin quickly took his mouth off of Mecrel's cock and caught him in his arms as he collapsed. "Perhaps you should sit down why you experience this....."

"Yes," Mecrel responded as he was helped to sit down by Yashin. "Thank you."

Yashin didn't respond. Instead he watched as Mecrel spread his legs to give Yashin access. Yashin smiled and wrapped his lips around Mecrel's cock again, this time a few inches farther. Yashin ran his tongue across Mecrel's cockhead and extracted several beads of pre. Next he started sucking slowly and gently, extracting more pre. Mecrel moaned freely, as Yashin sucked down another two inches. Mecrel's cock was throbbing madly now. Through the veins in Mecrel's cock, Yashin could feel every beat of Mecrel's heart.

Mecrel began gasping. Pre starting to flow freely from his cock like water through a facet. Mecrel spoke in a pained tone "Yashin, I'm so close. It hurts."

Yashin decide that it was time to let the young warrior have his release. Yashin sucked down the rest of Mecrel's cock and pumped it from base to tip. Mecrel only lasted one minute. Yashin was pulling back to suck Mecrel's cockhead when he came. Mecrel screamed as thick spurts of cum filled Yashin's mouth, some sliding down his throat. Yashin drank as much of the sweet cum as he could. It was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. After he cleaned off Mecrel's cock he spoke in a soothing voice, "Mecrel, you're so delicious. That was the best thing I've ever tasted."

"Thanks," Mecrel answered a little sheepishly, as he looked down at his semi-flaccid cock. Yashin looked at the way Mecrel left his legs spread apart as he looked down. "Yashin," Mecrel started. "I want you take me. I need you deep inside me. Please, make me yours," Mecrel's voice trailed off after he finished.

Yashin positioned himself in between Mecrel's legs. He put a single finger underneath Mecrel's chin, lifted Mecrel's head, and looked directly into his eyes. "Are you sure you want this? There is no going back," Yashin asked gently but firmly.

Mecrel stared back into Yashin's eyes for a few moments before he answered calmly, "Yes. I am absolutely sure."

Yashin smiled and gave Mecrel a quick kiss. "Good. I want you too."

Yashin moved closer. He initiated another passionate kiss. Reaching down and taking a hold of his cock, Yashin began rubbing Mecrel's tight pucker with his cockhead. Mecrel gasped at the sudden sensation through the kiss. Yashin slowly pulled back from the kiss smiling the whole time. Slowly he pressed against Mecrel's hole but could not gain entrance. Harder and harder he pushed against Mecrel's tight hole until finally his cockhead and three more inches popped in. Mecrel moaned and a single tear ran down his face.

Yashin licked the tear away and spoke in a soothing voice, "Easy my young warrior, easy. Just take a deep breath and it'll be over soon."

Yashin watched as Mecrel took a deep, slow breath before he continued. As gently as he could, Yashin pushed himself in all the way to the base. Mecrel began to pant and gulp in air, as more tears ran down his face. Yashin licked away all the tears and kissed Mecrel again before he spoke.

"It's alright, it's alright. I'm in now, okay? We're just going to stay here until you're ready."

"Okay....." Mecrel managed to say in between pants.

Mecrel wrapped his legs around Yashin's waist as Yashin pulled Mecrel up against him. Yashin started licking Mecrel's neck in an attempt to calm him. Three minutes later, Mecrel was breathing normally again. Yashin pulled away so that he could see Mecrel's face.

Mecrel was switching from looking into Yashin's eyes to staring at Yashin's crotch, amazed that he could take all of Yashin's cock. "I'm........I'm ready. Please Yashin.....fuck me.......fuck me hard" Mecrel managed to say.

"Soon my young warrior." Yashin smiled and began thrusting gently into Mecrel, an inward thrust only every few seconds. Mecrel started to moan from the sensations and Yashin sped up, a thrust every second.

"Faster......" Mecrel whispered

Yashin didn't answer. Instead he gradually thrusted faster and faster until he settled into a gentle, but steady rhythm. Mecrel was purring much like a cat and moaning every couple of seconds. He reached a hand down to masturbate as he was fucked but Yashin caught his hand and moved it away. "No," Yashin cooed. "I want to make you cum just by fucking you."

Mecrel could only moan and Yashin spead up again, his crotch and balls slapping loudly against Mecrel's ass. Yashin watched as Mecrel's cock bounced against his stomach, pre dripping out and making his stomach hair wet. Yashin could tell that Mecrel wouldn't last much longer. His cock was throbbing madly and Mecrel was gasping and groaning constently. Yashin leaned forward and without slowing down kissed Mecrel.

"Cum for me my young hunter..." Yashin whispered after softly breaking their kiss.

Mecerl couldn't hold it anymore. The pleasure was just too much. He came hard and loud. Mecrel screamed out in pleasure as his cock shot out spurt after spurt of hot sticky cum all over his chest and stomach. As he climaxed he ground down on clenched around Yashin's cock. Yashin couldn't hold it either and he came. He roared out as he filled Mecrel's ass with so much hot cum that it leaked out around his shaft.

Yashin held Mecrel in his arms until the young hunter came down from his blissful height. Slowly their breathing returned to normal. Yashin slowly pulled his cock out of Mecrel's ass. The young warrior gasped at the loss and cum leaked out.

"Can you stand?" Yashin asked gently.

"I think so" Mecrel responded softly.

Mecrel tried to move his legs and gasped in pain as he felt a sticky, stretching sensation between his legs. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree while he put a hand over his hole. He took shallow, deep breaths and mastered the pain.

"Are you alright?" Yashin asked as he placed one hand on Mecrel's cheek and one hand on Mecrel's thigh.

"Yes. It hurts..." Mecrel whispered.

"Forgive me for hurting you my young hunter. I should have been more careful..." Yashin said softly.

It took a moment for Mecrel to respond. "It's okay. The pain is disappearing..."

"Then let me help you until it is gone." Yashin slowly and gently picked up Mecrel and carried him over to their makeshift bed by the fire. He set him down gently. Mecrel rolled onto his side facing the fire and Yashin spooned up against him. He draped his arm around Mecrel's chest. He heard Mecrel start to purr in content.

"Thank you" Mecrel whispered softly as he closed his eyes.

"Your welcome my young hunter. Tomorrow the head of your kill will be sent back to the homeworld for you. You my young hunter may stay with me if you like." Yashin whispered.

"Truly?" Mecrel asked with hope in his voice.

"Yes" Yashin responded happily. "I would be honored" Mecrel replied.

"Then sleep Mecrel. Tomorrow we return to the ship"

Mecrel purred contently and the two of them fell into a peaceful sleep together.

Characters and story © Dareth-the-Gladiator. Do not reproduce or use without my explicit written permission.