A New Brother- Part 7.5

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#8 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.


This chapter is only a side story that involves David, Andy and Tommy. It does not involve Jamie, Drake or the others.

Many thanks to Sci the Cheetah who suggested this. *Hugs*

Also, I forgot to do this earlier, sorry Sci, Alpha.

The characters:

Sci is (c) to Sci the Cheetah

Alpha is (c) to Alpha2007

The Camping Trip

As David, Andy and Tommy watched the others head out of view, the lion looked at the wolf across from him.

"Got everything you need Tom?" Tommy was placing his stuff in the trunk and looked at the lion. While he was glad to go somewhere, he wanted to make sure the lion or his tiger didn't do anything to him. Giving a nod, he walked around the vehicle and opened the door.

"Lets go then." David said. Getting into the car, the lion drove off towards the outdoor shop so they could buy everything that was needed for Tommy. It didn't take too long, around five minutes before they reached the shop.

"So I'll get everything I need here?"

"Yeah, come on." Following the two out of the car, he walked inside along with David while Andy locked his car. Once the lion had stepped inside the store, he walked over to the tents and started looking.

"So how big does it have to be?" Tommy asked.

"Well, David and I have a tent to ourselves. You could fit in with us though." Giving the wolf a wink, Tommy blushed but turned his head.

"No thanks."

"Okay then."

"Here Andy, what about this one?" Looking to see what his tiger had found, Andy walked over and looked at the information tag.

"Easy to set up, good in all weather conditions. . . .it'll do."

"A bit expensive though." The wolf pointed out.

"Yeah, a little bit."

"Look, lets just find something that's big enough and will keep me warm, okay?" Nodding, Andy looked around and found an ideal tent for the wolf.

"Got you one Tom."

"That's okay." While the wolf glanced at what the feline had picked for him, he was looking at all the different kinds of outdoor gear, rucksacks, jackets and all the sorts.

"You wont need those Tom." David told him. "Have you got a sleeping bag?"

"Uh. . .I just brought a pillow and two blankets."

"That's not going to do now wolf. Over here." Taking Tommy's paw into his own, David led him over to the right area, not realising that Tommy was getting embarrassed. The thought of others looking at him for holding another males paw was beginning to creep into his mind.

"David." Turning his head, the tiger understood what the wolf was trying to say and he quickly let go of the grey wolf.


"Its okay. So what should I get?" Taking in all of the various kinds of sleeping bags, David knew it had to be one were Tommy would be comfortable and not get too hot. However, a thought came into his head.

"Keep looking Tom, I need to ask Andy something."

"Uh. . .okay." Smiling at the wolf, David walked off towards his boyfriend leaving Tommy to wonder about the right sleeping bag and what David wanted to ask that lion.


"Yeah Davy?"

"Tommy needs a sleeping bag. What kind?" David asked with a wide grin on his face.

"Hmm. . .what's going on in that head of yours?"

Leaning into the lions ear, David began to whisper. "Maybe he gets to hot, has to get. . .more comfortable. If you know what I mean."

"That would be good, if he was in our tent."

"Yeah, I can imagine though, cant I?" Smirking, Andy held his tiger close and started walking towards Tommy and it seemed the wolf managed to find a sleeping bag.

"This should do." He said to the two felines. "Do I need anything else?"

"As long as you've got clothes its fine. We've got food in the car. And a spare rucksack for you in case we go hiking."

"Do I need boots? I've only got trainers."

"Yeah we'll get you a-." The lion was cut off after Tommy picked up an item from the floor.

"Good, cause I picked up a pair." Holding up the pair of boots, he smiled and walked towards the cash desk. Once the items had been paid for, they were placed in the car and the three were ready to continue towards the camping area.

It took around two hours of travelling in the car before the trio even made it to the right area. David just looked out the window, losing himself in his thoughts, which he actually liked doing, but most of the time he had been talking to Andy. Tommy on the other hand had been quiet throughout most of the journey, listening to different music on his Ipod. Passing a sign that pointed in the direction of the camping area, he realised that he never even asked what the place was like, so he asked the lion.

"Say Andy?"


"What's this place like anyway?"

"Its really good. There's loads of places were we can go hiking, they also have a lake were we can go canoeing or further up one of the trails we can see the entire place. The view is amazing at sunset."

Sitting further into the seat, Tommy thought about what Andy had just said to him. "Doesn't sound like much of a camping trip."

"Well I've booked a camp site for us. We just have to sign in and then sign out."

"Sorta like a hotel. I thought camping was a place were we'd sit next to a fire and roast marshmallows-"

"What are you? Twelve?"

"Okay, well-"

"Come on wolfy, we can have fun on this trip. Wouldn't be much fun if it was only hiking. Besides, you'd be surprised how big the place is, and its expanding. I've been coming here since I was fourteen."

"With who? You didn't know Davy then."

"With all my old school friends. Don't see them much anyway."

"Well, it sounds like a place for kids, which we aren't."

"I know that Tommy, they offer lessons for kids for canoeing and other outdoor stuff, but that's in a separate area. A lot of adults come here too. Heh, I remember one summer me and my old school friends were the only young group there, everyone else were adults or college students."

"Well. . ." In truth, Tommy wasn't entirely convinced. It seemed less like a camping trip and more of an attraction for business. He had never been camping before and in his mind, it seemed like they had to be in the wilderness away from civilization and look at what nature offered. ". . .I'm not convinced."

"Okay Tom, it's a good place."

"I'll take your word for it cat."

"Fine doggy." Giving the wolf a wink, Tommy smirked and pressed the play button on his Ipod.

David was still in his own thoughts and you could give a guess as to who was in most of them. Deciding he'd been in his fantasies long enough, the tiger moved away from the window and gave a large yawn.

"Still tired Davy?" Andy asked, he gave a quick look at the tiger and the striped feline noticed the warm smile across the lion's face.

"A little. Last night and this morning. . .-yawn-. . .plus this drive equals a sleepy tiger."

"We wont be long love, about ten minutes."

"Good, the sooner we get out, the sooner our tent will be up." Giving a small laugh, Andy focused back on the road. The ten minutes had passed quickly and as they drove into the park, the wolf noticed all the trees that were beginning to surround him. He quickly looked back at the tar road and saw it vanish, replaced by a dirt road, trees and bushes.

"All right you two." Andy said as he parked the car in one of the free spaces. "Lets get our stuff and head off." Nodding, the two got out and made their way to the trunk of the car.

"Hmm, its busy this year." David said. Both Tommy and Andy looked around and noticed that the tiger was indeed right. There were a lot of cars, which made the lion glad he had booked their camp site before hand.

"Well, we might-" He wrapped his arms around David and groped the tiger's crotch, giving it a firm squeeze. "-not be able to make much noise."

"Aww. . .but we cant let that ruin our fun." The tiger leaned into the lion's body and let the golden feline touch him in any way he wanted.

"Uhh, guys?" They looked at Tommy who had all of his stuff ready.

"Right." Letting his tiger go, the two got their tents and bags before Andy locked the car. Leading the two into the entrance cabin, they walked inside and the smell of pine wood filled their nostrils.

[Smells nice] Tommy thought.

Walking up to the desk, Andy looked about and before he said anything, a cheetah walked out a room with a label reading 'STAFF ONLY'.

"Hi there, can I help you?" Looking down at his badge, Andy noticed that the nametag had the name Sci on it. He assumed it was a nickname but it passed his mind. His eyes were also a blue colour and the cheetah had a warm smile. The lion had never seen the spotted feline before and he wondered if he was a new worker at the park.

"Yes, I booked a camp site two weeks ago, under David and Andy."

"Lets see." Sci looked through the documents and after finding the correct page, he found the names. "Yeah, here you are."

"We also have a third party member joining us. That okay?"

"Sure." Sci placed the book under the counter and turned to the computer. What Andy didn't tell Tommy was that it did cost money to come to the place. Well, they had to pay for their own bills and everything wouldn't they? The wolf though was looking at the cheetah with a bit of interest, but he decided to have a look around the cabin. There wasn't much so he turned back towards the three felines.

Sci had been saying something, but the canine still had his Ipod on and he couldn't really understand what they talking about. In a few seconds, Sci had turned his back on the other two and bent down pick something up. Immediately he saw both Andy and David checking him out.

[Bloody hell, leave the guy alone you two, he's not even gay. . . .wait. . .then they could go after me. . .]

"Tommy." Feeling a paw push him, he looked down to see David with a serious look on his face. Taking the headphones out of his ears, he spoke to the tiger.


"We have to go." He looked at the door and saw Andy waiting while Sci seemed like he was trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh." Following David and the others out, the four began to walk up one of the trails.

"I'll be leading you to your campsite. Then I'll explain the rules and safety tips." Even though Tommy had heard what Sci had just said, he was too busy looking at the place around him. From what he could see, there were trees that seemed to stretch for miles and part of the lake was visible. He saw a few furs in canoes but they were too far away to see if they were staff members or visitors.

The hike to the campsite had taken about fifteen minutes walking. Andy had booked campsite number eight, seeing as how it was furthest away from the other camps, the lake and the entrance. The main reason was because he and David had came here many times before and they both wanted their privacy.

When the four stood in the camp area, Sci turned and looked at them. "Well, you lot took the camp that's furthest away from anything."

"We like peace and quiet." Andy said. Tommy however rolled his eyes, understanding what the lion really meant, Sci just smiled and looked at them.

"Well I have to go over the rules and safety tips. But I checked and you are a regular visitor to the park." Andy nodded. "And you are too." David gave a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll keep puppy here in line." At the end of that sentence, Tommy gave a low growl and Sci just chuckled to himself.

"Okay, we'll it seems you're pretty much set. If you want to rent a canoe or ask anything, just come back to the cabin."

"Sure." Turning around, Sci walked back down the path they had came and it gave him a chance to think to himself.

[Were they really checking me out? I'm pretty sure that lion had a good look at my ass. . . .heh, I wonder what that wolf is up to]

Back up at the campsite, Andy saw Sci heading into the distance before the trees obstructed his view and the feline vanished completely. "Wow, that cheetah's cute."

"He is. Cuter than me?" David asked. He tried giving the puppy dog look and Andy cuddled him.

"Nah, no one's better than you." Grabbing his tiger, he immediately locked him in a kiss while the Tommy just gave a 'Not again' expression. Placing his bag down, he pulled out his still folded tent and looked at the instruction manual.

[This could take a while.] Opening the bag, he pulled out all of the stuff onto the ground. "Why does a tent need so much stuff in it?"

"Because that's how you set it up. I'll help." Andy kneeled down next to him and started picking up the right parts. "The tent I got you is the same as mine and Davy's so I'll have it up quickly. Here, hold this."

It took a little while to set both tents up, Andy was explaining everything to Tommy and he was just trying to understand what was coming out of the lions mouth. But eventually, the tents were up and Andy gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank god that's done." He looked to his right were they could see part of the lake and David was sitting down with Tommy next to him.

"So you like coming here David?"

"Yeah. Its more than just a place me and Andy can get away from things, its. . .well, I wouldn't trade Andy for the world. And thanks to him, I. . .you get the idea."

"You love him that much?"

"I do." In seconds, he felt Andy cuddle him from behind, the lion had his eyes closed but he managed to plant a soft kiss on the tiger's cheek.

"And I love you too."

[Lovebirds] Shaking his head, Tommy looked at the view and a thought came into his mind. [Will I ever have a relationship like theirs? I'd love that. . .guess I'll have to wait and see.]

"Hey, how about we go for a hike and when we come back we'll set up the rest of our stuff and do something?" Andy suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Getting up, Andy moved away from his tiger to retrieve the map. "Where'd you get that?" Tommy asked.

"The cabin. That cheetah. . .uh, Sci, yeah Sci gave me it."

"Well lets go."

"Hang on sweetie, lets get some boots and shorts on, hmm?"

"Okay." It didn't take too long to get ready, but when they were, Andy led them back down the trail they came and took them left along a dirt track.

"How long does this walk last for?"

Checking the map, Andy soon replied. "If we go the short path, less than an hour, but we should kill some time."

"And this will take how long?"

"Tommy, we're not spending this whole trip at the campsite. We can walk around the park, look at the sites and do stuff." Seeing David wink, Tommy just smiled and shook his head, but he continued to follow the two in front of him.

After half an hour of walking past branches and bushes, Tommy looked towards the lake and decided to ask. "So, can we go swimming?"

"No. Underwater hazards, we can go canoeing tomorrow though."

"Alright." Sighing, Tommy felt a little bit disappointed. He enjoyed swimming and was hoping he could do some this trip, but rules were rules and he rather not get the other two in trouble or risk drowning due to being tangled in seaweed.

You could say most of the hike passed without much happening. They had stopped for a few breaks since Andy had led them along the longer route. Tommy had to go off the trail at one point to do to the bathroom but other than that nothing really much happened. He was also beginning to realise how big this place was, even though Andy had told him already. Other than that, nothing much really happened.

After an hour and a half, they were nearly back at their campsite and Tommy had asked for a break.

"Hey guys. . .-pant-. . .can we have a break?"

"We're almost back. But then again, you're not used to this much walking are you?"


"Yet you play sports?"

"Shut up Andy." Smirking, the lion agreed but only if they could go off the trail for a while. The wolf agreed and following the two through the thicket of bushes and tree branches, he soon understood why.

"So, why'd you lead us here love?" David asked. Andy didn't reply, instead he pushed the tiger against the tree trunk and kissed him deeply. Not even resisting, David wrapped his arms around the feline and kissed back.

"And this is why I came, to watch two gay guys kissing and then screwing each other. My life is full of amazing things."

Breaking the kiss, Andy looked at him. "Aww, does puppy feel left out?" Tommy's response was him giving the middle finger to the lion. "Yeah you can put that up my ass."

"Bloody hell Andy!" Tommy had a mixed look on his face but it went back to normal when he heard David speak.

"Hey come on you two, enough. Tommy, I'm in love with Andy and of course I'm going to be kissing him and everything. Andy, you need to be good kitten."

"Aren't I a good kitten?"

"It depends. Now, you want to go back to the camp?"

"Sure." Walking back onto the trail, Tommy looked at the two felines in front of him. David was cuddling into the lion and Andy had his arm around the tiger's waist.

The evening had arrived and the sun was setting on the camp. Andy had set up a fire and he knew the rules, but even so, one of the staff had came up to remind him. David had been lying in his tent, reading a book he had brought with him. Tommy was listening to his music again and watching everything that was going on in front of him. However, he felt a paw on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Andy.

"Hey, I need to go for a piss, be back in a few minutes." Tommy nodded and the lion began to walk away from the camp. In less than a minute though, David had appeared and sat next to the wolf.

"You enjoying the trip Tommy?"

Switching his Ipod off, he pulled out his headphones and looked at the tiger. "Its alright. What about you?"

"I'm having a good time. Where's Andy?"

"Away for a piss."



"Nothing." Turning away from the feline, he was about his Ipod back on when he felt David cuddle him.

"Uh. . .David?"

"You don't mind this do you Tom?"

"Well. . .I. . .er. . ."

"Good." It wasn't simply just cuddling, David had begun to let his paws roam the wolf's body making him smile. [This brings back memories, doing this with Andy. . .]

"D-Davy. . ." While it did feel awkward, a part of the wolf was enjoying this. The sensation of David's paw stroking his body felt good. Not knowing that the tiger was smiling deeply, he just let it continue as his breathing steadily grew heavier.

Knowing that the wolf was enjoying this, David slipped one of his paws under the wolf's shirt and pulled it off quickly, showing off the canid's physique. He wasn't muscled, but he was slowly developing some abs and he had good solid pecs. Smiling at what he saw, David took his own shirt off and leaned into the wolf and he started to kiss the wolf's neck, making Tommy moan a few times. The feeling of having another male holding him, the tigers fur against his own, it felt so different, but at the same time it felt so amazing. Feeling David gently push him onto the earth, Tommy didn't even put up a fight, instead he let it continue.

Seeing Tommy on the ground, David moved down and started to kiss the wolf's stomach, making him shut his eyes quickly and grip the dirt. It didn't stop there, the feline started moving upward towards his pecs, lightly lapping at the wolf's nipples before he continued upward. When he got to Tommy's neck again, he could hear the wolf's deep breaths but it didn't deter him. Moving up to Tommy's lips, he planted a soft kiss on the wolf, making him whine softly.

[T-This. . .why am I. . .this. . .] Tommy's thoughts were getting stopped in their tracks. He wanted to think on this and how wrong it was to do this, but he didn't. Instead, he gave a soft kiss to the tiger which only resulted in the tiger kissing back, only a with a lot more passion in it. Tommy was now gripping the dirt in his paws harder, his body was shaking to its core but for some reason, he couldn't get himself to do anything about it. When he felt the kiss being broken, he opened his eyes slightly to see that David had moved further down his body towards his shorts. A bulge in the clothing was now easily visible and the wolf could tell his knot was forming. Feeling the tiger undo the front of his shorts, he shut his eyes again and in seconds, a cold wind hit his now exposed warm canine cock.

"You look beautiful Tommy." Those words were taken in by the wolf but he wasn't exactly sure how to deal with it. When he looked down again, David had taken the wolf cock into his paw and gave it a long and very slow lick making the wolf shudder violently at the new sensuous experience. He felt the tiger lick him a few more times before his cock was released. When he looked at David, he noticed that he was frustrated but it was because of the shorts he was wearing. Nearly tearing them off, he exposed his six inch cock moved closer to the wolf.

"I. . ." Tommy could barely say anything, his eyes were watering and he was still shaking.

"You're also bigger than me. I'm so small compared to you."

"I. . ." Feeling his own seven and a half inches rub against the tigers six inches, he could hear David moan softly. The tiger was going to kiss the wolf again, but something finally reacted in the wolf. "No!" Pushing David off, Tommy got up and fastened his shorts. He felt like kicking the tiger in the face but he didn't, instead he just looked confused, scared and worried. "I'm sorry."

"Tommy." Running off, Tommy left the tiger alone. "I should be the one who's sorry."

"David." Looking to see a warm smile on Andy's muzzle, he cuddled his boyfriend.

"I just made things worse, didn't I?"

"Its okay. If I recall I had that same reaction after our first time."

"Buts its Tommy, we shouldn't have. . .I shouldn't have done that to him."

"Hey, you get dressed and I'll go after the wolf."


"Don't do anything stupid." Kissing his tiger on the forehead, Andy headed off in the same direction of the grey furred wolf.

Tommy had finally stopped and he looked down at his still rock hard erection. Some of David's saliva was still on his cock but all he wanted was for his hard on to disappear. Rubbing his face, he tried to think of ways to distract his mind from looking back on anything that just happened. He also had to try and keep any tears away.

"W-Why am I. . .why did I kiss back? Come on, fucking die down already!" He nearly shouted those words, but his throbbing member wouldn't move. His knot was fully formed and he would have to wait until it died down. Sitting there, Tommy looked back on what had happened. Thoughts going through his head made him question why he ran off, leaving the tiger alone.

[It did feel good. . .David being on top of me, it felt really nice. . . .and that kiss. . .it wasn't so bad. . .just a little different. . .was it? And when he licked me. . .it was so good. . .so why. . .why did I run off?]

"If I know Davy he'll be blaming himself like usual." Tommy muttered to himself. For the next few minutes, he just sat there, watching his cock slide back into his sheath. However, he stroked himself and held his erection in his paw.

[It felt better when David did it. . .why am I making such a big deal out of this?] Letting his cock free, Tommy watched the tree branches move slowly in the wind. A few more minutes passed and his cock was retreating back into his sheath again, but a few inches were still sticking out.


"There you are." Seeing Andy, Tommy tried to fasten his shorts again but the lion stopped him. "Its alright Tom , I saw what happened." Sitting down, he looked at the wolf who decided just to leave his shorts undone. "Are you okay?"

"Why am I making such a big deal out of this Andy? What David did to me. . .I think I liked it, but he's a guy. . .and it just. . .I don't know Andy. He kissed me and. . .licked my dick. . .it felt good but. . ."

"Tom, you're like me."


"Remember when David and I told you lot we were gay?"

"Yeah, at that restaurant. Why?"

"Do you remember Lizzie telling you, Cam and Craig not to explode or anything, well she actually knew way before we told you guys."

"What does this have to do with this?"

"Before David and I were together, he said that he told Lizzie that he had a crush on you. Craig as well but still, a crush is a crush. But he fell in love with me."

"I know."

"The thing is, what he did to you, he done similar to me. I knew he was cuddly and we were watching a movie, cant remember what, but he cuddled into me during the scary parts."

Tommy chuckled a bit. "He is always like that."

"Well, he stroked my chest and I thought it was nothing at first. Then later on he asked if he could see my body, I let him thinking it was nothing and he touched me. It felt weird and awkward but then really good. He licked me and held me close and kept it up for a good bit. He took his shirt off, then while he kissed my chest, he squeezed my ass. Heheheh, then our pants came off and he kissed me. And I kissed back."

"Why are you telling me this Andy?" Tommy had moved his paws over his sheath to prevent Andy from looking at his cock which was starting to come out of its sheath. . .again.

"Let me finish. Anyway, David sucked me off and after that I was too fucking horny to care and I fucked him hard. Don't think I've ever had anyone that tight. Hell, it was a challenge just to get inside him. But I fucked his virgin ass and came inside him. He was tired but after that I fucked him again and again. He came all over us with only a few pumps, and he was sore."

"Where's this going or are you trying to make me horny?"

"No. Its just even though that night was so amazing, the next morning, I freaked out. I mean who wouldn't, you think you're straight and after some kind of event, you wake up and remember everything you did the night before. I kinda scared Davy and just ran out, he was trying to keep me. . .us in the room together, but he was sore and I pushed. . .more like I shoved him hard onto the floor. I heard him when he fell on his ass, he was fucking sore, but I just left him there. Then we avoided each other, you remember that."

"I do, you two didn't talk for nearly two weeks."

"Yeah, I confided in Lizzie. She talked to me for three days and then told me to go with what my heart told me."

"What?" Tommy raised his eyes, wondering if Andy was always like this.

"She was a reading a romance novel at the time. So I thought to myself about everything that had happened, that's when I realised that I loved him. And then went back to David. He was in the dorm on the couch and when he heard me close the door, he looked at me and started walking away from me. He said things like. . .um, "It was really wonderful, please Andy I'm sorry" but I pushed him into the wall, he closed his eyes and he was nearly crying, scared I guess."

"What did you do?"

"I pressed my body against his and kissed him. He was a little confused, but I never gave him a chance to talk. I just took him to bed and made love with him. That's when we became boyfriends, we told you lot three months later."

"But what does that have to do with me?"

"You're scared, confused, you just want answers. You're not gay, you're straight and maybe a little bi. But he's your friend, he cant help it if he's got a little crush on you."

"You never said anything."

"I didn't want to upset you."

"Davy's blaming himself isn't he?"


"Just like when he said it was his fault he got beat up."

"I know. So, should we go back?"

"Yeah." Standing up, he sorted out his shorts and followed Andy back up towards the camp. When they got back, they spotted David in one of the tents, fully clothed and just lying there as though he was letting the guilt eat away at him. After Andy motioned for him to go in, Tommy moved inside and cuddled the tiger, something he wouldn't normally do.



"For what?"

"Running off, I didn't mean to."

"Its. . . okay. I shouldn't have done that."

"Its alright David. And I'm sorry too."

After the apologies, Tommy went back into his own tent and got ready for bed. When he got into his sleeping back, he thought back on the earlier events and laughed a little at himself. _Closing his eyes, Tommy started to drift off into the darkness of sleep.

In the other tent, both David and Andy were getting ready for bed. Andy was holding the covers up and showing off his naked body to the tiger as though everything was normal. Getting in himself, he felt Andy rub his ass and his lips were soon met with his boyfriend's. Looking into the eyes of the lion opposite him, he spoke. "So. . .is uh. .everything okay?"_

"Davy its fine. I told him you had a crush on him."

"As long as he doesn't hate me, or you."

"Hey I explained things to him."

"Thanks love."

"No problem. And. . .I kinda have something to ask you."

". . .-yawn-. . .what's going on?" Tommy said. Feeling around for his Ipod, he pressed a button causing the light to come on. Sheilding his eyes from the sudden brightness, he waited for his eyes to adjust before he could read the time. It was nearly midnight and the wolf wondered what woke him up. He assumed it was the fact he wasn't used to the sleeping bag but as he tried to re-adjust his pillow, he heard something in the distance. It seemed like a moan and as he tried to listen to it again, there was silence but then a faster moan.

[Wait. . .] Getting out of his tent, he walked towards the source of the noise. Part of him had this fear that some sort of feral bear or another animal was in the park but when he found the area, a familiar scent filled the air. Looking round some trees, he could see what his was.

"Come on Davy. . .fuck me. . .harder. . ." It was obvious as to what was going on, David was ploughing into Andy's ass and they were both too caught up in their own pleasure, they didn't even hear or see Tommy. Feeling his crotch warm, Tommy undid his boxers and let his full seven and a half inch wolf cock appear. Gripping it tightly, he began to paw himself as he watched the two felines go at it. Sitting down to get more comfortable, a smile appeared across his face.

Slowly stroking himself, he didn't notice that time was passing by quickly. David was still fucking his boyfriend but Tommy saw the tiger tense and stopped what he was doing. He understood why, when David pulled himself out of Andy, the rubber he was wearing had a good amount of tiger cum in it. He watched the lion take the rubber off his boyfriend and suck the seed out of the condom.

[What do you to get up to?] Tommy thought. He noticed Andy had placed the rubber to the side and immediately bent down to suck on his tiger's length, getting it covered in semen. As he licked it back up, the wolf realised that Andy wanted David hard again for even more fun.

"Ready for the next part hon?"

"You kidding, I've been waiting for this." Leaning back down on his back, both Andy and Tommy watched the tiger take the nine inch lion cock into his hand and then into his mouth. Just in the bushes, Tommy couldn't believe it when David had every inch of Andy's throbbing member down his throat.

"Fuck. . ." To his own surprise, Tommy couldn't get himself to turn away from the sight. He was getting more into it and he only just realised how much he was stroking his wolf cock. Looking down, he saw that his knot was now fully formed and as he tried to release his cock from his paw, he felt an overpowering urge to keep stroking it and he kept going. But it was getting harder to keep any noises he was making quiet.

With everything that was going on, Tommy suddenly felt his cock spasm, sending out a good spurt of wolf cum onto the ground. After a few more spurts, he had some on his paw and cock but most of it formed into a small pool on the ground.

"I cant believe I came already. . . ." Trying to sneak off without being noticed, Tommy felt it was best to leave the night for David and Andy to enjoy alone. When he got back at his tent, he looked around for anything to clean up the mess on his paw and dick. Deciding his own underwear would be good enough, he cleaned himself and quickly got back into his tent and slipped quietly into his sleeping bag.

He did intend to doze off but he was now wide awake, but even so he kept his eyes shut and waited. Time passed and he soon heard footsteps coming towards him. Voices followed and he immediately recognised them. David and Andy had just arrived back and as Tommy kept his ears focused, he could make out some of the conversation.

"That was great hon." It was David's voice.

"Yeah, but there's no reason why we cant cuddle is there?"

"No. Now lets get in before we're seen." Hearing the sound of rustling and then the zipper going up, Tommy smiled to himself and tried to fall asleep, only to have a thought appear in his mind.

The next morning things seemed pretty much normal. David had felt a bit awkward around Tommy during breakfast but the wolf started talking to him and things got back to the way they were. However, the wolf didn't mention that he was watching the two felines yiffing each other, but neither David or Andy even knew that the canine was even watching them.

But today was a little different. After all the hiking from yesterday, Andy suggested something else for them to do.

"So you guys ready?"

"I am." David said.

"Well, I've uh. . .never been canoeing before."

"We'll teach you, its quite easy after you get used to it. Just keep your balance okay?" Andy told him. Nodding, Tommy followed the two in front back down to the cabin. When they arrived, they noticed Sci was outside. He was looking out onto the lake, which gave David and Andy a few seconds to look at him.

"God you two. Stop staring at him." David looked at the wolf but just smirked. "Come on, I bet he's not gay."

"You never know. Besides, maybe I could. . ." The tiger didn't finish. Tommy however rolled his eyes.

"You really want to get into that cheetah don't you?"

"That's a different way to put it, but yes. I like cheetah's."

"More than lions?" Andy asked.

"You'll always be my favourite hon." Andy smiled and looked forward once again.

"Yet he could be in a relationship."

"But if he's not, then-"

"David. Stop thinking with your dick."

"This coming from the wolf who tried to land three girls at a party last year?"

"Lets not go into that."

"Behave you two." Andy said to them. David smirked and laughed a little, Tommy just sighed. Things had just practically went back to the way they were and any worries from yesterday seemed to have vanished.

Finally arriving at the cabin, Sci noticed the group and met them. "Hello everyone. You enjoying your stay?"

"Yeah, quite good."

"So is there anything I can help you with?"

"We'd like to rent some canoes. Go on the water for about an hour."

"Alright, follow me." Doing as what the cheetah said, the three of them followed Sci to a large shed. Pulling out his keys, he unlocked the door and let them inside. "Okay, lifejackets." Finding what he needed, the cheetah handed them over and then picked up the paddles.

"We'll manage the canoes."

"Alright, I just need to make a note of what ones your taking."

The whole process of sorting everything out didn't take that long and they were almost ready to get on the water. Andy was the first one to be on the water, he made it look easy but Tommy wondered if he'd even fit inside the damn thing. David was next on the water and a little shaky but he joined his boyfriend. Back on land, Tommy wasn't sure how to go about it but with help from Sci, he was on the water.

"Whoa." Tommy definitely had trouble keeping his balance but he saw a yellow spotted paw hold him steady. Looking back, he saw Sci also had his lifejacket on and as he let go of Tommy's canoe, he went into the shed and pulled out a blue coloured canoe. Locking the door, he was soon on the water and beside the wolf.

"You okay?"

"Y-Yeah, just uh. . .whoa. . .never done this before."

"I can help you for a bit."


Tommy did find it difficult, but with all the tips Sci had been telling him and what to do if he ever capsized. The cheetah spent a good ten minutes with the canine before he had to leave the group.

"Okay, you guys just be careful, I have to go check on the others who are already out on the water. Have fun."

"Thanks Sci." Paddling off, the cheetah left the three alone on the water.

"So you ready Tom?" David asked.

"What are we doing then?"

"We can go around the lake, we wont go far in to the middle, that's were its really deep." Tommy nodded. He didn't want to go near the middle and the fear of him capsizing was still in his mind. Still, he went along with the other two. Throughout the space of thirty minutes, Tommy had gotten the hang on it, well most of it. He did have trouble turning or paddling too fast and end up with branches in his face, but he was enjoying himself.

"Hey guys?"

"Yeah Tom?"

"You think we can move closer to the middle now?"

"If you want Tom." Paddling off, David and Andy followed him. They weren't at the centre of the lake but close. However, Tommy was getting a bit careless.

"Tommy slow down." Andy said to him. The wolf just waved his hand, too caught up in his own thoughts and the enjoyment. But after hearing his name being shouted from the lion again, he put his paddle in the water to try and turn.

"What is-WHOA!!!" He had turned far too quickly and at the speed he was going at, it caused him to capsize, sending him underwater, upside down.

"Shit! Davy hold my canoe. And this." He gave his lifejacket to David, knowing it would only be a hindrance in the water.

"Got it." Getting out of his canoe, Andy jumped into the cold water and swam towards Tommy. He could see a little but like most lions, he hated getting wet.

[Damn wolf!] The closer he got, he saw Tommy trying to turn and then roll out of his canoe, but he couldn't get his legs free. When he reached the wolf, he managed to pull the canine free and with the help of the lifejacket, the two floated to the surface. With all the air around him, Tommy coughed a good few times while Andy breathed in the air.

"Oh god. . .that was scary." Tommy said.

"Now you listen to me." He looked and saw Andy with a serious look on his face, very serious in fact. "Don't ever do that again."

"I wont. . .-cough-. . .ugh, I think I swallowed some lake water"

"Are you guys okay?" They turned their heads to see Sci paddling towards them.

"Yeah, we're fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just want to get on dry land." Receiving a nod from Sci, Andy swam back to shore with Tommy who was very apprehensive about getting back inside the canoe. David and Sci brought the other two empty ones back and when they were on dry land, the water on their bodies and clothes was running off onto the ground.

Getting out of his canoe, he went up to Tommy. "Are you hurt?"

"No. I just want a change of clothes and something warm."

"I'm fine." Andy said when Sci looked at him.

"Alright. . .just be careful." The cheetah did feel a bit worried about leaving the two and not doing more. But with neither of them showing any signs of injury, he decided that it should be alright.

"You guys head up, I'll help here." Giving a nod to the tiger, Andy and Tommy walked back to the camp, both of them still wet.

Along the way, Tommy spoke up. "Hey uh. . .thanks Andy. I didn't mean to ruin the fun."

"Its alright."

"No its not. I got too confident and nearly drowned."

"Hey, you're alive and that's what matters."

Finally reaching their campsite, the two looked at each other. "We should change." Tommy said.

"Yep." Instantly, Andy began undressing himself until he was completely nude.

"Andy, people could see you!"

"Only if they look hard enough. Oh come on, you cant keep them on."

"Fine." Undressing, he was unaware that the lion was watching him intensely. When the wolfs bare sheath and balls were revealed, Andy felt his own warm until his cock started appearing. Still oblivious, Tommy held his clothes in his paw and looked at his tent. "Did I bring a towel? Hey Andy could you-"

"Yes?" He was cut short. Andy had walked up to him and held the wolf close with his barbed cock pressing against Tommy's stomach.

"C-Could I. . .borrow your. . .cock, I mean towel. Yeah towel." Andy smirked, clearly Tommy was trying to keep his mind off of his cock, and was failing at it.

"Very hot."

"What?" He didn't have time to react, Andy had move forward and planted a soft kiss on the wolf's lips. He moved back a little before he went back in and gave another kiss to the wolf. Closing his eyes, Tommy felt his sheath thicken until his own cock started to appear. Deep down, he knew he was enjoying this so he did something that he believed would never happen. He held Andy close and kissed him back, this one being more intimate. It lasted for a good fifteen seconds, but Tommy broke it and quickly moved away.


"I. . .I uh. . ."

Seeing the fear and confusion in Tommy's eyes, the lion rubbed his arm and gave a soft smile. "It's alright Tom, I'll stop."

". . . ." Breaking the hold, Andy went into his tent and brought a towel out of one of the bags.


"Thanks." After he took the towel, Andy went back in to the tent to get another one. With the one he was holding, Tommy looked at it and then back in the lion's direction, only getting a good look at the feline's ass. Gulping, Tommy had to force himself not to look, all of these thoughts and images of himself and Andy in bed together appeared in his mind. He just wondered what it would have been like to actually be in David's position but he quickly broke the thought and wrapped his towel around his waist before Andy turned back around.

"Got one." Standing up, Andy did the same and looked back at the trail where he saw David walking back up. "Hey there, what took you?"

"I was having a little chat with Sci."

"Really? Trying to get your paws on him?" Andy asked teasingly.

"I tried dropping some hints, but I couldn't really tell."

"And here I thought you'd have done something with him."

"Guess I cant. He is cute. But I still have you." Going up to his boyfriend, he kissed Andy on the lips and looked at the wolf. "You okay Tom?"

"Fine, fine."

"That's okay. You want anything?"

"Um. . .just whatever David."

Night had came again and for David, Tommy and Andy, they were talking about many different things about stuff that had happened in years past. Finally, Tommy spoke to the two felines.

"So we head back tomorrow?"

"Yep. We'll be heading off early."

"Hey, don't mention to the others that we uh. . .kissed Andy."

"Andy kissed you?"

"W-Well uh. . .I meant you David."

"Tommy. I'm not that stupid." David looked at the lion and held his paw in his own. "Did you like it?"

"Well . . .I sort of. . .kissed back. And. . .liked it."

"You did?! What about when you and I?" David asked.

"It was. . .it felt. . .really good."

"You enjoyed it?"

"Yeah. Even after all those times I said I would never do anything with you two. . .I'm kinda thinking about it now. . .about how stupid I've been. . ."

"Hey Tom." He looked at Andy. "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You're not gay."

"Aren't I? I mean I kissed you two and let David feel me up."

"It doesn't mean your gay woof, do you still find girls attractive."

"Well, yeah, I think so."

"Then you're not gay, I'd say your bi or just a straight guy who enjoys a little M/M stuff every so often."

"Like Craig?"

"Yeah. Wonder how he's getting on?"

"Still, you don't need to put loads of pressure on yourself."

Sighing, Tommy looked down at the ground below. "I just don't know what to think anymore guys. The last girl I ever had was my first year of high school. I haven't been lucky with any girl ever since for that matter."

"Come on Tom, you'll find someone."

"Even if its meant to be a guy?" David and Andy moved beside the wolf and the tiger looked at him.

"If he makes you happy, then why not?"

"Its just. . .all these fears and questions come into my head. Like, will he stay with me? Will I be treated differently. And my family, I can just imagine my dad, he'd plough my head into the ground without a second thought. Fine with others being gay, but when its their own flesh and blood they'd hate me." Tommy gulped a little but continued. "And how would I know if its meant to be? I've heard that gay relationships don't always last."

"It depends wolf." Focusing his eyes on Andy, he listened to what he had to say. "If you find that. .special guy." He looked at David who smiled at him. "If not at first, keep trying."

"I. . .I suppose. No idea how long that will take though."

"Just have to wait then."

"Yeah, thanks guys."

As the night grew darker, Tommy was just outside his tent watching the two felines kissing. They were both laughing and having a great time in each others company. As he sat there, the wolf felt a warmth inside him, but also a coldness. Seeing the two like that, it made him want someone to hold, even if it was meant to be another male, that fact no longer bothered him at all. Sighing, Tommy thought about going to bed and maybe reading a book. Turning around, he was on all fours and just planned to crawl into bed but he felt something at his ass.

"You're not going to bed already are you Tom?" Turning his head, he saw David at his back end with a very noticeable bulge pressing into the wolf.

"Well I was-"

"Oh come on Tommy. There's still plenty of time." Andy said while rubbing his crotch. Looking away, Tommy thought about whether he should go for it. He wasn't a virgin but his tail was and he knew that's what the two felines would be after. Plus his ever growing curiosity made him want to try this.

". . .-sigh-. . .okay. What do you two want?"

"Isnt it obvious?" David asked while gently rubbing his bulge against the wolf's ass. Turning around, Tommy stood up and pulled the tigers face into his crotch area.

"What do you think?" Inhaling the scent of the wolf, David pulled back and looked up.

"He wants it."

"You sure Tom, we expected a no from you."

"Well why not? If Craig can do it, so can I."

"Good." Going to zip up their tents, Andy re-joined them and along with David, they led the wolf in among the bushes and branches. In less than five minutes, they stopped at the exact spot where the two felines had their fun the night before. Taking Tommy into the area, the wolf felt a little nervous about what he was getting into, but part of him wanted it.

"Ready Tom?" Nodding, he felt David's arms grip the bottom of his shirt and gently pull it off. Letting it fall to the ground, the tiger started on the wolf's jeans and boxers. As soon as the wolf's member was exposed, the tiger immediately took it into his maw and started bobbing his head up and down, leaving the pieces of clothing to fall to Tommy's ankles.

"Whoa. . .-gasp-. . ." He had never been blown by a feline before and with all the licks of David's rough tiger tongue were sending shivers up his body. After a few more bobs though, David let the wolf cock out of his maw and stood back. "Oh god. . ."

"Guess that mean's I get a taste." Seeing the still fully clothed felines in front of them, he wondered when they would strip but instead, he pushed that thought aside when Andy pulled him forward and then kneeled down in front of him. Gripping the wolf cock in his paw, Andy took the wet, throbbing wolf meat into his maw and started doing the same technique that David was doing. The reaction was the same, except this time, Tommy had to place his paws on the lion's head to keep himself balanced. But in seconds, the lion pulled off and stood up.

"Why did you both. . .it felt so good."

Licking his lips, Andy directly at the canine's eyes. "Because, the fun hasn't even started yet, we just wanted a little taste."

"But now, we should give puppy a treat." David said. Tommy still wasn't used to the word 'puppy' but it didn't sound so bad now. As he stood there, he watched the two take their clothes until they were fully naked. At once he focused on their cocks and as they neared him, he felt David take him to the ground while Andy lay next to him at his back.

"You sure you want to do this wolf?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Seeing the tiger smile, David pulled the wolf into a kiss but Andy didn't want to be left out, so he pulled the wolf off the tiger and smiled evilly. "Mine."

"Okay, you can kiss him. I get this then." Wrapping his paw around Tommy's dick, the wolf gave a soft moan as the tiger gently squeezed it.

"Now that's not fair."

"You guys just going to argue over my dick?"

"Nah. I have a better idea." Giving the wolf a kiss, Andy quickly got off the canid and pulled his boyfriend close and began to whisper in his ear.

"That is a good idea. On your knees wolf." Doing as he was told by the tiger, Tommy got into position and looked at the two. Seeing them stand, they moved closed to him and it didn't take too long for Tommy to understand their intentions.

"You er. . .want me to. . .suck you both off?"


"Okay. . ." Gulping a little, Tommy hesitantly moved both his paws out and wrapped them around each of the feline's cocks. _Breathing in the scent of the two males, Tommy had to move back a little. It was different but he moved forward, letting his tongue out before licking the tip of David's member. However he moved back and looked at the ground.

"Not used to the taste Tom?"


"Don't worry. Just takes time." Nodding, Tommy moved back towards the felines. "I've got an idea Andy."


"This." Moving his boyfriend round until they were opposite each other, the tiger made sure that their members were close together. "Well Tom, now you get two treats at once, while I. . ."

"I know what you want." Placing his arms around the tigers back, he brought him closer until their lips met. Opening their mouths, they allowed their tongues to meet and dance around each other._

Still on the ground however, Tommy looked at the two intensely. Seeing the two so intimate with each other, he wondered if he should have been here with them at all. The wolf just felt so out of place and he began to wonder how the two felines could be fine with another male being as close and intimate with them. Although, did it make it different since he was their friend, but what about Sci. If David had his way -and no doubt Andy planned part of it as well- then the cheetah may have been in his place. So many thoughts and so few answers.

"You alright Tom?" Andy asked.

"Huh? Yeah. Just thinking. Are you two really okay with this? A third guy?"

"Well Tom its you. We've always wondered about what it'd be like having fun with you."

"Hmm. . ." Shaking his head, Tommy cast all thoughts aside except for one. [Screw it!] Moving forward, he let his smooth canine tongue out and started licking the two feline cocks.

"Good puppy." David said, scratching behind the wolf's ear. Still licking away, he didn't see the two felines return to their kiss.

[Well. . .its alright this. Different. Weird, but. . .it doesn't feel that bad. . .feels quite good.]

In the distance though, one of the staff members was heading back towards the cabin along one of the longer routes, but he had decided to come off the trail and walk through the bushes for a little bit. It was Sci, he had just been checking some on the camp area's but it was coming to the time when he had to head back to the main cabin. He knew it well so he didn't have to worry about much. As he looked to the side, he saw the light in the distance but before he could take another step, a moan caught his attention. Focusing his ears, he followed it assuming someone decided to go on a late night hike and then gotten hurt. But he soon discovered what it really was.

"Well what do we have here?" He asked himself. Staying out of sight, he saw David and Andy kissing each other while Tommy was licking both of them. "I knew that tiger was trying something earlier. Huh?" Looking down towards his pants, he smiled at the fact that he was getting turned on by the sight of it. "Well. . .I've got time to kill." Careful not to alert the three, he sat down behind some bushes. The cheetah was well concealed but he could easily see them. Undoing his shirt, he pulled it apart to expose his chest to the cool evening air. After dealing with his belt, he made short work of his pants and soon, the cheetahs black cock was now exposed. Once he was fully comfortable, Sci decided just to sit back, relax and enjoy the show in front of him.

". . .Ngh. . .T-Tommy. . .I'm. ..cu-" Unable to finish his sentence, David felt his climax hit, sending a few spurts of cum into the wolf's muzzle and onto his boyfriends crotch. With the sudden taste of another males seed in his maw, Tommy nearly gagged on it. The salty taste and gooey, slippery feel of the tiger cum was not exactly a pleasant feeling. Seeing this, Andy moved down and kissed the canine, licking at his lips so he could get to the tasty treat. Letting Andy in, he felt the lion tongue lick around his maw, trying to lap up any of the tiger cum. Breaking the kiss, Andy swallowed and looked at the wolf.

"Takes a little time to get used to that taste."

"Yeah. I'll say." Swallowing the saliva in his maw, he could definitely taste some of David's seed, making cough slightly. "Whoa."

"I think we should move on from blowjobs Andy."

"Yeah. Tommy, get on all fours."

"Uhh. . ." This was the part the wolf was most nervous about. One look at the lion's barbed nine inch dick was enough to make him have second thoughts about doing this. [Why do I always land myself in these kind of situations] Tommy thought. ". . .I uh. .Andy I'm not sure about that. . .w-wont it hurt?"

"It will hurt Tommy, it always does on your first time." Looking at the side, Tommy had conflicted feelings about this.

In the bushes however, Sci was gently stroking himself but he couldn't help but smile at the grey wolf. [Must be his first time, no wonder he's nervous. Trust me Tommy, you'll enjoy it]

"Hey Tommy." Turning to see David next to him, he seen an affectionate smile off the feline. "If you're not sure about being topped, well then-" David got on all fours and raised his tail. "-you can top me, that's if Andy has no objections."

"Nope. I think its kind of hot."

"Well, are you sure? I mean, my knot."

The tiger understood. David had never been tied by a canine and he knew that it would hurt like hell going in. "Its alright Tom. You don't have to tie me. Just get over here and fuck me."


Before he could though, the lion grabbed his arm. "Put this on." It was a rubber and the wolf smirked.

"I knew you two would have brought these. Any lube?" Going back to his trouser pocket, Andy pulled out a travel sized bottle of lube and gave it to the wolf. "Thanks." Placing the bottle down, Tommy opened up the condom wrapper and rolled it on, quickly smearing it with lube afterwards. Kneeling down, Tommy squirted some more onto his hand and he knew lubing the tiger would be a good idea, the wolf wasn't sure if he was comfortable with that idea yet.

Seeing that the wolf was troubled, Andy kneeled next to him and took as much lube off his paw and started rubbing it around David's tail hole. "I don't mind doing this Tom and I didn't expect you to do it."

"Uh. . .thanks."

"Besides. . ." He slipped a finger inside David making him gasp. ". . .I love doing that to him. Now you better top him or I will, cause I'm getting really fucking horny right now."

"Okay then cat." Moving out of the way, Andy walked around until he could get underneath his tiger.

"Go for it Tom, I'm ready." David told him. Getting closer to the tiger, Tommy gripped his cock and placed one paw at the base of the feline's tail, pulling it up, leaving David's ass for his taking. Taking a few deep breaths, Tommy started pressing his length against David's tail hole and pushed forward slightly. Only the tip was inside the tiger but with another push, Tommy managed to get about two more inches inside him.

"Oh my god. . ." Giving a soft moan, Tommy let himself enjoy the feeling of the tigers warm insides. It felt so good and he wanted more. Letting more and more of his seven and a half inch cock inside David, the two moaned together until the wolf's knot was against David's ass.

"Not so bad, huh Tom?" Andy said, he was cuddling the tiger and David looked as if he was enjoying this, which he was.

". . .No. It feels. . . .really good. So. . .do I just. . .start?"

"Yeah. Just do what you want Tommy. Can you keep your knot out please?"

"Y-Yeah. . .ngh. . .I can. . ."

"Go for it then." Nodding, Tommy shut his eyes and began to pull his member out of the tiger until the tip was left in. Pushing back in again, he heard David sigh with content and he assumed he was doing a good job. As he opened his eyes, he saw the two making out again. Shaking his head, he focused more on the tiger. Still the thoughts of him fucking another male were swimming around in his head, but none of it mattered now. The wolf was becoming far too horny to care, which only made him fuck the tiger harder.

"Ugh. . .ngh. . .so. . .good. . ." Leaning down, Tommy held the feline close. His breathing was becoming a lot more heavier as this new experience of pleasure was beginning to overwhelm him.

"Wow, he's getting into it now." Sci was still hidden by the bushes and stroking himself. Since Tommy had gotten into it more, the cheetah found it hard to contain his breathing and any moans to a quiet level. The more time that passed of him watching the trio, the hornier he got. Running a finger along his length from base to tip was enough to send out a small burst of pre. Using a finger to scoop it up, he licked it clean and then placed his paw around his length, beginning to paw himself.

Back with the other three, Tommy was now pounding into the tiger. Andy had broken the kiss earlier as David sometimes had to grit his teeth. Not wanting to be bored, Andy moved down and started kissing the tiger's chest, making him shudder a bit. With each thrust off the wolf and a kiss of the lion, it sent out a good few shots of pre on the golden feline's body.

Stopping what he was doing, Andy spoke to the wolf. "You liking this Tom?"

"H-Hell. . .yes!" Smirking, Andy got out from underneath the tiger and kneeled in front of his face.

"Here you go hon." Looking at his lion, he saw Andy had placed his nine inch cock in front of him. Smiling, David opened his maw and let it slip inside. As more of it went in, David felt the tip hit the back of his throat, but he only continued taking more in, sending a good few inches down his throat. With the feeling of David's warm, moist throat around his length, And closed his eyes and rubbed his boyfriends head. Instantly though, he felt David's face press against his body, looking down, he saw that the tiger even had some of his sheath in his maw. The cause was with each of Tommy's thrusts into the tiger, it pushed David forward, forcing him to take more of the lion down his throat, but the tiger didn't seem to mind. With every chance he could get, David licked the lions sheath as much as he could.

For Tommy though, he could feel his balls tighten but the pleasure was far too good to end now. Every time his hips slammed into David's, he felt his knot against the tigers ring and an urge to actually tie him grew.

"D-David. . .ngh. . ."

Hearing Tommy, the lion took himself out of his boyfriend and stroked his length. After a breath, the tiger looked at the wolf. "Yeah Tom?"

"I. . .can I. . .David I need to. . ."

"You want to tie me, don't you?"

"Yes. I really want to."

"Okay. Don't be too hard okay."

"I'll try. Oh. . .ngh. . .Andy?"


"You might not want to let David suck you off, its gonna hurt." Giving a nod, Andy continued rubbing his length as he watched the wolf pound his tiger. "Right David, you wanted me, you got me!" With one large and quick thrust, Tommy had his knot inside the tiger. Making him roar in pain.

"AHHH-!" Feeling Andy's paw over his mouth, his screams were muffled. Closing his eyes, David dug his claws into the ground to deal with the pain. When he looked up at his boyfriend, Andy noticed how much it hurt him, David's eyes were watering due to the pain but Andy rubbed his cheek. Moving his paw away, David just breathed heavily and gulped a few times, trying his best not to let any tears flow.

"Sorry David." It was Tommy's voice. "I should have been more gentle."

"I-Its okay. . .Tommy, just let me.. . .get used to it."

"It will feel good. I promise."

"You okay love?" hearing Andy, David looked at his boyfriend.

"Yeah." Receiving a hug and kiss off his boyfriend, Andy cuddled him while David got used to the wolf knot inside him.

[All I can think of is ouch.] In the bushes, Sci had stopped pawing himself, he was more concerned of the tiger right now than pleasuring himself.

_Back in the small clearing, David had let go of Andy and smiled at him. Turning towards Tommy, he gave the wolf a signal to start. But this time, the wolf was more gentle, he couldn't move much but he could see the tiger was starting to enjoy this.

"Andy, do you think I can suck that dick of yours again?"

"Its yours love." Opening up his mouth again, Andy let his cock slide back in effortlessly into the tiger's empty throat. Pulling his member in and out of David, he felt the pleasure come back to him. "Mmm, that's it David. . .keep licking. . ." Leaning his head back, Andy didn't realise that his boyfriend let the lion cock slip out of his maw. When he looked back, David already had his furry sac in his mouth and was gently rolling them with his tongue. While his boyfriend was busy, he looked at Tommy. The wolf looked extremely happy and the lion saw no point in bothering him._

Looking back at his tiger, he saw David was still licking away at his sac so he had a thought. Wrapping a paw around his length, he started rubbing it against David's face. The feeling of the tiger's fur gently caressing his length was making it hard to contain his breathing. Feeling his balls tighten, he moved back as his climax hit.

"David. . .ughhhh." Moving back, he came all over the feline's face. Feeling the warm seed on him, David opened his mouth attempting to catch any amount of lion cum. Seeing that his tiger was hungry, Andy pushed his cock down the tigers throat, letting the rest of his climax shoot down into his stomach. With his climax over, he gently took his length out of the tiger, feeling David sucking his cock, trying to get any more cum out of his boyfriend.

Letting the lion cock out of his maw, David looked at Andy. "Mmmm, tasty."

"I would lick you clean love, but I might just leave you like that."

"-sniff-. . .ugh. . .do you have to. But it smells so good."

"Just to keep you horny. How you holding up Andy?"

"Ugh. . .I don't want to cum, just yet."

Tommy wasn't the only one who didn't want the pleasure to end. Sci had to stop pawing himself several times, not wanting to climax until the end of it. "No. . .*pant*. . .not yet. . ." With his chest rising and falling, he leaned back against the trunk of a tree and half-closed his eyes. ". . .*pant*. . .oh man. . .too good. . ." Focusing back on the group, he wondered what they'd do next and it didn't take long to find out what they'd do next.

Seeing Andy walk round, he took a good look at the wolf's ass, remembering that he was the one fucking David, not him. Getting underneath the two, he felt David's cock rub against his body with every thrust from the wolf.

"Andy what are you doing?" Tommy asked. The lion didn't answer, he just pulled Tommy's ass cheeks apart and moved forward.

"This." Letting his tongue out, he gave a slow and very long lick. It was more than enough to make the wolf's eyes widen and climax at the same time. Trembling, he held on the tiger, knowing he had just cummed inside the feline. He finally did it, he finally mated with a male which he always said he'd never do. But Tommy wasn't the only one to climax, with the sudden feeling of cum from Tommy's wolf cock, David felt his own climax hit, sending cum straight onto the lions body and his own crotch, turning it into a gooey mess.

"You must have been ready to explode." David said while panting. "I was."

"I think that's the largest amount I've ever cummed."

"Did you like that feeling?"

". . . .Yeah. It was. . .it was amazing. One of the best things I've ever felt."

"Well, can I continue? Or am I going to remind you wolf that David is mine?"

"Just fuck me Andy."

"Don't you want to be prepped?"

"No, just fuck me before I object later."

"Okay then." Getting back onto his own two feet, Andy pulled out another rubber and put it on. With the bottle of lube, he rubbed the cold liquid against Tommy's tail hole.

Feeling his tail being pulled out of the way, he waited for it to happen. Andy's barbed cock was now pressing against his little ring and Tommy tried to prepare for it. "Do it Andy. I don't care anymore."

"Okay, It's going to hurt though."

"Do it!" Smirking, Andy pushed forward and told Tommy to relax or it'd be even worse. Calming down, Tommy waited for the intrusion to happen and it did. It was only the head that got past his ring and the wolf clenched down on him.

"Relax Tom." Feeling Tommy relax again, Andy pushed forward. "Fuck you're tight! David, remember when I said how tight you were on our first time?"


"Its like that. Not as tight as you, but still, I don't know if I'll get in this wolf."

"Well, I'm stuck here hon."

"Please don't talk like I'm not here."

"Sorry, now here we go!" In one final push, all nine inches were inside Tommy, but the wolf had to try and adjust to it. For Andy though, he felt like his cock was going to be crushed. "Bloody hell, you ready Tom?"

"Yeah." Closing his eyes, he felt Andy thrust in and out of him. It felt so weird, but at the same time, wonderful. He wondered if this is what David felt every time he was with the lion. All the times he had been saying he'd never do anything that was gay came back to him. [Great, I'm a fucking hypocrite. I say I'd never do this and now I am. . .]

"You okay, Tom? Hell you're ass is tight."

"Yeah. Just fuck me."


"Yeah." David was finding it difficult, holding up the weight of the other two on top of him. He could feel the strength in his arms fading but he was distracted by a paw around his cock. Tommy had reached round and started pawing the tiger furiously. To the wolf, it was like he was in a dream, but then again a nightmare. The reason was that he felt so out of place all of a sudden and that he didn't have anyone of his own.

"Tommy. Are you holding up okay?"

". . . ." The wolf didn't answer, he was just lost in his thoughts but he felt something pull him back into reality.


"Oh god. ." He could feel Tommy tensing and with a loud howl, he shot a second load of wolf cum into David. Hearing David moan, the lion wondered if David had climaxed also.



"The condoms you got, did you buy the usual?"

"Yeah I did, why?"

"Lets just say my back end is overflowing now."

Looking round, Andy saw a white liquid running down David's legs. Even with Tommy inside him, knot and all, the wolf cum managed to run out the side and Andy could guessed what happened. "Burst. Guess wolfy was too much for it. No matter, David and I have done bareback a few times."

Not saying a word, Tommy just leaned forward into David. He stopped pawing the tiger, mainly due to the fact he felt completely drained of energy. Knowing this, David pawed himself until he felt his seed spill all over the ground below him. Which meant Andy was the only one left to finish up. In just a few thrusts though, Andy came inside the wolf's virgin ass and leaned into him.

"You know, we're going to be stuck here for a while." Andy said.

"Well, how long will you be stuck in me Andy?"

"About thirty minutes, what about your knot?"

"About the same if we don't move."

"You holding up alright Davy?"

"Can we lie down please. My back is getting sore."

Once they all managed to get into a comfortable position, Tommy could feel the warmth off the two felines. Losing himself in his thoughts about what happened, the wolf felt all energy leave his body. Closing his eyes, the wolf had a different thought in his mind, before he fell into sleep.

In the bushes however, Sci had to grit his teeth and hold any moans back as his climax hit hard, sending cum all over his paw and chest. Breathing hard, he looked at his mess and decided he had to clean up before he did anything else. Scooping up the cum in his paw, Sci licked himself clean and swallowed his own seed. Looking at the group, Sci couldn't help but smile at them. The wolf in the middle had his first taste of sex with another male, in this case two and he seemed to have liked it. He was also asleep, so Sci looked at the other two. The lion was asking his boyfriend if he was okay and got a yes. Seeing them hold each others paw made the cheetah get up (without being seen) dressed and walk away.

_Looking back at the three one last time, Sci headed off and back towards the main cabin like he originally planned. When the cheetah finally arrived, he saw his boss looking at him.

"Where have you been Sci?"

"Sorry sir, I was just taking a detour." Trying not to smile, he watched his boss sigh and then speak up again.

"Well we don't need to send someone to find you. On you go and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Why? I'm off."

"Exactly, you asked if you could change some of your shifts around."

"Oh yeah. Right I'll see you tomorrow sir." Walking out of the cabin, he stopped and smiled when he saw a black furred wolf standing at an impressive 6ft 2 along with a good amount of muscle standing, waiting in front of a car. When the wolf turned his head, Sci saw those soft blue eyes and could only smile at the wolf.

"There you are Sci. What kept you?"

"I'm sorry Alpha." Walking up to the wolf, Sci hugged him and he felt the muscled arms hold him in a loving embrace. "How long were you waiting?"

"Long enough. I was going to go in and find you."_

"You don't have to love." Giving his mate a kiss, they broke the hug and Sci walked around the car, but before he could get in, Alpha asked him a question.

"So what kept you again?"

"Oh I was. . ." Smiling, Sci thought of a reason. ". . .I was watching some gay porn." Alpha looked at him confused but Sci just got inside the car. Alpha climbed in and looked at his cheetah.

"You're a bad cheetah Sci. Not inviting me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be coming for me" Giving Alpha another kiss, the wolf buckled up and started the car.

"Come on, lets go home. And. . .*sniff*. . ."

"Yes?" Alpha just laughed and began to drive off.

"Lets just go home. Okay?"

"Yeah, lets go." Driving back onto the tar road and in the direction of their home, Sci looked back at all the trees.

With a larger yawn, Tommy awoke to find himself in his tent. But as he looked around, it seemed much bigger. That's when he realised it wasn't his, it was David's and Andy's tent. As soon as he remembered those two, all the events of last night cam back to him. But he actually didn't mind, that was until he winced at the pain in his tail hole.

"Ah, what did that lion do to me last night?"

Getting up, he tried to deal with the pain in his tail hole as he got out. Looking around, he saw that his tent was gone and Andy was packing things into a rucksack while David said on a pillow.

"Morning Tommy."


"Better get up, we have to go soon."

"Yeah." Receiving clothes from Andy, the lion told him to get dressed so he could take everything out of the tent and pack it away. In about two minutes the wolf was out and as he made his way towards David, the lion gave him a wink, making him smile. When he reached David, the tiger looked up at him.

"Hi Tommy."

"Hi, how you feeling?"


"Well, me too. I don't want to sit down. Or walk."

"Me either, but we have to." Seeing David get up, the tiger snarled at the pain in his ass.

"David. You should sit down, and sorry for being rough on you."

"Its okay. I've always been curious about canines. And I knew it'd hurt. How are you feeling."

"Good. I'm not going crazy because I experienced gay sex so that's a good reason."

"Right you two, lets go." Seeing Andy had packed the stuff away, they each picked up a rucksack and the tent kits before walking down the trail. It took longer than usual but they reached the cabin. While David and Andy were signing themselves and Tommy out, the wolf noticed Sci talking with a tall, muscled black wolf.

[Wow. He's. . .he's fucking hot!] At the end of that thought, Tommy blushed a little. He just called a guy hot but as he looked back, he saw both Sci and this other wolf smiling at him. Receiving a wink off the muscled wolf, Tommy gulped and then walked off with the two felines. He was blushing the entire time and as he reached the car, he just wanted Andy to unlock it so he could hide.

In the cabin though, Alpha looked at his cheetah. "Did I overdo it?"

"Maybe a little."

Back outside, the three had got inside the car and Andy put the keys in the ignition. All too soon they were on the road back home and their usual life would resume as normal.

[This has been. . .a very different weekend] Tommy thought.

Nothing happened throughout the journey, they talked but other than that it was uneventful. When they arrived back at their apartment, they thought back on all the college work they'd be doing.

Getting out of the car, they grabbed their stuff and headed back up towards their door. Before they got there, Tommy wanted to ask the two something.

"Hey guys, could you not tell the others what we did? I'm not sure I want them to know."

"That you were fucked and fucking my boyfriend?"

"I'm being serious Andy."

"I know, I'm sorry. I wont say anything, if you give me a kiss."

"Hey, I want one two."

"Fine. Just don't say a word."

Unlocking the door, the three walked inside and as David shut the door. Andy pulled the wolf close. "Now, do I get that kiss?"

"Yeah, I guess." Feeling Andy's lips make contact with his own, the wolf kissed back, keeping it up for a good while before they broke apart.

"Me next."


"Alright then." David had folded his arms and gave a pouted look. "I'll take my stuff to my room." Walking away, Andy looked at the wolf.

"Looks like you made him jealous."

"Jealous. Nah, its Davy."

"I don't know Tom, maybe you should talk to him."

"Oh alright. Let me put this stuff in my room first." As Tommy walked away, Andy had a chance to think to himself.


Walking into David's room, he didn't see anyone but as he turned around, he felt David kiss him and push him onto the bed. "David. . .you're. . .naked."

"So you noticed. But you should also know, clothes aren't really allowed in this room."

"I know what you're up to."

"Yep, so you better lose the clothes puppy. I'm not letting you go anywhere."

"You cant keep me here."

"I can." Seeing Andy at the door, he closed it with his foot and the wolf saw a hunger in his eyes.

"You two planned this!"

"Guilty. Now, David sweetie, get comfortable, you two Tom." Seeing the lion take his shirt off along with his pants, Tommy saw a bulge in the lion's briefs. "You know you want it Tom."

"I. . ." The lion was right, Tommy felt an urge grow inside him. As he walked on all fours towards the lion, he gripped the underwear and pulled the down quickly, and took the lion cock in his maw and bobbing his head up and down.

_Banishing any other thoughts, Tommy continued giving the lion a blowjob while he felt David stripping him. [Man, these two are fucking horny. How the hell do they manage to keep going?]

"That's enough pup." Pushing Tommy onto his back, the wolf looked at the lion who lied next to him but and held him close. Looking down at the bottom of the bed, he saw David standing near his ass with a rubber on. Letting head fall back onto the pillow, Tommy closed his eyes and gave a small chuckle.

"Oh man, how do you two get me into this?"

"We were horny, and so are you."

"So if I'm horny, then I'd do something like this?"

"Like what?" Instantly, Tommy grabbed the lion and pressed his lips against Andy's. Granted this still all felt new to him, but it didn't really matter to the wolf. In fact, nearly all of him wanted this. Feeling David push his member inside, Tommy moaned at the pain, he was still a little sore since last night when Andy topped him, but after he started thrusting, the wolf gave out moans of pleasure.

"We cant be long remember." David said. Andy nodded and prepared to move himself over the wolf, but his tiger spoke and caught his attention. "Fuck,! He's still damn tight!"_

Smiling at what his boyfriend said, Andy kneeled over the wolf so his balls were touching his muzzle. Deciding to take a page from David's book, he opened his maw and started sucking on them, gently and slowly licking each orb with his tongue.

"Oah. . .yeah. . ." [This wolf's getting good already.]

"I think he needs a little help down there hon." David said. He was still fucking the wolf and the lion just smiled. Gripping the seven inch wolf cock in his paw, Andy got into the sixty-nine position and started taking it into his maw.

With Andy sucking him off, Tommy just lay there for a few moments after he let the lion's sac out of his mouth. He could smell the strong scent of Andy's cock and it made his mouth water. Inhaling the scent of it, Tommy took it into his maw and started sucking. Moaning around the lion's cock, he tired to make it go deeper but it was useless. Tommy wasn't used to someone of Andy's size, or any size for that matter. Knowing he couldn't do it, he just continued sucking on the few inches in his mouth while he used one of his paws to rub the rest of the lion's erection.

It didn't last too long though, Tommy felt his climax hit, sending his seed straight into Andy's maw. Trying to keep all of the wolf cum in his maw, Andy let the wolf cock out his maw and looked up at his boyfriend. Pulling him in for a kiss, Andy pushed a good amount of Tommy's seed into the tigers maw. But rather than swallow, they continued the kiss, getting cum all over their faces. When they broke apart, the two swallowed and resumed what they were doing.

"How you holding up Davy?"

"I'm not far away."

"Me either." As the minutes ticked by, the pleasure in their bodies only mounted. The only sounds though were moans and as David pushed his length inside Tommy, he stopped and clenched his eyes shut.

"I'm. . .cu-ngh!!!"

"Fuck, me too!" With both of them holding back suppressed roars, they unleashed their torrent of cum into the wolf. For Tommy, the sudden amount of lion cum made him gag but he stayed and tried not to swallow it. As more came in though, he had to let it run down the side of his face. All of a sudden though, he felt empty as the two felines took themselves out of his body.

"Swallow it Tom." He looked at David. The taste and texture of Andy's seed wasn't much better than the tiger seed he had earlier.

"Yep, just swallow it. If Craig can do it, surely you can?"

"He cant, he's just a little puppy." Giving David an evil look, Tommy swallowed it and licked his lips.

"Little puppy?"


"I'll show you-"

"Now now, he's was only kidding."

"Well. . ."

"Lets get dressed before the others show up, we don't know when they're arriving." Instantly, the wolf grabbed his clothes and put them on as quick as possible.


"Sorry, its just. . .don't say anything to them."

"We wont." Getting dressed themselves, David suggested they could watch some TV. Agreeing they walked out into the living room.

"Remember, not a word to anyone." Tommy said, however as he turned his head, he froze to the spot. When David and Andy realised, they blushed and looked to the side when they saw two familiar dragons sitting on the couch. As they turned their heads, Craig nearly burst out laughing when he saw the wolf while Cam spoke.

"Hi Tommy, did you have fun there?"


Night had arrived and everyone knew about Tommy's little adventure, even Lizzie. Seeing David and Andy walk off to bed and cuddling each other as they walked, Craig looked at Tommy.

"Aren't you going to go with them?"

"Shut up Craig."

[He's never going to let me live this down.]


There you go everyone. The Camping Story. I hoped you all enjoyed it.

Especially Sci and Alpha, I hope you enjoyed being in the story. I wish you two happiness in your relationship for years to come. And in case I didn't get you two 100%, I'm sorry, I'm just a sucker for romantics.

See ya again sometime
