Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-Second Entry, Part Two

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#23 of Pathfinding-CYOA

The second part of the big orgy, and the start of the next phase of our journey.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Twenty-Second Entry, Part Two

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

Cassidy/Shara - 9

Cassidy/Shara/Gnolls - 2



Rufus/Urta - 7


Rufus/Ryg/Urtan - 3






Rufus/Urtan - 2

Rufus/red fox (Flit) and blue bunny (Deo)

Spark/Dinah - 11 (general fun also)

Spark/Dinah/Ryg - 5


Urtan/Kyte - 2


Gnolls/Slavers - 4


(Side fun) Phan/Zane

(Side fun) Little trio voyeurism


Rish and Rack/Goro

Bang Kyte...hard and often - 2

Use Spring Wolf Essence - 7

Additional Votes:

* Have Leta stay with the Blue Feather as a liason - 1

* More opportunities for non-consensual sex (especially for Rufus) - 4

* Bring Rael with us - 5

* Species to meet and mate - sheep, sheep-dogs, bunnies, cats, horses, cows, chickens, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Humans, Felines, Hounds, Badgers, Otters, Ferrets, Hares, Mice, Moles, Shrews, satyrs, skunks, squirrels

Author Notes

And here's part two, with a real ending this time! Note that many of the "additional votes" have been removed. This is because many of them are now up for a formal vote at the end of this entry. Also, I apologize if I didn't hit a scene that you really wanted to see. There will, thankfully, be other opportunities.

Pathfinding Twenty-Third Entry

Urta gave a soft grunt as she hit the ground near the fire, then dared to look over her shoulder at Rufus, just as he tossed the last scraps of her armor onto the ground next to her. Rufus glanced down at the hyena chieftess, then reached down, placing one large hand firmly on the back of her head, then pushed her cheek against the hard-packed ground. Blinking in surprise at this treatment, Urta started to raise her head again to look back at Rufus once more, only to have him repeat his former action, this time holding her firmly in place.

"Stay," he growled in her ear, making the insides of her ears burn with shame. He was commanding her like a dog! Gritting her teeth, Urta almost rose to her feet, shoving Rufus aside...then stopped, thinking of why she might merit such treatment. Hadn't she betrayed her leader's trust? Hadn't she broken the bonds of mating, in addition to common treachery? Hadn't she been about to let her leader and her mate be taken and broken and sold as a slave in some far distant land? Closing her eyes, Urta gave a soft, submissive whimper, accepting the judgment of her alpha. As her body relaxed, she felt Rufus' hand draw away, but this time she didn't try to rise from her present position, head pressed against the ground, rump still high, her body naked and exposed, her clitoris-cock throbbing at full erection from the sex she smelled in the air, and the sounds of the slavers being ravished, and of a sweet kittengirl's tasty cunny wiggling in the air as she orally serviced a delicious-smelling foxboy. But then, foxes always smelled so good, like sex, and the vixens were even worse than the tods. As Shara, the foxtaur, yelped in orgasm as she was mounted by Cassidy, the smell of that nearby mating was enough to drive Urta beyond the point of distraction, and without even meaning to, her hips started to move of their own accord, the juices from her cunny dripping their way down her erect phallus, getting it glistening-slick.

Urta gave a sharp cry then as, suddenly, Rufus' huge paw came down on her upturned spotty rump with a loud smack!

"Slut," he snarled, but with an underlying current of affection. Urta shuddered at the sound of her master's voice, and couldn't hold back still more whimpers of both fear and arousal in equal measure. She knew very well that Rufus would forgive her, could feel it in how he was roughly, cruelly mauling her bottom and plump, dark cunt lips with those rough hands of his, but could feel just as readily that he wasn't going to let her go without some punishment. She was going to suffer for her sins, and suffer terribly. The knowledge of her impending punishment made Urta's body tremble and gush with anticipation.

"AAAAIIIIIIEEEEE!" wailed the she-gnoll suddenly, her head snapping up despite herself, her eyes popping open wide. Rufus had lunged his hips forward, his cock punching with brutal force into her unprepared tailhole! Wailing and sobbing and struggling in a paroxysm of pain at the sudden intrusion into an entry that was meant as an exit, Urta bucked and thrashed as Rufus started working his hips with a will, giving her no respite, no chance at escape. Then his hand was on the back of her head once more, and she gave a loud, despairing sob as her cheek thudded against the hard-packed earth once more, her tears of pain and contrition leaking onto the ground.

"I'm sorry," she cried out loudly, her words broken up by tearful hiccups. "I'm *hic* I'm so *hic* I'm so sooorrrreeeee!"

"Sorry's not enough," growled Rufus, making Urta scream as he slapped her naked pussy with his calloused palm, then grabbed her butt tightly before letting loose, his hips becoming a blur as he hammered her buns hard and fast, making them bounce, and her breasts as well. "You'n your gnolls are gonna learn who's boss around here, Urta, one way or another." His lips peeled back in a cruel grin. "And that boss is me."

By that point, Urta was incoherent in her desperate begging and sobbing and yelping with each especially hard thrust of Rufus' hips. Glancing down, the wolf smirked as he noticed Urta's juices soaking his balls: she was enjoying this, enjoying being dominated, being punished like the bad girl she was. Well, he'd give her just what she wanted, and more, much, much more. Reaching forward, his rough hands closed around Urta's large breasts, fingertips pinching her dark-capped nipples until she squealed like a puppy, her eyes rolling back into her head. Feeling Urta's juices squirting onto his thighs at this, belying her orgasm however much she might scream and struggle and beg for mercy, Rufus laughed at her, moving one hand to hold her head down, while the other wrapped around her hard girlcock, pumping it good and fast, in time with his own thrusts. This time, when Urta's tailhole clenched down on him as she came again, Rufus didn't hold back, baring his fangs to the starry skies as he spurted the first shot of his cum into her tailhole, then pulled free to paint the rest of it over her bottom and back and thighs, marking her as his property, his slave, in a way any beastfolk with a halfway decent sense of smell would immediately recognize for weeks afterward.

For a moment, it looked as though Urta was about to slump forward, collapsing to the ground after her ordeal. Rufus reached out and seized her by her dreaded locks, however, that grew like hair from her head, and jerked the formerly dominant 'yenagirl up onto her knees. Without a word, he shoved his still-erect cock in her face, then let it flop against the top of her blunt nose like a doggy treat, resting there until he told her to act otherwise. Urta looked up at her master with pleading, pitiful eyes, but Rufus was unswayed: she had to probe her loyalty to him. Her eyes lowering in submission, Urta opened her muzzle, and closed it into a smooth, tight seal around the juicy length of wolfmeat before her. Hollowing out her cheeks, Urta closed her eyes, whimpering to herself as she bobbed her head, sucking and slurping with each thrust forward and back, working her tongue as best as she could against the underside of his shaft, feeling the throb of Rufus' pulse against her tongue. Surely this proved her loyalty now? She had his precious manhood right on her tongue, right between her powerful jaws! But she didn't bite down, no, not one hint of tooth. Instead of pain, she gave him only pleasure, served him like a slavish dog, _his_dog, his willing, eager, obedient slave...mmmph!

"Good," growled Rufus tensely, his heavy paw caressing Urta's ears as his hips jerked a little, involuntarily, his cum filling her muzzle right to the brim, forcing her to gulp hastily to take down that first heavy discharge. Finally, Rufus heaved a long, satisfied sigh, and pulled out of Urta's muzzle, letting her clean him off with her tongue, getting him swiftly hard once more. "Very good," he emphasized, then grinned, motioning with his head behind her. "Looks like your brother's done with that one. Go have some fun: you've earned it."

Turning her head, Urta grinned as she saw her brother gripping the bound wrists of Kyte with one strong hand, his other wrapped around the dragonman's tail, holding it flush with his furry chest as he worked his hips at a swift-but-steady pace, making the helpless slaver's firmly-muscled buns bounce with each impact of fur-on-scales. Mmm, now that was hot. Ambling over casually, Urta grinned at her brother, who regarded her warily, then knelt, before dipping her head underneath where the two males were coupling, to get a better look at the action. There was Kyte's yellow penis, bobbing and dripping precum heavily, the balls just beneath bouncing with each slap of Urtan's heavy sac against their rear. Tilting her head slightly upward let Urta watch her brother's cock sawing back and forth into the vertical slit of Kyte's tailhole, stretching the helpless scaly male so very nicely.

"Rape him good, brother," Urta encouraged him, reaching up to grip Kyte's cock, and then to start stroking it in time with her brother's thrusts. Almost immediately, this broke the rhythm Urtan had been setting as Kyte started to clench up, his sharp, pointed lizardteeth bared as his scaly lips curled up. Moments later, Kyte's cock spasmed, and Urta couldn't help but drool watching ropes of thick dragoncum splatter against the ground, before she dipped her head just in time to open her muzzle, catching the last few squirts on her extended tongue. No mercy! Urta soon wrapped her muzzle around Kyte's cock, getting him hard again almost immediately, while Urtan just sped up, his panting growing ragged as he started to hit the final upward climb of his own orgasm. So close on his first orgasm, Kyte groaned through his clenched teeth as he shuddered out another, weaker spasm into Urta's muzzle. Behind him, though, Urtan snapped at the air as his balls tensed, his cock pulsing deep inside his helpless dragontoy, hard bursts of cum splattering against Kyte's prostate, not letting the raped dragonman lose his erection, even as Urta pulled her muzzle free with a messy 'pop.'

"My turn," said the she-'yena cheerily as she stood up. Urtan, panting, stepped back, his dark brown cock still dripping cum, while his sister took his place, her hard red erection standing ready for action.

"Aw no..." moaned Kyte, before his words were cut off with a soft cry, less of pain and more of humiliation as he was rammed full once again, this time by a female with a cock bigger than that of many males.

Urtan, staggering back slightly, nearly tripped over one of Goro's extended feet. He glanced down at the pandaman, who blushed sheepishly. Then Urtan's gaze slipped lower, to the panda's thick and stubby cock, standing black and shiny at full erection. This, naturally, just made Goro blush even more deeply. Giving the helpless male a smile that wasn't at all unfriendly, Urtan reached down, cupping Goro's chin, before bending his head, and gently kissing the other male's forehead. Obviously this wasn't what Goro had been expecting, his expression one of confusion as well as continued arousal, but Urtan just gave the helpless captive a wink, before turning his back on him and walking toward where Rufus was closing in on Ryg. Goro didn't have too much time to ponder what this meant, however, before he gave a sharp gasp, watching as the gnolls, having finished at last with two of their victims, tossed Lightfoot and Longhorn to the ground near the startled, wide-eyed panda. The stallion, once so proud and cocksure, now lay with tears streaming down his cum-stained cheeks, his tailhole visibly ruined by the cruelties of multiple rapes from One-eye and Horse and the twins, his face splattered in their cum, his own cock now floppy from forced orgasms, still dripping copious cum. The poor horse looked up weakly at Goro before his head sank to the ground in humiliation and defeat and sheer exhaustion. Longhorn lay next to Lightfoot, and was no less violated, his red-and-white rump savagely gaped by the brutal pounding of the gnolls as they took turns with him again and again, laughing at his pleas for mercy as he grew steadily less coherent, until even his legendary minotaur courage failed him. The young bull's face was blank of expression, showing how his mind had broken along with his body, rendering him into nothing but a gnollish cum-dumpster.

Turning his head slightly, Goro saw where the red-furred bat, Lisk, was biting his lower lip with his long, sharp fangs, even while he slowly rode Greymuzzle's hips, his long, slender batcock bobbing in time with his pumping downward thrusts on that thick light brown hyenacock. Greymuzzle, for his part, seemed content to just lean back against the wheel of a wagon, his hands behind his head, a smug grin on his face as he let the still-bound batboy do all the work. That was what gnollish mercy was like, Goro realized in horror: being allowed to choose the pace at which you were raped.

"Now your turn!"

The words made Goro start despite himself. In battle, the pandaman was well-known for being fearless, entering a state of cold fury where no emotion could touch him. But he felt vulnerable, exposed, helpless in ways he'd never even begun to consider. Now he would be raped and then discarded like his fellow slavers, violated beyond all endurance again and again while they laughed at his suffering and then would rape him some more. Even as his heart froze with fear, Goro felt his cock throb in anticipation, and he squeezed his eyes tightly shut, praying to the goddess of battle for what he did not know, for he did not know what he wanted most at that moment. When nothing happened for several long moments, Goro finally opened his eyes, unsure if he felt relief or disappointment as he saw that the harsh words were meant for Skaeth.

Not far off, the powerfully-muscled older minotaur had been forced to all-fours. The big male grunted softly as he felt the tongues of Rish and Rack on his tailhole and balls, while One-eye gripped his square-muscled rump, spreading it apart. Horse, direct as always, picked the one hole that wasn't being attended to right then, and stuffed his immense cock into Skaeth's mino-muzzle. Seemingly unfazed even by such a tremendous piece of hyenabeef, Skaeth simply pursed his lips, his thick neck visibly working as he deep-throated Horse's shaft with astonishing skill.Goro could simply watch the veteran warrior in awe as he didn't even flinch when One-eye plunged his cock into him from behind, while Rish and Rack started to work their talented muzzles along his own meaty length.

Shivering, Goro pictured himself in such a situation. The thought made him have to turn away, squeezing his eyes tight shut in the hopes that he might never find out what it would be like.

"Meow!" squeaked Dinah as Ryg and Spark together happily ate her out, their tails wagging side-by-side, unknowingly attracting the eyes of both Rufus and Urtan as the pair approached from the rear. "Meeeeeow!"

Both canids had somehow gotten Dinah onto her back - and the effort had indeed taken them both, though it wasn't so hard after Ryg discovered that Dinah's startlingly pink nipples were very sensitive - and were lapping at her bald and juicy little cunny, making the lithe little catgirl kick her brown-skinned legs on either side of their heads as she cried out in orgasmic delight, her fingers raking the dirt beneath her. With the lightest touch, Ryg gently nudged Spark aside, even as she whispered soft, sweet words of magic into Dinah's cunny, and began to press her fingers against the catgirl's hymen. Dinah's cries of pleasure suddenly hit a new crescendo as the cunning shamaness squeezed her fingers slowly inside the catgirl's cunny, stretching Dinah open with all the tender care Ryg might have reserved for her own daughter.

"That doesn't hurt, does it, Dinah?" asked Ryg, looking up at the green-haired catgirl's face with a pleasant expression, a gesture that was ultimately meant for Dinah's benefit, since, of course, Ryg couldn't see Dinah's face.

"Nyo," replied Dinah, not resisting as Ryg pushed Spark onto his back and wrapped her hand around the foxboy's throbbing cock, still standing at full erection despite his previous multiple orgasms in both Dinah's and her own muzzle as the two females, older and younger, had traded Spark's cock back and forth between their greedy muzzles, more than once sharing messy cum-coated kisses in the process. "Dinah feels good."

"Just a little magic to make sure that's all you feel, your first time," Ryg said with a smile, before patting Dinah on her smooth hip. "Come on, now you can try putting Spark's penis in your kitten carrier."

Her slitted eyes growing wide, Dinah rose to her knees, stroking her hands wonderingly over her flat, trim tummy, and then down to the plump dimple of her mons. So this was how babies were made...her eyes swiftly moved to Spark's pink penis, held upright by Ryg's gentle hand while she stroked it near the base, keeping it copiously leaking precum. Well...Ryg had promised that it wouldn't hurt, after all, and she trusted Ryg, and that fox's penis did look awfully good.

Her smooth brown bottom and green-furred tail held high, Dinah stalked Spark's penis like a mouse, keeping her head low to the ground, her nipples just barely brushing the hard-packed earth of the campsite. Suddenly, she pounced, hopping up onto Spark's chest, straddling him while facing away from the foxboy, so that she could better inspect his male organ. Not seeming to notice how this shoved her cunny right in Spark's face, Dinah wrapped her small hands around Spark's cock, smiling down at it as she wiggled her tushie back and forth in front of her fox. Well, might as well try it out; after all, Dinah's curiosity couldn't be contained, and it had, after all, been a lot of fun having Spark's penis in her mouth. It had to be at least as good in her other place, the one that spoilsport Kaia said she couldn't touch.

Crawling forward, Dinah pressed the dimple of her cunny against Spark's cock, starting to rub it up and down, getting his length nice and slick, and making the handsome young fox moan in rising pleasure. Mmm, this was fun! It felt really good, too, as his cock rubbed right up against Dinah's kitty clitty, making her juices flow freely. Still, Dinah hesitated, knowing in some instinctive way that once she put this penis inside herself, there was no going back. She hadn't had a chance to really see what it was like, putting a penis inside of a girl's cunny, at least not up close, and though she was eager to try it out herself, that lack of experience made her hesitate just a little longer.

These notions, however, was interrupted in her mind as Dinah heard a sharp cry from Ryg. Turning her head, and knowing that Spark was doing the same, Dinah watched, wide-eyed and wide-mouthed, as Ryg cried out again, her fingers gripping the ground, tearing into the hard earth. Behind her, Dinah and Spark could see Rufus and Urtan simultaneously working their muzzles in a spot just concealed from sight by the curves of Ryg's bottom and flagged tail, though the loud, luscious sounds they were making made it pretty clear that they were doing to Ryg pretty much what Spark and Ryg together had been doing to Dinah just a short while ago.

As turned-on as Ryg had been from all the fun she'd been having with the two youngsters, Spark and Dinah, it took only a few minutes before she gave a high-pitched wail of orgasm, her breasts heaving with her rapid breaths. Rufus and Urtan moved together at this moment, taking Ryg's peaked pleasure as a signal they read together, communicating almost perfectly, and all without words. Their strong hands seized her, gripped her, lifted her up as they knelt facing each other, with Ryg dangling between them. Leaning in a little, Dinah got a perfect view of all the action as Ryg wrapped her legs around Rufus' waist, her head falling back, tongue lolling out, as he lowered her, nice and slow, down onto his immense erection. Dinah was awestruck: you could fit something so big into your girlparts?! The idea had never really occurred to her, and she shimmied her hips up against Spark's cock some more, not nearly as intimidated by it as she'd been before. Then Dinah's mind was blown again as Urtan stepped forward also, rubbing his cock into the crease of Ryg's plush buns, before his cockhead found her tense pink tailhole. Ryg whined loudly as the hyenaman sank her down on his thick shaft, but she didn't seem to be in any real pain. Just some discomfort, and that soon passed as she adjusted to the thick, meaty length in her wide-stretched pink tailhole.

Not knowing quite what to think from all this new information, Dinah reached back, stroking a hand over her own bouncy little tushie, squeezing her trim, supple flesh before she glanced back at Spark.

"Is Dinah's butt all right?" she asked seriously.

"Your bottom is gorgeous," replied Spark with a foxy smile that made Dinah just melt inside. Not wanting to hold back any more, she lifted herself up, gripping the foxcock beneath her to carefully line it up with her moist, puffy cunny lips...and then sank downward, nice and slow.

"Mmmmmeeeeeew!" wailed Dinah, making Spark grunt in surprise, clenching his teeth tightly as her inner walls almost immediately started to clench down on him: she'd cum already! That starting orgasm just continued, as Dinah's cry turned into a long, drawn-out caterwauling even as she bounced eagerly on Spark's hips, riding his big, juicy foxcock with all her kittenish eagerness and energy, her petite breasts jiggling as Spark answered Dinah's enthusiasm with his own, his hands gripping her smooth hips as he jerked his own up to meet her cunny on the downstroke.

Next to the young lovers, Ryg was similarly giving just as good as she got, her muzzle meeting first Rufus' and then Urtan's in a savage kiss that quieted her cries for a short while. All the while, she gripped Rufus' chest, using the leverage to thrust herself up and down in time with the pounding of her pussy and tushie by the two brutal males on either side, fore and aft, taking her so completely, so utterly, dominating her because she wanted to be dominated, wanted to be used, to be taken and claimed by these alpha males like a true submissive she-wolfen, rather than the mysterious and powerful shamaness she was forced to be all the time. Her cry of orgasm was mirrored by Dinah's just a short while off, even as Spark's musical voice signaled his own peak of ecstasy, a peak signaled to Ryg by the deep, masculine grunts of her two lovers as they began to fill her up with so very much thick, creamy spunk. She was so delirious with pleasure, in fact, that Ryg nearly missed the kiss Rufus and Urtan shared, their tongues writhing against each other within each others' muzzles.

The rest of the night passed in a blur of passion, love and rape mingling together until it was hard at times to tell the difference. Since both Lightfoot and Longhorn had been used up by the gnolls, Kyte soon became the center of attention for every male there, after Urta finished with her turn. Naturally, he didn't last long after Rufus plowed into his backside, and soon he lay, panting heavily, cum spattering down on his supple scales, thoroughly raped. Skaeth, durable beast that he was, gave pleasure to anyone who cared to claim him, and received it as well, several times, as Ryg wanted to ride the big bull, and after she'd had a turn, little Dinah, drunk on pleasure and youthful bravado, wanted a go right afterward. Naturally, after sinking the head of that massive member into her very recently-deflowered cunny, Dinah changed her mind, though she did have the decency to suck Skaeth off by way of apology for not letting him finish in her quim. At some point during the orgy, somebody untied Shara, though the vixentaur quite willingly allowed herself to be taken from both ends by Spark, who wanted a turn with her tailhole, and Cassidy, who seemed not at all bothered by having a fox eat his proud, youthful manhood - in all the best ways, of course.

As for Goro...he was forced to watch these and many other scenes, but not once was he included. At one point, he began to open his mouth to protest, though whether to demand to be freed or to demand to be included, he wasn't really sure. He didn't get to find out either, as Urta noticed his efforts at speech, and promptly gagged the panda with her previously-discarded loincloth, before patting him on one cheek, kissing him on the other, and whispering, teasingly, into one ear for him to "be a good boy." By the end of the night, he had the worst case of black-and-white-and-blue balls imaginable, before he was forced into the cage cart with the other slavers, his erection unabated, though he did his best to keep the others from noticing. This wasn't too hard, though - most of them were too busy sleeping off their own multiple forced orgasms.

As dawn broke, Rufus gently tugged the reins of the sturdy mule at the front of the little three-cart caravan, knowing that Urtan was just a short distance behind, and also knowing that the gnoll warrior, his beta, was staring at his loincloth-clad butt. Even after all the other acts of debauchery last night, Rufus and Urtan had been hesitant with each other, as though afraid to break their friendship and total trust with some failure in sex. Still, the sense of passion had been there between them, even if they'd stopped at a little mutual masturbation...which hadn't even really finished, as Shara, greedy for more and new cocks, had interposed herself between the pair, starting by taking their cocks into her own talented hands, before she'd ended up doublestuffed with both their cocks in her vixyquim.

Sighing, part in satisfaction at the other acts of the night before, and part in regret for what had been missed, Rufus forced his attention on the road ahead, while the others dozed in their carts, sleeping off the effects of last night. After all, it was a long trip back to the Blue Feather camp. A lot could happen along the way.

Path Choices

We now have a long and fairly boring journey ahead of us, making for a nice change of pace. Enough time has passed that we can focus on a good number of groups. Pick one of the following scenes that you would like to see as the party travels. If the winning scene does not run too long, then the second most popular voted scene will also be added.

A) Adel, Marlene, Rael, Leta, Regina, Morgan, and Deriny all giving birth back at the Blue Feather tribe, with some additional adventures of theirs as they get more information from the Blue Feather High Alpha.

B) A scene of the Warlord's camp, and what (and who) the herm dragoness is presently doing. Suggestions for what you would like to see over there are appreciated, such the Warlord amusing herself by touring the breeding pens where the best stock of the female captives are held captive and ravished until impregnated by her strongest soldiers, or taking part in the gang-rape of handsome and muscular captive male warriors until they are thoroughly broken...or perhaps battered and cum-splattered, but still unbowed. Or...something else, as your fancy takes you.

C) Converting those we can of the slavers while traveling. List who you would like turned to our side along with your vote. Also include the following: sexual pairings that you would like to see; if the Change Sex spell or crowns of Morpheus are used; and if so, on whom they are used.

D) Converting the Sisters of Glory while traveling, including Hanaro's joining us. Also include possible sexual pairings for the Sisters that you would like to see, and if the crowns of Morpheus are used. Bear in mind, the Sisters of Glory are presently suffering from poison (Priapis poison) that causes intense arousal in its victims, but it is slower-acting in females than in males, so they won't truly experience its effects until about a day or so has passed.

E) Campfire scene, where we learn more about a character. Pick a character in our present party that you want to know about. Also include sex scenes you want to see happen between willing characters in this intimate setting.

F) Test out that weird orb we got from Praxis.