Kiss My Arse 10 - Life and Death Wolf

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#10 of Kiss My Arse

(Unfortunately, the events of the following few days were unaccountable by me since of my transformation. I surrender the narration to an independent overseer. Mitch.) Evil resonated from that place with only the awe of the staff members and the hysterical cries of Heart Wolf. "He's here..." The dark fires soon sub-sided within him as he took his first breath. It was deep and heavy. She approached his side in respect and admiration, "Mitch, do you remember me?" He opened his dark eyes and looked at the small, shivering wolf next to him. "How could I forget my own mother?" he chuckled as he stretched his new, much buffer muscles. "May I have my gift now, son?" He stopped and looked deep into her, "Your gift?" "My gift of power so that I can rule by your side," she replied eagerly. He nodded and turned to her, "Ah yes. Power. Unfortunately I cannot grant you that. I can grant you a perfect gift, however." He placed his hand on her head as she closed her eyes. "I will grant you eternal peace." Lightening surged from his hands and jolted her body; shocking her being and causing her to scream in pain. She burst into flames and disappeared in a burst of light. "My poor mother..." he tusked as he pulled his hand back, clenching it into a fist and looking at his new body. Past his fist, he sighted the figure of Krystal lying on the floor; cringing and trying to move away from him. "Are you scared of me, sister?" he asked intently. Nik, Dark and Fang stood in front of her to defend her. Mitch just crossed his arms, "So you three stand against me? There was a time when I called you my friends and no you stand in insolence. Why are we enemies?" "Stay the fuck away from her," order Dark as he and Nik carried her away. Only Fang stood there is his sword held tightly in his hand. "So," asked Mitch, "'The Dragon Hero' has finally grown some balls and become a man. Bravo." He stood his ground, "I'm not falling for it." "For what?" "Your attempt to make me angry." "Oh I don't need to talk to make you angry." Suddenly, rage flooded into Fang as his hand clenched tightly to the hilt of his sword. He gritted his teeth as power began to flow through his being; his muscles tensing and his eyes narrowing for the nearing fight. He could not contain himself and dark fire burst from his fur. "Excellent. You're mine Shadow Fang." Fang held his head as he dropped his sword and fell to the ground, rolling in pain and agony. His cries echoed loud in the large hall. I called to the figures who could only look up in horror, "Do you see this? He tries to control the Dark Alfire. He has no idea of what control is." "OPEN FIRE!!!" called Chloe as gunfire filled the air. Each bullet burnt to ash before they hit Mitch as he laughed at their pathetic attempt. "Ha...mine turn." With a nod of his head, the men turned to guns on each other and began to fire, killing each other and leaving none alive. Chloe knew she was out of her league. Her unit was dead and Mitch barely moved. Fang suddenly stopped, he slowly caught his breath as he stood up from the floor. Picking up his sword, he stood in front of Mitch and faced the team. His eyes were jet black. He was no a submissive slave of the darkness. The team began to retreat, rushing out of the hall as fast as they could and Mitch did nothing to stop them. "Actually..." he thought slowly, "I want you." Sally froze and turned; returning to the hall and walking up the stairs. Sally sat down next to the throne with Fang on the other side and Mitch sat in the middle. Krystal returned for her lost love. "SALLY!!" "She belongs to me now, Krystal. Leave now." "SALLY!!!!" Mitch clicked his fingers and Fang drew his sword, following the command of his new master. "I live to obey," he repeated. Chloe returned to Krystal and pulled her away, "Krystal, we need to go." "But Sally..." "Krystal, he'll kill you. We need to get away from this now." Hesitantly, Chloe pulled Krystal away and back to the safety of the arwings. Fang returned to his master's side and sheathed his sword. Mitch looked down at the subservient Sally kneeling down by life left side. She made no attempt at emotion or resistance. "A bit boring when she has no free will, huh?" asked Mitch. "At least she isn't moaning..." replied the now cold-hearted Fang. Mitch clicked his finger and Sally sprang back into life and, although she still had no control over her movements, she had a lot of complaining to do. Life leached back into her deep, blue eyes, "Wha...What's going on?" She looked up at the smiling Mitch, "Oh God! KRYSTAL!!!" she cried as she began to struggle. Mitch stood from his throne and knelt down in front of the cowering wolf. He slowly caressed her cheek as she closed her eyes, "Calm yourself my little wolf pet. You have teased me for far too long and, sense I am still a man, I have certain 'needs' for which you such fulfil. In return I grant you your own free will." The dark fire kissed her cheek, making her tear a little. Mitch looked up and called Fang, "Come my mind slave, we must go." Holding onto the pair, Mitch took them from the base.

"OH GOD LET HER BE ALIVE!!!" Krystal could not condone herself; she was in a flood of tears. Anyone who tried to comfort her was pushed away. "WE JUST LEFT HER!!!" she screamed. Her heart was heavy and her mind was muddled. The team stood in silent accusation. "We...we tried..." silently stated Rouge. With a crushed look from Krystal, Rouge looked away in guilt. "Well what's the plan?" proclaimed Krystal as she slipped more and more into resentment. "He's too powerful," answered Fox in despair, "You saw what he did to Fang." Krystal looked to Nik and Dark seeing as they were the most powerful warriors the team had. She found no solace in their faces. Chloe walked into the meeting room where the team had congregated, "Sorry to interrupt but the girls are here..." Krystal sniffed back the tears, wiped her sore eyes and plucked up the courage to tell the girls. Chloe looked at each person in turn around the room and saw nothing. Each one steeped in pessimism and all hope had been lost. "Guys we have to do something..." "What can we do, Miss Invincible?" "Well," Chloe started as she produced a large book which she slammed onto the table, "We can use Cerilian legend against him." Opening the ancient tome, she skimmed her finger down the page, "It says that for every being the there is alter being. One of opposite morality and the same power. To fight Mitch, we need Anti-Mitch." The looks on the faces of the team showed a mass of uncertainty. "Sounds like a load of bullocks to me," announced Falco with his arms crossed. "Yeah," agreed Renamon, "And how are we gunna find this Mitch counterpart?"

Sally opened her eyes as the blinding light died down to find herself in a completely different environment. She was in amazed by the large mine that lay in front of her. A large, cylinder mine lay in front of her dimly light by weakening torches. The chiselled, grazed rock spiralled down to the bottom with cells leading downwards. Sunlight had never seen this place as nothing grew. The churning and rusty calls of old machinery echoed in the background. Mitch soon appeared with a large group of figures at the bottom of the mine. He stood at the top in front of her to proclaim his offer. "Prisoners of Renlap prison of the Crosm Planet, welcome to the mines of Gaiafrash. Dark mineral sleeps deep within the hardened rock for which you shall mine for me. If you fulfil this task I have set then I shall bless you with the gift of eternal life. However, choose not to follow me and your punishment shall be dear. Those of you who choose glory, pick up your tools. Those who decline, stay where you are." Most of them hesitated but soon they search for their picks and shove while a dozen or so stood their ground. Mitch was not pleased, "Why do you stand against me?" "I take no orders," answered a cocky prisoner. "Fine," concluded Mitch, "If you take no orders; you shall no longer take a breath." Squeezing his hand, the men started to hold their chests. He had began to crush their lungs as they dropped to the floor, rolling in pain and struggling for breath. Sally looked away as each one slowly drifted into death. Mitch overlooked the rest of them, "Anyone who wishes to join them in the afterlife will do so." The rest of the prisoners rushed away into the cutting rock. Mitch made his way to one of the cells with Sally following him. Teleporting out a few times, Mitch had set up a room for her. He had brought a bed, wardrobe and even a drawer. "Is there anything more you need?" he asked with a smile. "Maybe my freedom," she snarled. Mitch just laughed and slowly closed the door as her freedom of movement returned to her. Realizing the serious of the situation, Sally could do no more than cry for her love.

"We'll sort him out!" cried Cassandra with a smile. Krystal appeared from the background, "Like fuck you will, I'm not losing you girls." "But Mum we are the only ones that can. He is our master. We are warriors, not children," pleaded Ruby. "But he's not Fang anymore. He has become twisted and evil," she cried in desperation, trying to persuade them otherwise. She could see the look in their eyes; the burning desire for which Sally held. She knew she could not stop them. "You girls have to be careful," she uttered under her worry. The three hugged her tightly to comfort her. "I love you girls so mu..." The girls paused to see why she had hesitated. "...Mum...?" As they pulled away they saw that Krystal's face had gone pale and the entire colour had drained away. "MUM?!?" She was deaf to their cries. She could hear Sally's voice in her head; heeding her and calling her near. Yet, for the first time, she knew rescue was impossible.

Sally slowly awoke from her dreams about Krystal to Mitch entering her room with a tray. On it contained many foods of exotic origin and affluent purpose. Sally's stomach growled at the prospect of the coming feast. Mitch could see her lightened expression and just smiled, placing the tray on the bed next to her. "All this is for you. In exchange for this gift, however, you must do something for me. A test of your loyalty." Sally was so hungry; she barely registered Mitch's voice to even care what he was talking about so she just nodded intently. He produced a collar and chain from behind his back and handed it to Sally, "Wear this." Sally snapped back into reality. She took one look at the collar and flung it to the other side of the room, enraged by his offer. "My dignity is not on offer. My life of wearing collars is over." Mitch just snarled, standing up and laying waste to the tray on her bed, destroying all the food into a grey clump. "I give you free will and this is how you repay me?" He looked deep into Sally as if to commander her through his sight. She walked over to the collar and secured it around her neck with a padlock. She returned to Mitch and handed him the leach. "What a good pet I have..." Tugging on the lead allowed Sally to snap back into free will as Mitch dragged her along behind him. She had little time to recover from her daze and so she was on all fours. He walked her like a dog down the spiral rock and through the mine; past mine shafts and sweating workers. Each man was covered in thick, dark dirt and held heavy, lumbering drills that fractured and chiseled the dark rocks. "You see all this Sally? The fruit of their labors shall be the ultimate army; fearless and strong for which only the most powerful and brave may conquer. This dark mineral resonates the same energy that a do. It feeds me, heals me, protects me. And, soon, it will be the corner stone of my domination. I have chosen you to rule with me. My mother was weak and pathetic, interested only in my power and not her own. You are sweet and innocent. Your body calls to me. You may not mean anything you imply by teasing but that is not fault of mine. Although your mind stays loyal to your - precious vixen, your body cries for release. And I want to answer it." "You disgust me," she cried, struggling to keep up with his brisk pace. He just laughed at her vain attempt at insulting him. One of the workers near-by had also noticed parts of Sally he liked; goosing her as he walked past. Sally's squeal caught Mitch's attention and he turned around to find the same man strolling away. With one hand pointed to him, a lightening bolt fried the fur within seconds; only blackened, charred bones as proof of his existence. The other workers stopped to see what the commotion was. Mitch looked at their fear-filled faces, "SHE IS FOR MY HAND'S ONLY!!! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!?" The mine filled with silence, even the old machines hushed for Mitch's command, "Good. Back to work..." Turning round, Mitch pulled Sally back to her room. He sat her on the bed and stood in front of her, looking seriously at her. "Sally. I can show you so much. I can bring back that for which you have lost." He took a step back and held out a lump of dark rock, watching as its glimmer pulled all her attention towards it. "I can heal the wounds this reality has dealt you." With a click of his fingers, the rock morphed into a tangible shape before her awe-stricken eyes. Two large wolves, one male and one female stood in front of Sally, smiling and holding each other. Sally's eyes filled with tears as past memories flooded back to her. "What about having you parent's back, Sally?" he tempted. "We love you Sally... We are so proud," said her mother with a beaming smile. She shook her head in disbelief. Her parents disappeared and soon another form began to take shape. This time it was of one wolf with ragged fur and an eye patch. "Or what of your brother. He was taken way before his time. You could change that Sally." "...Wolf..." Her hand reached out for him as he smiled lovingly at her. "Or maybe...the person you cared about the most." A final form took shape which sent Sally into a cycle of fond memories, bringing her to tears once again. The dragoness in front of her was the only person that would compare to the love she felt for Krystal. Her long, wild hair and back stripes. Her tall stature and kind smile. Her powerful tail and familiar smell. "Irana..." Sally reached out with her hand and Irana took hold of her. "You could have her back Sally..." coaxed Mitch with a devious smile. "I miss you so much Sally." "I...I...miss you too!" she laughed while still in a fit of tears. However, the cold realization came back to her. That was not her Irana; she died long ago. The malice and sin contained within Mitch's smile created spite and hate within Sally. She pulled her hand away, "I'm not falling for this, Mitch. You don't even deserve to mention her name." All success and hope turned into failure for Mitch. "Fine, forget it." With a firm grasp, Mitch twisted Irana's neck, breaking it and killing her instantly as she hit the floor with a flood. That was the last straw; Sally could not take it and broke down into tears. She held the now lifeless body tight and cried into her hair. "Please God.....*cry*....oh no....*weep*....not can't take her again....." Sally cried aloud as Mitch left; no guilt or sorrow went through his mind. Sally held the body tight. Its form started to fade and the Irana returned to the form of the small rock. Sally could not contain it any longer and grabbed the bars of her cell, proclaiming and cursing Mitch's very name, "I HATE YOU MITCH!!! YOU WILL DIE I SWEAR IT!! FOR IRANA'S SAKE!!!!" After a few minutes, a prisoner respectful approached the bars of Sally's cell to find her sobbing into her arms on her bed. "Excuse me, Miss," he asked solemnly. "Piss off," she said she pulled her head from her arms, revealing her red raw eyes. "I am sorry to intrude amongst all this distress but whose name did you call out?" She believed, although quite small, this prisoner was trying to make fun of her. "Who wants to know?" she asked defensively. "Do beg my pardon Miss. My name is Ryan Orilia." Sally stared deeply at the young dragon looking in at her. His deep, meaningful eyes and his familiar scale pattern matched in her mind. "Did...did you have a sister?" "Yes!" he said with glee, "I did! Irana was her name. Tell me, do you know of her? I have not seen her in such a long time as we were split up at an early age. What I wouldn't give to be reunited with my sister again!" Finding grief in Sally's expression, he feared the worst. "What...what has happened to my sister, Miss?" Before Sally could answer him, Mitch reappeared at her cell. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Slacking off is not something I take lightly..." "No, don't hurt him!" cried Sally, "I called him over, it was my fault..." Mitch glared at his new pet and then back at the quivering little dragon in front of him. "Back to work immediately." "Yes Sir," answered the dragon immediately as he rushed back to the darkness of the mines. Mitch slung open the gate and marched in. "I have decided what I will do with you," he announced with a smile, "I will force you into my needs. As my pet, I require you for simplistic things. I have needs, like many men and you will fulfil those needs." He sat down next to her, placing his hand on her thigh. She swiftly moved away, "Forget it. Just kill me." Exasperated with her unfaithful and dismissive attitude, he pulled out his trump card. "I won't kill you," he stated, "but I will kill him..." He pointed through the bars to Ryan. "His death would be on your shoulders. Could you handle that burden?" Sally was open mouthed; devastated as there was nothing she could do. Holding back her tears and swallowing her pride, she sacrificed herself to him, "What will you have me do?" The heartless smile swelled on his face. With simple a point of the finger, each button in turn burst on Sally's top. "I want to hear more Sally. Tell me of your submission." She stood up in front of him and began to pose. "My body is yours. I want you inside of me." "Oh yeah?" "I wanna taste your warm cum and squeeze your huge cock between my tits." Sally tried her best to please him. Dancing and swinging her hips from side-to-side as she slid her kilt down, leaving her in her bra and panties. "I'll tell you what my sex little wolf, I'll make it easier for you." Using his morph powers, Mitch transformed into a completely different and smaller form. He was now Krystal; naked but still with his penis in a sheath. "Have you missed me Sally?" A calm sort of madness had gripped Sally. Her mind told her that it was Krystal; assured her that she had nothing to fear. She jumped up off her knees and embraced her, "I've missed you so much, Krysy..." To keep up her false hope, Mitch hugged her back, "I'm here now Sally. I need your help." Breaking the embrace, Mitch pushed Sally to her knees; her nose now poking his sheath. Sally began to massage his furry balls; cupping them in her hands and giving them devoted licks once and again. Slowly his huge length made an appearance; the head poking out first with the rest slowly following. Sally took a firm grip and began to please her Krystal, licking the shaft slowly from base to tip. Soon she made it to the head for which she gave added attention. While rubbing the shaft and knot, Sally bobbed the tip inside her mouth. Using her tongue and lapping at the leaking pre-cum, Mitch moaned with pleasure. "Good girl! A bit deeper, though..." Sally responded, slipping the length down her throat. Using her mastery of her previous porn star employment, she made little effort as she fully pleased Mitch. Her perfect and slender canine tongue had the blowjob easy. "I'm getting close... Beg for it." Sally pulled the length from her mouth; slurping up the last of the pre and began jacking him off with her mouth open. "Give me all of your juice cum. I want to swallow all of it!" she pleaded. "Good girl. Get ready....I'm gunna....gunna...." Holding Sally's head for support, Mitch climaxed onto Sally's face. The first shot hit her in the nose, the second across both cheeks and in the mouth. The rest made it into her mouth as she rested it on her tongue. Licking the rest of the cum away from his shaft, he caressed her cheek in gratitude and left her to enjoy her cum.

"Psst...Mum..." Sally was asleep on her bed, dried cum still emanation a familiar musk. "Mum...wake up...!" Sally slowly opened her tired eyes. A blurred figure stood outside her cell. However, from the bright red colour, she knew who it was immediately and jumped up to greet them, "RUBY!!!" Kissing her cheek through the bars, Ruby smiled, "You okay, Mum?" "I'm fine. What are you doing here?" "Getting you outta here! Stand back." Ruby began to fumble with something in her belt. "Stand and deliver," called a familiar voice behind her. Turning slowly to find Fang with his sword drawn, Ruby just smiled at her former master. "This is the end of you." "Yeah, that's what you think..." Cassandra and Naomi grabbed Fang's arms from behind and flung him off the rock to the bottom of the mine. The three followed him down as the rest of the team appeared at Sally's cell. Rouge, Renamon and Lalon all in battle suits were at the back. Fox, Falco, Peppy, Mina and Slippy all locked, loaded and ready to fight. At the head of the team was Chloe in her S.W.A.T. garbs, Dark, Nik in his battle suit and Krystal with a beaming smile on her face. "Alright Wolf girl?" she asked, holding back her tears of joy. "Not that you're here, Mrs Horny!" The two giggled to each other. "What a sentimental reunion!" cried Mitch's voice. He had appeared to the side of the team and held his arms out in front of him. The mysterious voice he controlled pushed the team away as he moved forward. Krystal clawed for Sally's hand. "My team is back again. And, yet, now you stand before me as enemies. We shall clash blades yet you cannot win. Steel your nerves for redemption is here and your price shall be paid." The whole team disappeared in the blue energy of a portal.

Fang hit the ground hard with a crash but pulled himself up quickly. "Smart...very smart. I taught you well." The girls stood in front of him with their swords in hand, ready for anything he threw at them. "Master," pleaded Naomi, "We don't want to do this." "Well I do." Fang began to blast the three with his dragon cannon. The three jumped out of the way and used the steep walls to rebound off. Cassandra went first with a flying tornado quick. Fang grabbed her leg and swung her round, throwing her into a pile of rocks. Naomi fired a dragon bullet for which Fang reflected and tackled her to the ground. Ruby took a swipe at him as he rolled under her blade and tripped her up. The miners had made a circle round them and began to cheer as the fight went on. With a powerful 'Earthquake Kick' to the ground sent the three high into the air. One by one, Fang kicked them into the hard rock walls. He stood in the middle with his sword resting on his shoulder, "Pathetic effort I must say..."

The portal opened and the team fell hard to the floor. The scene seemed quite familiar to Mitch. "Welcome to my world." The team were back at his hideout. The dull trees found excitement in the nearing battle as the grass bowed to the new dark lord. "Mitch, please we don't need to do this..." implored Chloe. Only Mitch's dark smile was his answer. Hid dark sword arm pulsated with power as his eyes focused sharp and his wings stretch out. Dark and Nik were the first to start. With a Sonic Boom to disorientate him, Dark slammed with sword into his side. Mitch didn't move. Grabbing the sword edge, he placed it on Dark's shoulder and slit it open. Using the force powers he now commanded, Mitch pulled Nik up and smashed him back down into the dirt. "Who's next?" Fox, Falco, Slippy, Peppy and Mina opened fire on him, penetrating his skin and moving him back slowly. Each of them emptied there mags and reloaded. Mitch just laughed at their attempt. Holding out his hand he fired all the laser round energy back at them, making them jump out the way. Pointing to the skies, lightening rained down on the five; shocking them and sending them paralysed to the ground. Rouge went on the attack next; opting for her fists rather than weapons. Her moves were fast and several kicks connected with her final move being a sharp kick to the neck. Mitch, however, complimented her combo with one of her own. His moves were faster and she couldn't block in time. "You taught me all of this," he stated, pushing her back still. With a knee to the stomach and a double fisted blow to the back, a final huge uppercut sent her flying off into the thick woods. Renamon and Lalon went in for revenge only for Mitch to blast them away with a fireball. All the time he was destroying them, he smiled in glee. His revenge was almost complete. Chloe and Krystal stood alone in, frightened and holding each other. Mitch approached them rubbing his hands. He pointed to Krystal, "You will die now," then he pointed to Chloe, "But you will die later and in much more pain." The three disappeared in a flash of blinding blue light.

The three girls picked themselves up and surround the dark Fang. All three attacked at once, with Cassandra's slashes begin ducked under, Naomi's thrusts sidestepped and Ruby's swipes being parried. Fang kicked Naomi out of the way, pushed Cassandra down and, soon, it was just him and Ruby. His sword (Fatalis) burned brightly in his grip as every sword clash sent sparks of dark fire across the ground. She struggled to hold him off and soon, she was losing. A quick swipe on her arm sent her stumbling away from the battle. She held her deep wound in pain. "I trained you for more then this," demanded Fang. Ruby held her sword tightly and went on the attack. The prisoners around picked up piece of rock and began to pelt Fang with them. Their two swords locked as Ruby held for all she could. Cassandra and Naomi joined her. Fang began to waver. "You.....won'" Parrying him off, the three put their hands together, creating a huge blast from a combined dragon cannon. Fang was sent flying down a min shaft and was lost in the darkness. The three cheered and cried as the prisoners around they also cheered. Something caught Ruby's eye above. A flash of blue light on the higher level.

Chloe slowly opened her eyes to see Mitch standing in front of Sally's cell holding Krystal high by the neck. "You have been in my way for a while. You discovered all my little secrets. I have wanted to do this for along time." He held his sword up high and so did Krystal. "This was the same sword used by you to defeat Shadow. Now it shall be used to take your life." Sally looked at Krystal and reached out for her. She pleaded and grovelled for her lover. "Krystal, look at her. Look at the one you love and tell her." Krystal struggled through his tight grip. Tears ran down both their faces. Sally's tears and cries penetrated deep within Krystal's mind. "I love you Sally." With a quick thrust, his sword pierced her chest and snapped off. He dropped her lifeless body to the floor as Chloe knelt beside her. Her blood poured down the ancient rock. Her life-force drained from her being as the pain took over. She continued to look at Sally; stretching desperately for her hand. They were out of reach from each other. Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby rushed to their dying mother's side. "NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!" Sally's screams echoed loud in the mines. Krystal began to breath softly and erratically, her life fading away. Her eyes slowly closed. Krystal was dead. Chloe held the girls as they were in tears. Mitch held his hands up in revelation and celebration. He had done it. He had killed the blue vixen. "I HAVE DONE IT!!!" he cried in the calamity of the scene. Then the sword through her chest slowly began to change. It turned into a white colour. It's shape became smooth and sleek. Krystal's wound began to heal over. Her chest moved up. Then down. A heartbeat pulsed. Once. Then twice. He eyes opened. Silence emanated through the mine. Her fur turned a white colour and a healthy golden aura bathed the scene in righteous light. With confident hands, Krystal removed the sword and held it tightly in her hand. The hole in her chest closed up and covered over. She stood up against Mitch. The hallowed light burst from her very being as the darkness of Mitch hissed at her. "Why are you not dead?" Her voice echoed loud but calm in angelic chord. "Your version of the sword takes life away. Mine gives life. Any sword can cut and kill but mine also heals." With a mighty slash, the sword cut Mitch open across his chest as he fell to the ground. Krystal's light exploded from her being and flowed into the sword. Mitch's darkness burst out of his being and flowed into the sword. The sword transformed back into a normal, grey long sword. Krystal fell to the floor with the girls around her. Chloe knelt next to Mitch as he struggled for breath. His fur was now blue like it should have been. All his evil was gone. He was free. "I....I'm sorry for what I did." "Don't be," she said with tears in her eyes, "It wasn't your choice..." "I know." He pulled his weak arm to her face as she helped him hold it there. His thumb slowly rubbed her cheek, "I only realize now how much I love you." His hand slowly dropped. The darkness took over. Mitch was dead.

Like fuck I was! Since I absorbed the powers of those I kill, I absorbed apart of Chloe's powers. As the funeral was underway, a banging came from the coffin. As they opened it up, I climbed out. I wasn't best pleased! The years passed and the day was here. No birds sang today and little joy was to be had. The dark, moaning skies and the growling, gurgling sea with the battering wind made the scene all the more depressing. A very large crowd was present and most where in complete tears. Among them was Terra stood with her head bowed solemnly. Rouge, still quite young because of her origin, with Renamon suffering from her age beside her, weeping and paying their respects. Amber and Henry (Lucas) Reloy had also made an appearance in respect and gratitude. Minerva came alone to show a sign of respect. An aging Falco, Fox and Slippy had turned out with wreaths and a picture of Krystal for the coffin. Mina Ortex, a widow of late, stood in silent pray with her hands at her front. Even Miss B had showed up to make amends and to show her respect. On May 16 at 4.00 in the afternoon, Krystal and Sally Wolfe were found dead in each others arms. A diagnosis later on confirmed that Krystal died first and Sally shortly afterwards. Krystal had died in her sleep and Sally was awake, both from naturally causes. A blissful way to go for a perfect couple. The three daughters, Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby sat in tears of sorrow. Well Cassandra and Naomi did. Ruby was in quite a calm state of mind. Dark and Nik stood beside them with their heads bowed in silence. Lalon (with a child of Rouge on the way) held flowers for the departed. Now a fit young man, Ryan made an appearance at the funeral. The two were placed in a coffin together in each others arms for all eternity, just like they had planned.

I saw them die, you know. That morning. The dark scene was almost perfect for their death. I returned to see the sword for which bonded me and Krystal so strongly together. It's energy was fading. I decided to check on the pair. Both were in bed and in embrace. Krystal looked at me and then diminished into death. She died smiling. Sally held on just a bit longer to help Krystal slip away. I helped Sally slip away and then I left the pair. They were so peaceful. I stood on a cliffside which allowed me to see the proceedings. I had already paid my respect to the pair. The bright sunlight soon broke through the cloud cover and brightened my face. I could see Ruby talking at the podium. She was always the smart one... I could never have said how grateful I was to Krystal for bringing me here. I was completely oblivious to Chloe how was sneaking up on me. Or, at least, that's what she thought. As she was about to grab me, a transport away using a portal. Appearing behind her, I tackled her to the ground and landed on top of her. "Won't get me that easily..." "Will I ever?" We both giggled as she pulled me in for a passionate kiss. Suddenly she created another portal which dropped me straight into the sea. "NOT FUNNY!!" All she did was giggle. Cheeky girl... (((There you have it! That is the end of the KRR, KRRS, CNR and KMA storyline and I hope you have enjoyed it. Some characters will reappear in other stories but this storyline is finished. I must say a few words of thanks to my supporters. First I would like to thank Sonic Fox, FireFox1234, Chaos Lord, dragongod140, jimwormmaster, RoadkillUnleashed, Dark Wolfe, Nova_lon and Nordic_Icewolf. These are people that have supported me from the very start and right the way to the end of the series. Thank you for all your positive comments and you all have been good friends! Thanks to all those who have fav'd me stories and commented for which I am very grateful! Sonic Fox, Chaos Lord, FireFox1234, Dark Wolfe, Yon12Yon and Red_rush_brush_7 are the six people to have allowed me to use their characters in the KMA series and I must thank them so much. If you every need anything, let me know! Good luck to FireFox1234 on his trip with the navy, hope he has fun and comes back with more ideas for some good stories. One more thing; good luck PLEASE COMMENT on my stories (I can't stress that enough) and just thanks again for the overwhelming support I have been shown. Keep Yiffing and Merry Christmas!!!)))