Lucky Husky 1 - Doe, a deer

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Lucky Husky

Luke, your average husky, is out in his cabin for a vacation when he goes hunting. He is looking for dinner but finds something else entirely.

No one knew where the morphs came from. They just sort of showed up one day. When they did, everyone pretty much freaked out. A bunch of humans wanted them dead, a bunch of others wanted to find a way to turn into them, a bunch of the morphs wanted to turn human; it was mass hysteria for a while. Religious groups, political groups, scientists; everyone went kind of nuts. Because of all the confusion at the time, not a lot of information exists and any records that were being kept at the time got destroyed in one of the wars that broke out.

But, all that mess was in the past. It had been a long time since the morphs appeared and they were pretty much accepted nowadays. In fact Luke, a husky morph, worked as a historian trying to find out the origins of the morphs. He worked alongside other morphs and humans as well but sometimes all the stress of the research and the pressure to find answers really just got to be too much. So, Luke decided to take a weekend off and head up to his cabin in the woods.

He looked forward to a weekend without work or stress. At his cabin he had no electronics, no internet, not even a phone. When he finally got there he brought in the few groceries he brought with him and then immediately pulled off his shirt and settled on the couch.

He grabbed a book from the corner shelf next to it. Lazily he read a few chapters of the old Stephen King book and then decided to go outside. In the back yard he picked up a few branches that got knocked down in the last storm and he stacked them with the other firewood against the house. It was a nice day out and he decided it might be nice to have a real dinner instead of the boxed food he brought with him. He wasn't entirely an animal, but he did at least have the carnivorous instincts in common with the canine he resembled.

He went in his old shed and grabbed his shotgun. He jammed a few shells in his jeans pocket and headed out into the woods. He crept around for a while until he came by one of his old hunting stands and then he climbed the tree up to it and settled in. He sat there for about 20 minutes, watching the woods around him, before he started to let his mind wander. He started thinking about work but then quickly he started thinking about much better things. Actually, it wasn't long before the squirrel he met last time he was up here popped into his head. She was like him, not just a feral squirrel. She was a little shorter than him, probably around 5'4", has a very slim body with a nice rack and a cute bushy tail curled up against her back. Last time he saw her she also had her legs up over his shoulders so that certainly helped paint her fondly in his memory.

Before he could daydream any more about his previous fling, he heard a noise not far off. He couldn't see it from here but knew it wasn't too far away. It sounded like two deer (the feral kind) were feeling a bit frisky which meant he might be able to get himself a good buck and have some venison steaks tonight. Luke waited a minute or two and then crept toward the area where the noise came from. He peeked through an opening in the brush and could see a rather large buck. As he thought, it had mounted a female and was already going to town. Luke watched for a minute as the bucks long but slim member thrust quickly into the doe. The buck would occasionally grunt or snort as he thrust into the doe, pushing hard into her. Luke felt some arousal as he watched and could feel a small twitch from down there as he watched the buck suddenly jerk hard against the doe and bleat sharply. Luke knew the buck had just finished.

Luke felt a twinge of jealousy as it had been a while for him, but feral was never his thing anyway so even if he caught a wild doe, he'd be literally eating her, not figuratively. He couldn't see the doe as a bush was between him and where she was and he felt bad that he was about to interrupt them, but this buck would make several good meals and Luke just couldn't pass that up. He raises the gun and there was a slight rustle as the barrel moved through some leaves. The buck didn't seem to notice but judging from the hindquarters of the female, she heard it and tensed up a little. Luke pulled the trigger, expecting to see the deer drop, but heard only a click. He was about to mentally scorn himself for putting the gun away empty last time but heard someone yell out "wait!" He looked around and didn't see where the noise had come from but when he looked back to the clearing the buck was just running away through the foliage on the far side.

"Dammit!" Luke muttered to himself. He lowered the gun and stood up fully, walking out into the clearing. He lazily looked around and then was caught by surprise when he noticed that the female had not run away. He walked around the bush just in time to see the female deer morph stand up and turn to him. She was fully naked and had an amazing body. She was very fit and her body was tight and her short brown fur looked quite soft. "Wait, that buck was with you?!" Luke asked in surprise.

"Yeah, so?" She answered seeming annoyed that she had been interrupted.

"Oh... I, uh..." Luke stammered.

"You what?" she asked, walking closer to Luke so that she was only a step away from him. One of her long ears twitched and Luke was distracted by it, finding it oddly cute. "Well?" she asked, drawing his attention back to the stern look on her face.

"I mean, I just, uh... I though because he was feral..." Luke let himself trail off. While it wasn't unheard of for a morph to have sex with a feral animal, it didn't happen often. At least, not that he knew of.

"Well, I don't see a lot of other morphs around here. Besides, he was strong and big and it was rather fun. Of course, that was, until you interrupted us." She said, that annoyed twinge still present in her voice.

"Sorry." Luke replied.

"Ugh..." she grunted. "Well now I'll just have to chase him down because it's clear you aren't enough of an animal to take his place." And she turned away from him.

It took only a second for her insult and challenge to sink in before Luke's canine instincts set in and he was not going to let this doe challenge his dominance. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back around to face him, pushing his face to hers for a very forceful kiss. She did not fight back at all and as he continue to kiss her she moved her hands down and undid his pants, pushing them down when she finished, revealing his sheath and the growing member emerging from it. Luke dropped his gun and with both hands grabbed her ass firmly and picked her up off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his sides and he pushed her back against a nearby tree. She broke the kiss and said "I guess you are strong and big too. Now let me be your bitch!" she spat at him.

He grinned at the phrase, revealing his fang-like canines. She reached down and took him in her hand and guided him quickly to her already wet opening. Without hesitation he thrust fully inside her and she cried out sharply. At this point, he was in an entirely dominant mindset and without pause he continued to thrust into her, becoming almost feral himself. Her eyes were closed and she occasionally made a soft grunt as he slammed into her, forcing her to buck between him and the tree. Each time, her modest breasts jiggled slightly. Luke lowered his head and let his tongue loll out to lick one and she raised a hand as if to stop him. Without thinking, he snarled as she did and she opened her eyes, looking at him for a moment, then lowered her hand again.

Her breathing increased, as did her moans and grunts, and Luke started to push into her harder and faster. He could feel her juices (and most likely some from the buck before him) trickling down her ass and across his fingers and he gripped a little harder, feeling himself close to cumming.

Suddenly he bit down on her breast, still in his mouth, and forced himself deep inside her as he came, snorting air through his nose. The simultaneous pain of his bite and sudden thrust, mixed with the pleasure of his warm seed flowing inside her caused her to shriek out as she also reached orgasm. As she rode her high, he continued to push hard and deep inside her, emptying himself entirely inside his new doe. Finally, as she started to come down his erection started to wither slightly.

He continued to hold her against the tree and she could feel his size shrinking somewhat inside her. "Wow-" she started

He cut her off; "I'm not done yet." He grinned again, showing a bit more teeth than usual.

She looked confused but then felt another warm jet fill her. The initial shock and pleasure hit her and she grunted, taking several seconds to realize that this was not more of his seed. Even as she realized that he was pissing inside her, the intense, warm feeling and the pressure building as he continued to fill her was overwhelming and she could feel another orgasm building. She started breathing heavily again and cried out once more as she came even more intensely than before. He pulled himself out and his stream flowed over her stomach and legs. He set her on the ground as she came down from this second bit of ecstasy and his stream was now hitting her chest before his stream started to die down. He pushed the last of it out, letting one final jet loose than arched up and hit her chin and neck before his stream trickled down to nothing.

The doe was slumped against the tree, her back fur matted and mangled from rubbing against the course bark of the tree, small tufts of it sticking to it in places. Luke's seed and urine were both trickling out of her, staining her soft brown coat, and his scent covered the front of her body where he marked her. She opened her eyes to see his face close to hers.

Luke was now feeling a bit less like a ravenous dog and more like his normal self but he smiled another toothy grin and whispered to her "now you're my bitch" before turning, grabbing his pants and his gun, and walking out of the clearing.