Lucky Husky 2 - ... like rabbits.

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Lucky Husky

Luke's day in the woods gets better as he finds a place to stop for a swim and then meets a "friendly" bunny.

After leaving the clearing, and the doe he just desecrated, behind, Luke pulled his pants back on and decided to try one more time to bag a deer for dinner. This time he remember to stuff a couple shells in the barrel of the gun before looking for his prey.

He wandered for almost an hour, straying a bit further from the cabin than he normally did, but then found himself exploring new sections of the forest. He heard a rustle behind him and turned quickly, raising the gun, but saw only a couple squirrels running from under a bush to the base of a tree. Luke lowered the gun and watched the two as they chased each other up the tree and out onto a high branch.

Then he started to remember the cute little squirrel he found last time he was up visiting his cabin. She was a cute little morph with gorgeous red fur and a body he couldn't forget. She was also rather bold and forward (traits not common in squirrels, feral or otherwise) and she convinced him to join her for a night of passion he could not forget. Granted, it didn't take a lot of convincing.

He continued to remember that fun night as he walked, no longer too concerned about his hunt when he heard a splash come from a ways off. 'Must be a river or pond out here'_Luke thought to himself. '_I never knew that. I should go check it out. It's a hot enough day, a quick dip might be nice.'

He walked in the direction of the noise he heard and after a longer walk than he expected, and several entanglements in brush, he finally found the source of the splash he heard. A break in the trees led to a large pond in the middle of the forest. There were several lily pads floating around the edges, but the water looked clear which meant the pond itself must be deep and have steep sides as no mold or underwater weeds were growing. He looked up from the water and surveyed the surrounding land, trying to find the source of the earlier splash. He didn't see any deer or other animals around. "Must have been a frog or fish or something" he muttered aloud.

"Oh well, if I'm not gonna shoot anything today, I may as well enjoy the water while I'm here."

Luke stripped out of his pants and set them, and his shotgun, next to a large tree and then ungracefully jumped into the water with a large splash. He doggy-paddled around the surface for a while just enjoying the water. Like regular huskies, he wasn't a huge fan of swimming and tried to avoid going under the water, but he still enjoyed a swim on a hot day. He was so absorbed in swimming (and his subconscious fear of drowning) that he didn't even notice when someone walked into the clearing.

"Doggy-paddling, really? Do you want me to throw this stick in for you too?" came a sarcastic woman's voice.

Luke turned quickly and saw a large white bunny morph standing next to where he set his pants and gun, holding a stick she must have found from the ground. "Cute-" Luke started

"Oh, I know I am." The bunny quickly replied with a wink and walked closer to the water. Luke could see her fur was wet and because of it was matted closer to her body. She looked like she probably had long enough fur that when she were dry it would probably cover everything that you normally wouldn't let people see. Being as wet as she was, however, Luke could see everything and as he climbed out of the water in front of her, he got a very good luck as he stood up.

"Where'd you come from?" Luke asked as he shook himself off.

The bunny giggled at this before responding "well, when a mommy and a day rabbit love each other a whole lot..."

"Ha, yeah." He stopped her with rolled eyes. "I meant more recently." He started over toward his pants to put them back on. Despite just being submerged in cold water, the naked white bunny in front of him was starting to have an effect on him.

"Well, I was swimming until you started coming this way and since you bumbled through the woods like an ox I hid before you got here."

Luke turned around, faking offense "well I'm sorry we can't all be as sneaky as you ninja-bunny. But that still doesn't explain how you got way out here in the woods."

"Ah yes" the bunny started, moving closer to Luke again "well I came up here with a friend to go camping. But was bored just sitting around the campsite so I decided to hike in the woods. What brings you up here, puppy?"

He stifled a growl and replied "Luke."

"Excuse me?"

"My name is Luke. Not puppy" he almost spat that last word.

"Aw... how cute! Did the big mean doggy get upset?" she said in a mocking tone and walked up to him. "Do you want me to kiss the booboo and make it better?"

This time Luke did growl but it was cut short and the bunny grabbed his head and kissed him softly on the lips. She started to pull back when he grabbed her and held her for a moment, kissing her longer.

After a minute they parted, and after being so close, and both completely naked, the bunny reached down and grabbed his now obvious erection. "I guess the doggy has a bone."

"And I guess it's true what they say about rabbits." Luke said with a smirk, now catching on to the rabbit's coy game.

She smiled at him and then got down on her knees and took him in her mouth. Expertly she ran her tongue along the side of his large red member and took all of him down to the sheath in her mouth. She brought one hand up and gently stroked the soft fur of his sheath, tracing a path to his balls as started to bob her head gently. In her mouth she teased his tip with her tongue while keeping a good amount of pressure on him with her lips and he realized that the saying about rabbits must be true, at least for this one, because she was damn good at what she was doing.

He started to get into it and started to sway his hips to match her movements, gently thrusting into her mouth when she bobbed toward him and pulling out as she pulled away. Before long this got him rather excited and he started to get close when the bunny cut him short and took her mouth off his swollen member. "Not yet, my fluffy puppy. First it's your turn."

Luke lifted his lip in a silent snarl, baring his teeth at the nickname, but when she laying on the ground, lifting her long muscular legs in the air, she exposed herself to him and he took the queue, forgetting his annoyance. He got down on the ground and buried his face between her legs. He started gently, lightly licking her thigh and then outer lips; teasing her a bit. When he finally lapped his large tongue from the base of her tiny fluff-ball of a tail to her clit she involuntarily shuddered and he grinned to himself before forcing his large tongue inside her. She gasped sharply for breath as he continued to move his tongue in and out, curling the end to stimulate her from the inside.

She started to lift off the ground as she arched her back but he grabbed her hips with his hands and with a firm grip he held her back down to the ground, his claws lightly breaking her skin. As he held her down and continued licking her, she moved one hand up and started kneading her left breast. Her breasts were fairly large and right now, her nipples were hard and evident behind her matted down fur. With her right hand the rabbit reached down and started teasing her own clit. Being right in front of Luke's face, it was hard not to notice, and he soon became even more aroused as he watched her rub herself furiously as he lapped away at her. She must have been very practiced at that, too, because it wasn't long at all before he could feel her muscles squeezing his tongue and he saw her inhale sharply and she silently got off, his tongue still inside her. He slowly pulled his tongue out and ran it over her fingers and clit a couple times, amused as she flinched each time from the overwhelming sensation so soon after her orgasm.

He started to climb on top of her when he heard "Wait!" and he looked down. She took a couple deep breathes as she tried to regain some composure and then said "I'm not looking to have any bunnies of my own right now and I certainly down want to lay down newspaper to train a puppy..." and then she trailed off as she rolled over underneath him so that her back was now to him.

It took him a second before he realized what she meant but then he smiled another toothy grin and assumed the position on top of her as she reached back between her legs and positioned him at the opening just below her tail. "Not too rough now, doggy" she said to him, purposely refusing to use his name.

He slowly eased himself into her, and he could feel her trying to work her muscles to let him in. He had only done this with a girl once before but the position was certainly something he was familiar with and he was just glad not to hear another snide comment from her as he slid out almost all the way and then slowly plunged deeper inside her, getting a little further each time.

After a few more thrusts he was fully inside her and he started to move a little faster, pushing himself against her until his hips hit her supple behind. She started to wriggle slightly beneath him so he wrapped his left arm around her hips to hold her up as he continue to thrust into her. This served well as she was struggling to raise her right hand between her legs and as he continued to drill her from behind, she started driving several fingers into her still soaking pussy. And most of that wetness was not from the pond.

The thought of her getting herself off again worked to excite Luke and combined with the blowjob he was receiving earlier, it wasn't long before he could feel himself getting readily and softly he said aloud "I'm gonna come."

Her only reply was a soft moan and he thrust one last time hard into her, spilling his seed deep inside her. After being milked dry earlier, he didn't have much to give this time around and his orgasm didn't last long before he started to shrink back into his sheath. He slowly pulled himself out of her and released her from his grip. As he sat up behind her she lazily collapsed on the ground and lie there, face down, catching her breath.

He spent a moment admiring her wonderful body. She really had an amazing ass and he could see both holes that he had previously enjoyed between her now spread legs. She had a slightly larger than average body but not at all what one would call fat. 'Athletic' would probably be the right term as it looked like most of her was muscle. She turned onto her side and looked at him a second before asking "So what are you looking at, pup?"

He waited a second to answer and she started to stand as he responded "just that cute little cottontail, my little bunny."

She looked at him with a quick frown but then stuck her tongue out with a tease and said "Now that I smell like wet dog, I guess I'm gonna hop off" emphasizing the last two words "but maybe I'll see you around these woods again."

She started to walk back into the woods as he replied "yeah, maybe."

He continued to sit there for a minute longer, in disbelief of the day he's had so far before he finally stood up, pulled his pants on yet again, grabbed his gun, and started walking back toward the cabin.

When he finally got there he set the gun on the window seat in the living room and walked into the kitchen to start making one of the boxed meals he brought with him. He stripped out of the now filthy and wet pants and threw them toward the hamper, missing it entirely and landing the wet heap on the floor. He didn't much care and was also finding it hard to be disappointed that he didn't shoot a deer.

He was almost finished making the food when he heard a knock on the door. He was startled for a moment because he was pretty far back in the woods and didn't expect any visitors while he was here.

"The way my day is going it's probably a buck, ready to carve himself up and jump into the pot on the stove" Luke mused to himself as he went over to the door and opened it and immediately was shocked as he saw a familiar squirrel standing at the door.

'This is the best day ever!' he thought to himself as he opened the door wider to let her in, displaying his same toothy grin.