Wages: Chapter Fifteen

Story by Klark on SoFurry

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#15 of Wages

Okay, so I wrote a sex scene for the first time ever. The book is intended to be a fantasy novel, not porn! The sex scene is merely for the sake of the plot. That being said, have at it, perverts. :-/

Chapter Fifteen - Purity and Promises

With a snarl, Zarr clenched his teeth and let his climax take hold of his body. His breath wavered as pulses of euphoria flowed through his veins for a few blissful seconds. Panting as it slowly left him, he let his legs give out, and collapsed on Akali's chest. The little snow dragon was still trembling, having had her orgasm mere moments before he had his. The drake's tongue lolled out, and he gave a sigh. This is just what he needed, a good fuck, something to take his mind off of running this damn colony. It was work, too much fucking work. Just being able to thrust into his Alkali and fuck her until she bit down on his neck and moaned in ecstasy was oh-so relaxing to the silver drake.

He looked down at the snow dragon, whose eyes were half-closed and chest was heaving as she struggled to regain her breath.

"You see," he breathed, licking her snout deviously, "wasn't that fun? You always say that you are too tired or that you're not in the mood... but then you go writhing and crying my name." He smiled. "And just think, now you'll sleep all the better."

The little dragon closed her eyes and turned away.

"What's wrong?" Zarr asked, frowning. Though he was a drake who seeming cared for none, there was still a great bit of affection for Akali in him. He was not a monster, he told himself that over and over, all day. Monsters fuck without reason and without a care for the one they shared these moments with. Zarr was a strong and proud drake, a drake who cared.

"Nothing..." she murmured, "I was just thinking."

"About what?" said he, nipping at her neck with affection.

"About clouds." She opened her eyes and looked into his. "That drake you brought here yesterday said that storm clouds could be grey... Perhaps that is why his mother named him Nimbus, do you think? Because his scales are grey?"

"I don't give a damn if his mother named him that because his father's cock was grey." Zarr growled, his body tensing up just at the thought of the infuriating imp of a dragon. He sincerely hoped that whatever Cobalt had done to that little friend of his was causing both her and Nimbus a great amount of pain.

Infection is quite possibly the worst way to die, he mused contently to himself, having that cunt waste away and being able to do nothing but watch ought to strike some sense into that fucking drake.

Alkali said nothing more of Nimbus, instead purring absent mindedly, "What are flowers like?"

The question took him a little off guard, and his anger was quickly washed away.

"Bright," he muttered, yawning, "and colorful. They make me sneeze though."

The dragoness curved her head forward, letting her chin rest on the underside of her neck, where she smiled at him cutely.

"Maybe one day you could... take me to see the flowers...? I wouldn't be bad, I promise!"

Zarr gritted his teeth together. "No, Alkali." he said softly. "You must stay here. The cave is where you are safe. The world outside is filled with monsters... if they see you they'll pick on you and call you names, maybe do things even worse. They-- they're not ready to see you for what you are."

"Why?" Alkali squeaked. "What am I? Why would they hate me?"

"What are you?" Zarr repeated. "You are my mate, and I love you very much. It's just..." he sighed, exasperated. "There are certain aspects to society that make dragons resentful of those that are different. The color of your scales, for example." Lovingly, he massaged her wing, moving his paw in small circles against the soft, leather-like membrane. "If they knew that you are a snow dragon, they would get quite angry. Do you understand?"

"I suppose so..." she uttered cautiously.

"Good." Zarr growled, then, seeing Alkali frown, added, "Tell you what, I'll bring you back a flower some time."

"Truly?" she trilled, beaming.


He stood and stepped back, breaking their tie and grinning a little as he heard her yelp. She was so beautiful, so, so beautiful. Her pearl white scales were just as her mother's had been, and her mother's before that. A family line of purity, just as the ancient ones had intended it to be.

A spring bubbled up from a crack in the granite, forming a small pool in the back of the cave. Zarr walked over to it and dipped his head in, gulping the water and relishing its earthy taste, just like he had Alkali. At this thought he couldn't help but chuckle a bit, something he rarely did. Water got in his nostrils as he did so, and he coughed and spluttered.

He turned back around and stood, watching her. She lay on her back, wings sprawled to either side, and had brought her tail so it formed a half-circle over her. Idly, she batted at it's frilled tip with her paws, like a whelp would.

She's nary more than a whelp, he reminded himself. Twenty-six_ winters since she hatched... Dear Sephive, how did I live so long without mating her?_

He shook his head, dismissing the thoughts. Too long. Too fucking long to go without a mate. Yes, there was always the Trilset drake who he could catch alone in his cave, but that was simple fun. The day was no more than half over, Cobalt and his other advisors could handle the colony on their own for the afternoon, all he wanted right now was a dragoness to mount.

Slowly he walked towards her, forgetting his promises and purity.

Blood and hellfire rained down upon Zarr, charring the silver drake's hide. There was pain, pain everywhere, as if his body was nothing but pain and agony. The sky was black, all black aside from the moon, great eye of Sephive himself. He lay in a clearing, pine trees surrounding, grass and pine needles against his face.

A sharp cry erupted beside him, and he quickly grabbed the young dragon making the sound and held his jaw closed.

"You must be quiet, Vaers, they'll hear us." he hissed at the drake.

"I don't want to die, Zarr!" Vaers squealed, clutching Zarr's neck. "It hurts, it hurts so bad!"

Zarr glanced down at the drake's underbelly. His silver scales were stained red, and muscle and intestine glistened in the moonlight.

"You'll be fine..." Zarr whispered. "Just lie your head down and rest."

Vaers did so, gently letting his head rest in the soft, dew covered grass.

"I want mother!" the drake wailed miserably. "Why did they have to kill her, Zarr? She didn't do anything!"

"Vaers..." Zarr murmured, getting to his feet slowly, "Mother and father are in the lilac fields beneath the great wings of Sephive and Avie, they are watching us now... they are with us."

"Will-will we get to see them?" Vaers wheezed.

"Yes, soon Vaers... they are waiting for us." he whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks. "In the eyes of the ancients they are flying through the fields of lilac and they are calling us, and they are holding us. Think of the nest, Vaers, think of them warming us..."

He pounced, paws landing on his brother's neck, a sharp crack echoing through the silent forest.

Colors exploded all around him, voices called to him, some pleasured, some pained.

On his back he lay now, warm light surrounding him.

A pair of blue eyes looked into his. A white dragoness lay passionately atop him, her body rocking sinuously against his as they mated. She was just like Akali, only larger and older.

She leaned down and kissed him. It was a long, passionate, draconic kiss. On his tongue he tasted her, just as he remembered it. Only, there was some more, something metallic in flavor.


She broke the kiss, and hot droplets of red blood fell onto his chest scales like wax. Small holes dotted her neck, from which the wretched liquid flowed, standing in beautifully macabre contrast against her pearly scales.

The warm light had been eradicated, whereupon cold darkness charged at him like wolves.

He was on a mountainside, his beautiful snow dragon standing just behind him, the blood from her neck falling to the cold stone beneath their paws.

She looked at the blood, then up at him with teary, pained eyes.

"Save her." the dragoness said quietly. Her form swayed with the breeze, then collapsed. Dead.

He shrieked. He shrieked with sadness, with rage, with utter hatred.

Run to her! His mind screamed at him. He wanted to, oh, how he wanted to.

Yet he didn't. Yet he didn't run to his love, for he felt the soft deerskin that was wrapped tightly around his neck. He felt the weight of the small egg that rested between his wing-arms.

A series of sharp cracks came, and down the mountainside several bursts of light flashed like the sun on water. In the light of the moon there were black forms of grotesque, two-legged creatures. In their arms they held sticks of metal and wood, and from these sticks there came the copper pebbles and flashes of light.

He looked at his fallen mate as he felt something sharp and hot tear into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Persephone." he whispered to the breeze.

To the blackness he ran.

Around him fell the world, and he was lost in the cosmos once more.

Roughly he woke, panting heavily. The inside of his cave was just as he had left it, his hoard lining the walls, his Alkali sleeping soundly in her corner. It was dusk, and through the entrance of the cave he could see the setting sun kissing the mountain tops. The great moose skin that he lay upon beckoned him to stay, to return to sleep, but he could not. The memories of that dreadful time were at times too much to bear, and he knew that sleeping would only make it worse, so much worse. So he left the warmth of the cave and opened his wings, sailing upon the breeze.

Upwards he flew, the last rays of the sun warming him.

I'll never let it happen again. The elders of old were worthless, they brought it upon us! He thought maliciously. This is an age of a new order... An age where I can achieve control of my own existence...

He was above the valley now, and could see the world beyond. To the north, the mountains rose ever higher. Above all stood the great peak, the snow still clinging to the top aflame with light. To the south, there lay the flatlands and the humans. He could even see the golden band out past the flatlands that was the ocean. Memories came, one of his siblings and he as whelps, shielded from the world beneath their parents' wings. They sat at the mouth of their cave, the ocean stretching its great wings before them. He could nearly smell the pleasant, salty scent it held, hear the waves crashing against the rocky shore at which he had learned to swim.

Zarr let his eyes slip closed as he slowed his ascent. Gravity gently pulled him to a stop, and for an instant he was silently motionless in the air. Gravity won the battle, and he fell back towards the earth.

The valley grew like a great, dark maw around him, and he quickly spread his wings and twisted, bringing him right-side-up once more. He soared down and gently landed outside his home, his sanctuary. A fuck and a flight-- two things that were always sure to clear the drake's troubled mind. He could sit upon his great boulder in the center of the meeting grounds and give orders, yes. He could appear as civilized as he pleased, certainly. He was a drake who had seen seventy winters, still quite young for a leader, he figured, (The elders he had know from his youth had all been well over three-hundred) and he would behave as such a leader ought to, but there was still room for pleasure before duties. A leader such as he would take orders from none on how to behave himself. He had complete control over his own life, and he relished it.

The valley was rapidly growing dark. The moon glowed just as it had all those years ago, and his scales shone as they had always. The same moon, the same eye of Sephive that glared upon him.

He loathed it.

Quietly, he padded back into his cave. Just as he was about to lay down, his eyes landed on Alkali, who lay on her back, wings spread to either side, fast asleep.

In that instant something strange came to Zarr. Something he hadn't felt in years and years, something he had tried desperately to eradicate from his soul.

He felt an urge to love, to touch with intimacy.

It seemed ludicrous. He needed no one! No one at all! Yet, through all logical thought, he found himself drawn to her, where he lay down and pushed himself gently against her, trying not to wake the sleeping creature.

He loved it, loved every passing moment of it, and as he placed his paw on her slightly-swollen midsection, he could feel the small lumps beneath her delicate skin that were his eggs. A shudder ran down his spine. Children of a god.

He laid there next to his love, just as he had all those years ago when he had laid with her mother.

Wages: Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen - The Chosen Few At the stream that afternoon, once Veexer had finished speaking with me, he, with the still shocked Roaz in tow, had left, setting off to find those he deemed "trustworthy". With him gone, composure fell, and I...

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Wages: Chapter Fourteen

Celsko lay in the water, head barely breaking the surface, just enough to allow her nostrils to reach the air. She had wedged herself between two boulders, wings spread like great water lilies, and had fallen asleep. On the opposite side of the...

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Wages: Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen - Awakening Sleep upon that wretched night evaded me. As the blackness befell the outside world, I wept and Celsko fell unconscious, head and body resting gently against mine. It seemed out of place, having her peacefully sleep....

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