Chapter 18 - End of the line! The Duel between Men! (Part 5)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#54 of Book 2 - N.D.'s Reign

Eurasia and Dullock are cornered without their weapons. Can they turn things around against the power of the perens?

_ Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends. Things used from the game "Legend of Dragoon" is copyrighted to them so I don't take credit from those things. Also, do not use my own copyrighted things in your stories without consulting me first. Takes alot to make this stuff up so keep that in mind and enjoy. Also, if you're not old enough to be reading this, grow up first and come back. I'm not responsible for what you are about to read. _

_ Swamp Lizards, Dark Lizards, Jaumar and Dullock are © _ ** V-Disco**

Hmm....That feeling was exceptionally intense. One I haven't felt for a very long time. It came from that village.....a gathering of sleeze and debauchery. Didn't the student mention he was dealing with some bounty there? I should investigate the place. He could be in over his head......again.

Date - December 31st, 2055

Location - Ruined Town of Haze, west side

Time - 3:08 pm

With his weapons held tight, it was hard to defend against such intense elemental magic. Dullock moved around, avoiding the blasts of fire heading his way. Rogon was getting annoyed, not having seen anyone move like that. Even wide range fire was unable to hit him, "Gah...stop running lizard!..Grayz, Stand by!", ordered Rogon, Michael having dodged a storm of boulders only to see the brown earth bear jump away and land beside his leader and brother with a loud thud, breaking the ground below him, "Grawwl. Roger that Brother. Let's turn him to ash!", he shouted, holding out his left paw, while Rogon held out his right paw. Dullock raised his brow seeing the two paws interlock, seeing steam being let out from the two, before the duo slammed their other paws into the ground. The ground below the enforcer began to glow, quickly making him flip backward as a plume of lava shot out from the ground.

He covered his face from the intense heat, continuing to move as move pillars erupted where he was standing, loud and crackling like volcanos. He was stopped in his tracks as massive wall of lava erupted behind him, trapping him within a moat shaped amount of lava covering in all around him. The heat had him trapped, and it was frustrating if he were to lose like this. Michael had his own problems, getting shocked thanks to the water all around him creating an easy conductive path to track him. Vody and Molmni hooked up together and launched a massive gush of water to start, moistening up the ground before shocking everything wet. Michael was soaked but just enough so that his power wasn't faded enough.

However he could do nothing to dodge the electricity, the pillars of water spouting out having a charge on them, and going shocking everything it could. Michael was not doing so well hand to hand, and he saw that his dark lizard opponent was getting attacked with lava. It made sense to keep the other two bears away, as lava had no effect on him. The dragoon screamed in pain as he was jolted once against, bringing him face down into mud with the bears laughing, "Haha! This human can run. But he won't last long. Molmni, give him full shock!", shouted Vody, giving out full power right into the ground, pumping an intense amount of gallons while Vody supplied

Something came to mind as he struggled to get up, thinking that maybe working with him would be good for the moment, the quote "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" going through his head just now. He felt the ground shake once more, meaning that another gush was on its way, "Nngh...lets hope this works!", he thought, raising both hands and jumping back, gathering a massive amount of fire energy and blasting the ground beneath him. The explosion rocked the area, the shock wave making Lupobo fall over and making everyone look over. A cloud of dust blinded the two bears, only hearing the sound of steam coming from behind them. The wolf shouted in annoyance, stomping the ground in anger as he realized what had happened, "Vody, Molmni you imbeciles. You're letting the dragoon get away!", he shouted, the duo of water and electricity finally getting the dust out of their eyes and found what the dragoon of fire did. The wolf heard a creak, like metal bending, making him looked around, then at the antenna keeping the weapons secure. Nothing seemed out of place, going back to yelling at the Perens for not doing their job.

Dullock wiped his face off, the water unexpected to have flown his way but it was enough to cool the lava and keep him from being cooked in his scales. Rogon looked annoyed, needing a moment to charge the next attack and seeing the dragoon join up with the dark lizard, "That human...used explosion to direct water on lava...not bad.", he secretly complimented, not having thought that human was smart enough for such a plan. Michael kept to a few feet away from Dullock, unsure if he'd attack back but hoping he'd at least hear him out, "...Are you okay? Glad that worked...kinda risky doing that.", he remarked, trying to break the ice against someone who was moments ago trying to kill him. The proud dark lizard was embarrassed to have been saved like that, but he couldn't deny that it was quite a helpful save.

"...Just remember chimp, I'm still collecting that bounty on your head.", he replied, making Michael sigh, then nod, least glad that he wasn't sucker punched or something. Though he wasn't sure what to think now that he was downgraded to chimp from ape, quickly shaking his head and focusing on the matter at hand. Rogon thought about the next move, needing a second to cool his systems after such powerful attacks, the bears needing a moment to recharge. The dragoon wondered on how to attack this problem, knowing that their weapons were top priority, "Okay how about this. I help you get your weapon back so we can take these goons out. Then we'll finish our fight like you want.", suggested Michael, hoping to convince the lizard warrior to cooperate for the time being.

The idea of teaming up never appealed to him, but it would be in his interest to get his blades back, giving a smug smirk at the human for his proposal, "Hmmph. You're telling me you can bypass that wolf? He has infrared tracking...and you're a major source of the stuff. Not to mention those bears...", he reminded, having quite a lot of interference between them and the key to gaining upper hand. Michael was not sure on how to tackle this, Lupobo starting to lose his patience, though hearing that metal creak once more. He looked at the antenna and saw nothing was wrong, which was confusing. Dullock, having heard that sound as well, realized something. Something he thought was strange that he noticed during his earlier fight against the chimp.

"...Follow my lead little chimp.", he remarked, taking a step forward and smirking as he looked at the four bears having grouped up in front of their employer, "You bears are pathetic! You couldn't even handle one monkey. Biggest shame to all bounty hunters!", he shouted, his gruff voice echoing through the town. It was one thing to have a tough opponent, but to have an opponent bad mouth you in front of your employer hurts the pride, something that the brothers have alot of. Rogon growled and snarled, his brothers all having quite an angry look at such an insult, "YOU BASTARD! WE'LL SHOW YOU! I'LL BROIL THAT HUMAN TO THE SOUL! SHOCKING VOLCANO!", yelled the leader, Molmni quickly attaching himself to Rogon on his other arm, locking their paws together. Michael wasn't insulted in the least, though the dragoon wasn't expecting Dullock to have them turn their attention on him.

Lava would have no effect so he was not worried, but the addition of Molmni would mean that electricity would be joining it, if going by their track record of combining elements. As the ground began to shake and quake, stronger than anything felt before, the dragoon felt the floor suddenly erupt under him. He barely avoided the blast of lava, but what made him move was the sensation of electricity going through the floor. Dullock jumped away and kept his distance, keeping his eye on Lupobo as the dragoon prepared his counter attack. With both arms raised, he again gathered fire energy between them, making it burn hot and bright like the sun. The ball of fire was thrown immediately once it was charged, feeling lava suddnely shoot up from under him. The electricity going up the magma was the main damage, feeling even more than he did before when fighting that electric bear solo.

Vody did his job and created a pillar of water to protect his comrades, the ball of fire touching and suddenly exploding in front of them. The super heated steam was enough to make the bears a bit frustrated, a massive gust of hot water vapor blowing along them, "Ack! much fire was water should've toasted it!", growled the water bear, covering his eyes from the intense heat. Michael yelled in agony once more, having a certain hate for electricity since it was nearly impossible to defend against while his body was shot up from the force of the "volcano" erupting under him, then falling a few feet away. His body twitched on the dirt, unmoving from the immense voltage having shocked him to the core as he tried to gather his senses back.

Lupobo began to get impatient now, having his arms crossed and tapping his right metal foot against the floor, "You idiots. Stop goofing around. Just kill them both---ack!", yelled their employer, before the loud sound of a metallic thud got everyone's attention. The wolf was interrupted by the dragoon of fire's weapon, having bent the antenna enough to break the machine. The fact that it was enough to bring the wolf to his knees, who was already sporting enhanced strength, shocked all the bears. As Dullock expected, just one strong jolt was enough to get the sword to break the machine. He felt the intense amount of weight when he was sent flying by the little chimp earlier, and he doubted that anyone would've expected that sword to be so heavy.

The magic magnet antenna was bent into an L shape before shortening out, something that was not supposed to happen. The wolf managed to get the blade off of him, shocked at how heavy the dragoon's weapon was, "What the hell is up with this sword. Its like a freakin ton!", he shouted, Michael rubbing his face and getting the dirt out of his eye as he got back on his feet. It was then he could feel the connection to his sword once more, holding out his right palm and bringing the Vernier Flamberge back into its rightful owner. It vanished in a puff of fire, feeling like it's been too long since he had his weapon, "Don't let the Enforcer get his weapons back. End this!", ordered Lupobo, his plan ruined by an oversight of his.

"Gonna return the favor primate? There's your weapon.", asked Dullock, seeing Vody lock in his paws in to Molmni's, completing the Peren's combo. The four bears began to glow with power, an intense aura of magic radiating from their bodies, "Let's go my brothers! Show them the ULTIMATE SUPER PEREN INVICIBLE COMBO!", shouted Rogon, getting his siblings spirits riled up for their best elemental combo. Michael clenched his sword tightly, ready to go on the offensive this time and opening the line for the dark lizard. The dragoon sprung forward full speed, not letting the Perens charge up this time, "Not this time!", he shouted, the bears confident that his sword would not pierce their armor. It was alloy of steel, and super condensed mercury, a newly discovered metal that was found to be nearly 5 times as strong as steel, at double the weight.

Michael jumped up and came down right on Rogon's left arm, slicing right through it with a massive flurry of sparks flying all over. The Four bears suddenly unattached their paws, a fail safe in case something fatal were to interrupt their systems. The fact that the sword did not stop was scary enough, blood gushing out from the sliced of arm and the other bears falling right on their butts, while Grayz still held his brother's paw in his, starting to feel fear and realizing that the dragoon was indeed worth 400 million, "AAAAHHHHHH! MY ARM...YOU...HOW COULD YOU HAVE CUT THIS ARMOR...", he shouted while feeling the pain of a missing limb.

"...That wouldn't happen to be made of Valenaism would it?", asked Lupobo, clenching his fist tight as he didn't expect their armor to be penatrated. The dragoon nodded, turning around to see that the other bears were frozen in fear that their leader had taken such a bad hit. Lupobo growled and clenched his fist, finding it hard to believe that he had so much metal, one of the rarest, and literally most densest and strongest metal on the planet in that massive plade. Lupobo decided to finally do things by his own hand, jumping forward towards the dragoon. The ground under him was torn to shreads from the intense force he used, the wolf going in the kick the pathetic human before getting intercepted by the dark lizard.

His cheek caught a small graze from the enforcer's sword, stopping the wolf in his tracks, then making him step back, "If you wanted a taste of my blades you could've just asked!", he taunted, stabbing forward but getting blocked by those tough enhanced arms. The purple runes on the broadside of the blade shined for a moment upon contact, but even the enchantment was not enough. Though they were sharp enough to leave scratches, Dullock growled slightly that he couldn't slice through and a bit annoyed that he was still dodged. However it was good to note that his face was made of flesh, seeing a bit of blood go down the dark gray fur of the wolf. Rogon decided that their safety was a bigger priority than the pay off, clenching his severed arm and looking at his brothers, "Brothers. Let us make haste back money is worth our lives. Contract is terminated Comrade Lupobo", growled the big red armored bear, the Perens hate retreating more than anything.

Life however, was more important since without your life, you can't enjoy money or ladies. So they promised to keep each other safe like a good family, the bears disappearing in a flash of light. Michael was confused on how they managed to do so, since his P.I.C. couldn't let him teleport at all. Lupobo sucked his teeth and was disappointed, holding up his arm as if to look at at a watch and tapping his forearm, "Typical. Mercenaries are to erase their exception codes from my P.I.C. blocker...and cancel their funds...", he spoke, quickly moving out the way when Michael attempted to strike with a downward strike. His sword cut through the dirt, quickly pulling it out and trying again with a vertical slice only to be blocked by that wolf's arm.

The blade was deflected upwards and the dragoon took a punch to the gut, hard enough to knock him back a few feet and skidding along the ground. Michael clenched his teeth, feeling that tough blow to his ribs, but luckily nothing was broken. Lupobo was stunned at how much punishment this human could take, not only having been fighting the dark lizard legend, but the Perens proved no match for him either. Dullock had quite a bit of speed but the power behind them were not on the level of that red haired human. But power means nothing if you can't catch your opponent, meaning that the dark lizard was the bigger threat, "Ow...that wasn't very nice. You two won't catch me though. Especially the dragoon with the amount of heat he's giving off. Might as well have a massive sign on you that says "Here I am!".", taunted the wolf, seeing easily where the two would be coming from.

That kind of sensor was pretty damn annoying, as neither could do anything about hiding their body temperature. Michael tried against once more, coming in from the side with a thrust, only to have the wolf jump up and forward, kneeing the dragoon in the face. The wolf smirked seeing that light blood spray, the hit strong enough to draw blood and knocking him on his back a few feet beside the dark lizard. It was amusing to see the chimp try again, though it was a big issue. There was no open angle to attack from, looking at the dragoon rub his face, and wiping the blood from his lips, "Dang it...He's not as fast as you but...he'll see me coming no matter what...mentioned my heat...", he thought to himself, suddenly getting an idea.

The audience up top were recording the fight with their P.I.C.s, planning on uploading it later to the interweb. Everyone also had a change of opinion in the dragoon of fire, sending to every bounty hunter in the world a warning to not under estimate that human in the least. Lager sighed as he realized his ignorance to the rumors cost him his business, keeping in mind that not all humans are worthless and weak, but it didn't help that Lupobo was interfering with their battle. Hopefully after he's taken care of, Dullock can sweep up whats left of the dragoon, rooting for the dark lizard while looking with the zoom in feature of his P.I.C..

Michael got up and stabbed his sword into the ground, turning to look at the dark lizard, which Dullock returned a not amused look on his face, "...I think i know how to get past him. I'll keep him can finish him off easily if he's distracted, right?", questioned the dragoon, clenching his fists and ready to take out this wolf once and for all. The dark lizard would have felt insulted at that comment, but if the little primate had something in mind that would get this wolf out of their hair, then he would go for it, "Obviously.", he remarked, Michael nodding as he acknowledged it. Lupobo was ready for round two, this time planning on hitting the human in a vital area to permanently bring him down, then make a nice purse out of the dark lizard's scales once the dragoon was finished.

As the wolf bared his claws, he saw heat starting to amass at the dragoon's palms, the temperature going up past the hundreds. Dullock stepped back feeling the heat radiating from the dragoon of fire. Lupobo shrugged and was surprised the dragoon was trying to use a fire attack against him, seeing the temperature sky rocket, the human's palm glowing red and then starting to hold his arms out towards the wolf, "You know that it won't work right? My armor was coated in a double batch of magic resistant coating...cost me millions on top of the millions but was well worth it.", he explained, seeing that the dragoon was not ceasing in the attempted attack.

The view in front of him started to get bright, the air around them starting to heat up and making his thermal vision bright and blurry. Michael continued pouring energy into his hands, feeling the surge of energy making his hands glow orange now. Lupobo screamed in pain as the temperature shot up 500F instantly to past 3000f, blinding him for a moment before switching to normal view. It was past the range his thermal vision would allow, overloading his system with a painful white flash, "Ack you stupid human! Attack or don't a---", yelled the wolf, being cut off suddenly as his head went flying from his body. Eurasia quickly cooled his hands down, falling down to his knees while panting hard. It takes alot of energy to maintain a continuous stream of heat, and it cost him quite a bit to heat up that much. His hands made the ground under him glow orange, nearly turning it to lava before it quickly cooled down, sweating quite hard and seeing that the dark lizard made quick work.

Dullock moved fast enough to not get burned by the radiating heat, his blades cutting through the neck and severing the cocky annoying wolf from his body, "Your body may be tough...but your head is still flesh...", remarked Michael, seeing the blood gush from the neck of the robotic body, seeing it electrify and fall down from malfunction, the wolf head rolling along the ground several feet away. Dullock panted somewhat, though more annoyed than tired seeing that he hates having his fights interrupted. Before the enforcer could turn his attention on his target, he heard a cough, a wet cough coming from the decapitated head, "Ugh...I can't believe...I let this punks...won't get away with this.", he threatened, despite not being threatening at all, with his cheek swimming in a pool of his own blood.

Michael saw Dullock walking on over, needing a moment to catch his breath anyway considering that things we're finished just yet. His foot steps sounding quite loud from ground level, the wolf looking up at the tall dark lizard. To survive getting your head cut off is no easy feat, but he would make sure that this wolf would never get in his way again. Dullock impaled the blade in his left hand a few centimeters from the face of the wolf, scowling at him as the one in his right hand would finish the job, going for between the eyes. Lupobo didn't deserve any words in death thought the dark lizard, bringing down that blade to send him to a cold, dark trip to hell. The wolf pressed his tongue against the roof of his tongue, activating a switch which teleported him out right as the blade began to sink into his head.

Only the tip of the blade tasted blood, the dragoon shocked that he still managed to get away. A pink hue suddenly appeared high above them, a dome looking cover over the city dissipating. A beep coming from his Advanced P.I.C. indicated that he had service once more, meaning that the block on his teleportation was finally gone. He now had a chance to leave, considering retreating back to his friends. But the dragoon was well aware that he made a promise, knowing that if he didn't get his cooperation, it could've been a completely bad situation, "I can't believe he still got then. You still want to finish this..don't you?", asked the dragoon, standing up and pulling his heavy sword from the ground with his right hand.

The dark lizard clenched his hand while gripping his twin blades, those orange eyes now focusing on the dragoon before giving a short laugh, "Haha! Isn't it obvious, ape? I always collect my bounty. Business before pleasure after all!", he replied, planning on getting his armor rebuffed and his hair fixed up since his dreads were messed up from the water earlier and was now flowing back behind him. Michael had wasted quite a bit of energy on those goons earlier, and Dullock's swords were getting low on enchantment from its excessive clashing and use against the tough armor the perens and wolf had. Overall Michael had taken quite a few hits, knowing that he had to finish this asap and get the information he learned back to Abu. He couldn't lose, not here he thought, making his sword vanish and press his knuckles together.

Speed was necessary now, Dullock knowing that the human was going to increase his heat and velocity as the pose was the same as earlier. Michael grinded his knuckles downward and created a blue spark, starting up his offensive once more with a blue aura of heat going around him. The dragoon winced, his body worn out and feeling the soreness grip over his body, "Let's go then!", shouted the dragoon, dashing forward towards Dullock at full speed. The blast of heat behind him kicked up quite a bit of dust, Dullock stepping back and stabbing forward. Michael punched the first blade away as it came at his head, then ducked the second by a hair, gathering his strength to punch the dark lizard square on the chest. That armor was tough stuff, unable to break it but it was enough to send Dullock flying and skidding on the ground on his back.

That speed to counter attack so quickly made it dangerous to go in, the dragoon attempting to follow up but he felt his legs buckle in pain. His body was starting to give out, unable to keep up with the stress of going past its limits much longer. Dullock coughed as he stood back up, his armor having gotten a small crack on it from that strong hit. If he took another hit or two like that, it would probably shatter, something that would not be in his best interests considering how expensive this armor is and the heat coming from those fists. It was also interesting that his sword was punched away, with how sharp it is, it should've sliced through that hand with ease. He saw the chimp hesitating, with the look of exhaustion, along with his legs looking like they were struggling.

Seems that the human had reached his limits, going right on in and feinting a slash from his right blade. The dragoon tried to counter as expected with a left handed punch, Dullock instead giving him a firm kick on the face with the armor on his shins. Michael stood firm in place from the blow, his cheek being pushed in by the heavy blow. However he took it so that he could make sure that he couldn't get away, grabbing him by his armored leg with his right arm and making sure he couldn't run this time, " you this time!", he shouted, his left hand quickly gather fire energy and preparing to fire. The enforcer found that kind of strategy to be foolish, but worthy of praise considering not many people would try to trade blows. But it didn't matter anyway, the dark lizard jumping with his other leg and giving a firm kick to the temple before the dragoon could fire his blast, hitting a universal weak point that knocked the dragoon flat on his face. The armor on his shins were just as tough as the ones on his chest, with raised bumps which made that kick even more effective

The blow was so precise and hard that it knocked the dragoon unconscious for a moment, making the chimp eating dirt as Dullock made sure that the dragoon would regret trying that again. After a few seconds, Michael got his marbles, realizing that he was on the ground. Last thing he saw was his attack, before things got fuzzy and his world was turned upside down. Quickly he got back up, though he got on his knees as he was shaky from whatever happened. The dragoon stared down at the floor while sweat and a bit of blood from the blow dripped down his chin, this dark lizard probably is his toughest opponent to date. He was completely outclassed in speed, and technique, and soon he would most definitely lose. Things were pretty grim for him, the blue fire starting to cause bodily damage with each passing second, "...I can't believe how strong he is...but I can't lose! Too many people are depending on me...and...I got to save you bro..", he muttered to himself, thinking of his brother who took care of him, and this time needed saving. He got up after wiping his face off, standing back up but wobbling side to side due to the hit to the temple rocking his body to the core. There was one thing he hadn't tried yet, a move that he was not a fan of doing since he was trained in one handed swordsmanship.

"Give it a rest chimp! It's over.", exclaimed Dullock with a serious face on his orange scales, still ready to go for as long as it took to wrangle the rowdy primate in. Michael shook his head, and opened his right palm to re-summon his sword in a puff of fire. It was then that he held his sword up, and gripped it with two hands, planning on putting everything he had into this attack. The change in stance made Dullock wonder what would come his way, not too worried since two handed swordsman were much easier to read. His experience with another brute came in handy this fight, walking slowly to the right but keeping a good 15 feet distance from his target. Michael clenched his teeth and dashed forward, holding his sword upwards.

Most likely it would be a simple downward strike, which means that he could end this immediately. The dragoon was still powered up, traveling incredibly fast even with the heavy blade which would normally slow him down in his hands. Quickly he struck the ground in front of the dark lizard as he was moving, causing the dirt to fly up and over his face. It only dazed him for a moment, but it was enough to lose track of that human, "What the!?", he thought to himself, looking upwards and seeing him coming right down on him while. Michael yelled at the top of his lungs as he was putting all of his strength into this attack, Dullock turning towards the dragoon and planning on deflecting the blade so it would strike the ground.

The Vernier Flamberge made contact, but not with Dullock or his swords. Someone had slipped in between the two, Michael looking shocked as he felt an incredible force pushing his blade back. Dullock had been knocked on his tush, realizing that it was a familiar face stopping his target, "Jaumar?! What the hell!", he shouted, not getting a response back as he used one of the most powerful weapons at his species' disposal. A larger armored and muscular looking dark lizard had interfered with their battle, using a large circular shield to save his comrade. Whoever this was, his armor was much more threatening than Dullock's, being red and black colored, completely with a helmet covering his face and spikes going down the middle and back of the helmet, and surrounding the neck area. Only thing Michael saw was the intense glare of a dark colored left eye, a bright purple light coming from the shield with runes running along the outer rim before feeling himself getting blown back.

Everyone watching from the hill were knocked on their feet as it sounded like a bomb exploding, all the debris, and dust flew away from the epicenter of the clash. This new enemy felt himself getting pushed back, something that was unheard of before, but nothing would ever get past the unblockable defense he had. The shield blocked the attack perfectly and redirected the kinetic energy right back at the dragoon, leaving a blood splatter on the shield as the unlucky Michael was sent flying back at an incredible speed. The amount of force the dragoon had put into his final attack was astounding, causing a small quake and the force flattening the area surrounding the two by several feet. Everything that wasn't burned had been blown away, leaving the town completely barren and a shadow of its former self.

The dragoon of fire was nowhere to be seen, Dullock having to cover his eyes from the dust flying all over, and the intense shock wave rocking his body. After the echo of the shock wave died down, Dullock stood up and saw that the ground they were on was "raised" several feet in the air, the only place safe from the re-directed energy was under their feet. Though being thankful for the save was the last thing on his mind, clenching his swords tight and confronted his "savior" as they both jumped from the small hump of land, "What the hell! That fight was between me and the ape!", he shouted, his superior turning around and glaring at him with his left eye that could see. Being the same species as Dullock, Jaumar was just as orange, but a veteran in the special forces Dullock was apart of. His status allowed him better armor, and metal gauntlets, but still having their symbol on the belt of his armor.

Though lacking his cape, he came with his sword sheathed onto his back, which was a larger single sword, "...And you would've lost that fight.", he simply said, his voice much deeper, and gruff than his inexperienced enforcer. The fact that he had to be saved was something that bothered Dullock, even more so by someone who taught him most of the basics, "So What? You know of our Creed! It is honorable to die like a warrior! It is to be expected!", Dullock replied in annoyance, getting an even more intense glare. Jaumar's stare was one to even intimidate even the most ferocious of animals, one yellow eye and the other blind white eye focusing on the whelp dark lizard. A battle is a sacred moment between warriors to prove themselves, and people like Lupobo was already a big enough piss off.

Jaumar folded his arms together, growling and stomping his foot down in front of the nonsense talking rookie, "I'm very aware of that. What I wasn't aware of was how much of a rookie you acted as! Your head was so swelled up in showboating that you completely underestimated your opponent.", scolded with such anger, finding it to be nonsense that someone with so much potential and good experience to make such a novice mistake. Dullock stepped forward and got closer to his old teacher, growling in annoyance back since he was acting like a hypocrite, "I don't need a lecture by you, of all people, on sizing up your opponent!", he replied, pointing to his mentor's right eye hole. Under it was a permanent reminder of his mistake, but there was a reason why he did not want the next generation to also make that same fatal mistake.

The veteran enforcer merely sighed, closing his eyes for a moment, then looking back at his rash ex student, "Then what did you waste all of those years of training for? Remember, it was you who was so desperate to seek out my education on reaching the final grade of enforcer. I thought that was of high importance to you, or does that no longer matter?", added Jaumar while shaking his head, the reminder made Dullock remember that it was his dream to be the same grade as Jaumar himself. He still a long way to go to achieve it, but it was his dream to be one of the best enforcers ever. The anger of someone getting in the way was clouding Dullock's judgment, still not letting go what happened, "Of course it was simply MY battle to fight!"

Such a reason only got more glare time under the watch of Jaumar, seeing him point to the side, "Suit yourself then. Your foe was knocked over to the far direction North. Seek him out and die by his hands if you like - failing miserably to accomplish the true destiny you set yourself up for of course!", he offered to his thick headed student, knowing that the dragoon had survived that and letting the big boy dark lizard make his own choice. As much as he hated to admit it, his superior was right, knowing that he had the chance to finish the dragoon several moments, he toyed with him. And manipulated him to do the dirty work of taking the hits and going into the fray to conserve his energy for the fight while the little chimp would take the blows and waste his own energy. But in hindsight, he could've taken out Michael before the stupid wolf even interfered.

In the end, the dragoon gave all he could and nearly turned the tide around, his luck winning out by Jaumar saving him. Dullock merely looked away and sheathed his swords against his sides. That was the sign that he had finally calmed down, Jaumar breathing a sigh of relief mentally since that was the proper choice. Least he was still able to admit his failings, which is good since it meant that improvement was still possible, "Good! You're not too tired to use the remaining daylight to complete our previous regiment.", ordered the veteran dark lizard, getting sigh, then a nod from his protege, "Sigh...Fine..let's go!", replied Dullock, ready to get his mind sharpened and focusing on improving his skill. Though he kept in mind that the dragoon was still alive, next time not planning on going easy on him just because he's a fur less primate.

Lager's jaw was still on the floor as the two dark lizards ran off into the distance, not only seeing the best fight he'd ever seen, but also seeing the legendary Jaumar in action, had shortened his life span a few years. Though the fate of the dragoon was unknown, having saw the unfortunate human fly off to the south from the shock wave earlier. If he was dead or alive, only time would tell if he resurfaces, "Woo-eee...that was rougher than a snake in mah boots!", he said with quite a bit of gusto, everyone agreeing that it was an amazing fight. They even cared little that their town had been completely leveled, planning re building it now that it was all over. Word would soon spread about the power of the dragoon of fire,


Date - December 31st, 2055

Location - Orez Delivery Company, Basement

Time - 11:19 pm

News of Haze's destruction reached the entire underground, along with the attack of Ploho headquarters and chatter over the dragoon of fire, and the dragoon of wind spread across various network. Nika had went back home to recover, sharing her P.I.C. number incase they would need her expertise once more in the near future. The more allies the better thought Abu, luckily filling her in on what she needed to know and ensured her that the dragoons were the good guys here. Michael groaned lightly in pain, shaking in bed before opening those eyes widely and getting up fast. Awakening so fast was not the best idea, feeling every part of being in quite a bit of pain, "Aaack!...everything hurts...wait...I'm...back?...", he muttered, looking around to see the empty, dimly lit storage area.

He was back on his bed, but how did he get here was on his mind, "Bout time you're awake. You got fucked up again dude.", said Ruru, coming back from the bathroom and wiping his hands with a towel. Michael held his arm as that was where the pain was at its worse, panting as the fatigue started to set in. The dragoon of wind shook his head and pulled up a chair, to sit beside his bud, "Relax. Your wounds are mostly healed, but Doc Brown says to chill for a few days.", explained Ruru, then turning around and holding a hand beside his mouth, "YO guys! He's awake!", he yelled, everyone relaxing and giving the dragoon of fire some quiet to rest. Abu came right on out, holding two things in both hands.

"Good, you're awake. I guess I have only myself to blame for not being able to help you sooner.", lamented the scientist, feeling a bit down that again his lack of foresight nearly cost his friend his life. Though he wasn't as worried as normal since he knew that the dragoon's other side would've probably protected him, considering that self preservation is something all intelligent creatures do. Michael saw what seemed to be a broken P.I.C. in one hand, and the other was the hilt of the dragon buster he got from a loud mouthed croc, "It's a good thing my works are built to last...but I need you to tell me what happened later and where you found...this. To break a P.I.C. is no easy task. Though given the state we found you in, it must have been bad.", he added, Michael looking down and realizing that he had lost the fight.

"Man...that was pretty tough. It was going well until some guy found out who I was...and then another guy named Dullock wanted to get my bounty. And-", tried to explain the dragoon of fire, Abu suddenly getting wide eyed at the name he mentioned. It was a name he was familiar with, knowing the strength of the dark lizard bounty hunter quite well from the little amount of footage and hearsay, "Dullock!?...You mean Dark Lizard who's a the Grade 9 Enforcer?...Oh're lucky to be alive Eurasia. He's one of the most powerful bounty hunters on the planet. That would explain why you had so many cuts and bruises around your face and neck. But barely on your body. Those were all attempted fatal hits. But this doesn't explain the whole body trauma you suffered. It's not something someone like him was capable of.", said Abu, making Ruru raise an eyebrow upon hearing that his bud was taken down by someone who had a rep.

"Dullock? I think I heard of him...I took a package to Dark Lizard territory before to the far west a few years ago. He's supposed to be one of the most gifted warriors in their species. So he's tough enough to beat Mike huh?", asked Ruru, knowing that they were by no means weak. Michael was not feeling too good, remembering how outclassed he was during the whole fight with that dark lizard. Even his new technique, which was supposed to give an increase in speed, was no match for him, "...I was completely outclassed. Speed, technique, I could barely lay a finger on him. I was at the end of my rope when I tried a two handed slash. Would've had him if it wasn't for some other lizard who stepped in at the last second. His speed was just as good as Dullock's as I didn't see him coming at all...dressed in some black and red armor...used some sort of shield that blocked my slice."

Abu felt a sense of dread hearing that, wondering if the dragoon of fire was born under an unlucky star, "...Red...and black armor...was he..physically bigger than Dullock?", asked the scientist while trembling, Michael nodding and Ruru wondering who this other guy was. He helped this Dullock guy but interfering with someone's fight was not cool, preferring a one on one fight like true warriors. Though Ruru noted that the fact that his friend was actually shivering meant that they were the real deal, Abu putting a hand on his head and taking his glasses off for a moment, "I swear Eura you're gonna kill me at this rate. That was...most likely Jaumar. An enforcer who's power...supposedly overshadows Dullock. He's a Grade 10 Enforcer. Like I said before, you're lucky to be alive. It's been said that Jaumar is one of the most powerful men on the planet. N.D. hasn't bothered with Dark Lizard territory due to the effort it would take to beat him. That's saying something."

Ruru saw Michael literally have fear in his eyes, knowing now that this Dullock guy left an impression on him, and the fact that there was someone stronger than him was a bigger shocker. Honestly even the dragoon of wind was feeling a bit concerned, wondering what this meant about how strong they really were. Abu quickly realized that he wasn't helping the dragoon of fire with the stress, quickly going over and sitting beside him on the bed, "But, but, remember. Both of them have been fighting and training for longer than you. Not to mention there will always be someone stronger.", reminded Abu, knowing that it was a fact that no one is the true strongest in the world. Michael did know that he nor Ruru finished their Training completely, never learning the true advance techniques like his brother did.

The scientist cleared his throat to try and get the mood changed, "In any case, you both have incredible potential that has yet to be unlocked. Actually this is what I wanted to address once you two came back. After Tatyana awakes, we're going to focus on simply improving until the tournament. We just need one more person to complete our five man team and we have four months to find him.", explained Abu, Michael still looking depressed, but thinking who he was talking about. Counting himself and Ruru, that is two people. Abu can't fight so he was out, "Wait...we have four people? I know Boris and me...wait is John-I mean, Dark Star joining us after all? And...Phrin?", asked Michael, both Ruru and Abu shaking their heads. Phrin was a fighter like Rizan and Shyranrya, but she had other things to focus on, and being on live TV fighting would ruin her image as being a dragon lawyer is already considered a miracle.

There weren't many other people who could fill the gap, least none who are available. Abu cleared his throat again, before snapping his fingers, "It's not that hard to figure out Eurasia. They're both very strong, and very reliable. Hell one of them helped heal you. Hey you two, he's awake and healthy enough to talk!", he shouted towards the back, Michael tilting his head and seeing the door open slowly. Their number of allies were pretty small at this point, but the two who walked out were very much allies, the dragoon of fire nearly falling off his bed from who walked out, "R-rr...shsh...", were all he could mutter, the familiar red dragoness, and Tall black and white stripped dragoness walking out, both feeling a bit shy, but very much happy to see their favorite dragoon.

The happiness the dragoon felt quickly faded, feeling the scars on his body as he rubbed his shoulder and frowning somewhat. As Abu saw this, he gave him a slap on the other shoulder, making him wince in pain, "Hey don't be rude. They're the ones who found you knocked out and battered all over.", he reminded, Michael understanding this but the grief and guilt he felt still loomed over head once seeing their face, "I-I'm not being ungrateful...but...why would they save me...I thought they'd want nothing to do with me...after what I did to them.", replied the dragoon, Abu shaking his head as he didn't think his friend still blamed himself.

"Oh man, you really are dense. Rizan, Shyranrya, tell him please. He won't listen to any of us...more stubborn than Ruru sometimes.", he pleaded to the dragonesses, both of them giving a nod, and walking from the more dimly lit area towards the dragoon's bed. Ruru gave his bud a black shirt, something to cover himself up and the scars as Abu wanted to give them a bit of space, "Dude, my advice? Get over it. You're not the bad guy here, no one is. I'm sure they'll remind you.", said the dragoon of wind, wanting to give that tidbit to his more emotionally charged friend. Michael put the shirt on and saw that he his jeans were mostly cut, but he was still decent. As Ruru also walked off, he saw the two dragonesses he wronged come into a more lit area, staring at their faces, and making them blush a bit.

"R-rizan?...I-is that really you? And Shyranrya..?", he asked, seeing that the two had changed somewhat since the last time he saw them. He moved to the foot of the bed and stood up, mesmerized by the new bit of hair they were sporting. Rizan had an arm around her shoulder, having been nervous to show him despite doing it to show him to begin with. She was wearing a rather comfy pair of black stretchy shorts for exercising, down to her knees and a deeper red tanktop as she was told it complements her belly scales, "Its us Eura...Abu said you needed some help...", she explained in a soft nervous voice, blushing somewhat as she had no idea how he felt about her new hair. The red dragoness had orange braids going down the back of her head, tied at the tip with little red strings. Shyranrya had grown quite a bit herself, having to kneel down a bit. She was wearing a very professional looking red outfit, having a puffy shorter skirt over the regular skirt which ended right above her knees. The biggest obvious change was the long flowing white ponytail going down her back, along with long strands going down to her chest on both sides of her head.

"Abu said that you thought we'd hate you...what happened there was our fault...not yours. We...needed time to make sure that would never happen again between us. Not to mention, honing our skills to be more of helpful. And this tournament is really important to you...", added Shyranrya, hiding her blush as much as she could since she was the one who healed him and saw how his body was. Though still handsome, the scaring was much worse than she thought, but knowing that it was too late to properly heal it. Michael looked up at them both, clenching his fist tightly when he thought of the images from that day, then letting go as their words softened things up, "You two nearly killed each other for me. You really don't hate me for that?"

The two shook their heads, needing to explain the issues about a dragon's heat later, but now was not the proper time for it at all. Rizan walked forward and put a hand on his shoulder, gently to avoid causing pain while Shyranrya used a finger to lift that frowning face to look at them, "We love you Eura. You know that.", they both said in unison with a smile, the dragoon starting to tear up upon hearing that. He jumped forward and hugged them both, though mostly against Shyranrya's stomach. That burden, that pain he felt was finally gone, the two dragonesses glad to see their human seeing the things how they felt. The dragoon of fire wiped his eyes and stood up, not feeling the pain as much and nodding, "I love you both too. I thought I..could never forgive myself for you two hurting yourselves...I'm glad you two are alright though."

Both of the dragonesses felt much more at ease now, though now the dragoon realized how much of a change they had gone through, " seem bigger than I remember. I don't think I was this much shorter than too Shyranrya. You look much bigger than before...oh! In height I mean.", he added nervously, not wanting to give the wrong impression. Rizan rubbed the back of her head and agreed on how her favorite human seemed to have shrunk a little, before having him at her neck, now he was chest level, "Well I know what you meant dear, don't worry. We simply have been training hard, much harder than before. Our muscles have tightened somewhat and we've grown from getting stronger. But I think this is all that we'll grow for awhile. Rizan may still have a few feet left in her, but I know for a fact I won't be getting any bigger. Two feet from my old height is...well I'm already larger than most other species. Don't need to be crushing anything with my large feet.", explained Shyranrya, Michael understanding that as the same thing happened when he became a dragoon.

"I two look great...Rizan, I didn't know you had hair. I think your braids make you look cute. And you too Shyranrya...that long hair is also quite lovely.", he complimented with a nervous feeling going down his back. Rizan's eyes widened, swallowing hard and curling her tail around her right leg, "C-cute?...Me?...", she muttered, feeling herself get sweat and turn away. Shyranrya gave a light eep from the compliment, putting her hands on her cheeks and looking away with her eyes closed, having a much more prominent blush on her face and cheeks, "Oh gosh, Stop!..I'm not...cute.", exclaimed the big black dragoness, shaking her head back and forth. With the dragoon okay with their new looks, it seems that things may get back to normal finally.

"Man Eura. You sure hit rock bottom. Needing dragonesses to erode that stone cold funk you were in.", joked a voice from the side, a voice that the dragoon hadn't heard in some time. Only one man would say such horrible puns, rock related puns, and it turned out that he was right. Although he seemed to be more muscular than before, the short cut hair, the black tank and blue jeans, it was Omega, an earth user who Michael fought some time ago, "?!...Omega! How the heck did you get here!?", shouted the dragoon, not forgetting that he worked for N.D.. He did not waste any time as starting to run forward with his fists clenched, forgetting that he was still exhausted from the previous fight but not wanting anything to happen to the dragonesses who just returned to him.

*Chapter End. *

Next time, Chapter 19 - Startling Revelations! Start of the New Year!