Daddy Bear Awakens

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Big bears have needs alright.

This is a taster for a bigger story I have in the works, started years ago but now I've dusted off the draft and am working on it...but to give you a little something, I present to you a nice piece that stands off on its own...and maybe leads us into something bigger later on. *smiles* Do tell me what you think!









A massive white paw emerged from the duvet-covered mound on the king-sized bed and smacked down on the blaring mobile phone on the nightstand to mute the annoying tone of the wakeup call. A strange, rumbling groan rattled the very windows of the bedroom while the big paw caught the small phone between two thick, padded fingers. The quick manipulation of a button caused a blue light to shine from the screen while the phone was brought over to a scowling, bleary-eyed face. Six thirty am the digital numbers said.

Six thirty goddamn annoying in the morning.

The phone was placed onto the nightstand and the same huge fingers then switched on the small table lamp. The sudden illumination crunched the big polar bear's eyes shut, even when he yawned jaw-wreckingly and stretched his thick legs and arms a little. He let out a deep, satisfied sigh as the tension rolled on and off his body and then he simply relaxed there for a while, still nice and warm and buried in the duvet and his soft fleece pajamas. He took a few huffing breaths, chortled, grumbled, and was determined to enjoy his peace for a few moments longer. The white, shaggy-furred bear still kept his eyes closed and let out a few obscure sounds from his throat and his broad chest. His big, warm paw naturally stroked over his side, then over the ripples of striped cloth on the round belly and then, rubbing slowly down, encountered something that was much warmer and more stiff than the muscles on his arms or his bulky thighs.

Ryker chuckled roughly as he slipped his paw into his pajama bottoms and massaged his morning hardon into his palm, giving the bulky, stiff erection a nice squeeze and a couple of tugs to fully enjoy the boner for the small, delicious moment. His bladder was full and he really needed to take a leak, but the bear wasn't one to miss out on a little bit of private fun while he was in the mood. Rubbing his warm, slightly damp length only made it nicer, laying in bed and working his paw up and down on his hard dick, squeezing it in just the right places. He throbbed pleasantly, encouraging his lumbering, sleepy hips to buck forward a little. The bedsprings squeaked, sounding sexual to the bear, who let out a pleased rumble while he played with himself, enjoying the usual morning ritual. It felt reassuring, in a way, that the tool was in a working order, even if it had been such a long while since he had had any company in his big bed.

Oh well, he thought. At least his right paw was a frequent visitor and a most trusted friend and a partner in crime when it came to self-applied debauchery.

The polar bear snorted and growled with pleasure. His fingers reached his tip and milked out a big splurt of precum which covered his fingers and then applied the slick liquid over his length on the way down towards his sheath. It soon became even hotter and more crowded in his pajamas when he stuffed his other paw down there as well to cup the hefty, weighty testicles that received a squeeze and a fondle while the bear kept up his self-loving. The up and down motion of his arm caused the bed to rattle again, making a squeak-squeak-squeak that made the bear's ears flick against his pillow.

It was easy to fall into the rhythm, his hips flexing, his fingers producing more of that seeping fluid from his tip, leaving a decadent stain onto the fabric of his pajamas. It'd just be a shame to lose the warmth of the blanket...hmmm...but a few growling moments later, Ryker remembered that he was on a schedule. He extracted his paw from his fuzzy pouch and checked the time from his phone. 6:40 it said already, not enough to mean he was in a hurry, but he'd have to get going soon so that he would have the time to get through his morning routines without too much of a hurry. He did love his peace, after all.

Ryker put the phone down and departed from his slick cock with a final parting fondle. He let out a grumble at the sensation of relatively cool air hitting him when the covers were thrown away and he hauled himself up onto the edge of the bed and then up, bare footpaws tickling on the carpet while he padded over to the kitchen. He noticed the amusing tenting on the front of his pajama bottoms and grinned with mischief secret in his mind. He didn't spend much time in his dark kitchen yet, simply enough to click the power button on the coffeemaker he had preloaded on the night before, and of course turn on his computer which was sitting on the dining table.

Each step over to the fridge cased his dick to throb in his pants, soon to invite his paw to grab himself through the fabric. The big bear let out a grumble and enjoyed himself quite openly, in the light cast by the fridge while he unloaded bacon and eggs onto the kitchen, considering that his other paw was still bust with its own morning game. The polar bear's ears filled with the pleasant noise of coffee beginning to bubble into the pot, which reminded him of his urgent need to urinate...but the bathroom was the next place to go, anyway.

His next yawn made a loud noise, echoed off the walls of the bathroom. He dropped his pajamas into the hamper and stood there on the fluffy carpet for a moment, contemplating his options while scratching his rump. His boner was stiff enough that if he tried to take a leak now he might end up hosing the can and the floor, and he was in no mood to start cleaning up his own piss. His bladder would survive for a little bit longer, he decided.

The bear padded under the shower and hit the water, bristling a little before the cold rush turned into a pleasant warmth that glued his thick furs onto his broad frame. He enjoyed it for a while, head tilted up, eyes closed and murring while the water washed over him, and he was compelled to shake his head and grumble pleasantly, water spraying everywhere. He stroked his paws through his head furs and over his body, and reached out for the bottle of Leukomax Extra Duty via instinct more than vision, for his eyes were still open. The bottle made a rude fart when he put the soap onto his palms and then began to lather himself up. His clawed fingertips dug deep into the thick furs, reaching for the black skin below, all the while white the warm water cascaded over his bathing body. It sure felt nice, and unsurprisingly, his erection poked through the rush of water like some sort of a breaker.

The bear gave a glance at himself, down his wet body and decided that he might as well continue on what he had started before. The warm water felt so nice on his hardon...very pleasant alright, encouraging him to massage his fingers around his tool while his right paw started to make love to his needy cock. The combined heat of the water and the rubbing action as well as the heavy exertion had him going on, and it didn't take him for long to start growling with pleasure.

Ryker kept up the charade of just bathing by rubbing the later onto his body with his left paw, soapy suds making his furs glisten where the water hadn't washed them away yet, while his brain was concentrated on the mindless pleasure generated by his own paw. He had his eyes closed, his whole body enjoying the sensations. The polar bear wasn't much for coming up with fantasies when he pawed off - besides an occasional foray into online porn, of course, he was a man in possession of a computer - but mostly he just made it about him and just himself and making himself feel good by touching his body. He didn't mind it was just him...being a single fur in a small town wasn't too bad all things told, he considered, and if he really wanted some action, it could be found when he was in a mood for a good romp with a willing lady. Right now his mind wasn't up for thinking of even the perkiest ass or the prettiest tits...this was just to clean the piping, he told himself, just to get it all out and be off with it. Girls were for leisure, this was for pleasure, he reminded himself.

And he was so pent up, too, throbbing and leaking to a degree that once he got going, it didn't take too long before the all too familiar tingling in his big low-hangers started to get to him. They had drawn closer up to his body, too, seeking contact while his slightly bent arm pumped up and down like a piston. His left leg began to tremble a little, and while the bear grunted out, his other paw slammed against the wall of the shower while he felt the pleasure peaking...finally...his growl deep, his body tensing when hidden muscles pulsed and pearly strings of cum shot out onto the wall in long, ropey streams. His pleasure peaked in long, trembling jerks, and the white jizz splashing against the frosted glass began to slither down while the bear kept his head down, eyes closed, grunting and huffing as if seeding a warm pussy with his copious cum, water rushing over his body still, ears drooped, his tight breathing loud and hot. The shudders of pleasure continued with the throbbing of his shaft, his flicking stub of a tail whisking the air while he kept tugging at himself to milk the final drops of spunk and the associated pleasure out of his flesh.

Ryker stood there for a moment, his paws resting wearily on his sides while he breathed deeply, feeling his cheeks flushed with the effort. The air was filled with a mixture of musk, the lingering hints of cum and the overwhelming industrial stench of the shampoo. A farm glow spread under his furs and it made him smile softly to himself. He relaxed in the afterglow for only a moment before he lifted his paw to hold it under the shower to wash away the evidence of his indiscretions. Hadn't the old priest warned about such a thing...self-mutilation...somehow any such thoughts seemed to go down the drain along with the swirl of white soap going into the grille between his legs.

The bear smiled to himself, let out another satisfied grumble, and bristled a little when the warm water now hit his super-sensitive rod that still stood out stiffly form his sheath. With one natural need sated, it was time to put the finishing touches into his wash.

He began to hum a half-forgotten song and went on bathing, tail whipping about over his broad buttocks and setting the tune.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the read, and I hope to hear your feedback!
