Cat and..Fox?

Story by Noviri on SoFurry

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Things get hot between two opponents in the icy battleground known as the Howling Abyss...

(Dedicated to YrofGlad (Ahri - my team) and Sicnez(Nidalee - enemy team) met in an ARAM match. Ahri told Nidalee to go fuck herself, and Nidalee said she would go fuck herself after the match, thinking about Ahri taking her big, thick spear.... so I wrote this. It was written in like, an hour and a half and I didn't bother to check it, it's just for fun, but feel free to tell me what you think!)

As the freezing winds blasted the battered bridge that spanned the Howling Abyss, Nidalee, the Beastial Huntress was grateful for the dense fur of her feline form, protecting her somewhat from the icy winds. Her lithe, tanned form lay low to the ground, crouching in the bushes that somehow managed to grow amidst the ice and stones behind her team's tower, the ancient stone looking ready to fall apart at a moment's notice. Seeing that she was the first to arrive, she crept forward, dashing forward to the much more dangerous brush in the battle ground in the middle of the bridge. She had barely settled when one of her enemies burst into the bush in a swift dash. The movement sparked blue flames, one of which locked on to the huntress and burned her flesh. Snarling in pain, she quickly shifted back into her human form, healing the damage before she faced her opponent, spear ready. It was the Ahri, the fox and all of her innumerable tails. The two had taken a disliking to each other right at the start of the match, and had been trying to kill each other incessantly. Realizing her danger at being caught in the hands of the huntress with her ultimate ability unavailable, Ahri focused her strange magic and blew a kiss at Nidalee to disable the dangerous foe so she could escape. As she prepared to send the kiss off, she felt searing pain slash across her shoulder, sending the kiss astray. She looked up to see Nidalee's spear reappear in the other woman's hands, the spearhead red with blood where it had sliced into her arm. The red heart that was the focus of the magic ability drifted off course, and brushed against Nidalee's arm, as the many tailed fox winced and started to back away.

Distracted by aiming her spear cast, the huntress wasn't quite fast enough to dodge her enemy's ability, and the glowing heard touched her. Suddenly wondering why she had hated this beautiful creature, all thoughts of combat suddenly left the huntress's mind, and she saw the woman as another type of prey entirely. She quickly pounced forward, her superior agility letting her pin the fox woman easily.

"F, fuck off!" Ahri screeched desperately, thinking that her spell had missed, and not looking forward to being torn apart at the savage woman's hands. With a purr, the other woman replied, "Why? I'd much rather fuck you, beautiful." Ahri's eyes widened, as she realized that her spell hadn't gone entirely amiss. She had no interest in another woman, especially not this barbarian. She had tried so hard to become human, and this savage woman went in the other direction, shapeshifting into an animal! "Go fuck yourself!" she snarled, trying to push the muscled woman away from her. "Fuck myself? Oh, so you already know, that makes things easier." the feline woman replied with a grin, pressing her knees down atop the weaker woman's thighs, keeping her held down as she lifted herself up, looking down at the fox woman from above. Thoroughly confused by that answer, Ahri forgot some of her anger. "Know what, you crazy cat lady?" she snapped. The grin spread even wider, feral glee in the huntress's eyes as she lifted her loincloth, revealing not a female sex, but a cock dangling between her legs. Ahri stared wide eyed at the surprisingly large member, as the other woman reached down, lifting the two fist sized balls and thick cock to reveal her pussy behind them. "That I can quite literally fuck myself. I even have a few times. But I prefer fucking other beautiful women like you Ahri..." she trailed off, licking her lips. Ahri shook her head slowly, not believing what she saw before her. She had no attraction to this hermaphrodite, but at the same time she had never seen such a thick, sexy cock. Against her will, Ahri's heart began to beat faster, and her fair skin showed a slight flush as she imagined what it would look like hard. Even soft, the length hung even with the hefty balls. She was so lost in contemplating what it would look like that she didn't even notice that soon she wouldn't have to wonder. Above her, Nidalee watched, getting aroused, as always, from the surprise on the fox woman's face. The shock that she was more hung than most of the men in the League always made her hard, and the thick length throbbed with her heartbeat, getting longer and thicker with each beat until it nearly reached her knee, then started to rise as she reached her fully hard length at nearly 11 inches.

Blinking as her curiosity was satisfied, Ahri's mouth dropped open and a moan escaped her lips as she watched the thick shaft get longer and longer, hanging incredibly low before it even started to rise. It looked longer than the woman's forearm, and as thick as her wrist. The fox woman huffed softly and her legs twitched, involuntarily trying to spread. Knowing that she had secured her prey, Nidalee moved back just enough to take her knees off of the other woman's thighs, and watched in delight as she spread them for her. Taking advantage of this position, Nidalee leaned over and pulled in close to Ahri, her cock resting heavily on the other woman's flat torso, as the huntress leaned forward and kissed her neck. The touch of soft, feminine lips on her delicate skin made Ahri shudder and let out a husky breath, her body arching and her will melting.

Feeling the telltale signs of submission in her prey, Nidalee lifted her hips, slowly dragging her shaft backward along the other woman's pelvis, until it hung heavily between their bodies. Holding herself up with one hand, still kissing and teasing the other woman's neck, she reached down and lifted Ahri's skirt, and with her hand she found that the woman was wearing nothing under it, and she was already wet. With a lusty chuckle, the feline woman sank her hips down, pressing the wide head of her cock against Ahri's wet pussy, and immediately felt the reaction in the other woman's body. "Sluts like you love my big, thick 'spear,' and you are a good little slut aren't you Ahri? Already dripping wet over my thick cock." she purred into the fox woman's ear. With a weak gasp, Ahri tried to shake her head, but she was interrupted as Nidalee pressed with her hips, forcing her fat cockhead inside Ahri as soon as she tried to talk, making the other woman throw her head back and let out a loud moan. "Take it like a good slut fox girl." she taunted, and shoved hard, sliding three quarters of her shaft inside the woman's dripping sex with one powerful thrust. Her whole body stiffened in a bit of pain at being stretched so abruptly, but Ahri let out a low lascivious moan as she felt the thick cock plunge deeply into her.

"F, fuck me." the fox woman panted quietly, ashamed by her need, but enjoying herself too much to deny it. With a low chuckle, Nidalee braced herself and started to pump her hips, thrusting deeply inside Ahri's pussy, which opened and accepted her thickness with more ease than she had expected. She still gripped Nidalee's cock tightly, making the huntress close her eyes and moan in pleasure as she make long, slow strokes, burying herself as deeply as she dared. She was encouraged by the soft panting of the woman below her, and soon Ahri's legs folded around her hips, accompanied by a soft "Harder!" it sounded like a command, but came out like a plea.

"As you wish." the huntress replied in a silky voice, and picked up her pace, her shaft plunging in and out faster and faster. Ahri writhed below her, squirming in pleasure as the thick cock filled her and stroked all of her most sensitive spots. The feline woman's hips were almost a blur as she pounded into the deep tight pussy, her heavy balls slapping into Ahri's thighs with each thrust. As Ahri's gasps became louder and louder, Nidalee forced her mouth against the other woman's, locking lips as she plunged deep inside her. The fox woman moaned hotly into the huntress's mouth, and soon she cried out, though the sound was muffled by their kiss. Nidalee felt Ahri's pussy tighten around her shaft, and felt the sudden gush of the other woman's orgasm spray against her thighs. The muscle contractions milked Nidalee's thick cock powerfully, squeezing so tight it took more effort to thrust. Ahri continued to squeal against her lips, squirting more and more around the thick cock filling her pussy. This brought Nidalee over the edge as well, and she broke their kiss, throwing her head back and growling as her cock throbbed, stretching the poor woman even more for a long moment before the huntress shoved, burying her cock deeply inside. Just as her orgasm started, the woman's body shimmered, and in an instant, there was the lean, powerfully muscled form of a cougar atop Ahri instead of a humanoid. Ahri gasped in pain as the already thick cock stretched her even thicker, and she squealed in pain as the already huge cock got even longer before it exploded, pumping her full of hot seed. Nidalee roared as she came, her suddenly barbed cock spewing cum deep inside the fox woman. Her huge shaft took up almost all of the space available in the woman's slim body, so the force of her orgasm pushed her cock out to make room as she panted and grunted over the other woman. Soon, there was enough room for the excess to escape, and Nidalee's hot cum splattered messily, covering their thighs as it jetted out of the pussy stretched to its limit. The feline's orgasm continued longer than any male Ahri had met, as she lay exhausted under the powerful form feeling more and more spurts of cum churn inside her, and blast out of her with the sheer force. Before she even finished, Nidalee began rutting again, plunging her cock deep inside Ahri's stretched pussy for a few more strokes to drag out her seemingly endless orgasm, the motions forcing her cum out, making it pour out, soaking her thighs and the ground below. After a long few minutes, Nidalee finally finished, and pulled out, her thick cock followed by another swell of cum dripping from Ahri's stretched pussy.

Sated, Nidalee stretched, then looked down at Ahri, shaking her head as the twisted charm spell finally started to wear off. The huntress hopped away, transforming back into her human form, though sluggishly due to fatigue from her exertion and powerful orgasm. "What did you do to me witch!?" She demanded, looking down at the woman, as her memory of what she did while charmed started to return. Ahri simply panted, her body stretched to its limit by the pain and pleasure forced out of her by the powerful fuck. Nidalee looked down, seeing Ahri with clear eyes for the first time. "Oh, I see. Serves you right! I'll let you go this once though, since you were such a good fuck. But next time we meet on this battlefield, I'll kill you." The huntress warned, shifting back into her feline form and dashing away back to her side of the bridge.

The two powerful mages that had summoned Nidalee and Ahri looked at each other across the way, eyes wide after what they had just witnessed. A quick glance showed that none of the other champions, or summoners had noticed the tryst. Though they were opponents, the two mages nodded to each other. They would keep that little scene to themselves. And one, or both would likely speak to Nidalee after the match...

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