The Darwin Chronicles: Josh's Story

Story by Inviso on SoFurry

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#2 of The Darwin Chronicles

The Darwin Chronicles Chapter 2: Josh's Story Per the dividing up of the captives, with no two sharing a room or cell, Josh now rested within Tracy's quarters, all alone, were it not for the single green eye watching him from the shadows. He sat, unconscious, upon a metal chair, his wrists bound to each arm rest and his ankles bound to the chair's legs. He grumbled softly as he slept, the last few moments of his consciousness repeating over and over in his mind. His ear gave a soft flick as an image of Jessica passed through his mind, causing a low, pleased growl to roll through his chest. Tracy stood off to the corner of her room, just watching her captive and watching his motions as he sat, relaxed in his own personal dreamland. When they had been dividing up the ARC's inhabitants, certain members of her crew had expressed a desire to take in certain captives. And being the captain, Tracy was more than willing to take her pick of the furrs that she and her crew now possessed. She'd always had an affinity for wolves and that wonderful way they had of howling, so it was only natural that she took in Joshua for herself. The fact that there was a good chance of him being the ARC's captain certainly didn't hurt matters either. Josh grumbled a bit louder in his sleep and Tracy stepped out from the shadows, approaching her quarry and kneeling down before him, looking at him carefully and studying his face. Placing her leather-gloved hand against his face, she gently rubbed his cheek, purring softly as her tail swished about behind her. A smile crossed her face as she felt him nuzzle his cheek into her palm before she retracted her arm and gave several strong slaps to Josh's face, waking him with a start. "Huh..." he asked groggily, looking at the blurry figure of a one-eyed face right in front of him, "what...where am I?" "You," she responded, her lilting Australian accent washing over him like a warm stream, "are aboard my ship. My name is Tracy Mombaro. Captain Tracy Annette Mombaro. And this ship...this ship is The Darwin." Josh looked at her for a few moments, blinking a few times as her face came further into focus. He could make out details, like a green eye with a feline slit for its pupil, the other eye obscured by a black eye patch. Several scars crossed her face, one traveling across the covered eye and several others obscured by Tracy's fiery red hair, an odd color given the darker tones of her raccoon-patterned fur. His gaze traveled a bit further south as his vision returned to normal, following the trail of Tracy's zipper down her body before she grabbed him forcefully by the chin and pulled his face up to look her in the eye. "Let's not get overexcited, hmm?" she spoke sweetly, "I need to have a little chat with you right now." "A chat?" he grumbled, still a bit sleepy, "sure...why not?" Josh tried to stand up, only realizing for the first time that he was bound. He looked down at his wrists, pulling on the ropes and straining to get free before repeating the process with his legs. He struggled frantically for several minutes before Tracy's words finally set in. She was Tracy Mombaro, one of the most feared pirates in the galaxy, and there he sat, trapped within the very heart of the black widow's den. His eyes shot open, firmly aware of his situation as he stared into the face of his captor, her smile no longer seeming benevolent, but now terrifying instead. "Glad to see you've finally figured things out," she laughed, "you are aboard my ship as my prisoner, and there is no chance of escape." "No!" he barked, straining harder to break free of the ropes, but it was of no use. The ropes held tight and Josh could only sit in fear as the raccoon pirate circled around his chair. "Tell me, mate" she queried, purring as her fingers brushed lightly against his scalp, "what would your name be?" "Why..." he stammered, "why should I tell you?" "Well, you see..." she sighed in response, "we hit your ship with an EMP blast which, while effective and taking all your systems offline, subsequently erased pretty much any salvageable data from your ship's computers. So we have no idea who you are, who the rest of the crew is, or what your passenger roster is, and that sort of data would be REALLY useful in terms of ransom demands." "I'll never talk," he growled in an attempt to sound intimidating, seeming to realize just how fucked he really was. The eerie thing was that Tracy didn't seem to be upset or lose her cool in any way. She just laughed. "So you want to do this the hard way then? That's fine by me. I like the hard way. It's much more fun." Tracy walked around to Josh's front, her tail sliding up under his chin and tickling his neck as the wolf tensed up in awkward fear. As his eyes followed her across the room, he couldn't help but stare as that bushy tail directed his gaze as the tight leather that clung to her ass. Were the situation less hostile, he would probably have found the view attractive and arousing, but under the circumstances, his mind was filled only with thoughts of escape. Tracy strode over to the table by the entrance to her quarters and reached up, pushing her hair aside as she removed her eye patch. Josh winced a bit, fearing what sort of wound might have been hidden by the patch, but as Tracy turned around, he saw nothing to be afraid of. Her face had been scarred, that much was sure, but the eye itself seemed perfectly normal. He was still wondering why exactly she needed an eye patch in the first place as she knelt down in front of him. Tracy looked up at her captive, her left eye giving off a light whirring sound as the cybernetic implant switched to infrared vision, allowing her to see Josh's body-heat rise ever so slightly. Her hands pressed against his chest, rubbing his pectoral muscles through the fabric of his uniform before her claws dug in and ripped the garment open, exposing his coarse, gray fur to the open air. Josh gasped, his arms straining against the ropes once more as he felt his shirt tear away. He tried to stammer out an objection, but Tracy was already busy removing his belt and tossing it aside. His feet tapped on the floor, fearful of what Tracy could've meant by "the hard way" and feeling no less frightened and her finger popped the button free from his pants and began to slide down his zipper. Tracy could hardly suppress a giggle as the wolf whimpered under her ministrations, her hands taking their sweet time in spreading his fly wide open to reveal a pair of rather tight boxer briefs. She laughed as she heard a yip emerge from Josh's throat, her fingers tugging lightly on the waistband of his underwear at the time. Having spent enough time teasing him, Tracy finally purred and gave a swift yank, a healthy lupine member bursting free from its prison. "Well well well," Tracy purred, admiring the wolf's cock, already flying at half-mast, so to speak, "it looks like at least PART of you is willing to talk." "N-Never," Josh gasped in surpise, his claws gripping the chair tightly in an attempt to steady himself, "I w-won't give you the satisf-f-fahhh!" His words were cut off as Tracy panted, releasing a burst of warm breath against his swelling member, quickly causing the organ to engorge to its full length. He turned his head and struggled harder to break free of his bonds to no avail, his body at the complete mercy of his pirate captor. He let out a defeated whimper as he hung his head, ashamed at his own arousal. "Such a healthy boy. You sure you won't tell me your name?" "It's Joshua. J-Joshua Gerwulf." "Nice to meet you, Joshua," She replied almost cordially, "now that wasn't too difficult, was it? How about telling me the names of your crewmates, hmm?" "I won't...tell y-you anyth-th-thahhhhhhhhhh!" Once again, Josh's words were cut short as he felt the cool contact of Tracy's leather-clad fingers rippling down his shaft and squeezing him tightly. The smooth material slid effortlessly along his length, giving Josh a few jerks before Tracy drew her hand back. As Josh whimpered and strained, his eyes begging her to free him, Tracy gave his cock another squeeze and stroked him a bit faster, her eyes meeting his and seeming to stare into his soul. Josh's head rolled back, his body fighting so hard to resist the pleasure in his loins, but it was a losing battle. His shoulders relaxed and his tongue lolled from his muzzle as Tracy finally relented, stepping back and admiring the highly aroused wolf. "You ready to talk?" she asked playfully, "because I can do that for quite some time." "P-Please..." he begged, "have mercy..." "You want me to finish what I started, huh?" she said, looking at him empathetically, "is that it?" "Please..." " soon as you tell me what I need to know, I'll be more than happy to give you a 'helping hand.'" Josh groaned, his foot tapping furiously at the floor, unable to move much more than that. His member throbbed in aroused pleasure, the previous attention having excited him too much for his erection to subside. He bit his lip to keep from whimpering or worse and he snapped his eyes shut to keep any visual stimulus from exacerbating the situation. His ears flicked as her heard Tracy's boots traveling across the floor toward him, but still, Josh stayed firm, unwilling to give in, no matter how much his body wanted it. Tracy didn't want to have to deal with an inattentive hostage, so she snapped him right back to attention with a firm grasp over his muzzle, prying his jaws open and forcing the wolf to focus on her once more. As he tossed his head, trying to shake her off, she managed to hook the zipper of her jumpsuit over her fang. His eyes traveled to the metal object as Tracy slowly began to press her body upward against his, the zipper sliding its way down and revealing more and more of her gray fur. Josh's eyes went even wider as Tracy climbed up onto the chair with him to force the zipper further down, reaching her crotch and giving him a close-up view of her tight stomach and a peek at her fiery, red pubic fur. Tracy reached down and unhooked the zipper from his tooth, purring as she gracefully hopped off of the chair and landed on the floor in front of him. Josh gulped and closed his eyes once more, trying to push thoughts of her body from his mind, but his throbbing cock wasn't going to let him forget. His eyes shot open once again just in time to see her slip the leather from her shoulders, exposing a gorgeous pair of breasts that were enough to make his mouth water. She stood before him, unashamed of her body and completely exposed from the waist up. He panted, his libido overriding his common sense as he could keep silence no longer. "There were six crewmembers!" he cried out in heated passion, "Me, Captain Ebonyhelm, Zellie, Opti, Mirr, and Hiro!" "Go on..." she purred, smirking and tugging her tail free from the jumpsuit, "what about the passengers?" "S-S-Six! A tiger and his daughter...uh...another was also J-Jessica Elwood...the model. And her two friends!" "There..." Tracy said, walking over and running her fingers through his hair, her claws scratching lightly behind his ears and making his tail wag, "that's a good boy." Josh closed his eyes and panted, his mind lost in pleasure as she teased behind his ears. He howled softly as her leather-gloved hand wrapped around his member once more, giving him further strokes to keep him ready. He watched her, his eyes open in tiny slits to observe as the lovely pirate kicked her boots off and peeled the rest of her jumpsuit off, showing over her entire gorgeous body. He gasped in awe at the sight while Tracy reached back and pulled her hair free of its ponytail, looking particularly wild and feral. "That's all I needed to know, Joshie," she cooed, approaching him and stroking his bare chest, "and now I think you deserve a reward for being such a good wuffy." She placed one gloved hand against his cheek, stroking it lightly before pressing her lips to his and forcing her tongue deep into his muzzle. At that moment, any remaining sense of fight Josh had left was gone and he gave in, kissing her back with as much, if not more passion, despite his bound state. After a few moments of bliss, Tracy sliced the ropes that held Josh's hand and legs and pulled him up from his seated position, only to fill his mouth with another warm kiss. Forgetting about his position as captive, Josh gave into his desires and wrapped his arms around the delicious raccoon, his fingers trailing up and down her back, tracing several different scars. Tracy broke the kiss and pushed the wolf back onto her bed, leaping onto him pinning him against the soft sheets. Josh murred and gave her throat a strong lick before feeling the warm kiss of her lower lips against his throbbing shaft. He panted and looked in her eyes, nodding as she reached back, stroking him several more times as she guided his malehood to her dripping sex. Josh didn't need to be told what to do twice before he pumped his shaft up into her love tunnel in one, swift motion, causing both lovers to cry out in pleasure. Tracy bucked her hips, taking his member in one inch at a time until she could feel his balls pressing against her hips. She laughed softly and flicked her tongue against his nose as her body rose up, slowly beginning to work its magic on him. Josh lay against the bed, his hands resting on her tight ass as he just watched her taking him as her own. He panted, the tight warmth of her womanhood teasing his shaft and already working to coax the pent-up orgasm from within his loins. "C'mon Joshie," she panted, leaning down to whisper in his ear, "fill me up." With a nod, Josh dug his claws into her firm buttocks and pushed her down onto his shaft as he began to buck his hips forward. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, entrancing him from his position on his back as he slid one hand up her back, tickling her spine before moving around to her front and squeezing her breast. She gave a mew of approval and he went a step further, pinching her nipple between two claws and tugging on it firmly. She began to purr, the vibrations exciting him from deep within her body, and he became more aggressive, his thrusts growing fast and more powerful, each one accompanied by a lupine growl of pleasure emerging from his throat. Tracy panted, mewling and truly letting her feline side out as she arched her back, forcing his member deeper into her pussy. Turning her head, she pressed her lips to his, their warm muzzles forming together as one as she continued to scratch behind his ears like she would a puppy. Not to be outdone, Josh's claws gripped her ass more tightly and prodded her tailhole with his index finger. She mewed once more in pleasure and he made his move, forcing his finger into her ass and teasing her insides even further. Tracy could feel herself getting close, the lupine musk filling her room and arousing her more than the amazing sensation of Josh's cock in her sex. The anal penetration only pushed her further towards the peak of orgasm. Her entire body tensed up, her breasts heaving as she panted in pleasure. Within her loins, Josh felt his member gripped tightly, to the point where he could barely pull out anymore. His balls twitched, filling with cum and eager to spray as much of his seed as Tracy could handle. Unable to hold back anymore, Tracy bit down hard on Josh's shoulder to stifle her own cries of pleasure as her juices flowed powerfully, soaking both hers and Josh's fur. As he felt the pain of Tracy's teeth, Josh knew it was time and he reared his head back, howling in true lupine fashion as he pumped his cock into her as deep as it would go, blowing his loading into her cunt for what seemed like an eternity. Tracy growled into his shoulder, enjoying the warm sensation of Josh's love filling her to the brim. As Josh came down from his orgasm, his gave a few more thrusts into Tracy, expelling the last of his cum before falling back and resting wearily against the soft sheets of his lover's bed. Panting, he sighed blissfully, completely forgetting his predicament as he drifted off into a pleasant slumber. Tracy purred as she rested atop him, her breaths coming out in quick bursts as she wiggled her hips, feeling Josh's member still erect between her legs. She looked into his sleeping face and ran her fingers through his hair, smiling as she leaned in and gave a soft kiss to his cheek. "I think I'm gonna keep you, Joshie," she said, sighing happily and resting her head against his firm chest, "you're worth the loss of profit." * * *

Tracy Mombaro © Mirasuke Josh Gerwulf © Ghostbane Story © Mirasuke 2008