Becky's First Time

Story by The Scaly Bard on SoFurry

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"Hah! Beat you again, Chris!"

Chris threw the controller on the floor in disgust as the girl gave him a smug grin. "Fancy another round? Or is getting your ass handed to you eight times in a row enough to make you concede that I am the Queen Bitch of Mortal Kombat?"

"I swear to god, Becky, you're cheating." He muttered as he picked up his controller, signaling another round on the screen. After a few seconds of decision, he chose Scorpion.

Becky rolled serpentine eyes as nimble hands danced over the controller, choosing Kano. "Please, I don't gotta cheat, Chris. You're so predictable. Bring it on, I got all weekend to smack you around." She grinned as she scored a first hit combo that had Chris swearing. In less than a minute, the first round was done, Becky winning by a flawless victory. "Sure you don't want me to handicap? I'm willing to play one-handed."

"Oh ho, now you're just rubbing it in." Chris grinned as he gave her a playful shove, sending the female snake into a fit of giggles. "I'll kick your ass this next round, just watch!"

He ran his fingers through his mop of red hair slowly, then concentrated as the second round begun. This time he managed to get in three hits before being sent flying into a nearby meat grinder.

"Shit. I give up... for now. Let's play something different, like Halo 2."

Becky chuckled as she laid the controller on the coffee table in front of them and stretched. The skin-tight shirt rode up, exposing several inches of cream-colored belly scales. "Fine by me, I prefer the team-games anyways. But let's take a break first, I need to pee."

"Okay, I'll get the game set up while you're taking care of business."

He started setting up the next game, pausing long enough to admire the sway of Becky's rear as she headed across the basement and bounded up the stairs. By the time she got back, Chris had Halo 2 ready, set on difficult.

"Oh man," she groaned as she sat on the ancient couch, "do we gotta do it on Legendary? I hate that setting. They're damn near impossible to kill."

Chris smirked as they started the game. "That's because you haven't mastered the side-step and bash-them-in-the-back-of-the-head move yet. C'mon, we'll do fine. And I'll actually be able to keep up this time."

"More like I'll be keeping up with you," she muttered in response, earning a snicker from Chris.

They played for another two hours before pausing the game to take a break. Becky decided to sprawl across the couch when Chris stood up, giving him her trademark cheeky grin when he glared at her.


"Of course," she grinned, eyes twinkling. "Though a drink would be nice."

"Heh, anything in particular?"

She pretended to think for a few seconds. "Arokan beer?"

Chris winced. "Oy, no can do. Parents found out about last time, and I was damn near grounded for the rest of my life."

Becky's face fell. "Oh... damn, that sucks, sweetie. I didn't mean to get you in trouble with them."

Chris shrugged as he opened the mini-fridge located next to a makeshift countertop. "You didn't, not really." He smiled as he pulled out a couple of cokes. "They think I'm the one who drank them all. If they found out I'd been giving a sixteen year old alcohol... yeah, well, half the fucking continent would have seen the fireworks."

Becky couldn't help but giggle. Having met Chris's parents, she could only imagine the fallout that would have caused. They didn't like the serpent anyways, declaring her a bad influence on their only child. It didn't help matters that Becky had told them last time that she claimed that as a compliment.

"Thank god they're out of town for the next week though." Chris smiled as he handed her the soda.

She took a long pull on the bottle. "Yeah, what's that about, anyways? I'm surprised they didn't try and hire a baby-sitter or some crap."

Chris laughed as he pushed her legs aside so he could sit down. She retaliated by shifting her feet into his lap. "Something at one of Dad's hotel worksites, required his personal attention. Mom decided to tag along." He smirked. "They decided to make a mini-vacation of it. I guess the allure of warm, sandy beaches and free-flowing drinks was too much to resist."

Becky laughed loudly before draining her drink and setting it on the table. She then proceeded to give a very loud, very un-ladylike belch. Chris snickered. "Not bad, points for depth and volume, but length was pitifully short."

She snorted as she levered her feet off his lap and sat up. "Smart-ass. Just because you can blow out windows." She reached over and snagged his drink, setting it on the table.

"Hey," Chris protested, reaching for it, "I wasn't done with- mmf..." Chris quickly found himself pinned against the arm of the couch, a forked tongue forcing its way past his lips to brush against the roof of his mouth. Smooth, scaled hands slipped under his shirt to trail cool fingers down his back and sides.

His hands scrabbled for purchase, then finally gripped her shoulders and pushed. Becky pulled away reluctantly, letting her tongue trail over his lip to his chin before sighing heavily. "Oh, c'mon, Chris! What's wrong?"

"Uh, you mind telling me first?" He was still trying to catch up, the unexpected kiss having sent his brain into overload.

Becky rolled her eyes, but made no move to unpin him. "Fine. We've been dating for nearly two months now, I'm the Queen of Mortal Kombat, and I'm tired of waiting for you to make the next move past fingering each other and oral sex, okay?" She leaned in to kiss him again, only to find herself being stopped cold.

"Becky, please... I... not yet, please."

"What the fuck, Chris?" She growled in irritation as she sat back on the couch, her mood quickly going south. "What the hell is wrong with you that you're not telling me? In case you haven't noticed, I do care about you, you know."

"Becky..." He turned his head, unable to meet her gaze. "Honest to god, I care about you too. But... I can't, I'm sorry. I want to so bad, but I can't."

"And why the hell not?" She moved closer, enough of her anger subsiding to slip her tail around his waist. "C'mon, Chris. You can talk to me. What's eating at you?"

"Oh, fuck it." He stood up and started pacing in front of the couch. "Might as well tell you, you'll just force it out anyways. I have a... sexual issue. There, now you know."

Becky stood up and grabbed his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. "No," she said gently, turning him to face her, "I don't know. Chris, please tell me? You know my rep in school. Your secret's safe with me."

Chris turned his head, muttering something so low she almost thought he was ignoring her until she saw his lips moving.

"Chris..." She said warningly, drawing a fist back.

"I said I can only get off on anal sex!" He yelled.

Awkward silence crashed around them as she slowly lowered her fist.

"Oh... um..."

Chris's face was crimson as he jerked his arm from her grip and sat down heavily on the couch. "Yeah, 'um' is right." He sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair slowly. "Why do you think my relationships never last? Girls find out I can only get off that way and they run the other fucking direction."

"Uh, you've met my parents, you know. It's not like I don't know what ass sex is." She smiled sheepishly, blushing slightly herself.

"Yeah, well, just because you know of it doesn't mean you like it. I learned that one the hard way." He sighed heavily, shoulders drooping in defeat. "I guess this means the relationship is over then, huh?"

"Show me then."

"I mean, I can't blame you just because it's pretty much the only way I can-...wait, what?" he blinked as his train of thought completely derailed. "Repeat that again?"

Becky smiled softly as she sat down next to him, one hand coming to rest on his thigh. "I said, 'Show me then'" It was her turn to blush.

"Uh, what do you mean, exactly?"

This time she rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Boys," she said, "always gotta have things spelled out. I mean teach me. I've never done it before, sweetie, but I'm willing to experiment. Are you willing to show me how wonderful it can feel with the right person?

Chris's small smile lifted her heart as he took her hands into his, shifting his position slightly to face her better.

"You serious? I mean, I would be insanely honored, but are you sure?"

She smiled, the faintest whiff of embarrassment to it. "Yeah, I'm serious. I've been kinda curious about it in the past, but most the guys I've been with in the past aren't exactly the 'love me tender' type, y'know?"

Chris chuckled. "Yeah, I would guess so." He leaned in, his lips brushing against hers as his fingers traced slowly up her arms.

Becky moaned softly as her thin lips parted, letting his tongue slip in to dance around hers. She slide her hands under his shirt once again, savoring the heat of his skin against her naturally cool flesh.

He leaned back, pulling her on top of him as they continued kissing. His hands found the buttons of her shirt and begun undoing them slowly. Hers trail down his sides slowly, hitting sensitive spots that had him moaning softly.

She broke the kiss, tilting her head back with a soft sigh as his hand found her breast. "God..." her breathing hitched as his thumb brushed over the silk-clad nipple, sending a tiny jolt through her.

Chris smiled as he slid his hands down her body. He found the touch of her cool scales against his hands insanely erotic, and couldn't get enough of it when they were together.

They shifted their positions slightly and the couch creaked menacingly. Becky giggled. "I think we'd better move this to your bed, or we might end up on the floor."

Chris grinned as she climbed off. "Yeah, more room to play on the bed anyways." Without warning he swooped in, plucking a giggling Becky off her feet.

"Hey!" she grinned while giving his shoulder a playful punch. "I can walk, you know. I'm not completely fucking helpless!"

"Heh, shut up and let a guy enjoy his fantasies."

Becky grinned as she draped her arms over his shoulders as he carried her to the bedroom.

'Bedroom' was perhaps being optimistic. The bed was little more than a well-worn queen sized box-spring and mattress sitting on the floor, surrounded by enough floor-to-ceiling bookshelves to form makeshift walls around it. Despite the large amounts of shelf space, haphazard piles of books could still be seen hugging the base of the walls, obscuring the lower shelves in many places.

"Dear god, Chris," she grinned as he sat her down on the bed. "Don't you have enough damn books already?"

He grinned as he helped her slip out of her shirt. "You can never have enough books." He leaned in, kissing her slowly before taking a step back and began undressing himself. Becky leaned back, tail draped over the side as she watched.

Christopher Donovan blushed slightly as he tugged his shirt off. Being a proud bookworm, his skin was pale as ivory, and he wasn't nearly as toned or muscled as many of the jocks Becky had dated in the past. Lean and lanky, he suddenly felt awkward standing there with his shirt in one hand.

Becky smiled as she stood up and walked over to him, the lapels of her shirt fluttering lightly.

"Relax, sweetie." She slipped her hands around his thin waist. "Don't compare yourself to them."

"How'd you know?"

She chuckled as she undid his belt. "Feminine intuition. There's a reason my relationships with jocks never last more than a week or two." A slender hand undid his fly, and the pants dropped to the ground. "You'll notice my relationships with people who can actually count without relying on their hands tend to last longer..."

"True..." he groaned as her hand slipped into his boxers, stroking his growing erection with teasing promise. She smiled as she pulled her hand out, then quickly pulled them down his legs to join the pants.

"C'mon, I want to taste you before we go further."

She gave the boy a light shove, sending him tumbling onto the bed with a laugh. Before he could recover, she was already kneeling between his legs, long, forked tongue whispering over his groin before disappearing back into her smiling mouth. Hands stroked tenderly down his thighs, and she sighed softly. Chris immediately became concerned.

"What? What's wrong?" He propped himself up on his elbows in time to see Becky smile at him.

"I love your smell, Chris." She punctuated the statement by licking slowly from the base of his shaft to the tip, one hand moving in to give his balls a gentle squeeze.

His head tilted back as he moaned loudly. Her tongue was heated velvet against his skin as it sent tingles of pleasure racing along his spine. He was just right, in her opinion. Just over six inches in length, and about two fingers in width. While she had had larger, what he lacked in size, he more than made up in enthusiasm and creativity.

Nimble fingers gave his sac another light squeeze as she dipped her head forward, her lips brushing against his shaft as she took him into her mouth.

"Oh... fuck, Becky..."

Becky smiled at his words, her tongue dancing slowly around him. God, she loved the taste of his flesh, his arousal. The faintest taste of sweat mixed with his smooth skin... it was euphoric. She began to suckle gently as she pulled back, letting her tongue flick against those hidden sensitive spots that she knew would draw a reaction from the boy.

React he did. His breathed hissed out as he arched upwards, fingers gripping the sheets of the bed. "Oooh fuck..." He inhaled deeply as she slowly moved up and down, skillfully playing his body with her mouth and hands.

Her free hand slid under to brush against the tight ring of his ass, and he nearly exploded right there.

"Stop! Stop-stop..." he cried out, squirming hard under her touch. She pulled away reluctantly, licking her lips in much the same manner as a lion after a very satisfying meal.

"Oh, c'mon, I was barely just starting." She had a very self-satisfied grin as she slide up against him, brushing her lips against his before kissing him deeply.

Their tongues danced against each other, and he could taste the faint saltiness of his pre-come in her mouth. Her hand never stopped its caressing and fondling of his sac until he flipped them, pinning her against the bed. He broke the kiss and smiled affectionately.

"Ready?" The single word was softly spoken, but full of promise.

She smiled back. "Yeah... as much as I can be. What do you want me to do?"

He chuckled. "Well, standing up so I can undress you would be a good start."

Becky blushed bright red as she pushed a giggling Chris off of her and stood up. She pushed her arms behind her and arched out her back, her breasts threatening to pop out of the silken bra as her shirt slide down and fluttered to the floor. She reached down to undo her pants only to find a hand stopping hers.

"Allow me?" His smile would have charmed an angel out of its wings. Becky smiled back as she clasped her hands behind her head and watched him.

He knelt down before her, nimble fingers quickly unlatching the buttons and pulled her jeans down slowly, revealing a pair of simple, white cotton panties.

"Mmm... cute."

She blushed slightly as he scooted around behind her. Tender hands traced around the thick base of her tail, sending a hard shiver up her spine. His thumbs hooked into the waistband, and she slowly stepped out of the underwear as he drew them down.

"You're beautiful, Rebecca," he whispered the words, hands caressing the base of her tail and her rear.

She blushed even as he sent another shiver through her. "Flatterer," she murmured, draping her tail over his shoulder, "my ass is huge."

He chuckled softly as he gave her butt a gentle squeeze. "Women, never satisfied with themselves."

"Fine one to be talki- oooh..."

Chris smiled. "Shut up and enjoy it." He trailed delicate kisses down her left cheek to the back of her leg before repeating again on the right side. She fidgeted slightly, no used to having this much attention paid to her rear. Most her other lovers had been more interested in making acquaintances with her rack, not her ass.

She jumped when she felt a gentle finger probe just under her tail, brushing against her tailhole slowly.

Chris chuckled as he stood up, her tail sliding across his chest only to drop and wrap around his leg. He pulled her against him, and she could feel his erection pressing against her ass. While it wasn't the first time she'd felt that, it was definitely the first time she'd felt it in this situation.

"Ah... Chris?"

"Heh, relax sweetie, I'm not gonna just ram it in like Bruno Masowski."

She rolled her eyes at the mention of the high school football captain. "New rule, no mentioning that pencil-dick in a romantic setting. Are you trying to kill the mood?"

He laughed as he guided her back to the bed, his hands trailing over her body slowly as he directed her to kneel and bend over. After positioning a pillow under her arms, he reached into the nightstand next to the bed and pulled out a bottle of lube.

Becky watched for a few seconds before turning her head to stare at the gothic poster he had tacked up over the bed. She jumped again when she felt his hand on her backside.

"Relax, Becky, I'm going to go slow."

She exhaled slowly, trying to relax. "I know, I know. I'm just a bit nervous. I'll rela- FUCK!" She nearly levitated off the bed as the ice-cold lube hit her tailhole. "Fucking bloody hell, Chris! Dammit, warm that shit up first!"

"Sorry! Unintentional, I swear!" His face was cherry-red in embarrassment as he poured a dollop into his hand to warm. After a minute and several very creative curses from the serpentine girl under him, he began to slowly work the warm liquid into her tight ring.

Becky's eyes fluttered close and she whimpered softly. Slow, gentle fingers rubbed and pressed gently against her pucker, sending a flood of sensations she'd never felt before washing over her. She clenched instinctively as one finger prodded her gently.

"Relax, Becky. It's okay." His voice was soothing as he continued pressing against her ring just hard enough to make her want to squirm, but not forcing his way.

She took a slow, deep breath as she willed her body to relax. Chris smiled as he felt her loosen up, and gently pushed his finger past her ring and into her body.

Becky gasped softly at that invasion. She tightened around his finger and he paused, waiting for her to adjust. "Alright?"

"Yeah... just, feels a little weird."

Chris chuckled as she slowly began to relax. "Yeah, takes some getting used to, but totally worth it in the end." Feeling her relax again, he slowly drove his finger in to the knuckle before slowly pulling it back.

She clenched around his finger and moaned as it increased the sensations. It felt so odd, being finger-fucked in the rear, but she wasn't going to deny how incredible hot it felt, or how erotic. He continued thrusting for what seemed like hours before she felt another finger begin to press against her tailhole. She turned her head to look over her shoulder and found him watching her with a loving smile, the question silent in his eyes.

Becky smiled in return and nodded, and he began to press the second finger in. She growled softly in pleasure as she felt it penetrate and begin to slide in and out. "Oooh... fuck me..." she panted the words as she began to push back against his fingers, clenching as tightly as she could whenever he began to pull them out, relaxing as he drove them back in to the knuckles.

Chris grinned suddenly as an idea hit him. Shifting his seating, his free hand slid under the serpent-girl's stomach and brushed lightly over her groin.

She froze in surprise as she felt fingers tease across her clit, and turned narrowed eyes on him. "Sneaky..."

He chuckled as he ran his fingers over her slick folds. "You know me, I love to make you squirm." His fingers brushed against her clit before plunging deep into her. She threw her head back with a small cry of pleasure as he flexed his fingers in both holes, brushing against her g-spot in one, and stretching her ring and sending pleasure racing through her with the other.

He began alternating slowly, driving his fingers into her tailhole as he pulled away from her waiting tunnel, and then pushing in with a thumb brushing her clit while pulling out of her tight ring. She began to buck her hips back against his hands, panting heavily as the pleasure seemed to build upon one nerve to another. Her belly tightened, and she knew it wouldn't be long before she reached climax.

"Oh fuck, Chris..." she whimpered, "A-another finger... please!"

"Which one, hon?"

She snarled as she turned to glare at him, startling him with the feral look on her broad face. "Fucking both!"

He hesitated, his rhythm thrown off momentarily. Recovering quickly, he thrust another finger into her puckering ring and tunnel and began thrusting as hard as he dared, moving his thumbs to brush against her clit and underside of her tail simultaneously.

It proved enough to send the young girl over the edge.

Becky arched up with a scream as the orgasm exploded through her, searing her nerves with some of the most intense pleasure she'd ever felt. Her body clamped down on the invaded fingers even as she soaked his hand in her juices. She continued to spasm and jerk against his hands for several long, drawn-out seconds before slowly collapsing onto the stained sheets. She panted heavily as Chris slowly withdrew his hands, eliciting another small groan.

"Wow... holy shit, Becky, that was... are you okay?" He whispered gently as he stretched out next to her, a little worried. He'd seen her have intense orgasms before, but never one this strong. He started debating calling 911 when she finally focused her eyes on him and said, "Guh..."

He couldn't help but giggle as the tension eased from him. Leaning in, he kissed her cheek affectionately, earning a tail draped across his waist in response. "Enjoy it?"

"Fucking... A..." She panted slowly as she propped herself on her elbows. "Man... that was just... incredible! Is it always like that?"

He smiled as he began licking his fingers clean of her juices. "Mmm... first time, pretty much, yeah. Not always on the repeats though, sad to say."

"Heh, I'll take the chance then." She winked teasingly as she reached down and gave his shaft a quick squeeze, getting a small moan from the boy.

"You serious? After that, you still want to try it?"

Becky nodded eagerly. "Damn right, I said I did, didn't I?" She grinned. "You didn't think you were getting off that easy, did you?"

"What? No! I mean, I'm just, that is, oh, fuck you too, smart ass!"

She laughed as he gave her butt a playful swat. He rolled to the other side of the bed and rummaged through the nightstand there, coming out with a handful of small squares. Using his teeth to rip one open, he pulled the condom out and quickly rolled it over his shaft.

"Mm, good thinking, sweetie."

He blushed slightly as he poured more lube onto her backside and began working it into her tailhole slowly. Once he was done, he slicked his shaft with lube and moved into position. She felt the tip of his erection prodding her ring, but only felt anticipation this time.

Chris began to push forward slowly, and she gave a small grunt as his tip penetrated. He stopped immediately. "Gonna take it slow, Becky. I don't want to hurt you."

She tilted her head back as she bit her lip. "Yeah... fine by me..."

He took his time, pushing in a little bit before stopping to let her adjust. Every now and then Becky would moan softly as he moved forward. She could feel her ring stretching around his shaft, but the pain had long since morphed into an odd pleasure she couldn't quite describe. She felt strangely filled, and after a while, she began to push back against him, silently urging him on. Chris took the cue, placing his hands on her hips as he began to slowly push forward without stopping.

"Yessss..." she hissed as she felt him finally hilt against her. Looking back, she saw Chris tilt his head back, a euphoric smile creeping across his face. Smiling herself, she wrapped her tail around his waist as she clenched lightly around his shaft.

Sensing her tighten around him, Chris began pulling out slowly, enjoying the tight heat of her body around his shaft. He pulled out until only the tip was left and paused. "Slow and steady, love." He began to push back in, moving faster than before, but still slow enough to make her moan and squirm from the time it took for him to hilt once again.

She began rocking back against him, tightening as much as she could as he pulled out and relaxing as he thrust. He leaned forward, one arm wrapping around her waist as he planted his other hand against the mattress. Becky could feel the heat of his panting breath against her neck, simply turning her on even more.

Her arm snaked down to her groin, fingers dancing lightly over her clit as she pushed back against him. She began fingering herself in time against his thrusts, driving her fingers deep only to pull back as he plunged in.

Despite trying to keep it slow, Chris began to speed up, the soft sounds of flesh against flesh filling the cool basement air. Becky growled as she began pushing back aggressively, feeling him stretch her a little bit more with each thrust. She'd never have guessed how intense this was, and wanted, no... needed it tonight, with this boy who was a good sport about getting beaten at video games and proved time and time again that he cared for her pleasure over his.

There was no warning this time. Becky felt him tense a split second before he launched himself off her back, head tilted back with a keening cry as he came deep inside of her. She had little time to react before her second orgasm slammed into her like a tsunami, making her tighten around his pulsing shaft. Her cry of ecstasy joined his as they lost themselves to the pleasure that seemed to scour their minds clean of all thought.


She wasn't quite sure what time it was, nor did she really care. Becky was quite content to lay there with Chris for the rest of the week, basking in the sweet smells of sex and sweat as her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. She could feel Chris tracing a finger up and down her spine slowly. He'd been doing it for sometime now.

"I'ma give you thirty minutes to stop that before I break your finger," she murmured, earning a snicker.

"Uh huh, so you are still alive." He reached over and kissed her cheek gently. Becky rolled over and glared at him good-naturedly. He smiled back, enjoying this picture of her in his bed. Tousled hair. Sleepy eyes. Her groin and thighs glistened from lube and her orgasms. She looked completely and utterly satisfied.

She flicked her tongue at him with a grin before pulling him down and against her. Before he could protest, he found himself in a lip-lock that had his toes curling.

"Mm... I love you, Chris." She smiled softly, hugging him close before running slender red fingers through his hair.

"I love you too, Rebecca." He spooned up against her, holding her tight against him as they both fought to stay awake. Within minutes, they had both drifted into the lands of sleep.