Good Morning

Story by ribidabibi on SoFurry

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So I realize this isn't 'creepy' or whatever, but let me be. I'm just bored. So why not write a story. (Writing is one of my 'therapies') So I wrote a story about a kid in a coma. Whose name is Jacob. I do not know why.

I_ awoke in a cold sweat, not like it was any different. For the past week, I'd been waking up. Night after night, to a horrible noise that no one heard. To a strange dream that felt _too real. But this night, was different. I awoke to a voice, a real one, whispering my name. Yet, they didn't stay whispers for long. Slowly, yet surely, the voice gradually became louder. I covered my ears, as if it would help. It didn't of course, but it was all I could think of at the time. I searched the room for where the voice could be coming from, but I couldn't focus. The disembodied voice was at a full blown screech now. My eyes scanned every corner of the room as a I covered my ears. "GOD DAMNIT WHERE ARE YOU!" I shouted. To my surprise, the voice shut right up. Yet, so did my world. Everything started swirling, a horrible sensation twisting through my body, and I opened my eyes. It took a while for me to adjust to the lighting. I searched around the new room. There were nurses and doctors running about, I tried to muster up a 'Hey what the hell's going on?' but all that came out was a fit of coughs. All their eyes darted towards me. There was a few moments of silence but then everyone burst out cheering. The doctor walked over to me and smiled, "Good morning, Jacob."

What if I told You...

What if I told you, I wanted to die. That I'm through with living, And being alive. What if I mentioned, It gets worse every night. The thoughts getting louder, And that I've lost the fight. What if I lied, And said it's alright. 'No, I'm not...

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Go to Sleep

It's time now, To rest your little head, Close your stupid eyes, And go to bed, But I'd like to tell you something, Before you slumber, You won't be able to count your damned sheep, Cause' _I'M_ here, To help you, **GO TO SLEEP.**


Going Away Parties are the Best

I received an invitation, To a delightful celebration. One where I'd meet, One where I'd greet, New friends and old. I rushed to the address, Looking a mess, Running through the doors, But all the room bore, Was a figure in all black, No...

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