The One of Two Kinds: Part Two

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#2 of One of Two Kinds

I decided to continue from my last short story, so here it is! =) Thanks everyone for your support, I appreciate all of the feedback!

-I've had some odd formatting errors, so I apologize if it's awkward or inconsistent. :/

Part 2

Cyrille looked at the merchant's wares, admiring the beauty of the jewelry put on display. He wished to buy something for Vaelyn, something she could wear. Dragons did not normally wear clothes, he knew, but even if she did not wear it, she could put it in her private hoard.

But what was he going to get her?

The human did not have much money, so his choices were limited. What he had was gold from his own collection that Vaelyn had given him through the years. As he looked over each item, he finally saw the perfect item; a white, silken scarf.

"How much do you want for that scarf?"

The man behind the counter scoffed. "More than you can afford," he said smugly. The merchant was dressed in fine linens, much like the material used for the scarf.

"How much?" Cyrille questioned again sternly.

"Twenty-five silver pieces."

Cyrille reached into his knapsack and withdrew the exact amount. After going through several gold pieces, he realized that he was richer than he thought. With an equally smug grin, he handed the man the money, cherishing the fact that his confident expression had taken a twist of surprise. Cyrille retrieved the scarf and said his thanks while storing it in his leather bag. Thoughts roamed to Vaelyn and he smiled. Thinking of pleasing her made him happy.

Through crowded, cobblestone streets he casually strolled, passing by hundreds of different humans. He thought it odd to think of them as humans, as he was human himself, but somehow he felt like he didn't fit in. Most major cities held hundreds of dragons as well, though Cyrille had yet to see one. The city of Nyron was the largest and wealthiest in the Nation of the Hills; also known as its capital. Its buildings were extravagant, built by the finest architects. The giant, marble-based building in the center was the capitol building where the nation's laws were formed, enforced, and justified. It sat higher than the rest of the city that gradually declined down an enormous hill. The East side was the harbor, laying alongside the Great Ocean and providing for merchant and war-based ships alike.

Currently, the city was preparing for war. Battlements lined stone walls. On top of the stone walls were ballistae, large, ranged weaponry that could easily kill the largest dragon if needed. Guards were abundant and always on lookout. Cyrille often saw scouts heading in and out along with plenty of soldiers staying within the city. The army itself was on the North side of the city, preparing and training while they can.

By far, Nyron was one of the wealthiest cities on the continent and could easily afford more than one army, but most of the Northerners had the backing of rebels. There were many who disliked the King and his ruling, some even hated him. Cyrille spent very little time near any civilization, but he still knew about a multitude of assassination attempts and other crimes committed against the King of the West. Either way, he didn't care. None of this was his concern.

Near the afternoon, Cyrille entered a tavern, a locally known bar for the lower class. Inside, it wreaked of lager and it looked like what its reputation held it to. People stared at him, making him feel insecure. The environment seemed hostile and it was extremely loud. Shouts sprang across the enclosed space, tables were slammed, and the shrill ringing of glasses echoed. Cyrille sat down and received a drink of ale.

"You're not from around here, are ya'?" asked the barkeep.

"I am, just never been here."

"Looks like a bad choice on your part. They don't like you." He gestured to a corner where five armored men carrying weapons sat. Their cold glares met Cyrille and chilled him to the bones.

"They don't even know me."

"They don't have to, but lucky for you, they're mercs."


"Mercenaries. They won't kill you 'less they're paid."

"That's reassuring."

"Stop lookin' at 'em!" he said in a hushed voice.

Cyrille averted his gaze, but it was too late. "One of them is coming over."

The tavern keeper turned around and attended to other guests, saying, "Not my problem."

Cyrille grimaced as he felt a large hand curl around his shoulder. Suddenly, he was whipped backwards, sent tumbling to the wooden floorboards.

"What was that for?" Cyrille shouted, feeling his back aching.

"We don't like 'yer starin'," he stated, glaring menacingly at him. It almost reminded him of Vaelyn when she was displeased. The man was large and muscular. He had fat, but it was surmounted by his muscle. His head was shaved with black tattoos covering it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Cyrille said as he pushed himself up.

The burly man swung his fist and caught Cyrille in the jaw. Cyrille managed to brace himself, pulling his head away to avoid the full blunt of the blow. Still, he was knocked backwards with blood quickly filling his mouth.

"Look, I don't want to cause trouble, especially with someone who is obviously drunk."

Again, the man attacked him, but Cyrille was waiting for it. In a swift, fluid motion, he grabbed the man's forearm and twisted his own body like an alligator. The man verbally exclaimed his surprise as he was quickly brought to the ground. He released the man and gauged his friends' reactions. By the looks of it, they were going to join in as well. Now, the entire tavern was spectating, everyone's eyes on the slim, dark-brown haired man standing in the center, Cyrille.

Cyrille swore and dashed away, but was stopped by a large, portly man that was not from the original group of mercenaries. With a questioning expression, Cyrille looked him and then was pushed back. Upon tables he fell, grimacing as pain shot through him.

Holding his throbbing side, Cyrille sternly said, "Let me go."

No words acknowledged his response, but the same man from before charged him from behind. Cyrille heard the giant steps resounding like thundering drums. With an ample amount of time, Cyrille reacted and planted one foot squarely. He pivoted and raised his other leg, connecting his shin directly to the side of his face. The man fell onto a table and Cyrille remained on guard, his feet squarely planted with his shoulders, waiting.

Men encroached him from all sides; he was surrounded. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared from the darkest corner and jumped next to Cyrille. Judging by the figure and movements, it was a female. Her hood hung low over her face and her dark clothing hung around her loosely like a black robe, concealing her features and weapons.

"You don't want to be in this."

"Too late." Her voice was cool and her nature calm. Mysterious as she was, Cyrille knew they were no match against at least ten men. "Follow me!" she shouted, clenching his arm. They lurched forward, but as before, they were blocked, but by four men. In an instant, she let go of Cyrille and suddenly kicked one man in the jaw, then swiftly twisted around to place a precise jab into another one's gut, dodging a thrown punch in the process. Before the two even hit the floor, she was already grabbing the largest man's neck. She swung gracefully around him and forcefully kicked the man farthest to the right. Cyrille stared mouth agape as they all fell within seconds.

And she didn't break a sweat.

The mysterious woman grabbed Cyrille again and they fled before the initial surprise wore off the others. They pushed through the crowd despite the complaints and eventually sprinted down a winding alley leading to a canal where they finally stopped. Cyrille panted heavily, feeling winded.

"What was that?" he asked, still shocked.

"What, I don't get a 'thank you'?" The woman chuckled beneath her hood. She concealed herself well; all he could make out was her smooth, white skin and auburn hair.

"Thanks... but who are you?"

"Just someone passing through." She began to walk away, her cloak waving behind her as she abruptly turned.

Cyrille lightly grabbed her shoulder. "Wait." She looked at him as he continued, "What did you do? How did you do it? Would you be able to teach me?"

She sighed, lowering her shoulders in exasperation. Then, her eyes met his. They were like glowing rubies surrounded by the shadowy darkness of her hood. "I need a safe place to lay low. I could answer your questions there."

For a moment, Cyrille thought. Vaelyn might not be pleased with a guest, especially now that they could do private things together.

But he had to know.

He had to know what power she had, who she was, where she was from. He wanted to know her. The ominous presence she carried allured his curiosity that, perhaps, she wasn't from this continent, somewhere far from it.

"I can do that," he replied.

"Are you ready to go now?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm re-..." Instinctively, he reached down by his side to check for his belongings. His satchel was missing. He had left it back at the tavern. Sadness and disappointment gripped him as he realized his gift for Vaelyn was gone along with all of his money.

"Oh yeah, here." From beneath her cloak, she withdrew his leather bag and handed it to him.

Cyrille smiled with relief and checked for the scarf. It was still there. "Thank you, so much!"

Her smile was soft and sweet, dimples tugging at the corners of her lips. "Ready?"

"Let's go."

* * *

Vaelyn roamed about the cave, looking through her hoard that was spread out enough that there was a small pile on each side of the hollowed out rock. She enjoyed collecting objects, especially the shiny ones. Their glinting light always caught her eye, dazzling her by its beauty. Gold was by far her favorite color. Its magnificent spectrum brought back memories from her childhood when she played in her parent's hoard. "Why must these memories torment me?" she thought. After the past week, she hoped to have moved on, but it seemed that everywhere she was or looked there were memories of them. She wished Cyrille would hurry back from the city. He was what made her appreciate life, every simple bit of it. He was the light that dissipated her darkest of thoughts. Not only did she need him, but she was concerned for his safety. He was her mate.

A moment later, Vaelyn found what she was looking for; a shiny rock Cyrille had given her when she first began raising him. It had no monetary value, as it was just a rock, but to her, it meant more than her entire hoard. She clenched it in her paw, reminiscing about her struggling past with him. Then, the dragoness heard a pair of wings flying into the cave. Vaelyn placed the rock on top of a box and turned to meet the dragon.

"Why must you be so insistent?" she growled as Neiron's eyes met hers.

"I made an oath to your mother to protect you. I am your defender now, Kaza." With the tilt of his head, Neiron formally bowed.

Vaelyn lowered her guard, but not her attitude. "Stop with the formalities," she hissed. "What do you want with me?"

"I noticed the human was gone and decided to talk with you privately and keep you company."

"If it's about returning, I will not."

"Your clan needs you, Vaelyn." Neiron slowly approached her, speaking softly.

"Dragons do not need to be ruled or governed. We are free."

"That as true as it may be, we still need a greater power to unite us together."

"We have no need for that. What is bound to happen is humanity's quarrel. Besides, any number of my siblings can fill the position."

Neiron sighed and shook his wedge-shaped head. He sat next to her, his side only inches from her. Vaelyn could smell his pungent scent. She found herself thinking of Cyrille and soon felt a tinge of arousal. She hated to admit it, but his scent was alluring. Her vent began to expand and the soft scales around her slit were warming. Vaelyn cursed silently and tried to distract herself with other subjects. Why was she so quickly aroused?

"You've been away for too long, Vaelyn. You are the oldest, therefore the only one to replace them. And... there's a new power; a dark power."

Vaelyn looked at him with concern. "What do you mean?"

"The Lich. He's risen."

Shock and fear gripped the dragoness. "But... we banished him. He cannot leave the Cursed Land."

"We've been receiving reports from The Guard. He walks along the border, searching."

"For what?"

"A way out."

Vaelyn looked down, subtlety sniffing the air. His scent was stronger than before. Feeling curious, she glanced between the golden dragon's legs without him noticing, seeing his red, tapered tip peeking out of his slit. Nervously, she scraped a pattern into the stone with her claws. Growing up with her family, she had grown to like Neiron. He was like an uncle to her, but after she found out what he and her mother did, she never felt the same. Besides, Vaelyn was mated now; she couldn't give in to him. The way he treated Cyrille disgusted her.

No, she would not give in to him.

"Our magic will hold him." As long as she continued to conversation, he wouldn't dare try to make any moves. He was too respectful.

"Eventually, he will regain his power in full, seeded by revenge. It's not safe here."

"But Daedrakah is?"

"It's safer than here and it was proven to work in the past." Neiron placed his paw over Vaelyn's, his golden scales pressed against her sapphire scales. A different kind of fear now gripped Vaelyn. What if he tried to rape her? No, Neiron would never do that and he couldn't even if he tried. He may be bigger, but Vaelyn was a much better fighter. She had experience. "I will follow you to the end." His expression softened and his eyes of gold met hers with concern, almost how Cyrille looked at her. She abruptly pulled away her paw and he continued, "But I strongly urge you to return to your home."

Briefly, Vaelyn considered it, but quickly realized that Cyrille couldn't come. The island was for dragons only; no humans were allowed. "I cannot."

Neiron grimaced. "It's because of the human, isn't it? You've grown attached."

Anger flashed in the dragoness' eyes. "I love him Neiron. I love him like my own and you will never understand that!" For the first time ever, Vaelyn felt a tinge of emotional pain as she watched Neiron's muzzle sadden into a disheartened look.

He sighed and turned to leave, his tail drooping and dragging behind him. "Your mother would be proud."

With that, he left Vaelyn alone, her head hung low. She didn't have the same feelings as she used to, but it still hurt her to see him like that. An aching pain spread throughout her chest as she thought about what he had said. She was limited to her choices, and each one would eventually lead to death, one way or another.

* * *

When Cyrille returned, he expected to find the dragoness lounging around or patiently waiting for him. Instead, he found that she had left, most likely hunting or bathing. For that, he was thankful. He led the mysterious woman to their home and they sat together in the cave. It was almost evening, so Cyrille lit the lanterns to provide dimly illuminating light.

"This is it, Erin."

Along the long walk home, Cyrille had discussed several things with the woman, but nothing relating to her or her past besides her name. She removed her hood, revealing her long, auburn hair and a pair of red glowing eyes. The tips of her ears were pointed slightly and her eyes were slanted more than any human's he had seen before.

She was an elf.

Cyrille's mouth dropped in disbelief while she smiled softly. She obviously expected this reaction. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions and I hope to answer them in time, but let's try to keep it limited."

The human initially fumbled for words, but then asked, "Where are you from?"

"I am from over the seas; more specifically, your old continent."

"There were elves there?"

"Have you not read your histories?" she asked. His dull expression quickly gave away the answer. "Yes... there were. You must not know, then."


"Something to be answered later."

Another question quickly came to mind. "How were you so quick and strong? Was it magic?"

She laughed and said, "Far from, but if it's new to you, you might believe so." Her glowing ruby eyes seemed to look deep into his soul as she continued, "What I used was an ancient energy that all life contains: core-type, or what your people have adopted from the dragons, arkae."

"How do you acquire and use the energy?"

"Something else to be answered later," Erin replied, smugly smiling.

"Bah! You're leaving me with more questions than I had."

"If I didn't stop you, we'd spend the rest of the night discussing God knows what."

Cyrille glanced at her and stated, "You said God knows what. You only believe in one God?"

"Yes, as tradition goes, though I tend to think there are none."

Religion was something Cyrille hated discussing. He had plenty of arguments with Vaelyn about it. She thought that the Gods were dragons and Cyrille believed they were humanoids. "So why did you help me?"

"You obviously needed it and I was itching to fight. Plus, you had a peculiar scent on you... the same scent that is almost intoxicating in this closed space. I suppose I have my own set of questions to ask you."

Cyrille was nervous even though he had prepared for this. Not many people deserved to know that he and a dragon were companions.

Well, half of the truth, anyway.

"Who else stays here with you?"

"That would be me," Vaelyn said, growling. She had crept in without a sound. Not even the elf had noticed her.

In an instant the elf was on her guard with her hand reaching beneath her black robing.

Cyrille quickly grabbed her shoulder and said, "No! Wait. She's a friend."

"A dragon?" Erin asked, surprised but not shocked.

Vaelyn bared her teeth and returned, "Yes, I'm a dragon! Who is this half-wit?"

"Her name is Erin and she's my friend. She helped me esca-"

"She's an elf," the dragoness interrupted, staring at Erin with a suspicious glare. She shot Cyrille an uncertain glance as if he didn't know something.

Cyrille replied, "Yes, and now that our differences are understood, can we relax?" Erin had slowly entered a fighting stance while Vaelyn was crouched low, ready to pounce. When the human spoke, they casually continued as they were before. The elf sat down with one leg over the other and her back against a stone wall. The dragoness curled up beside Cyrille as he sat across from Erin. She protectively eyed the elf, most likely judging and suspecting the worst. Cyrille gently caressed the back of her neck, comforting her while looking at Erin.

"Sorry, I should have told you."

"It's fine, but that explains the smell."

Vaelyn huffed and muttered something beneath her breath.

Erin's expression and voice softened. "I'm sorry, ... uh."

"Vaelyn," she stated.

"Vaelyn." The dragoness' name rolled effortlessly off her tongue. Her accent was serene and elegant. "My name is Erin."

Vaelyn snorted, obviously not pleased.

"Vaelyn," Cyrille said, expecting her to apologize as well.

Unamused, the dragoness looked at the elf and said implacably, "Sorry."

"I'm sorry, she doesn't really like... well, anyone."

"Don't speak for me as if I'm a dumb animal!" she hissed.

Awkwardly, Erin smiled and replied, "I understand."

"Don't worry about it, elf. I haven't killed you yet, so from here on it's not worth my time."

"Can we at least try to be nice to our guest?" Cyrille asked politely.

Vaelyn looked up at him, a look of dissatisfaction across her muzzle. "Why is she here, anyway?"

"She helped me in a bar fight. She's an exceptional fighter and she is going to train me. We're housing her in exchange."

"A bar fight?" Vaelyn's expression immediately changed to concern. "You stupid human!" she hissed. Then, she looked at the elf with the first nice look--and the only nice look--she'd given her that night. "Thank you."

Erin nodded in acknowledgment. "It was no problem at all."

An awkward moment of silence passed before Vaelyn chimed, "So, what do we have to eat?"

Cyrille replied, "You didn't bring anything back with you?"

The dragoness scoffed. "No, do I look like your servant?"

Cyrille sighed and studied her body. Her scales were like polished sapphires and her claws were a brilliant white. She had bathed instead, most likely to please and look nice for the human.

And she did.

"Well, we used up what was left before I departed, so we need to acquire more."

"I can help," Erin offered.

"No," Vaelyn stated strictly. "We will go ourselves."

Erin slunk back into her seat.

Cyrille looked at Vaelyn sternly and said to Erin, "Sorry, but we will bring you back something. Feel free to look around."


Without a moment to spare, Vaelyn exited the cave while Cyrille gathered his things. As quick as possible, he followed her out of their home, leaving Erin to herself. They trailed along their usual route, passing through dense trees that stood taller than either of them could see. Darkness surrounded them, covering everything in shadows. If it wasn't for the fact that Vaelyn was a dragon, they would never be able to hunt at night. Dragons had improved vision, improved to the point that they could see through darkness almost as well as day. Half-an-hour passed before Vaelyn had finally led the human to a clearing far from the cave.

"Here," she said.

"Here what?"

"Here is where you will drop your pants and apologize." Vaelyn approached him coyly, her hips swaggering back and forth behind her body. She smiled deviously at him and put a paw on his waist-line. He could smell her enticing aroma, more so than usual.

"What about food?" Cyrille asked halfheartedly. Already, he could feel himself swelling.

Vaelyn casually unbuckled his belt and slowly removed his pants, saying, "That can wait a bit longer." She carefully dropped his pants, revealing his human manhood. Once he was exposed, Vaelyn stared at the hardening length in front of her snout. She cooed and licked his soft length, coaxing his arousal to come faster. Her warm tongue rubbed against his sensitive tip while she slathered her saliva over it. Cyrille moaned and placed a hand upon her thick skull, feeling himself rousing quickly. He removed his shirt as well, leaving him entirely naked before his dragoness. Soon, he was as hard as a rock with Vaelyn licking his member up and down the shaft. Cyrille felt himself blushing from pleasure. The dragoness curled her tongue around him and gently suckled. Her scent was heavy within the air as her vent secreted more lubrication. She pleasured him softly, slowly tasting every part of his male sex. The slow, lavish movements of her tongue felt amazing against his sensitive skin. Inch by inch of Cyrille's penis passed her lips, only to be coiled by her long, warm tongue inside her mouth. Vaelyn took his entire length in her maw, suckling and rubbing her tongue around it.

The human extended his arms and torso forward and grabbed her hind-end, bringing her closer. He pulled her tail up and reached between her legs, quickly finding her heated crotch. Vaelyn winced and moaned as the human's hand found her slit. His hand gently caressed and cupped her vent as he pressed against her soft scales. Slick arousal coated his palms and he quickly rubbed up and down. Vaelyn shuddered beneath him and continued to orally pleasure the human.

Once Vaelyn felt like it was enough, she removed herself from him and licked her lips. Cyrille's hand pulled away from her sex, much to his disappointment. Wordlessly, she turned around, lowering her torso. With her hind-end raised and her tail lifted, she presented her swollen sex to him, revealing her wet, expanded slit with pink flesh parting her light-blue scales. Her legs were placed squarely apart and most of her weight rested on her toes. Cyrille admired her female parts and placed his hands on her hips, understanding what she wanted. He felt her soft thighs and around the base of her tail, touching her with intimacy once more. Her hips were about level with him, the perfect height to be mounted. He gripped her tail and guided his length into her. As his tip penetrated her lips, she leaned backwards, taking his entire length. Vaelyn moaned and clenched her sex around him. The human was pressed in to the hilt, encumbered by her heated, velvety depths.

Cyrille slowly withdrew from her, feeling her soft ridges caress his entirety as he pulled out. His tip touched her pink lips and he pushed slowly back in. Her walls dispersed and clasped around his length. Vaelyn clawed the ground and winced, moaning with him as she was hilted once more. Another time he withdrew, and then pressed back in. The human hugged the dragon's tail, carefully mating her and spreading her folds with his length. As time progressed, he increased his speed. His hips slapped against hers and lewd sounds emanated from their connected sex with each thrust. Vaelyn pushed against him after each full penetration, sending his member deeper inside of her. Her arousal leaked from her sex and coated Cyrille's crotch as he pressed in and out of the dragon. Her soft folds parted and gripped him tightly.

Cyrille enjoyed this position as it reminded him of a more draconic way to mate. The dominance involved of taking a dragoness beneath him was captivating and the pleasure was substantial. With each thrust, he felt his climax gaining, pleasure coursing through his loins. Her coos and moans made the human happy. He wanted her to enjoy this just as much as he was. In and out of her sex he forcefully thrust, forcing the dragoness' rump to lift slightly with every push. Her body rocked back and forth as she took the forward motions of his hips with delight. Cyrille bent his torso over the dragoness, pressing his chest against the scales of her back while avoiding her spines. He adjusted his angle and began to violently thrust in and out of her. The human wanted to mimic a feral, male dragon the best he could to please Vaelyn. With his hands, he held to her tightly to her chest to keep his balance as he rocked back and forth with her. Carefully, he bit the base of her neck and wrapped his arms around her belly, feeling her smooth scales along her underbelly. Vaelyn moaned and adjusted her own position. Every thrust of the human's hips sent his penis deep into her velvety folds, forcefully spreading her as her arousal leaked from her entrance and provided lubrication for his rough play. The dragoness' tail bent over his side and his legs rubbed against her hind-legs. The smooth feeling of scales rubbing against his skin encouraged his desire for her exotic body.

Before long, signs of the dragoness' impending climax were shown. Her muscles tightened and her wings twitched beneath Cyrille. Her moans were heavy and lustful. She let every movement of his hips to pass through her, her body rocking with no resistance. Vaelyn roared as her climax overwhelmed her. Pulsating waves of her sex undulated over Cyrille as the dragoness reached the peak of pleasure. Her growls and roars were loud and husky, encouraging Cyrille to finish quickly. As her ridges undulated around the humans thrusting length, Cyrille felt himself finally give in to ecstasy. He climaxed with her, ejaculating his seed deep within her sex. Her liquid mixed with his and ran out of her entrance only to fall from her crotch to the ground in sticky strings. Cyrille gasped and held Vaelyn tightly with his length hilting her entrance, his penis spewing strings of his seed that coursed through her reproductive organs. Vaelyn clawed the ground, accepting his seed as each pulse jetted more into her. Soon, they both were panting and coming down from their ecstatic highs. Cyrille's penis softened and he removed it as he backed away from her.

The dragoness looked at him with glazed over eyes, lowering her tail, and turned to meet him face-to-face. Cyrille felt content, and he could see that she, too, was more than satisfied. She placed her snout on his belly and released a sigh of fulfillment.

"That was amazing," she stated.

Cyrille gently patted her head and replied, "Yes, it was." Truthfully, he felt exhausted, but it was well worth it. Vaelyn looked up at him, her deep-blue eyes twinkling from moonlight.

"I'm really glad we decided to be together, to put past our differences."

"As am I, Vaelyn. I'm grateful to have met the sensitive side of you. I'm proud to be your lover... your mate."

A smile broadened her snout. She raised her head and he bent his torso. They kissed and shared their love physically. Her long, slick tongue filled his mouth, her saliva quickly gathering and passing Cyrille's lips. The human mouthed at Vaelyn's maw, tasting her and pressing his lips against hers passionately. A paw pushed against his chest comfortably, claws sensually caressing him. Cyrille held her cheek, brushing his fingertips across her pebbly scales. She cocked her head sideways, accepting his touch. Kissing her felt natural, though Cyrille knew that if anyone had seen them in the act, they wouldn't believe their eyes. Most likely, he would be shunned and reputed as a 'dragon fucker' or worse.

But, he did not care.

Vaelyn was his life now, his mate whom he cherished. Gladly he would spend his life with her, and gladly he would suffer through whatever sick jests or rumors made about them. They loved each other--no one could change that. Cyrille ended the kiss and they looked in each other's eyes.

"I got you something," Cyrille said, reaching for his satchel. He grabbed and opened it, withdrawing the white, silken scarf. Vaelyn's eyes widened as its brilliant, sleek lengths were wrapped around her neck and hung loosely down her chest. The brilliant white color matched her dark-blue scales perfectly and complimented her light-blue underbelly. With it draped around her, she admired and felt it.

"Cyrille, this is beautiful," she said, a loving expression across her muzzle.

The human smiled and replied, "I'm glad you think so. I wasn't sure if you would wear it or not, but you can put it with your hoard if you wish."

Her eyes met his. "I will wear and cherish this gift from my mate until the end of my days."

Cyrille's heart warmed and he hugged her. The admiration and love between them were like iron chains; unbreakable. A spark of joy lit their minds and they kissed again, delving into the physical connection with sheer happiness. Their movements became rough, but fluent as Cyrille slowly laid Vaelyn down. Their kiss continued as the dragoness lay on her back and Cyrille spread her legs. He lay between them and began to lick beneath her chin, sensually tracing her long neck above the scarf. Vaelyn moaned and tilted her head backward, lavishing in the strokes of his tongue. His hard length rubbed against her slit. She gripped him tightly as Cyrille pushed his sensitive tip through her pink lips. He quickly slid into her, feeling her warmth envelop and pleasure him again.

Instincts came into control as the human mated the dragoness. Soon, he was humping her. He drove himself in and out of her sex, feeling his head lighten with arousal. Her warm, moist depths spread and tightened around him, trying to keep him inside of her body as he pulled out. Her ridges rubbed against him with each thrust and pulled him back. Cyrille pounded his hips against hers, forcing their mid-sections to meet with wet smacks. He panted with Vaelyn, exhausted but determined to finish. They looked into each other's eyes lovingly, expressing their pleasure through silent actions. Vaelyn rubbed the human's body up and down, her pads rubbing against his smooth skin along with her scales. Her hind-legs gripped his waist as she was rocked back and forth.

Vaelyn moaned loudly and tightened her vent around him, clenching it as her sex undulated around his member. He was milked for his seed as her climax struck suddenly. Claws gripped the human's body while she winced and flared her wings. Moans changed to husky growls as she came down. Cyrille continued to thrust in and out of her, feeling the desire to release. Vaelyn breathed in heavy gasps, taking his entirety with every penetration. Soon, Cyrille's climax washed over him, his length ejaculating his seed into the dragoness. He hilted her and dropped onto her torso, letting himself spew semen through her reproductive organs. Gently, he caressed her body and lay there, relaxing as the last of his seed entered her. Vaelyn held him tightly, embracing him.

Hunting would have to wait.

* * *

"Fight me," Erin said, casually standing and expecting Cyrille to strike her.

Cyrille stood dumbfounded. "What?"

"Fight. Me."

Slowly, the human entered his normal hand-to-hand fighting stance and approached her. His arms were held by his torso, right arm across his chest and his left lowered by his side. Step-by-step, he neared the elf with his feet planted squarely with his shoulders. Still, she just stood there, staring blankly at him. As quick as he could, Cyrille lunged at her, his fist clenched and hurling at her torso. Too easily, she dodged it and appeared behind him. Cyrille suddenly twisted around, flailing his arm into a swing. With a solid grasp, she caught his wrist and pulled him forcefully to the ground. Groaning, he pushed himself up and reentered his stance, feeling determined.

Again, the human charged the elf, and again, he was brought down. "Bah! Why don't you just tell me how to do it already? I'm obviously no match."

Erin grinned. "You must learn patience and perseverance."

Cyrille glared at her. "Fine," he grumbled.

For hours they trained, each time more difficult than the last. Erin eventually began to strike him and point out his errors with no corrections. Cyrille quickly became frustrated, but showed exemplary determination. Once Erin felt that they were finally finished, they rested while she described her power.

"As I explained before, what I am able to use is an energy that resides in all living things. Core-type or arkae can take on different forms depending on the being it's in. So far, we know of only two different forms, one that is based upon ranged attacks that use energy surrounding the body, mage-core, and one that uses the energy within your own body, fighter-core. I don't know what the dragons would call these, if they even have a name for them, so I will use my knowledge."

"Those with the mage-core-type have little to no energy stored inside them, so they must draw and absorb energy from surrounding living things. The energy can only flow outside of their body, so the only attacks they can perform are considered ranged. Fighter-core-type is the exact opposite. Energy is stored and created within the individual's body. They cannot absorb or use ranged attacks, but they can physically enhance their body to speeds and strengths you've never witnessed--that's what I can do.

"How do I know what type I have?" Cyrille asked.

"No one can determine that but you by testing it."


"Through trial and error, but that is for another time. I've exhausted you."

"Is there a limit to this power?"

"Yes, and that limit can be extended through years of practice. Wen you use the energy, your body physically drains like it did today, except at an alarming rate. Even mage-types suffer the same. Your mind and body must support your energy, so it is crucial that you learn to control it to avoid exhausting yourself at the beginning of a fight."

"You know a lot for being so young," Cyrille said.

A bright laugh came from Erin. "I'm not as young as I appear to be, child."

Cyrille looked at her in disbelief. "Oh... how old are you?"

"Ninety-four, by human years."

Cyrille grew red-faced and apologized, "Sorry."

"It's perfectly fine and a common mistake. It's a trait among elves to have a long life--dragons as well.

Cyrille than realized a complication between Vaelyn and him, that their age difference was great and that she would out-live him. If they stayed, she would have to live without her one love after he passed. She would have to endure that pain. Cyrille imagined losing her, and the thought did not settle well with him.

"And, speaking of dragons; how did you come to be with Vaelyn? It seems odd that a human and a dragon would be together."

Feeling awkward, Cyrille tried to explain their relationship. "We aren't... together, we're companions."

Erin realized what he was getting at and replied, "Oh, no, I wasn't suggesting anything like that."

"Right, sorry. I was just... clarifying."

"There's really no need to. I mean, you're human and she's a dragon. Though, I am curious as how you two met.

Cyrille gulped and began to explain to Erin his history with Vaelyn.

* * *

Vaelyn watched Erin and Cyrille sitting and talking in the field where they had begun the human's training. She could easily see them from on top of their cave's outer edge of rock, but she could not hear anything they said. After an hour or so of inspecting the elf from afar, Vaelyn had gathered that she had the ability to use arkae. The dragoness was never taught how to use this ability, but she knew some of its basics. The elf had the eilum arkae-type, the one in which energy from inside the user's body could be channeled internally. Erin was definitely a good fighter, but Vaelyn did not trust her, or her kind for that matter. Vaelyn hadn't taught Cyrille much else from survival and fighting, so he did not know of the human histories; the rivalry the elves and humans had. She, too, had no idea what truly transpired between the races, but she knew it was bloody and gruesome. That's why the human's had decided to colonize dragon territory. From her first sighting of the elf, Vaelyn did not trust her. Her mysterious appearance and ability to conceal herself were practices of deceit. Even if she was human, she still wouldn't trust the elf.

Vaelyn watched them for hours, all the while carving a pattern into the rock she lay on with her claws. Then about midday, she saw golden scales in the distance, sparkling and scintillating amongst white, puffy clouds. The dragoness sighed, but quickly stood up and jumped to the skies, taking off with powerful strokes of her wings to meet Neiron. He tilted downwards, his body propelling quickly towards the ground. Soon, the two dragons met and landed not too far away from the dragoness' home.

"Greetings, Vaelyn," he said, laying down on a medium sized rock. "I see the human gifted you apparel."

She acknowledged him with a mute response, touching the white scarf around her neck. "Why have you come this time?" She lay down opposite of the golden dragon, basking in the sun as well. Its rays were pleasantly warm against her blue scales.

"I simply seek the company of another; a friend perhaps." Neiron smiled gently and gawked at Vaelyn, making her feel uncomfortable. She knew her scent was heavier than normal, as she was in heat. Her disappointment from her night with Cyrille reminded her that humans could not satisfy her need. She doubted that he even realized that she was receptive--not that it mattered, anyway.

"I wouldn't use that word to describe us. We hardly know each other," she said unkindly.

"Have you forgotten all of the time I spent with you and Saerah?"

"Don't bring my mother into this. What you two did destroyed my father." Vaelyn grew solemn; her head drooping as upsetting memories flooded her mind. "Let's not talk about this."

"What's done is done. I am sorry," Neiron genuinely consoled.

The dragoness gathered herself despite what she said previously and continued, "I know that in the past you have been more than a friend to me. I didn't mean to be so rash."

"You have changed and as have I. It's understandable that we aren't the same. What I've done in the past was unacceptable, and now that I see how much I've hurt you as well, I am torn." Neiron paused and waited for a response. He then continued, "I loved your mother, I truly did. I watched her raise you into the beautiful, intelligent dragoness you've become. I wanted to care for her--and you--until the end of my days." His expression was sincere and calm. Vaelyn knew he was speaking the truth. "I believe that she, too, was in love with me. I forced nothing on her, and she nothing to me. What happened was for a reason."

Vaelyn clenched her paws together. She hated to admit that she was beginning to like him again. Her father would have been disappointed. Small tears formed at the crevices of Vaelyn's sapphire eyes. All of this time of hating him led her to believe he was an evil seed, but he had changed. She couldn't hate him without reason. "I will forgive you Neiron, but only because you have shown me that you care. You made my mother happy; I could see it in her eyes when she looked at you."

"The same way you look at that human."

A pang of guilt rang through Vaelyn, then, a flash of anger. She did not show it, but her rage could be heard in her voiced as she replied, "I told you that I love him, did I not? Why must you be so insistent on this?" Her opinion of the golden dragon hadn't changed, but she still found him irritating.

"Sorry, Vaelyn. I didn't mean it like that. You have more of a tolerance for their kind. I imagine that's why your family was in the diplomatic position they were."

"What reason do I have to hate them?"

"They killed your family," he bluntly stated.

"Cyrille had nothing to do with that!" She looked at her paws, realizing that he was sort of right. Not once had she blamed the humans that were involved with her parent's death. She only blamed herself for not being there. "They must have had a reason."

"Like the reason you had to kill Cyrille's family?"

Anger coursed through Vaelyn like lightning. She bared her teeth, snarling as she lifted herself off the ground and pounced on Neiron within a heartbeat. In Neiron's golden irises, she could see fear at its purest level. He trembled beneath her as she pushed her claws convincingly against his chest. Behind her, her tail twitched violently back and forth. She was ready to rip him to shreds. "Don't ever mention that again or I will rip out your tongue from your neck."

Neiron apologized, but bravely continued, "Your parents were diplomats and held nothing against their race. Every day, your mother would help their farmers and poor. She cared for those who had no real home, but what did she receive in turn?" Neiron's chest rose and his eyes now glared with golden fire. "Death." His breathing came in ragged gasps and he pushed Vaelyn off of him. She did not retaliate and watched him closely, attempting to predict him. Vaelyn had never seen Neiron so distraught before. "They killed her because they wanted to. When I arrived, they had taken both of your parent's heads."

Vaelyn's stomach turned and she rested again, her anger satiated. "Why..."

Neiron settled down as well and pressed his snout against her neck. "Because they wanted to take them as trophies. That was the only reason we found..." Tears streamed from his cheeks and fell onto Vaelyn's scales. "I'm sorry Kaza, I must go."

In a desperate hurry, Neiron leapt to the skies and flew away as fast as he could, leaving Vaelyn alone and wondering. She didn't know what to make of him anymore.