Two Diamonds in the rough.

Story by Zeeb on SoFurry

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This is my first story. All characters are mine etc. all the normal rules yadda yadda. I hope you enjoy it! Based on an encounter on SL! -AFfurre]

The Phat Cat Jazz Club was very busy tonight. The owners had gone through a lot of extra trouble to make sure their joint was the best in town. They'd crossed their fingers in the hopes that their tireless advertisements and fantastic new house band would be enough to draw a crowd. With rotating lights outside, limousines and thousands of dollars invested in Champagne, the only thing that could have put them at ease would have been the sign of countless people waiting in line to get in. So far, the turnout had not been a disappointment. It wasn't until the festivities had progressed for some time that the entire crowd decided to show up. Much like flood gates lifting, there was a rush of new and old faces entering the massive ballroom. There would only be two here tonight, among all the others, that would find something special between them.


On the second floor balcony there stood a single figure. He leaned onto the white marble ledge, gazing distantly upon the many dancing couple below. Music floated up from the Orchestra, wiggling into his flickering ears. His hoofs clicked to the beat of the music. A blue uniform adorned his strong frame while a peaked cap was tucked under his arm. The rank sewn onto his shoulders identified him as an Airmen First Class of the United Stated Air Force. A silver plate gave his name: Zachias Renfold. Zachary looked among the crowd. He took a deep breath and filled his lungs. Cool air flooded the horses lungs. He felt a chill run up his spine as it left and fogged in the air before him. His spot on the second floor, what with its roofless ceiling, was a bit chilly. He knew that his stripes would simply freeze and fall off if he didn't get further into the heat soon, but he made no attempt to move. He didn't want to go down there.

'What the hell am I doing here?...Its the same old story every time. Even in uniform, people don't like seeing me,' he thought to himself.

Being a member of the Air Force wasn't easy sometimes. Insults did seem to follow him from time to time and it was never easy. They only got compounded when people threw in remarks about his fur. Zebra were striped creatures with tails and feelings just like everyone else, but that never stopped them from looking at him like a...freak.

The night hadn't been very exciting and he was about to go when a new limousine stopped outside. From his position on the balcony, Zachary could see a single figure step out and begin walking towards the Phat Cat's entrance. The muscles in his tail twitched when the graceful billows of a red dress met his distant gaze. His muzzle tilted curiously as the figure, a woman, moved past the double doors. While the party was in full swing, there was still plenty of room to dance. There were plenty of patrons to ask to dance with. There was perfect music to dance to! Zachary wanted to give the band kudos for playing such excellent numbers for the evening, but his attention remained with the woman in the red dress.

For half an hour she stood on the edge of the dance floor and looked out to all the happy dancers. It was strange to see someone with long blond hair, fair white skin and a graceful figure just standing there. She was by herself. Zachary realized with a start that she must be alone.

"Maybe she's waiting for a date to arrive. Probably got stood up, poor thing. I know that feeling all too well." His yellow eyes zipped along the dance floor again, wondering if anyone would go to her and ask for a dance. No one did.

Zach wasn't too far from her. He looked at her from his spot and really noticed how attractive she was. It was really confusing him that she'd gone without a single dance this far into her arrival, indeed, even a partner. That was just so strange, even among human standards. She'd garnered his curiosity just staying there and he wanted to know just what was going on. Fishing into his uniform, the zebra removed his cell phone. The keyboard slid into place and he proceeded to use a dandy little trick he'd learned from the TeleCom. wing in the Air Force. Those logistics guys really knew how to get around their cell phones and he'd been fortunate enough to learn a few of their tricks. Getting a line of sight on the mysterious woman in red, he traced her cellular phone out of the crowd. A soft nicker left his muzzle as number was typed, then sent. He watched her wondering if it would work.

The blond woman had been looking miserable on her end, not having a partner to dance with. A ringing from her purse grabbed her attention and she dug the phone out. Her little I-phone's screen was blinking urgently, telling her she had a call from an unknown number. She hesitated, wondering who could be calling her here of all places and then answered.

"I'm don't mean to interrupt. I just happened to see you standing alone."

"Your not interrupting anything. Hi."

"Good evening ma'am." He hesitated. He didn't want to give her the heebie jeebies. That she hadn't hung up the phone already was a testament to how lucky he was. He may as well ask, it couldn't hurt. "Why is it, despite your appearance, you've got no dance partner? The woman immediately turned around and examined herself in the mirror. He had no idea what she was looking for, but her voice came back confused. "My Appearance? Think this dress is too much?"

Zachary snorted quietly. Why would she ask HIM? He wasn't the one wearing the dress. Still, she asked him what he'd thought of it. He grinned and simply told the truth. "Hardly. It looks ravishing. Please don't think me too bold ma'am."

"Not bold at all. Thank you so much." Her voice was soft on the receiver of his phone. He wondered if it was just the phone doing that for her as she looked around the countless faces on the dance floor. He wanted to hear that voice in person. Zach had come here to dance and so far had enjoyed crummy luck. She hadn't danced at all. That was worse.

"I don't suppose you'd enjoy company? I can see your looking around for someone. Were you expecting a date?"

"I'm looking for you! Where are you?" The voice on the other end simply laughed.

On the second floor, a very curious zebra stood straight up. Success? Could he get a dance tonight after all? No, hold on. Reality smacked him in the muzzle. He could be setting himself up again. "Unfortunately you won't find me with the others on the dance floor. Seeing a combination like me doesn't always bode well for humans." Watching from the railing, the zebra saw the searching halt.

"Now I'm really curious."

'Really curious' now? As soon as you see me, your going to walk right out the door like every single one of the others. I might as well make it plain for her.

"I'll let you know...However, if you don't prefer to dance after the realization of what I am, I wouldn't hold it against you."

Through his phone Zachary heard an airy laugh on the other end. He didn' really see anything he'd said as funny. She hadn't even seen him yet. Things got worse when that happened. However, despite his doubts, her reaction sent him into a stunned silence and released butterflies into his stomach.

"I'll lay down a bet that I'll surprise you."

It took a moment for him to respond. She had such an innocent tone and her laugh sounded very nice. Butterflies weren't something he'd felt in a while and he wasn't quite sure what to say. What could he say? He'd been down this road before, regardless of how good the possibilities looked right now. "Well....It seems like a fair wager. I may be a romantic, but I've learned how to swallow a bitter disappointment or two in my time." He gathered a another cold lungful of air, steadying himself for what he was about to do. "T-try...looking up ma'am."

The figure below wrinkled her brow in confusion. Her neck slowly tilted back until Zach knew he was in her sight. Her lips pulled into a smile, finally being able to place a body with the mysterious calling voice. She spoke into the phone again, teasing the male just a bit. "That, Sir, is cheating."

"Oh, well all's fair in love and war ma'am." He replied coolly. She was going to come up and see him and freak. He just knew it.

"No ma'am or miss please...Just Miesque."

"Miesque..." he mulled over the name a couple of times, feeling it out. It was nice. Zach liked it. "You have a very wonderful name."

"Thank you." Click

Once the phone was tossed into her purse Miesque moved across the dance floor. She'd been here maybe once or twice before and knew that there was a second floor. In order to get to it you had to use the stairs. No elevator, this place was far too 'old timey' for that. Zack watched her go. A nicker escaped his lips. Nervous? Did he really feel nervous over this? It was just another human, like any other night, and it would end up exactly the same. It was just a fact. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and leaned onto the rail again, watching the groups below. It took her a minute to finish climbing the stairs but the sound of those heels clicking on the floor met his ears quickly. He didn't turn to her, suddenly getting a knot in his stomach all over again. 'I guess sometimes cheaters DO prosper', he thought quietly. The sounds of Miesque's shoes stopped when she was close. It wasn't any less illuminated up here with the cold air, but it was a closer distance then from here to the dance floor. He knew she was examining him, looking him over and giving him a grade. Beef usually got examined like this. He had to wonder if he was a specimen worthy of an "A"...probably not. When she stepped closer, he turned around looking at a dazzling face and a seductive smile of a beautiful woman. He was taken aback.

"Uh...N-no shock? You'd... be the first tonight." Miesque looked back, now a little confusion evident.

"What is so shocking? Should I run away screaming?" Her expression suggested that she didn't know why she would do such a thing.

"I..." Zach tried to speak, but found a knot where his tongue should have been, making it harder to sound intelligent. "I would prefer it didn't come to that, however, you wouldn't be the first. Being a....being like me, tends to ward off some of the less liberal minded."

"Well that's their loss now isn't it?" Her reaction was immediate and shocked him all over again. Zachary frantically tried to figure out just what was happening. How was it that a woman, a human woman, dressed like this and so accepting, had taken an interest in him? "I was right. Your dress is wonderful. Very attractive." A smile broke over her face again. She was easy to talk to. He liked that.

"Thank you hun. Very sweet of you to say so...but you still cheated."

"Well I do try to play the part of the gentleman, even if the little devil sitting his shoulder gets his way."

She gave him a subtle wink before coming to the railing and looking over. The entire ballroom played out before her. Hundreds of people danced, laughed, smoked, ate and drank to their hearts content. It was a very enjoyable scene. Yet it was all down there. She wasn't close enough to partake in any of that fun. Not from here. She turned back curiously.

"How long have you been watching me up here?" Zachary looked into her eyed for a moment, then down to the crowd. She had green eyes.

"Not long. As you can see it provides a rather unique view of the party. It may be a little voyeuristic, but it helps avoid getting my hoofs stepped on by people...less then happy to see something like me. You, with your red dress, happened to catch my eyes." Zachary fell silent. He wanted to look at her eyes again; those two bright green pools of light that she viewed him with. The butterflies in his stomach multiplied and forced his gaze to remain on the dancers. At least until she asked him something else.

Miesque had been quiet. Listening to him was easy. He spoke intelligently, but it wasn't condescending. She could understand him without having words explained. He didn't talk down to her. He did however sound a little sad.

" that i haven't run away...would you care to dance with a...human?"

Zach's eyes were wide with surprise the second she offered. He barely managed to neigh out a response. "I would love to dance with you Miss Meln-...Miesque. You still have the option of refusal however. I WAS the one breaking the rules after all.

"Oh no, your out of luck hun. You did cheat. Now pay the price and say yes to a dance. That should teach you to play fair!"

Even as nervous as Zach felt, he couldn't stop smiling. Miesque was a very different creature then the usual riff raff. He moved away from the rail, grinning brightly. "Its not every night that I get to meet a spry individual with a little intelligence." Laughing again Miesque reached up and prodded his muzzle gently. " Plus I'm Canadian to boot. So its your lucky night!"

Miesque seemed to have a knack for Zach managed to find his tongue again, much to his relief. "I've never enjoyed a group more then the Canadians. I'd be very pleased if I could dance with you."

She stepped close and smiled again. he was getting used to the brilliance of that smile by now, but she was just a model of beauty that he had a hard time not staring. They linked hands and fingers. A gentle tune had started down below. The couple swayed gently among the cool air of the exposed building. The night sky was shining down on them, with stars and a glowing moon for company.

"Now if this doesn't teach you," she said impishly, "then I don't know what will."

"Consider me punished. Forgive me though, if I might enjoy it a little."

Giggling under her breath, Miesque nodded. They swayed there for a few beats before the zebra gently gave her a spin. They were in harmony, despite the differences between them: high heels and hooves primarily. Those almost never mixed with positive results. It was a warm silence, enjoyed by both. Zachary was having a wonderful time holding her hand and touching the soft fabric of her dress. It was...different. Miesque was different. "How long have you been standing up here?" She asked quietly. He didn't respond at first.

"A long time...Sadly though, not completely alone. Three partners have already come and gone tonight."

"Why? Stripes don't look good to them?"

"Heh, the devils on their shoulders didn't get along with mine."

Miesque rolled her eyes. She was used to smooth one liners. Those wouldn't work here. Zach got the hint once she looked at him, patiently waiting for a real answer "You phrased it more elegantly...stripes didn't suit them."

Miesque tried to look look at his eyes again, but they wandered away. The pale streaks of white on his muzzle began turning pink under her stare. He looked unhappy about saying that. She'd seen a few looks like that in her time. Zach must have felt low. He may have said it lightly, but he still sounded so sad. Miesque suddenly wanted to make sure he didn't feel ashamed, wanted to make sure he was happy.

"Then I'll repeat myself," she said with conviction, "Its their loss."

Zach blinked slowly and chewed his lip, before whispering back. "I'm...flattered." "Well I'm honored that you saw me come in. There are a lot of people down there. So many other choices you could have made." She danced with him, keeping a close grip on his shoulder.

Zach felt his gaze finally meet hers. His knee's felt weaker now that he could see into those wonderful orbs. "None of them stood out like you Miesque."

At this point Miesque laughed laughed. The hair danced away from her face and neck, exposing the wonderfully smooth skin beneath. "Of course not! How many woman did you see down there spinning in circles, looking for a mysterious voice?"

Zach, understanding perfectly, couldn't help but join her. His laughter was much deeper then the smaller humans, but it was soft.

"Fortunately for me, not many. They carted all the crazy ones off earlier in the night." Typical of a zebra, Zach folded his ears and murred quietly. He felt her slid closer, pressing against his body as the music floated lazily around them. It felt nice to hold onto someone like this. It had been a very, very long time and he missed the sensation. "What was it that made you call me? Of all those other people, those woman down there with hair and make up and jewelery so much nicer then mine...Why me?"

Zachary had to think. She deserved a good answer for a question like that.

"I could make it a simple story, or a fantastic one. In the end it was just me by myself, looking at them." He looked to the people below. "The masses didn't look that interesting. You didn't either at first I'll admit...but then I noticed how your dress moved." His blush began to creep back. "It flows. No one else has a dress so vibrant or alive or colorful as this one." He paused, wondering how he could explain himself. "I couldn't help but feel perplexed. Why should you stick out in the middle of all of those people? You were right about there being others...but, none of them are you. I guess that's just how things work out when you spot the one truly attractive female out of the group."

He watched Miesque take in his story. She was quiet, but never looked unhappy. He hoped she wasn't wondering about him being crazy or something. "Thank you. This is the best dress I've ever spent money on I guess it was worth every penny." Miesque sounded shy. That was a lot of honesty. Not exactly something she'd come to expect from men in the last few years.

"The best cheater in the room gives his approval." Zach smiled back. She fell quiet for another few minutes before deciding to speak once again.

"Well...if -I- may be so are a wonderful surprise tonight."

"Oh? One bold turn deserves another Miss Melnick? Would you have preferred a different surprise? Perhaps even a different partner to dance with? Someone more human?"

Miesque's smile faded some. She looked him squarely in the eyes and was very serious. "Its not what someone looks like that matters to me Zachias. Its the heart underneath that matters most."

Zach blushed. His fingers felt like they'd had been caught in the cookie jar somehow. Too much of a good thing. He didn't answer for a while and let the silence seep between them like fog over the rivers in morning time.

"You caught my curiosity," she purred, "It seems to be a pattern forming between us tonight." "Don't let a scoundrel capture your curiosity," he replied lightly.

"Oh hun, you'd be lucky to even keep pace with something like me." Miesque giggled.

Zach only snorted back. He was horse, he could handle it.

"By the way," she said, looking into his eyes, "I love your name. It rolls off my lips very gently. Its not a name like any other i know."

Zach responded with a nervous swallow. Why had the butterflies decided to come back again? He'd personally mix pesticides into his stomach if it got rid of those little bastards right now. The blush that had faded away quickly returned. It looked a little silly now that he was three colors: white, black and red, instead of two.

"One could say the s-same about yours." She liked that. Her eyes seemed to light up. Then she asked him another question.

"May i ask where your from?"

Finally! Something easy. 'I can tell her things like this no problem. No butterflies now!' Zachias cleared his throat so she could hear him correctly. "I'm from the States Miss Melnick. Currently stationed in Washington. Its a cold base sometimes but-" "Zachais...My name is Mieqsue." She warned quickly. He felt his blush return furiously and tried to apologize. She held up a hand and stopped him.

"Just for that...your going to have to have to keep dancing with me." She held him tighter, squeezing his hands and fingers to keep him from trying to escape. She didn't need to worry though, he wasn't going anytime soon.

"Quite a curiosity you've gotten to experience tonight." He said after a while. The music had changed to something with a bit more flare. He maneuvered her gracefully, twirling and tilting her body with the beat of the drums and the melody of the clarinet.

"I hope that you've at least enjoyed yourself. I try very hard. A romantic should always do that when he comes across a woman alone."

"I HAVE enjoyed myself." Miesque countered, "Don't doubt for a second that I have. I haven't been entertained like this, by a man...male, in quite some time." Miesque seemed content on letting him blush and stutter for a response before giving him guidance.

"Now...tell me more about yourself. Please?" The zebra quickly contemplated on what he could say. He was a zebra, wearing a uniform, attending a party at Phat Cats jazz Club. It was hard to top something like that.

"I've been in the military for some time now." His paws spun her gently as he thought of other things to mention. So far he was off to a bland start. Miesque threw him a bone and asked what is was he did in the Air Force. He explained about being in the Military Police and how it took up all his time with work. He barely had any left to explore the world around him or be social.

" fact, I'm still fairly new to this place. I guess I'm always on the shy side when it comes to being social. I do enjoy meeting others...when they will let me that is." Zach knew the blush was coming on, but he didn't care. "To meet someone like you, for example, is, well, for me, like finding a diamond in the rough."

"May I ask you a sensitive question then?" Miesque whispered. Zach shook his head. He hoped she could be patient if it required him to say something difficult. "Why choose to come here and show the way your are, if you know you will be shunned?"

The music sped up and the energy around them grew with it. Zach however slowed down. He hadn't expected a question like that. Maybe something more along the lines of how he'd gotten into the military at all or if he'd killed someone in a deployment. He didn't know what to say at first, but when her eyes met his, the answer became clearer then it ever had been before.

"I can't escape who I am. I suppose...knowing the pain can be just as important as feeling the excitement. This is was I know myself as. It may seem odd to see a set of dog tags and a uniform with stripes underneath, but those are what make I hope that answers your question somewhat."

Miesque had fallen silent. She brought her eyes away from him, staring into his broad chest. She didn't look like she knew what to say. Zach though that was okay, after all, he didn't either. He almost didn't hear her when she spoke again.

"...And here I am...hoping not to upset you or make you angry with me. I didn't expect anything like that. Thank you for your honesty. It seems to be such a rare quality in men these days." She leaned in, closing her eyes, and pressed her head into his chest. He felt her hair slide along the wool of his uniform. Zach brought his muzzle into her soft hair, smelling the light perfume. She smelled good. They danced quietly for the rest of the song. When the next set started, it was calm again. He'd been in luck all night so far in avoiding the rowdy songs this club was notorious for. Finally, he whispered into her ear, letting the warm breath creep along the sensitive skin.

"Your a good dancer Miesque. I dare say that...tonight, you've put a few moves on me. Though, as long as its by you, I don't mind being taken for a spin." She giggled into his chest, shying away from zach's hot breath.

"Well then...Here's to hoping I can keep you on your toes. Oops! I meant hoofs."

Once again the thought of him having to play catch up with her seemed too silly not to laugh at. His lungs were much bigger then hers and he had enough muscles under this uniform to topple a motorcycle. She had no doubt that Zach could run circles around her.

"Y'know," she said, "Its ironic that I'm dancing with you tonight."

"Ironic?" Zach felt his curiosity get the better of him again. His paws moved her closer, holding the smaller, frail body against his. "For me...You see, my favorite sport is horse racing." He couldn't see her bit her lip in an effort to hold back the giggles.

"Oh is it now?" He grinned. "And I suppose you saw a trophy horse once you came up those stairs then?"

Miesque tilted her neck, looking up at him giddily. Her smile was just beautiful and for the first time Zach noticed the sparkles mixed in with her make up. They shined seductively while she played with the decorations of his uniform..

"Okay...I'm guilty. I guess you got me fair and square on that one." Before she could respond any further, Zachary leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. The touch was soft and gentle. There was nothing gross or badly timed or taboo about their kiss besides the subtle tickles of whiskers on her lips. They tasted each other in that moment and almost melted from into the other's arms.

"Keep that up," she said when they finally broke, breathless and gasping, "and we'll be dancing all night."

Miesque was dazed. Her equine dance partner as well. He'd liked her taste. It was an animal thing. She had something in her saliva that called to him, made him quiver like a man afraid. That wasn't something he was used to feeling. It "It wouldn't be something I'd protest against Miesque. Though, I may end up carrying you away from the club. You humans tend to tire out so easily."

"Oh we do, do we?" She leered up at him, getting back into her playful attitude.

"Yes...Sometimes you work yourselves into exhaustion! It all depends on what your doing at the time though."

"And...where would you carry me to?" Zach looked at her while she looked back. This time the blush was on her face instead of his.

"Well...being a gentleman first, a romantic heart second and a scoundrel last. I would be honor bound to carry you all the way back to your home. I'd make sure you were tucked safely into your bed and remained guarded through the night." Zach watched as her blush darkened.

Miesque's eyes move to his once again. A new glint, a sparkle, was there. He hadn't seen it before and it caught his attention. He wasn't even sure why, but he stared deeply back, captured by her gaze.

"I'm a free spirit. I have no home." She whispered.

"Perhaps the winds of your spirit would prefer it if I offered my abode instead," he replied quietly. "I...only if you feel comfortable enough with a human to show me." She pressed tightly against him, hugging the frame of this zebra tightly. She felt closer to him now, just being held, then in the entire dance they'd enjoyed tonight. Miesque wanted to keep feeling close. Wanted to be near.

"I would love it if you stayed." He caressed her, nuzzling the small body in his arms like a treasure, long since lost, and now rediscovered for the first time.

She leaned up, bringing her lips to his in a gentle kiss, then whispered up to his flickering ears. "Then..lead the way."

Zach did exactly that. With Miesque tightly in his grasp, safe and secure, they moved down the steps, and through the staring, whispering crowd. Neither the human or zebra seemed to hear any of them, and if they did, they didn't care. They'd found happiness in each others arms. They proceeded down the steps of the entrance, hailed a taxi and drove off into the night.